James DeMeo PhD

James DeMeo, PhD, formally studied the Earth, Atmospheric, and Environmental Sciences at Florida International University and later at the University of Kansas, where he earned his PhD in 1986.

At KU, he openly undertook the first graduate-level natural scientific research specifically focused upon Wilhelm Reich’s controversial discoveries, subjecting those ideas to rigorous testing, with positive verification of the original findings. DeMeo subsequently undertook field research in the arid American Southwest, Egypt, Israel, sub-Saharan Eritrea, and Namibia, Africa.

His work on the Saharasia question constituted the most ambitious global cross-cultural research study to date, on the subjects of human behavior, family and sexual life around the world.

His published works include dozens of articles and compendiums, and several books, including Saharasia, The Orgone Accumulator Handbook, and In Defense of Wilhelm Reich. He was editor of On Wilhelm Reich and Orgonomy and Heretics’ Notebook, and of the journal Pulse of the Planet, and co-editor for the German-language compendium Nach Reich: Neue Forschung zur Orgonomie.

DeMeo served on the faculty of Geography at the University of Kansas, Illinois State University, University of Miami and University of Northern Iowa.

In 1978, he founded the Orgone Biophysical Research Lab (OBRL), where he continues as Director. In 1994 the OBRL Greenspring Center was established, a high-altitude research facility in the Siskiyou Mountains near to Ashland, Oregon, exhibiting optimal conditions for sensitive orgone energy experiments.  He continues with experimental work and writing, and hosts the occasional seminar. 

About his books:

*  The Orgone Accumulator Handbook: Wilhelm Reich’s Life-Energy Discoveries and Healing Tools for the 21st Century, with Construction Plans,

In the 1940s, the physician and natural scientist Dr. Wilhelm Reich claimed discovery of a new form of energy which charged up living organisms and also existed in the open atmosphere and in high vacuum. Reich’s laboratory and clinical findings indicated this new energy, which he called the orgone, could be photographed and measured, and had powerful life-positive biological effects. Reich trained other scientists and physicians in his findings, and together they set about applying the inexpensive orgone treatment methods – using a device called the orgone energy accumulator – against various illness, including cancer, with remarkably good results. His published findings shocked the scientific world of his day, however, ultimately leading to numerous smear articles in the popular press, and trumped-up charges by a power-drunk Food and Drug Administration.

* Heretic’s Notebook: Emotions, Protocells, Ether-Drift and Cosmic Life Energy,

A compendium of 30 different research articles, by an international group of 18 different scientists and scholars, validating and expanding upon the subject of Wilhelm Reich’s amazing discoveries and related concepts.

* In Defense of Wilhelm Reich: Opposing the 80-Years’ War of Mainstream Defamatory Slander Against One of the 20th Century’s Most Brilliant Physicians and Natural Scientists

From the “Introduction”: Dr. Wilhelm Reich is the man whom nearly everyone loves to hate. No other figure in 20th Century science and medicine could be named who has been so badly maligned in popular media, scientific and medical circles, or so shabbily mistreated by power-drunk federal agencies and arrogant judges. Publicly denounced and slandered in both Europe and America by Nazis, Communists and psychoanalysts, placed on both Hitler’s and Stalin’s death lists but narrowly escaping to the USA, subjected to new public slanders and attacks by American journalists and psychiatrists who deliberately lied and provoked an “investigation” by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), imprisoned by American courts which ignored his legal writs and pleas about prosecutorial and FDA fraud, denied appeals all the way up to the US Supreme Court, which rubber-stamped the FDA’s demands for the banning and burning of his scientific books and research journals, and finally dying alone in prison – who was this man, Wilhelm Reich, and why today, some 50 years after his death, does he continue to stir up such emotional antipathy?

* Saharasia: The 4000 BCE Origins of Child-Abuse, Sex-Repression, Warfare and Social Violence In the Deserts of the Old World.

Ancient humans were peaceful – modern violence is avoidable. That’s the basic message contained in “Saharasia”, a controversial “marriage of heresies” over 10 years in the making. It will change forever your way of looking at the world, your home culture, and current events. Saharasia constitutes a revolutionary new discovery on a geographic pattern to global human behavior as deeply embedded within the scientific literature of anthropology, history and archaeology. It covers issues and events which typically are ignored in the “politically correct” academic environment, even though it was produced within that same environment. Saharasia presents the first cross-cultural, anthropological, archaeological and historical survey of human family and social institutions, tracing human violence back in time to specific times and places of first-origin.