German Television Says President Trump Can Time Travel!

The Protests In France Are Not Just About Forced Vaccinations…

Although the French Vaccine Issue has people VERY up in arms.  Is an armed revolution in France imminent?

From Germany by Karma Singh

As in most of the world, Germany has many television channels. One is a joint German/French channel called “Arte.” It has a well-earned reputation for honest reporting and independence from German and French politics.

On Saturday 24th November 2018 at around 7.25 p.m. German time, Arte broke with this “tradition” and joined the ranks of “Trump bashers”.

On the same day that…

…the BolenReport published a detailed article on the California forest fires and how Obama directed mis-management had caused them,  together with a video showing how the government owned forests are a tinder keg because around 30% of the forests consist of dead trees waiting for the first spark, Arte blamed President Trump directly for the forest fires because he stepped out of the Paris climate accord.

Insert laughter here…

Using a variety of mini-film clips of uncertain origin…

…Arte than went on to claim that the US economy had suffered billions in business and job losses because Trump is refusing to recognise global warming.

Continue to laugh…

The massive increases in business turnover and almost the lowest unemployment level ever, since Trump took over the reins of power are “not worth mentioning”.

In a week in which Natural News revealed that the whole Global Warming hoax is based upon a “simple” mathematical error, Arte claimed that reduced snow falls in the Rockies between 1998 and 2009 devastated the skiing industry.

“But just a cotton picking minute here.”

Was not a certain Nobel Peace con-man Obama bin Barak then the incumbent in the White House or does Arte mean that Donald Trump went back in time to stop the snow falling?

In any event, why are snow-fall figures only included up to 2009? Could it be that this minor blip in temperature variations stopped in 2010 and Colorado Skiing is again in full swing?

Again and again…

Continue reading German Television Says President Trump Can Time Travel!

California Puts A BIG FIRE Under Those That Need To Work Together…

It is Called The “Camp Fire”…

Unfortunately, the death toll is over 80 people now…

Opinion by “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

My wife Jan, and I, have been married 53 years as of last October 23, 2018.  Right from the beginning we took to “Camping” as our weekend, holiday, or vacation activity.  Starting out with a few blankets, a tarp, some rope, and an aluminum coffee pot we headed into the California mountain woods in the summer, the desert-under-the-stars in the winter.  We graduated to a tent, a camp stove, a Coleman lantern, sleeping bags, and those blankety-blank air mattresses.  It didn’t matter that we had only a little money for we had each other, and we kept each other warm in the high country.

Then, luxury of luxuries, we acquired a Tent Trailer – and the California mountains became ours to explore in sheer comfort.  We had that first Tent Trailer for twenty-five years, and maybe a million miles.

Somewhere in there Jennifer came along, and we bundled her up and headed for the South Rim of the Grand Canyon, around to Zion, Bryce Canyon, Arches, and Canyonlands.  Campers we are.  Marvels we’ve seen.  Clean air we breathe.  Food for the soul.

But, California mountain forests were our staple.

We covered every backway and byway from Yosemite south more than once, turning another corner on a lonely mountain road to come upon another stunning view.  We made a summer home out of Kings Canyon, swimming in the ice cold Kings river, sometimes rafting, sometimes just laying in the high mountain sun.

We had a secret camp spot where we could see 50 miles over the mountain canyons, with a trillion stars lighting up the ice cold night.

We know the California mountains…

Then, someone began the process of destroying them…

Continue reading California Puts A BIG FIRE Under Those That Need To Work Together…

On the California Drought and Wildfires…

The Fires Could EASILY Be Stopped Almost Before They Start…

But the Government Bureaucrats Don’t Want To Do That…

By James DeMeo PhD – 
Director Orgone Biophysical Research Lab (OBRL) in Ashland, Oregon, USA

I am horrified by the situation of fires burning all over in California. And yet, being located in Oregon, without the ability to launch a major cloudbusting project south into the fire zones, there is little that can be done about the situation.

