Anti-Vaxx Meets Q-Anon

By Kent Heckenlively, JD

I know many of you, like me, are waiting with baited breath for the March 2020 release of GODZILLA vs. KONG.

But almost as entertaining as the meeting of those two titans is this recent interview I did with Dustin Nemos, one of the driving forces behind the Amazon best-selling book, QANON: An Invitation to the Great Awakening.

Over the past year I’ve listened to several of Dustin’s videos and always found him to be a calm, rational commentator on issues involving QANON, crypto-currency (which I’m still trying to understand), health issues, and the latest political developments.

Continue reading Anti-Vaxx Meets Q-Anon

Will Merkel and all her “Friends” soon be arrested as War Criminals?

From Germany by Karma Singh

This is a possible effect of the new “law” passed in the German Bundestag last Thursday, 14th November 2019 imposing compulsory vaccination upon all children, and many adults, in Germany.

As the Federal Republic of Germany is not a state but an “Occupied Territory,” it doesn’t have a constitution but instead a “Basic Law” granted by the occupying powers of France, UK, USA and Russia. Article 2 of that Basic Law is used to specifically forbid such legislation but Merkel had that article amended a little while ago. Article 4 still does forbid such a law but not in the general sense that article 2 used to.

With that, Merkel and her bosses in the pharmaceutical industry (the reconstituted IG Farbenindustrie which used to give Adolf Hitler his orders) thought that they would be home free but they overlooked a little matter.

At the Nurnberg War Crimes Tribunal, a code of medical ethics arising out of the medical experiments carried out in the concentration camps by IG Farbenindustrie was promulgated. This code specifically forbids medical experimentation without informed consent. No country has ever incorporated this code into law (according to Wikipedia, anyway) and so it cannot form the basis of a legal challenge to Merkel’s compulsory vaccination “law”.


Continue reading Will Merkel and all her “Friends” soon be arrested as War Criminals?

Dr. Shiva, Scott Adams, and “VAXXED II…”

By Kent Heckenlively, J.D.

I have a confession.  I’m a complete fanboy when it comes to really smart people.

That’s why I start every day listening to the Scott Adams podcast.  He says interesting things and occasionally interviews really smart people.

Recently he had on Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, the inventor of email, four degrees from MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), founder of several companies, and a candidate for the U.S. Senate from Massachusetts.

Dr. Shiva gave a master class to Scott Adams on vaccines and I was astonished.  I have never heard a more informed discussion by a major public figure.  To his credit, Adams asked all the right questions.  It was fascinating to watch Adams confront some of the glaring contradictions of the vaccine program in real time, rather than just brush them off.

I reached out to Dr. Shiva’s campaign for an interview and he generously agreed.

The first time we tried to speak Dr. Shiva was running late from another call, and we really didn’t get much of a chance to talk.  Despite several calls, we were not able to reschedule.  I figured it was a lost cause.

The next time I heard about Dr. Shiva, it was because there had been something of a dust-up with the VAXXED II team, when they asked him to remove a video of him speaking about the film in the AMC theater where the film had earlier been shown.  I’d heard varying accounts of what had happened, but genuinely did not know which details were correct.  (As an attorney I’d learned long ago to withhold a strong opinion until you can directly ask the people involved.)

Dr. Shiva objected strongly to the request, citing the need to avoid any type of censorship.

Continue reading Dr. Shiva, Scott Adams, and “VAXXED II…”

Berlin Does a California…

More “Globalist” World Domination Attempts…

From Germany By Karma Singh

Yesterday, 14th November 2019, the banker/pharma-controlled parties in the German Bundestag (German Parliament), under their various flags, unanimously voted to severely harm the German people for the sake of making money.  They voted to force mandatory “measles” vaccinations on Germany’s entire 83,617,517 population.

As anyone can read in the Basic Law of the Federal Republic of Germany, every member of the German parliament commits themself to act for the benefit of the German people and to protect them from harm. Not one of them could truthfully claim not to know how harmful and how useless “vaccination” is. Despite this, all of the member of those parties in Parliament voted to impose compulsory vaccination “against” measles upon the German people.

