The Train Wreck of “Autism Awareness Month…”

The Great Wound in Our Body Politic…

By Kent Heckenlively, JD

I’m not good at hypocrisy.  It’s why I’m not a good person to be a part of large organizations which would require me to shut my eyes to bad things. (Which at some point, most large organizations require one to do.)  Telling lies or concealing even a small portion of the truth makes me physically ill.

Give me a choice between the lonely path of truth or the friendly embrace of a group of beautiful liars and I know which road I will take every time.

It’s difficult for me to be a Catholic these days.  Why?  Through high school and college I actively considered joining a religious order of teaching brothers.  Imagine my surprise years later when it was publicly revealed that many of the Brothers I knew had participated in the cover-up of sexual abuse of some friends of mine.  These were the men of God who were supposed to be showing me what the Good Lord wanted?

And so I consider the absolute train wreck which is “Autism Awareness Month.”

It’s a little like having “Child Sexual Abuse Awareness Month” without going after the pedophiles.  It’s like saying we acknowledge the pain of those who were abused, but refusing to hunt and prosecute those who commit such atrocities.

Continue reading The Train Wreck of “Autism Awareness Month…”

We All Worked Together to Protect “Conscience Rights” in US Health Care…

By Kent Heckenlively, JD

The public comments section has now closed on the proposed federal regulations entitled “Protecting Statutory Conscience Rights in Health Care; Delegations of Authority.”

As far as I know, we, here at the BolenReport were the FIRST to call for public comments to make sure that vaccines were EXPLICITLY COVERED in these regulations.  I am pleased that many organizations joined us in this call, including the World Mercury Project, Age of Autism, and The National Vaccine Information Center.  Most of the major players in the autism world stepped up to the challenge.

The final number of comments can now be revealed:


Good job, everybody.

Continue reading We All Worked Together to Protect “Conscience Rights” in US Health Care…

Did Barron Trump Suffer a Vaccine Injury?

In a March 26th, 2018  Youtube video Alex Jones, while interviewing Mike Cernovich said:

“It’s just that Trump is not going after the vaccines now, even though it hurt Barron.”

With that five second remark Alex Jones got my attention.

By Kent Heckenlively, JD

Yes, I am terrified of angering the President of the United States, the man who controls the greatest arsenal of death and destruction on the planet.

However, I fear the judgment of God more than I fear the judgment of any man.

If I am vaporized in the explosion of a Hellfire missile fired by a drone in the first casualty on American soil, I will meet my Maker with nothing but praise on my lips for Him as I have stood for the children who cannot speak on their own behalf because vaccines have robbed them of that ability.

Let what were once merely whispered conversations be shouted from the highest rooftops.  Judgment is coming soon for the nearly $60 billion dollar a year vaccine industry which today has COMPLETE IMMUNITY for INJURY OR DEATH CAUSED BY THEIR PRODUCTS.

In the past I have heard similar stories, but been unable to verify them.  Alex Jones and Mike Cernovich have opened the door.

Thanks to you both.

I think it’s likely that this information was given to them by Roger Stone, the long-time Trump confidante.  If so, I thank him.  Or was it somebody else?


Continue reading Did Barron Trump Suffer a Vaccine Injury?

America the Free?

Why Is The Mainstream Media Trying to Destroy America?

Opinion by Sharon Anshaw

In today’s world, where we are all surrounded by a constant hate, the feelings of negativity hang in the air like a heavy fog. It is permeating our very bodies.

And it’s no wonder. The population is being fed a steady diet of anger, hate, misinformation, and outright lies on an hourly basis through the Main Stream Media (MSM).

People are so concerned with all they hear, see, and feel they are having trouble sleeping. They are getting feelings of anxiety they never had before. Ulcers are bubbling to life. Being upset or angry is becoming just a way of life. It is affecting them even in ways they don’t know, or realize.

So much so, that SOME people now require justification of their every move. They crave the high they receive from that justification. The endorphins it produces are as addictive as if it were crack cocaine. They not only want to, but they Have to have their fix. Depending on their level of addiction, that could be daily, hourly, or by the minute. It doesn’t matter where they are either. At work, home, in the car, eating at a restaurant – when they need that “fix” they need it.


Because our information centers have been hijacked. They are now only broadcasting what the “Party” wants us to hear. They are directing our thoughts and turning them to what their agenda is.

