Vaccines are Ten Thousand Times More Dangerous Than We Were Led To Believe…


The CDC and the Vaccine Safety Datalink (VSD) Contractors are Doing Everything They Can to Hide This Scandal…

But with Trump running the show ALL is about to be revealed…

Opinion by “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

How the Cover-Up works…

There are two government programs that supposedly monitor the safety of Vaccines in the US.

(1)  The first is an industry joke, a voluntary report called the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS).  

Why is it a joke?  Because pediatricians who jam seven to nine Made-in-China vaccines into a small child at one time NEVER want to turn themselves in for that 108 degree fever, and the beginnings of autism, they caused.  They’d be drummed out of the pediatrician clique – and those trips to Europe paid for by big Pharma would quit.  They can come up with endless reasons why they will NOT file a VAERS report – and they simply do NOT file them.

But it is the second system that is most important…

(2)  The second system is called the Vaccine Safety Datalink (VSD) and it is an entirely different thing – and the data collected is totally TOP SECRET.  Every possible trick is used to hide this data, including, I’m told, contracting out the storage of the twenty-seven years of data to companies in foreign countries so it cannot be subpoenaed by lawyers involved in vaccine litigation.

Got that?

If there is no problem with vaccines why can’t Independent Investigators look at that twenty-seven years of data recording the health records of MILLIONS of American children after they were vaccinated with each, and every, CHILDHOOD VACCINE from January of 1991 to the present?

I think we ALL know the answer to that…

Continue reading Vaccines are Ten Thousand Times More Dangerous Than We Were Led To Believe…

Hillary Is “The Resistance?”

Hillary And Obama Declare War on America…

By Elissa Meininger – Health Policy Analyst

Shocked that our election of President Trump interrupted their dream to transform America into a socialist utopia, Hillary, Obama and their fellow travellers, have joined forces to bring President Trump and his Majority of Americans supporters, to their knees.

They just haven’t figured out, yet, that America DOES NOT WANT to be another North Korea; servants to the elite.  And that we elected Trump to reverse all that crazy thinking.

Make no mistake, these Clinton/Obama people are hardcore socialists who have been using well-honed Marxist organizing techniques for decades to build an army to overthrow our capitalist system without a shot being fired.

To them – If they can bring down capitalist America, what they see is a high-tech world run by them and their globalist elite friends.

Just so you know…

Obama and the Clintons have been beneficiaries of what is known as the Shadow Party,  a  well-organized, and well-financed, worldwide movement organized by George Soros.  Soros has amassed legions of well-heeled leftists to use their money to do anything necessary to forward their shared goals.  These goals include diminishing the power of America in the world, subjugating America’s sovereignty in favor of one world government and implementing a socialist redistribution of wealth – both in the U.S. and across national boarders.

In addition to using the tactic of Political Correctness to turn people against each other and re-write history in order to create confusion, this unholy alliance has also encouraged lawless behavior and encouraged people to disrespect police and others who represent law and order.  They  are using the techniques of Community Organizer Saul Alinsky who published  a book in the 1970s called “Rules for Radicals“.

Obama was a professional  Community Organizer who taught Alinsky’s methods in Chicago for several years before he went into politics.  He has now announced that he is returning to that profession in order to impeach or force Trump  to resign. 

It gets weirder…

Continue reading Hillary Is “The Resistance?”

What Trump is Doing to Revise US Health Care – An Overview…

Taking Control of the “Administrative State” is the Key…


Opinion by “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

I’ve said this before, and I will say it again – “The vaccine issue is a microcosm of what is wrong with US Health Care.  And, US Health Care is a microcosm of what is wrong with America…”

Finding the mechanism to solve the vaccine issue is the key to solving US Health Care, and that same mechanism will solve America…

The Trump Team knows exactly what to do, and is doing it – we are getting “America” back…

Richard Dreyfuss, the actor, points out, quite correctly that the teaching of “Civics” has been removed from the US Public School curriculum since about 1970.  Consequently, more than one generation of Americans has NO IDEA how their own government was designed, nor how it actually works.  So, they do NOT know how to fix problems with it.  This is preposterous.