Woolsey Fire Blackens Malibu Sky as Thousands Flee, Homes Destroyed

Camp Fire devastates Paradise near Chico — businesses, church, numerous homes burn

My network of CORE associates also lives far from California, and we lost our cloudbusting partner station in San Diego more than a year ago. I tried many times since the 1980s to set up a kind of “cloudbusting fire department” for such emergency work, but could never gain sufficient financial support to make it happen.

All of this devastation now on-going for years, was 100% preventable…

…and once started, could have been confined by appropriate cloudbusting methods which I developed against such coastal and inland drylands wildfires many years ago.

Continue reading On the California Drought and Wildfires…

Pediatricians are Baby-Killers – The Nick Catone Campaign…

By Kent Heckenlively JD

Let’s cut to the chase.  We’ve spent far too much time being nice.  The other side isn’t listening.  Are we going to go away?  No.  We’re just going to get louder.  They will not silence our truth.


VACCINES ARE THEIR WEAPON OF CHOICE AND THE RESULT IS SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome), in addition to autism and a number of other problems.

UFC fighter Nick Catone didn’t expect anything to go wrong when he tucked his 20 month-old baby, Nicholas into his crib on Thursday, May 11, 2017.  In fact, as Nick left his son said, “Goodnight Daddy.”

In the morning he was dead.

Continue reading Pediatricians are Baby-Killers – The Nick Catone Campaign…

Now That The Media Has Captured You…

What are you going to do with the rest of your life?

MSM (Main Stream Media, for those under a rock), has set the American public, and half the world, on fire with their breathless covering of all things inflammatory…

By Sharon Anshaw

“Quick, Quick, listen, listen. We will tell you everything you need to know.”

“We will tell you all things that are wrong with the world, wrong with the climate, wrong with the president, wrong with America, wrong with the American people, wrong with white men, wrong with straight women, wrong with your religion, wrong with your children and the way you raise them, wrong with your marriage, wrong with your lack of marriage, wrong with agreeing with the party of your choice, wrong for not supporting their party of choice, wrong with what you eat, wrong with what you don’t eat, wrong.. wrong.. wrong….”


Who else is exhausted out there?

Not exhausted from breathlessly awaiting, with anticipation, of their next incredible and entirely scripted story, but exhausted from the 24/7 onslaught of what they deem important, or the next part of their agenda; which by the way you will notice is always negative.

The media is slowly and methodically dividing the nation in half.

Continue reading Now That The Media Has Captured You…

Homoeopathy – the Death Knell for Big Pharma?

From Germany by Karma Singh

The viciousness and thoroughness of the campaign which the pharmaceutical cartel has been running world-wide for many years against homoeopathy must, inevitably, lead one to question, “What are they so afraid of?” To find the answer to this, we need only look at where homoeopathy came from.

A German doctor, Samuel Hahnemann, was much troubled by the common experience of his time that pharmaceuticals would often cure the illness but kill the patient. He closed his practise for some years and devoted his labours to finding out why this should be and whether the problem could be solved. He succeeded in both endeavours.

What Hahnemann discovered was that it was the corrective information impulses which were curing the disease and the chemical carriers which were killing the patient. He, therefore, set about trying to separate the informational corrections from the chemical carriers. In this endeavour, he also succeeded. Although many have refined and expanded the knowledge, it is to Hahnemann that we owe our thanks for this enormous breakthrough.

Now, pharmaceuticals started out life as a small “side business” of the chemical manufacturers. At that time, it was seen as just a small, additional market for their chemicals. If, however, as Hahnemann had shown, the chemicals were not only unnecessary but also highly detrimental to health then this area of profit could dry up completely. The chemical manufacturers, which later became IG Farbenindustrie – the financiers and promoters of Adolf Hitler and Helmuth Kohl – set to work both to reduce the toxicity of their pharmaceuticals but also to begin a propaganda campaign against homoeopathy; a campaign which is still running today.

