Kent Heckenlively’s New Book “Presidential Takedown”

How Anthony Fauci, the CDC, NIH, and the WHO Conspired to Overthrow President Trump

An explosive behind-the-scenes look at Donald Trump’s final months in office and how the COVID crisis response was a carefully crafted plan to ruin him.

Opinion By Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

Buy this book.  It is an insider’s look at what ACTUALLY  happened during the Covid-19 worldwide hoax.  It is a roadmap to solution.

One of the authors, Dr. Paul Elias Alexander, is a world-wide recognized expert in what is called “Evidence Based Medicine.”

Johns Hopkins describes Evidence Based Medicine as:

“Evidence-based medicine is the integration of best research evidence with clinical expertise and patient values. Evidence-based medicine is an interdisciplinary approach which uses techniques from science, engineering, biostatistics and epidemiology, such as meta-analysis, decision analysis, risk-benefit analysis, and randomized controlled trials to deliver “ the right care at the right time to the right patient.” (Source : AHRQ)

Evidence-Based Medicine (EBM) aims for the ideal that healthcare professionals should make “conscientious, explicit, and judicious use of current best evidence” in their everyday practice. The practice of evidence-based medicine uses systematic reviews of the medical literature to evaluate the best evidence on specific clinical topics (evidence synthesis). The evidence is then translated into practice by medical practitioners who select treatment options for specific cases based on the best research, patient preferences and individual patient characteristics (knowledge translation). Evidence-based medicine practitioners engage in life-long learning and are committed to the continuing education of professionals and patient communities.”

The book is a blueprint for a Congressional Investigation, More, it’s authors provide a twenty step plan to restore America.

Continue reading Kent Heckenlively’s New Book “Presidential Takedown”

Sometimes I Hate Being Right. Election 2020 Was “Big Pharma Vs. Trump.” And Big Pharma Won…

The Entire US Democratic Party Is Wholly Owned By “Big Pharma” – No Exceptions…

Vaccine Mandates (Forced Medications) Were The Entire “Behind The Scenes”  Election Issue – and SO FAR the Democrats have delivered on their promises.

Opinion By Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

I have just been sitting here watching the battle to control humanity unfold.  It is, in fact, epic.

In the US, for instance, the battle centers around the idea that all Americans need to be moved from a “One man one vote” philosophy to a “do as you are told immediately when a government employee says to do something” scenario. The Democrats are dead serious about accomplishing this.

The concept of “Vaccine Mandates” has NOTHING to do with disease prevention, and EVERYTHING to do with controlling every aspect of every human’s mental and body functions.

Continue reading Sometimes I Hate Being Right. Election 2020 Was “Big Pharma Vs. Trump.” And Big Pharma Won…

Part Two – How To EFFECTIVELY Deal With The Three Aspects Of Covid-19:

(1) The Infection Stage, (2) The Covid Long-Haul Stage, and (3) The Vaccine Spike Protein Reaction

How to understand, and activate, common sense solution(s)...

Let’s begin.

Compiled  by Owen R. Fonorow – President of the Vitamin C Foundation

Tom Levy MD, JD says, in an article in Orthomolecular Medicine News Service, June 21, 2021 that before we begin explaining the solution let’s look at what’s really going on so we can understand the mechanism of that solution.

His exact words were:

In structuring a clinical protocol to stop the ravages of persistent spike protein presence throughout the body, it is first important to realize that the protocol should be able to effectively treat any aspect of COVID infection, including those periods during active infection, after “active” infection (long-haul COVID), and during ongoing spike protein presence secondary to either “chronic” COVID infection or resulting from COVID vaccine administration.As is the case with any treatment for any condition, factors of expense, availability, and patient compliance always play a role in determining what treatment a given patient will actually undergo for a given period of time.

As such, no one specific protocol will be appropriate for all patients, even if the same pathology is present. Ideally, of course, the best protocol is to use all of the options discussed below.

When the entirety of the protocol is not possible or feasible, which is most often the case, the combination of HP nebulization, high-dose vitamin C, and appropriately-dosed ivermectin is an excellent way to effectively address long-haul COVID and persistent spike protein syndromes.

