The Secret of “N…”

There Are Two Vastly Different Ways to Look at “Climate Change.”  There is the IPCC, and then there is the NIPCC…

The IPCC plots to kill “Western Civilization,” the NIPCC does not…

From Germany By Karma Singh

You may well have heard of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) initiated under auspices of the United Nations.  Before we attach too much significance to this body it would serve us well to take a quick look into its antecedents.

In the 1930’s and 40’s in Germany, IG Farbenindustrie was an all-powerful chemical combine controlled by a board of directors who called themselves “The Council of the Gods” because they considered themselves to be above both law and custom. They were also a major financier of Adolf Hitler, gave orders to him and, themselves, built and managed Auschwitz where the experiments on humans were carried out which form the basis of modern medicine. At the Nürnberg war crimes trials, several IGF directors were given long prison sentences. Amongst these was Fritz te Mer.

Under pressure from, probably, Rockefeller and/or friends, Fritz te Mer was released from prison and brought to New York where he was instrumental in founding the United Nations.

The public image of the UN is VERY different to what really goes on there.

Continue reading The Secret of “N…”

Latest Scaremongering Announcement Proves CO2 Has No Effect On Global Temperature!

It Is Time To Acknowledge the Truth About So-Called “Climate Change”...

‘This weekend, sensors in Hawaii recorded Earth’s atmospheric concentration of carbon dioxide (CO2) passing 415 parts per million (ppm) for the first time since before the ancient dawn of humanity.”

From Germany By Karma Singh…

According to “Science Alert” in their publication dated 11th May 2019, CO2 level at 415 parts per million of the air, i.e. 0.0415%, is now the highest ever recorded in human history

This announcement by the Climate Change Mafia is in many ways misleading.

Firstly, fossil fuel burning contributes only around six percent of all CO2, i.e. 0.00249% of the air.

Secondly, the position of the test station from which they have the readings which they quote is on the side of an active volcano sitting in a warming ocean.

The second largest producers of atmospheric CO2 are the volcanoes. In this case, the CO2 rolls over the lip of the volcano and, being heavier than air, rolls down into the waiting arms of the Climate Change Mafia.

The oceans are the largest producers of atmospheric CO2 which they absorb when the water is cold and then give off when the water is warmer. Ocean currents carry cold water into this region where it is warmed up by volcanic activity. Additionally, the “El Nino” cycle is presently pushing warmer water into the area.

It is scientifically incontrovertible that CO2 in the air MUST be very much higher on the side of an active volcano sitting in a warming ocean than elsewhere. This is why data from this station is used rather than data from an area where typical levels would occur.

Thirdly, the small increase in atmospheric CO2 which has occurred over the last few decades has resulted in a dramatic expansion of green plant growth (up to 50% in some areas). NASA scientists report that 70% of the increased plant growth is due to the greater availability of that essential plant nutrient CO2. The slight increase in world temperature since the 1970s, due to increased activity of the Sun, has helped to further this process.

Natural News) In direct contradiction to the scare stories about carbon dioxide being relentlessly pushed by the climate change alarmists, a scientific study published in Nature Climate Change and highlighted by NASA reveals that rising carbon dioxide levels are having a tremendously positive impact on the re-greening of planet Earth over the last three decades, with some regions experiencing over a 50% increase in plant life.”

Nonetheless, CO2 levels are still not ideal…

Continue reading Latest Scaremongering Announcement Proves CO2 Has No Effect On Global Temperature!

Why Amazon Was Ordered By The Globalists To Attack The Powerful “Anti-Vaxxer” Movement…

Have Your Books Been Banned from Amazon?

From Germany By Karma Singh

Recently, Jeff Bezoz, the founder and president of Amazon announced that Amazon would, with immediate effect, ban all books critical of vaccination.

Amazon sells a lot of different stuff but not vaccines (as yet?) so why should Mr. Bezoz concern himself with this?   Well, the general rule these days is, “follow the money”.

You see, the pharmaceutical industry has a very large world-wide problem.

Too many people are realising that pharmaceutical medicine just doesn’t work.