What we must grasp is that homoeopathy is the ultimate refinement of pharmaceutical medicine which has isolated the effective part of medication and eliminated that which causes all the deaths and disablement.

Pharmaceuticals are not only unnecessary but actively detrimental to healing. Now do you understand why the pharmaceutical manufacturers are so afraid of homoeopathy?

The three main arguments which the pharma-cartel has pushed against homoeopathy are:-

Continue reading Homoeopathy – the Death Knell for Big Pharma?

99-Year-Old Atomic Scientist Says: “Lower Health Care Costs – Give Everyone a Free Supply of Vitamin C”

A Brilliant Suggestion From A Former Member of the Manhattan Project…

“… a free supply of ascorbic acid (Vitamin C) to every person would lower the cost of health care in a major way…” – Ted Jorgenson


By Owen R. Fonorow – Vitamin C Foundation

The Vitamin C Foundation received this letter below  from Dr. Theodore P. Jorgensen in 2003.  As he tells us, he was at the time, age 99, a physicist, and he helped develop the atomic bomb as a member of the Manhattan Project.

Theodore P. Jorgensen
4932 High Street
Lincoln, Nebraska, 68506

To whom it may concern,

What I am about to tell you is difficult for me to write; however I hope you will understand why I have written it. This letter concerns vitally important ideas, far more than one could imagine. The calendar tells me that I am in my 99th year (this is not a misprint) and as such I feel compelled tell you a few things about myself.

I am a retired physics professor, with a Ph.D. from Harvard. I spent the war years working on the Atomic Bomb at Los Alamos. On my return to teaching, I originated and directed an atomic accelerator project at the University of Nebraska, which continues to be financed to the present time by the Federal Government. I was retired from the University in my 70th year. Since that time, my mental activities have mainly involved studying the swing of a golf club; which allowed me to write a best seller on the Physics of Golf.

I grew up on a subsistence homestead in northwestern South Dakota. The many grasshoppers on the prairie inspired my mother to feed them to our turkeys; which led her to discover the turkeys laid fertile turkey eggs only when fed cod-liver oil. She fed it not only to her turkeys, but also to her five children. Thus, at the age of thirteen years, I became interested in nutrition.

Vitamin C was discovered to be ascorbic acid in 1931. Shortly after, chemistry developed to the stage where this substance could be synthesized. When a supply of pure ascorbic acid was obtained, this substance was used in medical research. Unfortunately, the substance was thought to be a vitamin and since it was known that vitamins were effective in very small amounts, for many years only small amounts of the substance were used in research. Many years later, it was discovered that ascorbic acid could be used to produce fabulous results when used correctly in medical and clinical research.

It was also discovered that Vitamin C was not a poisonous substance when used in the human body. We learned that solutions of ascorbic acid, in proper concentrations, would kill bacteria and viruses. Happily; a patient’s blood could, through the proper use of ascorbic acid, also kill bacteria and viruses. However, the concentration needed in specific cases had to be determined.

It was determined that most animals produce their own ascorbic acid; and that human beings, apes, monkeys, and guinea pigs do not produce any. A conclusion was drawn that animals that could not make ascorbic acid had a genetic defect involving one enzyme, which was lost millions of years ago. This enzyme was not necessary then, as ascorbic acid was easy to be obtained in the available food sources.

It was decided that the Recommended Daily Allowance, or RDA, for a healthy human male would be arbitrarily set at the 60 mg per day. The rate chosen for monkeys was substantially larger than that for humans.

The amount of ascorbic acid needed for a man to have optimum health is unknown. Some idea of the amount he should have would be determined by the amount his body would make, if the human body had this natural ability. This leads to the consideration of the rate of ascorbic acid made by healthy animals. Such studies have been made and the values range far above those of the current RDA for humans.

