Communist California Taking Steps to Own You and Your Child From Cradle to Grave…

Opinion by Karri Lewis AWAKE California

At California Senator Richard Pan’s most recent Town Hall Meeting regarding Senate Bill 18, the Children’s Bill of Rights, many parents claimed that they were completely shut out of these Town Hall Meetings.

These so-called Town Hall Meetings are supposed to be open to all members of the public.

Parents allege that they were prevented from speaking, while many seemingly paid proponents of the bill were invited to speak, and often past their allotted amount of time.

In addition, the people that spoke in support of the bill, had presumed financial incentives and ties that would directly benefit themselves and state agencies by the passage of SB18.

Sounds like SB277 deja vu all over again…

Conflicts of Interest…

People who made negative comments on an autism post on Senator Richard Pan’s facebook page were allegedly moved to the overfill room and prevented from speaking at the “Town Hall Meeting.”

When one parent, emboldened by not being allowed to speak, decided to stand up and speak anyway at the end of the meeting, the lights were shut off.

People began chanting their opposition to Senate Bill 18 and the stealing of parental rights.

The lights continued to stay turned off, as people chanted and stumbled through the dark.

I sure hope that Senator Pan didn’t cause anyone to be injured by this reckless and irrational behavior.

Continue reading Communist California Taking Steps to Own You and Your Child From Cradle to Grave…

The Right of INFORMED CONSENT – The Sources of the Law…


By Ralph Fucetola JD – President, Institute for Health Freedom


This Law Note responds to the erroneous idea that the international humanitarian right of Informed Consent only applies in cases of war.

In Supreme Court Decision Missouri vs McNeely the court said:

“…this Court has never retreated from its recognition that any compelled intrusion into the human body implicates significant, constitutionally protected privacy interests.”

When people cite the Geneva Conventions [1] as a source of the right they are sometimes told that the Conventions only apply in time of war. We assert that the Conventions recognize a right of Informed Consent (by operation of the Nuremberg Code) but are clearly not the only source of legal support for the humanitarian right of Informed Consent.

There are many international agreements that were made in Geneva, the original home of the League of Nations and now the European base for the United Nations. Among those agreements are the Geneva Conventions proper, which relate to armed conflict. Among other matters, they cover the handling of criminal charges against prisoners of war. In that context, at the end of WWII, the Nuremberg Code was proclaimed.

The Nuremberg Code requires respect for Informed Consent, without “the intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, over-reaching, or other ulterior form of constraint or coercion…”

Continue reading The Right of INFORMED CONSENT – The Sources of the Law…

SB 18 – California’s “Socialist Collective” Takeover of Children…

SB 18, Falsely Billed as a “Children’s Bill of Rights,” is So Blatantly Hillary-ish You Can Visualize the Dead Bodies…

Opinion by “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen


Liberal Democrats cannot get over the fact that they lost the 2016 Presidential Election.  It has not sunk in yet that those of us who won are FULLY INTENDING to restore America back to the values, and processes, that made the American Republic great.

The people of the United States are NOT interested in becoming good little  communist/socialist obedient citizens eagerly awaiting the next edict from the likes of Hillary Clinton..

For sure, we are NOT interested in having “The State” force their “collective opinion” on adults or children.  “We the People” run the United States government, not the other way around.

The liberal Democrat government of California has other ideas…

They are intending on passing legislation, called SB 18, taking COMPLETE CONTROL of California’s children away from individual parents and making them all wards of the State, trained by the State, to follow the “collective.”  

In effect, California is establishing a form of State Religion (secularism) which will be taught, and enforced, first on children.

The first order of business in this new State Religion taught to children is the blurring of gender.  No longer, in California will children be “Boys and Girls.”  They will be taught, as Obama demanded, that there are thirty-four genders available, and that each child should begin to explore those possiblities starting at seven years old.

Continue reading SB 18 – California’s “Socialist Collective” Takeover of Children…

The Fight to Restore America – What We Have to Make Happen…

It Is All Fixable… So Let’s Make a List… 

Opinion by “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen


In early 2016 the United States of America was, most definitely, in decline.

Unfortunately “we the people” let the situation get very bad before we said, on Election Day 2016, “enough is enough,” and stopped the globalist destruction train in it’s tracks.

