“Wuhan” – Another “Bhopal” On An Enormous Scale, or Genocide?

Sherlock Holmes said: Only a solution which includes ALL of the facts can be true.”

From Europe By Karma Singh

Unless you’re from Bhopal, India or have other good reasons to remember it, you’ll probably have to do an online search for the details. In short, years ago, some chemical plant in Bhopal, India sort of exploded and pumped several tons of poisonous gas into the town. Many thousands died. 600,000 people were affected.  From The Atlantic…

“Bhopal: The World’s Worst Industrial Disaster, 30 Years Later”

Bhopal – Thirty years ago, on the night of December 2, 1984, an accident at the Union Carbide pesticide plant in Bhopal, India, released at least 30 tons of a highly toxic gas called methyl isocyanate, as well as a number of other poisonous gases. The pesticide plant was surrounded by shanty towns, leading to more than 600,000 people being exposed to the deadly gas cloud that night. The gases stayed low to the ground, causing victims throats and eyes to burn, inducing nausea, and many deaths. Estimates of the death toll vary from as few as 3,800 to as many as 16,000, but government figures now refer to an estimate of 15,000 killed over the years. Toxic material remains, and 30 years later, many of those who were exposed to the gas have given birth to physically and mentally disabled children. For decades, survivors have been fighting to have the site cleaned up, but they say the efforts were slowed when Michigan-based Dow Chemical took over Union Carbide in 2001. Human rights groups say that thousands of tons of hazardous waste remain buried underground, and the government has conceded the area is contaminated. There has, however, been no long-term epidemiological research which conclusively proves that birth defects are directly related to the drinking of the contaminated water.

I don’t recall what excuse the company running it tried out but (then anyway) India had an open government and the truth quickly came to light.

China, with its all-out economic growth and total disregard for public health and safety…

…has at least allowed, if not directly encouraged, manufacturers to pump enormous volumes of toxic chemical wastes into the air and water.  Because no-one is even allowed, let alone employed, to examine this chemical cocktail in the city’s air and water, no-one knows what deadly combinations are whistling along the streets of Wuhan.

Let us take, first, the verified facts and reports known to us:-

Continue reading “Wuhan” – Another “Bhopal” On An Enormous Scale, or Genocide?

A “Dilbert” View of the Corona Virus…

It’s tough being a “conspiracy theorist” these days…

By Kent Heckenlively, JD

…because there are facts you just don’t see coming.  Are we inching back towards a free and independent press because the lies are just becoming so obvious?

I may need to find another hobby.  Maybe I’ll take up cartooning like Scott Adams and his Dilbert cartoon which lampooned stupid decision making in corporate America.  My cartoon strip would cover stupid decisions in science.

First, there’s a virus outbreak in the Chinese city of Wuhan and the government says, “Hey, it seems like it came from a live animal market in the city.”  My bullshit meter immediately started blaring at the highest decibel level possible and I waited for additional facts.

Second, I read there’s a level 4 bio-safety lab located a couple hundred yards from this market and by “coincidence” I find out they were studying corona viruses, and with the same type of bats that are reservoirs of this virus.  And also, the native populations of that bat are found more than five hundred miles away from Wuhan.

Third, the press goes crazy with asking whether this was a planned “bio-weapons” release and I’m thinking, well, maybe, but you don’t have to go that far.  It could have just as easily have been an accidental release.  I understand there’s a strong argument that this was planned to quell Hong Kong dissent and do some other things that might play into the hands of Big Pharma.

While I don’t have enough evidence…

Continue reading A “Dilbert” View of the Corona Virus…

Trump SHOCKS China/Big Pharma Conspiracy With His Handling of The CoronaVirus Scam…

California’s Senator Richard Pan Is Probably Already In Diarrhea Mode…

Trump Has No Intention Of Making Vaccines Mandatory…

Opinion By “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

If you are one of those people that have NOT figured out the relationship between Mainland Communist China, Big Pharma, The “Progressives” of the US Democratic Party (especially California), and the Deep State’s “Public Health” corruption, then you have been living under a rock.

