You have to admit that State Senator Richard Pan of California might just be the ideal Democratic Party dream choice to take on President Trump in 2020.
When somebody once famously said that “politics is like Hollywood for ugly people” they hadn’t even met Senator Pan. A true Nostradamus.
And as for being fit? Well, he ran away from the questions of Del Bigtree, producer of the film, VAXXED: From Cover-up to Catastrophe, so quickly that he might have set a world record for pharma-financed politicians. And it’s a pretty large field.
And like all good Democrats these days, he knows BETTER THAN YOU DO ABOUT HOW TO LIVE YOUR LIFE.
Now I grew up in California and have nothing but affection for the hippie, Buddhist liberals of my youth. They were full of love and curiosity and wanting to be good to the planet, and it was hard not to be drawn to them. Yes, they could be naive at times, like little children, but they weren’t dangerous. You couldn’t help but love them.
Today’s modern liberals, especially those of the California variety are a whole different ball game. Instead of peace and love there is hate and the black-masked thugs of AntiFa. Maybe I’m getting old, but I don’t recognize these people as liberals, regardless of what they may call themselves.
But back to Senator Pan, the Democratic Dream Candidate to take on President Trump in 2020.
In 2013, Assemblyman Pan, the pharma darling, sponsored Assembly Bill 2109, which provided that if a parent wanted to decline a vaccination for their child they needed to have a conversation with their physician about the decision. I can recall being in the hearing room as then Assemblyman Pan pledged to the world that this was in no way a step towards mandatory vaccination.
Then in 2015, Senator Pan sponsored Senate Bill 277, the mandatory childhood vaccination law, taking away ALL RELIGIOUS AND PHILOSOPHICAL exemptions in California as a condition to attend public school. That’s another distressing trait of modern Democrats. They lie and don’t expect you will remember.
Then there was SB 18 – Richard Pan and Mainland China’s plan for California’s children.

An article in the Sacramento Bee in 2015 listed Senator Pan as the top California legislator in political donations from the pharmaceutical industry, receiving $95,510. (“Drug Companies Donated Millions to California Lawmakers Before Vaccine Debate“, by Jim Miller, Sacramento Bee, June 18, 2015) Second on the list was Assembly Speaker Toni Atkins, coming in at $90,250. The Senate President Pro Tem, Kevin De Leon, came in at sixth place with $56,648 in pharmaceutical industry donations.
And we haven’t even counted the millions of dollars from the Merck PACs.
Good job, pharma. You need to buy off BOTH houses of the legislature.
The hippie, Buddhist liberals I grew up with would have recoiled in horror from these people.
Which brings me to the latest madness of Senator Pan, his proposed Senate Bill, 1424, the “On-Line False Information Act“ which would require anybody who posts news on the internet to verify their posted information with “fact-checkers.”
How do you like our little California would-be-Mussolini now?
Here is the bill in part:
Title 14.5 (commencing with Section 3085) is added to Part 4 of Division 3 of the Civil Code, to read:
TITLE 14.5. False Information Strategic Plans
(a) Any person who operates a social media Internet Web site with physical presence in California shall develop a strategic plan to verify news stories shared on its Internet Web site.
(b) The strategic plan shall include, but is not limited to, all of the following:
(1) A plan to mitigate the spread of false information through news stories.
(2) The utilization of fact-checkers to verify news stories.
(3) Providing outreach to social media users regarding news stories containing false information.
(4) Placing a warning on a news story containing false information.
(c) As used in this section, “social media” means an electronic service or account, or electronic content, including, but not limited to, videos, still photographs, blogs, video blogs, podcasts, instant and text messages, email, online services or accounts, or Internet Web site profiles or locations.
I think the rest of America is slowly waking up to why we in the anti-vaxx community have disliked this guy for so long. (“California Democrat Introduces Bill to Force Websites to Use ‘Fact-Checkers,'” by Joel Pollack, Breitbart News, April 4, 2018)
This man is so stupid he once claimed water is the most dangerous thing in a vaccine.
With his looks, courage, and staggering intelligence, he just needs more exposure to the public. Put him next to that doddering old fool, Nancy Pelosi, who can hardly compose a single sensible sentence, and he’ll appear to be a genius to the hate-filled Democrats.
The Democrats need to make Senator Pan their standard-bearer in 2020. If they do, I know the Democrats will accomplish what pretty much every sane person believed could never happen.
President Donald Trump will carry California in 2020 in a landslide.
Just for fun, why don’t you call his office at (916) 651-4006 and ask if under his proposed legislation, an article claiming the Senator was ugly, cowardly and stupid, would need to be “fact-checked.”
Let me know in the comments what they say.
Kent’s book PLAGUE was released by Skyhorse Publishing in 2014 and is now available in paperback. Skyhorse also publishes the work of Mo Yan, the 2012 recipient of the Nobel Prize in literature.
The book is co-authored with Judy Mikovits PhD. It is an indictment of the “Fake Science” we find so prevalent in the US.
Kent Heckenlively is also the author of INOCULATED: How Science Lost its Soul in Autism, available on Amazon and at Barnes&
So why would the book, “Plague” be so expensive on Amazon? Plague is listed between $249 up to $3500. What’s with that?
We can laugh, but he’d have funding from BOTH the drug industry AND Mainland China – who manufactures over 80% of all prescription drugs, AND vaccines, sold in the US…
But, at least, we’d have CLEAR Choices…
Catryna White: Try Barnes and Noble. I don’t patronize Amazon. Bezos is even slimier than Pan, if such is possible.
Kent: Good call. I second the motion.
Because it is SOOOO GOOD!!!!
Seriously, they do that sometime when stocks are low. New books will come in and price will drop.
Hey Kent, that would make an even better TWITTER BOMB… why don’t you tweet Pan… or even any other CA senator… they are absurd but the venue is scary…….
CATRYNA WHITE – those are the prices for California government agencies. If they only order 100,000, or less, then its $3,500 each.
Ten million or more and the price goes down to $249 each.
So I called and asked the question. A staffer asked me for my name and then she put me on hold. About 30 seconds later a male staffer asked me what he could do for me. I repeated the question. He asked where I saw this article with the facts of Pan being stupid, cowardly and ugly lol. I was going to say The Bolen Report, but instead told him I didn’t know and besides the statement was true. He asked for my name and shortly afterwards the conversation ended. I would have thought that after getting thousands of similar calls, they would just hang up, but that doesn’t seem to be the case.
A good effort to try and put down all Democrats, but it just doesn’t work. Bad apples in every crowd, but Pan not even close to a nomination. This article is a non-burger.
But Maurine Meleck – Richard Pan is the consumate Democrat.
He represents EVERYTHING the 2018 Democratic Party has become. He, literally, qualifies as their Poster Boy.
He would have the support, big time, of BOTH Big Pharma and Mainland China…
He could very easily be “The One…”
An outside sales rep for Lucifer.
It figures garbage like this would come from the Bolen report. Timmy is nothing but a divisive hack for the Criminal Trump and republicans. Pathetic.