How did this happen?  As Dreyfuss says:

“To teach our kids how to run our country, before they are called upon to run our country…if we don’t, someone else will run our country.” Richard Dreyfuss

The United States government system was designed to be a check and balance system, so that no one agency could assume ultimate control. The main three divisions were The Executive, Congress, and the Judiciary.

More, within each of those were protective devices to keep each of those divisions honest.

Keeping them honest?

Exactly.  Every federal, State, or local agency has some form of watchdog entity constantly examining what employees of that agency are up to.  Why?  Employee abuse of power happens every day.

In any agency that has police power (the power to arrest someone) that sub-agency is called “Internal Affairs.”  In agencies without police power they are usually called “Inspector Generals” or something similar.

Trump has control over “The Executive Branch” – EVERY Part of it…

Continue reading What Trump is Doing to Revise US Health Care – An Overview…

The “Unmasking” Campaign…

All of My time In Washington This Last Week I Was Thinking That…

By Kent Heckenlively, JD

I am sick and tired of powerful people who have their own personal experiences with vaccine injury, but choose not to speak out for fear of losing some of their power.  They are bearing false witness against the truth and the fate of the human race.  IT HAS GOT TO STOP.

Jenny McCarthy was attacked by Pharma shills for coming forward about her vaccine damaged child…

Jenny McCarthy was criticized by some in our community when she talked publicly about her son’s vaccine injury.  There were those who said she should’ve have waited until somebody with more gravitas stepped up to the plate.  What do we know now?

Even BEFORE Jenny McCarthy suspected vaccine injury, so did Robert De Niro.  Why did he remain quiet?  Was it so important to make “Meet the Fockers” and “Bad Grandpa”?

We also know that Sylvester Stallone and John Travolta had children with autism during this time.  I don’t know what those two thought about vaccines, but seriously, when this happens to your child, how can you not think about it?

Think of what could have existed if those three actors had joined Jenny in speaking out publicly?  De Niro, Stallone, and Travolta, you let us down.  Jenny McCarthy was the true action hero.  You guys only play them in the movies.

But such cowardice in the face of a MONUMENTAL ASSAULT ON ALL OUR CHILDREN isn’t the sole province of Hollywood actors. 

Continue reading The “Unmasking” Campaign…

Tucker Carlson Does It Again – This Time With His “DailyCaller” Website…

Viewers Were Shocked When He Interviewed Bobby Kennedy Jr About Vaccines, But His Newest Exposé Dwarfs That…

Not everyone knows that Tucker Carlson is behind the website.

Those people who were, and are, worried that Tucker might have gotten in trouble with FOX News management for bringing up the Kennedy/Vaccine story OBVIOUSLY didn’t do their homework about Tucker.

It is all tied together…

Opinion by “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

Tucker Reveals Who the Liberal Democrat Leadership REALLY is…

In earlier articles here in the BolenReport we have revealed the makeup of the liberal Democratic Party leadership, explaining the role of the (1)  fake “Climate Change” Agenda 21 nutbags, (2)  the entrenched bureaucrats making up the “Administrative State,” controlling US health care for Big Pharma, and (3)  the  LGBTPQ/Feminist community.  But Tucker goes a few steps further…

Documents Tie Berkeley Riot Organizers To Pro-Pedophilia Group, NAMBLA –

by Peter Hasson

The left-wing activists behind the anti-conservative riots at Berkeley have ties to one of the nation’s most prominent pro-pedophilia organizations.

Continue reading Tucker Carlson Does It Again – This Time With His “DailyCaller” Website…

Why the Liberal Democrats HATE Marriage and Family…

California SB 18 – the legislation to take children away from heterosexual parents and put them into the hands of homosexual run Common Sense Media Has Failed…

Opinion by “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen


California parents, up-in-arms, angrier than a disturbed bees nest, swarmed on the California State Capitol, Sacramento, over SB 18, calling it out for what it really is, and was….

Was?  Yup.

California’s SB 18, for all practical purposes, has been defeated.

There is a last minute attempt to convert it to a “Resolution,” creating some nonsense eighteen member Standing committee.

California Senator Richard Pan (sponsor of SB18), also a pediatrician, is questioned and mocked everywhere.

But, the bill’s author, Hillary Clinton’s suitcase-carrier California Senator Richard Pan has been scalded so often now, publicly, that he’s close to being an untouchable.  Good.