But don’t worry – for the Trump Administration has it figured out, and so have the Republicans in Congress, and the Conservative American media.

All hell is about to break loose…

Already, the financial relationships between the US liberal “fake news” media and China are being revealed – and it ain’t pretty.  Check out this story below, and watch the short video in it, about China and the liberal media flagship “Politico.”  Similar stories are appearing about the financial relationships between China, the New York Times and the Washington Post, and California Employees’ Retirement fund.

Tucker Carlson: Politico is one of the reasons sucking up to China is normal in Washington

It is all part of a much larger story – about who is really controlling the so-called US liberal elite.  Watch the Tucker Carlson video below.  Pay close attention to the part about California…

There is no question about who it was that set up and controlled the “fake impeachment” of our President…

Continue reading Trump SHOCKS China/Big Pharma Conspiracy With His Handling of The CoronaVirus Scam…

China’s “Karma” and Karma’s Solution…

The CoronaVirus Scam Is/Was All About Trying To Implement Mandatory Vaccines For Everyone…

From Europe By Karma Singh

One of the laws of physics states that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. So when the jet engine on the aeroplane you’re riding pushes hot air backward, your ‘plane goes forwards. If you think about it a little, you will see this law at work in many aspects of your life, including walking.

What is much less clear, largely because it has been obscured by the major religions when they changed from channels of spiritual teachings to political organisations, is that this same law applied to human thoughts, emotions and actions.

The pharmaceutical cartel, as it took over the legacy of the church, obfuscated this even more and denies even the possibility that your thoughts can have effects upon your body and your life, claiming that consciousness is nothing more than a temporary aberration of your genes.

Modern science, especially Epigenetics and Quantum Biophysics, shows this to be completely untrue which is why conventional medicine is the only branch of “science” which utterly rejects modern knowledge and continues to be based upon a (this year) 333 year old disproven hypothesis. Accepting modern scientific knowledge would inevitably lead to the dissolution of the pharmaceutical industry.

Knowing this…

Continue reading China’s “Karma” and Karma’s Solution…

Why Coronavirus?

From Europe By Karma Singh

Firstly, there are three things that we need to bear in mind when reviewing this:

1) The symptoms are indistinguishable from normal ‘flu or a heavy cold and, just as with these two, well-known detoxification processes, most recover fully within a few days and are cleaner, healthier and slightly younger. See “The ‘Flu Fairy Tale” for a very detailed explanation of this.

2) The present “death toll” as of Monday 10th February is reported to be 1016 in the entire Chinese territory and none elsewhere. When we bear in mind that the death rate from ‘flu in China for 2017 was just over 68,000 (later figures not available) and we’re now at the height of the annual ‘flu season, this number can only be viewed as very encouragingly small since the first cases of this “novel” ‘flu were recorded in mid-December last year.

This said, however, it now appears that the deaths reported were from pneumonia…

Continue reading Why Coronavirus?

The Corona Virus and the PLAGUE OF CORRUPTION – “Boy, Do I Hate Being Right All the Time!”

By Kent Heckenlively, JD

It’s one of the great classic lines from the movie, Jurassic Park, and it’s uttered by my favorite character, Ian Malcolm, (Jeff Goldblum) the brilliant, snarky chaos theoretician as they discuss whether it’s a good idea to resurrect dinosaurs from ancient DNA.

Malcolm is against the idea, arguing that the idea of containing these creatures is a fantasy, saying, “Life breaks free. Life expands to new territories. Painfully, perhaps even dangerously. But life finds a way.”

Later in the day, the tour endures some technical glitches, and during a storm the T-Rex breaks out of its enclosure.  As Malcolm watches the giant beast lumber towards a car with a young boy and girl trapped inside, he says, “Boy, do I hate being right all the time.”

I’ve been feeling a lot like Ian Malcolm these days as I’ve watched the coverage of the Corona virus from China.