Many years ago, there was a test of the radio’s power by using – or “misusing”– a broadcast of “The War of the Worlds,” October 30th 1938.

In telling this tale, using a well-known, respected and trusted voice, the powers to be accomplished their goal and had an accurate reaction and an unparalleled study of the controlling power of media. People were terrified, panicked and some even committed suicide to avoid such a fate that was being reported as actually happening, when in fact it was all fiction.

If you try to research information on this event, it is now being reported as “false” a hoax, the panic never happened. They are trying to erase history and evidence of this horrible “test” in which some call it magnificent. Did the radio stations get fines? Did they get their licenses revoked? Were there any negative repercussions to them at all? In a word, No. The government didn’t prosecute a one of them. Why would they? It accomplished exactly what they wanted.

Continue reading America the Free?

BolenReport Terrifies Australian Government?

Does The Bolen Report threaten the downfall of Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull’s government?

By Kent Heckenlively, JD

The downfall of tyrannies often reveals itself first in small things.

When BolenReport publisher Tim Bolen went to share my last article to Australian anti-vaxx groups on Facebook, he was immediately suspended from sharing any further articles on other Facebook groups for a week.

Call it FACEBOOK JAIL.  Many individuals, like Mike Adams from Natural News are familiar with these actions.

Yes, it’s absurd in comparison to what we would call oppression in the past, but in this new digital age the access to Social Media is just as important as the public square of past centuries.

And so one must meet absurdity with absurdity.

Continue reading BolenReport Terrifies Australian Government?

Paul Offit MD – The Pro-Vaxxer’s “CLOWN PRINCE”

This is The Best They Can Send…

So let’s give him a laugh…

Opinion by “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

The Anti-Vaxxer movement is so strong, so powerful, and so large, in North America that not one thing, nor combination of things, the Big Pharma thunder-funded pro-vax machine does to counter them works any more.

The best example of that is Paul Offit MD.  His sneering, condescending, arrogance in public, regarding vaccination issues has become a form of street theater – comic relief.  People wait for the NEXT stupid thing he’s going to say, his NEXT claim to expertise in something he heard about just yesterday.  He’s getting mocked openly everywhere he goes.

So, why, do you think, does Big Pharma keep sending him out?  Because he is the best they’ve got.


Seriously – where’s Offit’s backup?  Do you think, for even a minute, Big Pharma would send out into the public forum “Orac the Nipple Ripper” Detroit’s Cancer Breast Surgeon David Gorski?

Laugh even louder…

David Gorski MD – “Orac”

Gorski is like an overly-used wind-up toy.  Set him off (and that is EASY to do) and he’ll write 16,751 spittle-words overnight on his blog “sort-of” on the subject.  God help any woman scheduled for breast cancer surgery the following morning.  I hope the hospital has a prohibition against the use of chain saws in the Operating Room.

Don’t laugh at that…

What would be funny, VERY funny, is if we could convince “Orac” to have “just one more” double-double cappuccino before he went up on a public stage in front of video cameras we had access to.

We’d have MONTHS of laughter on the internet forums…

But, Back to Offit…

Continue reading Paul Offit MD – The Pro-Vaxxer’s “CLOWN PRINCE”

BOOM! – How to DESTROY a CORRUPT Vaccine Program…

Trump is doing it right now . . .

By Kent Heckenlively, JD

I’m going to talk about something many people may find boring – STRATEGY.

President Trump may be the best long-term strategist we have ever had in the White House . . . and it is clear to me he wants to DESTROY THE CHILDHOOD VACCINE PROGRAM WHICH HAS GENERATED UNTOLD SUFFERING TO A GENERATION OF CHILDREN AND THEIR PARENTS.

The other day I just happened to be surfing through the Code of Federal Regulations, when something caught my eye.  (Yeah, I do that sometimes.)

A new regulation which took effect on March 15, 2018 should have everybody in our community jumping up and down for joy.

Continue reading BOOM! – How to DESTROY a CORRUPT Vaccine Program…

Who Is It SPECIFICALLY That Is CENSORING America’s Use of The Internet…

Opinion by “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

Almost three quarters of the Silicon Valley tech workforce are foreign workers in the United States on a Green Card.  None of them are Caucasion or Judeo/Christian.  All of them come from countries that have hatred issues with America, and/or Judeo/Christianity, and what it stands for.  These are the people who recently blocked Americans from Social Media…

I believe this was all, very carefully, “arranged.”