Another effect of ascorbic acid must be mentioned. The level of cholesterol in a person’s blood varies inversely with the level of the ascorbic acid in the blood. When I learned of this, I decided to perform an experiment on myself. My cholesterol level had been running at 240 units for several years. My doctor told me he could give me a drug to lower the cholesterol level, but he was afraid of the damage that might be done by the drug. An experiment had been reported that a person’s cholesterol level depended on the amount of white sugar ingested. With this information in mind, I decided to eliminate sucrose in my diet as much as possible, while I arbitrarily set my intake of ascorbic acid at five grams per day. Much to my doctor’s surprise, my cholesterol level fell from 240 units to 180 units. Additionally, I have not had a cold since beginning to take the ascorbic acid. I know of similar experiments with similar results.

When I learned that a solution of ascorbic acid, in a proper concentration, has properties for killing both bacteria and viruses; and that the concentration of ascorbic acid in a person’s blood could be adjusted to such a concentration by the amount of ascorbic acid ingested, I hoped to seek out confirmation of these findings within medical literature.

Dr. Robert F. Cathcart of Los Altos, California has found a method of determining the amount of ascorbic acid to be used in any given case. His findings indicated that the amount of ascorbic acid to use was just less than the amount which would produce a laxative effect in the patient. Dr. Cathcart reported that he has treated 9,000 patients with various infections, and not a single patient treated with ascorbic acid had to be hospitalized. Other reports exist by doctors who have had phenomenal similar effects, in which they determined the amount of ascorbic acid by trial.

In order to determine the amount of ascorbic acid human beings should take, research was done to identify which other animals made ascorbic acid for their own use. The result of this study determined the value of ascorbic acid at 2.3 to 10 grams per 154-pound man in good health.

It is virtually impossible for any person to obtain this much ascorbic acid per day from ordinary or casual ways. This also indicates that human beings are living with dangerously low levels of ascorbic acid. The above information provides some explanation for the reason our cost of health care is so high and our average age of death is so low. I believe that this problem is a national disgrace, and should be challenged on a national basis. I believe that here are two reasons why this should be done.

One reason is that a free supply of ascorbic acid to every person would lower the cost of health care in a substantial way.

The other is that we are in the age of possible terrorist attacks with chemical and biological agents, both bacterial and viral. We are vulnerable to these attacks because we have not applied and extended the knowledge we do have to the practice of medicine. However, any practical approach to the ascorbic acid problem would require the cooperation, prestige, and authority of the federal government.

I can only leave the possible solutions to these problems of public health, and the implementation of corrections, to our younger generations. As I hope you can hear, I believe we can and should work towards a solution. Have I convinced you of this possibility, too?

Theodore P. Jorgensen
4932 High Street
Lincoln, Nebraska, 68506

Who Knew?  More Than 90% of All Vitamin C Is Produced In China…

Continue reading 99-Year-Old Atomic Scientist Says: “Lower Health Care Costs – Give Everyone a Free Supply of Vitamin C”

The Nature of the Beast…

When Donald Trump promised to take down the pharmaceutical cartel…

From Germany By Karma Singh


…he already had a pretty good idea of what he was up against. As President Trump, he has studied the nature of the beast and how to conquer it.

This isn’t a David and Goliath contest, it much more akin to the many headed Hydra or Shiva’s battle against the many headed demons.

Large parts of Congress, on both sides of the House, were deep in the pockets of the pharma-cartel. Yet it is precisely these people that he needs to enact the legislation which, amongst other things, cuts off a lot of their income.

You may remember that some months ago the bank accounts of some of the worst offenders were frozen:

A first step, a shot across the bows showing all other Congress members that he means business; Still not enough – he has to be sure of being able to get bills through both houses. So he squeezed a couple of little, innocuous sounding ones through but which cut billions from the cartel’s income. A step in the right direction – as any general will tell you; the first thing you need to neutralize is your opponent’s ability to fight. The cartel’s main weapon is vast sums of money so it is logical for this general to find ways of reducing it. He has made some significant steps in this direction but there’s a long way to go yet.

One of the very many other problems…

…is that three generations of not just Americans but most of the “Western” world have been indoctrinated into believing that pharmaceutical medicine is the savior of humanity and everything else is useless, worthless and has no effect. How many of you remember “Dr. Kildare” and other examples of pharma-financed propaganda?