It must, at this juncture, be made clear that the only party in the Bundestag (the German Parliament) which is not property of the bankers is the AfD. Their members voted, in accord with the law, unanimously against compulsory vaccination. It is very well known that the AfD has a strong preference for truth and science which is not shared by the CDU, CSU, SPD, FDP, Greens, etc.. It is for this reason that the banker parties are under orders never to co-operate with the AfD and, contrary to law, never to build a coalition government with them.

Now, why has “measles” been chosen as the first compulsory vaccination when there are other much more serious “illnesses” which need to be dealt with?

Continue reading Berlin Does a California…

Robert F. Kennedy. Jr. – EXCLUSIVE!!! Excerpt from his Foreword to PLAGUE OF CORRUPTION

By Kent Heckenlively, JD

With the permission of Robert F. Kennedy. Jr., I’ve been authorized to allow you a sneak peek at his Foreword to my new book with Dr. Judy Mikovits, PLAGUE OF CORRUPTION.

I’d like to encourage all my readers to begin regularly using the expression, “plague of corruption,” to refer to the outright bribery by the pharmaceutical companies of our democracy, our media, and our scientific community.

Moral Courage and Our Common Future
By Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

“And yet, it moves!” Galileo whispered those defiant words in 1615 as he left the Roman Inquisition tribunal before which he repudiated his theory that the earth—the immovable center of the Universe according to contemporary orthodoxy—revolves around the sun. Had he not recanted; his life was forfeit.

We like to think of Galileo’s struggles as the quaint artifact of a dark, ignorant, and tyrannical era where individuals challenged government-anointed superstitions only at grave personal risk. Dr. Judy Mikovits’ story shows that stubborn orthodoxies anointed by Pharmaceutical companies and corrupt government regulators to protect power and profits remain a dominant force in science and politics.

By any standard, Dr. Judy Mikovits was among the most skilled scientists of her generation. She entered professional science from the University of Virginia with a B.A. degree in Chemistry on June 10, 1980 as a protein chemist for the National Cancer Institute (NCI) working on a life-saving project to purify interferon. Continue reading Robert F. Kennedy. Jr. – EXCLUSIVE!!! Excerpt from his Foreword to PLAGUE OF CORRUPTION

Mandatory Vaccines, Climate Change, Open Borders, Gun Seizures, Impeachment Of The President – All Part Of The New World Order’s Enforced “Population Reduction…”

America Is The Agenda 21 “Elite’s” Number One Target…

And, They ALMOST Won…

Opinion By “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

Let’s put all of the cards on the table – Vaccines are the “Elite’s” primary tool used to modify people so as to accept the craziness of world government. Got that?

Most Americans have figured out that had we elected “Hillary” as President that, by now, most Americans, adults and children, would have been forcibly yanked out of their homes and/or vehicles, thrown on the ground, and vaccinated with the full compliment of CDC recommended vaccines (74 for children, 92 for adults).  She’d be using UN troops (probably Chinese) to get that done.

After all, the “elites” would surmise, “why not make the whole US population as dingy, and useless, as the over-vaccinated millennials?” 

See the short, humorous, but very-true video below to see what I mean.

Frankly, You have to be “Over-Vaccinated” to accept the “Climate-Change” story as real…

…or the idea that “Open Borders” letting in millions, if not billions, of Planet Earth’s ignorant unwashed poor, to overload our system, is a good idea.

…or the idea that we should, like Europe did, let in ANGRY young Muslim males to the equivalent of 5.5% of our population (16,500,000) who will NEVER assimilate.

…or that we should give up our carefully designed and implemented electrical grid, and force everyone to have a wind turbine, chopping up birds, in their front yard.

…or that we should give up our coal, gas, and oil based system, grounding all airplanes, cars, trucks, trains, motorcycles, scooters, lawnmowers, chain saws, road graders, heating systems, you-name-it…

…or the idea that Americans should have their guns taken away from them..

Vaccinations are playing an important role in the “Elite’s” world domination game…

Continue reading Mandatory Vaccines, Climate Change, Open Borders, Gun Seizures, Impeachment Of The President – All Part Of The New World Order’s Enforced “Population Reduction…”

“VAXXED II” – Cartoonist Ben Garrison Jumps On The Bus…

By Kent Heckenlively, JD

A wonderful autism parent has apparently commissioned a cartoon from rebel cartoonist, Ben Garrison, to celebrate the release of the new documentary film, VAXXED II: The People’s Truth Bolen Report wishes these brave parents and doctors the best of success for the film.

