I’ve been wondering recently whether the “Mad-Vaxxers” and pharma shills realize they’re losing control of the argument. There’s something NEW in the way they’re talking these days, and I want to know if you see it in the same way I do.
This is from the Joe Rogan podcast of March 11, 2019 when he interviewed Dr. Peter Hotez, who looks like he’s taken over the Iron Throne of Vaccines from Dr. Paul Offit.
Hotez: Let’s be clear, The anti-vaccine lobby owns the internet.
Rogan: What does that mean?
Hotez: They’ve got by some measures, five hundred anti-vaccine websites. So every time you put the word ‘vaccine’ into a search engine, whether it’s Yahoo or Google, you’re going to get anti-vaccine information. That’s number one. Second, we know it’s amplified by social media, like Facebook and other forms of social media. Third, look at the Amazon site. My book, the good news is it’s the highest rated pro-vaccine book on Amazon. The bad news is it’s ranked about twenty because there are nineteen other phony-baloney anti-vaccine books.
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In a desperate push to sell all of their so called “vaccines”before the use-by date, the pharmaceutical cartel, with the assistance of certain pre-purchased politicians, has mounted a “mass measles scare.”
The presumption upon which this is based is that measles is, in some way, dangerous…
The pharma-hope is that no-one will notice this “sleight of hand.”
Measles used to be, about 170 years ago, somewhat dangerous; not of itself, you must understand, but because of chronic under-nutrition and almost non-existent sanitation. It is these which made this natural development process which we call measles difficult for a child’s body to cope with.
During the century from 1850 onwards, most of these problems were solved and the last measles death in the UK occurred in 1958, exactly TEN YEARS before the pharma cartel began pushing their vaccine. This is clearly shown in British medical statistics in this graph copied from the book “Tyrannosaurus Pharmaceuticus R.I.P.”(https://www.tprip.com) with permission of the author.
In some Third World countries, such as Bangladesh…
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President Donald Trump has recently stated that “anti-semitism is taking root in the democratic party.” At the time I thought it was a bit of hyperbole, but now I think it was an understatement.
We all know the poem from Martin Niemoller about the days before World War II, and those who didn’t speak up.
First they came for the Jews and I did not speak out Then they came for the communists
and I did not speak out because I was not a Communist.
Then they came for the trade unionists and I did not speak out because I was not a trade unionist.
Then they came for me and there was no one left to speak out for me.
This is from the Washington Post on April 9, 2019…
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Our Public Health “Watchdogs” Have Betrayed America…
It is Time to Criminally Prosecute Them..
Opinion By“Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen
The BolenReport is known for exploring cutting-edge subjects in relation to health care. The writing and research for this one article disturbed me far more than any other subject I have ever written about. I had to keep walking away from it. Why? You are about to find out. This all happened right in front of us. Tim Bolen
Let’s begin With A Few Questions…
(1) Whose job is it to generally protect the Public Health in the US? Easy answer – “We the People,” through a series of legislative acts, gave that job to what we now sneeringly call “US Public Health,” a conglomeration of Federal, State, and County agencies we funded, and empowered, to do the job.
(2) Do they do the job we gave them? Absolutely not… US Public Health has completely failed America. They have turned into something completely Anti-American.
Look, just below, at my alternate choice for the “Featured Image” for this article. It says it all…
US Public Health does not look, at all, at major health problems facing America. In their own minds, I think, they feel too important, too special, to privileged, to ask the right questions…
To US Public Health, what is important is that pretty new carry-on suitcase they can take to the next conference.
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After the triumph of the Ben Garrison cartoon highlighting the brave individuals Australia has chosen to BAN because of their political views, the Supreme Commander of the Australian Freedom Force has decided to kick things up a notch.
While it is true that countries have the right to decline entry to their country of certain individuals, the same rules do not apply to diplomatic personnel.
President Trump has announced his intention to make a state visit to Australia in July of this year. It is customary for the President to bring along on his visit certain individuals interested in the affairs of that country. I am sending an official letter to President Trump requesting that the members of the Australian Freedom Force accompany him on his state visit to Australia.
If there is not enough room for all the members of the Australian Freedom Force, I am happy to take a seat on one of the F-16 fighter escorts, and I promise not to push any buttons which might fire missiles and do something like blow up a control tower.
