MANDATORY California Childhood Vaccines REALLY ARE Made in China – And There Is NO Quality Control What-So-Ever…

There Are No Manufacturing Inspections, No Lot Testing, Nothing…

The Chinese Manufacturing Facilities ARE PRE-APPROVED  By the World Health Organization (WHO)…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

Most, if not all, of the seventy-two (72) Childhood Vaccines FORCED on California children in order to go to school are made in any of the twenty-eight (28) Chinese vaccine manufacturing facilities.

China DOES NOT have a good reputation as a trustworthy manufacturer.

(1)  There are no product inspections of any kind performed at the Chinese manufacturing facilities.

(2)  There are NONE of the testing requirements the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) requires of US manufacturers.  NONE.

(3)  The US government gives China a free pass bringing whatever-is-in-those-vaccine-tubes into the United States.  US government agencies provide no testing, what-so-ever, of so-called vaccines brought in from China.

(4)  The US government gives China a free pass – not checking, at all, to see if those vaccines(?) have been transported under refrigerated, sterile, conditions to the US.

(5)  The US government makes NO EFFORT, what-so-ever, to protect US children from potential harm from Chinese manufacturers.

(6)  The State of California Department of Health is both complicit, and equally guilty, along with the Feds, of endangering California’s children – and I don’t think they care.

This Situation is Preposterous.  China has the WORST record of tainted products on Planet Earth…

Where do I start?

Continue reading MANDATORY California Childhood Vaccines REALLY ARE Made in China – And There Is NO Quality Control What-So-Ever…

The Vaccine Hoax – It Is Time to Start Thinking About Jail Time For Pro-Vaxxers…

The Science Is In – Vaccines Are Worthless and Terribly Dangerous…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

Years ago I worked in the Power Industry.  The Public Relations position of that industry was simple – low profile.  We didn’t want people to think about electricity except to, without any thought, walk into a room, flip a wall switch, turning on the lights, and pay the bill once a month.

There was a whole world behind that wall switch that no one ever payed any attention to.  It was just there.  No one ever noticed the existence of a huge network of generating stations, power lines, substations, command centers, transformers, etc.,  until the population centers began to match demand  with available electrical generation – and the strain on the system became an issue.

Then it became a very big issue – and the problems for the power industry escalated.  Suddenly, it became very hard to build new power lines, generating plants.  People wanted all of those power lines underground, and out of sight.  Everyone began to notice that smoke coming out of generating plants…  And the power industry was beset with a whole new set of problems.

Push had come to shove…

It is kind of like that in the US health care industry.  There were ALWAYS problems but then one day it all changed.  Like a lightbulb going on over America’s head, suddenly the reality of the US health care system was VERY noticeable – like a week-dead animal smell.

Somebody had flipped a switch on the wall putting a harsh light on the reality of the, not only nearly useless, but extremely expensive, official US health care offering.  The physical dangers of that system became patently obvious.  We can thank the State of California for the wake up call…

Wake up call?  Oh yeah.  California.

Continue reading The Vaccine Hoax – It Is Time to Start Thinking About Jail Time For Pro-Vaxxers…

Anti-SB 277 Momentum. Picking Up Speed…

Vaccines Under Attack Everywhere.  Hooray!

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen  

I spoke to attorneys Jim Turner and Bob Moxley a few days ago about the fact that I keep getting inquiries from people wanting to be a Plaintiff in the new, revised, SB 277 lawsuit dismissed August 31st, 2016.  I, obviously, cannot help those potential Plaintiffs.  So, Jim and Bob set up a contact email for potential Plaintiffs to contact them directly.  It is:

[email protected]

That new lawsuit should be filed in the first week in October, 2016.  if you want to be a Plaintiff, and think you qualify, send them an email with details.  To get an idea what they are looking for in a Plaintiff, go to this article, and scroll about a quarter page down down until you find a section called “The Plaintiffs, the Individuals.”  Read that.  If your situation looks anything like any of those, or is even close, send your email.  

But, do it soon.

Continue reading Anti-SB 277 Momentum. Picking Up Speed…

Before you Complain About Your Doctor to the State Medical Board…

Tales from The Rabbit Hole…

by Alan Hysinger

For my next installment, we are going to visit feedback from blog and social commentary on my previous post, “Kicked to the curb for refusing to vaccinate…”Of course, owing all due credit to the bloggers who inspired that post, their ideas have led to a virtual feeding frenzy of new ideas to most effectively target unfriendly doctors and sic the system on them.