Here is the post which explains the cartoon:

Margaret Mead once wrote, “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.”

This week a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens, led by Polly Tommey, Dr. Andrew Wakefield, Del Bigtree, Brian Burrowes, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., and Dr. Brian Hooker are trying to change the world with the release of their documentary film, VAXXED II: The People’s Truth. The film, which simply features parents talking about the reactions of their children to vaccines, including autism, paralysis, and death, has so threatened Big Pharma that the theaters showing the film must remain secret until the day before a showing.

This is not just a fight against Big Pharma. It also involves a fight against Big Tech, as Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, and his wife, Priscilla Chan, are attempting with all of their billions of dollars to censor vaccine safety information across all their platforms, just as they are doing with political content supportive of President Trump.

Big China is also part of this axis of evil as a major portion of the vaccines and pharmaceuticals are being produced in China. Big Pharma, Big Tech, and Big China are part of an unholy alliance which is harming people all over the world, including Chinese citizens.

Big Pharma brings you your evening news, with estimates of anywhere from 40-60% of advertising revenues coming from Big Pharma. Just watch an hour of your favorite news broadcast and count the number of Big Pharma commercials. This includes the new outlets of ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, as well as Fox News. Nobody escapes my condemnation. Not Tucker Carlson, Sean Hannity, Laura Ingraham, and certainly not Jason Chaffetz, who was EXTENSIVELY briefed on CDC whistle-blower, Dr. William Thompson, the subject of the first documentary, VAXXED: From Cover-Up to Catastrophe.

President Trump also comes in for substantial criticism, as his statements prior to becoming our Commander-in-Chief, were supportive of getting to the bottom of these questions, and claimed he wanted Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. to head a Vaccine Safety Commission, a promise which three years later remains unfulfilled. Parents want answers, and they want unbiased scientists, not industry shills to do the research.

It truly is a “FIGHT FOR THE FUTURE,” and this small group of thoughtful, committed citizens deserve to have their film shown in the White House theater. Anything less will probably result in a massive loss of support for a second term for our President.

Be sure to pre-order Kent Heckenlively’s new book with Dr. Judy Mikovits, PLAGUE OF CORRUPTION from Amazon which you can do RIGHT NOW!
The book is coming out on March 3, 2020 and contains explosive new revelations about the corruption of our scientific bodies, as well as new directions to ensure we become the healthiest generation in history!



plagueheckiKent’s book PLAGUE was released by Skyhorse Publishing, in 2014 and is now available in paperback with NEW material.

The book is co-authored with Judy Mikovits PhD. It is an indictment of the “Fake Science” we find so prevalent in the US.



The “Climate Change” Farce – Using CO2 As The Ideal “Bogey Man…”

From Yorkshire, England By Karma Singh

When I was a child, we were all told stories about a mysterious figure who would come to eat bad children. He had various names up and down the country and appears not only in all European folk-lore but also in Middle Eastern, Indian, Japanese and the entire American continent. China? I just don’t know.

Descriptions of the “Bogey Man” are amazingly uniform across cultures which, naturally, gives rise to the question,

“Did he actually exist and, if so, what is really behind the story?”

There are two divergent opinions on this: The one believes that, at some time in the distant past, a race of giants or extra-terrestrials preyed upon human children. The evidence that giants did, for some time, co-exist with Homo Sapiens is irrefutable but whether they ate our children is a very different question.

The other opinion refers to the millennia-old trade in kidnapping small children and selling them for sexual perversions. Figures for 2018 claim that there are, world-wide, more than eight million missing children: How many are in the hands of child sex traders or their clients is known only to them.

President Trump vowed to end this trade in his election campaign and, during his first weeks in office, more than six thousand such children were found and set free. It was, further, disclosed that nearly one third of the children had been taken away from their parents by bureaucrats and the courts and then sold into slavery.

The Bogey Man is, however, such an integral part of our early childhood that, even though the form may well have changed with the advent of uncontrolled television and the internet, this “primal fear” can still be easily activated.