One of the ways Pan has been called to task is the public questioning of SB 18’s Sponsor – Common Sense Media.

Boy, was THAT informative.

Our writer Karri Lewis was banned from a Canary Party (CP) FaceBook group (CA Children’s Bill of Rights Takedown” )  when she put forth two questions about Common Sense Media to one of their representatives discussing the wonderfulness of their proposal on the CP FaceBook Page.

Karri’s questions?

(1)  Common Sense Media makes no secret that a significant number of its leadership are male homosexuals.  What is THE Common Sense Media male homosexual interest in having control over our children?

Common Sense media head Jim Steyer and what’s-her-name.

(2)  Common Sense Media promotes the idea that ALL children should have unrestricted access to the internet, and they recommend certain sites for children like one called Kidzworld, that many parents have identified as a pedophile meet-up site.  What’s THAT all about?

Karri didn’t get any answers. The Canary Party people banned her from the group for asking.  But, we DID pass our questions along to actually functioning groups attending the Town Hall Meetings set up to promote SB 18 by Common Sense Media.

Hundreds of parents went to those meetings and made their similar concerns VERY clear  – LOUDLY.  At one of the last of the pro-SB18 “Town Halls” the organizers turned off the lights, I suspect, to be able to escape out the back door, THE HUNDREDS OF PEOPLE IN THE AUDIENCE WERE SCREAMING AT THEM SO LOUDLY.


Karri wrote about these Common Sense Media concerns here on the BolenReport.  You can find the details here.  You can find ALL of her articles on SB 18 here.

Karri is NOT shy.

The fight, in California, over SB 18, has brought out THE REAL argument between liberal Democrats and average Americans.

Continue reading Why the Liberal Democrats HATE Marriage and Family…

Snowflakes of San Francisco…

April was a two-year anniversary for me. 

You might say I’ve been sitting at home, waiting for the phone to ring, but nobody has called.  And he said he would call.  I feel SO cheap…

By Kent Heckenlively, JD


I’m talking about the April 9, 2015 appearance I was supposed to make at the Commonwealth Club of California with Dr. Brian Hooker and Dr. Judy Mikovits.  We were “dis-invited.” 

It seems we were the leading edge of a new trend sweeping the country in which the First Amendment and open dialogue are thrown away like yesterday’s trash.

Here’s how it happened. 

On February 18, 2015 I was the master of ceremonies for a showing of the wonderful documentary film, Trace Amounts, at the Opera Plaza Cinemas in San Francisco.

One of the audience members was a delightful woman named Christie Dames, who fell all over herself when she found out I was the co-author with Dr. Judy Mikovits of the book, PLAGUE: One Scientist’s Intrepid Search for the Truth about Human Retroviruses, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Autism, and Other Diseases. She quickly introduced me to her husband, Kevin, who was at the time Chairman of the Business and Leadership forum at the Commonwealth Club.

If you don’t know about the Commonwealth Club, it bills itself as “the nation’s oldest and largest public affairs forum” and they’ve hosted people like Martin Luther King, Jr., Teddy Roosevelt, Ronald Reagan, and Bill Gates.  To say I was proud to be included in their company is an understatement.

Continue reading Snowflakes of San Francisco…

California Government Becomes Sci-Fi Equivalent of “The Borg”…

California has become SURREAL.  It’s like we are living in a “B” movie…

The Borg” are a fictional alien race that appear as recurring antagonists in the Star Trek franchise. The Borg are a collection of species that have been turned into cybernetic organisms functioning as drones in a hive mind, called “the Collective” or “the Hive”.

The Borg” use a process called assimilation to force other species into the Collective by injecting microscopic machines called nanoprobes, as well as with surgically adding cybernetic parts.

The Borg “Queen of the Hive.”

The Borg” are driven by a need for ‘perfection’, and assimilate other races to further that goal.[1]

Also referred to as the “hive mind” or “collective consciousness”, the Borg Collective is a civilization with a group mind. Each Borg individual, or drone, is linked to the collective by a sophisticated subspace network that ensures each member is given constant supervision and guidance.  -Wikipedia

Opinion by Karri Lewis AWAKE California

A Very Astute, AWAKE California member pointed out:

“As the sickest of all industrialized nations, what assures our uninterrupted de-evolution is the decline of intelligence and education where perfectly healthy people willingly accept being forced to take potentially dangerous drugs and vaccines. Without a squawk.

