Gosh! What a Surprise! Another Pandemic That Big Pharma/China Wants Two Hundred Trillion Dollars From The US to Develop A Vaccine For (Sarcasm intended)…
From Europe – Opinion By Karma Singh
As we “celebrate” the 102nd birthday of the “Spanish ‘Flu” which wasn’t ‘flu but something very different, we are told yet another fairy tale (hence con-job-icus) of a mass-epidemic which is going to threaten millions.
Firstly, however, let us clear up the story of “Spanish Flu”.
As you will see in this video from Dr. Bergman, the Spanish ‘Flu wasn’t ‘flu at all!
What actually happened was that the vaccine manufacturers found themselves with millions of shots in store with no soldiers to give them to and so they started a propaganda campaign saying that the soldiers returning home will be carrying all manner of diseases with them and so everyone must get vaccinated or the soldiers will make them ill.
Everyone (except the Greeks) said, “Yea, what a brilliant idea.” People queued up to get multiple shots with the result that somewhere between 20 and 30 million people died – not of the ‘flu but of typhus, bubonic plague, smallpox, diphtheria and a host of other diseases which were contained within the so-called vaccines.
The hypothesis under which vaccines are sold is that if you inject a weakened form of a virus into your body it will then create antibodies to it so that, if you come into contact with the wild virus, you will already have the antibodies and will not get ill.
The two problems are that the hypothesis is, scientifically speaking, purest nonsense and that it simply doesn’t work.
Where vaccines have any effect at all it is to spread disease!
All epidemiological studies show this to be the only discernible effect. As I explain in my book, “Tyrannosaurus Pharmaceuticus R.I.P.” if you know how human immunity actually functions, this is precisely the effect that you would expect.
Currently, the Philippines are undergoing a massive polio outbreak. They didn’t actually have a polio problem until a genius pharmaceutical salesman sold a shipload of old vaccines to them to “prevent polio”.
The result was a massive upswing in polio cases so, what did they do? They sold them another two shiploads of vaccines to “contain the outbreak” with the result that they now have an almost raging polio epidemic – all caused by vaccines. Dr. Salk who was on the team that invented the polio vaccine has stated that all polio cases since 1964 have been caused by the vaccine.
There are not only many statistics and graphs in my book showing this to be the case but also a link to a “hidden” website where you can access many more.
Ask at a vaccine manufacturer for evidence that vaccination works – any manufacturer at all – and you will get a run-around, meaningless platitudes like “Everyone knows that they work” or, “It’s unethical to carry out comparison trials because this would mean that one group would be denied the obvious benefits of vaccination”. Two years ago now, the American Academy of Pediatrics (a pharmaceutical front organisation) declared that, “No proof is needed; a general belief that they work is all that is required”.
So much for science in the pharmaceutical sickness industry.

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