Let’s send them all home…  And give those jobs to Americans.


Ever since the dazzling victory of America’s Hero Donald Trump November 8th, 2016, for the presidency of the United States, there has been a steady, and increasing, restriction of Social Media to those that elected him.

Lately, outright censorship befalls anyone who dares to deliver, or wants to receive, pro-Trump messages on Social Media.  This same situation exists for those that criticize vaccines, or suggest that something other than “drugs, drugs, and more drugs” is a better way of health care for Americans.

We need to investigate who is behind this outright attack on American thought, hunt them down, and deal with them…

So, we ask…

“Who Is It SPECIFICALLY That Is CENSORING America’s Use of The Internet…”

There is no doubt in my mind that this situation was created and planned by the Globalists with the intention of the ultimate destruction of America in mind.

I am about to show you the parts of the plot – and how they come together.

Let’s start with this just below…

Continue reading Who Is It SPECIFICALLY That Is CENSORING America’s Use of The Internet…

PREDICTION: Trump Tweets about “Vaccines and Autism” in April…

By Kent Heckenlively, JD

April is National Autism Awareness Month.

President Trump, I know you’ve been busy these past sixteen months, getting rid of ISIS, dealing with North Korea, getting the economy moving, and fighting with sleepy-eyed SOB Chuck Todd.

But as America becomes great again, I hope you’re planning to do something truly extraordinary.

In fact, I am PREDICTING IT HERE. (Maybe I have a secret source?  Maybe I’m just hopeful?)


Supporters and critics alike have agreed on one thing.  The presidency has NOT changed Donald Trump.  Time to start fighting autism as much as you have fought the fake news networks.  That is the man so many of us supported.


Here is the man Donald Trump USED to be on this issue and the one I am asking to return to the fight.  From his Twitter account:

Many many people are thanking me for what I said about @autism and vaccinations.  Something must be done immediately. (April 13, 2012, 9:00 AM)

Massive combined inoculations to small children is the cause for the big increase in autism . . . (Aug. 23, 2012, 12:22 PM)

Autism rates through the roof–why doesn’t the Obama administration do something about doctor-inflicted autism.  We lose nothing to try. (Oct. 22, 2012, 9:19 AM)

If I were President I would push for proper vaccinations but would not allow one time massive shots that a small child cannot take – AUTISM. (Mar, 27, 2014, 4:44 PM)

Healthy young child goes to doctor, gets pumped with massive shot of many vaccines, doesn’t feel good and changes – AUTISM.  Many such cases! (Mar. 28, 2014, 5:35 AM)

With autism being way up, what do we have to lose by having doctors give small dose vaccines vs. big pump doses into those tiny bodies?” (Mar. 28, 2014, 6:50 AM)

“@KimStagliano: @realDonaldTrump: When will NYT write about vaccine damage and its price?  Three girls with autism here, Mr. Trump.”  They should Kim! (Mar. 30, 2014, 3:00 PM)

No more massive injections.  Tiny children are not horses-one vaccine at a time, over time. (Sep. 3, 2014, 6:29 AM)

I am being proven right about massive vaccinations-the doctors lied.  Save our children and their future. (Sep. 3, 2014, 6:30 AM) (Author’s note – This was shortly after CDC Whistle-Blower, Dr. William Thompson released a confession letter through his attorney that the MMR vaccine/autism study had been corrupted.)

“@OnlineOnTheAir: My friend’s son, immediate #autism after #vaccines 10 years ago.  So sad.  Keep up the good work.  Nay-sayers will understand soon.” (Sep. 4, 2014, 4:39 AM)

So many people who have children with autism have thanked me–amazing response.  They know far better than fudged up reports! (Sep. 4, 2014, 8:11 AM)

This is why many in the autism community supported Donald Trump.

Continue reading PREDICTION: Trump Tweets about “Vaccines and Autism” in April…

President Trump Goes FULL Anti-Vaxx…

DOJ Takes on Employer-Mandated Flu Shots…

By Kent Heckenlively, JD

President Trump is reading The Bolen Report.

That’s the only conclusion I can come to after reading a recent article in Yahoo News, (Religious Discrimination Lawsuit Claims Mandatory Flu Shot Caused “Severe Emotion Distress,” by Erin Donnelly, March 7, 2016), about the case brought by the newly formed Conscience and Religious Freedom Division of Health and Human Services.