Exempting one’s child from vaccines has always been a path chosen by a small percentage of the most educated people. The militantly uneducated will always accept as many vaccines as they are told. That will never change.

What has changed dramatically is that now we have arrived at a dangerous and uncharted new crossroads in national politics, where the will of the uneducated mob is being imposed by law on the educated. Such a trend will ensure the continuation of the academic, ethical, and moral deterioration that we have witnessed since 9/11. Today’s measles hysteria is just a symptom of that more systemic, more profound malaise.

Continue reading California Government Becomes Sci-Fi Equivalent of “The Borg”…

Trump’s “Deconstruction of the Administrative State”…

What it means for US Health Care…

By Elissa Meininger – Health Policy Analyst


If you liked Jonathan Emord’s two-minute video in my last article you are going to LOVE the twenty-four minute video we have below. Jonathan explains, in simple language, but with great detail, what Trump is up to in revising US Health Care.

But, before we go there…

If I could wave my magic wand…

I’d like to see that every kid in America was excited about learning history so after he or she grew up, the world would make more sense. 

As it is, we depend on the press to explain events to us. Unfortunately, right now, the mainstream press is in such a tizzy, the bilge that is spewed out is a public disgrace.

Our Founding Fathers believed a free press was essential to educating the public on matters of public concern, so we could be able to govern ourselves.   So why are we watching wall to wall malcontents screaming invectives, spewing out hate and making up the “facts” as they go?  The fact that some of the worst screamers are well-known reporters is appalling.

Right now, we are living through one of the greatest moments in American history. 

It is bigger than anything anyone could have imagined before Trump came onto the scene.  He is not operating like a regular politician so he is hard to understand in comparison to the permanent ruling class in DC  we’ve been living with for decades.

The swamp is a little cleaner today. And tomorrow is coming…

He is not influenced by popularity polls with an eye for the next election.  So, even if he gets panned in the press, he is unaffected because he said he’d clean up the swamp and a lot of people voted for him without really caring to know the details.

He said he wanted to create jobs, bring industry back to America, wanted to control the flow of illegal immigrants, and he wanted to make sure America was respected around the world again.

For those of us in health freedom, he very specifically stated he thought vaccines caused autism.

I recently ran across a 24-minute Youtube video called Deconstructing the Administrative State.  It is a rebroadcast of part of a Jeff Rense radio show interview with Constitutional and Administrative Law attorney Jonathan Emord, the fellow I’ve mentioned in earlier postings on BolenReport.

I urge you to take the time to watch it, as it covers an astounding description of what President Trump’s goals are to radically change how America operates.

He is, in fact, repealing what is called the “administrative state” where, we the people, are being ruled by a permanent and un-elected horde of bureaucrats at the behest of the big business interests who put them in charge.

The first two minutes of the Youtube video is of Steve Bannon, a special advisor to Trump, who explained Trump’s blueprint to the audience at CPAC, the conservative political organization that met earlier this year.  Then our guy Jonathan…

Jonathan Emord’s portion of the Youtube video is actually part of a radio interview Jeff Rense had with him recently that fills in the details of what Bannon’s presentation outlined.

How Trump is “Deconstructing the Administrative State,” and what it means for American Health Care…

Continue reading Trump’s “Deconstruction of the Administrative State”…

Tucker Carlson is a Great American!  Allows Robert Kennedy, Jr. to Discuss Pharma Corruption and Vaccines!…

By Kent Heckenlively, JD

Before I get into an analysis of a MONUMENTAL moment in the fight for vaccine truth…

I want to simply provide a transcript of the discussion between Tucker Carlson and Robert Kennedy, Jr. which aired on Tucker Carlson Tonight on April 20, 2017.

Tucker teased the story before a commercial break, saying:

“Up next, President Trump is suggesting he wants to investigate the safety of vaccines and if he does he has an ally in a member of the Kennedy family.  We sat down with Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. to talk about his meeting with the President about vaccines.  It’s an interesting conversation.  Stay tuned.”

The screen then went to a commercial break. 

The first commercial was about Chantix, a medication designed to help people quit smoking.  It was a beautiful commercial in which “Thomas” was able to quit smoking and become a better dad to his son.