Much of the rationale of the protocols is based on what is known about the spike protein and how it appears to inflict its harm. The following aspects of spike protein pathophysiology need to all be considered in crafting an optimal treatment protocol:

– The ongoing production of spike protein by the vaccine-supplied mRNA into the cells for the purpose of stimulating the production of neutralizing antibodies (Khehra et al., 2021)

– The binding of the spike protein, with or without an attached virion, to an ACE2 binding site on the cell wall, as an initial step to dissolving that portion of the cell wall, permitting the spike protein (and attached virus particle if present) into the cell

– The binding of the spike protein to an ACE2 binding site, but just remaining bound to that site and not initiating enzymatic degradation of the cell wall, with or without an attached virion

– The degree to which circulating spike protein is present in the blood and actively disseminating throughout the body

– The fact that the spike protein by itself is toxic (pro-oxidant in nature) and capable of generating disease-generating oxidative stress throughout the body. This is addressed most directly by persistent and highly-dosed vitamin C.

Known Therapeutic Agents and Their Mechanisms

Continue reading Part Two – How To EFFECTIVELY Deal With The Three Aspects Of Covid-19:

How To EFFECTIVELY Deal With The Three Aspects Of Covid-19:

(1) The Infection Stage, (2) The Covid Long-Haul Stage, and (3) The Vaccine Spike Protein Reaction

Don’t Panic – According to many doctors there is a “Common Sense” approach that works.

The first step is to understand the problem.

Compiled  by Owen R. Fonorow – President of the Vitamin C Foundation

Every person on Planet Earth, with the least bit of  common sense, has learned NOT to turn on the liberal news services for real information about anything.  The so-called Covid-19 debacle is a prime example.  According to the CNNs of the world every country is near death, everyone is falling-down sick, everyone needs to get all 4,631 vaccinations as soon as possible, Critical Race Theory, and transgenderism  are the answers, and it is all Donald Trump’s fault.  Blah, blah, blah, blah…

But there really is good information about what’s REALLY going on about virtually EVERY important social issue.  You are just NOT going to find it on the usual Social Media outlets, and most certainly not on liberal TV.  Millions of people have simply gone elsewhere.

So, what about this Covid-19 holocaust?  Is there real danger, or is all this all a creation of the liberal degenerates?

Continue reading How To EFFECTIVELY Deal With The Three Aspects Of Covid-19:

Anti-Vaxxers Have Globalist Big Pharma Terrified For GOOD Reasons…

The Very Existence of “Autism One” Is A Good Example…  

Globalist Big Pharma has tried everything to stop the Anti-Vaxxer movement, to no avail. 

In fact, the movement grows stronger, meaner, and more determined to save the world from the Bill Gates/Hillary Clinton Agenda 21 Depopulation Agenda every day…

Anti-Vaxxers Back Down To/For No One.

Opinion by “Even More Deplorable Than EVER Before” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

All of us in the activist world for the side of “Good against Evil” suffer from the attacks of those minions hired to shut us down on the internet.  It is just what it is.

For every move they make against us there is a counter-move, and we make them.

Some people, like ME for instance, HUNT those attackers down and expose them for what they are.  It’s like turning over a rock and watching the scurrying.  Example – my Skeptic series was a real eye opener.  The Skeptics had to shut down their Las Vegas training camp as a result.

One of  the tricks the globalists tried was to use the fake Covid-19 crisis to shut down Anti-Vaxxer gatherings like “Autism One”– those people and places where those new to the movement could go to get REAL information about how horrible vaccines and the vaccine programs really are.  But “Autism One” has tricks of its own – and they simply engaged in new tactics to get out the word, so-to-speak.

The shutdowns…

Continue reading Anti-Vaxxers Have Globalist Big Pharma Terrified For GOOD Reasons…

Is The Covid-19 Vaccine Controversy Completely Avoidable?