It’s not just a BIG deal.  It’s a


From the opening paragraph: “The Department of Justice has filed a lawsuit charging that a Wisconsin nursing home’s insistence that all employees get annual flu vaccinations amounted to religious discrimination and a violation of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.”

Continue reading President Trump Goes FULL Anti-Vaxx…


By Kent Heckenlively, JD

This came to me from a good friend in the vaccine fight.  It goes along with what I have been saying about the new Conscience and Religious Freedom Division at Health and Human Services being our way to DESTROY VACCINE MANDATES.

Can I tell you it will succeed?


Did Eisenhower know that D-Day would succeed?  Did Lincoln know he could win the Civil War?  Did Washington know he could beat the British?

The only guarantee I can give you is that IF WE DO NOTHING, THE SITUATION WILL STAY THE SAME.  Here is an excerpt from that email:

Continue reading Trump Administration WANTS YOUR INPUT to SMASH VACCINE MANDATES!

Internet “Censorship” is Here…

“Censorship” – the Last Bastion of Globalist Totalitarianism…

Opinion by “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen


The last-ditch attempt to stop The Great American Revolution started by the election of president Trump is centered around censoring the content, and use, of Social Media.

The globalists had to bring in foreign agents to make this happen, dominating FaceBook, Twitter, YouTube, etc. leadership with GREEN CARD “Engineers” who have NO CONNECTION with Americanism.

Americans simply would not assist in this process…

“Green Card” Engineers?

Yup.  We need only to look in two places to discover what the globalists did:  (1)  Review, once again, the Project Veritas Video exposing the GREEN CARD anti-American “Engineers” at Twitter” and (2)  read the words of the James Damore lawsuit against Google – the part where the NAMES  of the people involved in the anti-American plot are written – more GREEN CARD people.

Point of fact – the woman at Twitter, secretly interviewed by Project Veritas, who decided who can be on Twitter, and who cannot, is a Bangladeshi Muslim educated at an ultra-liberal US East Coast University.  Her comments were very clearly un-American.

Here is the video once again…

I will explain the James Damore lawsuit against Google down below…

Why Are We At This Point?

Continue reading Internet “Censorship” is Here…

The MOTHER of All False Flags…

By Kent Heckenlively, JD

The other night I listened to an interview with Mike Adams, better known as the “Health Ranger” and publisher of the Natural News web-site.

He was talking about the censorship of the tech giants, like Google, Facebook, and YouTube, and what the PLAN must be.

I haven’t had a lot of contact with Mike Adams, but in my few encounters he has always impressed me as a serious person.  A couple years back some of the lunatic fringe skeptic groups with their pedophile leaders paired me with Mike in an article.

The article essentially said Mike was a fanatic, while I was merely deluded because of my daughter’s condition.  I think the thrust of the article was that Mike was beyond redemption, but I might be brought back into the fold, possibly by years spent in a “re-education camp.”

Later, Mike was kind enough to publish my article calling for a FIVE YEAR MORATORIUM ON CHILDHOOD VACCINES, only to suffer the biggest hack attack on Natural News he had ever experienced.

Mike’s tech experts told him the attack was so large and sophisticated it was most likely from a state actor.  Mike suspected it was the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) as the guilty party and responded in August of 2017 by posting a $50,000 reward for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the hackers.

Yes, that’s the kind of warrior guy Mike is, which is why he is so popular.

In the interview with InfoWars Mike was discussing WHY the tech giants were censoring conservative, libertarian, and natural health web-sites, like Natural News and The Bolen Report.

Mike’s best guess is that some members of the Deep State are planning the MOTHER OF ALL FALSE FLAGS and they need their most powerful and popular critics to be silenced BEFORE such an event can take place.

Continue reading The MOTHER of All False Flags…

Hangin’ with Billy Graham and Pat Boone on Coast-to-Coast AM…

By Kent Heckenlively, JD

Sometimes you just have to trust that God is leading you to a good place, even if you’re a bit terrified by the journey.

About two months ago I sent an email to the producers of Coast to Coast AM about being BANNED for three years from Australia.  I thought it was a funny and interesting story, especially since the country has followed up their action against me by making it a crime punishable by TEN YEARS IN PRISON for a medical professional like a nurse to express concerns about the safety of vaccines.