How do you re-educate hundreds of millions of people in a few months?

Rockefeller began purchasing the Press many decades ago with the precise intent of preventing the truth reaching the public. With the overwhelming majority of the Main Stream Press owned or controlled by the pharmaceutical cartel, getting the truth out is a very difficult task. Until very large numbers of Americans recognise that pharmaceutical medicine is an almost 100% fraud, any move to eliminate it will bring a public outcry “he is depriving us of health care”.

It is not enough that many thousands of parents with vaccine damaged children demand that these toxins be banned; until the American public as a whole realize that vaccines are not only useless but also deadly, it is very difficult to make any headway.

Here is where you, the readers of the BolenReport have a big job to do.

Continue reading The Nature of the Beast…

Trump Forces Down US Prescription Drug Prices By 80%…

I Told All Of You This Was Coming…

It is a brand new health care day in the United States of America.  The balance of power has been shifted away from Big Pharma.  It was done by President Donald Trump, and he made it look easy…

Opinion by “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

Big Pharma makes so much money that it can not only control the evening mainstream news, but it can afford five lobbyists for every federal legislator.

It can completely control State legislators – like it did with the Democratic Party controlled California legislature that passed Mandatory Vaccine bill SB 277 jamming seventy-four (74) vaccines into California’s suffering children as a requirement to go to Public School.

Big Pharma, until now, has been able to control EVERY appointment to EVERY federal agency that regulates health care.

“Until now” are the key words…

I am about to show you a fourteen minute video produced by Trump’s Department of Health and Human Services , with our President explaining the strategy and tactics, in detail, of how we have broken Big Pharma’s hold on US health care.

Put on earphones and listen to every word, because, within it, you get an outline of how our system has been working against us, and how Trump’s picks to head key federal agencies have unraveled Big Pharma’s choke hold creating a new day for US health care.

In earlier Bolen Report articles I explained the reasons why I like Trump’s federal picks – now you can see for yourself where these people went, and what they did.

Trump has reduced Big Pharma’s overall income by 80%.   They are not going to be rolling in cash anymore.  It is a good day for America…

Watch this…

Continue reading Trump Forces Down US Prescription Drug Prices By 80%…

My 2018 Mid-Term Election Prediction…

By Kent Heckenlively, JD

At Bolen Report we cover health care.  But let’s be honest.  Two weeks before the midterms nobody is going to care.

Let me give you three pieces of information, just so when all of this is over, you won’t be behind.

  1.  President Trump signed a bill getting rid of the “gag” order on pharmacists so now they can say, “Hey, you know there’s a lower cost generic you can buy.”  Predictably, the pharmaceutical companies filed a lawsuit claiming that allowing pharmacists to tell patients the real cost was a violation of free speech.  (Honestly, I can’t make this stuff up.)
  2.  Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. made sure that more than 7,000 copies of J.B. Handley’s book, How to End the Autism Epidemic were mailed to legislators all across the country.
  3. Two autism advocates, (Jen Larson and Mark Blaxill) met with President Trump on October 4, 2018 and gave him a copy of How to End the Autism Epidemic and Denial by Mark Blaxill and Dan Olmsted.  No other information is available from  my sources about how these books were received by the President.

Now you know everything important that’s happened in the last couple weeks.

However, you come to Bolen Report for perspectives you won’t find anywhere else.  That’s why I’ve provided you my special mid-term prediction based on box-office numbers from last weekend.

You see, I believe going to vote is a lot like going to the movies.  If you like the story and it accords with your values you tell your friends and the film is a success.  Not that hard to figure out.  Just like politics and elections.  Make the lives of people better and they’ll vote for you.  Make America suck and they’ll vote for the other guy.

This is the Heckenlively Theory of Box Office Receipts and Voting Patterns.