However, the warnings just after those wonderful domestic scenes painted a different picture:

“Some people had changes in behavior, thinking or mood, hostility, agitation, depressed mood, and suicidal thoughts or actions while taking or after stopping Chantix.  Some reported seizures or sleep-walking with Chantix.  If you have any of these, stop Chantix and call your doctor right away.  Tell your doctor about any history of mental health problems, which could get worse, or of seizures.  Don’t take Chantix if you’ve had a serious allergic or skin reaction to it.  If you have these, stop Chantix and call your doctor right away, as some could be life-threatening.  Tell your doctor if you have heart or blood vessel problems or develop new or worse symptoms.  Get medical help right away if you have symptoms of a heart attack or stroke.  Decrease alcohol use while taking Chantix.  Use caution driving or operating machinery.  The most common side effect of Chantix is nausea.”

When the show returned, this is what they said:

Continue reading Tucker Carlson is a Great American!  Allows Robert Kennedy, Jr. to Discuss Pharma Corruption and Vaccines!…

Robert Kennedy, Jr. on Tucker Carlson Tonight…

By Kent Heckenlively, JD

Our community has been waiting for a champion with the guts, integrity, and mainstream audience to break out the vaccine-autism-cancer story out into the open.  Have we found it in Tucker Carlson, the new face of Fox News? 

In an email sent out to a group of activists today, Robert Kennedy, Jr. told an amazing story about how he came to be interviewed by Tucker Carlson for a segment that will run tonight.

Tucker is on at 6:00 PM PST (about 6:40 PM), 7:00 PM Mountain, 8:00 PM Central, and 9:00 PM EST.

The only other well-known media personality who has even allowed this subject to be discussed in the last ten years has been Bill Maher.

Continue reading Robert Kennedy, Jr. on Tucker Carlson Tonight…

Cancer Report:  Vaccines Cause Cancer – We Need to Get Prepared…

International Organization of Integrative Cancer Physicians (IOICP) – 15th Annual Conference…

By Frank Cousineau – President, Cancer Control Society

Note from Tim Bolen – I have been a huge critic of the mainstream Cancer treatment establishment for a very long time.  President Richard Nixon funded the “War on Cancer” in 1972, challenging mainstream to solve the cancer problem.  They promised to do that within eighteen months if given enough money.  In forty four years they have made ZERO progress.  American have found that there are alternatives to mainstream that work very well, are cheaper, and you, and/or your loved ones get to live.  And, you get to travel…

And, since we now know that mandatory vaccines cause cancer we had best get prepared…

What is this?  

Why is this important?  This (IOICP) – 15th Annual Conference is a premiere training program for physicians to learn how to implement the most up-to-date Integrative Protocols to improve the outcome for cancer patients.

This year, Annie Brandt, Founder of Best Answer for Cancer and a 16-year cancer survivor has organized another excellent physician-training program at the Town and Country Hotel in San Diego (Hotel Circle on I-8), California.  Please follow the links below for more information and to make your reservations.

What is IOICP?  

It is the International Organization for Integrative Cancer & Chronic Disease Physicians.  IOICP is a group of physicians (MD’s, ND’s, RN’s, PhD’s and others) dedicated to providing the best patient-oriented protocols to their patients.  The organization supports its members with basic training, as well as advanced courses in the latest, most effective techniques consistent with the prime admonition of the Hippocratic Oath, Primum est nil nocereFirst do no harm.

Continue reading Cancer Report:  Vaccines Cause Cancer – We Need to Get Prepared…

The Cancer Lurking in Every Vaccine…

It’s been a rough few weeks for me...

Opinion by Karri Lewis AWAKE California


I just found out a third homeschooling mentor-friend of mine was recently diagnosed with an aggressive form of breast cancer that has spread.

She’s had both breasts removed and now they are talking about removing her uterus…

So far, she seems to be following the allopathic model for cancer treatment.

Unfortunately, the success rates for surgery, chemotherapy and radiation are not all that promising.

One homeschooling mentor-friend lost her battle with cancer (she fought for 2 years with alternative and complementary therapies). She also had an especially aggressive form of breast cancer.