I’d appeared as a guest twice before on Coast to Coast, and thought they might be interested in hearing from me again.

Now, regardless of what you believe about vaccines, I think everybody (with the exception of the raving lunatic skeptic community and their pedophile leaders) can agree that imprisoning medical professionals for expressing doubts about a pharmaceutical company product is INSANE.

I didn’t hear anything back until last week when the producers emailed me and asked if I’d appear on the show.

“To talk about Australia?” I asked.

“We were hoping you could talk about the school shooting in Florida.”


Let me think about that one, God.  I asked to be on a show which often gets a MILLION listeners a night, and in return I get a YES, but they want me to talk about the autistic school shooter who was probably on anti-depressants.


Continue reading Hangin’ with Billy Graham and Pat Boone on Coast-to-Coast AM…

About “Vaxxed” – Are the “Skeptics” Trying to Provoke a Shooter?

Is the “Vaxxed” Team Safe?

Opinion by “Deplorable”  Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

The really interesting thing about the world-wide “skeptic” operation is that they try, desperately, to justify horrific actions against those they HATE – actions unacceptable to normal people.

Meryl Dorey

We saw all that happen in Australia with the attack on the Australian Vaccination network’s Meryl Dorey where they threatened her, trying to get her to stop talking  about vaccine dangers, using a number of violent approaches including phone calls in the middle of the night to her children telling them they were about to die by fire.

Then, after we look carefully at what happened to Meryl, we are going to look at the attack on Dr Suzanne Humphries MD…

Lets look at that Australian “Skeptic” attack for a moment…

From the earlier article,  Rape, mutilation and death threats against Meryl Dorey  comes:

Continue reading About “Vaxxed” – Are the “Skeptics” Trying to Provoke a Shooter?

The REAL STORY About the “Skeptic” Attack on Del BigTree…

Are We Sick of The Threats, Lies and Misdirection?

Opinion by “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

The photo at the top of this article is indeed worth a thousand words, for it explains a lot about WHO, and WHAT, attacked “Vaxxed” producer Del BigTree.

Let’s explore that WHO, and WHAT.  Yes, the attack was easily repulsed THIS TIME, and yes, there will be a reckoning.  For it is time for a reckoning.

For as long as I can remember there has been a version of the current “Skeptic” organization operating in North America.  Each time they appear, so to speak, they have been beaten, and shoved back into the septic tank with the lid closed tightly, right where they belong.

The earlier version of the current “Skeptic” organization was called the “Quackbusters.”  They were led by Stephen Barrett of the infamous scenario.  It took a while to crush him and them, but, in fact, crush them we did – lawsuits, traps, media campaigns, you-name-it-we-did-it operations designed to rid the North American health care world of a cockroach infestation.

What is consistent in the “Skeptic” and the “Quackbuster”    worlds is the “quality” of the people that run them.

In my earlier article on the attack I showed you another important photograph, reprinted just below.  It shows some VERY important things about “skeptic leadership.”  Let’s look at it again:

Continue reading The REAL STORY About the “Skeptic” Attack on Del BigTree…

Are We About to Enter a “Golden Age of Health?”

Let me confess my bias right at the start…

By Kent Heckenlively, JD

I believe the pharmaceutical companies are best described as a criminal cabal which have inflicted unbelievable suffering on humanity.

However, I’m not sure my cheerful approach will carry the day.  Which begs the question, how do we win?

For several months I have become convinced that something BIG is happening behind the scenes.  And it’s going to be GREAT for all of us.  It is best described as soft disclosures, rather than HARD DISCLOSURES ABOUT EVIL AND CORRUPTION.

Here are five stories from the past two weeks which highlight what I think is a growing trend of soft disclosures about how we really get to good health.

(1)  January 31, 2018 – Cancer Cure?

Continue reading Are We About to Enter a “Golden Age of Health?”

“Skeptics” Attack “Vaxxed” Producer Del Bigtree…

Is it Time To Bring In the FBI? 

Opinion by “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

The North American Anti-Vaccination movement is huge – growing larger by the minute – and unstoppable.