Some say there is a 25 cent Antidote for COVID-19…

They say “Rapid Virus Recovery is very, very simple…”

Opinion by Owen R Fonorow (President – Vitamin C Foundation)

One of the complete failures of the US Health Care system is the simple fact that Americans are NOT taught, early in their lives, strategies and tactics to deal with their personal health situations – nor those of their families.  Instead, they are propagandized into believing that “Big Brother” (big government), is the know-all, do-all “health” thought leader in their lives.

And, as we have discovered, “Big Brother” (big government), completely botched the handling of the Covid-19 crisis, nearly destroying not only America’s economy, but most of the world.  It is going to take massive effort to recover.

“Big Brother” (big government) was simply unprepared for a Covid-19 situation even though EVERY scientist on Planet Earth has known, for generations, about the existence of such biological problems.

So, after completely botching the so-called Covid-19 epidemic, what does US Public Health propose as a solution?  “Hurry upUntested EXPERIMENTAL vaccines – one of which is a DNA modifier, another an RNA modifier – NEITHER of which has ever been done before on Planet Earth.

What is obvious is that it is time to start teaching Americans those simple  strategies and tactics, most of which are devised from simple common sense – things like keeping your own environment clean, and free of virus/bacteria growth areas.  Your home should be your health base – your place of health safety and security.  It is paramount, in any personal strategy, to insure that your home health base is secure.  Look for problems to solve, and solve them.

Let’s start with some examples that REAL health professionals recommend to head off viral or bacterial infections before you leave home.

Tom Levy MD, JD says:


“Applying a protocol of hydrogen peroxide (HP) nebulizations [the repeated inhalations of a fine HP mist] after an exposure to COVID, or after the initial symptoms of COVID are noted, offers a prompt and definitive cure in nearly everyone.

The inhalation of HP by nebulization has been shown to be extremely effective for the rapid elimination of any pathogen presence in the sinuses, nose, throat, and deep into the lungs. 

It cannot be overemphasized enough that hydrogen peroxide nebulization should be the primary and initial COVID intervention. It has no negative impact on any other intervention.  Thomas E. Levy, MD. JD

Watch Tom Levy MD’s eight minute lecture in Great Britain just below…

You can pick up Tom Levy’s FREE E-book by clicking here –


Continue reading Is The Covid-19 Vaccine Controversy Completely Avoidable?

Forget REAL US Health Care – We’ve Got “Stumbling Joe…”

“Old Joe” Stumbled Three Times – Xi, Putin and Kim Laughed Out Loud…

And so did Big Pharma…

Opinion By Ralph Fucetola JD

While the presidential “stumbling optics” ludicrously continued the stupidity of “the pratfall presidency,” other optics should leave one gasping; such as the continued military occupation of the Capitol Hill Green Zone, with its barbed wire security fence, no doubt moved from the Texas border to DC to protect the deep state from “We the People.”

Of more importance is what the Triple Axis of Insurrection (Russia-China-North Korea) said about the American polity and presidency, and what the Deep State Intelligence Community said about the stolen election.

The Foreign Minister of China told the US Secretary of State…

Continue reading Forget REAL US Health Care – We’ve Got “Stumbling Joe…”

“Anti-Vaxxers” Need To Put Trump And The Republican Party “On Notice…”

The Message – “If You Want OUR Support You Need To Adopt OUR VIEW Of What US Health Care Needs to Be…”

Opinion by “Even More Deplorable Than EVER Before” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

Donald Trump, you and the Republican Party in general need to start paying attention to the US health care issue.  It is VERY solvable and the time for that solution is right now.  This is your ONE CHANCE to become a viable resource for American citizens.  You lost Election 2020 for ONE simple reason – You DID NOT revise US Health Care like you said you would.

(1)  So what if you cancelled PARTS of ObamaCare?

You put NOTHING in its place.  America is suffering from a system that SIMPLY does not work.  Here is the reality:

(a) Health care is offered, by the system, not based on what is most effective, and/or best for the patient, but by what is most profitable for the provider.

(b) The government agencies we have put in place to regulate health care have turned against us.

(c) The worldwide pharmaceutical industry has WAY TOO MUCH influence over our elected, and appointed, officials.