It behooves us here to take a quick look at the characteristics of the Bogey Man:-

Continue reading The “Climate Change” Farce – Using CO2 As The Ideal “Bogey Man…”

Poisoner in Chief – Book Review

By Kent Heckenlively, JD

There’s a new book everybody should read.  It’s called Poisoner in Chief, written by Stephen Kinzer, a long-time reporter for the the New York Times, world affairs columnist for the Boston Globe, and a senior fellow for International and Public Affairs at Brown University.

You may wonder why a blog dedicated to improving health is recommending a book about Dr. Sidney Gottlieb, head of the MK-Ultra program for the CIA, responsible for creating drugs and techniques to break prisoners, or turn them into untraceable assassins, like the fictional Jason Bourne.

As a science teacher I’m always telling my students to notice patterns in the data.  Both the CIA and our current public health system thrive on secrecy.  They tell us what to do, and when we question them, they tell us it’s beyond our understanding.  We should simply OBEY!

I tell you to read Stephen Kinzer’s fine book, Poisoner in Chief, because it details the horrors human beings are capable of when there is no effective oversight of government programs.

This is the review I posted on Amazon:

Continue reading Poisoner in Chief – Book Review

The “Anti-Vax” Problem – Looking At The Big Picture…

Defining the problem is halfway to solution…

Opinion By “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

Let’s be clear – Vaccines are not the main problem.  It is the people forcing them on us and their not caring about the damage they are causing.

The evidence of “immense vaccine damage” is everywhere in our younger people in the US.  It isn’t just expressed with Autism.  It is far more serious than that.  Look at how over-vaccinated Millennials in Colleges and Universities need “safe spaces.”  54% of America’s children are chronically ill.  Our School Districts are overwhelmed with “Special Needs” children.

Vaccine-damaged millennial male(?)

Our younger generations are having trouble with “gender identity.”  The US military is very seriously wondering where it is going to get soldiers in the future since America’s young men are being feminized.

As Harris Coulter MD pointed out in his book Vaccination Social Violence and Criminality – The Medical Assault on the American Brain :

To be specific, a large portion of the millions of U.S. children and adults suffering from autism, seizures, mental retardation, hyperactivity, dyslexia, and other shoots and branches of the hydra-headed entity called “developmental disabilities,” owe their disorders to one or another of the vaccines against childhood diseases. 

The so-called “sociopathic personality,” which is at the root of the enormous increase in crime of the past two decades, is also largely rooted in vaccine damage.

 Thus the nation’s vaccination program has served to undermine the American school system–which is in collapse through inability to cope with the one-fifth or one-quarter of students who will never be able either to read or to perform simple arithmetical calculations.

And it has contributed to the wave of violent crime which is turning our cities into jungles where the strong and the vicious prey upon the weak and unprotected.

 The effects of vaccination have altered the very tone and atmosphere of modern society.  Because the changes are so insidious and widespread, and because we lack perspective, they have been largely overlooked.  It is not easy to discern the outlines of the incubus which the vaccination program as loosed upon us.

Every day this program continues, hundreds of normal healthy babies are turned into defective goods:  mentally retarded, blind, deaf, autistic, epileptic, learning-disabled, emotionally unstable, future juvenile delinquents, and career criminals. 

For more details about this go here:

Millennials Are Vaccine Brain-Damaged – We Can Help…

EVERYONE on both sides of  the vaccine argument knows all of this to be true and that vaccines are the cause of all this. 

Continue reading The “Anti-Vax” Problem – Looking At The Big Picture…

Robert Kennedy, Jr. Gives a HUGE Endorsement to my new book “PLAGUE OF CORRUPTION”…

By Kent Heckenlively, JD

Publishing a book requires many moving parts.

One of the most important is who writes the foreword.  It gives the seal of approval from somebody who is likely to be more well-known than you, or has more standing in the field.

When Dr. Judy Mikovits and I published our book, PLAGUE, we were fortunate enough to get Hilary Johnson, a former editor at Rolling Stone magazine, and the author of the definitive work on the chronic fatigue syndrome epidemic, Osler’s Web.  Her endorsement gave the book an enormous boost in that community.

For this book I asked one of my well-known activist friends and he was flattered, but suggested I get Robert Kennedy, Jr.

I talked to Judy about it and she thought it was a good idea, especially since Kennedy had always been friendly to her when they met at conferences, even if she felt he didn’t fully understand her story.

