Help Me Beat This “Future President…”

By Kent Heckenlively, JD

Okay, I know some people think I’m crazy, but it’s wild how my hare-brained ideas keep coming true. Our book, Plague of Corruption, was originally scheduled to appear on November 5, 2019, the same day as the new Scott Adams book and one by Donald Trump, Jr.

In what I thought was a joking fashion, I said my goal was to beat the number of Amazon reviews for Scott Adams and Donald Trump, Jr. Did I expect to do it? Not really.

But even though our book’s publication date got pushed to April 14, 2020, it quickly blew past the Scott Adams book, Loserthink: How Untrained Brains Are Ruining America. That book, as of Friday, January 29, 2021, has 1,155 Amazon reviews.

By comparison, Plague of Corruption, now has 5,805 Amazon reviews.

Let’s talk about how monumental it is to beat Scott Adams. His Dilbert comic strip killed an entire industry of management books promoting dumb ideas. Even Elon Musk is reported at staff meetings to tell his employees, “Don’t do something so stupid it’s going to end up in a Dilbert comic strip.” Add that to the fact that his Dilbert comic strip became a television series for two years on the WB Network and he transitioned into writing best-selling books, so that his net worth is now estimated to be around $75 million dollars.

Scott Adams got his ass handed to him by a middle-school science teacher. (That’s probably why he’s refused to have me on his Coffee with Scott Adams morning podcast, even though I’ve asked several times!)

Now let’s turn to Donald Trump, Jr., President Trump’s son and namesake. 

Continue reading Help Me Beat This “Future President…”

My Goal in 2021 is To Be “the Most Dangerous Man in America…”

By Kent Heckenlively, JD

Since the debacle of the election…

… the shame of the courts not looking into claims of election fraud, the false flag of the Capitol riots which were NOT INSTIGATED by Trump supporters, and the embarrassment of an Inauguration of Joe Biden, complete with barbed wire and National Guards troops more akin to a military operation, I’ve been wondering what is the proper response.

12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to ChaosI’ve found myself listening more and more to the podcasts of the Canadian Professor Jordan Peterson, the insanely popular author of the book, 12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos.

In particular, I like this ten minute video of Jordan Peterson in which he argues that in order to be a good man, you must be dangerous, meaning you have the strength to stand up to evil.

I was intrigued by this video because his description of those who become truly good later in life, are generally those who in their youth rebelled against authority, often quitting high school in his experience, and going to work in some roughneck job, like the oilfields of Alberta, Canada.

That wasn’t me…

Continue reading My Goal in 2021 is To Be “the Most Dangerous Man in America…”

Michelle Malkin and Kent Heckenlively to Tour Australia for the “Anti-Mask” Tour

My three-year ban from speaking in Australia has expired, so what’s a trouble-maker like me to do?

I decided to apply again, of course. 

By Kent Heckenlively, JD

Only this time, the conservative commentator, Michelle Malkin, has agreed to accompany me to the land Down Under. We’re going to talk about my recent book with Dr. Judy Mikovits, THE CASE AGAINST MASKS: TEN REASONS WHY MASK USE SHOULD BE LIMITED, and whatever else Michelle wants to talk about. She’s rarely at a loss for words.

Dr. Mikovits and I were recently interviewed by Michelle, and after the show wrapped, I popped the question. I told her it will be the best trip she never took. She laughed and said “Twist my arm,” and held her arm behind her back as if it was being twisted.

I know my sense of humor is an acquired taste…

Continue reading Michelle Malkin and Kent Heckenlively to Tour Australia for the “Anti-Mask” Tour

Going SCORCHED EARTH against Barnes and Noble…

Something unusual happens when you write a New York Times bestselling book like PLAGUE OF CORRUPTION…

By Kent Heckenlively, JD

A lot of people come out of the woodwork, wanting to congratulate you, and to your complete surprise, many have been your long-time heroes.