The first thing I’d like to say is I consider this virus about as terrifying as a T-Rex, maybe an Allosaurus.

For those who claim I’m always praising President Trump, let me say this: I have NO idea why he did not IMMEDIATELY shut down all air travel from China, and put ALL Americans returning from China into a fourteen day quarantine.

I do think the situation will contain itself in the United States, but there could be some unnecessary deaths.  I consider Trump’s failure to move quickly as perhaps the biggest mistake of his presidency.

Now that I’ve made that clear, I want to get into my main point.  I believe I am possibly the only person making this claim.


Continue reading The Corona Virus and the PLAGUE OF CORRUPTION – “Boy, Do I Hate Being Right All the Time!”

Can The “Anti-Vaxxer” Movement Defeat California’s Senator Richard Pan? Yes, They Certainly Can…

As we Judeo/Christians Always Say:  “Understanding the Problem is Half Way to Solution…”

Opinion By “Deplorable Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

Part Four of the BolenReport’s “California is Ground Zero series…

I am watching the “Anti-Vaxxer” Movement operate all across America and I am very pleased.  I am seeing stumbling, bumbling, fall-down-and start-over, groups and mini-groups, look carefully at what is going on in US healthcare, get up once again, and go forward with a brand new attack, inching incrementally towards victory, teaching themselves, and their others, how to defeat what HAD appeared to be an insurmountable enemy.

I sit here like a proud parent of an infant, watching the determination of that youngster, dirty diapers and all, teaching itself the coordination to walk, embedding the moves necessary to operate into their psyche.  With their eye on where they are going.

I am watching the evolution of a brand new, up-to-date, Health Freedom Movement…

I am impressed.  This one is going to be bigger than the last one, and its opportunities to affect change are almost endless.  Currently called the “Anti-Vaxxer” Movement it is anything but something that simple.  It is a true Health Freedom Movement and it is headed for immense success…

California is the key battleground.  Why?  For several reasons, the primary of which, is the simple fact that it was the emerging “Anti-Vaxxer” Movement’s first big DEFEAT.  Not only a major DEFEAT, but a resounding walloping.  From that walloping grew a national, and international, anger, and a switch in the way the emerging “Anti-Vaxxer” Movement operated.

California’s SB 277 (Mandatory vaccinations for children) is, I think, going to go down in history as the catalyst that began the destruction of the globalist Big Pharma/China conglomerate…

Continue reading Can The “Anti-Vaxxer” Movement Defeat California’s Senator Richard Pan? Yes, They Certainly Can…

Coronavirus Pharmaceuticus Con-job-icus…

Gosh!  What a Surprise!  Another Pandemic That Big Pharma/China Wants Two Hundred Trillion Dollars From The US to Develop A Vaccine For (Sarcasm intended)…

From Europe – Opinion By Karma Singh

As we “celebrate” the 102nd birthday of the “Spanish ‘Flu” which wasn’t ‘flu but something very different, we are told yet another fairy tale (hence con-job-icus) of a mass-epidemic which is going to threaten millions.

Firstly, however, let us clear up the story of “Spanish Flu”.

As you will see in this video from Dr. Bergman, the Spanish ‘Flu wasn’t ‘flu at all!

What actually happened was that the vaccine manufacturers found themselves with millions of shots in store with no soldiers to give them to and so they started a propaganda campaign saying that the soldiers returning home will be carrying all manner of diseases with them and so everyone must get vaccinated or the soldiers will make them ill.

Everyone (except the Greeks) said, “Yea, what a brilliant idea.” People queued up to get multiple shots with the result that somewhere between 20 and 30 million people died – not of the ‘flu but of typhus, bubonic plague, smallpox, diphtheria and a host of other diseases which were contained within the so-called vaccines.

The hypothesis under which vaccines are sold is that if you inject a weakened form of a virus into your body it will then create antibodies to it so that, if you come into contact with the wild virus, you will already have the antibodies and will not get ill.

