They’ve Lost Everywhere. And Now They are in a Corner – California…
Opinion by “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen
Twenty-One (21) of California’s fifty-eight (58) Counties, so far, have had enough of 2017 Sacramento liberal Democrat nonsense, and have signed Official Declarations to remove themselves from the State of California and form a 51st State named Jefferson.
This isn’t just talk either – they are in the infrastructure planning details stages. Many more California Counties are looking to join them. You can see their reasons for exiting California here.
California is one of America’s best arguments for “It’s time that reasonable, honest, people take back the Democratic Party.”
Today, in California you can divide up liberal Democrats into two simple groups: leaders and followers. There is a third group forming; reformers, and they have a difficult uphill battle which, frankly, I think they are going to win. They are going to have to.
California is going to be the major battleground – and NOT just because twenty-one counties want out. Why? Because the Democratic Party leadership, rotten-to-the-core, forced this battle on NORMAL Californians. And now it is coming to Sacramento.
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Opinion by “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen
California leads the Nation in many things. Everybody knows the old adage “California is the trend setter. What starts there spreads across the nation…”
Hillary Clinton and Richard Pan
When the liberal Democrat “Empress” Hillary goon squads arrogantly shoved Senate Bill 277 (Mandatory Childhood Vaccinations) down California parent’s throats, not that long ago, the reaction in California grew to a fever pitch.
When the Democratic Party controlled California legislature blatantly ignored family groups, with vaccine damaged children in tow in Sacramento, closing down the legislature in their faces to celebrate “Gay Pride Day” they enraged not only California voters but a world-wide constituency on a visceral level. The US Democratic Party was revealed for what it really is, and what it has become – and its death at the Presidential Election 2016 began.
California was, once again, the leader. This time, in something that was VERY NECESSARY. Nationwide, the Donald Trump teams emerged. First WE took control of the Republican Presidential Primary. Then we took the Nation. Donald speaks for the people. Us.
And Donald Trump, on our behalf, listening to us (We, The People), Began To Address Issues…
There is no question that the 2017 Democratic Party has become the “The Party of HATE.” They OPENLY march in the streets screaming epithets against heterosexuality, families, anybody-who-voted-for-Trump, Seniors, people-who-have-jobs, people-who-smile-at-each-other, anyone-who-believes-in-a-God, anyone-who-believes-in-a-Judeo/Christian-ethic. Every move they make is to create hatred and dissention between races, sexes and ethnic groups.
And, none of it is working. Those promoting these negative ideas, like mainstream media, have lost America’s positive attention. It is only a matter of time before we, as a society, shut them down. Why?
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It must be difficult to realize that once you strode the Earth as the lords of creation, and now you are simply confined to a small few herds on an isolated island, awaiting your inevitable extinction.
Yes, that is what scientists reported in the March 2, 2017 issue of PLOS Genetics regarding the last few woolly mammoths who persisted on Wrangel Island until approximately 3,700 years ago must have endured.
But much the same could be said for the pro-vaccine forces in pharmacy and the media.
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Enough is enough… President Trump is right – Big Pharma is getting away with murder. It is time to stop it.
Anyone who watches US TV for even the shortest period of time has to notice the simple fact that Big Pharma completely controls the US media. That fact gives them monstrous power over the American people – and they use it.
“President Trump Vows to Bring Down Prescription Drug Costs – And AARP stands ready to pressure Congress to follow his lead…
That was great to hear because this is an issue that AARP knows is critically important to all Americans, but especially to the many people over 50 who depend on prescription drugs to keep them healthy and who’ve been devastated by the price increases we’ve seen in recent years.
Drug prices are out of control. Prices of brand-name prescription drugs increased almost 130 percent faster than inflation did in 2015 alone.
Advertising drives cost increases. According to Kantar Media, the drug industry spent $5.4 billion on ads in 2015. That’s a 19 percent increase over 2014 alone.
Americans depend on their prescriptions. A recent AARP survey found that 3 of 4 adults age 50+ regularly take at least one prescription medication, and over 8 in 10 take at least two drugs. More than half of seniors take four or more drugs.