So, here it is…
Dear President Trump:
I know you’ve been busy with the border, the Russian collusion-delusion, North Korea, the Middle East, and generally all the things that go into Making America Great Again, but I’d like to take just a few minutes of your time.
Elle McPherson
You may not know that the globalists have targeted Australia as a place to implement their censorship plans and have really been doing a bang-up job of it. They have not only BANNED me, a simple middle-school science teacher for the crime of writing books, but beautiful Polly Tommey, hilarious Milo Yiannopolous, strong Gavin McGinnes, and threatened not to let into the country, Dr. Andrew Wakefield, in case he wants to visit the parents of his girlfriend, the lovely super-model Elle McPherson.
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I’m always looking for ways to expand the argument and increase the number of allies to our cause.
For the past several months I’ve been impressed by the work of political cartoonist, Ben Garrison. If you haven’t yet seen his work, check it out. You’ll be surprised and often find yourself laughing out loud.
What I like about Ben Garrison is his sense of utter fearlessness. He will go where others fear to tread and figure out how to make the argument in a fresh, compelling way. That is one of the benefits of a visual medium, rather than what others usually do with words.
I contacted him recently, and said that based on what he’d already done, I thought we might be able to work together in a common cause to bring back honesty to science.
I didn’t have to do much convincing, just provided him with a few articles, and then he did some of his own research. When he came back a day or two later it had all crystallized for him.
“I can’t believe what they’ve done to you,” he said.
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America Is Turning Away From Main Stream Media (MSM) HATE Mongering…
Opinion by “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen
The world-wide “Anti-Vaxxer” Movement started, and flourished, in the United States – and, right from the start, it wasn’t just about vaccines. The group began to discuss other issues, and at this moment in time, is in the position of being able to effect massive social change. It is no wonder the globalists are in a panic – virtually trying everything and anything to stop it or at least slow it down. But none of it is working. The bear is awake – and hungry…
Despite Main Stream Media (MSM) Constant Efforts to depict America as something horrible, killing itself, America is flourishing. Why? Because despite MSM’s best efforts at constant negativity they are NOT able to control the social dialogue.
To me, the question is…
“How much longer are we, as Americans, going to let MSM bombard us with constant negativity before we shut them down?”
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So WHO has cited “measles outbreaks” as “proof” that increased conscientious objections to vaccination is harmful to public health, despite scientific evidence to the contrary.
Was a historic apparent ‘decrease’ in measles caused by vaccines . . . or despite it?
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One of the largest national shows which lets us health freedom advocates speak on a regular basis is Coast to Coast AM with George Noory. I’ve been on the show three times in the past few years and it’s always been a great experience.
I don’t like to contact them unless I have some project to pitch or an important issue, but with the recent attacks on the Anti-Vaxx community by Facebook, Amazon, and even Congressman Adam Schiff, I felt I needed the national platform provided by Coast to Coast.
I sent an email to the producer and she emailed right back with her phone number so we could have a brief discussion. I called and she was thrilled to hear from me. She started off by telling me what great work our community has been doing on vaccines, then commented on what a great job two recent guests, J.B. Handley and Mary Holland had done.
I felt proud to be included in their company as I’ve known J.B. and Mary for many years and consider them the best of the best.
I know this is a quick post, so let me tell you what I intend to cover on my appearance.
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Although They Are Labeled “Anti-Vaxxers” They Are Really “Anti-BigPharma,” and“Anti-Globalist…”
And THAT is why Globalist Big Pharma went to WHO and “Their-Paid-For-Friends” in the US Congress…
Opinion By “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen
Time for a laugh…
Big Pharma has asked the World Health Organization (WHO) and the US Congress for help to rein in the “Anti-Vaxxer” Movement. And the
“Anti-Vaxxer” Movement is laughing about that.
The world-wide “Anti-Vaxxer” movement has arrived. It is now so big, and so powerful, and SO ANGRY, that Big Pharma, and the other globalists, have brought out their big guns to try and stop it or at least slow it down. Why? Because EVERYTHING they have done to try and stop the movement so far has failed terribly, or worked the opposite way, making the “Anti-Vaxxer” Movement even bigger, and far stronger yet. It is everywhere, and its members are NOT SHY, and deliver their message openly, EVERYWHERE in public.