Americans with common sense went to the polls and surprised a weary world beaten down by globalists, woke up a reaction, and proceeded to change the direction not just of America the Nation, but of Planet Earth.

But, Let’s Be Specific About What Needs to be addressed…

Below are sixteen problems created and maintained by liberal Democrats for the express purpose of damaging and destroying America.  We need to fix them, and we can.

(1)  America has lost 60,000 factories since President Bill Clinton organized, and signed into effect, the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA).  If an average 1,000 people had jobs at each of those factories we lost sixty million (60,000,000) jobs.

We need to reopen, or replace, EVERY ONE of these.  And add more.

(2)  President Bill Clinton, in 1998, inserted an addition into US legislation, making Student Loans non-dischargable under bankruptcy.  There are NO JOBS for most of these people and the interest on the loans builds.  These loans can NEVER be paid off, leaving an entire generation of educated Americans dodging bank creditors, and having their fast-food employment wages garnisheed.

As Martin Armstrong says: “Clinton sneaked in the 1998 HEA two specific changes regarding the collection of student loans that is a brewing part of the Sovereign Debt Crisis today for students cannot discharge student loans in bankruptcy and 65% cannot find a job in what they paid for.”

Clinton created a hopelessness in an entire generation of Americans.  Overall income is down. Marriages are way down.

There are several ways to fix this…

Continue reading The Fight to Restore America – What We Have to Make Happen…

Mr. Heckenlively Goes to Washington…

By Kent Heckenlively, J.D.


On the afternoon of March 31, 2017 you will find me on the steps of the United States Capitol, taking part in the Revolution for Truth Rally, put together by Michelle Ford and many others.  I will actually arrive a day earlier, and it will be a busy time.  Many of the activists will be meeting with their representatives, and the community is being asked to make calls to their representatives and the White House to support our rally.

On Friday morning, we will rally in front of the White House, march to the National Press Club to support an event there, then proceed to the U.S. Capitol for an afternoon rally.

It is an impressive list of speakers, starting with Robert Kennedy, Jr., Barbara Loe Fisher of the National Vaccine Information Center, Minister Tony Muhammad of the Nation of Islam, Del Bigtree, the producer of VAXXED, Dr. Brian Hooker, Dr. Paul Thomas, Dr. Judy Mikovits, Dr. Toni Bark, Marcella Piper-Terry of VaxTruth, Dr. Diane Hennacy Powell, Sheila Lewis Ealey, and of course, me.

Here is what I intend to say:

Continue reading Mr. Heckenlively Goes to Washington…

A Revolution For Vaccine Truth – Washington DC…

By: Elissa Meininger – Health Policy Analyst


The anti-vaccination movement is growing so fast it is almost impossible to keep track of everything that is happening.  Social media is NOT the friend of social activists in most ways, but what it DOES provide is the ability to spread information quickly, and thoroughly, no matter how hard FaceBook tries to suppress it – and it does try to do that.

But, no matter how many barriers FaceBook puts up, social activists have figured out how to move right around them, ignoring the brainless advertising, and propaganda delivery, proceeding toward important information delivery.

One of the important activities social activists involved in the anti-vaccine movement have achieved is the outright elimination of racial strife.  

And how was THAT done, you ask?

Los Angeles area resident Michelle Maher Ford, one day, ignoring years of socially perceived racial strife between blacks, whites, etc., picked up the phone and started calling activists in the black community trying to bring attention to the findings of the CDC whistleblower William Thompson, and what he explained to Brian Hooker about how little black boys were three times as likely to be injured by vaccines as other children.  Fearless in her endeavor, Michelle reached EVEN into what some white people see as “the most angry of black activist groups, the Nation of Islam,” ultimately having a cordial meeting of minds with Minister  Louis Farrakhan himself in his home.

And she struck gold…

Continue reading A Revolution For Vaccine Truth – Washington DC…

Do We Really Want to Inject Our Children with Vaccines Made in China?

By Janet K. Kern PhD

There are serious concerns being raised regarding contamination in vaccines, especially in light of the fact that many vaccines are now made in China.

Most childhood vaccines are now made in Chinese vaccine manufacturing facilities (Bolen Report, 2017). Unfortunately, foreign pharmaceutical companies are not subject to U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) quality control regulations.