(d) Health Insurers are a BIG problem

(e) US Dentistry is upside down.

(f) Public Health projects are making the population sicker.

(g) The PsyOps Networks – Ruthless, deadly, dishonest, destructive, morally depraved, attacks those trying to fix health care..

(2)  The US Public Health system is an abject, absolute, failure.

Continue reading “Anti-Vaxxers” Need To Put Trump And The Republican Party “On Notice…”

INOCULATED – The Book That Will Break the Internet…

I’m getting ready to “do it” to the bad guys again…

By Kent Heckenlively, JD

What is “it,” you may ask?

I’m about to provoke a full scale media meltdown. Yes, that’s right. I’m not making any plans to speak cautiously and carefully, so that I don’t get attacked.

Let’s be real. The other side isn’t dealing honestly with us.

Why should we be part of the illusion that we’re actually having a discussion? We aren’t. We’re in a full-scale war for the survival of the human species. The only important question is how well I’m provoking the mainstream media and their Big Pharma boobs to viciously attack my book, INOCULATED: How Science Lost Its Soul in Autism, coming out on Tuesday, February 16, 2021.

Because when they attack, we win. People stop to pay attention, then they say, “Let me check this out.”

For starters, there’s the Ben Garrison cartoon at the top of this article, which is being released on the same day as the book. I told Ben, Make it as controversial as you can.” He did.

I am inviting the attack.

Continue reading INOCULATED – The Book That Will Break the Internet…

Escape “Social Media Mind Control…”

Big Tech Social Media Boycott: How To…

By Ralph Fucetola JD

The various citizen-journalists  posting at the Bolen Report have covered growing censorship implemented by Big Tech’s Social Media. Tim Bolen’s message “Social Media — the Crash is Coming.” tells us —

“…get yourselves all the Social Media Accounts you need to be ELSEWHERE.  And take your friends with you.  Be part of the destruction.  Smile.”

So here is how to set up two of the recommended, free Alt Social Media (we’ll provide information on others in future postings).

[1] — Minds is a fast-growing, uncensored social media which uses its own blockchain tokens as internal currency to promote your messages. Tim and I have had some interesting conversations with Minds’ founder.  He is strongly anti-censorship. In some ways it operates like Facebook.

Go to:

Continue reading Escape “Social Media Mind Control…”

Why “Conservatives” And “Anti-Vaxxers” Are Being Blocked On The Internet…

Because Liberals Are Not Just Afraid of Us – They Are Literally TERRIFIED…

And they should be.  They“Bet The Farm…” And We Are The Bank.

Opinion By “Even More Deplorable Than Ever Before” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

I don’t even bother to turn on network news anymore, after the so-called 2020 presidential election.  Every time I accidentally fall onto one of their channels I sit there, for a few moments, thinking I must have tuned into one of those far-out science fiction programs where the “Brave New World” futuristic government cranks out the daily propaganda everyone (Bravos, Deltas and Epsilons) is/are supposed to accept as fact.

But one very important thing is clear.  These news people are TERRIFIED.  Their supposed news stories are so “OUT THERE” you have to wonder if someone is after them with a net – so as to return them to the loony bin.

But, guess what?  It doesn’t take you long to figure out that these people actually believe their own garbage.  They are REALLY into it.

If any of us were able to, or even wanted to, sneak into CNN’s building and got near the program production department to yell out loudly “There are twenty Trump Supporters in the building…” I think every employee in there would need a sudden change of underwear.  Many probably already are dependent on “Depends…”

It is called “Catastrophic Thinking…”  and, it, officially, is all there is to 2021 liberal thinking.

Catastrophic Thinking?…

Continue reading Why “Conservatives” And “Anti-Vaxxers” Are Being Blocked On The Internet…

My Goal in 2021 is To Be “the Most Dangerous Man in America…”

By Kent Heckenlively, JD

Since the debacle of the election…

… the shame of the courts not looking into claims of election fraud, the false flag of the Capitol riots which were NOT INSTIGATED by Trump supporters, and the embarrassment of an Inauguration of Joe Biden, complete with barbed wire and National Guards troops more akin to a military operation, I’ve been wondering what is the proper response.