The one concern I had is that Kennedy seems to be one of the busiest men on the planet.  Whether he was keeping our rivers and lakes clean, fighting Monsanto over their terrible Round-Up weedkiller, or getting eviscerated by members of his own family because of his stance on vaccines, I wondered if he had any time left for another project.

I was instructed to prepare a sample foreword for Kennedy, nothing more than 3 or 4 pages, then he’d edit as he saw fit.  Both my efforts were a complete failure.  I tried, but couldn’t seem to give him what he needed.

I offered him a graceful way out, suggesting he was too busy, but he said he wanted to help.  He just couldn’t give me a firm timeline.

You can imagine my surprise when I was recently in a teacher staff meeting, my cell-phone rang, and caller I.D. said it was Robert Kennedy, Jr.  “I know I said I didn’t have time,” he began.  “But I was on a long plane flight, had it on my computer, so I read the whole thing.  It’s wonderful.  I know what to write now.”

How many thoughts were racing through my mind?

The first thought was “YES!  I’ve made the book short enough so that somebody might be able to read the whole thing in the 4-5 hours of an airplane flight!”  I know I have a tendency to want to tell the ENTIRE story, rather than ruthlessly cutting out some of the less important parts.

The second thought was, “Oh my God!  Robert Kennedy, Jr., the man I consider to be the bravest figure in public life, just praised our book and is going to do the foreword!”  You must understand there was a time in my life when I read just about every word ever written about Robert Kennedy, Sr.  It wasn’t so much his politics that drew me, (because in some ways he was all over the political map during his life), but how he demonstrated the continuing ability to learn and grow.  Now the namesake of my political hero was endorsing my work.

Kennedy was as good as his word and came back with a fantastic foreword.  How long?  Remember, I was told to give him no more than 3 or 4 pages.

Kennedy wrote a 15 page foreword for “PLAGUE OF CORRUPTION!”

Continue reading Robert Kennedy, Jr. Gives a HUGE Endorsement to my new book “PLAGUE OF CORRUPTION”…

Should President Trump Activate The “1807 Insurrection Act” Against the “Impeachment Democrats?”

Yes, Absolutely…

There is no question that there is an “Insurrection” going on against a legally constituted government.  Call in the Military.  Make mass Arrests.  Fill up the camps.

Opinion by “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

What, exactly, is an “Insurrection?”

According to the Collins dictionary An insurrection is violent action that is taken by a large group of people against the rulers of their country, usually in order to remove them from office.

Are the Democrats involved in that?  Oh yeah.  We have only to look at the Liberal Democrat’s ANTIFA army being groomed across the US, armed and trained in weaponry, and attack tactics.  There, without question, is the violence.  Their recent activities in Minneapolis and Portland are not isolated incidences.  They are evidence of a carefully planned armed revolt designed to terrorize the American public into accepting Democrats’ corrupt deviant life style.

It is a violent communist/socialist/sexual deviant revolt.  It is time to shut it down as HARSHLY as possible.

Is there precedent for this?

Absolutely.  President George Washington used the Insurrection Act to put down the so-called “Whiskey Rebellion” in 1779.

It was invoked by President Eisenhower in 1957 in Little Rock, Arkansas to ensure the enrollment of African-American schoolchildren in the face of state defiance of a federal court order.

President President George H.W. Bush in the 1992 Los Angeles riots.

President Harry S. Truman’s use of federal troops against striking railroad workers in 1946.

The 1973 intervention of federal troops against the American Indian Movement at Wounded Knee.

Herbert Hoover including the assault on the Bonus Marchers in 1932.

The so-called “Insurrection Act” is a combination of laws that:

Continue reading Should President Trump Activate The “1807 Insurrection Act” Against the “Impeachment Democrats?”

In The Face Of All This Political Chaos – What Are We Doing To Fix US Health Care?

Actually, Not A Lot…

Opinion By “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

There is an old joke that goes “I used to be a Democrat but then the pimples cleared up…”

These days it is hard to make a joke about the current Democratic Party, for they are not within an American description.  Democratic legislators, and certainly All 2020 presidential candidates, focus ONLY on socialist/communist/sexual deviance concepts – massive government intruding on every aspect of daily life with orders issued by its own self-styled elite that allows NO deviation from the script.