China has a history of producing tainted and/or toxic products.

For example, in 2008, an estimated 300,000 infants fell victim to contaminated infant formulas made in China. Six of the infants died. Four years after that, Chinese baby formulas were found to contain dangerous levels of mercury and were forced to recall six months’ worth of production. Then one month after that, China authorities discovered more shipments of contaminated infant formula, this time poisoned with a cancer-causing toxin aflatoxin, a carcinogenic substance produced by fungus or mold. It was found in “excessive” amounts (The New York Times, 2012).

In 2007, a nationwide inspection of China’s food industry uncovered 23,000 cases of tainted or expired food (NPR, 2007a). Then in 2012, when Rendezvous explored the issue of food safety in China they described it as “a mess” (The New York Times, 2012).

It gets worse…

Continue reading Do We Really Want to Inject Our Children with Vaccines Made in China?

A Call To Action! Our Veterans Need Us!

By: Elissa Meininger – Health Policy Analyst

“America’s veterans deserve the very best health care because they’ve earned it.”  Jim Ramstad, U.S. Congressman

My husband died eight years ago and I took the opportunity to go on a journey of self-discovery that, for a time, led me to Austin, Texas, and then back home to Oklahoma City.

Within days of returning home, I learned that an old political buddy, Bill Duncan, was in town, doing something interesting.   So who is Bill Duncan, you ask? He’s the fellow my Fifth District US Congressman, Ernest Istook, hired in 1995 to clean up the medical system.

Clean Up?

At the time, I served as head of Ross Perot’s Reform Party Health Committee so this gave me a good reason to pay attention to what was going on with Bill.  Reformers were in the business of finding ways to clean up government. A third of Bill’s job was to make sure the new Office of Complementary and Alternative Medicine at the National Institutes of Health wouldn’t get screwed up.

When the NIH Director attacked it, Bill created the legislation, passed by Senator Tom Harkin, that created the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM). It’s very existence was as welcome as ants at a picnic because our American medical system is based on using drugs, surgery and other high tech (read expensive) modes of treating illness and injury.

Allopathy?  What’s THAT?

Technically, the medical philosophy that our medical establishment practices is called “allopathy”.  Consequently, the CAM department had many enemies, and still does. As an economist by training, Bill’s overall assignment was to make the U.S. healthcare system more effective, more efficient, and less expensive. His doctorate is in political science, economics, and public law, but he also has an MBA from Boston University.

In his program, which he took in Germany, Harvard professors came to Germany and taught the program from Harvard’s books.  This gave him a great basis for understanding the mandate from Rep. Istook. This included reducing regulatory burdens, increasing market availability of affordable health insurance, and driving new and effective treatments and technologies, including ones with no patent, into use.

The fight over proper health care in the US has been around for a VERY long time…

Continue reading A Call To Action! Our Veterans Need Us!

Go Outside – Look UP… That’s ObamaDust…

How Much Longer Are We Going to Have to Put Up With Liberal Democrats’ Defecations?

Donald Trump promised to “Drain the Swamp.”  That job is massive, and will continue to be so for some time  We all need to help him.

The best way to start to help is for “We the People” to understand the problem as a whole.  Let’s outline it.

Opinion by “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate” Tim Bolen


Liberal Democrats are all about globalism and the completion of Agenda 21.  When you understand, and accept that fact, everything becomes clear.  Now we can defeat their agenda. 

By electing Donald Trump to the presidency and removing these people from over a thousand State and federal elected offices we have made a good start.  But, is just that – a good start.

From Agenda 21’s own leaders comes this:

“Individual rights will have to take a back seat to the collective.” Harvey Ruvin, Vice Chairman, ICLEI. The Wildlands Project

“We must make this place an insecure and inhospitable place for Capitalists and their projects – we must reclaim the roads and plowed lands, halt dam construction, tear down existing dams, free shackled rivers and return to wilderness millions of tens of millions of acres or presently settled land.” Dave Foreman, Earth First.

What is not sustainable?  Ski runs, grazing of livestock, plowing of soil, building fences, industry, single family homes, paves and tarred roads, logging activities, dams and reservoirs, power line construction, and economic systems that fail to set proper value on the environment.” UN’s Biodiversity Assessment Report.