Even worse, many are finding out WHY it doesn’t work. It was with this problem in mind that, some decades ago, Rockefeller set about buying up all the news media which the pharmaceutical industry, through various proxies, now controls about 93%. The purpose was and is to prevent the truth reaching the public.

Thanks to the internet, many millions of people have learned the truth, especially about vaccination: So much so that the vaccination business is in imminent danger of collapse. Some countries have already banned it and switched to the much more effective, safer and cheaper homoeopathy (see video below).

As this is one of the three major sources of income for the pharmaceutical cartel, worth several billions each year, you can perhaps perceive why the pharmaceutical industry is in such a world-wide tizzy.

But what has this got to do with Jeff Bezoz and Amazon?

Something you probably do NOT realize – Amazon is deeply in debt.

It only continues to trade at all because the bankers find it a useful tool in the destruction of small and medium businesses. By continually extending credit, the bankers keep Amazon afloat.

Continue reading Why Amazon Was Ordered By The Globalists To Attack The Powerful “Anti-Vaxxer” Movement…

Bye, Bye “Obamacare” – Hello “Health Care?…”

We Need A REAL Health Care System – One NOT Based On Drugs And Vaccines…

From Germany by Karma Singh

Those who have read the book  “Why Nations Fail” from Daron Acemoglu and James A. Robinson will be aware that one of the principal causes is the establishment of monopolies for “Friends of the Government”.

Obamacare is a classic example of such; it established regional (state) monopolies on health insurance, and a national monopoly on health treatment for the pharmaceutical industry. It was, basically, an extortion racket which cost the American people dear whilst reducing the value and availability of the health care which they could purchase.

In volume one of “Conversations with God” from Neale Donald Walsch, it is stated that this world is governed by lies and liars.

Just one month ago, Nancy Pelosi proved this point by declaring that the abolition of Obamacare and its replacement with something else not ruled by monopolies would be to deprive America of affordable health care – the exact opposite of reality. The truly intriguing question is, “Why does she think that such a bare-faced lie that anyone can disprove in 2 minutes with a pocket calculator will be accepted as a statement of present reality?”

Insanity or criminal intent? I dunno – difficult to tell with her.

I wonder whether “Our Donald” and his team have realized just how BIG a chance this is.

Continue reading Bye, Bye “Obamacare” – Hello “Health Care?…”

WHAT “Measles Virus?”

For some years now there has been a reward of 100,000 Deutsche Marks (about $112,000) for hard proof that viruses exist…

From Germany By Karma Singh

One would think that there must be hundreds of people in the pharmaceutical industry, the CDC, the FDA etc., who could easily pocket this reward by laying the proof upon the table.

NOT SO!  Only one has even tried, he chose the measles virus as his proof and he failed!

He even went to Germany’s highest court in an attempt to get the prize.

The problem he had, as the judges rightly pointed out, was that his evidence was not continuous. He tried to claim the prize with a sheaf of different scientific papers none of which proved the existence of viruses.

His attempt, however, was based upon the concept of “inference,” i.e. he said that because report a) says this and report b) this and report c) this etc., we must infer that they, taken together, prove the existence of the measles virus.

Now “inference”, in scientific circles, is an “upper class” word for “guess” so he was saying that guesswork proves the existence of the measles virus. The judges, whose business it is to weigh evidence impartially, disagreed and told him, in December 2016, that guesswork is NOT proof!

The reward is still unclaimed today.

Continue reading WHAT “Measles Virus?”

A “New Dawn” For Thailand?

“BolenReport Writer Karma Singh is traveling.  This week he is in Thailand looking at their parliamentary elections and what they mean to Planet Earth.  The point?  Everything on Planet Earth is tied together.  What happens in Thailand effects what happens in the US and Europe.  Read about his trip…”

From Thailand – By Karma Singh

Thailand has been, for many years, governed by a military junta.

Although this did end a time of unrest with some considerable violence, military rule is never the best option for a country.

Although military rule did restore order, because a military system is rigidly controlled, it tends to stifle the initiative and entrepreneurship which are the life-blood of all economic activity.

One of the prime factors which led to the collapse of civil order in Thailand was one Georg Soros…

Continue reading A “New Dawn” For Thailand?