But there’s another group who introduces themselves, the super-predators, the alphas, the warriors, the winter soldiers, the sharks, who come up to you and say, “You know, Kent, I have a very special set of skills.  And you’re probably going to need me at some point in the near future.  Don’t hesitate to call.  We get shit done.”

That’s the background to me receiving this email…

…from a reader who tried to order our new book, THE CASE AGAINST MASKS from Barnes & Noble.

“I actually made a phone call to the local Barnes & Nobles to order the book which is found at their web site.
I wanted to order the book to ship to the same STORE for pickup, INSTEAD of shipping direct to my home (which is boring in my opinion).
I was advised they could not locate the book by looking up the title and authors. It’s not in the database. Then they asked me to provide ISBN number and they found the book as listed, but then advised me they CANNOT order the book to ship to the store (any store). They advised that if it were to be ordered to ship to the store for pickup, the order WILL BE cancelled.
I advise the authors to investigate by following the similar steps as mine to document the censorship and suppression tactics by the upper management of Barnes & Nobles which operates on liberal ideology that censors the free flow of information by DENYING the order for pickup unless shipped direct to the home.
I have ordered books to be shipped to the same store in the past, but never this ridiculous blockage as suppressive tactic.
I wanted to buy the book at pickup for my sister as a belated birthday gift (a few months after her b-day on May 25). She is a protestor of face mask mandate and refuses to wear face covering anywhere. Provo Utah city council just overrode the mayor’s veto to force the face mask mandate until November 15 unless extended. Provo City council face mask mandate as ordinance led by BYU professor of humanities George Handley (leftist).”

I didn’t even have to think about it for a minute.

Continue reading Going SCORCHED EARTH against Barnes and Noble…

What is Our Destiny? My Destiny?

Tuesday, August 18, 2020 is likely to be one of the most important days of my life… 

It’s the day so many projects I’ve been working on come to fruition. I feel it is a day of battle for me, and for all of us.

By Kent Heckenlively, JD

I understand one of the unique things about me is I think in movie terms.  It’s an odd habit, but probably pretty common for writers.  As I’ve thought about what’s waiting for me in the near future I was drawn to this scene in The Last Samurai

If you haven’t seen the movie I’ll give you a brief overview.  It’s 1877, and soldier of fortune, Tom Cruise/Nathan Algren, a former Civil War hero and Indian fighter, has been hired by the government of Japan to put down a samurai rebellion. Cruise is captured in battle by the samurai and comes to realize he’s fighting on the wrong side of this war.

The samurai believe Japan is losing its identity by contact with the west, which seeks to exploit it.  The samurai choose not to fight with modern weapons like guns, but with the honorable weapons of the samurai.  This puts strategist Tom Cruise in the position of trying to figure out how the samurai might defeat their enemies.

Cruise/Algren befriends the samurai general, Katsumoto, played by the wonderful actor, Ken Watanabe, and here they plan the first day of the battle.

I love this movie because as much as it’s a thrilling action picture, it’s also deeply philosophical. It asks, “What is the value of our lives? To what principles do we dedicate ourselves?  And how much will we sacrifice?”

The answer from the perspective of the heroic journey, as popularized by Joseph Campbell is clear:

If you seek to be a hero, you must be willing to risk your life, without complaint or anger.  You surrender to whatever destiny awaits you.

Continue reading What is Our Destiny? My Destiny?

Scott Adams Creates the “Heckenlively Rule” for Public Debate…

It seems some of the fans of Scott Adams want him to interview me.

By Kent Heckenlively, JD

On his August 3, 2020 Periscope, right near the end, a listener asked why he didn’t interview Kent Heckenlively.

Scott gave his answer, which was essentially a recapitulation of what he’d said previously, roughly translated as, “I can’t figure out if what this guy is saying is true, and therefore I don’t want him on my show.”

I think this should be forever known as the “Heckenlively Rule.”

It’s an internally consistent position with impeccable logic, but unfortunately it flies in the face of five hundred years of western civilization, wiping out in a single stroke the principles of the Enlightenment, the Renaissance, and all scientific progress.