High prices put an unfair burden on older Americans. The average cost of a year’s supply of a prescription drug more than doubled since 2006 to over $11,000 in 2013. That’s about three-fourths of the average Social Security retirement benefit, or almost half the median income of people on Medicare.
High drug prices raise costs for everyone. People with health coverage will pay higher health insurance premiums and deductibles.
Taxpayers foot the bill. Higher prescription drug spending also increases costs for programs such as Medicare and Medicaid; this translates into higher taxes, cuts to public programs or both.”
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The acceptance of the legality of Mandatory Government Sanctioned Vaccines became cemented in a landmark Supreme Court case, “Jacobson v. Massachusetts 197 u.s. 11 (1905)” … Or did it?
According to the Pro-Mandatory Vaccination side, the U.S. Government and Pharmaceutical companies are always able to solidly hang their hat on the 1905 Supreme Court Decision; “Jacobson v. Massachusetts,” as the sacrosanct, medically “scientific” rationale for forced vaccinations for the public “good” or “public health.”
The argument goes that the Government Enforcement of Mandatory Vaccines has already been established by the supreme law of the land, since 1905.
There is nothing that an individual can do, but roll up their sleeve and take the shot for the welfare of “public health.”
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When I woke up the day after the Presidential election, I could hardly breathe. I realized that for the first time in my adult life, I could dare hope that we would have REAL health care reform.
During the campaign, Donald Trump had repeatedly said that he thought vaccines caused autism. For me, US vaccination policy and laws are the most dangerous, most invasive and most oppressive (read un-American) part of our failing medical system. I’ll have a lot more to say about infectious disease policy in later articles, but for now, I want to focus on the implications of appointing Tom Price, MD, to the office of Secretary of Health and Human Services.
What is SO Important About the American Association of American Physicians (AAPS)?
When Dr. Price, an orthopedic surgeon, was confirmed by the Senate, headlines across America pointed out (gleefully and insultingly) that he was a member of some whacko medical group that fell far outside of mainstream medical thinking. Damn Right! This odd duck group actually believes some weird things like the idea that the doctor/patient relationship is a private one that government bureaucrats ought not be involved with.
The AAPS takes not one dime of money from Big Pharma for any reason whatsoever. That’s subversive, right there. They can’t be bought and are thus, way out of step with most of the rest of the medical industry. Even more heretical is that they routinely sue the government any time it looks like it might try to run doctors’ offices or interfere with the patients’ unalienable right to make medical decisions on their own without Hillary’s village horning in.
Now, this story is going to get REALLY interesting…
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Opinion by “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen
California, over the next few years, is going to be a battle-ground. Why? It is almost a communist State right now – completely at odds with an American perspective.
The corruption here, in California, is worse than anywhere else nationwide. It is legendary. Would it surprise you to find out that Senator Diane Feinstein’s husband got the contract for the first billion dollars for the government funded (so far) “Bullet Train?”
California Voter Fraud alone, is massive. Dead people and Illegal Aliens represent the biggest voting blocks – and, surprise, surprise, they all vote a straight Democratic Party ticket.
Trump is going to cut California’s funding to the bone. He is going to make an example out of Sanctuary Cities – and I absolutely agree.
There is no question that America awoke for General Election 2016 and wrested control of America away from the liberal Democrat Globalists.
We did that and more. We elected a man with an “America First” plan – Donald Trump, and he is proceeding with his campaign promises.
Amen, brother…
And, it just might be that we are much closer than we thought to solving California’s problems.
“I kind of break it up into three verticals of three buckets,”
Steve Bannon
The first is kind of national security and sovereignty and that’s your intelligence, the Defense Department, Homeland Security.
The second line of work is what I refer to as ‘economic nationalism’ and that is Wilbur Ross at Commerce, Steven Mnuchin at Treasury, (Robert) Lighthizer at Trade, (National Trade Council head) Peter Navarro, (adviser) Stephen Miller, these people that are rethinking how we’re gonna reconstruct our trade arrangements around the world.