And what exactly is the “Anti-Vaxxer” Movement’s message? It is this:
“There is ABSOLUTELY no question that vaccines damage children – THEY DO.Every time. It is just an order of magnitude. A parent can choose to damage their child a little or a lot – but with vaccines there is ALWAYS damage. The more vaccines the more damage. Read the package inserts and choose how much damage you want to inflict on your child.”
Why is the “Anti-Vaxxer” Movement so powerful? I am about to tell you why. And it will not surprise you.
Frankly, the pro-vax campaign is DOOMED. Vaccines are on their way out.
And, better yet, it is not likely that Big Pharma will survive.
How did this happen” How did we get to this wonderful place?
I am about to tell you…
It started in Sacramento, California, the State Capitol in mid 2015. Oh, there was an “anti-vax” movement before that, and it was loud and effective – to a point. But it was one thing that acted as the catalyst for the explosive growth of the movement. Keep reading…
Empress Hillary and her California stooge Richard Pan
Big Pharma, wearing their “vaccines are wonderful” cloak, navigated their ships full of money into Sacramento, California in 2015 where their already elected California operative, Senator Richard Pan MD, was waiting to introduce Senate Bill 277 – legislation to force all of California’s children to be poisoned with up to seventy-four (74) “Made in China” death pus tubelets in order to go to school.
Big Pharma easily won that first round, passing SB 277 EFFORTLESSLY, for, as everyone knows, virtually every Democrat, in any, and all political offices in California, has Big Pharma managing their office, and directing their policies. They don’t even hide it.
In California, not only does Big Pharma direct the California legislature, but when Pharma’s Public Relations (PR) group wrote up a letter, supposedly from California US Congressman Adam Schiff, to FaceBook’s Mark Zuckerberg, demanding that “Anti-Vaxxers”be banned from FaceBook, Schiff was immediately available, even taking time off from his “Hate-Trump” campaign, to talk to liberal media…
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Most of us have noticed how, in recent days, a big push has started to get vaccination made compulsory world-wide.
The ostensible origin of this push is the United Nations and their various declarations about how Anti-Vaccinators are the scum of the Earth who want nothing more than to see millions of people die from horrible diseases. It may well, therefore, be wise to take a look into the antecedents.
A little history explains a lot…
Back in the 1930’s and 40’s IG Farbenindustrie “ruled the roost” in Germany. They not only operated a chemical and pharmaceutical monopoly, they also financed Adolf Hitler and gave him his orders.
Amongst the directors of IG Farbenindustrie, who styled themselves “The Council of Gods”, was one Fritz te Meer who was given a long prison sentence at the Nürnberg Trials for Crimes against Humanity. This, presumably, had to do with the fact that Auschwitz was built and managed by IG Farbenindustrie and the “medical” experiments carried out upon human victims there. (Most of modern medical practise is based upon the experiments carried out and discoveries made in Auschwitz and similar “camps”.)
Under pressure from, presumably, Rockefeller who was a major shareholder in the German pharmaceutical industry, te Meer was set free early and taken to the USA where he helped found both the CIA and the United Nations.
Fast forward…
Fast forward to 2009, under Barack Obama, and most of us will remember how the United Nations, with no credible evidence, tried to declare a world pandemic of H1N1 “swine flu” with compulsory vaccination for all.
US president Barack Obama declared “A Declaration of National Emergency” his ONLY State of Emergency declaration – but the so-called pandemic NEVER HAPPENED.
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I really want to like Rand Paul. In fact, my fondest wish is that he reads this article and considers what I have to say.
He has more courage then just about any person in Congress, but if you approach the enemy with a flawed plan you’re going to get obliterated. I don’t like to waste our soldiers in futile battles. Brave men with foolish plans are no help at all.
I’m going to give you Rand Paul’s comments from the recent propaganda fest on March 5 in the Senate on the marvels of vaccines. I want to let him speak in entirety, then I’ll tell you what is so flawed about what he said.
Paul’s comments are typical of why the health freedom community is losing so often. He sounds like a professor when we need to be warriors. This is not a pleasant academic debate.
This is a bare-knuckled brawl for the survival of the human species.
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I know many who follow BolenReport tend to be politically conservative. Those who attack us are left wing.
Yes, we have an obvious conservative bias. We are provocatively right wing because of the overwhelming amount of left wing media. We are trying to strike a balance, so that actual thinking might occur.
