Trump Turns Big Pharma’s Advertising Against Them…

Now, not only will you hear how quickly this drug will make your eyes fall out, but now you can find out HOW MUCH IT WILL COST to make your eyes fall out…

By Kent Heckenlively, JD

Whenever you try to figure out Trump you always have to think about strategy.

Trump is a strategic thinker and he LIKES TO WIN!

My father moves in some of the same circles with people who know Trump, specifically the bankers who Trump needed when he was in financial distress.

“Trump was toast,” my father said the bankers told him when they had a meeting with Trump in the midst of his financial difficulties.  The bankers were ready to swoop in like vultures to rip apart the battered remains of the once proud Trump empire.  But according to the bankers, “Trump came in, he had a plan that none of us had even imagined, and by the time he was finished we were handing him the money he needed.”  That was more than a quarter of a century ago, and now Trump is president.

This story came from my father, who is not a Trump supporter.  In fact, when I visited my father in Palm Springs in 2015 I saw a new picture on the mantle of him with Jeb Bush.  Yes, I’m sure there was a sizable contribution involved.  “Jeb’s my guy,” he told me at the time.

Well, that didn’t quite work out.  My father still hasn’t warmed up to Trump, yet, although he does give him credit for his successes.

Like most in our community I’ve been trying to figure out what the hell Trump is thinking about Big Pharma.  One day he’s throwing a few of them in jail for the opioid epidemic and the next he’s telling people to get their measles shot.  What gives?

Then I saw the article from CNN…

Continue reading Trump Turns Big Pharma’s Advertising Against Them…

Bye, Bye “Obamacare” – Hello “Health Care?…”

We Need A REAL Health Care System – One NOT Based On Drugs And Vaccines…

From Germany by Karma Singh

Those who have read the book  “Why Nations Fail” from Daron Acemoglu and James A. Robinson will be aware that one of the principal causes is the establishment of monopolies for “Friends of the Government”.

Obamacare is a classic example of such; it established regional (state) monopolies on health insurance, and a national monopoly on health treatment for the pharmaceutical industry. It was, basically, an extortion racket which cost the American people dear whilst reducing the value and availability of the health care which they could purchase.

In volume one of “Conversations with God” from Neale Donald Walsch, it is stated that this world is governed by lies and liars.

Just one month ago, Nancy Pelosi proved this point by declaring that the abolition of Obamacare and its replacement with something else not ruled by monopolies would be to deprive America of affordable health care – the exact opposite of reality. The truly intriguing question is, “Why does she think that such a bare-faced lie that anyone can disprove in 2 minutes with a pocket calculator will be accepted as a statement of present reality?”

Insanity or criminal intent? I dunno – difficult to tell with her.

I wonder whether “Our Donald” and his team have realized just how BIG a chance this is.

Continue reading Bye, Bye “Obamacare” – Hello “Health Care?…”

Trump Opens Door So We Can Purge Marxism From Public Schools…

You Are About To Find Out WHY Globalists Are Trying To Force “Mandatory Vaccines” On America’s Children…

It is all about destroying America’s very fabric.  We are in the battle for our existence as a society.  The “Elites ” want all of the US to emulate the organized, intentional failure of California – heading it into outright Communism…

But, we are fighting back – and the “Elites” are very frightened.  They should be.

By Elissa Meininger – Historian and Health Policy Analyst

Trump Issues Executive Order Calling for Local Control of K-12

 “For too long the government has imposed its will on state and local governments. The result has been education that spends more and achieves far, far, far less.  The time has come to empower teachers and parents to make the decisions that help their students achieve success,” Mr. Trump said. “My administration has been working to reverse this federal power grab and give power back to families cities [and] states — give power back to localities.”

Those were the words President Donald Trump spoke on April 26, 2017, upon signing his Executive Order to pull the federal government out of manipulating the thoughts of children attending compulsory public school.  FYI, for over 100 years Marxists have been in charge of designing curricula to condition students attending our public schools to be eager to destroy capitalism when they grew up. Their current fascination with socialism without knowing anything about it is the result.

Surprised?  As a historian, I have a habit of digging deep into history to find out what was going on when certain events happened.  Since the health care system is so central to American culture, my research led me to the history of how compulsory schooling was created in the late 1800s as a partnership between big business and Marxists, a partnership that is central to running The Swamp in Washington today, a partnership that dictates what your children are taught in public schools  and what you and your family think about in your living room. This is the same unholy alliance that also controls our health care system.

