(Humor?) – I’m Announcing MY Campaign For California Governor…

“Planet Earth’s #1 Anti-Vaxxer,” Banned In Australia Author Kent Heckenlively JD, Steps Up to The Plate.,.

By Kent Heckenlively, JD

According to a recent article on Fox News, California governor Gavin Newsom in a recent tweet claimed,

“I am not going to take this recall attempt lying down. And let’s call it what it is: It’s a partisan Republican recall, backed by the RNC, anti-mask and anti-vax extremists, and pro-Trump forces who want to overturn the last election, and have opposed much of what we have done to fight the pandemic.”

I think it’s time I confessed.

“I” am the anti-mask and anti-vax extremist who made all of this happen. Look no further than your humble servant. “I” really am Spartacus, not Cory Booker.

Do you doubt that with the publication of my books, THE CASE AGAINST MASKS (banned by Amazon, but available on Barnes & Noble), PLAGUE OF CORRUPTION, (a New York Times bestseller), and my most recent book, INOCULATED: How Science Lost Its Soul in Autism that I have single-handedly led the resistance like John Connor in the Terminator movies? (Okay, maybe in those Terminator movies a lot of “other people,” died fighting the machines, but we really don’t care about them, do we?)

What people really care about is whether you have a winning smile and good hair. I qualify on both counts.

The question I need all of you to answer, is since I have put EVERYTHING in motion, “should I be the one to stand for governor of California when Newsom inevitably falls?

I believe I’m the inevitable choice, but I’ll leave that up to you decide.

As far as a couple campaign slogans, I was thinking of, “Unlike Newsom, I’ve never slept with my best friend’s wife!” Or maybe, “Since I’ve been married I’ve only slept with my own wife!”

But I know the inevitable scandals will arise, so let me address them right now.  “Yes, it is true that every night I sleep in the same bed as my wife!”

But speaking quite candidly, I think I’d make a fabulous governor.

Continue reading I’m THE ONE!

INOCULATED – The Book That Will Break the Internet…

I’m getting ready to “do it” to the bad guys again…

By Kent Heckenlively, JD

What is “it,” you may ask?

I’m about to provoke a full scale media meltdown. Yes, that’s right. I’m not making any plans to speak cautiously and carefully, so that I don’t get attacked.

Let’s be real. The other side isn’t dealing honestly with us.

Why should we be part of the illusion that we’re actually having a discussion? We aren’t. We’re in a full-scale war for the survival of the human species. The only important question is how well I’m provoking the mainstream media and their Big Pharma boobs to viciously attack my book, INOCULATED: How Science Lost Its Soul in Autism, coming out on Tuesday, February 16, 2021.

Because when they attack, we win. People stop to pay attention, then they say, “Let me check this out.”

For starters, there’s the Ben Garrison cartoon at the top of this article, which is being released on the same day as the book. I told Ben, Make it as controversial as you can.” He did.

I am inviting the attack.

Continue reading INOCULATED – The Book That Will Break the Internet…

Help Me Beat This “Future President…”

By Kent Heckenlively, JD

Okay, I know some people think I’m crazy, but it’s wild how my hare-brained ideas keep coming true. Our book, Plague of Corruption, was originally scheduled to appear on November 5, 2019, the same day as the new Scott Adams book and one by Donald Trump, Jr.

In what I thought was a joking fashion, I said my goal was to beat the number of Amazon reviews for Scott Adams and Donald Trump, Jr. Did I expect to do it? Not really.

But even though our book’s publication date got pushed to April 14, 2020, it quickly blew past the Scott Adams book, Loserthink: How Untrained Brains Are Ruining America. That book, as of Friday, January 29, 2021, has 1,155 Amazon reviews.

By comparison, Plague of Corruption, now has 5,805 Amazon reviews.

Let’s talk about how monumental it is to beat Scott Adams. His Dilbert comic strip killed an entire industry of management books promoting dumb ideas. Even Elon Musk is reported at staff meetings to tell his employees, “Don’t do something so stupid it’s going to end up in a Dilbert comic strip.” Add that to the fact that his Dilbert comic strip became a television series for two years on the WB Network and he transitioned into writing best-selling books, so that his net worth is now estimated to be around $75 million dollars.

Scott Adams got his ass handed to him by a middle-school science teacher. (That’s probably why he’s refused to have me on his Coffee with Scott Adams morning podcast, even though I’ve asked several times!)

Now let’s turn to Donald Trump, Jr., President Trump’s son and namesake. 