The third, broadly, line of work is what is ‘deconstruction’ of the administrative state.”
There are still some defiant Globalist areas – the biggest of which is California.
Here, in California, we need to finish the job. And, it is NOT going to be as hard as we thought. Why? Trump, and his people are already on top of MANY of California’s significant issues. I will show you those issues below, and explain what has ALREADY STARTED.
It is time to act, with Trump, to shut down the globalist operations in California. Completely.
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All that Trump HATRED and MOCKERY, is scripted – and people like Jennifer Lopez, in her speech at the Grammys, have no choice but to play the role they are given – or their career is over.
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In that regard, the Number One, Numero Uno, #1 issue is vaccines.
Unless you have been living in a cave, you must know that there is a “battle royale” going on about how vaccines are the cause of autism, and more.
You will notice I didn’t say “IF.”
If you are still one of the millions of Americans who shudder with fear imagining a world without vaccines and all you see is death and destruction as the result, then this article is meant especially for you.
Know this…
There are four basic opinions about vaccines.
(1) Those who think they are God’s gift to mankind and everyone MUST take them, no exceptions.
(2) The second group also sees vaccines as miracle drugs but have the odd idea that we have an inherent right to make our own decisions about what we put in our bodies, and that that inherent right extends to the idea that parents are in charge of caring for their children – not some government bureaucrat running a village bypassing parental participation.
(3) The third group believes the jury is still out on vaccine safety and effectiveness.
(4) The fourth group, rarely mentioned, are those who aren’t sold on why people should resort to vaccinating at all because there are other time tested and proven ways of staving off epidemics and death from various diseases.
The discussion about vaccinations is so explosive, it is taboo to have a rational discussion in the media about them.
If something happens to hit the airwaves, like comments made by MDs Rand Paul and Ben Carson, who basically said they had issues with the schedule of children’s mandated shots, media commentators reminded their audiences that vaccines had been proven perfectly safe and these two doctors must be misinformed. In fact any discussion in public must start with “I believe in vaccinations, I vaccinated all my kids” just to get any traction at all.
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On November 8th, 2016 the people of the United States came out to their Voting Places to make change in the direction of their country.
Despite MASSIVE Democratic Party voter fraud they were able to elect Populist candidate Donald Trump – rejecting globalist Hillary Clinton.
Some estimates suggest that as many as twenty million dead people, nationwide, voted for Hillary Clinton giving new definition to the term “Absentee Ballot.”
In California, liberal Democrats, in a frenzy to keep control over their territory, and provide votes for Clinton, passed a law authorizing Driver’s Licenses to Illegal Aliens. All it takes to register to vote in California is a valid Drivers License. Some say that between five to ten million new Illegal Alien California voters entered the lists prior to the 2016 election process.
The words “Corruption” and “Democratic Party” are synonyms.
Enough is enough.
Sometimes Some Things Just Cannot Be Fixed…
We are, right now, for all practical purposes, a One-Party nation. The Democrats, in a swirl of negative reaction nationwide, have been significantly removed from Public Office.
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If you are of a certain age and were ever interested in politics you probably went through a stage where you read everything you possibly could about Senator Robert Kennedy. I know I did. I still do.
Robert Kennedy Sr.
The reason Robert Kennedy, Sr. continues to attract and inspire us is because he demonstrated a continuing capacity to learn. This was made clear to me in a recent book, Bobby Kennedy: The Making of a Liberal Icon by Larry Tye. Kennedy demonstrated that rare trait in a politician of being moved by the times and circumstances in which he lived.
Robert Kennedy Jr.
This same trait has been shown by his son, Robert Kennedy, Jr., in his crusade to clean up our waterways from mercury, and now with his greater mission of protecting children from massive corruption at the Centers for Disease Control regarding vaccines and autism.
Heroes still live among us.