Two History Lessons They Don’t Teach in Government-Controlled Classrooms 

     – The City on the Hill

Our Founding Fathers, the Puritans who came over on glorified rowboats to tame a wilderness, were a hardy lot with deeply religious beliefs burning in their hearts.  They wanted to create a new kind of society never tried before that supported all the goodness they prayed about.

They were middle-class merchants from England.  They believed they had a covenant with God who had blessed them with the ability to run their own lives and achieve great things.  This belief is central to our American culture and unique in the world.  While the colonies were, indeed, commercial ventures being set up to plunder the natural wealth of the New World, they were also committed to creating communities that reflected Puritan values, which included prosperity for those who worked for it.  People were expected to live virtuous lives with love and charity for all, and to create governments that encouraged prosperity and kindness. Winthrop and his fellow colonists did not tolerate sloth and made every effort to help the poor improve themselves.

In fact, just before setting sail from England in 1630, John Winthrop, head of this massive group, said in his now famous sermon that God had expected them to succeed and be like a “city on the hill” that the whole world would see and try to emulate.

Their values included a system based on:

        1. Natural Law
        2. Virtue and morality based on Protestant Christianity,
        3. Free-market capitalism
        4. The sanctity of private property.

Consequently, the unique culture of our country is based on the ideas that we were blessed by God, were taught to believe in the virtues of hard work, celebrate prosperity, value ownership of private property, offer charity when genuinely needed and disdain laziness.  In short, Americans from earliest times have believed we were given much by God and much was and is expected of us. In more modern times, these values are the basis of what is called “American Exceptionalism”.

It is important to note also that a decade before Winthrop preached his City on the Hill sermon, an experiment with what is now known as Socialism was tried and rejected.  Gov. William Bradford, head of the Plymouth Colony founded in 1620 at Plymouth, Mass, had already tried to establish a Socialist system where everyone owned nothing and worked for the common good.  The idea had failed miserably because people resented assigned work with no personal benefit. As a result, within two years, the colony was on the verge of literally starving to death. Consequently, Bradford gave property to each colonist and told them they were responsible for their own needs It was the resulting abundant crop that year that prompted our American holiday Thanksgiving.   Socialism had failed utterly!

     – Sacred Fire of Liberty

For the next 150 years, the American Colonies thrived.  The idea that we were special was openly discussed by our Founding Fathers who spoke of the Sacred Fire of Liberty as the driving force behind the Revolution.  The birth of America was ordained by God.

“The preservation of the sacred fire of liberty, and the destiny of the republican model of government, are justly considered deeply, perhaps as finally, staked on the experiment entrusted to the hands of the American people.”
                                             –George Washington, First Inaugural Address, 1789

[America was:] “Trusted with the destinies of this solitary republic of the world, the only monument of human rights, and the sole depository of the sacred fire of freedom and self-government, from hence it is to be lighted up in other regions of the earth, if other areas of the earth shall ever become susceptible of its benign influence.”                                                                                                                                                                             –Thomas Jefferson, 1809 

“In a 2015 book entitled Exceptional: Why the World Needs a Powerful America, former U.S. Vice President Dick Cheney sets out and argues the case for American Exceptionalism, and concludes:

“We are, as Lincoln said, ‘the last, best hope of earth.’ We are not just one more nation, one more same entity on the world stage. We have been essential to the preservation and progress of freedom, and those who lead us in the years ahead must remind us, as Roosevelt, Kennedy, and Reagan did, of the unique role we play. Neither they nor we should ever forget that we are, in fact, exceptional.”

Why Marxists and Captains of Industry Joined Forces To Create “Rude Zombie Citizens”

Continue reading Trump Opens Door So We Can Purge Marxism From Public Schools…

Big Pharma Gives Doctors a Lap Dance, but “WE” All Get Screwed…

Did you hear about the conviction of John Kapoor, the former chairman of the drug-maker, Insys Therapeutics? 

Is this what Trump has in mind for ALL of  Big Pharma?  Let’s hope so…

Here’s the link from Yahoo News if you want to read the full article.  I’ll hit the high and low points.