Continue reading Help Me Beat This “Future President…”

Election Thoughts…

This last weekend I had some experiences which might provide a window into what will happen in our upcoming Presidential Election…

By Kent Heckenlively, JD

I got the chance to have a long talk with a chronic fatigue syndrome patient I’ve known for a while, but we were usually in larger gatherings. “You know, Kent,” she said at one point, “I used to be a big time liberal in 2016. Both me and my husband. But now we’re both voting for Trump.”

I LOVE these types of conversations, because I’m always fascinated about what makes people change their minds. “How did that come about?” I asked.

“Well, I really respected you and Dr. Judy Mikovits. So when you and Judy said you were supporting Trump I was confused. But my father always told me that if you’re going to have a strong opinion about something, you need to research it. So I researched Trump and realized I’d been wrong about him. He’s fighting the corrupt system, and my side wasn’t.”

I thought of my own detours from orthodoxy.

When people accuse me of being set in my ways, I delight in telling them I voted TWICE for Bill Clinton because I’d become concerned about the Republican party becoming a party of the religious right.  In his time, Bill Clinton was the best politician of his day, and I especially enjoyed the balancing of the budget under his administration.

I look for evidence of people changing their minds.

Despite the media talking about Republicans supporting Biden, those Republicans didn’t support Trump anyway in 2016. Maybe I live in a bubble, but it seems I only hear about former anti-Trump people turning pro-Trump. It doesn’t seem to go the other way.

This Sunday morning when I opened my Twitter account I read the following from my favorite political commentator these days, Scott Adams.

Continue reading Election Thoughts…

Mikovits/Heckenlively’s Three Books Outline THE COMPLETE FAILURE Of US Public Health…

Three Books – No Prisoners…

Opinion by “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

Kent Heckenlively and Judy Mikovits’s newest book “The Case Against Masks – Ten Reasons Why Mask Use Should Be Limited” is a third nail in US Public Health’s coffin.

Before you read it, pick up a yellow highlighter.  You are going to want to mark out the sections of text that you can quote to those that think masks are a good idea.  And, there are a lot of those areas to highlight.

Democratic Party Governors, and local Public Health officials, are going to hate you.

Although the book very well questions the so-called science of mask wearing with ten very good points, together, all of it is a strong indictment of US Public Health.


Because it becomes very clear that US Public Health has NO CLUE what to do with a REAL Pandemic.  They couldn’t even tell if there was one, or how big it would be.  Their predictions of what was to come were ABSURD.  Their whole handling of the problem was a joke.

In the “Mask” book there are ten reasons:

Reason #1 – Oxygen is good for Human Beings and Carbon Dioxide is Not!

Reason #2 – How Does SARS-Cov-2 Spread?

Reason #3 – How Effective is A Mask?

Reason #4 – Six Feet Apart And Wearing A Mask?

Reason #5 – What About Face Seal leakage and the Backward Jet?

Reason #6 – What is the Actual Risk of Airborne Transmission?

Reason #7 – What is a Dangerous Situation for the Vulnerable Exposed to SARS-Cov-2 to Develop COVID-19

Reason #8 – Can A mask Become A Virus Trap?

Reason #9 – The Myth of Asymptomatic Carriers

Reason #10 – Children Do NOT Need to Wear a Mask to Return to School

Americans were gulled into believing that we really did, and do, have a workable US Public Health System.

Continue reading Mikovits/Heckenlively’s Three Books Outline THE COMPLETE FAILURE Of US Public Health…

Judy Mikovits ONE BILLION Views Of her “Plandemic” Video Was NOT A Fluke…

It was merely a physical exercise of the “REALLY Pissed-Off” Anti-Vaxxer Movement…

And MUCH MORE is coming…

Opinion By “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

I’ve been around Health Care Advocacy for a VERY long time.  Yes, I am “connected.”  Yes, I know stuff other people don’t know yet.  Yes, I know what is going to happen next.  Yes, I know when to shut up and sit here and smile…

And, I am sitting here smiling….

In the words of “A-Team” leader Colonel John “Hannibal” Smith “I love it when a plan comes together.”

The worldwide “Anti-Vaxxer” Movement is ON FIRE…

“Anti-Vaxxers,” everywhere they turn, they see Big Pharma and their sleaze-minions at one moment shriek-whining, and at the next actually mewling out the term “Anti-Vaxxers.”  You can’t help noting the abject fear in the voices.  We are the prairie fire coming over the land heading directly for what Big Pharma, and their skank-puppies, thought was their sacred impregnable encampment.

We have their backs against the river and yesterday we burned their boats.

Big Pharma is beginning to realize that there are consequences to having damaged our children.