Hide Agenda 21’s UN roots from the people –  “Participating in a UN advocated planning process would very likely bring out many of the conspiracy- fixated groups and individuals in our society… This segment of our society who fear ‘one-world government’ and a UN invasion of the United States through which our individual freedom would be stripped away would actively work to defeat any elected official who joined ‘the conspiracy’ by undertaking LA21. So we call our process something else, such as comprehensive planning, growth management or smart growth.” J. Gary Lawrence, advisor to President Clinton’s Council on Sustainable Development.

So, let’s go to the next step.

(1)  Let’s just accept that Liberal Democrats were heading America for a global collective under the auspices of “Agenda 21” and deal with it.  Remember two things:  (a)  that these people originally bragged that they were going to reduce the population of Planet Earth from nine billion to 500 million by the year 2021 – now moved to 2030, and (b)  they needed to reduce the American Standard of Living down to a third world country level.

I’m not making any of this up.  Everything I have said, or will say, is discoverable on Agenda 21 information platforms.

According to these Agenda 21 nutbags, 94.5 percent of Earth’s population was/is to be killed, by one means or another (vaccines?).  Using that formula the US population was/is to be reduced from 325,796,862 to 17,918,827.  Which means that 307,878,035 Americans need to be killed, and our bodies disposed of, by 2030, by some means, so that the Elite can drive their Range Rovers from Yosemite to the Grand Canyon without having to drive around smelly dead bodies or funeral cairns.

Crazy as it sounds, EVERYTHING they do, and have done, is towards that objective.

Continue reading Go Outside – Look UP… That’s ObamaDust…

How Big Pharma Runs Our Government…

By Elissa Meininger – Health Policy Analyst


While the mainstream media is focusing on the replacement for Obamacare, having a field day trashing Trump, and ignoring the massive corruption at the CDC, they also continue to ignore the longest-running health care crisis in America….. the suppression of REAL HEALTH.

The key agency that blocks REAL HEALTH is the Food and Drug Administration (FDA)…

It is regularly said that The FDA is the wholly-owned subsidiary of Big Pharma.  It has always been that way and, in fact, those of us who have been in the trenches campaigning for real health choice for decades, consider the FDA the deepest and most crooked part of the swamp Trump was elected to clean up.

For openers, the FDA  is wearing too many hats of authority and has been run for the pleasure of Big Pharma, only.  

It has been embroiled in one controversy after another, often of a criminal nature.  When it comes to regulating dietary supplements and related products, it has always come out on the side of protecting Big Pharma’s interests.

While it looks the other way to make sure Big Pharma products have fast approval, the commitment to offer the same benefits to dietary supplements, its attitude is they are “a disincentive for patented drug research” and there is a history of gunpoint raids on doctors offices and confiscation of products that goes back decades. 

The Rise of Tyranny…

Eight years ago, I wrote a book review for a book called “Rise of Tyranny” .  This book covers the history of how all these Federal agencies were created, unconstitutionally, and how the heads of these agencies now assume tyrannical powers outside the authority of Congress.

The book focuses on how the FDA, in particular, has been a captive of Big Pharma just as the CDC has been.  The story is as relevant today as it was then, so I thought I’d re-issue it here on the BolenReport.

Continue reading How Big Pharma Runs Our Government…

The Battle For California… the Liberal Democrats Last Stand…

They’ve Lost Everywhere.  And Now They are in a Corner – California…

Opinion by “Deplorable”  Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

Twenty-One (21) of California’s fifty-eight (58) Counties, so far, have had enough of 2017 Sacramento liberal Democrat nonsense, and have signed Official Declarations to remove themselves from the State of California and form a 51st State named Jefferson.

This isn’t just talk either – they are in the infrastructure planning details stages.  Many more California Counties are looking to join them.  You can see their reasons for exiting California here.

California is one of America’s best arguments for “It’s time that reasonable, honest, people take back the Democratic Party.”

Today, in California you can divide up liberal Democrats into two simple groups: leaders and followers.  There is a third group forming; reformers, and they have a difficult uphill battle which, frankly, I think they are going to win.  They are going to have to.