Even those in the cancer industry shun the conventional treatment…

Continue reading The Cancer Lurking in Every Vaccine…

FDA FOLLIES – Dental Amalgams…

The issue of the corruption in the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is so huge, this is the first of several articles I’m writing to expose the agency’s large contribution to “the swamp” in Washington.

By Elissa Meininger – Health Policy Analyst


The swamp Trump promises to clean up.   If you have even one “silver” filling in your teeth, this one’s for you.

So-called “silver” fillings are 52% mercury

Below is part of a 2011 article posted by  Charlie Brown, head of Consumers For Dental Choice , and mastermind behind years of legal action to force the FDA to follow the law.  It offers a bird’s eye view of how the FDA operates.

FDA’S Thirty Two Years of Concealing Amalgam’s  Mercury From You...

I. Captive of corporate America:  the US Food & Drug Administration

The United States Food and Drug Administration, once the world’s “gold standard” for food, drug, and device regulation, has evolved from industry regulator to industry captive. 

Political scientists are not surprised –  The evolution from tough regulator to passive regulator to industry captive is a pattern in Washington.  Unless an agency engages in a major system of reinvigoration, the spiral continues.  But FDA seems comfortable being the hand-maiden for industry; it has brought big bucks to the agency and lucrative jobs after time at FDA.

The big bucks are in FDA’s pay-to-play approval system.  Drug companies pay seven-figure amounts into FDA coffers to gain approval of their drugs. FDA staff knows that the cash means higher salaries and more perks in the agency budget.  The drug companies know the high fees prevent small competitors with good ideas from getting their products to market.  The coziness between FDA and major drug and device companies gets tighter, while innovative entrepreneurs are shut out and the public loses twice: good drugs aren’t being considered and controversial drugs are rubber-stamped.

Another bitter legacy of federal regulation is the “revolving door,” where insiders bounce between well-paid positions in industry to high-ranking FDA positions that regulate that industry.  Those in the political party out of power hold cushy jobs awaiting their return to power, at which point – in the game of Washington musical chairs – those in the party leaving power in turn take the high-paying jobs in industry.  The current FDA Commissioner, Margaret Hamburg, coming to FDA from Henry Schein, Inc., the largest seller of dental products and a major seller of medical products too, is a perfect example.  Hamburg was a high official in the Clinton Administration, so Schein’s CEO Stanley Bergman, an active Democrat, tapped Hamburg for the light work of being a board member during the Bush II years, paying her millions of dollars to sit in meetings and file occasional reports.  When Bergman’s party returned to power in 2009, he escorted Hamburg back through the revolving door – as Commissioner of the world’s most powerful food and drug regulator, FDA.

II. FDA covers up amalgam’s mercury from consumers – for 32 years…

Continue reading FDA FOLLIES – Dental Amalgams…

The Mixed-Up Mind of an Anti-Vaxxer…

By Kent Heckenlively, J.D.

People I’ve never met before often tell me I am a hero.  It’s happened to me about thirty or forty times as I’ve done my radio tour for my new book, INOCULATED: How Science Lost its Soul in Autism.  The hosts will invariably have to tell me their own stories of suspected vaccine injury, tell me that my book put the entire issue into a clear and understandable narrative, and even sometimes tell me they believe God has prepared me for this mission.  It’s pretty heady stuff.

Or there are the times I go to a conference or rally, and I introduce myself, or somebody sees my name tag and there’s that momentary pause as they look into my eyes as their own go wide, as if they’re meeting somebody they never actually expected to meet in the flesh.  (It’s kind of the same look I get from my six-grade students when they run into me at the grocery store or the movies.  They don’t think I exist in the REAL world.)  I try to be friendly and agreeable and ask them about themselves.  Some want to tell me everything and others get shy, as if I am some higher being who couldn’t possibly be interested in their story.

People I’ve known all my life tell me I’m dangerous…

Continue reading The Mixed-Up Mind of an Anti-Vaxxer…

Heart Attack or Stroke?

It can happen to you, or right in front of you. What is the difference?  What do you do?…

By David A. Steenblock, MS, DO 


A heart attack occurs from blockage of the blood vessels that supply oxygen to the heart. This usually causes chest pain on one’s left side, and the left arm or neck. The pain is constant and may go from a dull ache to a more sharp pain in the left chest with exertion or stress. Nausea may be present as well.