By Kent Heckenlively, JD.

The first paragraph of the article says:

“The founder of Insys Tereapuetics, Inc on Thursday became the highest-ranking drug-maker executive tied to the U.S. opioid crisis, when he and four colleagues were found guilty of bribing doctors to prescribe an addictive painkiller, helping to drive the epidemic.”

Okay, sounds bad enough, right?  How about this next section where they discuss how the drug was supposed to be prescribed only to cancer patients?

“The U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved Subsys in 2012 only for use in treating severe cancer pain. Yet prosecutors claimed doctors who took bribes often prescribed Subsys to patients without cancer, helping boost sales for Chandler, Arizona-based Insys.”

Fentanyl is an especially potent opioid, 100 times stronger than morphine.

Kapoor’s lawyers acknowledged Insys paid doctors but contended he believed they were being legally paid to discuss Subsys’ benefits.”

Now it starts to sound really bad.

Continue reading Big Pharma Gives Doctors a Lap Dance, but “WE” All Get Screwed…

WHAT “Measles Virus?”

For some years now there has been a reward of 100,000 Deutsche Marks (about $112,000) for hard proof that viruses exist…

From Germany By Karma Singh

One would think that there must be hundreds of people in the pharmaceutical industry, the CDC, the FDA etc., who could easily pocket this reward by laying the proof upon the table.

NOT SO!  Only one has even tried, he chose the measles virus as his proof and he failed!

He even went to Germany’s highest court in an attempt to get the prize.

The problem he had, as the judges rightly pointed out, was that his evidence was not continuous. He tried to claim the prize with a sheaf of different scientific papers none of which proved the existence of viruses.

His attempt, however, was based upon the concept of “inference,” i.e. he said that because report a) says this and report b) this and report c) this etc., we must infer that they, taken together, prove the existence of the measles virus.

Now “inference”, in scientific circles, is an “upper class” word for “guess” so he was saying that guesswork proves the existence of the measles virus. The judges, whose business it is to weigh evidence impartially, disagreed and told him, in December 2016, that guesswork is NOT proof!

The reward is still unclaimed today.

Continue reading WHAT “Measles Virus?”

The Sordid History of Vaccines, Mandates, and the Big Lie…

By Ralph Fucetola JD

It used to be the law in nearly every state that parents could opt-out of vaccines for their children, since vaccines are “unavoidably unsafe” and where there is risk there must be choice. That’s called the universal right to Informed Consent.

And you could sue the drug companies if you or your child was injured by a vaccine. Then the law was changed, in 1986, with the promise that vaccines would become safer.

And what happened to that promise? And what happened to the vaccine exemptions? That promise was a Big Lie.

At the end of 2018 Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Esq., the environmental and health care public interest lawyer, and the Informed Consent Action Network voluntarily dismissed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) case against the Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS), after the agency admitted it could not find any vaccine safety reports. That dismissal punched a huge hole in the pro-vaccine Big Lie.

Earlier that year the Network sought copies of those vaccine safety reports that the infamous 1986 Vaccine (sic) Safety Law required the Secretary to provide to Congress every year.

Not one such report has been filed in 30 years.

Continue reading The Sordid History of Vaccines, Mandates, and the Big Lie…

US Presidential Election 2020 – Big Pharma Vs Trump…

Let’s Get To the Point, Donald – It’s Time…

(Gasp, cough, cough).  What do you mean “Get the Shot?”

Opinion By “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen


Donald, if your friends won’t tell you when you screw up, your enemies certainly will. And we here at the BolenReport are your friends.   So…

“Donald you screwed up when you sided, momentarily, with the filth-ridden Big Pharma/US Public Health screw-America-with-vaccines-campaign…” 

Donald, Measles is a “fake epidemic” just the same as every year’s “fake flu epidemic.”  No different.  Same people. Same pack of lies.

Big Pharma and the US Public Health cabal-system are America’s mortal enemy. We are NOT going to be able to fix the US Health Care system without (1)  making Big Pharma into Little Pharma and (2)  getting US Public Health completely refocused, and out of the commissioned vaccine sales and distribution business…

YOU Donald, are America’s only hope to actually fix US health care.