California is going to be the major battleground – and NOT just because twenty-one counties want out.  Why?  Because the Democratic Party leadership, rotten-to-the-core, forced this battle on NORMAL Californians.  And now it is coming to Sacramento.

Continue reading The Battle For California… the Liberal Democrats Last Stand…

Trump and Congress Propose Cancelling of Funding For US Childhood Vaccine Program…

Liberal Democrats SHRIEK, and SHRIEK, and SHRIEK…

Of Course This Was Going To Happen…

Opinion by “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

California leads the Nation in many things.  Everybody knows the old adage “California is the trend setter.  What starts there spreads across the nation…”

Hillary Clinton and Richard Pan

When the liberal Democrat “Empress” Hillary goon squads arrogantly shoved Senate Bill 277 (Mandatory Childhood Vaccinations) down California parent’s throats, not that long ago, the reaction in California grew to a fever pitch.

When the Democratic Party controlled California legislature blatantly ignored family groups, with vaccine damaged children in tow in Sacramento, closing down the legislature in their faces to celebrate “Gay Pride Day” they enraged not only California voters but a world-wide constituency on a visceral level.  The US Democratic Party was revealed for what it really is, and what it has become – and its death at the Presidential Election 2016 began.

California was, once again, the leader.  This time, in something that was VERY NECESSARY.  Nationwide, the Donald Trump teams emerged.  First WE took control of the Republican Presidential Primary.  Then we took the Nation.  Donald speaks for the people.  Us.

And Donald Trump, on our behalf, listening to us (We, The People), Began To Address Issues…

There is no question that the 2017 Democratic Party has become the “The Party of HATE.”  They OPENLY march in the streets screaming epithets against heterosexuality, families, anybody-who-voted-for-Trump, Seniors, people-who-have-jobs, people-who-smile-at-each-other, anyone-who-believes-in-a-God, anyone-who-believes-in-a-Judeo/Christian-ethic.  Every move they make is to create hatred and dissention between races, sexes and ethnic groups.

And, none of it is working.  Those promoting these negative ideas, like mainstream media, have lost America’s positive attention.  It is only a matter of time before we, as a society, shut them down. Why?

Because Americans Like Each Other…

Continue reading Trump and Congress Propose Cancelling of Funding For US Childhood Vaccine Program…

California Parents Move to Defend Their Children From Liberal Democrat Takeover…

Opinion by “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

Liberal Democrats have moved to the next step in their efforts to control all of humanity, cancelling the US Constitution in a program to create a one-world order – by attempting to take control of California children away from their parents.

SB 18 bill sponsor Common Sense Media’s Jim Steyer with what’s-her-name…

The primary effort is called Senate Bill 18, falsely identified as a “Children’s Rights” bill.  It gives the State of California  unlimited, ultimate, authority over children.

The bill is so vague it assigns that same body the power to decide, day-by-day, about children’s Education, Healthcare, and Emotional well-being – an absolutely insane concept.  The Democrats are planning surprise “home inspections.”

The sponsor of the bill, so-called Common Sense Media, raises serious red flags with parents.  As BolenReport Author Karri Lewis questioned in an earlier article “Just WHO IS Sponsoring California State Senator Richard Pan’s Destruction of Parental Rights?”   What she asked was:

“Why on earth would Common Sense Media, a supposedly family friendly company, support the stealing of parental rights by the state of California via Senator Richard Pan?”

Karri’s article goes into detail.

In another article Karri points out that Common Sense Media, on one of their web pages promotes, and supports, an organization called “kidzworld.”  The entire excerpt text from Karri’s article on this is printed at the bottom of this page.

What she found is horrifying.

Surprise Home Inspections?

Surprise home inspections, by progressive liberal activists, will have the power to take the children, immediately, to a Child Protective Services (CPS) facility should they find what they determine, in the moment, to be contrary to THEIR version of what a child should be exposed to.

These are the people who would be inspecting California parents’ homes…

As we know, liberal Democrats OFFICIALLY DESPISE family units made up of heterosexual couples and children.

A “Home Inspection” of  NORMAL people’s dwellings conducted by teams similar to those we see in their “demonstrations” would not be productive.