Jack Boots on the March Again In Germany…

Brandenburg – Worldwide Big Pharma’s “Test Case?”

From Germany – By Karma Singh

Brandenburg is one of the smaller regions in Germany and what has happened there may well be a test case, just as the attempted imposition of unlawful quarantine and forced vaccination of Jews this month in New York were.

Germany, rather like the USA, is made up of several semi-autonomous regions; just not so many of them as the US has  – plus a central government of sorts. One of these regions is called Brandenburg. You may well have heard of the Brandenburger Tor in Berlin. Tor is the German word for gate and this was the old entry to the city of Berlin from the direction of Brandenburg.

Some may well note that I avoid using the word “state” by substituting this with “region”. There is a very good reason for this: Not even the Federal Republic of Germany, let alone any of its constituent regions, is a “state.” None of the prerequisites for statehood specified in the treaty of Montevideo have been fulfilled by any of them.

Further, Obama Bin Barak declared in 2009 in a speech to US troops in Germany that “Germany is an occupied land and will remain so.” The present US ambassador to Germany recently and publicly, confirmed this state of affairs.

What has happened in Brandenburg?

Continue reading Jack Boots on the March Again In Germany…

The Measles “Epifraud…”

A Scam – Designed To Cover Up US Public Health’s Inability To Accept Responsibility For What They Have Done To America’s Children…

And the children of the world…

From Britain – By Karma Singh

In a desperate push to sell all of their so called “vaccines” before the use-by date, the pharmaceutical cartel, with the assistance of certain pre-purchased politicians, has mounted a “mass measles scare.”

The presumption upon which this is based is that measles is, in some way, dangerous…

The pharma-hope is that no-one will notice this sleight of hand.”

Measles used to be, about 170 years ago, somewhat dangerous; not of itself, you must understand, but because of chronic under-nutrition and almost non-existent sanitation. It is these which made this natural development process which we call measles difficult for a child’s body to cope with.

During the century from 1850 onwards, most of these problems were solved and the last measles death in the UK occurred in 1958, exactly TEN YEARS before the pharma cartel began pushing their vaccine. This is clearly shown in British medical statistics in this graph copied from the book “Tyrannosaurus Pharmaceuticus R.I.P.” ( with permission of the author.

In some Third World countries, such as Bangladesh…

Continue reading The Measles “Epifraud…”

Big Pharma Says – “Anti-Vaxxers Are The Greatest Criminals in the World Today!”

Big Pharma Started With The Funding of Hitler, And They Still Use The Same Tactics And Strategies..

From  Germany – By Karma Singh

Herrmann Göring, deputy Reichskanzler to Adolf Hitler said…

“If you say a thing loud enough and often enough, no matter how ridiculous it is people will believe it.” 

So they shout this opening sentence (“Anti-Vaxxers Are The Greatest Criminals in the World Today!”) at us and we are expected to believe it. This poses two questions:

(1)  Who are “they”? and

(2)  Why do they use libelous criminal accusations instead of scientific proof?

Both questions are very easy to answer and anyone can find the proof which confirms them with a little diligent research.

“They” are the pharmaceutical cartel.

This, after banking, is the second richest “industry” in the world and the second biggest fraud ever perpetrated upon humanity. One of their progenitors is Nelson Rockefeller (Standard oil, later re-named Exxon) who purchased large parts of the, then, fledgling pharmaceutical industry as a possible new sales channel for his oil. (It was believed, at the time, that crude oil had healing properties. Many “over the counter” mineral and vitamin supplements are actually made from crude oil and are spectacularly ineffective because the crude oil information renders them almost unrecognisable to the human body.)

Rockefeller and his successors, in later decades, went on to purchase most of the First World’s press so as to prevent the truth reaching the public as this would bring about an almost immediate collapse of pharmaceutical medicine. The internet with its uncontrolled citizen journalists, researchers and whistle blowers has already blown some very large holes in their propaganda.