The Democrats are useless for this issue and are ONLY interested in a one-size-fits-all drugs, drugs, vaccines, drugs, drugs, drugs, vaccines, drugs, drugs, vaccines, drugs, vaccines, more vaccines, more drugs, and drugs to counter the too-many-drugs-problem.

Big Pharma and the Democrats

It does not matter which Democratic Party presidential candidate wins their Primary election.  California has shown us that every one of them is already owned by Big Pharma.

Every one.

Democratic Party campaign funding has evolved since the days when blue collar labor unions provided the money.  The Democratic “elite” dumped blue collar years ago in favor of life styles that were NOT church-going heterosexual family oriented.  It went full sleaze, and full-on Anti-American.  The Democrats found a willing financial partner in Big Pharma.  Their “anything-goes” moral code is the same.

Donald, Big Pharma has been at war with you since before the 2016 election… 

Continue reading US Presidential Election 2020 – Big Pharma Vs Trump…

I Go on InfoWars (Again!)

By Kent Heckenlively, JD

I was flipping around my various conservative channels last Sunday on the internet when I saw Alex Jones doing a special report on the “measles outbreaks” across the country.

Besides being upset by what Trump had said about measles last Friday, Alex was putting forth an interesting theory.  He was saying the measles outbreaks were coming from the large numbers of illegal immigrants who have been flooding into the country over the past few months.

I thought it was an interesting argument and wanted to add my own thoughts.  I called and got through, gave my name, and waited on hold for about a half hour.  I was able to listen to the show and I have to say, Alex really understands the vaccine issue better than any other media personality I’ve ever heard.

I got about three minutes with Alex and here’s a transcript of our conversation.

(Slightly edited for clarity and to make me sound smarter.)

Alex:  Kent in California, you’re on the air, thank you so much for holding.

Kent:  Thanks so much for covering this.

Alex:  Welcome, sir.

Kent:  I am like you.  I am banned.  I’m banned from going to Australia.  I said I’m the world’s #1 anti-vaxxer, I’ve written two books, about vaccines.  PLAGUE with Dr. Judy Mikovits, a twenty-year government scientist and INOCULATED with Dr. Brian Hooker, who you know from the movie, VAXXED.

Alex:  Sure, well even the Australian government had to admit in studies that sudden infant death syndrome was vaccines.

Kent:  It’s terrible.  And one thing that people don’t understand is that when they grow these human viruses in animal tissues, yes, they weaken the human virus, but they’re getting a whole bunch of animal viruses back in the vaccines.  And that’s something nobody talks about.  There was just this great study by a lab in Italy, Corvelva labs and they found in the MMR shot there was bird virus, horse virus, cow virus, all these terrible things.  I’m so thankful for you continuing to cover this issue.

Alex:  Well, brother, when you mention that I think I’ve heard your name so send us an email, send it to the producer, and we should probably get you on as a guest.  What do you make of them admitting that it’s the illegals bringing this in, but then it’s a minor footnote and they blame people who haven’t quote, “had the up to date vaccine?”  Then the fine print admits that these new strains of measles that are coming in aren’t covered by the vaccine?

Kent:  I’m happy you brought that up because it’s so true.  We know that measles is not a dangerous disease if you have good nutrition.  We have good nutrition in the United States.

Alex:  It’s just a fever and some red spots on you.  Exactly.

Kent:  What we’re doing and I want to be a guest on your show because we’re putting together a program called VAX-FREE WORLD, with what Robert Kennedy, Jr. did which showed there haven’t been any studies as required by the 1986 law.

Alex:  Yeah, no safety studies.  Like Texas has introduced. [for the childhood vaccine schedule]  I love Robert Kennedy for what he’s doing.  Trump said he was going to do this vaccine damage study.  He said he’d create this board.  This is one of the big places where I think Trump has fallen down and not delivered.

Kent:  Yeah, I love Trump, but I was so stunned by what he said on Friday.  We are putting together with attorneys that you know and are often on with David Knight this VAX FREE WORLD campaign because we need the United States government to follow the rules.

Alex:  And let’s be clear.  We’re not even saying that technology might not exist, and you may not believe this, you may disagree.  But they’re given liability protection.  Thank you, Kent.  Let’s talk soon.  Got to move quicker to get to everybody.  Let’s talk to Mark in Oregon.  These are awesome callers.

And with that I was off the air.

Continue reading I Go on InfoWars (Again!)