Liberal Democrats also despise the idea of a Judeo/Christian ethic and could be counted on, during a “Home Inspection” to be appalled to find that a man and woman couple slept in the same bed.  A gun in the house would send the inspectors into an eppilectic seizure. Signs of Christianity or Judaism on the walls would cause those inspectors to drool uncontrollably.

If inspectors found, for instance, that little boys’ rooms contained baseball equipment, swords, toy guns, and war game videos instead of dolls, tea sets, make-up, and booklets on sex change operations, the CPS process might well suddenly accelerate.

And, what about Child Protective Services (CPS) itself?

According to the authoritative InfoWars website:

“Sixty five percent of the children rounded up in human trafficking busts have turned up as victims who are actually wards of the state — via CPS.” 

Continue reading California Parents Move to Defend Their Children From Liberal Democrat Takeover…

Woolly Mammoths Suffered Genetic Meltdown Just Before Extinction – Big Pharma Getting Ready to do the Same!

By Kent Heckenlively, J.D.

It must be difficult to realize that once you strode the Earth as the lords of creation, and now you are simply confined to a small few herds on an isolated island, awaiting your inevitable extinction.

Yes, that is what scientists reported in the March 2, 2017 issue of PLOS Genetics regarding the last few woolly mammoths who persisted on Wrangel Island until approximately 3,700 years ago must have endured.

But much the same could be said for the pro-vaccine forces in pharmacy and the media.

Continue reading Woolly Mammoths Suffered Genetic Meltdown Just Before Extinction – Big Pharma Getting Ready to do the Same!

Here’s My Five Bucks…

The acceptance of the legality of Mandatory Government Sanctioned Vaccines became cemented in a landmark Supreme Court case, “Jacobson v. Massachusetts 197 u.s. 11 (1905)” …  Or did it?

Opinion By Karri Lewis AWAKE California

According to the Pro-Mandatory Vaccination side, the U.S. Government and Pharmaceutical companies are always able to solidly hang their hat on the 1905 Supreme Court Decision; “Jacobson v. Massachusetts,” as the sacrosanct, medically “scientific” rationale for forced vaccinations for the public “good” or “public health.”

The argument goes that the Government Enforcement of Mandatory Vaccines has already been established by the supreme law of the land, since 1905.

There is nothing that an individual can do, but roll up their sleeve and take the shot for the welfare of “public health.”

Period…end of story.

Or is it?

Continue reading Here’s My Five Bucks…

REAL Health Care Reform is on its Way – Dr. Tom Price is Secretary of DHHS…

By Elissa Meininger – Health Policy Analyst


When I woke up the day after the Presidential election, I could hardly breathe.  I realized that for the first time in my adult life, I could dare hope that we would have REAL health care reform.

During the campaign, Donald Trump had repeatedly said that he thought vaccines caused autism.   For me, US vaccination policy and laws are the most dangerous, most invasive and most oppressive (read un-American) part of our failing medical system.  I’ll have a lot more to say about infectious disease policy in later articles, but for now, I want to focus on the implications of appointing Tom Price, MD, to the office of Secretary of Health and Human Services.

What is SO Important About the American Association of American Physicians (AAPS)?

When Dr. Price, an orthopedic surgeon, was confirmed by the Senate, headlines across America pointed out (gleefully  and insultingly)  that he was a member of some whacko medical group that fell far outside of mainstream medical thinking.  Damn Right!  This odd duck group actually believes some weird things like the idea that the doctor/patient relationship is a private one that government bureaucrats ought not be involved with.

The  AAPS takes not one dime of money from Big Pharma for any reason whatsoever.  That’s subversive, right there.  They can’t be bought and are thus, way out of step with most of the rest of the medical industry.  Even more heretical is that they routinely sue the government any time it looks like it might try to run doctors’ offices or interfere with the patients’ unalienable right to make medical decisions on their own without Hillary’s village horning in.

Now, this story is going to get REALLY interesting…

Continue reading REAL Health Care Reform is on its Way – Dr. Tom Price is Secretary of DHHS…

CALIFORNIA – We need to Shut Down the Globalists Completely…

Here are Five Reasons Why We Need to Do That…

Opinion by “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen


California, over the next few years, is going to be a battle-ground. Why?  It is almost a communist State right now – completely at odds with an American perspective.