If you are having CHEST PAIN , NAUSEA and/or SWEATING call 911 and go to the nearest emergency room for medical care!

A stroke happens when blood flow to the brain is impeded or blocked.

Sometimes these symptoms will go away after a few minutes or hours. When this happens it is likely you are having a Transient Ischemic Attack (TIA) which means that a blocked blood vessel to your brain has opened up and the blood flow has been at least partially restored.

For years doctors have thought that this type of event did not cause damage to the brain though recent studies have demonstrated that it not only does, but can result in long term problems like memory loss. If these symptoms return in a few hours, days or even weeks, the original symptoms usually stick around and may signal a full blown stroke.

If you should have this type of seemingly temporary problem, then insist that your doctors do a complete brain blood vessel evaluation and brain MRI so the exact cause of the symptoms can be determined and either repaired or treated to prevent the progression of the TIA into a full blown stroke.

Call 911 if….

If you or someone your observe exhibits any of the signs of stroke. Do not delay because timely treatment is critical to survival and recovery. Be safe rather than sorry! CALL NOW!

Summon an ambulance…

If the symptoms pass quickly this may indicate a brief blockage of blood flow to the brain (called a transient ischemic attack or TIA) that is often a forerunner of stroke. Do not ignore this warning sign.

In situations in which a stroke is due to a blood clot, an enzyme treatment (TPA) must be initiated within the first 3-6 hours of the onset of symptoms. If your pulse is irregular and or you have been diagnosed with atrial fibrillation or other forms of irregular heartbeat, your chances of having a blood clot as the cause of a stroke is high.

If you have HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE and especially if you have not been taking your blood pressure pills and TIA or stroke symptoms develop, your chances of having a “BLEEDING” type of stroke is high and the enzyme drug TPA cannot be used.

Bleeding into the brain is more likely to cause serious problems and even death than the blood clot type, especially if one’s blood pressure is high and remains so. Most preventable strokes are due to people not taking prescribed blood pressure lowering drugs or lifestyle changes or failing to measure their blood pressure on a regular basis and missing unusual changes.


Continue reading Heart Attack or Stroke?

Anti-Vaxxers – Don’t Worry About Scott Gottlieb Running The FDA…

Trump is His Boss…

If Scott Gets Out Of Line His Next Assignment Could Be Working the FDA South Pole Fertilizer Study – Spending His Days Weighing Penguin Poop…

Opinion by “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen


Scott Gottlieb, I think, will do just fine for us.  He will have a specific job to do, and he is fully qualified to do it.  Keep reading.  I’ll explain his REAL mission below.

A little background music…

A friend of mine was telling me that he was watching a CNN “panel on vaccines” the other day headed by Gloria Vanderbilt’s little boy Anderson Cooper.  My response was “So, you were one of the eighteen people who watched CNN that day? Laughter ensued.

There is NO DOUBT that mainstream media is on-its-ass.  It’s attempt to vilify Donald Trump, and hence, his gargantuan following, has put their very existence at risk.  Good.

But, I have to tell you that I do monitor the liberal-whiner-press if only to enjoy their discomfort, taste their defeat, and determine the latest “spin” the globalist “running dogs” employ on American everyday problems.

I want to tell you about something important I found. 

Continue reading Anti-Vaxxers – Don’t Worry About Scott Gottlieb Running The FDA…


By Elissa Meininger – Health Policy Analyst

Well, folks, over the last couple of years, the issue of vaccinating children has been front page news all over the net.  You will never hear about it in the mainstream press, unless, of course, the flavor of the story is to trash anyone who has any questions about vaccine safety.  These inquiring minds are automatically condemned as ignorant “anti-vaxxers” or worse.

As Robert F. Kennedy, Jr, of World Mercury Project, explained it,

“America is one of only two nations in the world that allows pharmaceutical ads on television. Drug companies are the largest advertisers on TV and radio. They spend $3-$5.4 billion annually to saturate the airwaves with 80 advertisements every hour. Anyone who watches network news quickly understands that it has devolved into a vehicle for selling pharmaceuticals. That lucre seems to have neutralized the news divisions at CNN, ABC, NBC and CBS. Fox News alone is uncorrupted, but only because its shameless purpose, from its inception, has been to promote the ascendancy of corporate power. Fox’s former CEO, Roger Ailes, was sympathetic with the cause but he told me that he would have to fire any of his hosts who allowed me on his network to discuss mercury in vaccines or autism if I cost them an advertiser. He said, “Bobby, if I let you on to talk about vaccines, Rupert would be on the phone with me in ten minutes.”