“ Truth has the annoying habit of patiently hanging around: No matter how much effort you put into getting rid of it, it never really goes away. – “ Karma Singh, Bard (now Merlin), 1989

Over this last year and more we have seen ever more online censorship…

…operated by the major owners of the public internet, Google, Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, Paypal and others. Justlast, 22nd February 2019, Facebook’s owner, the pseudo-human called Mark Zuckerberg, announced that they will create a new filter which will delete all content critical of vaccination and replace it with the straight pharmaceutical propaganda.

Why do “They” need to do this?

Continue reading Big Pharma Says – “Anti-Vaxxers Are The Greatest Criminals in the World Today!”

“Panic” at Worldwide Big Pharma’s Vaccine Companies…

Why, suddenly, the “Big Push?…”

From Europe By Karma Singh

Most of us have noticed how, in recent days, a big push has started to get vaccination made compulsory world-wide.

The ostensible origin of this push is the United Nations and their various declarations about how Anti-Vaccinators are the scum of the Earth who want nothing more than to see millions of people die from horrible diseases. It may well, therefore, be wise to take a look into the antecedents.

A little history explains a lot…

Back in the 1930’s and 40’s IG Farbenindustrie “ruled the roost in Germany. They not only operated a chemical and pharmaceutical monopoly, they also financed Adolf Hitler and gave him his orders.

Amongst the directors of IG Farbenindustrie, who styled themselves “The Council of Gods”, was one Fritz te Meer who was given a long prison sentence at the Nürnberg Trials for Crimes against Humanity. This, presumably, had to do with the fact that Auschwitz was built and managed by IG Farbenindustrie and the “medical” experiments carried out upon human victims there. (Most of modern medical practise is based upon the experiments carried out and discoveries made in Auschwitz and similar “camps”.)

Under pressure from, presumably, Rockefeller who was a major shareholder in the German pharmaceutical industry, te Meer was set free early and taken to the USA where he helped found both the CIA and the United Nations.

Fast forward…

Fast forward to 2009, under Barack Obama, and most of us will remember how the United Nations, with no credible evidence, tried to declare a world pandemic of H1N1 “swine flu” with compulsory vaccination for all.

US president Barack Obama declared “A Declaration of National Emergency” his ONLY State of Emergency declaration – but the so-called pandemic NEVER HAPPENED.

Continue reading “Panic” at Worldwide Big Pharma’s Vaccine Companies…

“Vaccine-Damaged” Greta Thunberg – The Sixteen-Year-Old “Alexandria Ocasio Cortez” of Europe…

Globalists Exploit “Asperger’s” Child…

From Germany – Opinion by Karma Singh

Greta Thunberg, in case you’ve not yet heard of her, is a sixteen year old Swedish school girl. She is a typical vaccine damaged child diagnosed with Asperger’s Syndrome which is one of the very many effects of the heavy metals and other toxins included in vaccines.

What is Greta famous for? Her appearance at the Climate Summit in Katowice, Poland in December 2018 – where she mouthed almost EXACTLY the same story Alexandria Ocasio Cortez was belching out on US liberal TV – right out of the Democratic Socialist Cultural Marxist playbook.

There is no straight forward definition of Asperger’s and, even on that bastion of pharmaceutical medicine, Wikipedia, you will find vague, ambiguous, and contradictory descriptions.

One of the many ways in which this syndrome can express itself is a sort of “Idiot-Savant” condition in which the sufferer can perform seemingly amazing mental feats whilst being generally incompetent in everyday matters. It is not unknown for this syndrome to be misdiagnosed as Borderline Syndrome which, itself, is often accompanied by heavy metal poisoning both from vaccines as well as from amalgam tooth fillings.

In this particular case, the “savant” expresses itself as an ability to be totally convincing whilst not understanding anything of what she says! (Borderliners can often do this as well as can, of course, great actresses.)

In Greta, the brain damage is quite extensive and her skewed facial expression leads one to believe that a stroke may well soon occur or a relatively mild stroke has already taken place.

Continue reading “Vaccine-Damaged” Greta Thunberg – The Sixteen-Year-Old “Alexandria Ocasio Cortez” of Europe…

Untangling “Quantum Entanglement” In Health Care…

A New Way of Looking At Solving Health Care Problems…

From Germany by Karma Singh

Planet Earth is at a crossroads of thinking about things – and the old view of disease, and what to do about it, will NOT survive.  New science, like quantum physics, shows, for instance, that the idea of vaccines is STUPID.