12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to ChaosI’ve found myself listening more and more to the podcasts of the Canadian Professor Jordan Peterson, the insanely popular author of the book, 12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos.

In particular, I like this ten minute video of Jordan Peterson in which he argues that in order to be a good man, you must be dangerous, meaning you have the strength to stand up to evil.

I was intrigued by this video because his description of those who become truly good later in life, are generally those who in their youth rebelled against authority, often quitting high school in his experience, and going to work in some roughneck job, like the oilfields of Alberta, Canada.

That wasn’t me…

Continue reading My Goal in 2021 is To Be “the Most Dangerous Man in America…”

The Case for Interferon…

By Kent Heckenlively, JD

You might be saying to yourself, where’s Kent been?
To be honest, since the runaway success of Plague of Corruption, your humble correspondent has become quite the favorite of his publishing company. I’m on track to publish four, possibly five, books this year.
And in an amazing plot twist that nobody saw coming, this renegade writer started the New Year off with a positive Kirkus review for his new book, The Case for Interferon, published on January 5, 2021. Not only is it a positive Kirkus Review, it’s a “preferred” review, meaning it’s going to be featured in their monthly magazine, which come out on January 15, 2021.
Don’t worry, I’m sure I’ll go back to being slammed by the mainstream media for my next book, but for now I hope you’ll just savor this moment with me. 
Just below is an excerpt from that review:

The Case for Interferon: How a 1980s Cancer Drug Might Be the Wonder Therapy for the Twenty-First Century

Continue reading The Case for Interferon…

Richard Pan To Replace Anthony Fauci…

Democrats To “Get Tough” On “Anti-Vaxxers”

Opinion by “Deplorable, Super-Spreader” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

The Democratic Party has made it very clear that five minutes after Joe Biden takes office there will be an “Executive Order” issued mandating ALL “CDC recommended” vaccines for ALL American children and adults.  By the end of the first year there will be six to seven hundred “CDC recommended” vaccines for each category.  There will be at least that many added for pets.  Probably more.

The Dems will be paying back their campaign contributions…

Continue reading Richard Pan To Replace Anthony Fauci…

Trump’s Health Care Plan – The One The Democrats And Their Liberal “Fake News” Media Can’t See…

Let’s Be Honest – Trump And His People Read The BolenReport.  So, They Know What’s Wrong With US Health Care And They Know How To Fix It…

We Told Them What To Do – And They Are Doing It…

Opinion By “Deplorable Super-Spreader” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

Albert Einstein once said “Given one hour to save the world, I would spend 55 minutes defining the problem and 5 minutes finding the solution.”

As we say here about US Health Care, in our “Call To Action:”

(1)  Health care is offered, by the system, not based on what is most effective, and/or best for the patient, but by what is most profitable for the provider.

(2)  The government agencies we have put in place to regulate health care have turned against us.

(3)  The worldwide pharmaceutical industry has WAY TOO MUCH influence over our elected, and appointed, officials.  

(4)  Health Insurers are a BIG problem

(5)  US Dentistry is upside down.

(6)  Public Health projects are making the population sicker.

(7) The PsyOps Networks – Ruthless, deadly, dishonest, destructive, morally depraved, attacks those trying to fix health care…

Here at the BolenReport we have been saying a lot about how“badly broken” our health care system actually is – and are talking about how to fix it. 

Continue reading Trump’s Health Care Plan – The One The Democrats And Their Liberal “Fake News” Media Can’t See…

The “Infectious Disease” Mafia – a Brief History…

This plague begins, as do so many such, in the American “Fake News” Media…

From Europe By Karma Singh

The, then, named “Communicable Disease Center” (later re-named “Centers for Disease Control” (CDC) opened its doors on the 1st July 1946.

Initially, its sole task was to control the malaria epidemic plaguing the Southern states. This led to the widespread use of DDT which, we now know, when it is combined with the mercury in amalgam tooth fillings and/or vaccines, is the actual cause of polio.