Robert De Niro
You don’t have to be interested in politics to feel like you know Robert De Niro. You just have to be living on planet Earth. From the Godfather movies to Goodfellas, Awakenings, and his comedic turns in movies like Meet the Parents, De Niro is our consummate tough guy, and as the years have passed, he seems almost like a conscience for the world.
Supporting the two men in a ‘war room’ nearby were Del Bigtree, the producer of VAXXED: From Cover-up to Catastrophe, autism activist, Becky Estepp, Dr. Brian Hooker, Lynne Redwood, and many others. One participant, Jimmy said “Thank you, Bobby Kennedy. Thank you Bob De Niro, you are kicking some serious ass out there.”
These two amazing men have joined forces and at the National Press Club in Washington D.C.
Before their talk they fielded more than 20 interviews with local and national and local media.
In an interview prior to their talk at the National Press Club, De Niro explained how he came to be part of this project. He explained how the documentary VAXXED, caused such an uproar when it was accepted at the Tribeca Film Festival and that because of the controversy he made the decision to pull the film.
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Autism One is a nonprofit, parent-driven organization that provides education and supports advocacy efforts for children and families touched by an autism diagnosis. This year it is being held from May 24th through the 28th, 2017 at the Hotel Elegante in Colorado Springs, CO.
They hold a conference once a year and it has been almost a decade since I last spoke at one of them, but I have a hankering to speak again because after all these years, and all the real science that has come to the fore, we are no closer to preventing the so-called autism epidemic then we were a decade ago.
But we COULD be…
I was tied up, this year, on a million different projects, and I forgot to put my name in to be a speaker for the Autism One conference in time to get on the speaker list – so they have me on the back-up list, in case someone can’t make it. So I MIGHT see you there.
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All you really need to know is that the French aristocrats who lost their heads in the Revolution were unbelievably blind to the reasonable calls for reform and engaged in monumentally stupid acts which ensured their complete destruction.
It’s one thing to be on the losing side of a fight.
It’s another to know you’re losing.
The white majority in South Africa knew they were losing to Nelson Mandela’s call for justice and they took actions which averted a catastrophe. Even though the British ended up fighting a war with us, there were voices in England who thought that the whole affair was utter madness. Eventually, their views prevailed. Hell, even some Nazis could see where Hitler was leading them after D-Day and tried to change things by blowing him up.
But those Vaxxers, they’re an entire breed of STUPID unto themselves.
On the bonehead roll-call of history I think there are going to be two people topping the list, Peter Hotez, writing in The New York Times and Rachel Roberts writing for The Independent.
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The desperation in liberal Democrat leaders’ eyes, and actions, across the nation is awe inspiring. The Democrats have lost over a thousand State and Federal elected seats, nationwide, in the last few elections. Their Press Conferences are telling.
Americans are delivering a hard message. But the liberal Democrats are NOT listening YET. Much more needs to be done.
Maxine Waters, also from California, looked like she was on the edge of a heart attack in the same group.
It is FINALLY beginning to sink in to the Globalist/Elitist mind that there is a new sheriff in town, his name is Donald Trump, and he has 350 million Deputies – the people of America.
California, as I have mentioned before, is/was trying to become a microcosm of what the United States would have been under an “Empress” Hillary regime.
But reality looms.
The Trump Populists are beginning to eye Sacramento – and they are not coming to town to talk about how many genders there are…
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William Thompson didn’t just randomly pick up the telephone one day and call somebody about CDC troubles. He called Brian Hooker.
Why Hooker?
Brian Hooker PhD was well-known to the US Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). He had been pursuing information from them, one way or another, for years. He has a son with Autism and he wanted to know how that happened. And when he asked the CDC for specific information they blew him off.
Since Hooker is a research scientist, himself, he knew EXACTLY which questions to ask about the so-called CDC studies claiming to prove no relationship between Vaccines and Autism – and he didn’t like the CDC’s answers.
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I have to say I feel like I’m making a LOT of new friends.
Okay, so maybe they’re not the kind of friends I’m used to having, the kind where I can get together with them on a moment’s notice, go out and see a movie with, or maybe play a round of golf, but I consider them friends nonetheless.