In science – “Quantum physics is a field of study that defies common sense at every turn, and quantum entanglement might lead the way in the defying common sense department. Entanglement is the unusual behavior of elementary particles where they become linked so that when something happens to one, something happens to the other; no matter how far apart they are. This bizarre behavior of particles that become inextricably linked together is what Einstein supposedly called “spooky action at a distance.”

So, what, in more prosaic terms, is quantum entanglement?

We find, perhaps, the clearest expression in the second of the ancient Laws of Magic: “Things once in contact remain in contact.” Exactly the same thing in different words BUT!

Quantum physics is slippery.

All things are possible and so, if you change your point of view, you may change the event being viewed; so two (or more) things may be entangled or not dependent upon the consciousness perceiving them. (Quantum physics is great if you’re a control freak wanting to have a nervous breakdown.)

So, why am I telling you all this?

Continue reading Untangling “Quantum Entanglement” In Health Care…

“Brexit” Now Spreading In Unexpected Directions…

The European Union (EU) Is Coming Apart…

The Globalists (Bankers and Big Pharma) are on the run…

“Brexit” opened people in  Europe’s eyes.  France, Italy, Germany, Poland, Hungary, the Netherlands, and Sweden are openly skeptical of staying in the EU.

Recent polls from the European Commission show support for the EU has dropped in all countries bar two, mirroring the rise in support for anti-EU parties.

A “Brexit,” of itself, is a very easy thing to achieve in any and all EU countries – assuming one has some backbone.  And it is well on its way in Europe.

From Europe by Karma Singh

For Instance, In Britain, Only Three Points are Necessary to leave the EU…

(1)  All EU institutions and regulatory bodies are to leave the UK forthwith.

a) Any employees who have lived in the UK for at least three years and have paid UK taxes or are married to UK citizens are free to seek alternative employment. Others are to return to their country of origin.

(2)   The free movement of peoples, with the safeguards which have been in place for more than a decade, is of benefit both to the UK and to other EU countries. No change is needed here.

(3)   Free trade has been of benefit both to the UK and other EU countries and there is no need to make any changes.

Then we have the “Red Herring” of the Northern Ireland / Eire border.

Many decades ago, before the UK joined the then European Economic Community, I was in charge of a department in a shipping company sending goods to and fro across this border. The arrangements then worked very smoothly and we never had a delay at the border. This can easily be resurrected and inconvenience almost no-one.

There is, further, not the slightest justification for the enormous bill which the bankers seek to impose upon the British people for “allowing” them the right of self-determination. This is not something that the bankers can sell because they do not own it (but selling things that do not have and do not own is the core of the banking business – so no surprise there). Such demands are to summarily dismissed.

The essential point here is that the British People have declared their will for a return to self-determination. The EU Bankocrats wish to keep us in complete subjugation to their despotic will. Theresa May has been their willing tool to betray the British people and I am rather disappointed that Parliament didn’t have the backbone to sack her.

On other fronts, however, a consortium of “lesser” EU states, specifically Italy, Poland, Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovenia and (maybe) Austria are beginning to work together on a programme to eliminate the banker’s plutocracy and absolute rule of the European peoples and to end the connivance of George Soros who, very obviously, gives them their instructions. Their aim is the return to self-determination for the European peoples within a looser framework controlled by the people instead of the bankers.

Germany and France, on the other hand, are pushing hard to eliminate the nation states by fudging the borders, i.e., for example, Franco/German territory being forced upon Poland and Spain and vice-versa.

More details here…

Continue reading “Brexit” Now Spreading In Unexpected Directions…

British Parliament Delivers BANKING CARTEL a Massive Kick in the Teeth…

What Is Happening In Britain Is Important To Americans…

Globalism is On The Wane – Big Time…

From Europe By Karma Singh

Tuesday 15th January 2019, with a massive majority of 432 to 202, British Members of Parliament rejected totally the Brexit deal proposed to them by the Prime Minister Theresa May.

To fully understand this, we have to look a little into its history.

The European Union is a collective of nation states created and ruled by the banking cartel.