In this post, we will explore a few of them.

An ounce of thoughtfulness is worth a pound of Jurisprudence…

Perhaps the most important bit of feedback that presented itself is: Make sure you file only legitimate complaints with the Medical Boards. This can’t be stressed enough. You could potentially face legal consequences for filing false reports. For anything outside of a strictly factual and legitimate report, I’ll have to refer you to a lawyer of your choice.

That said, nobody should fear filing an accurate complaint against a doctor who treated you or your child. Use your heads.

Continue reading Before you Complain About Your Doctor to the State Medical Board…

Private Citizens Taking a Stand To End Corruption In California State Government Over SB277…

By Candyce Estavecandyc7

On July 15, 2016, Twenty Six (26) plaintiffs, all California residents, filed a “Private Attorney General” law suit against Senator Richard Pan, Governor Brown, their spouses, and the other Democrats who voted to force kids to be fully vaccinated to go to school.

What they voted for was Senate Bill SB277.  It passed through all but the Commerce Committee, who didn’t have a voice. This committee was skipped.

There are 50 defendants.

On September 14, 2016, the Defendants were served…

Well most of them anyway. I am one of the Plaintiffs.

Before SB277 became law, I was invited to a “Bought” documentary screening and asked to speak on a panel after the viewing, to talk about my child’s vaccine injury. We pondered what could be done to end the corruption and how we could stop the proposed Senate Bill.

Out of the audience came a man who said he knew what could be done. Travis Middleton suggested we could sue these representatives for violating our Federal Constitution as well as our California Constitution. He is leading us in this fight.

Travis is not an attorney. He is a paralegal and a law researcher.

Travis is an African-American who is fully aware of our government’s war on African-Americans, Native American Indians, and the history of little regard for the lives of the minority.

We (the plaintiffs), are acting as Private Attorney General, which is in our right as private citizens. This is a multi-plaintiff suit under The Racketeering and Corrupt Organizations Act also known as R.I.C.O.. It is a civil action, not criminal. We are suing them in both private and professional capacity.

Continue reading Private Citizens Taking a Stand To End Corruption In California State Government Over SB277…

SB 277 Fight – We Are Winning.  Increase the Pressure…

How do I know we are winning?  Easy? Reactions to our efforts are getting more strident.  Near panic reigns…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen


Current Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) leadership is in desperation mode, running from the crumbling precipice, probably from being notified by their Big Pharma Masters that those twice-the-pay Pharma jobs they are promised are going to disappear if they don’t do something, anything, everything, to stop the burgeoning, hugely successful, anti-vaccination movement.

Americans are becoming more and more aware that vaccines are, in reality, Made-in-China death pus tubes that are neither safe nor effective, but in fact, literally horrible.

So, what does CDC leadership do to save their big payoffs?  Or, should I say, TRY to save their big payoffs?  They come out with a proposed rule change which, in essence, converts the government of the United States from a Constitutional Republic to a Totalitarian Dictatorship by so declaring.

Or, so they hope…

Continue reading SB 277 Fight – We Are Winning.  Increase the Pressure…

Vaccines, Bioethics and Human Rights…

by: KP Stoller, MD, FACHM


California Civil Code section 3510, “When the reason for a rule ceases, so should the rule itself.”

In 2005, the UNESCO Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights, of which the US is a signatory, was created.logo_en

From the Declaration:
“Any preventive, diagnostic and therapeutic medical intervention is only to be carried out with the prior, free and informed consent of the person concerned, based on adequate information….The interests and welfare of the individual should have priority over the sole interest of science or society.”

It is simply a violation for human rights under this decade old declaration to coerce an individual to obtain a medical procedure.

When it comes to vaccines, some think the goal of  “herd immunity,” is a public health emergency that overrides informed consent, but make note of the fact that hear immunity is just an EPIDEMIOLOGICAL construct and cannot be applied to vaccinated communities. The notion of herd immunity was built on the understanding that children developed immunity to a disease after experiencing it. Today, we are told that vaccines can achieve the same level of immunity, but only if we vaccinate the bulk of the herd.