BIG PHARMA: Trump Doesn’t Want Your Money…

By Kent Heckenlively, JD

I know many have asked when Trump is going to move against Big Pharma.

Many of you may have fallen for the media portrayal of him as a wild man.  I don’t buy that depiction.  I see a strategic thinker.  He waits for the perfect time to strike because HE LIKES TO WIN!

I think the reason Trump didn’t run in 2012 was because he didn’t think he could beat Obama.

And he was right.  He could not have beat Obama in 2012.  2016 was the only time he had a chance in hell.  And I think we will have a democratic president in 2024.

How do you beat Big Pharma?

You wait for a moment of opportunity.  I think it has arrived with the opioid crisis.  Nobody can deny the carnage which has been caused by the pharmaceutical companies.

It’s a short article from Bloomberg News and I give it to you in a few brief paragraphs.

Continue reading BIG PHARMA: Trump Doesn’t Want Your Money…

A “New Dawn” For Thailand?

“BolenReport Writer Karma Singh is traveling.  This week he is in Thailand looking at their parliamentary elections and what they mean to Planet Earth.  The point?  Everything on Planet Earth is tied together.  What happens in Thailand effects what happens in the US and Europe.  Read about his trip…”

From Thailand – By Karma Singh

Thailand has been, for many years, governed by a military junta.

Although this did end a time of unrest with some considerable violence, military rule is never the best option for a country.

Although military rule did restore order, because a military system is rigidly controlled, it tends to stifle the initiative and entrepreneurship which are the life-blood of all economic activity.

One of the prime factors which led to the collapse of civil order in Thailand was one Georg Soros…

Continue reading A “New Dawn” For Thailand?

Big Pharma AND The Democrats – The “Fake Epidemic” Game…

Eight Billion Was Just the Beginning…

Opinion By “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

There is a “Special” relationship between the US Democratic Party, Big Pharma, and US Public Health. It consists of the Democrats, when in office, declaring some kind of health emergency, a pandemic, or at least an epidemic.  Then they, under the so-called US Public Health national emergency fund a vaccine for that “whatever-they have made-up-today” issue.  Eight billion goes to Pharma – Six billion comes back  to the Democrats candidates for office….

And, of course, Big Pharma makes all of the appointments to head the US Public Health agencies, federal, state, and county.

Call it “The Triumvirate.”

And, it is VERY, VERY profitable for all three…

How so?  Well, in the case of the 2009 “Swine Flu Epidemic” the Obama-Nation wrote a check to the Vaccine Industry for eight billion bucks.  No one is surprised that Big Pharma, after that kind of regular gift, funds Democratic Party candidates all around the country.

Then again, those grateful Democrats will carry “Mandatory Vaccine” bills in any and every State, hoping to get in on the funding again, and again.  Just look at California’s Dicky Pan.  All factors of US Public Health cooperate to promote Big Pharma’s interests – for that activity keeps their people in the better paying jobs at the top of those agencies.

All this comes together to form the US Health Care System based entirely on drugs, drugs, and more drugs – the system that is dragging America into bankruptcy.  The system that Donald Trump, and a Populist America, knows we have to change right now.

Are You Getting My Message?

Huge scam.  None of the participants care one bit that the result of their swindle is that 54% of America’s children are now chronically ill, or that the military is concerned about getting people well enough to defend our country in time of a real emergency.

WAY BACK WHEN the liberal media was still somewhat “real media” even THEY recognized this problem.

Continue reading Big Pharma AND The Democrats – The “Fake Epidemic” Game…

Jack Boots on the March Again In Germany…

Brandenburg – Worldwide Big Pharma’s “Test Case?”

From Germany – By Karma Singh

Brandenburg is one of the smaller regions in Germany and what has happened there may well be a test case, just as the attempted imposition of unlawful quarantine and forced vaccination of Jews this month in New York were.

Germany, rather like the USA, is made up of several semi-autonomous regions; just not so many of them as the US has  – plus a central government of sorts. One of these regions is called Brandenburg. You may well have heard of the Brandenburger Tor in Berlin. Tor is the German word for gate and this was the old entry to the city of Berlin from the direction of Brandenburg.