Most of the leading political figures in those nation states are also appointees of the cartel. There is no democratic institution in the EU; its ruling council is an oligarchy of cartel employees who serve their masters with no regards to the people of Europe. You may have heard that there is a European Parliament but this is nothing more than a debating chamber with no power to make or to amend any laws.

Having seen just how much harm had been willfully done by the cartel’s ruling council to the European people as a whole and to the British people specifically,

Enter “Brexit…”

Continue reading British Parliament Delivers BANKING CARTEL a Massive Kick in the Teeth…

“Big Pharma’s” Merkel And Her Final Betrayal – “The End” of Germany and Europe?…

It’s quite a while now since she announced her resignation. Why is she still in the chancellery?

Well, she has promised to perpetrate one last betrayal upon the German people before she finally goes to her promised reward.

From Germany by Karma Singh…

A couple of weeks back, the United Nations promulgated a compact requiring all nations to open their borders to the free in-flow of all migrants, whatsoever the grounds for leaving their native lands. Many countries, including the most powerful on Earth, have already rejected it. Merkel, however, is determined that this be visited upon the German peoples.

Merkel has a long history of betrayal and it is, perhaps, worthwhile here to take a brief look at her “achievements”.

2008/9 – she literally sold Germany to the bankers to “rescue” them from their self-created (and phantom) debt crisis. (Almost all, i.e. more than 99% of the money the bankers claimed to have “lost” never actually existed – it was just “creative bookkeeping”.)

Burg Eltz castle in Rhineland-Palatinate state, Germany. Construction started prior to 1157.

2012 she pledged the entire wealth of the people of Germany, i.e. house, garden, car, bank account and all else as “security” for the debts of every land in the Euro Zone. (She and the bankers knew, of course, that these were phantom debts, i.e. loans of money which had never existed. Such debts are the daily expression of “creative bookkeeping” and have nothing to do with real money.)

Further, in the same year, she gave everything that the Germans have into the ownership of the bankers in order to “rescue” the Euro!

2013-2017 she had new laws passed, often in unannounced sessions of the German Parliament at which far fewer members than the required quorum were present, to re-enact Gestapo laws, enable the confiscation of property by bureaucratic fiat, to give the banksters immunity from criminal and civil law, to grant the banksters a “right” to order your bank to confiscate the money on your account to cover the “phantom losses” which your bank may have made. All of these and more in contradiction to articles 1 – 3 of the Basic Law of the Federal Republic of Germany.

Angela Merkel’s “Open Door” Immigration Policy is flooding Germany with millions of migrants…

2016 onwards she inaugurated an illegal “open-door” policy for all migrants, gave many of them freedom from prosecution for criminal acts and, in short, created a two tier system for Germany in which the German people were given second place. She has continued to follow this subversion of the German culture by such things as forcing police authorities to accept economic migrants even though they have failed the police entrance examinations and many such similar “government by dictate contrary to law”.

To keep this hidden from the German people, a policy of suppressing the independent media (i.e. the 5% not owned and controlled by the banking cartel, pharmaceutical cartel and “friends”) by bureaucratic fiat confiscating their bank accounts, etc.. And much, much more: Those of an inquisitive mind set will, with diligence, find a very long list of Ferkel’s* illegal and criminal activities.

Now, for her swan song, those who have trusted her with their lives and their livelihood are to receive the final stab in the back:

Continue reading “Big Pharma’s” Merkel And Her Final Betrayal – “The End” of Germany and Europe?…

Alzheimer’s – a Mad Hatter’s Tale?…

There’s an expression in English which has gone somewhat out of usage over the last few decades; “As mad as a hatter…”

From Germany By Karma Singh

When I first heard it in junior school, my thought was “why should hatters be mad?” When I went on to grammar school (I think that’s high school in American) I learned that 18th & 19th century hatters used mercury compounds to treat mole skins from which they made hats. The mercury fumes, I was taught, made the hatters mad in the way in which Lewis Carroll portrayed them in “Alice in Wonderland”.

The only perceptible difference lies in the name change from “Mad Hatter’s Disease” to “Alzheimer”. The symptoms displayed by a Mad Hatter as in “Alice in Wonderland” and modern “Alzheimer” sufferers appear to be identical.