Here’s my philosophical position: I like to listen to the best people on all sides of a debate to figure out whose arguments are best in accord with the facts and my own internal logic.  I do not think this makes me a dangerous person.

Let me tell you all the controversies on which I’m still trying to figure out what I believe:

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Dear Scott Adams . . .

Imagine my surprise last Saturday morning…

…when I was listening to the morning Periscope of Scott Adams and heard Adams address me directly by name and decline my request to be interviewed by him.

By Kent Heckenlively, JD

Unlike Chuck Todd of Meet the Press, Adams actually said my name, and treated me with great respect.

In return, I wrote a letter to him, and posted a response on YouTube…

  This is my video, and below it is the actual letter.

Continue reading Dear Scott Adams . . .

Kids SHOULD Wear Masks ALL DAY! (Not)…

Let’s Look At REALITY…

By Kent Heckenlively JD

Science is science, humor is humor, and sometimes a good cigar is just a smoke.

You may or may not know it, but Dr. Judy Mikovits and I have a book coming out on August 11, 2020 (already available on Kindle), called THE CASE AGAINST MASKS: Ten Reasons Mask Use Should be Limited.

The last chapter is about kids and masks.  Not surprisingly, your favorite science writer argued that kids SHOULD NOT wear masks to return to school.

But as I am always a fearless questioner of what I believe, I went out and bought a carbon dioxide monitor to determine how high the carbon dioxide levels would go with just ten simple breaths.

Knowing that YouTube might ban the video if I said what I really think, I use an ingenious method to get my point across.  I hope you enjoy!

Here is the video:

Continue reading Kids SHOULD Wear Masks ALL DAY! (Not)…

As If I Wasn’t Hated Enough Already . . .

Maybe it’s just a defect in my character…

By Kent Heckenlively, JD

One would think after publishing PLAGUE OF CORRUPTION, in which I go after vaccines as hard as anybody ever has in history, and enduring an unprecedented media blackout, even though the book is the runaway science bestseller of 2020, I’d sit back a little and take it easy.

Maybe it was the spectacle of Chuck Todd on Meet the Press (May 17, 2020), when he talked all around my book with Dr. Judy Mikovits, without mentioning the book or our names, that I decided I simply don’t care.

With that in mind…

it’s probably not a surprise that in May when our publisher, Tony Lyons called and asked, “Hey, Kent, what do you think about you and Judy putting together a book on masks?” 

Sounds like another New York Times bestseller,” I said.

I got to work on it right away.

Our new book, THE CASE AGAINST MASKS: Ten Reasons Mask Use Should Be Limited,” comes out on August 11, 2020.

Let’s see, how can I be any more hated? 

I’m a lawyer.  I’m against vaccines.  And now I’m against masks.  Maybe next I’ll start selling Amway products and life insurance!

Don’t get me wrong.  I want to be liked.  It’s just that I’m curiously indifferent to being disliked.

When I was a kid my parents taught me to stand up for what you believe in, even if everybody is against you. 

Continue reading As If I Wasn’t Hated Enough Already . . .

President Trump Needs to Say The Words “PLAGUE OF CORRUPTION…”

I’m going to give President Trump a little advice on how to win re-election in November.

By Kent Heckenlively, JD

Now, after his speech at Mount Rushmore on July 3 I’m sure he’s flying high and thinking his chances are good.  He did a masterful job of linking the protesters to those who want to erase American history, turn us into socialist zombies, and substitute their new history in which we, the free-thinkers, will be their slaves.  Even better, in the speech he essentially put Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln, and Roosevelt on his team.

I’m not kidding.  He literally put Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln, and Roosevelt on his team.

Why do I say that?  Because the protesters would like to take every one of those statues down, for various reasons.  The protesters are so stupid that they will now go on a rampage against Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln, and Roosevelt.

How’s that going to look to the average American voter?

It’s going to look like the epitome of a stupid and spoiled child. 

And the executive order for a National Statue Garden of American Heroes?  Brilliant.