Some may well note that I avoid using the word “state” by substituting this with “region”. There is a very good reason for this: Not even the Federal Republic of Germany, let alone any of its constituent regions, is a “state.” None of the prerequisites for statehood specified in the treaty of Montevideo have been fulfilled by any of them.

Further, Obama Bin Barak declared in 2009 in a speech to US troops in Germany that “Germany is an occupied land and will remain so.” The present US ambassador to Germany recently and publicly, confirmed this state of affairs.

What has happened in Brandenburg?

Continue reading Jack Boots on the March Again In Germany…

“Anti-Vaxxers” Are Waking Up America…

“Anti-Vaxxers” – The New Wave of American Heroes…

They know things are not right – and they won’t stop…

Opinion By “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

You see them everywhere now.  They’re called “Anti-Vaxxers.”  Where once it was a derogatory term, now being called an “Anti-Vaxxer” is a big sign that says:

“There is ABSOLUTELY no question that vaccines damage children – THEY DO. Every time.  It is just an order of magnitude.  A parent can choose to damage their child a little or a lot – but with vaccines there is ALWAYS damage. The more vaccines the more damage.  Read the package inserts and choose how much damage you want to inflict on your child.” 

“Anti-Vaxxers” can be in groups.  They can be alone.  They can be carrying children, or pushing a senior walker, or something in between.  But the look in their eyes is the same.  It says “Enough is Enough…”  And they mean business.

Pro-vaxxers whine and tremble…

None of their old suppression tricks works.  “Anti-Vaxxers” know their stuff.  They are informed.  They know bullshit when they see it, or hear it, and they will jump right in, getting right in the faces of the Big Pharma shills…

And yes, “Anti-Vaxxers” control the internet – and not just in the English-speaking world.

Big Pharma is beside itself…

There is no question that Big Pharma OWNS the Democratic Party controlled  legislature in California.  They do.  The money ships stand just offshore reminding the Dems who pays the bills for their election and their kid’s college…

Are “Anti-Vaxxers” up for the coming battle?  Yup – they all know that they were responsible for the election of Donald Trump, and Election 2020 is just around the corner.

But, EVERYTHING that has been done to try and stop the “Anti-Vaxxer” movement has only served to make it bigger and stronger…

Continue reading “Anti-Vaxxers” Are Waking Up America…

“Mad-Vaxxers” Losing Control of Argument…

By Kent Heckenlively, JD

I’ve been wondering recently whether the “Mad-Vaxxers” and pharma shills realize they’re losing control of the argument.  There’s something NEW in the way they’re talking these days, and I want to know if you see it in the same way I do.

This is from the Joe Rogan podcast of March 11, 2019 when he interviewed Dr. Peter Hotez, who looks like he’s taken over the Iron Throne of Vaccines from Dr. Paul Offit.

Hotez:  Let’s be clear,  The anti-vaccine lobby owns the internet.

Rogan:  What does that mean?

Hotez:  They’ve got by some measures, five hundred anti-vaccine websites.  So every time you put the word ‘vaccine’ into a search engine, whether it’s Yahoo or Google, you’re going to get anti-vaccine information.  That’s number one.  Second, we know it’s amplified by social media, like Facebook and other forms of social media.  Third, look at the Amazon site.  My book, the good news is it’s the highest rated pro-vaccine book on Amazon.  The bad news is it’s ranked about twenty because there are nineteen other phony-baloney anti-vaccine books.

Does that sound like a winner to you? 

Continue reading “Mad-Vaxxers” Losing Control of Argument…

The Measles “Epifraud…”

A Scam – Designed To Cover Up US Public Health’s Inability To Accept Responsibility For What They Have Done To America’s Children…

And the children of the world…

From Britain – By Karma Singh

In a desperate push to sell all of their so called “vaccines” before the use-by date, the pharmaceutical cartel, with the assistance of certain pre-purchased politicians, has mounted a “mass measles scare.”

The presumption upon which this is based is that measles is, in some way, dangerous…

The pharma-hope is that no-one will notice this sleight of hand.”

Measles used to be, about 170 years ago, somewhat dangerous; not of itself, you must understand, but because of chronic under-nutrition and almost non-existent sanitation. It is these which made this natural development process which we call measles difficult for a child’s body to cope with.