Almost the whole of the so-called “health care”, i.e. sickness industry is controlled by the pharmaceutical cartel which is in the business of selling patented chemicals to be added to the human body. Telling you to improve your diet (bad diet being the cause of at least 40% of all health issues) or, in this case, to use various (non-patentable) herbs and spices to help remove mercury from your body is not going to earn them one penny so they don’t tell you. To maintain their “infallibility” status granted by Papal Bull in 1484**, however, they have to at least appear to offer solutions to all problems. This is the origin of the proposal to “cure” Alzheimer by giving you AIDS! See this article on the BolenReport for details of this:-

Not only is there no hard evidence to back up the hypothesis of viruses…

Germany’s highest court ruled in December 2016 that the existence of viruses is not proven.  There is also no scientific evidence to support the claims that they might cause disease. On the contrary, Gaston Naessens showed that the human body will produce its own micro-organisms to destroy informationally-damaged cells before they can spread their malady. This is your body’s most often used second (after your skin) line of defense. The microorganisms are not the disease but part of the solution which is why the so-called AIDS medications will often kill you by preventing this natural defense system from functioning.

Mercury, however, is not the whole story:

Continue reading Alzheimer’s – a Mad Hatter’s Tale?…

German Television Says President Trump Can Time Travel!

The Protests In France Are Not Just About Forced Vaccinations…

Although the French Vaccine Issue has people VERY up in arms.  Is an armed revolution in France imminent?

From Germany by Karma Singh

As in most of the world, Germany has many television channels. One is a joint German/French channel called “Arte.” It has a well-earned reputation for honest reporting and independence from German and French politics.

On Saturday 24th November 2018 at around 7.25 p.m. German time, Arte broke with this “tradition” and joined the ranks of “Trump bashers”.

On the same day that…

…the BolenReport published a detailed article on the California forest fires and how Obama directed mis-management had caused them,  together with a video showing how the government owned forests are a tinder keg because around 30% of the forests consist of dead trees waiting for the first spark, Arte blamed President Trump directly for the forest fires because he stepped out of the Paris climate accord.

Insert laughter here…

Using a variety of mini-film clips of uncertain origin…

…Arte than went on to claim that the US economy had suffered billions in business and job losses because Trump is refusing to recognise global warming.

Continue to laugh…

The massive increases in business turnover and almost the lowest unemployment level ever, since Trump took over the reins of power are “not worth mentioning”.

In a week in which Natural News revealed that the whole Global Warming hoax is based upon a “simple” mathematical error, Arte claimed that reduced snow falls in the Rockies between 1998 and 2009 devastated the skiing industry.

“But just a cotton picking minute here.”

Was not a certain Nobel Peace con-man Obama bin Barak then the incumbent in the White House or does Arte mean that Donald Trump went back in time to stop the snow falling?

In any event, why are snow-fall figures only included up to 2009? Could it be that this minor blip in temperature variations stopped in 2010 and Colorado Skiing is again in full swing?

Again and again…

Continue reading German Television Says President Trump Can Time Travel!

Homoeopathy – the Death Knell for Big Pharma?

From Germany by Karma Singh

The viciousness and thoroughness of the campaign which the pharmaceutical cartel has been running world-wide for many years against homoeopathy must, inevitably, lead one to question, “What are they so afraid of?” To find the answer to this, we need only look at where homoeopathy came from.

A German doctor, Samuel Hahnemann, was much troubled by the common experience of his time that pharmaceuticals would often cure the illness but kill the patient. He closed his practise for some years and devoted his labours to finding out why this should be and whether the problem could be solved. He succeeded in both endeavours.

What Hahnemann discovered was that it was the corrective information impulses which were curing the disease and the chemical carriers which were killing the patient. He, therefore, set about trying to separate the informational corrections from the chemical carriers. In this endeavour, he also succeeded. Although many have refined and expanded the knowledge, it is to Hahnemann that we owe our thanks for this enormous breakthrough.

