Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen
Presidential Election 2016 brought out a simple fact. There are vast differences between the way liberal Democrats and normal Americans look at life.
Vast differences…

When the “Empress Hillary” sleaze team, and her subservient mainstream media, called Trump supporters “Deplorables” what they were characterizing as deplorable was the normal American’s moral and ethical position – their enactment of what’s known as the Judeo/Christian ethic.
Most Americans are familiar with, and live by the concepts enacted in the famous “Ten Commandments.” Liberals do not. They think those rules are beneath them, which is why Democrats are so frequently accused of feeling they are “entitled.” They really do feel that way.
Liberal Democrats, as a whole, take issue with morality. They DO NOT believe that it applies to them, and they believe that the rules most Americans live by are “deplorable.” Too restrictive for their wonderful selves.
When you look at the situation this way it becomes clear that the definitions of a Sociopath and a Liberal Democrat are EXACTLY THE SAME…
Definition of a Sociopath from the DSM-IV:
“Antisocial personality disorder is characterized by a lack of regard for the moral or legal standards in the local culture. There is a marked inability to get along with others or abide by societal rules. Individuals with this disorder are sometimes called psychopaths or sociopaths.”
Sound familiar? It should – for I just described the Democratic Party’s presidential candidate for 2016, her husband, and her entire political apparatus. And, of course, mainstream “fake news” media.
You can certainly tell what a political Party is all about by looking at their leadership.
So, when judging what a political party, like California’s liberal Democrat menagerie, is up to you have to look, first, at what they really are. Then things begin to become clear.
“Empress Hillary” won California, even after you discount the DEAD PEOPLE ballots and the ILLEGAL ALIEN vote. Why? California Democrats IDENTIFY with the Clintons. They would have no problem sending their children for a ride on the “Lolita Express.” To them it would be chance for their kids to travel with important people, visit a private island, get to know some power brokers. So what if sex is involved?