As far as Health Care goes, the Democrats, during the mid-term elections, made promise-after-promise to focus on issues like Health Care.  But did they?  Nope.  All they have time for is impeaching our President.  Not one second to reduce prescription costs.

Realization has hit them hard…

Today’s Democrats live in their own bubble convincing themselves, over their Starbucks lattes, that they, in fact, are America’s elite, blah, blah, blah…

Election 2016 hit them solidly on the nose, and those they labeled “Toothless Deplorables” went to a Trump Rally and on to the voting booths across America.  Only in places like “Voter Fraud Central” California were the Democrats successful.

The Dems, totally in shock, decided that the election was some kind of grand fluke, that THEY, in fact, had the power to turn things around for didn’t they own the liberal media outright?  Hadn’t Obama appointed key people into key agencies so as to control the government?  They decided that a “Russian influence” story would do the trick.  Look where THAT went.

The Marxist Secular Humanist Democrats had TOTALLY  miscalculated the situation. 

Continue reading In The Face Of All This Political Chaos – What Are We Doing To Fix US Health Care?

“Global Warming” is “International Marxism” Not Science…

It is now some years since the “Global Warming” scare originated with a railway engineer…

…(since arrested and charged with the sexual abuse of a young boy in India), and his paymasters at the United Nations.

From Europe By Karma Singh

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change also known as the IPCC – (please note “intergovernmental” not international) – was created as a political lobby to sell the concept of man-made global warming to the world at large. Whilst it pretended to have a large body of top-notch climate scientists behind it, many of these “2500 world class scientists” were, in fact, students, journalists, commentators, bureaucrats and others.

Just below is the entire one hour sixteen minute “The Great Global Warning Swindle” produced by HONEST scientists…

The “climate change concept which they were trying to sell… based upon a suggestion from a Swedish scientist in the 1960’s when the changes in the world temperature led many to fear that we were heading for a new Ice Age. His suggestion was that if we could burn a lot more coal and oil then we just might be able to produce so much CO2 that we could create a sort of “greenhouse effect” and stave off the global cooling. It must be noted that this was a time in which the rapid expansion in the production and use of consumer goods (including cars) had already given rise to an increase in CO2 produced by we humans but this was nowhere near the levels needed for his proposed greenhouse effect. Human activity currently produces about six per cent of all CO2. To get the effect he proposed, we would have to increase this to more than 30%, i.e. more than FIVE TIMES the present level. Fortunately, just as human produced CO2 actually fell off due to the oil crisis in 1973/74, sun spot activity, which had almost stopped in the early 1950’s, resumed and temperatures began to rise again.

Subsequently the NASA released, in the year 2000…

Continue reading “Global Warming” is “International Marxism” Not Science…

“Empress” Hillary – Of “What USED TO BE Called America…”

Of course the Democrats are in a rage over OUR election of Donald Trump.  They had PLANS for our country. PLANS we would NOT like.   “WE” the Trump Team pulled America from the edge of the Abyss…

And we have no intention of going back…

Opinion by “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

Obama had started the process of cancelling “Western Civilization” and Hillary was supposed to finish it.  Under the Democrats America itself was doomed.

But here we are, with Donald Trump, basking in the best economy in the history of Western Civilization – jobs everywhere, people coming from all over the world trying to climb over our border fences to get a piece of what “Western Civilization success looks like.

Now, the Democratic Party Marxists nitwits are screaming “Impeachment…”

Democrats who were FURIOUS after Election 2016 are now “over-the-top frothing at the mouth.” 

They simply cannot accept the idea that Americans, especially those they considered to be toothless “deplorables” would rise up and say “NO” to a one-world government run by secular humanist “globalists.”  They thought they had America “in the bag…”

Instead, America played its Trump Card…

The Democratic Party has abandoned NORMAL Americans…

Continue reading “Empress” Hillary – Of “What USED TO BE Called America…”

Is Britain about to do a Trump?

Britain “Brexit” Defies the Big Pharma/Banker Globalists…

From Britain By Karma Singh…

The main theme here is “Brexit” which the Big Pharma/banking cartel is fighting tooth and nail to prevent. Despite the majority decision in the 2016 referendum, many politicians appear to be of the opinion that this is of little importance and that they “know the true will of the people” much better than do they themselves.

