Let’s Examine the Situation…
There is no question that we need to change the US Health Care System. Below we have outlined one of the MAJOR PROBLEMS…
Opinion By Owen Fonorow – President – Vitamin C Foundation
“At least 70 pharmaceutical drugs are on the market after passing clinical trials based on fraudulent data provided by a California doctor,” said Kurt Eichenwald, an investigative reporter for The New York Times…
“Senior executive Allen Roses, of GlaxoSmithKline, is quoted in a national newspaper as stating that more than 90% of drugs only work in 30-50% of people.”
Medicine, impersonating science…
…has co-opted the word “proof” to provide comfort to the gullible; and in so doing it has tarnished the reputations of science as well as of medicine.
When the medical profession pretends that there is such a thing as scientific proof, labeling their remedies as “proven” and decrying unproven alternatives, it seems unaware that in physical science there are only guesses, hypotheses, theories and few laws. Only repeatable experiments determine truth.
To the degree that medicine relies on carefully conducted experiments and collects data without preconceived notions, which can be duplicated and criticized by other scientists, it follows generally accepted scientific principles. Conclusions may be drawn, but to imply that there are “proven” methods for controlling disease, is to lie.
When Medical Proof Meets Reality…
The problem with a medical system based upon “proof” is that, over time, people discover that unproven remedies work and so-called proven remedies may not.
The common cold is a good example. Millions have discovered that there is a simple “cure” for the common cold, before the virus takes hold. The public may not be able to verify for themselves whether or not medical “science” is right about the likes of heart disease and cancer, but thanks to Linus Pauling, many have discovered that it is easy to stop the cold virus in its tracks.
The public is becoming increasingly aware…
…that something is rotten in the state of medicine. Generally, doctors are well educated in the arts that do not directly compete with prescription drugs, e.g., diagnosis, surgery and trauma treatment. Regrettably, doctors receive little or no training in non-prescription substances, which are ignored by medical authorities as “unproven.” When proven remedies fail, and unproven remedies easily succeed, the reputation of all scientists is unfairly harmed.

Linus Pauling is the prime example of a scientist whose reputation has been unfairly impugned. The void in medical school surrounding the therapeutic uses of nutrients, especially vitamin C, is conspicuous and can hardly be accidental. The result is that medical doctors are losing their good reputations and fewer patients are tolerating this nutrition-ignorance. In 1998, the AMA revealed that Americans made more visits (above 100 million more) to alternative practitioners than regular doctors.
Most people, and almost all medical doctors, still believe that prescription drugs are based in good science, and that pharmaceutical companies offer them in good faith. The truth, however, is not difficult to uncover. Many top selling prescription drugs are useless; some even cause the disease for which they are prescribed.
Cleansing The Medical Mind…
Continue reading Are Prescription Drugs Designed to Actually Make People Sick?
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