The two problems are that the hypothesis is, scientifically speaking, purest nonsense and that it simply doesn’t work.

Where vaccines have any effect at all it is to spread disease!

All epidemiological studies show this to be the only discernible effect. As I explain in my book, “Tyrannosaurus Pharmaceuticus R.I.P.” if you know how human immunity actually functions, this is precisely the effect that you would expect.

Currently, the Philippines are undergoing a massive polio outbreak. They didn’t actually have a polio problem until a genius pharmaceutical salesman sold a shipload of old vaccines to them to “prevent polio”.

The result was a massive upswing in polio cases so, what did they do? They sold them another two shiploads of vaccines to “contain the outbreak” with the result that they now have an almost raging polio epidemic – all caused by vaccines. Dr. Salk who was on the team that invented the polio vaccine has stated that all polio cases since 1964 have been caused by the vaccine.

There are not only many statistics and graphs in my book showing this to be the case but also a link to a “hidden” website where you can access many more.

Ask at a vaccine manufacturer for evidence that vaccination works – any manufacturer at all – and you will get a run-around, meaningless platitudes like “Everyone knows that they work” or, “It’s unethical to carry out comparison trials because this would mean that one group would be denied the obvious benefits of vaccination”. Two years ago now, the American Academy of Pediatrics (a pharmaceutical front organisation) declared that, “No proof is needed; a general belief that they work is all that is required”.

So much for science in the pharmaceutical sickness industry.

Continue reading Coronavirus Pharmaceuticus Con-job-icus…

How Richard Pan Is Manipulating The California Medical Board To Destroy The 130 “Vaccine Medical Exemption” Doctors…

They Failed to Kneel In His Presence…

Part Three of the BolenReport’s “California is Ground Zero” series…

Opinion by “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

We, as Americans, have been too comfortable in our existence for far too long.

We assume that the basis for our lives, the US Bill of Rights and the US Constitution, documents based on Judeo/Christian values, are the law of the land.  Why?  Because, in the US, that’s our basic philosophy.  What we fail to remember is that other parts of the world see things differently.

Much differently…

One of the strangest things I have seen develop in California (and LOTS of strange things happen here) is the simple fact that the California political structure, overwhelmingly “Progressive Democrat,” not only ALLOWED, but strongly developed a Chinese Communist value structure for its statewide health care system.  That development is personified in State Senator Richard Pan.

There is nothing “American” about Richard Pan’s thinking…

Of course the idea of “Mandatory Vaccines” for children flies in the face of Judeo/Christian values.  47 American States took this very view when they were forced by Big Pharma’s cash-heavy minions to politically examine this issue – and very loudly proclaimed not only “NO”, but “Hell No” to the idea of damaging their valuable children in this way.

It is obvious that if Richard Pan had his way EVERY Californian would be subjected to “Freeway Closures” where all citizens would be funneled through “Inspection Points,” with “papers” demanded, and if you didn’t have written evidence with you of compliance to a CDC vaccine schedule, you’d be dragged out of your vehicle, thrown on the ground, and vaccinated with EVERY Made-in-China vaccine Dicky could think of.  Right then.

Think not?  Think again.  Richard Pan is NOT from a Judeo/Christian background like most Americans.  He’s Chinese.  Let me give you some specific example of what, exactly, that means.

There is a BIG difference in the “value of life” between China and the US…

I am going to give you five examples.

Continue reading How Richard Pan Is Manipulating The California Medical Board To Destroy The 130 “Vaccine Medical Exemption” Doctors…

“The Fix Is In” – 130 California Doctors Are Going To Be Disciplined For Writing Vaccine Medical Exemptions Richard Pan Doesn’t Like…

There Is Absolutely No Hope, in California, For Right Thinking Doctors. Their Lives Are Over…

Here’s How Pan is Going To “GET” Them…

Part Two of the BolenReport’s “California is Ground Zero” series…

Opinion By “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

To understand what is actually going on in California one has to step back and look at geopolitics and California’s place in the world.