Continue reading My 2018 Mid-Term Election Prediction…

We NEED to Get REAL Health Care Paid For…

Making Health Insurers Comply with Provider Non-Discrimination Legislation…

Opinion by Ralph Fucetola JD


What if it was possible to make insurers stop denying claims for legally delivered alternatives to conventional medicine today?

What if doing this would also address rising healthcare costs?

With your help, we intend to attain these two goals by leveraging the legal defense for a provider who is otherwise going to be crushed by a Blue Cross Blue Shield Plan (that plan is Horizon).

It is our belief that the fastest way to force insurers to comply with existing law is to win a lawsuit against one…

Continue reading We NEED to Get REAL Health Care Paid For…

Big Pharma Funds Democrat’s 2018 Mid-Term Campaign…

Liberals Screech – “No Trump, No Wall, No USA At All…”

For Big Pharma, and the Democrats, It Is All About PRESERVING The Drug-Based Health Care System…

Opinion by “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

There is no mystery, what-so-ever, about what is REALLY going on in the US Democratic Party.  It is NOT the chaos it pretends to be.  There is a most definite real platform being pushed on the American public.

The Democrats are just not being truthful about what it is.

So, what is it?

Continue reading Big Pharma Funds Democrat’s 2018 Mid-Term Campaign…

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Needs $20,000 for His Children’s Health Defense Campaign!

BolenReport Readers Need to Step Up!

By Kent Heckenlively JD

Many people may mistake our boldness at BolenReport as not being open to other viewpoints.

Nothing could be further from the truth.  Here at BolenReport we WELCOME ROBUST DEBATE.

It’s no secret we lean right, but that’s simply because we believe the pharmaceutical companies have captured our government agencies which protect the health of the public.  It is a nightmare of both the left and the right.

Powerful corporations controlling an even more powerful and intrusive government.  It is government which compels and it is this coercion which concerns us.  We understand there are many important dimensions to this struggle.

Which is why at BolenReport we recognize valuable allies and warriors who may fight on different battlefields.  However, we all fight for a common objective, the health of humanity.

Which is why when I received this request from Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. in his current campaign I knew it was something I should bring IMMEDIATELY to readers of BolenReport. I have already donated two-hundred and fifty dollars.  I encourage you to donate whatever you can spare.

Here is the request from Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.:

Continue reading Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Needs $20,000 for His Children’s Health Defense Campaign!

Trump’s War Against Vaccines KICKS INTO HIGH GEAR…

By Kent Heckenlively, J.D.

How do you know when the righteous war against vaccines has begun?

When you read a recent article from The New York Times (September 26, 2018) which begins:

“The Environmental Protection Agency on Tuesday placed the head of its Office of Children’s Health Protection on administrative leave, an unusual move that appeared to reflect an effort to minimize the role of the office.

Dr. Ruth Etzel, a pediatrician and epidemiologist who has been a leader in children’s environmental health for 30 years, joined the E.P.A. in 2015 after having served as a senior officer for environmental health research at the World Health Organization.  She was placed on administrative leave late Tuesday and asked to hand over her badge, keys, and cellphone, according to an E.P.A. official familiar with the decision who was not authorized to discuss the move and who asked not to be identified.”

You can read the entire article HERE.

Now admittedly, reading The New York Times in our era is a bit like reading Pravda in the bad old days of the Soviet Union…

Still, you can be certain of some facts.  Somebody in the Trump administration really doesn’t like good old Dr. Ruth Etzel, who during the 30 years she’s been “a leader in children’s environmental health” has presided over the worst decline in the health of our children in history.

Continue reading Trump’s War Against Vaccines KICKS INTO HIGH GEAR…

CONFABULATION – Immediate Action Needed…

By Elissa Meininger – Health Policy Analyst

For the past week, as a nation, we have been torn apart in one of the nastiest and most divisive political fights we’ve ever had in this country.   We are all exhausted.

At odds are the he said/she said sexual encounter of nearly 40 years ago that Dr. Christine Blasey Ford swore happened to her and Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s absolute denial that he was even there.