One of my new good friends is Deirdre Imus, the multiple New York Times bestselling author, President and Founder of The Deirdre Imus Environmental Health Center at Hackensack University in New Jersey, wife of radio superstar, Don Imus, co-founder of the Imus Cattle Ranch for Kids (the only vegetarian cattle ranch for kids with cancer), and a regular guest on Imus in the Morning’s Blonde on Blonde and Psychos segment.
What has Deirdre Imus done recently to make herself my friend?
Well, she has made my recent book, INOCULATED: How Science Lost its Soul in Autism, a “recommended reading” for her Environmental Health Center. That’s quite an honor. I consider anybody who takes such an action to publicize the scandal regarding vaccines and autism at the Centers for Disease Control, as alleged by whistle-blower, Dr. William Thompson, to be one of my very best friends, even if I have never laid eyes on them.
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When I first stepped foot on Oklahoma soil, too long ago to admit, I found independent and self-reliant people much like Oklahoman Ron Howard depicted in his film “Far and Away.”
Opportunists, adventurers, outlaws, farmers, family people and dreamers, one and all. Some of these same Oklahoma Founding Fathers still lived in dugouts when 1906 rolled around and the Constitutional Convention to create Oklahoma took place.
The Saturday Evening Post correspondent described that the moment, “…. was not merely the birth of a new state, it was the birth of a new kind of state.” Post readers were treated to a rousing eyewitness account of the proceedings, starting when “Alfalfa” Bill Murray called the convention to order banging his gavel and yelling, “Delegates will take their seats, loafers and lobbyists will get out! We will begin by singing that grand old hymn, ‘Nearer, My God, to Thee.”
And so began the great experiment in populist democracy.
Oklahoma ended up with the longest state constitution in America. It established a corporation commission to keep big business in check, has a specific provision for homeschooling so that parents can protect their children from “government schools” and the power for voters to repeal any law they don’t like. They can even change the constitution if they want. The Constitution declared the inherent right for Oklahomans to run their own lives as they see fit and have the right to bear arms, never to be abridged, so that Okies can shoot people to protect their stuff and their lives not to mention using guns for civil order when called upon to do so.
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So many women, like me, are befuddled and embarrassed by the outrageous costumes and antics of women that participated in the “Women’s March.”
The message and point of the women’s march seemed to get lost in translation, if there was even a clear message at all…
Media Editorials cited in Wikipedia State:
“On January 4, 2017, columnist Shikha Dalmia called the protest “a feel-good exercise in search of a cause“.[133]
The New York Post Editorial Board asked if the event might be “cursed”, writing, “The three white feminists who thought up the idea felt obliged to change that title after they faced charges of ‘cultural appropriation'”.[134]
Us Magazine noted social media posts and a petition criticizing the march for having left Hillary Clinton’s name off a list of 27 honorees who “paved the way” for equal rights.[135]
The organizers’ decision to make Angela Davis a featured speaker was criticized from the right by Humberto Fontova[136] and National Review.[137] Libertarian journalist Cathy Young wrote that Davis’s “long record of support for political violence in the United States and the worst of human rights abusers abroad” undermined the march.[138]
I’m still trying to make sense of it all.
And, If That’s Not Bad Enough…
The day after President Donald Trump’s inauguration, so-called “Muslim feminist” Linda Sarsourascended the global stage at the “Women’s March on Washington.”
Muslim Feminist? Isn’t that is a contradiction in terms?
Although not as famous as other speakers — Madonna, Michael Moore, Gloria Steinem, Ashley Judd, Angela Davis, Van Jones — Sarsour is proving to be equally controversial.
Sarsour, a co-chair of the march, is a “Muslim feminist” and well-known Soros-funded activist in New York City, where she is Executive Director of the Arab American Association of New York (AAANY) and a director of the New York Immigration Coalition (NYIC), a radical migrant-refugee “rights” organization.