Let’s look at the connections between Hillary Clinton, Mainland China, and Big Pharma…

Then we need to consider that California, had Hillary been elected, would have been the model for the entire United States.

Hillary, China, and Big Pharma…

(1)  On October 6th, 2016 I wrote the article below. 

Hillary Clinton PERSONALLY Arranged For Chinese Vaccine Manufacturers to Avoid US Government Scrutiny…

(2)  Then we go to this:

On May 18th, 2018 US News and World Report wrote a very lengthy article titled “China’s Lock On Drugs.”  The articles subtitle says it all:

“The Asian giant’s control of world’s essential drugs complicates U.S. desire to seek new trade deal.”

Continue reading “The Fix Is In” – 130 California Doctors Are Going To Be Disciplined For Writing Vaccine Medical Exemptions Richard Pan Doesn’t Like…

Mass Arrests in Hamburg, Germany as Fraud and Bribery in Cancer Therapy Disclosed…

The “Reality” Of “Big Pharma” Being Exposed, Worldwide…

From Germany – Opinion By Karma Singh

Following reports to the police by investigative journalists, on Tuesday 17th December 2019, 420 police and six state attorneys began searches of the premises of the pharmaceutical manufacturer, ZytoService in Hamburg as well as 47 other premises, including private houses, medical practises, pharmacies and one hospital.

This concerns the drugs for cancer “therapies” manufactured by ZytoService.

Because of the nature of these drugs, they can only be issued and administered by specialised pharmacies which, of course, creates a monopoly situation. It is this which ZytoService, according to police, used to defraud cancer sufferers in the Hamburg city area of an estimated 8.6 million Euros (approx. $9.5 million) since January 2017.

Many medical doctors received bribes, free “loans” and other expensive kickbacks for prescribing the ZytoService drugs rather than equivalents which are much, much cheaper.

Of course, it wasn’t the patients themselves who paid for the drugs but their medical insurers. As each treatment can cost up to 100,000 Euros ($111,000) this, of course, has an effect upon everyone else’s insurance premiums which, in Germany, are compulsory.

Such cancer treatments are known in the industry as “pharma gold” because an almost monopoly situation enables the unscrupulous to charge prices which may well be many hundreds of times their production costs.

How many of these $111,000 treatments a typical cancer sufferer will receive before they die is, at present, unknown to me. What is very obvious is that the $50,000 reported in my last article as being the typical “fee” per cancer death in 2006 has suffered a case of massive inflation:

Small wonder then that the pharma-cartel puts so much effort into and spends so much money on suppressing effective cancer therapies.

Continue reading Mass Arrests in Hamburg, Germany as Fraud and Bribery in Cancer Therapy Disclosed…

Why Are The Democrats So Eager To Damage America’s Children?

Millions of Parents Of Vaccine-Damaged Children Want To Know…

Opinion By “Deplorable, Smelly, WalMart Shopper” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

We live in interesting times…

The valiant “Anti-Vaxxer” community, operating across Planet Earth, dedicated to saving humanity from the clutches of the Big Pharma globalist conspiracy, smashing their way through Big Pharma’s propaganda machinations, have made, and proven, something very important…

Big Pharma OWNS the US Democratic Party outright…

Heroic “Anti-Vaxxers” throwing themselves against Big Pharma’s social and political barricades, have driven Pharma stooges to desperation – We have forced them to come out in the open, and the smell is/was as expected.

We forced them to play the cards we wanted them to play right here, and right now – Pharma tried the “Mandatory Vaccine” gambit, hoping against hope that by implementing “Mandatory Vaccines” where they completely control the dialogue (or where they THOUGHT they controlled it) they could reverse the massive “Anti-Vaxxer” worldwide gains.  But…

The “Blue Pill” failed to give them the political erection they needed…

There is no question that the now completely Socialist/Marxist, US Democratic Party is on the ropes.