But there’s another constituency who supported Trump in 2016 that are waiting for some signal, and that’s the health freedom movement, particularly my wing, the “Anti-Vaxxers.” 

Continue reading President Trump Needs to Say The Words “PLAGUE OF CORRUPTION…”

The Odd Life of a Minor Celebrity…

I’m always of two minds about political protests.

By Kent Heckenlively, JD

On one hand, I have an optimistic, red-blooded American view about civic participation and the importance of people showing their power.

On the other I’m cynical because I’ve seen so many examples of Big Pharma rigging the game I wonder if it’s worth my time because it takes a lot to organize care for my severely autistic daughter when I need to be gone for a day and there’s no school.

But when the invitation came in from Joshua Coleman…

…to introduce my co-author, Dr. Judy Mikovits, at a “Stop the Hate in the Vaccine Debate” rally on the steps of the California State Capitol in Sacramento, I knew I couldn’t refuse.  Let me say this about Josh.  I consider him to be one of the finest and most creative political activists I’ve ever seen.

When I arrived at the Capitol, many of our rally supporters were lining the roads with large signs, each with a specific fact about vaccines such as “VACCINES ARE MADE WITH ABORTED HUMAN FETAL CELLS.”  It was an impressive display.  I parked my car, got my backpack, and started walking through the supporters with their signs, thanking them for coming.

I dress and look like a federal agent…

Continue reading The Odd Life of a Minor Celebrity…

Judy Mikovits “Plandemic” Video Hits ONE BILLION Views Worldwide…

“The Most Viewed And Banned Documentary Of All Times…”

Opinion By “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

I’ll be honest – When Kent Heckenlively JD first came to me about placing articles on the BolenReport that he said “may be a little controversial” I softly smiled.

Why?  Well, the BolenReport is VERY well known for injecting controversy into the conversation.  We pride ourselves on being WAY AHEAD of the game providing reality in the world-wide health care conversations.

Kent’s very first article for the BolenReport was, in fact, a lament over the fact that his and Judy Mikovits first book “Plague” wasn’t selling all that well – and it should be. He wrote this:

PLAGUE – The Best Science Book You Haven’t Read!

Kent has since written over two hundred articles for the BolenReport…

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TROLL WARNING! “Freedom Watch” and Larry Klayman have Joined Team Mikovits…

By Kent Heckenlively, JD

Like a classic hero I feel obligated to provide fair warning to my enemies of what awaits them if they continue on their present course.

Godzilla (in the form of Larry Klayman and Freedom Watch) has joined the Mikovits team.

Don’t know who Larry Klayman is?   Here’s his bio:

Larry Klayman, founder of Judicial Watch and Freedom Watch, is known for his strong public interest advocacy in furtherance of ethics in government and individual freedoms and liberties. During his tenure at Judicial Watch, he obtained a court ruling that Bill Clinton committed a crime, the first lawyer ever to have done so against an American president. Larry became so famous for fighting corruption in the government and the legal profession that the NBC hit drama series “West Wing” created a character after him: Harry Klaypool.

Yes, the guy who nailed “Slick Willy” is now working for Dr. Judy Mikovits.  Oh, and if I need him for anything, he said to just give him a call.  I told him I was interested in going after Chuck Todd of Meet the Press for saying that our book, PLAGUE OF CORRUPTION was “self-published”.

FACT CHECK, Chuck Todd!  PLAGUE OF CORRUPTION was published by Skyhorse Press and distributed by Simon & Schuster.  I’m thinking that initial demand letter will be for two million in lost sales and ten million in punitive damages.

But let’s get to some serious thoughts…

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“Plague Of Corruption” – What Happened To Judy Mikovits Was Just Part of A Pattern…

But The World Is Waking Up To The Scam…

Opinion By “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

It is awful what happened to Dr Judy Mikovits over her health care discoveries.  That should never happen, and in a perfect world it would not.  However, the world we live in is far from perfect.  The “Health Care” world is only “perfect” for those that abuse it – and THEY are legion.