We are in a position we have NEVER been in before…

Oh, without doubt, earlier versions of the “Anti-“Vaxxer” Movement have had success.  Although what was called the “Autism” Movement was pretty much a dud due to what I viewed as bad management, there were shiny spots that survived and merged into becoming what is now the “Anti-Vaxxer” movement.

That evolution HAD to happen – and it did.  We could not, as a movement, allow the BAD management of California’s fight against SB #277 to be repeated.

The even earlier “North American Health Freedom Movement” was MUCH like the current “Anti-Vaxxer” operation, but was much more organized.  We actually had leadership physical meetings twice a year in Chicago and Long Beach, CA in conjunction with the well attended (12 to 15,000 attendees) Health Freedom Expos.  They were weekends of hugging, plotting, scheming, laughing, private phone number exchanges, strategy and tactic trades.  The atmosphere at these events was indescribable warmth.

The “North American Health Freedom Movement” was successful EVERYWHERE.  Tactically they focused mostly at the State level, training newbies on how to SMASH Big Pharma’s legislation attempts and carry legislation of our own.  Actions at the Federal level were successful too, but not nearly so good as a at the State levels.  I, myself, was a major attack dog, conducting projects here and there, with the goal of completely destroying those Big Pharma created AstroTurf groups that were attacking our own.  THAT worked VERY well.

Note:  And it still does…

There is MUCH MORE coming…

Continue reading Judy Mikovits ONE BILLION Views Of her “Plandemic” Video Was NOT A Fluke…

“A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss…” Apparently It Can’t READ Either…

More Laughter – Dr. Judy Mikovits Arrest and Warrants(?)…

By Kent Heckenlively, JD

I’ve been making a mistake these days, and maybe you have as well.  I assumed the critics of my two books with Dr. Judy Mikovits had actually read them, or at least the first couple pages.

Let me make a bold statement…

…the critics of Dr. Mikovits are a couple of dumb-ass knuckleheads who haven’t done a single bit of research.  I figured most most members of the press had learned  by the time they get out of middle school they should do their own research before offering an opinion. 

Apparently, that isn’t required to work in the mainstream media.  They claim we don’t talk about her arrest because “we are ashamed of it.”  Nothing could be further from the truth.  We talk about it AT LENGTH because we are ENRAGED by it, along with the other legal shenanigans.

In this video with Ben Swann (starting at about 5:20)…

Continue reading “A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss…” Apparently It Can’t READ Either…

Laugh Out Loud – We Have Become “Voldemort,” the Book that Chuck Todd of “Meet The Press” Cannot Name…

Kent Heckenlively – “Banned in Australia – World’s #1 Anti-Vaxxer” SO TERRIFIES Liberal Media they can’t say his name, or the name of the book “Plague of Corruption.”

By Kent Heckenlively, JD

When one is young and reads about crusading writers or journalists who change the world, you never really expect that’s going to happen to you, right? 

Yes, you want to be a writer, but to believe you’re going to make that much of an impact, well, let’s just say even my ego isn’t that big.

And yet on Sunday afternoon I started receiving messages that Chuck Todd of “Meet the Press” had denounced my book with Dr. Judy Mikovits, PLAGUE OF CORRUPTION, without expressly mentioning the name of the book.

At first I thought it was a joke. 

Continue reading Laugh Out Loud – We Have Become “Voldemort,” the Book that Chuck Todd of “Meet The Press” Cannot Name…

Has Anthony Fauci Already Been Arrested?

Bill Barr – Please Don’t INCARCERATE Fauci in The Same Jail Where They Put Epstein…

Opinion by “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

Almost EVERYONE knows this CoronaVirus nightmare is a complete hoax, designed and implemented to destroy America, and Western Civilization. 

And right there, front-and-center, in the middle of this gigantic fraud is the name, and an almost daily presence of, (Deep State(?)) Anthony Fauci the so-called head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases.

Or, at least, HE USED TO BE front-and-center.  These days he is conspicuously absent from the White House Podium.  I wonder why that is?

Could the name “Judy Mikovits,” co-author, with our BolenReport Kent Heckenlively JD, of the New York Times Bestselling book “Plague of Corruption” released April 14th, 2020, be the answer?

I’d say “You can almost bet your bippy” on that one…

Continue reading Has Anthony Fauci Already Been Arrested?