However outbreaks of childhood illnesses are happening in highly vaccinated communities because vaccines don’t work as advertised. They are unavoidably unsafe (as per the Supreme Court) and their efficacy is often far less than stellar. Continue reading Vaccines, Bioethics and Human Rights…

Hooray For Laura Hayes…

Age of Autism is NOT a blog where you will find true anti-vaxxer articles.  They support a different vaccine philosophy…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

Until yesterday – and until Laura Hayes stepped up – and Dan Olmstead approved Laura’s article for publication.  Thank you Dan…

Laura’s article, called, simply enough, “Vaccines-Elimination Mandatory” was, frankly, the kind of thing you’d find on the BolenReport, or on Sherry Tenpenny MD’s blog, Marcella-Piper Terry blog, etc.  Not EVER on Age of Autism.   This kind of article, there, is a BIG departure over there, and, frankly, about time.

Continue reading Hooray For Laura Hayes…

SB 277 Lawsuit – What’s Up Doc? What Happens Now?

Canary Party/Health Choice Thumped. The Big Kids are on the Playground…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

The Canary Party/Health Choice (CP/HC) crap group got out-maneuvered. They have lost control of the anti-SB 277 lawsuit. The Big Kids have taken it over. About time…

Yes, it was a takeover and it was absolutely necessary. Thousands of people had donated money, I’d guess, without having any idea they were being manipulated into funding a watered-down version of a REAL lawsuit.

They ended up with a watered-down lawsuit that, in actuality, corresponds to the CP/HC policy of NEVER, EVER, criticizing vaccines.

Continue reading SB 277 Lawsuit – What’s Up Doc? What Happens Now?


Written by Candyce Estave

For the last nine years, I’ve been putting the pieces together after my beautiful baby boy regressed into brain damage/autism after a round of toxic vaccines that were administered by our pediatrician’s staff.

I only agreed to those vaccines because I was not aware that there may be serious side effects. We did NOT receive full, informed consent. The information I received for the AB2109 counseling, (introduced by Senator Pan a year before introducing SB277) was incorrect.

Intentional Misinformation?…

Our doctor informed me that “Wakefield’s work was fraudulent”, (even though it has been duplicated more than 30 times), he told me that the vaccinated vs. unvaccinated study has been done, and that the double-blind, placebo safety studies had been done.

I knew from my years of looking through vaccine information that this was totally and completely false. When I asked for the source and the criteria for this counseling session, he showed me the door, but not before beckoning the nurse to fetch the data for these studies I had asked for.

Pediatrician Propaganda…

His data turned out to be the green sheet you get at your well-baby visit. You know, the paper that says vaccine injury is rare and you may get swelling at the site. Continue reading SB277: PLAYING TO WIN…

SB 277 Lawsuit – Case Dismissed!

All Day Discussions End in Each Side Going Their Own Way – I Approve…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen  

Here are  the words of the filed Document:

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that, pursuant to Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 41(a)(1)(A)(i), all Plaintiffs hereby voluntarily dismiss the above captioned action, without prejudice, as to all Defendants, and without further notice. As grounds therefor, Plaintiffs state that no Defendant has filed an answer or a motion for summary judgment. The parties shall bear their respective costs.

 Dated: August 31, 2016 Respectfully submitted, SWANKIN & TURNER

What Does this mean?

Continue reading SB 277 Lawsuit – Case Dismissed!

California…Keep your Children Vaccine Injury Free…Get a Medical Exemption

Opinion by Karri Lewis AWAKE California

While we are all anxiously awaiting for the preliminary federal court ruling for a Preliminary Injunction order against totalitarian and oppressive SB277, time marches on and the schools are back in session.

During this time period between the SB277 Injunction ruling and school enrollment, there are those that are willing and able to wait it out.

But for everyone else that cannot homeschool or has to return to the normal work schedule, a medical exemption to protect your children should be in the cards.

The expense of a medical exemption is WELL WORTH PROTECTING your CHILD.

Continue reading California…Keep your Children Vaccine Injury Free…Get a Medical Exemption

SB 277 Lawsuit – The “Do Not Cross” Line…

This case is a decision point.  It will set policy nationwide for a long time to come on two basic issues – “who owns our children,” and “what can be forced on them?”

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen  

Attached to this article is a transcript of the Oral Arguments held in the Preliminary Injunction Hearing August 12th, 2016.  You can read every word that was said.  But, before you do I am going to give you some background, some definitions, and a roadmap so you can follow what was being said.  Why?  These are very technical legal arguments I am going to attempt to make simple, and common-sense.

This case is NOT about vaccines – although those ultra-dangerous Made-in-China-death-pus-tubes are the problem the case seems to revolve around.

Some background…

The real point of the case is simple – what are the limits that the State can do claiming “The Greater Good?”  If today they can force dangerous vaccines into our children, tomorrow they can drag our nine-year-olds into sexual slavery, or grind them up into food for cattle for that same claim of “The Greater Good.”