When I watched “Hoaxed” the first thing which took my breath away was when Mike Cernovich comes out and talks about how the media sets up a narrative of heroes and villains, with the conservatives always being the villains. I almost danced out of my skin because I couldn’t believe a major media figure was setting the table so beautifully.
Just below is the two minute “Hoaxed” Movie Trailer…
The media used to be about presenting both sides of an issue without the hero vs. villain narrative.
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Greta Thunberg, in case you’ve not yet heard of her, is a sixteen year old Swedish school girl. She is a typical vaccine damaged child diagnosed with Asperger’s Syndrome which is one of the very many effects of the heavy metals and other toxins included in vaccines.
What is Greta famous for? Her appearance at the Climate Summit in Katowice, Poland in December 2018 – where she mouthed almost EXACTLY the same story Alexandria Ocasio Cortez was belching out on US liberal TV – right out of the Democratic Socialist Cultural Marxist playbook.
There is no straight forward definition of Asperger’s and, even on that bastion of pharmaceutical medicine, Wikipedia, you will find vague, ambiguous, and contradictory descriptions.
One of the many ways in which this syndrome can express itself is a sort of “Idiot-Savant” condition in which the sufferer can perform seemingly amazing mental feats whilst being generally incompetent in everyday matters. It is not unknown for this syndrome to be misdiagnosed as Borderline Syndrome which, itself, is often accompanied by heavy metal poisoning both from vaccines as well as from amalgam tooth fillings.
In this particular case, the “savant” expresses itself as an ability to be totally convincing whilst not understanding anything of what she says! (Borderliners can often do this as well as can, of course, great actresses.)
In Greta, the brain damage is quite extensive and her skewed facial expression leads one to believe that a stroke may well soon occur or a relatively mild stroke has already taken place.
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Okay, I know that slogan is going to require a little explanation for some people.
And truth be told, the same could probably be said for about 70% of the Republican Party. However, I’m concerned with the Trump faction, which I believe can rise to full power if things go right in 2020.
BIG PHARMA – A recent article in Breitbart News was discussing the support Pfizer Pharmaceuticals was giving Democratic presidential candidate, Kirsten Gillibrand. The article opened by noting, “Pfizer executive Sally Sussman is planning a March 31 fundraiser for 2020 Democratic Presidential contender Kirsten Gillibrand, according to a report out Friday . . . Gillibrand raised over $75,000 from Pfizer employees during her 2018 Senate campaign, according to the Center for Responsive Politics.”
The same Center for Responsive Politics looked at her campaign contributions from 2013 – 2018. If you add the category “Health Professionals” to the category “Pharmaceuticals” you get total contributions of $687,152.
That puts the “Health” (or should I say“Unhealth“) industry at #4 in her list of industries supporting her campaign, just ahead of “Real Estate.” The only categories ahead of “Health” are “Lawyers/Law Firms”, “Retired” (probably somebody’s slush fund money), and “Securities and Investments” (Hey, weren’t they the ones who wrecked the economy in 2008?) Yes, I’m sure that President Gillibrand will really put the screws to those Wall Street swindlers (sarcasm).
And to put things in perspective, in 2018 the pharmaceutical and health industries donated more than forty-one million dollars to their preferred candidates. By comparison, the oil and gas industry donated eighty-two million to their preferred candidates in the 2018 election.
Pharma is gaining on oil and gas, but none of the media talks about it! Maybe it’s because most of the pharma advertising is going into the evening news. Can you say “corporate capture?”
And in California, how can we forget our lovely state politicians, like democratic Senator Richard Pan (whom we have promoted as the Democrat candidate for President!), who took so much pharma money while pushing mandatory childhood vaccination laws. The next battleground?
The democrats want to push mandatory ADULT vaccinations! Stop the madness!! (And we really think Senator Pan should be in prison, not the Presidency!)
BIG DRUGS– An article from Paul Bedard of the Washington Examiner from November 22 of 2016, at a time when President Trump had yet to take office, detailed the problems with drugs flowing across the Mexican border into the United States.
“Over 99 percent of all marijuana and methamphetamine seized at U.S. borders has come from Mexico . . . U.S. Customs and Border Protection seizure figures show that in 2015, 99.8 percent of methamphetamine and 99.9 percent of marijuana seized in the U.S. came from the southern border. . . While the production of some drugs takes place within our borders, foreign drug trade into the U.S. is largely responsible for the number of dead or injured.”