Now, pharmaceuticals started out life as a small “side business” of the chemical manufacturers. At that time, it was seen as just a small, additional market for their chemicals. If, however, as Hahnemann had shown, the chemicals were not only unnecessary but also highly detrimental to health then this area of profit could dry up completely. The chemical manufacturers, which later became IG Farbenindustrie – the financiers and promoters of Adolf Hitler and Helmuth Kohl – set to work both to reduce the toxicity of their pharmaceuticals but also to begin a propaganda campaign against homoeopathy; a campaign which is still running today.

What we must grasp is that homoeopathy is the ultimate refinement of pharmaceutical medicine which has isolated the effective part of medication and eliminated that which causes all the deaths and disablement.

Pharmaceuticals are not only unnecessary but actively detrimental to healing. Now do you understand why the pharmaceutical manufacturers are so afraid of homoeopathy?

The three main arguments which the pharma-cartel has pushed against homoeopathy are:-

Continue reading Homoeopathy – the Death Knell for Big Pharma?

The Nature of the Beast…

When Donald Trump promised to take down the pharmaceutical cartel…

From Germany By Karma Singh


…he already had a pretty good idea of what he was up against. As President Trump, he has studied the nature of the beast and how to conquer it.

This isn’t a David and Goliath contest, it much more akin to the many headed Hydra or Shiva’s battle against the many headed demons.

Large parts of Congress, on both sides of the House, were deep in the pockets of the pharma-cartel. Yet it is precisely these people that he needs to enact the legislation which, amongst other things, cuts off a lot of their income.

You may remember that some months ago the bank accounts of some of the worst offenders were frozen:

A first step, a shot across the bows showing all other Congress members that he means business; Still not enough – he has to be sure of being able to get bills through both houses. So he squeezed a couple of little, innocuous sounding ones through but which cut billions from the cartel’s income. A step in the right direction – as any general will tell you; the first thing you need to neutralize is your opponent’s ability to fight. The cartel’s main weapon is vast sums of money so it is logical for this general to find ways of reducing it. He has made some significant steps in this direction but there’s a long way to go yet.

One of the very many other problems…

…is that three generations of not just Americans but most of the “Western” world have been indoctrinated into believing that pharmaceutical medicine is the savior of humanity and everything else is useless, worthless and has no effect. How many of you remember “Dr. Kildare” and other examples of pharma-financed propaganda?

How do you re-educate hundreds of millions of people in a few months?

Rockefeller began purchasing the Press many decades ago with the precise intent of preventing the truth reaching the public. With the overwhelming majority of the Main Stream Press owned or controlled by the pharmaceutical cartel, getting the truth out is a very difficult task. Until very large numbers of Americans recognise that pharmaceutical medicine is an almost 100% fraud, any move to eliminate it will bring a public outcry “he is depriving us of health care”.

It is not enough that many thousands of parents with vaccine damaged children demand that these toxins be banned; until the American public as a whole realize that vaccines are not only useless but also deadly, it is very difficult to make any headway.

Here is where you, the readers of the BolenReport have a big job to do.

Continue reading The Nature of the Beast…

In Germany It’s Official – It is now a Crime to Disagree with Mistress Merkel!

Big Pharma Tries To Clamp Down On German Citizens…

From Germany By Karma Singh


You may well have heard of the riots and so-called “Nazi” marches in the city Chemnitz, Germany, very widely reported in the “Fake News” Main Stream Press.

So effective was the reporting of events earlier in the week that journalists from Italy, France, Britain etc. turned up for the main protest march last Saturday wearing bullet proof jackets and helmets. One brazen reporter from the BBC even asked some of the marchers to attack and chase some Arab migrants so that they could film it.

The problem is, of course, that none of this was real!

There was an orderly, peaceful march by 5,000 (main stream press figure) to 45,000 (top estimate from other sources) – citizens protesting about the government policy of “encouraging violent crime by migrants by ordering the police to not protect those who pay their wages from the violence.”

The last straw was in the early morning of Sunday 26th August as three men were stabbed nearly 100 times by a gang of “migrants” for refusing to hand over the money they’d just withdrawn from a cash machine. On that same day, two protest marches took place.

As the protests grew…

Continue reading In Germany It’s Official – It is now a Crime to Disagree with Mistress Merkel!