I’m not joking.

It gets really scary when you think that a grinning psychopath/sociopath(?) like California Senator Dicky Pan gets to decide what, exactly, defines “The Greater Good” and who it applies to.

What the Plaintiff’s attorneys are saying to the Court is simple “Where’s the line Judge?”  Legal precedent says that the State, under a Strict Scrutiny review, must follow specific rules to make laws.  Our side is saying that the State of California did not follow the rules with this law.

Before these issues can be argued in court they have to be broken down into legal components. And, that’s where our attorneys are taking the case. Continue reading SB 277 Lawsuit – The “Do Not Cross” Line…

SB 277 Lawsuit – We’re Just Waiting…

Hopefully, Lunch will Be Along in a Minute…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen  

Last Friday, August 12th, 2016, SB 277 Lawsuit San Diego Federal Court Judge Dana M. Sabraw, after hearing oral arguments in the Preliminary Injunction  Hearing said ”I’ll Give you My Decision in Writing Within Two Weeks”…

Two weeks?

You can bet that  Judge Sabraw will be very careful with the writing of this legal decision.  He, and his staff, will be spending quite some time on it.

Why?  This case is going to the US Supreme Court.

The Options…

The decision to issue, or not issue, a Preliminary Injunction preventing the implementation of SB 277, could be in our hands any minute.  Whatever it is we proceed to the next step.

As I’ve said before, whatever happens, the side that loses this hearing will immediately Appeal to the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals.

So, we wait… Continue reading SB 277 Lawsuit – We’re Just Waiting…

Inoculated: Looking for a Publisher with Guts and Integrity…

By Kent Heckenlively, JD

I always believe there’s a guy (or gal) who knows a guy (or gal) who can get you what you really want.

And what I want, and hopefully what you want, is for me to find a publisher with the guts and integrity to publish my new book, INOCULATED: How Science Lost Its Soul in Autism.  And I know that among the countless readers of the Bolen Report, there’s somebody who can start this ball rolling.  You just need to be convinced.  So let this chapter outline get somebody out there excited about seeing this book in print and causing trouble in the world.

Chapter One: The Call –

Dr. Brian Hooker, a university biology professor was working in his office when he got a call from a senior Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) scientist, Dr. William Thompson.  The two worked together years earlier when parent groups were clamoring for the CDC to conduct research into vaccines and autism.  Thompson reveals that the CDC found such evidence, but covered it up.  Thompson had retained these documents and eventually turned them over to Congressman William Posey.  The most explosive of these allegations is that earlier administration of the MMR vaccine is causing a 3.36-fold increase in autism among African-American males.  With Thompson’s guidance, Hooker publishes this information in the summer of 2014. Continue reading Inoculated: Looking for a Publisher with Guts and Integrity…

SB 277 Lawsuit – What’s Going to Happen August 12th, 2016 at the Preliminary Injunction Hearing?…

This is only the BEGINNING  of the Battle…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen  

California Senate Bill 277, perhaps the most obvious takeover of State Government by international corporations in America’s history, forcing “Made-in-China” death pus tubes (vaccines) on California’s innocent children, has been legally challenged by the North American Health Freedom Movement.

The first major battle, with both sides lining up their expert legal argument brigades in front of San Diego Federal Court Judge Dana M. Sabraw, will start at 1:30 PM in Courtroom 13A, a small 30-seat enclave, used for Motion Hearings, and things like that. Continue reading SB 277 Lawsuit – What’s Going to Happen August 12th, 2016 at the Preliminary Injunction Hearing?…

The “New” California Health Freedom Movement is in REALLY Bad Shape…

Simply Spoken – They Cannot  Fight This SB 277 Battle On Their Own  – They don’t know how…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

This newsletter post is aimed directly at my “Old” friends and associates in the North American Health Freedom Movement. But, even if you are not one of those, please continue.  I’m telling you, right now, that we, the Health Freedom leaders,  need to step in even more than we have, providing  BASIC TRAINING for activists.  I kid you not.

BASIC Training?

The situation is so bad in California that  the groups that band together, for the most part, have little or no organizational or planning skills.  They have no idea what is valuable and what is not.   Worse, they compete to be ”LEADER” having NOTHING to offer as leadership.   It really is that bad.

In a way – it is our fault…

They lost the first three anti-SB 277 campaigns using amazingly poor tactics and strategies  – if you can call ANYTHING they did a “strategy.”  It really is “The Blind Leading the Blind…”

They do really DUMB things, and they don’t want ANY advice…  I’ll tell you about one of those situations in a minute.