If you have an unsecured border, people and drugs, have free flow into the country.
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Across the United States legislators are demanding “tougher laws” forcing families to vaccinate, or lose public benefits. That these same legislators are beneficiaries of significant drug company political payments is not surprising.
These new efforts are triggered by a small up-tick in the few cases of measles. More children die from the “unavoidably unsafe” measles vaccine than from the disease itself.
What is surprising is the legislators willing connivance with those who push forced vaccination as somehow a “public health benefit,” despite the failure of the US government to provide any of the vaccine safety reports that have been required by law since 1986.
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Planet Earth is at a crossroads of thinking about things – and the old view of disease, and what to do about it, will NOT survive. New science, like quantum physics, shows, for instance, that the idea of vaccines is STUPID.
In science – “Quantum physics is a field of study that defies common sense at every turn, and quantum entanglement might lead the way in the defying common sense department. Entanglement is the unusual behavior of elementary particles where they become linked so that when something happens to one, something happens to the other; no matter how far apart they are. This bizarre behavior of particles that become inextricably linked together is what Einstein supposedly called “spooky action at a distance.”
So, what, in more prosaic terms, is quantum entanglement?
We find, perhaps, the clearest expression in the second of the ancient Laws of Magic: “Things once in contact remain in contact.” Exactly the same thing in different words BUT!
Quantum physics is slippery.
All things are possible and so, if you change your point of view, you may change the event being viewed; so two (or more) things may be entangled or not dependent upon the consciousness perceiving them. (Quantum physics is great if you’re a control freak wanting to have a nervous breakdown.)
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I’ve been so amused over the past few days to read the craziness surrounding Darla Shine and the questions she’s raised about vaccines.
Darla Shine, a power in her own right, is the wife of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Communications for the White House, Bill Shine, a former high level executive for Fox News. Okay, let’s be honest. Bill Shine ran Fox News. As the new generation took over at Fox and diluted their brand, Bill got pushed out. The Fox News we used to know and love is gone, for the most part.
So what’s a guy like Bill, with such obvious talents, going to do to fill up his day?
Run communications for the White House and President Trump! Or in other words, he’s going to frame the narrative for the entire media universe!
And what’s his lovely wife going to do? Well, she’s also going to try to make the world a better place. What cause would be more noble than drawing attention to the corporate cronyism of the pharmaceutical companies who OWN THE MEDIA, CONTROL THE COURTS, and BUY OFF OUR POLITICIANS, all the while having NO LEGAL LIABILITY FOR HARM CAUSED TO CHILDREN BY THEIR PRODUCTS.
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I want people to know that many of us at BolenReport consider ourselves former Kennedy Democrats. We believe in civil rights, economic progress, and a robust defense of freedom.
It used to be that many elements of the democratic party stood for the same thing. However, Trump has made many former democrats think that their party has forgotten about them, just as Reagan did in the 1980s.
I can genuinely sympathize with those who have criticized the Republican Party for being in the pocket of corporations, polluters, as well as the elites. However, a faction of the Republicans have broken away from these failed policies of the past and embraced the populist platform of Trump.
Whether one accepts this new reality or not, it is true, and must be said…
The democrats of today have embraced the hysteria of Russian collusion, actively engage in criminal acts of treason by wanting to use the 25th Amendment to remove a sitting President with whom they disagree, and when all of that fails, they turn to their next target, the small band of incredibly brave parents whose children have suffered vaccine damage.
In the upside down world in which we currently live, parents who attack the corporate power of pharmaceutical companies who have purchased complete financial immunity for their products, and fund the mainstream media, are painted as enemies of democracy.
Look no further for evidence of this truth then the recent letter sent by Congressman Adam Schiff to Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook.
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Before today I was genuinely confused as to whether Donald Trump would eventually attack vaccines as he had done so magnificently as a presidential candidate and private citizen.
On the one hand we’ve had other politicians (John McCain, Chris Christie, Hilary Clinton, and Barack Obama) who said things which seemed to support our cause at one time, only to have them later turn away in betrayal.
But now I see the outline of a plan Trump and his supporters might have hatched, and if so, it’s going to be brilliant.
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