They should be – for they offer NOTHING to the American public except HATRED for normal Americans.  The idea that we, the NORMAL Americans, would vote for, and install in office, a President (Donald Trump) that ACTUALLY LISTENS to our American needs, and ACTS on our concerns, drives these Socialist/Marxists right up the wall.  To them we are all supposed to be OBEDIENT…

Big Pharma, and their wholly owned US Democratic Party have been stopped TWICE now in their, what they thought, were their bastions of liberalism, in their efforts towards national “Mandatory Vaccines…”

Continue reading Why Are The Democrats So Eager To Damage America’s Children?

Now That We Have Ended The “Impeachment Hoax” Let’s Get Back to Destroying Big Pharma…

Yes, The Democrats Were Doing EXACTLY What Big Pharma Told Them To Do – But NONE Of It Worked…

By “Deplorable, Smelly, Walmart Shopper” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

In 1843 Author Ralph Waldo Emerson wrote in his journal “Never strike a king unless you are sure you shall kill him.”   The Democrats tried, with a fake “Impeachment” hoax, to destroy our President Trump, ending his/our efforts to save America.

Revenge is going to be sweet…

Continue reading Now That We Have Ended The “Impeachment Hoax” Let’s Get Back to Destroying Big Pharma…

From the Makers of “Russiagate” – the Sequal – The “Ukrainian Whistle-Blower”…

It is Getting Hard To Tell The Difference Between The Democratic Party and “Saturday Night Live…”

From Europe By Karma Singh

Act I:  Scene 1 (Russiagate):

The plot is hatched. An anonymous “administration official”, acting upon information received from a highly disreputable source paid by the Democratic Party, alleges That President Trump received widespread support from Russia to win the election and that his election is, therefore, null and void.

Scene 1 (The Ukraine Whistle-blower):

The plot is hatched. An anonymous “administration official”, acting upon hearsay information from undisclosed sources hires a team of lawyers dedicated to removing President Trump from office. This team of lawyers then write for him a whistle-blower complaint alleging that President Trump demanded that the new Ukrainian president launch an investigation into the employers of Hunter Biden (the son of the then Democrat front-runner for the 2020 presidential election) upon pain of US aid to Ukraine being suspended.

Scene 2 (both dramas):

The main stream press – owned largely by the major financial backers of the Democratic Party – takes up the allegation and presents it as an already proven fact whilst rejecting any attempt at investigative journalism to ascertain whether there is any substance to it.

Scene 3 (both dramas):

Using the paid-for publicity in the main stream press, Democrat politicians demand a formal investigation into the allegation with the declared intent of using them to remove President Trump from office by impeachment for “High Crimes and Misdemeanours”

Act II:  Scene 1 (Russiagate):

Democrats in Congress force the appointment of an official investigator (a former FBI top man with known close association with organised crime) to find the evidence which would enable the impeachment of President Trump.

Scene 1 (The Ukraine Whistle-blower):

Continue reading From the Makers of “Russiagate” – the Sequal – The “Ukrainian Whistle-Blower”…

Kent Interviews – Director of VAXXED II, Brian Burrowes…

A Canadian in the Fight…

By Kent Heckenlively, JD

Vaxxed II Director Brian Burrowes grew up in Eastern Canada, not far from where my own lovely wife grew up.  I’ve always said Canadians are the nicest people in the world.  And yet, I’ve noticed these polite, well-mannered individuals are often among the most fearless people you’re ever likely to encounter.

Case in point is my own lovely wife, marrying a mostly Sicilian man (on my mother’s side), and being the greatest partner I could ever ask for in this fight for the future, regarding vaccines.

Brian was also the editor of the first VAXXED movie, although during that effort he stayed mostly in the background.  I told him I’m always appreciative of  “civilians” who enter our movement, not having any vaccine-injured children themselves.

Prior to the interview I informed Brian I wanted to find out about how the VAXXED II effort is going, address some controversies which have come up, and address where we might be going in the future. On the issue of controversies, I specifically asked him to read my recent 10,000 word interview with Dr. Shiva Ayyudarai, who had expressed sharp opinions about the VAXXED movies and team.