By 1949, the CDC’s mission was regarded as obsolete as better nutrition, sanitation and cleaner air had virtually eliminated the diseases which had plagued America for decades. There were even serious discussions about abolishing it altogether. Urgent and decisive action was needed to save Dr. Mountin’s (then director of the CDC) job! This objective was achieved through the appointment of Dr. Alexander Langmuir from John Hopkins (nowadays a well-known hotbed of phantom diseases and highly questionable statistics).

Langmuir changed the objective of the CDC from controlling diseases as they happened (as they, with increasing frequency, did NOT) to one of hunting for diseases.

To this end he established the “Epidemic Intelligence Service” (EIS) which, basically, trained people in how to abuse the, then, fledgling science of epidemiology to talk up mountain ranges out of goose bumps.

Their basic task was to search for every little cluster of disease and to attempt to talk it up into a major problem of impending health catastrophe; all to enhance the power of the CDC itself. Graduates of the EIS training were gradually infiltrated into every public health agency around the world. Although they, ostensibly, worked for the government wherever they were stationed, they passed and still pass all information onto the CDC and follow instructions given by the CDC.

The EIS is the CDC’s version of the CIA and which, so they claim, has infiltrated every government around the world.

The EIS has chalked up many “successes” including the 1950/60’s polio vaccine campaign which caused a significant increase in cases even after DDT, which, combined with mercury from amalgam tooth fillings and “vaccines, is the actual cause of polio, was banned.

A further “success” was the 1976 “swine ‘flu” through which, despite there only ever having been 5 recorded cases, they managed to parley Congress into imposing a compulsory vaccination, months after all traces had disappeared. This, in turn resulted in several thousand deaths and tens of thousands of serious injuries from the lethal concoctions in the “vaccine”.

Needless to say, the CDC and EIS have forged strong links to the vaccine manufacturers…

Continue reading The “Infectious Disease” Mafia – a Brief History…

(Humor?) – For Election 2020 – How To Choose Which Political Party To Support….

A Simple Guideline…

Opinion by “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

Last night’s “Presidential Debate” showed us the glaring difference between the aims of the Democratic versus the Republican Party’s offerings in Election 2020.

For the very first time during the 2020 election process the American Public got to see those glaring comparisons – for, for the first time Democratic candidate Joe Biden was yanked out of his basement bunker and forced to face tough questions about where he, and the so-called Democratic Party actually stand on issues important to America.

President Trump smacked Biden around the stage like he was a party piñata

Continue reading (Humor?) – For Election 2020 – How To Choose Which Political Party To Support….

Ken Stoller MD – California Medical Board “Vaccine Medical Exemption” Case Ended Yesterday…

It will be about ten weeks before we see the official results, but…

Opinion by “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

California Attorney Greg Glaser, a major player in the current “California Health Freedom” effort, was able to view” the entire trial on MicroSoft TEAMS.  The general public could only “listen.

Greg wrote an interesting piece for Physicians for Informed Consent (PIC), a group that has provided wonderful support for the California doctors under attack.

Below I will give you a link to the original article.  But before I do I am going to explain something legally technical used by Attorney Rick Jaffe in Stoller’s Defense.  Something I know a whole lot about because I was part of the very effective 2004 “Health Freedom” team that got this legislation done to specifically protect doctors like Ken Stoller.

When you read down further you are going to wonder how we got the California Medical Board to actually sponsor this legislation (smile).  But, that another story.  In a different time and a different place…

To refresh your memory about these California “Vaccine Medical Exemption” cases you can click on:

How Richard Pan Is Manipulating The California Medical Board To Destroy The 130 “Vaccine Medical Exemption” Doctors…

“The Fix Is In” – 130 California Doctors Are Going To Be Disciplined For Writing Vaccine Medical Exemptions Richard Pan Doesn’t Like…

About Attorney Rick Jaffe’s “Alternative Medicine” Defense…

California has something completely unique.  Just below is an excerpt from an earlier article that explains what happened fifteen to twenty years ago in California – and how that work protects doctors like Ken Stoller MD.