And, they get irate, and whimpery, when somebody like me says “you didn’t do that very well…”

These people think FaceBook is an organizing tool.

In the words of Kent Heckenlively JD – “Arghh…”

So, let’s start right out.

Continue reading The “New” California Health Freedom Movement is in REALLY Bad Shape…

SB 277 Lawsuit – The Response to the Response… It Just Gets Better…

Wait Until You Read This…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen  

With Just Four Days Until The Preliminary Injunction Hearing the Twenty-one Plaintiffs have responded to the State’s Response – the State Response I called the “blah,blah, blah, response,” and it is WONDERFUL.

There is no need for me to explain much of anything.  The reply is written in clear language.  I have just copied the first few sections right from the Court document.  If you want to read the whole thing, just go to the document itself.  It reads well.

Two small explanations:

(1)  What is “status quo ante?”  It is a legal term defined as “the previously existing state of affairs.”

(2)  What is “Strict Scrutiny?”  Strict scrutiny is a form of judicial review that courts use to determine the constitutionality of certain laws. To pass strict scrutiny, the legislature must have passed the law to further a “compelling governmental interest,” and must have narrowly tailored the law to achieve that interest.

I’m going to bold the sections just below.  Why?  They are important.

This newsletter is short – there is another right behind it with MORE stuff.

Statement of Facts…




MEASLES OUTBREAKS DO NOT JUSTIFY SB277 …….6   Continue reading SB 277 Lawsuit – The Response to the Response… It Just Gets Better…

SB 277 Lawsuit – Don’t Bother To Go To Downtown San Diego for the August 12th, 2016 Preliminary Injunction Hearing or Any of the So-Called Events Surrounding it.

You’ll Be Wasting Your Time and a LOT OF YOUR MONEY – For Nothing…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen  

I  can already predict the results of the Preliminary Injunction Hearing.  I’ll publish the results just as soon as I see the Judge’s signed order.  I don’t need to be anywhere around the Courthouse to get that information.  So, I don’t need to go there, and neither do you.

My strong suggestion to you – DO NOT GO THERE…  Wait for a victory celebration to be scheduled in a public place where you can bring the children, and dress casually – somewhere other than downtown San Diego on a Friday afternoon.


San Diego traffic is described as the 17th worst in the world.  Friday afternoons have to be the worst of the worst.  Downtown San Diego, around the courthouses, on Friday is one solid traffic jam.  You simply cannot get anywhere.  For that reason alone anyone with a brain has to decide if the trip there is worthwhile, or not.  Then there is the fact that the I5 Freeway is jammed solid, in both directions, on Friday afternoon all the way to San Clemente.

Had there been the opportunity to bring together SB 277 victims in one spot to commiserate about the situation and meet the attorneys and leaders working on the SB 277 lawsuit, and hear them, it might have been something to consider.

But, that’s not happening.  For a number of reasons the lawyers are NOT going to announce anything until the Judge gives them a Signed Order.  That may not happen on Friday, August 12th. Continue reading SB 277 Lawsuit – Don’t Bother To Go To Downtown San Diego for the August 12th, 2016 Preliminary Injunction Hearing or Any of the So-Called Events Surrounding it.

I’m Not Asking You to Smoke Crystal Meth . . . I Just Want You to Watch a Documentary…

I think I’m going to have to get some new friends.  Seriously…

By Kent Heckenlively, JD


Have any of you felt the same way as you’ve tried to book a showing of VAXXED: From Cover-Up to Catastrophe in your hometown or support a screening that somebody had already set up?

I think the most disappointing of the group was a friend who is a fellow attorney and not only did we go to high school, college, AND law school together, but this friend is such a bleeding heart that I don’t think there has been a single injustice over the past thirty-five years that he has not expressed an outrage about.  However, it seems that I am the exception.

I have been astounded by the response of some long-time friends who when I say, “Hey, there’s this documentary about a whistle-blower at the CDC and the cover-up of the link between vaccines and autism, do you want to come and see it?”  They act like I’m denying the existence of God.  No, scratch that.  If I asked them to come to a movie about an atheist, I’d get a better response.  In very poignant emails back to me they have said that they will not even put at risk their “fugitive and cloistered virtue” (to steal from the poet, John Milton) by exposing themselves to the possibility that the government is lying to them.


Continue reading I’m Not Asking You to Smoke Crystal Meth . . . I Just Want You to Watch a Documentary…