But to Big Pharma that fact hasn’t sunk in just yet, and they still send their minions, like the “skeptics,” into the fray attempting to disrupt us.  It is all working against them.  Big Pharma is getting battered, and “the handwriting is on the wall…”

The Anti-Vaccination movement is everywhere.  You can’t turn in any direction and not find our efforts, and effects.  I could write ten pages of words right here, and still not even OUTLINE the number of anti-vax warrior groups out here working, right this minute.

One of the more obvious groups is the “Vaxxed” Team.  They are virtually EVERYWHERE.  And, their message is pervasive.

Watch the one minute video just below…

The “Skeptic” Attack on HighWire with Del Bigtree…”

Continue reading “Skeptics” Attack “Vaxxed” Producer Del Bigtree…

Q-ANON Says It Is ALL OVER For Big Pharma…

We Live In Interesting Times…

Opinion by “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

Those of us who recognize Main Stream Media (MSM) as total elitist slime propagation know that there are places on the internet where you can get a glimpse of Planet Earth’s reality.  The biggest source, of course, is what is called alternative media.

However, over the years, there has developed a different level of information – one that requires an introduction to those on the internet that, because, of their knowledge, SCARE the powers-that-be – like the group called “Anonymous…”  It is there that websites like 4chan have developed.  4chan is completely anonymous.

On 4chan, there, hidden people talk, and it becomes quickly obvious that many of those hold VERY INSIDER positions of power in the United States government – and they speak of “what-is-really-going-on behind the scenes.  “Liberals” are VERY MUCH NOT liking what is being written there – for they talk of pedophiles, and arrests to be made.  They speak of what really happened in the Las Vegas shootings.

And it all has credibility…

Continue reading Q-ANON Says It Is ALL OVER For Big Pharma…

Court Awards $2.5 Million to Vaccine Critic Dr. Mark Geier…

We all know that small victories herald the larger victories to come.

By Kent Heckenlively, JD

We also know that when we talk about “Medical Boards,” we’re really talking about the stalking horses for pharma.  These are where the great battles are truly fought, among relatively small groups of people, having an enormous impact on the rest of us.  The good things are killed in the dark, away from the prying eyes of the public.

From the work I did covering the Autism Omnibus Hearings, and my later work detailed in the book, INOCULATED: How Science Lost its Soul in Autism, it’s clear that if the CDC whistle-blower, Dr. William Thompson had just a little more courage, or if Dr. Frank De Stefano or the head of the CDC at that time, Dr. Julie Gerberding were really interested in public health, we would be living in a completely different world with much more hope for our children.

That’s why the recent news that Dr. Mark Geier, one of the truly courageous people involved in the Autism Omnibus Hearing who was unfairly sidelined, had won a $2.5 million dollar suit against the Maryland Board of Physicians, is so deeply satisfying.

As reported in The Washington Post,“But the regulators who stripped Geier’s credentials are now in the hot seat, ordered to each personally pay tens of thousands of dollars in damages by a judge who says the board abused its power in an attempt to humiliate the doctor and his family.”  (“Regulators Who Targeted Anti-Vaccine Doctor May Pay Million for Humiliating Him,” By Fenit Nirappil, The Washington Post, February 3, 2018)

That’s really got to annoy the “skeptics,” or the pharma-mafia cheiftans like Dr. Paul Offit or Tony Faucci.  They never liked lawyers to begin with, which is why people like them spear-headed the removal of lawyers from vaccine liability with the passage of the 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act.

But justice is slowly finding its way back.  Just ask all those sexually harassing Congressmen who are suddenly deciding not to run for re-election because they want to “spend more time with their families.”  If you believe that explanation I’ve got a story to tell you about the Easter Bunny laying candy eggs.

How hard did the judge slap the Maryland Board of Physicians?

“But Montgomery County Circuit Court Judge Ronald B. Rubin sided with the Geiers, awarding them $2.5 million in damages.  He called the order a significant breach of medical privacy and accused the board and its staff of failing to preserve emails related to the case and pleading ignorance about the order on the witness stand.”

“If their testimony were to be believed, which the court does not, it is the worst case of collective amnesia in the history of the Maryland government and on par with the collective memory failure on display at the Watergate hearings,” Rubin wrote in a December opinion.

“He ordered 14 board appointees, the board’s lead attorney and the lead investigator on the Geier case to pay half of the damages out of their own pockets, between $10,000 and $200,000 apiece, depending on their net worth.”


Continue reading Court Awards $2.5 Million to Vaccine Critic Dr. Mark Geier…