Here is our conversation: (About 2,000 words, lightly edited for clarity.)

Continue reading Kent Interviews – Director of VAXXED II, Brian Burrowes…

Will Merkel and all her “Friends” soon be arrested as War Criminals?

From Germany by Karma Singh

This is a possible effect of the new “law” passed in the German Bundestag last Thursday, 14th November 2019 imposing compulsory vaccination upon all children, and many adults, in Germany.

As the Federal Republic of Germany is not a state but an “Occupied Territory,” it doesn’t have a constitution but instead a “Basic Law” granted by the occupying powers of France, UK, USA and Russia. Article 2 of that Basic Law is used to specifically forbid such legislation but Merkel had that article amended a little while ago. Article 4 still does forbid such a law but not in the general sense that article 2 used to.

With that, Merkel and her bosses in the pharmaceutical industry (the reconstituted IG Farbenindustrie which used to give Adolf Hitler his orders) thought that they would be home free but they overlooked a little matter.

At the Nurnberg War Crimes Tribunal, a code of medical ethics arising out of the medical experiments carried out in the concentration camps by IG Farbenindustrie was promulgated. This code specifically forbids medical experimentation without informed consent. No country has ever incorporated this code into law (according to Wikipedia, anyway) and so it cannot form the basis of a legal challenge to Merkel’s compulsory vaccination “law”.


Continue reading Will Merkel and all her “Friends” soon be arrested as War Criminals?

Dr. Shiva, Scott Adams, and “VAXXED II…”

By Kent Heckenlively, J.D.

I have a confession.  I’m a complete fanboy when it comes to really smart people.

That’s why I start every day listening to the Scott Adams podcast.  He says interesting things and occasionally interviews really smart people.

Recently he had on Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, the inventor of email, four degrees from MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), founder of several companies, and a candidate for the U.S. Senate from Massachusetts.

Dr. Shiva gave a master class to Scott Adams on vaccines and I was astonished.  I have never heard a more informed discussion by a major public figure.  To his credit, Adams asked all the right questions.  It was fascinating to watch Adams confront some of the glaring contradictions of the vaccine program in real time, rather than just brush them off.

I reached out to Dr. Shiva’s campaign for an interview and he generously agreed.

The first time we tried to speak Dr. Shiva was running late from another call, and we really didn’t get much of a chance to talk.  Despite several calls, we were not able to reschedule.  I figured it was a lost cause.

The next time I heard about Dr. Shiva, it was because there had been something of a dust-up with the VAXXED II team, when they asked him to remove a video of him speaking about the film in the AMC theater where the film had earlier been shown.  I’d heard varying accounts of what had happened, but genuinely did not know which details were correct.  (As an attorney I’d learned long ago to withhold a strong opinion until you can directly ask the people involved.)

Dr. Shiva objected strongly to the request, citing the need to avoid any type of censorship.

Continue reading Dr. Shiva, Scott Adams, and “VAXXED II…”

Berlin Does a California…

More “Globalist” World Domination Attempts…

From Germany By Karma Singh

Yesterday, 14th November 2019, the banker/pharma-controlled parties in the German Bundestag (German Parliament), under their various flags, unanimously voted to severely harm the German people for the sake of making money.  They voted to force mandatory “measles” vaccinations on Germany’s entire 83,617,517 population.

As anyone can read in the Basic Law of the Federal Republic of Germany, every member of the German parliament commits themself to act for the benefit of the German people and to protect them from harm. Not one of them could truthfully claim not to know how harmful and how useless “vaccination” is. Despite this, all of the member of those parties in Parliament voted to impose compulsory vaccination “against” measles upon the German people.