She is also, say critics, connected to jihadi terrorists, such as Hamas, Hezbollah, and ISIS, and she is a self-proclaimed advocate of Sharia law for America. – The New American
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For those who don’t know what TED talks are, TED (Technology, Entertainment and Design) is a nonprofit devoted to spreading ideas, often in the form of short, talks (18 minutes or less). TEDx talks are usually 9 minutes or less, but are independently run.
My Santa Fe PR person, helping me launch my book Incurable Me, nominated me to give a talk in Albuquerque, New Mexico on the “Future of Medicine” (February 16th, 2017) to help answer the question…
“What if New Mexico was the best place to practice medicine?”
An interesting question because New Mexico is ranked the #1 worst place to practice medicine by a 2016 Medscape survey. Given that
the local sponsors were the University of New Mexico Health Science Center (UNM-HSC) and Presbyterian Healthcare Services I was pleasantly surprised that I had been selected to speak.
At one point in my career (as a New Mexico physician), I had been on the adjunct clinical faculty at UNM-HSC, but my appointment was not renewed soon after my attempts to get the NM Board of Pharmacy to scrutinize the legality of injecting the mercury preservative Thimerosal in vaccines into citizens violating the State’s Drug Act. There were a few provisions in the Act about banning adulterants that have no safety testing, but the Board of Pharmacy didn’t have the backbone to enforce the law.
At Odds…
I was always at logger heads with the medical directors (gate-keepers) at Presbyterian, because they would frequently deny my patients coverage for hyperbaric oxygen therapy and we would always meet up at various appeal hearings. They must have spent 1000 times more in legal fees than what my patients requested in reimbursement. But to them “off-label” Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) was on their list of things they could deny and so they did so regardless of the circumstances, regardless of the cost to the patient, and regardless that it helped our mutual patients.
I treated a man 9 months out from a carbon monoxide exposure and he made stellar improvements in his functionality.
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I’ve handed out somewhere in the neighborhood of twenty copies of the DVD, “VAXXED: From Cover-up to Catastrophe,” the fine documentary by Dr. Andrew Wakefield, Del Bigtree, and Polly Tommey, about the allegations of CDC whistle-blower, Dr. William Thompson, and the allegation of a cover-up of research linking the MMR (measles, mumps and rubella) vaccine to autism.
Usually this follows a predictable pattern, with me feeling like I’ve essentially thrown another DVD down the black hole of societal indifference. But sometimes I’m surprised.
The Subtle Change…
This last week, one teacher (I’ll call her Darcy*) I’d given it to, returned it to me with a short note that simply said, “WOW!” After school ended that day I called Darcy and said I wanted to know more. She briefly told me she thought it was powerful, but then said she had to rush off, and we’d find some time later to talk about it.
The next day I stopped by her room and she had more time for me. “Yeah, I thought it was really well-done,” she said, then proceeded to ask me some questions, such as whether I thought the issue would be fixed by breaking up the MMR shot into its individual components, or whether I thought that vaccines should be avoided entirely.
They were wonderful questions, and I struggled to answer them. I confessed that a lot of my answers had a great deal of vagueness to them, but it wasn’t due to my lack of consideration of the issue. The problem was the lack of good science done by our public health agencies.
I said that I believed breaking up the MMR vaccines into its individual components was SAFER, but couldn’t say it was SAFE. As to the vaccine program itself, if you believe the authorities have lied about one portion of it, what makes you believe the rest of it has any validity? It’s a little like saying you trust that drunk driver who smashed up his car with your kid in it on last Saturday, because it’s Monday, and he says he’s only a weekend drinker.
When it comes to the safety of children, I’m going to have to have a little more information than has presently been provided. I told her I had a simple answer. Get rid of the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986, throw ALL the vaccines back into the regular civil justice system, then let the attorneys work on these cases for the next five years, and take another look. Our justice system can handle vaccines fine. The vaccines just need to be in the regular civil justice system, and not in the abomination called “Vaccine Court.”
It was then that our conversation took a deeper turn. Darcy said, “Everything in that documentary is just like what happened to my nephew.”
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