Defense of Dr. Judy Mikovits by Her Co-Author…

I believe Dr. Mikovits was the victim of a WELL ORCHESTRATED campaign using both the civil and criminal justice system to damage her reputation and prevent her from continuing her scientific work, especially over the XMRV issue.   – Kent Heckenlively JD

Opinion by Kent Heckenlively, JD

In all of this the questions EVERYONE needs to ask themselves, and others, are:

Simple fact – the so-called “stolen” notebooks were, and are, Dr. Mikovits’s personal scientific notebooks from the xenotropic murine leukemia virus-related virus (XMRV) study.  They were never, and are not now, anyone else’s property.  They are all in her own handwriting.  Dr. Mikovits STILL wants them back.

(1)  WHY was it so important that the personal scientific NOTEBOOKS OF DR. MIKOVITS, in the XMRV study, be kept from her? 

Even now, nine years later, Dr. Mikovits, has not been given copies of her own research journals she kept for five years. 

(2) WHAT is so dangerous in those notebooks that she is not allowed to have copies?”

(3) WHO went to such strange and unusual lengths to keep these personal scientific notebooks from Dr. Mikovits?

Let’s look at some facts that may lead us to answers:

This attack was primarily led by Mikovits’s former boss of five years, Harvey Whittemore, a State of Nevada political power player, who we believe got played by higher-ups in the public health establishment to make the xenotropic murine leukemia virus-related virus (XMRV) issue go away. 

If her XMRV work was confirmed it would be a liability of billions of dollars to the federal government and private corporations because of their negligent use of animal tissue and aborted human fetal tissue in government and private laboratories to develop medical therapies. 

Here is the story…

Many years ago, I told Dr. Mikovits that the media and the judiciary were so corrupt that she would never receive justice in those forums.  I pledged to her I would be her attorney in the court of public opinion. 

In order to respond to the attacks against her,  I must first familiarize you with the character of her sole accuser, Harvey Whittemore, that NO journalist ever seems to mention in their discussion of Dr. Mikovits.  What follows is my opinion, based on ten years of research, of what was really going on.  I must first start with Harvey Whittemore.

Harvey Whittemore is one of the most colorful and intelligent characters you are ever likely to ever encounter. 

He is tall, physically imposing, and knows his way around power.  

This is how Harvey Whittemore was described in a Las Vegas Review article on February 26, 2012.


For most of his life, Whittemore used his skills for mostly admirable pursuits, developing golf courses and real estate developments, and founding an institute at the University of Nevada, Reno, to help his daughter who had come down with chronic fatigue syndrome, also known as ME/CFS.  All of these facts are covered in Chapter 16 (Whittemore Justice), of our first book, PLAGUE, published in 2014. 

A Las Vegas Sun article from June 10, 2012 (Anjeanette Damon, “Indictment Caps Lobbyist Harvey Whittemore’s Dramatic Fall from Grace, Las Vegas Sun, June 10, 2012) described some of the darker aspects of Whittemore’s character, such as his well-known penchant for reaching into the legislative chambers to give things to legislators before important votes.  Because there was such a public outcry over this behavior, tall glass walls were installed so that the legislators were forever separated from the public gallery.  These quickly became known as “Harvey walls.” 

The question which I think lies at the heart of Whittemore’s actions is whether the great recession of 2008 put them at considerable financial stress.  Apparently it did, because they were sued by their former business partners, the Seeno family of Northern California. 

In an article from the Reno Gazette Journal of February 12, 2012 THE REPORTER WROTE…

Continue reading Defense of Dr. Judy Mikovits by Her Co-Author…

The Absolute JOY of Being Hung Up on by a CNN Producer For Chris Cuomo…

By Kent Heckenlively, JD

This will be a very short article with a video just under two and a half minutes long, but it may become my most popular article ever written.

My wife was left a message on her phone from a CNN producer named Mi Seon, Senior Editorial Producer @CNN@CuomoPrimetime asking if she knew a Kent Heckenlively.  After a long moment of contemplation my lovely wife decided she did. She went to our bathroom where I was just finishing a quick shower and told me about it.

Because my long-time mentor, the great Tim Bolen, had long prepared me for such a moment, I decided to document the call back to her, of course asking for permission to make a record of the call.

Hilarity ensues…


I wonder how many interviews I’ll be doing with the mainstream media after this episode?

Opinion by Kent Heckenlively, JD

Be sure to pre-order Kent Heckenlively’s new book with Dr. Judy Mikovits, PLAGUE OF CORRUPTION from Amazon which you can do RIGHT NOW!
The book came out on April 14, 2020 and contains explosive new revelations about the corruption of our scientific bodies, as well as new directions to ensure we become the healthiest generation in history!



plagueheckiKent’s book PLAGUE was released by Skyhorse Publishing, in 2014 and is now available in paperback with NEW material.

The book is co-authored with Judy Mikovits PhD. It is an indictment of the “Fake Science” we find so prevalent in the US.