“The California Health Freedom Movement in 2005 California was scarily effective.”

More, the victory was much larger than just reining in the California Medical Board.

We shut down the California Dental Board, completely, when they wouldn’t put out mercury warnings.   The Governor appointed a new Board.  Read about that here – “Quackpot Menace STEAMROLLERED in California…”  

We also got legislation passed protecting our health care practitioners – a LOT of legislation.  See Below:

Senate Bill 2100 in California, passed July 6, 2000, forced the California Medical Board to form a committee and begin a two year study of Alternative Medicine under VERY SPECIFIC guidelines.

Senate Bill 1691 in California passed in September of 2004 to make it legal for physicians to practice safe effective alternative medicine.

California Governor Gray Davis signed into law the most important Health Freedom bill in world history – California SB 577.Governor Signs New California Health Freedom Bill –  State Now “Wide Open.

And, much more.  We were on fire…”

The importance of the 2004 passing of SB 1691…

Continue reading Ken Stoller MD – California Medical Board “Vaccine Medical Exemption” Case Ended Yesterday…

Mikovits/Heckenlively’s Three Books Outline THE COMPLETE FAILURE Of US Public Health…

Three Books – No Prisoners…

Opinion by “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

Kent Heckenlively and Judy Mikovits’s newest book “The Case Against Masks – Ten Reasons Why Mask Use Should Be Limited” is a third nail in US Public Health’s coffin.

Before you read it, pick up a yellow highlighter.  You are going to want to mark out the sections of text that you can quote to those that think masks are a good idea.  And, there are a lot of those areas to highlight.

Democratic Party Governors, and local Public Health officials, are going to hate you.

Although the book very well questions the so-called science of mask wearing with ten very good points, together, all of it is a strong indictment of US Public Health.


Because it becomes very clear that US Public Health has NO CLUE what to do with a REAL Pandemic.  They couldn’t even tell if there was one, or how big it would be.  Their predictions of what was to come were ABSURD.  Their whole handling of the problem was a joke.

In the “Mask” book there are ten reasons:

Reason #1 – Oxygen is good for Human Beings and Carbon Dioxide is Not!

Reason #2 – How Does SARS-Cov-2 Spread?

Reason #3 – How Effective is A Mask?

Reason #4 – Six Feet Apart And Wearing A Mask?

Reason #5 – What About Face Seal leakage and the Backward Jet?

Reason #6 – What is the Actual Risk of Airborne Transmission?

Reason #7 – What is a Dangerous Situation for the Vulnerable Exposed to SARS-Cov-2 to Develop COVID-19

Reason #8 – Can A mask Become A Virus Trap?

Reason #9 – The Myth of Asymptomatic Carriers

Reason #10 – Children Do NOT Need to Wear a Mask to Return to School

Americans were gulled into believing that we really did, and do, have a workable US Public Health System.

Continue reading Mikovits/Heckenlively’s Three Books Outline THE COMPLETE FAILURE Of US Public Health…

Covid-19 – Liberal Media/Democratic Party/Deep State/Big Pharma Bullshit…

The Whole Hoax Has Fallen Apart…

What Will They Try Next To Stop Trump?

Opinion By “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

There is no pandemic.  There was no pandemic.  It was all a hoax, designed and implemented, to damage the United  States and Western Civilization, trying to force a one-world government.

It is time for mass arrests.  Open up the camps.

Several things have happened – some simple facts floated to the surface…

(1)  The overall death rate in the US has NOT risen.  The same number of people that die every day has NOT changed.  Lying Public Health people simply manipulated data, moving names from one column to a new column called “Covid-19.”

(2)  The Center for Disease Control (CDC) admitted, just a few days ago, that only six percent (6%) of the claimed 170,000 deaths in the US were actually from Covid-19 – and those claims are in doubt also.

(3)  Six percent (6%) of 170,000 deaths in the US is ONLY 9,600 deaths – a number not high enough to even rate Covid-19 as a major threat.

So, why all of the “shutdowns?”

Continue reading Covid-19 – Liberal Media/Democratic Party/Deep State/Big Pharma Bullshit…