During the century from 1850 onwards, most of these problems were solved and the last measles death in the UK occurred in 1958, exactly TEN YEARS before the pharma cartel began pushing their vaccine. This is clearly shown in British medical statistics in this graph copied from the book “Tyrannosaurus Pharmaceuticus R.I.P.” ( with permission of the author.

In some Third World countries, such as Bangladesh…

Continue reading The Measles “Epifraud…”

Democrats Push “Forced Medical Procedures” on Jews For First Time Since World War II…

By Kent Heckenlively, JD

President Donald Trump has recently stated that “anti-semitism is taking root in the democratic party.”  At the time I thought it was a bit of hyperbole, but now I think it was an understatement.

We all know the poem from Martin Niemoller about the days before World War II, and those who didn’t speak up.

First they came for the Jews
and I did not speak out

Then they came for the communists
and I did not speak out
because I was not a Communist.


Then they came for the trade unionists
and I did not speak out
because I was not a trade unionist.

Then they came for me
and there was no one left
to speak out for me. 

This is from the Washington Post on April 9, 2019…

Continue reading Democrats Push “Forced Medical Procedures” on Jews For First Time Since World War II…


Our Public Health “Watchdogs” Have Betrayed America…

It is Time to Criminally Prosecute Them..

Opinion By “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

The BolenReport is known for exploring cutting-edge subjects in relation to health care.  The writing and research for this one article disturbed me far more than any other subject I have ever written about.  I had  to keep walking away from it.  Why? You are about to find out.  This all happened right in front of us.  Tim Bolen

Let’s begin With A Few Questions…

(1)  Whose job is it to generally protect the Public Health in the US?  Easy answer – “We the People,” through a series of legislative acts, gave that job to what we now sneeringly call “US Public Health,” a conglomeration of Federal, State, and County agencies we funded, and empowered, to do the job.

(2)  Do they do the job we gave them? Absolutely not…  US Public Health has completely failed America.  They have turned into something completely Anti-American.

Look, just below, at my alternate choice for the “Featured Image” for this article.  It says it all…

US Public Health does not look, at all, at major health problems facing America.  In their own minds, I think, they feel too important, too special, to privileged, to ask the right questions…

To US Public Health, what is important is that pretty new carry-on suitcase they can take to the next conference.

Let’s look at a specific instance…

Continue reading The ABSOLUTE FAILURE Of US Public Health…

“Australian Freedom Force” on Air Force One?

We Certainly Know A LOT About Politics in Australia…

By Kent Heckenlively, JD

After the triumph of the Ben Garrison cartoon highlighting the brave individuals Australia has chosen to BAN because of their political views, the Supreme Commander of the Australian Freedom Force has decided to kick things up a notch.

While it is true that countries have the right to decline entry to their country of certain individuals, the same rules do not apply to diplomatic personnel.

President Trump has announced his intention to make a state visit to Australia in July of this year.  It is customary for the President to bring along on his visit certain individuals interested in the affairs of that country. I am sending an official letter to President Trump requesting that the members of the Australian Freedom Force accompany him on his state visit to Australia.

If there is not enough room for all the members of the Australian Freedom Force, I am happy to take a seat on one of the F-16 fighter escorts, and I promise not to push any buttons which might fire missiles and do something like blow up a control tower.

So, here it is…

Dear President Trump:

I know you’ve been busy with the border, the Russian collusion-delusion, North Korea, the Middle East, and generally all the things that go into Making America Great Again, but I’d like to take just a few minutes of your time.

Elle McPherson

You may not know that the globalists have targeted Australia as a place to implement their censorship plans and have really been doing a bang-up job of it.  They have not only BANNED me, a simple middle-school science teacher for the crime of writing books, but beautiful Polly Tommey, hilarious Milo Yiannopolous, strong Gavin McGinnes, and threatened not to let into the country, Dr. Andrew Wakefield, in case he wants to visit the parents of his girlfriend, the lovely super-model Elle McPherson.

Continue reading “Australian Freedom Force” on Air Force One?

Who Among Us Has The Power To Routinely Plant “Fake Health-Science News” Reports?

Heart Disease is the number one killer in the United States – 800,000 Americans Die Needlessly EVERY Year…

Not because science has failed, but because of a deliberate campaign to misinform and mislead the public.

By Owen Fonorow – President – Vitamin C Foundation


Fake News is not just political…

Fake health-science “news” reports are now appearing so often in the Press that ordinary people take notice.