The corruption here, in California, is worse than anywhere else nationwide.  It is legendary.   Would it surprise you to find out that Senator Diane Feinstein’s husband got the contract for the first billion dollars for the government funded (so far) “Bullet Train?”

California Voter Fraud alone, is massive.  Dead people and Illegal Aliens represent the biggest voting blocks – and, surprise, surprise, they all vote a straight Democratic Party ticket.

Trump is going to cut California’s funding to the bone.  He is going to make an example out of Sanctuary Cities – and I absolutely agree.

There is no question that America awoke for General Election 2016 and wrested control of America away from the liberal Democrat Globalists.

We did that and more.  We elected a man with an “America First” plan – Donald Trump, and he is proceeding with his campaign promises.

Amen, brother…

And, it just might be that we are much closer than we thought to solving California’s problems.

Trump’s Plan for America was recently described by White House Chief Strategist Steve Bannon and White House Chief of Staff Reince Priebus in a Press Conference just a few days ago at the CPAC meeting.

Bannon said:

There are three pillars of Trump’s plan

“I kind of break it up into three verticals of three buckets,” 
Steve Bannon

The first is kind of national security and sovereignty and that’s your intelligence, the Defense Department, Homeland Security.

 The second line of work is what I refer to as ‘economic nationalism’ and that is Wilbur Ross at Commerce, Steven Mnuchin at Treasury, (Robert) Lighthizer at Trade, (National Trade Council head) Peter Navarro, (adviser) Stephen Miller, these people that are rethinking how we’re gonna reconstruct our trade arrangements around the world.
The third, broadly, line of work is what is ‘deconstruction’ of the administrative state.”

There are still some defiant Globalist areas – the biggest of which is California. 

Here, in California, we need to finish the job. And, it is NOT going to be as hard as we thought.  Why?  Trump, and his people are already on top of MANY of California’s significant issues.  I will show you those issues below, and explain what has ALREADY STARTED.

It is time to act, with Trump, to shut down the globalist operations in California.  Completely.

What Issues?

Continue reading CALIFORNIA – We need to Shut Down the Globalists Completely…

It’s Raining in California – Trump Cancels “Fake Climate Change…”

Let’s Get Right To It…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

The “fake drought” in California, over the last eight years of the Obama “Sustained Development (Agenda 21 globalism)” Regime damaged California in horrible ways – and it was intentional.

And it’s over.  Trump stopped it.

Continue reading It’s Raining in California – Trump Cancels “Fake Climate Change…”

The Scientific Discoveries of Wilhelm Reich, and Their Repression…

The FDA LITERALLY Burned His Books…

By James DeMeo, PhD – Director, Orgone Biophysical Research Lab


Around 1970, during my studies at the university, I became intrigued with the writings of the late Dr. Wilhelm Reich on the controversial subjects of “biological energy” and his thesis that blocked emotions and sexual repression led to mental illness, neurosis and social violence.

I met and studied with some of the scientists who had worked with Reich, experienced the orgone therapy Reich had developed, undertook simple experiments, and eventually became the first student at a mainstream American university to earn a PhD for scientifically testing Reich’s ideas.

Wilhelm Reich was part of Sigmund Freud’s inner circle…

Dr Wilhelm Reich

For those who don’t know, Reich was one of Freud’s inner circle — some say he was being groomed to take over leadership of the International Psychoanalytic Association (IPA) — but he was ultimately thrown out of that organization for his social reform and anti-Nazi work.

Historians have since documented the general capitulation of German psychoanalysis to the Nazis, but not so Wilhelm Reich, an Austrian-Ukranian of Jewish background.

Freud’s early work strongly suggested emotions and sexuality were expressions of a tangible energetic “something”, but it was Reich who provided the clearest evidence that the Freudian libido was a real energy, discharged during emotional expression and sexual orgasm.

Real energy?

Continue reading The Scientific Discoveries of Wilhelm Reich, and Their Repression…

Trump Bashing – Hollywood’s Newest Version of the “Casting Couch…”

Don’t for a minute think that everyone in Hollywood, or on network television, SUDDENLY  became a “Trump Hater.”  

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

All that Trump HATRED and MOCKERY, is scripted – and people like Jennifer Lopez, in her speech at the Grammys, have no choice but to play the role they are given – or their career is over.

And Big Pharma is behind it.


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