Just over 23 weeks ago, the Brexit party, under the leadership of Nigel Farage, was formed. A few weeks later, it won a landslide victory in the elections to the European Parliament and the Brexit Party is the largest single party in that body. This victory, although impressive, does not confer any power onto the Brexit Party because the European Parliament does not have any power to confer! It is a talking shop with no power to make or break legislation – this is the exclusive domain of the banker appointed Council.

The European Parliament is a sham; a mockery of democracy designed to mislead the public that they have some say in European matters – we have none whatsoever!

Boris Johnson

A few weeks later, a concatenation of events including much pressure from the Brexit Party finally forced that banker stooge Theresa May to resign and opened the way for a staunch Brexiteer, Boris Johnson, to become prime minister. He tried to out-manoeuvre the British Parliament in order to force through a hard Brexit on the 31st October. Certain “Remainers” then asked for and received an injunction from the English Supreme Court negating Boris’s action. They then went on to pass a resolution in the lower House of Parliament prohibiting a clean-break Brexit.

As Nigel Farage predicted, Boris has now little choice but to go to the country and to call a general election…

Continue reading Is Britain about to do a Trump?

Will the real Bernie Sanders please stand up?

MK Ultra, Manchurian Candidate, Lilly Waves, The Voice Of God – Pick One – They All Exist…

Which One Is Bernie?…

From Germany By Karma Singh

Although this has been staring me in the face for a long time, I have held myself back from writing about it as it is not only “invisible” to many but also “unthinkable” to many more.

What is to me very obvious and should, by their actions, be very obvious to others but, for some rationalisation, appears not to be.

I know that it’s probably not very helpful to mention it here but, in Germany, I’ve done this several times on television just before an election:

From a photo, without a name, I have been able to accurately describe the character, abilities and suitability for office of political candidates. Such is one of the “normal” abilities which everyone possesses but, through religious indoctrination, suppresses. It’s not that you have to learn anything new in order to do it; you only need to forget that you can’t do it and then practice, practice, practice.

Almost exclusively amongst Democrats whom, you will note, make the most ridiculous assertions and promote policies that would kill millions and destroy the livelihood of many millions more is this very visible.

The (to me) plain fact is that these people are not themselves.

Continue reading Will the real Bernie Sanders please stand up?

CALIPHARMA – Big Pharma’s Final Solution…

By Elissa Meininger – historian and health policy analyst

Folks, understand this…..the Anti-Vax Movement is now at ground zero in the global fight for preserving our individual sovereignty as human beings.  For the first time, the true colors of Big Pharma and their partners, the Marxists, have been revealed.  This past week, all was laid bare by Del Bigtree in his TV show called High Wire.  The episode called “Calipharma” is a must watch.  It is available for viewing here:

This episode covers the key elements of what we are up against.

The California legislature has just passed an even more draconian law to force all parents to vaccinate their kids without any way out.  Standing in the wings is legislation to force all adults to be fully vaccinated or they will not be able to get drivers licenses or conduct business of any kind where you are required to show an ID.

On Del’s show, you will see highlights of the demonstrations of ordinary people trying a last ditch effort to stop the bill.  You will also see an extended interview with a mother whose child died from a vaccine and how the Minnesota public health department is trying to intimidate her and refuses to provide autopsy evidence so she can go to Vaccine Court to make a claim.

Del has a lengthy interview with Jefferey Jaxen of the Jaxen Report going over the key details regarding all the lawsuits being brought against Opioid drug manufacturers.  Dozens of states attorneys general are suing and forcing huge settlements and/or bankruptcies for lying about the safety of these drugs.  Purdue Pharma, a family held company, is declaring bankruptcy and the Sackler family who control Purdue are also being sued.  You can google for major stories covered by mainstream press for even more details.  Reuters and The Washington Post are just two.

Del also included the press briefing on the game changing lawsuit the Oklahoma Attorney General, Mike Hunter, has just won against the Johnson & Johnson drug company, the kingpin source of Opioid ingredients for drug makers selling Opioid drugs.

While the great wall of silence about the dangers of vaccines still exists in the public square, it too, may fall soon.

Del included a short out-take of a public meeting called by Oklahoma legislators to force a public discussion about the safety of vaccines.  You’ll see Del confronting health department officials with the lies they have been telling to promote vaccine mandates.  Yes, I said, public discussion with Del speaking truth!!!!!  AT THE OK CAPITOL! In front of God and everybody!