Planted stories resembling a professional CIA- or KGB-style propaganda campaign are responsible for the death of at least 1,000 Americans every day.  The campaign has been in operation since 1984, and its roots may date back to 1970 [1]. The First Amendment to the United States Constitution protects these perpetrators. Save defamation and libel, the American Press can print misinformation.

Propaganda masquerading as health-science news is not hard to spot, especially for those with knowledge of the science behind the success of alternative medicine.

The drumbeat that ‘cholesterol is bad, causes heart disease, and every effort should be made to lower it’ has droned on for more than a decade. This BIG LIE is reinforced daily even though the leaders of the American Medical Association cautioned that our fears are misplaced and there is not sufficient evidence to fear elevated cholesterol [2]. We are conditioned to fear fats, favor carbohydrates, and lately fear “antioxidants.”  Most insidious of all, we are being conditioned to fear the most important life giving substance known: ascorbic acid, or vitamin C!

Propaganda artists understand that the bigger, more widely distributed and more bold-faced the lie…

…the more people will believe it.

Few substances in the world are safer than vitamin C, but this well established fact has not stopped not-recent worldwide health-science “news” scare stories, which imply that vitamin C may cause heart disease and cancer!  Not a single one of these reports has been substantiated [3].  However, the truth does not appear to matter. “Vitamin C consumption is down 19% year-over-year,” according to Nutrition researcher and journalist Bill Sardi.  The “terror” campaign works.  The public are now frightened about taking vitamin C!

The Media can and does not act alone. 

The “propaganda as news” campaign could not succeed without the tacit support of medical professionals and scientists who know better, and who profit from the ill health of Americans.

There is circumstantial evidence of a conspiracy. Medicine and pharmaceutical companies profit from illness. Doctors generally look the other way, or else routinely cite these articles to questioning patients.  Social security programs are facing bankruptcy from servicing the elderly. Recently, funeral homes in Israel complained after doctors went on strike and the death rate dropped dramatically [4].

We have been examining false health-science “news” stories for years.

One objective seems to be to promote dietary behavior that leads to chronic, rather than acute, medical conditions. These conditions are normally treated long-term with prescription drugs.  Another objective is to undermine confidence in cheap, effective alternatives to prescription drugs. Usually this means ridiculing vitamins, but sometimes the campaign attacks how vitamins and herbal products are made, or cite a “lack of regulation.”

Another hint towards who might be behind the false health-science “news” is the obvious secondary objective: confusion and obfuscation. If one is able to keep the public confused, then the public will have no choice but to rely on their doctors. Health care costs amount to more than 7% of GDP.  No reason to rock that boat.

The real science is clear…

These propaganda stories, to the extent they reduce vitamin C and other anti-oxidant consumption, will increase the incidence of heart and other chronic diseases; creating an economic advantage for medicine. Not all who die are old.  Many heart attack and stroke victims are in their 30s and 40s.  According to the American Heart Association, in spite of the decline in heart disease mortality since the 1970s (741,000 in 1970 to less than 500,000 in the year 2000), more than 1,000 people die every day in the USA of some form of heart disease [5].

When you profit from sickness…

…your marketing department will sooner or later figure out how to make people sick.

Continue reading Who Among Us Has The Power To Routinely Plant “Fake Health-Science News” Reports?

Here Comes The SuperHeroes…

Ben Garrison has it right…


By Kent Heckenlively, JD

I’m always looking for ways to expand the argument and increase the number of allies to our cause.

For the past several months I’ve been impressed by the work of political cartoonist, Ben Garrison.  If you haven’t yet seen his work, check it out.  You’ll be surprised and often find yourself laughing out loud.

What I like about Ben Garrison is his sense of utter fearlessness.  He will go where others fear to tread and figure out how to make the argument in a fresh, compelling way.  That is one of the benefits of a visual medium, rather than what others usually do with words.

I contacted him recently, and said that based on what he’d already done, I thought we might be able to work together in a common cause to bring back honesty to science.

I didn’t have to do much convincing, just provided him with a few articles, and then he did some of his own research.  When he came back a day or two later it had all crystallized for him.

“I can’t believe what they’ve done to you,” he said. 

Continue reading Here Comes The SuperHeroes…