Last night, one of the guests on the TV show, Justice with Judge Jeanine, offered a plausible explanation.

He is Judge William Fitzpatrick, the former president of the National District Attorney’s Association and present DA for Onodaga County, New York.  His explanation for how two people, both quite sincere and believable, could both telling the truth.

He believes the explanation may lie in the medical records of Dr. Ford’s from back when she first recalled the memory of the event she now reports as truth.

Judge Fitzpatrick believes that she may be suffering from confabulation, a mental disorder that creates false memories which the patient remembers as absolute truth.

According to Wikipedia:

“In psychiatry, confabulation (verb: confabulate) is a memory error defined as the production of fabricated, distorted, or misinterpreted memories about oneself or the world, without the conscious intention to deceive.  People who confabulate present incorrect memories ranging from “subtle alterations to bizarre fabrication”, and are generally very confident about their recollections, despite contradictory evidence.

The malfunction could be caused by something as simple as a thiamine deficiency or triggered by some other neurological condition.  In any case, the person can seem quite normal, yet have no idea that the memory they are recalling is no memory at all.  Its error in brain function.

If  you would like to see Judge Fitzpatrick’s explanation, check out this video below.

Continue reading CONFABULATION – Immediate Action Needed…

U.S. Attorneys Withheld Evidence in Autism Omnibus Proceeding…

YOU Can Take Action…

By Kent Heckenlively, JD

For those who are unaware of the history of this issue…

…in the late to mid 2000s more than 5,000 Autism cases went through a bizarre procedure called the Autism Omnibus Proceeding (AOP) as part of the so-called “Vaccine Court” in which several test cases were reviewed for the proposition that vaccines can cause autism.

The most famous case to emerge was that of Hannah Poling, which was removed from the hearing and government attorneys settled with her parents for a sum of more than twenty million dollars.

Many have complained that the court intentionally conceals awards of vaccine injury leading to autism.  In my book, INOCULATED, I interviewed the former Chief Special Master of the Vaccine Court, who told me explicitly that the court has held from its earliest days that vaccines can lead to encephalopathy (brain swelling) and that one of the damages from this brain swelling is autism.

But I doubt any of you ever heard THAT in a pediatrician’s office!

Now comes an allegation from Robert F. Kennedy, Jr

Continue reading U.S. Attorneys Withheld Evidence in Autism Omnibus Proceeding…

What If 800,000 Americans Didn’t Have to Die This Year?

Health Care “Fake News” Has Been Around for a Very Long time…

By Owen Fonorow – President – Vitamin C Foundation


The US, and hence, the entire world’s health care system is badly broken.  Everyone knows that.

More, even isolated segments of the world’s population are beginning to figure our what’s wrong with health care, and what needs to be done to fix it.

Unnecessary deaths are happening,  and they have  happened for over 20 years. But the system ignores this simple fact – and goes on raking in the cash.

What if, besides the 800,000 deaths…?

Another 62 million Americans are being deliberately poisoned and maimed to fill the pockets of foreign pharmaceutical companies?

EPA rules have been manipulated to move strategic interests out of the United States?

There are agents of a foreign enemy first maiming, then killing, Americans from the inside the U. S. Government — killing Americans after first draining them of all their assets from unnecessary medical expenses.

Harsh words?  Keep reading…

This BIG LIE campaign to kill Americans documented below is propped up by an orchestrated propaganda campaign fostered by Big Pharma advertising revenues.

The Great Suppression of American Alternative Medicine…

Continue reading What If 800,000 Americans Didn’t Have to Die This Year?

Senator Pan’s 2020 Presidential Hopes SMASHED By California Governor…

The US Democratic Party’s “Presidential Poster Boy” Gob-Smacked by Governor’s Veto of SB 1424

Opinion by “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

In 2018 mainstream America the word “California” is used sneeringly.  It evokes the thought that the State of California is a haven for political Marxists, Alinsky-ites, full-on-Communists, America-Haters, Totalitarian-Regimists, Politically-Correct-Analists, and whack-jobs in general.  And there are plenty of reasons for America to think so.