Kennedy, as you may recall, is in conversation with President Trump about setting up a Presidential Commission to clean up the swamp at the CDC.  Trump believes vaccines cause autism.   Armed with the movie VAXXED: From Coverup to Catastrophe, Trump and millions of Americans know that the CDC, as an agency, has been caught in a whopping lie about the safety of MMR shots.

From their own studies showing  that these shots were causing damage, and lots of it, particularly to little black boys, agency officials decided to destroy the evidence so they could say, with a straight face, that they had no evidence showing harm. Thus, that is how the swamp at the CDC protects its political agenda to promote more and more vaccines.


Trump Continues Rain In California, Cancelling “Fake Drought.” – Liberal Democrats Running Scared…

Opinion by “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

There is no question that the liberal Democrats were planning the outright destruction of California’s agriculture base in a manner similar to what they did to America’s factories, and to young Americans with the US Student Loan Program. Agenda 21 was their war cry.  A war aimed at American Citizens.

California HAD provided 40% of ALL of the US produce until, about eight years ago, the Dems started the “fake drought” destroying California’s ability to grow crops so that heavily bug-sprayed vegetables and fruits could be imported from the Third World  by the Obama/Clinton globalists.

ObamaDust covered the California sky EVERY DAY for eight years.

ObamaDust covered the 1200 mile long State every day for eight years, from the Oregon border to Mexico.  Thousands of air-tankers sprayed every morning, creating a noxious, toxic, air-soup designed to create a chemical cloud cover that would hold in the day’s heat, creating “High Pressure Areas.”

High Pressure Areas simply means no rain.  For eight years.

Then Trump got elected, and smiled…

Continue reading Trump Continues Rain In California, Cancelling “Fake Drought.” – Liberal Democrats Running Scared…

The Nation of Islam Joins the Fight for Vaccine Truth…

By Kent Heckenlively, J.D.

I encourage you to look closely at this remarkable picture of me with Minister Tony Muhammad of the Nation of Islam, taken at the Revolution for Truth Rally in our nation’s capital.  Minister Tony grew up on the mean streets of Atlanta, Georgia, and was raised by a single mother with ten children.   And me?  I grew up on the fourteenth hole of Round Hill Country Club in Alamo, California, one of the wealthiest zip codes in the United States.

Do we look like friends?  Do we look like the members of a mutual admiration society?  Personally, I consider Minister Tony Muhammad to be my brother.  He is a fellow warrior for truth and like the members of a well-trained military unit, I would gladly take a bullet for him.

I know many of you may be asking yourself why a white guy like me is so enamored of the Nation of Islam.  Aren’t they a black separatist group who hates white people?

Well, after fighting in the trenches of the vaccine/autism war for more than a decade I’ve become a little wary of believing everything the mainstream media says about a group

I mean, if you listen to what the mainstream media says about people like me, I supposedly want kids to die of disease.

I interviewed Minister Tony Muhammad for my book, INOCULATED: How Science Lost its Soul in Autism, to find out how he and Minister Louis Farrakhan became involved in this issue.

Minister Tony Muhammad is in charge of the Los Angeles Mosque of the Nation of Islam and is responsible for most of the Nation’s activities west of the Mississippi.  About a year ago, Minister Tony got a call from one of his members, saying that Robert Kennedy, Jr. wanted to meet a member of the black community who had the courage to take on the vaccine/autism issue.

The minister agreed to the meeting. 

He was shocked by the story told to him by Robert Kennedy, Jr. of how Dr. William Thompson, a senior scientist at the Centers for Disease Control was alleging a cover-up of data showing that African-American males were at an increased risk of autism from earlier administration of the measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine.

Minister Tony immediately realized the significance of the information and put in a call to the head of the Nation of Islam, Minister Louis Farrakhan, to tell him about what he’d heard.  Minister Farrakhan asked the group if they would be willing to fly out to Chicago to discuss the information with him personally.

Continue reading The Nation of Islam Joins the Fight for Vaccine Truth…