What happened to Judy Mikovits happens EVERY DAY somewhere in America to someone, or some group that has tried to step away and create a better offering and/or a better system.  Why?  There is a complete system in place to protect the HIGHLY PROFITABLE and almost completely useless, US Health Care system.  It is very much run like a CIA PsyOps operation.

The “Vaccine Issue” which the extremely powerful “Anti-Vaxxer” Movement goes nose-to-nose with, is, in fact, just a small part of the whole scheme to control US, and hence all of Planet Earth’s health care offering in favor of drugs, drugs, and more drugs.

But, in 2020, with Donald Trump as our President, things are happening.  Things that scare the living shit out of Globalist Big Pharma and their sleazy minions.

Presidential Election 2020 REALLY IS “Big Pharma vs Trump” in every possible way.  Yes, China is a big player, but Globalist Big Pharma is providing the money.

In Election 2020 put your money on Trump.  Donald has told Globalist Big Pharma, in no uncertain terms “You want to do business in America, then you are going to make your products in America, not China…”

When “Impeachment” did not work, and the “Covid-19” bullshit failed. Big Pharma trotted out their “Vaccine damaged” millenials who, with their damaged brains,  easily took to looting and burning.  As we are finding out in the unmasking of the ANTIFA groupies the looting, and burning, participants have mental parts missing…

I am going to give you some highlights of how it all works…

Continue reading “Plague Of Corruption” – What Happened To Judy Mikovits Was Just Part of A Pattern…

Eric Metaxas Gets Red-Pilled…

By Kent Heckenlively, JD

My son has an observation he often shares with me.  He says if one person says you’re a jerk, well, that’s one opinion.

But if most people say you’re a jerk, well, you are a jerk.

That’s why I always like to check myself by talking to people I respect.

For many years one of my favorite writers has been Eric Metaxas.  Besides the cartoonist, Scott Adams, Eric is #1 on the list of current public figures I’d love to have as a friend.  When I saw he was on the list of media people who wanted to interview me for my new book, I called immediately.

He’s smart, witty, and there’s just no denying the appeal of a writer who likes to profile historical figures like the Protestant Reformer Martin Luther who led the first successful revolt against the Catholic Church, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, the pastor who defied Hitler and was executed in the last days of the war, or William Wilberforce, a nineteenth century British politician who was likely to become Prime Minister, until he decided to dedicate his life to ending slavery in the British Empire.

Continue reading Eric Metaxas Gets Red-Pilled…

Scott Adams was “Secret Weapon” Behind Plandemic Video…

By Kent Heckenlively, JD

On May 7, 2020 Scott Adams sent out a tweet about the Plandemic video.

“I finally watched the Plandemic video people keep sending me.  Looks to me like a combination of ridiculous bullshit conspiracy nuttery mixed with some true stuff.  Reminds me of the absurd idea that the FBI recently attempted a coup in the United States.  Wait.  Oh, fuck.”

I was surprised that when Scott Adams watched the video he didn’t recognize his own handiwork.  I consider Scott Adams to be the Sith Lord of Persuasion, which is why I’ve been watching his morning Periscopes for the last two years.

I encourage anybody who wants to change the world as a “reality technician” to watch his morning broadcasts.  If you are any kind of activist, be it QANON, reasonable immigration laws, Second Amendment, anti-voter fraud, you owe it to yourself to listen to Scott Adams.

It’s not so much that Adams believes in any of these things, but he’ll teach you how to frame your argument in a persuasive manner.  He has taught me how to use “action” words and to create a sense of anticipation in the listener.  With conservative estimates of eight million views, up to claims of more than fifty million views, something special has been created by Plandemic. (Appreciation must also be given to Mikki Willis, the director, who used to be the video-grapher for Senator Bernie Sanders in 2016.)