I mean, really…

California’s, San Francisco (go ahead and sneer) is “Needle Central,” given it’s name from the simple fact that San Francisco’s Elitist Ruling Class decided that the solution to SF’s MASSIVE drug problem is to issue free needles – 450,000 a year I’m told, to SF’s junkies.

Their thinking?  (Play Twilight Zone music here) “Hey, the problem is not the heroin or the Fentanyl from China being imported over the border between the US and Mexico – it’s the fact that the junkies might use the same needle and pass on an infection…”

Yup – liberal thinking.

Now, don’t laugh, now they’re going to fund “Sanctuary City – Safe Spaces” where the junkies can go to get clean needles to inject their heroin and Fentanyl on site without those pesky law enforcement officers watching them..

Right now, of course, San Francisco’s streets, and massive transit systems are literally covered in used needles, and, of course HUMAN FECES.

Official San Francisco STREET FECES location MAP.  The NEEDLES, however, are being found everywhere, because the homeless junkies are living in public areas, especially the BART Terminals.

Yup, those liberals sure know how to run a society (sarcasm intended).

But, worry Not – The Liberals Have a Solution…

Continue reading Senator Pan’s 2020 Presidential Hopes SMASHED By California Governor…

J.B. Handley Breaks Amazon with “How To End The Autism Epidemic” Book!

By Kent Heckenlively, JD

With just a rag-tag group of fighters, J.B. Handley’s book, How to End the Autism Epidemic, reached #44 of all books sold on Amazon as of last Friday night.  Think of it.

There are more than a million titles on Amazon.  But his stealth marketing campaign of health freedom fighters (some shown in the photo above) has scored a remarkable victory.

And there’s more.

C;lick on book to order

At the BolenReport we were privy to confidential information that Amazon had placed A VERY LARGE ORDER of J.B.’s book, an amount so large that the publisher had NEVER HAD ANYTHING LIKE THAT HAPPEN BEFORE.

How to End the Autism Epidemic was released on Wednesday, September 19 and two days later, Friday, September 21, Amazon had sold EVERY SINGLE COPY!!!!  (Don’t let that stop you from placing an order.  They’re planning to have more copies by next Thursday!)

All of this was accomplished without the benefit of the mainstream media… 

Continue reading J.B. Handley Breaks Amazon with “How To End The Autism Epidemic” Book!

Will “Real.ID” Be the End of The US Democratic Party?

Opinion by “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

Yes, I criticize US Democrats almost endlessly, and in almost every way, in this Health Care newsletter.  Why?  Because Democrats are BLOCKING any change to the US Health Care System – insisting on preserving Big Pharma’s one-size-fits-all ObamaCare system – and Trump and the Republicans want change.  ‘

Trump has a plan.  I have a real good idea where he is going with it, and, so far, I approve.

If, and when, I do not approve I let Donald know almost immediately.

So, let’s talk some more about the necessary destruction of the 2018 Democratic Party.  Who knows, maybe one day they’ll wake up and start thinking about the needs of Americans again…

Will “Real.ID” Show That California Is Already a “Red State?”

“Real.ID” is, in essence, a national ID card that meets Homeland Security guidelines.  It will soon become required to vote, get on airplanes, enter Federal buildings, etc.  It will be a very important tool to eliminate Voter Fraud.

A study conducted by the University of Chicago in 2012 showed that Illinois, specifically Chicago, was the third most corrupt State, concerning “Voter Fraud,” in the United States.

Chicago was passed only by New York and California…

Isn’t THAT interesting?

More, the source of this information was NOT a conservative publication.  It came from the ultra-liberal, normally narcissistic, girly-boy-panty-waving, Hillary Apologist Salon magazine.

Apparently EVEN the liberal media is aware, and completely comfortable with, the US Democratic Party’s descent into absolute corruption and debauchery.

Well, Well, Well…

Continue reading Will “Real.ID” Be the End of The US Democratic Party?