They Are So Big And So Mean They Fear No One…
Watch what they do…
Opinion By “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen
Activism is an art. It is not something that comes naturally to people. It is a skill that’s taught, passed on from generation to generation so to speak. The hardest thing to learn, and hence to teach, is the formation of a “Strategy.” It takes a certain way of thinking, of planning and analysis of a problem. It is very hard to get beginning activist groups organized into an effective fighting force. But you can…
You just have to have a starting point…
When I was watching the 2015 SB 277 debacle in California, the counter moves against SB277, the Mandatory Vaccines for children legislation, I was absolutely appalled at the outright STUPIDITY of the anti-SB277 campaign. These brainless twits had decided, somewhere along the line that “They won’t respect us if we say that vaccines are dangerous, blah, blah, blah.” So, they came up with a different campaign basis. One that will go down in history as the dumbest of the dumb campaigns of all time. Their campaign premise:
“We know that vaccines are safe and effective (sniff, sniff) we just want personal choice (whimper, whimper).“
And they put on pretty dresses and went to meetings. New shoes and a matching purse were far more important than Goals and Objectives. The California legislators patted them on their heads, and sent them home with a note for their parents that said:
“vaccinate your children honey, or we are not going to let your special little child go to our public schools…”
Politically these naive nitwits deserved what they got. The disdain they were served was very warranted, for they were the dumbest of the dumb, the easiest manipulated of the easiest manipulated. . All throughout the campaign questions were raised by parents involved, about the validity of that weak message. What happened to those raising the alarm? They were “banned.”
From my vantage point, and my experience as a campaigner, it became very clear that the “anti-vaxxer” movement of that day NEEDED to take this hard loss – for there was no way to save the situation. The “Sacramento Girls” had bought more pretty new dresses to wear, and flower petals to strew, to the next useless rally…
And then they DID lose…
SB 277 passed easily. Shock of shocks. And it was time for re-grouping. Everyone in the world saw what happened next. The anger generated from that loss was the biggest incentive to the enlargement of an activist movement I have ever seen. Best though, was the sift from the sniffing and whining of “we know that vaccines are safe and effective (sniff, sniff)” to the absolute OUTRAGE we see today. Where the old “Anti-Vaxxer” movement maybe had 30,000 activists world-wide, practically overnight it grew to tens of millions of seriously pissed off people.
Pissed off? Oh yeah. And not just at the Richard Pans of the world. Pissed off at the pretty-dress-wearing blithering idiots that blocked them from using the right message during the SB 277 counter campaign. The message that basically says:
“There is ABSOLUTELY no question that vaccines damage children – THEY DO. Every time. It is just an order of magnitude. A parent can choose to damage their child a little or a lot – but with vaccines there is ALWAYS damage. The more vaccines the more damage. Read the package inserts and choose how much damage you want to inflict on your child.”
And the shift towards successful activism had begun.
Continue reading “Anti-Vaxxers” Have Stepped Up To The Main Battleground…