It must, at this juncture, be made clear that the only party in the Bundestag (the German Parliament) which is not property of the bankers is the AfD. Their members voted, in accord with the law, unanimously against compulsory vaccination. It is very well known that the AfD has a strong preference for truth and science which is not shared by the CDU, CSU, SPD, FDP, Greens, etc.. It is for this reason that the banker parties are under orders never to co-operate with the AfD and, contrary to law, never to build a coalition government with them.

Now, why has “measles” been chosen as the first compulsory vaccination when there are other much more serious “illnesses” which need to be dealt with?

Continue reading Berlin Does a California…

Robert F. Kennedy. Jr. – EXCLUSIVE!!! Excerpt from his Foreword to PLAGUE OF CORRUPTION

By Kent Heckenlively, JD

With the permission of Robert F. Kennedy. Jr., I’ve been authorized to allow you a sneak peek at his Foreword to my new book with Dr. Judy Mikovits, PLAGUE OF CORRUPTION.

I’d like to encourage all my readers to begin regularly using the expression, “plague of corruption,” to refer to the outright bribery by the pharmaceutical companies of our democracy, our media, and our scientific community.

Moral Courage and Our Common Future
By Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

“And yet, it moves!” Galileo whispered those defiant words in 1615 as he left the Roman Inquisition tribunal before which he repudiated his theory that the earth—the immovable center of the Universe according to contemporary orthodoxy—revolves around the sun. Had he not recanted; his life was forfeit.

We like to think of Galileo’s struggles as the quaint artifact of a dark, ignorant, and tyrannical era where individuals challenged government-anointed superstitions only at grave personal risk. Dr. Judy Mikovits’ story shows that stubborn orthodoxies anointed by Pharmaceutical companies and corrupt government regulators to protect power and profits remain a dominant force in science and politics.

By any standard, Dr. Judy Mikovits was among the most skilled scientists of her generation. She entered professional science from the University of Virginia with a B.A. degree in Chemistry on June 10, 1980 as a protein chemist for the National Cancer Institute (NCI) working on a life-saving project to purify interferon. Continue reading Robert F. Kennedy. Jr. – EXCLUSIVE!!! Excerpt from his Foreword to PLAGUE OF CORRUPTION

Mandatory Vaccines, Climate Change, Open Borders, Gun Seizures, Impeachment Of The President – All Part Of The New World Order’s Enforced “Population Reduction…”

America Is The Agenda 21 “Elite’s” Number One Target…

And, They ALMOST Won…

Opinion By “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

Let’s put all of the cards on the table – Vaccines are the “Elite’s” primary tool used to modify people so as to accept the craziness of world government. Got that?

Most Americans have figured out that had we elected “Hillary” as President that, by now, most Americans, adults and children, would have been forcibly yanked out of their homes and/or vehicles, thrown on the ground, and vaccinated with the full compliment of CDC recommended vaccines (74 for children, 92 for adults).  She’d be using UN troops (probably Chinese) to get that done.

After all, the “elites” would surmise, “why not make the whole US population as dingy, and useless, as the over-vaccinated millennials?” 

See the short, humorous, but very-true video below to see what I mean.

Frankly, You have to be “Over-Vaccinated” to accept the “Climate-Change” story as real…

…or the idea that “Open Borders” letting in millions, if not billions, of Planet Earth’s ignorant unwashed poor, to overload our system, is a good idea.

…or the idea that we should, like Europe did, let in ANGRY young Muslim males to the equivalent of 5.5% of our population (16,500,000) who will NEVER assimilate.

…or that we should give up our carefully designed and implemented electrical grid, and force everyone to have a wind turbine, chopping up birds, in their front yard.

…or that we should give up our coal, gas, and oil based system, grounding all airplanes, cars, trucks, trains, motorcycles, scooters, lawnmowers, chain saws, road graders, heating systems, you-name-it…

…or the idea that Americans should have their guns taken away from them..

Vaccinations are playing an important role in the “Elite’s” world domination game…

Continue reading Mandatory Vaccines, Climate Change, Open Borders, Gun Seizures, Impeachment Of The President – All Part Of The New World Order’s Enforced “Population Reduction…”