With all due honor to Scott Adams…

Continue reading Scott Adams was “Secret Weapon” Behind Plandemic Video…

“A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss…” Apparently It Can’t READ Either…

More Laughter – Dr. Judy Mikovits Arrest and Warrants(?)…

By Kent Heckenlively, JD

I’ve been making a mistake these days, and maybe you have as well.  I assumed the critics of my two books with Dr. Judy Mikovits had actually read them, or at least the first couple pages.

Let me make a bold statement…

…the critics of Dr. Mikovits are a couple of dumb-ass knuckleheads who haven’t done a single bit of research.  I figured most most members of the press had learned  by the time they get out of middle school they should do their own research before offering an opinion. 

Apparently, that isn’t required to work in the mainstream media.  They claim we don’t talk about her arrest because “we are ashamed of it.”  Nothing could be further from the truth.  We talk about it AT LENGTH because we are ENRAGED by it, along with the other legal shenanigans.

In this video with Ben Swann (starting at about 5:20)…

Continue reading “A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss…” Apparently It Can’t READ Either…

The “Anti-Vaxxer” Movement is Responsible for The “Covid-19” Attack On America…

It’s Not Donald Trump They Are After – It’s Us…

Opinion by “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

Of course the whole “Covid-19” thing is a massive hoax.  People all over the country are figuring that out.  It is a massive, well organized attack on America and Western Civilization.  All of the evidence of this collusion is starting to leak out, and best of all, it failed.  In fact, it is working completely against the globalists who are/were behind it.

One of the most horrifying things is the intentional killing  of our older members of society – those trapped in Nursing Homes where they could not get away…

…just to create numbers of deaths quickly so as to justify the complete shutdown of not just the US economy, but activist gatherings that challenged globalist thinking – like “Mandatory Vaccinations for all.”

Everyone knew, from information coming from China, early on, that people in Nursing Homes were at risk, but Democratic State Governors DID nothing to protect our aged loved ones who needed help.  In fact they did the opposite.  They isolated “THE HEALTHY.”

Why were the Democrats isolating “THE HEALTHY?”  For an answer look at their first, and most important shutdown targets – churches, and any other places NORMAL people gather to see each other.  For sure the liberals wanted to prevent “Trump Rallies” from happening.

They also needed to prevent the MASSIVE “Anti-Vaxxer” Movement from visiting local State, and Federal, elected representatives…

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Laugh Out Loud – We Have Become “Voldemort,” the Book that Chuck Todd of “Meet The Press” Cannot Name…

Kent Heckenlively – “Banned in Australia – World’s #1 Anti-Vaxxer” SO TERRIFIES Liberal Media they can’t say his name, or the name of the book “Plague of Corruption.”

By Kent Heckenlively, JD

When one is young and reads about crusading writers or journalists who change the world, you never really expect that’s going to happen to you, right? 

Yes, you want to be a writer, but to believe you’re going to make that much of an impact, well, let’s just say even my ego isn’t that big.

And yet on Sunday afternoon I started receiving messages that Chuck Todd of “Meet the Press” had denounced my book with Dr. Judy Mikovits, PLAGUE OF CORRUPTION, without expressly mentioning the name of the book.

At first I thought it was a joke. 

Continue reading Laugh Out Loud – We Have Become “Voldemort,” the Book that Chuck Todd of “Meet The Press” Cannot Name…

Has Anthony Fauci Already Been Arrested?

Bill Barr – Please Don’t INCARCERATE Fauci in The Same Jail Where They Put Epstein…

Opinion by “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

Almost EVERYONE knows this CoronaVirus nightmare is a complete hoax, designed and implemented to destroy America, and Western Civilization. 

And right there, front-and-center, in the middle of this gigantic fraud is the name, and an almost daily presence of, (Deep State(?)) Anthony Fauci the so-called head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases.

Or, at least, HE USED TO BE front-and-center.  These days he is conspicuously absent from the White House Podium.  I wonder why that is?

Could the name “Judy Mikovits,” co-author, with our BolenReport Kent Heckenlively JD, of the New York Times Bestselling book “Plague of Corruption” released April 14th, 2020, be the answer?

I’d say “You can almost bet your bippy” on that one…

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