Just so you know, Oklahoma is unique in this country due to our state constitution.

People here have much more power than in other states. In 1920, this situation provided ordinary Oklahoma citizens an opportunity to reject an attempt by Big Pharma, through its drug-promoting medical trade group, the American Medical Association, to create a monopoly like they have in all other states.

The politics of this referendum started with the first legislature in 1908 and through various political twists and turns over the years, anti-monopoly forces never gave up.  It took 12 years to win the fight.   By statewide referendum, the people of Oklahoma voted, by over 46,000 votes, to reject Big Pharma. The essence of the argument was and still is as follows:

Said bill is the natural progeny of a gigantic “trust” that by fastening its tentacles, octopus-like, upon the very vitals of society, dominates the religious life and the policies of the country, largely, and without whose kindly (?) office and ministrations none DARE to be born, hope to live or presume to die.  Under this bill, if it becomes law, the people of Oklahoma cannot live, move nor have any sort of being, without the control, absolute domination, of the “Allopath Medical Trust.”

Since then, Chiropractors and all other Drugless Practitioners as they were called back then, have been freed from the grip of Big Pharma and its trade group, the AMA.  We Okies are blessed with open access to all the drugless healing modalities anybody could possibly want, including Indian Medicine Men some of whom have offices on main street for people of all cultures to consult.

One of the topics Del discussed is the role of the Democratic Party as being the promoters of Big Pharma’s drive to create ironclad vaccine mandates state by state.

Continue reading CALIPHARMA – Big Pharma’s Final Solution…

Scott Adams Tweets BolenReport…

We Cannot Fix US HealthCare Until We Fix Our Current Social Chaos…

We Are ALMOST There…

And We Have Our Best People Working On It…


By Elissa Meininger – Historian and Health Policy Analyst

Like a lot of other people, when I grew up, left home, got married then went on into my life, I still felt unfinished. Consequently, I’ve been on a personal quest to make sense of things all these years. I’d like to share some of my path with you as it may illustrate why I am so passionate about promoting health freedom.


After I got married I moved to Oklahoma City, where I chanced on a volunteer program just starting that featured weekly training sessions. The idea was that ordinary citizens could be taught basic professional level psychological counseling to help juvenile delinquents and their families sort out their lives. Yes, this training was sufficient for me to be paid by the County to do this kind of work and some of my colleagues went on to graduate school to get actual credentials and hang out their shingles.

The weekly meetings were interesting. One week was with a psychologist who was trained by Eric Berne, developer of Transactional Analysis. TA was taking the country by storm at the time and changed the English language. “I’m okay, you’re okay”, “games people play”, “warm fuzzies“, “cold pricklies” are technical terms that come from the TA model. The other week, we’d meet with a Freudian psychiatrist trained at the Menninger Foundation in Topeka, KS. At his invitation I also audited a graduate course he was offering at a local college covering Freudian philosophy.  My paper for the class was a review of Freud’s work, Jokes and Their Relation to the Unconscious which  I illustrated with a cartoon of Lucy of Peanuts fame behind her psychiatric booth giving advice to Linus holding his blanket.


OKC was a hotbed of this kind of training. Several hundred people from the Red Cross and other volunteer programs along with medical students getting credit for the training and supervision for the same stuff that was being taught at Esalen in California, the epicenter of what was later to be called the “human potential movement.” Anybody who was anybody came to OKC to hold workshops. While I never met psychiatrist Eric Berne or his close friend and colleague, psychiatrist Fritz Perls – father of Gestalt Therapy, I was trained by their close friends and colleagues psychiatrist Robert Goulding, his wife MSW Mary Goulding and Virginia Satir. The Gouldings developed their own brand of therapy called Redecision Therapy, a hybrid of TA and Gestalt.  While all this training and supervision gives me some bragging rights, my point here is that I was committed to a total immersion exploration into learning how I and other people ticked. I wanted to know how I could get my dysfunctional past cleaned up so I could go on with my life. It also has provided me with the tools to avoid getting hooked into dysfunctional communications with others or get upset with the “games” that go on in the public square.


Continue reading We Cannot Fix US HealthCare Until We Fix Our Current Social Chaos…