Dr. Judy Mikovits did not intend to become one of the most controversial scientists of the twenty-first century.

By Kent Heckenlively, JD

But when you uncover inconvenient truths which threaten big money, you can expect to be attacked. However, when you’ve lived a life in science since 1980 you expect the attack to come from other scientists.

In late October of 2011, Dr. Mikovits was riding her bike down Harbor Boulevard and through the sand dunes of McGrath State Park in Oxnard, California when a white pickup truck with Nevada plates pulled in front of her and parked by the side of the road. The driver was a large man with a beard, brown hair under a baseball cap, a tan, and a rifle mounted in the back window. As Judy passed him, he was holding up his cell phone, as if taking pictures.

The man did this several more times, pulling ahead of her, parking, letting her ride past him, in what seemed to be some sort of bizarre dance, before finally driving away.

When Dr. Mikovits arrived at the Pierpont Bay Yacht Club and told the story to her friends, they were terrified for her.

You could disappear,” said her friend.. “All he has to do is make sure it’s you, grab you, throw your bike in the dunes, and throw your cell phone in the water. Then when they find your body someday, people will say you killed yourself because things weren’t working out in the XMRV study. So help me God, if you ever ride that bike again I will personally kill you.”

Judy knew that billions of dollars were on the line, and when such amounts are involved, people get desperate. XMRV (xenotropic murine leukemia virus-related virus) was a retrovirus, like HIV, but potentially infecting ten to twenty million people in the country.

At its height, HIV, infected only about a million people.

Continue reading PLAGUE OF CORRUPTION: A Scientist at Sea…

PLAGUE OF CORRUPTION: The Talented Dr. Judy Mikovits…

All of us have in our mind the image of an ideal scientist…

By Kent Heckenlively, JD

For me, I like to picture Albert Einstein, sometime in the 1950s.  I imagine a kind, older man who has seen horrible things, and yet retains a hopeful outlook on humanity.  The ideal scientist I imagine is gentle, always curious, and yet humble about our place in the universe and among our fellow creatures on this Earth.

I imagine this ideal scientist would live and breathe integrity, and yet be open to challenging questions.

I’d been on the autism beat for several years when in February of 2010 I read an interview with Dr. Mikovits in which she suggested that our children might have an HIV-like retrovirus.  The virus was called XMRV, had been discovered in 2006 by a team from UCSF (University of California, San Francisco) and the Cleveland Clinic, and had originally come from mice. 

And their condition of autism might be the result of a vaccination overstimulating their immune system and causing that virus to replicate beyond the ability of their immune system to suppress the virus.

I thought it was a provocative idea (and since I always like to talk to people with challenging ideas), I found where she worked and gave a call.  (Hint – Just about anybody will talk to you if you say you want to write a story about them.)  Instead of getting routed through several people, I reached her direct the first time.  I explained who I was and asked if I could interview her.  I expected that she might give me another time, but we started right then and there, and I was struggling to keep up.  (Yes, this would be our relationship for years to come!)

From the very start I was amazed by her willingness to speak openly…

Continue reading PLAGUE OF CORRUPTION: The Talented Dr. Judy Mikovits…

PLAGUE OF CORRUPTION: Michelle Malkin Joins the Team…

One of my favorite figures in the Conservative Movement is, without a doubt, Michelle Malkin…

By Kent Heckenlively, JD

Seriously, how can you not love somebody who has for her Twitter description, Little brown woman.  Big mouth.  Wife.  Mom. Entrepreneur. Geek.”

For those of you not familiar with her, Malkin is a conservative author, working first as a columnist for the Los Angeles Daily News, then the Seattle Times, founded the website Hot Air, then published several New York Times best-selling books with titles such as Invasion: How America Still Welcomes Terrorists, Crimnals, and Other Foreign Menaces in 2002, and her most recent book, Open Borders Inc.: Who’s Funding America’s Destruction in 2019.

For years she was a frequent commentator for Fox News, and often hosted for The O’Reilly Factor.  In 2007 she got into a dispute over comments made about her by Geraldo Rivera, and in the years since has made few appearances on Fox, with the exception of Sean Hannity’s show or Fox and Friends.

For many years I’d heard that she was very sympathetic to our cause because of her own experiences with vaccines, and indeed she’d published several fearless articles about Big Pharma.  Still it seemed like it might be something of a jump to talk to such an incendiary figure as myself, but I thought it was worth a shot.

I asked if she’d be willing to read an advance copy of my book…

Continue reading PLAGUE OF CORRUPTION: Michelle Malkin Joins the Team…