Everyone Knows That 110 Million US Citizens Voted For Donald Trump…
And the Voting Machines gave the count to Biden…
So, what happens next?
Opinion by “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen
The so-called “Progressive Liberals” stole Presidential election 2020 from the American people. Everyone knows that.
The question now is “Are Americans going to put up with this steal, and turn over control of their very lives to the liberal elite?”
Or is something else going to happen.
Nancy Pelosi wants to bring in 250,000 Chinese Troops (calling them UN Troops) to protect her vineyards…
And, of course, to arrest, and/or execute, all Trump supporters. It wouldn’t surprise me a bit if she has already made a personal deal with the Chinese to seize Trump supporters’ children and grandchildren to be taken to China for the child sex trade the liberals are so well known for.
They also passed another law (SB 1322) completely legalizing “childhood prostitution.” The full text of SB 1322 can be found here. Details of this atrocity can be found here.
Why do the “liberal elites” want UN Chinese Troops in the US?
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You might be saying to yourself, where’s Kent been?
To be honest, since the runaway success of Plague of Corruption, your humble correspondent has become quite the favorite of his publishing company. I’m on track to publish four, possibly five, books this year.
And in an amazing plot twist that nobody saw coming, this renegade writer started the New Year off with a positive Kirkus review for his new book, The Case for Interferon, published on January 5, 2021. Not only is it a positive Kirkus Review, it’s a “preferred” review, meaning it’s going to be featured in their monthly magazine, which come out on January 15, 2021.
Don’t worry, I’m sure I’ll go back to being slammed by the mainstream media for my next book, but for now I hope you’ll just savor this moment with me.
Just below is an excerpt from that review:
The Case for Interferon: How a 1980s Cancer Drug Might Be the Wonder Therapy for the Twenty-First Century
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To bring a little clarity to this, it is necessary to point out that more than 90% of the world’s press, including such names as Reuters and the BBC, are (often through a series of dummy corporations,) owned and/or controlled by the pharmaceutical industry and their owners, the banking cartel.
Throughout this century and with rising intensity, a serious problem has beset these two entities and all that pertains to them. This problem is the daily growing numbers of people who question the effectiveness of pharmaceutical medicine, the honesty of banking and the veracity of ruling politicians. This questioning has led to large scale rejection of these; so much so that their dominant positions are seriously threatened.
History shows us that the usual method of dealing with such domestic problems is to side-line them by starting a war.
Vladimir Putin has, however, despite massive provocation from the Deep State, refused to participate in such an event.
The candidate presently being groomed as the alternative aggressor is the People’s Republic of China. Indeed, China has become so aggressive in the last two years that any military action (against the Republic of China, for example) is likely to find even Russia ranged against them.
With their military based much more upon ideology rather than training and technological superiority, such a war could be over very quickly unless a major player can be eliminated.
Undeniably, Joe Biden, family and associates have very strong ties to China. Biden has already promised an appeasement policy towards China as opposed to Trump’s deterrent strength posture. The plethora of reports of Chinese financing of the Biden presidential election campaign are already partially verified and much more is the subject of investigations by the FBI and American Department of Justice.
What China needs, to have any chance militarily, is a puppet regime in the White House; an objective which they, presently, appear to have attained.
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The Daily Mail, Britain’s #3 daily newspaper, in an article spread over two whole pages of the Saturday edition 21st November 2020 entitled“Covid:What they don’t tell you” revealed that the whole thing is just one giant hoax.
What they DON’T tell you about Covid: Fewer beds taken up than last year, deaths a fraction of the grim forecasts, 95% of fatalities had underlying causes… and how the facts can be twisted to strike fear in our hearts
Despite the fearmongering, the number of Covid-19 deaths is significantly lower than the peak back in April
Latest ONS estimate shows that in the week ending November 14, new infections were already levelling off
GCHQ staff have been embedded in a Cabinet Office team in Downing Street to provide Boris Johnson with real-time updates of Covid-19
Analysts will sift through vast amounts of data to ensure Boris Johnson has the most up-to-date information
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The liberal globalists, in their efforts to destroy Middle Class America, have committed every one of them. And their ultimate intent is far worse…
Opinion By “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen
We need to start treating what happened in presidential election 2020 as a major crime – as a violent criminal attempt to overthrow our government. We need to start thinking in terms of activating the Death Penalty. While we still can.
Let’s start with the media – both television and social. There is absolutely no question of their organized attempts to subvert American thinking. They are, quite simply, globalist propaganda machines. They are, without doubt, acting against American interests.
That same media donated, “in kind”, a few trillion dollars to the anti-Trump Biden/Harris presidential campaign – and THAT ACT, itself, was a major criminal act. We have specific laws governing this activity. Why aren’t we calling this fact out?
The US television and social media played a definite part in this destruction.
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Is He Just Dragging His Political Friends Into Imprisonment?…
The Dominion Voting Machine Scandal, and the fake mail-in ballots…
Opinion by “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen
I absolutely laughed out loud at the liberal media’s claim that Biden had won the US presidential election because they, the liberal media, said he did.
I couldn’t help but INSTANTLY remember that that same media had declared, over the last four years, that Donald Trump was a Russian spy, Russia had elected Trump, Trump was an illegitimate president, Trump was impeached, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah… And, that Trump should concede the election immediately, move out of the White House, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah…
But the VERY BEST claim was that “there is no such thing as “voter fraud…””
This has all happened before.
Way back in 2007, thirteen years ago, the then current premier Voting Machine company Diebold came under nationwide scrutiny. That justified scrutiny DESTROYED Diebold. Diebold was bought out by “guess who?”
Yup – Dominion Voting Systems. Just below is a seven part series. Each video is five minutes long and are VERY revealing. Why are there seven videos, each five minutes long? Because back in 2007, when these were made, you couldn’t make longer videos.
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Since the Fall of the Soviet Union in 1990 a series of what are called “Color Revolutions” have challenged, and in some cases overthrown, new globalist tyrants.
Those revolutions have been symbolized by colors — usually orange flags, but sometimes, as in France, by yellow vests.
Is it time for Americans to start their own Color Revolution — not based on skin color, but based on a common commitment to a free nation and a return to strict adherence to the limitations on government power specified in the Constitution?
Americans of all sexes, colors and ethnicities may agree on that. After all, OUR colors are red, white and blue…
In 1990, as the USSR collapsed under the dead weight of decades of socialist policies, the Old Communists attempted a coup.
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Opinion by “Deplorable”Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen
Very good sources are telling me that our presidential candidate Donald Trump really did win the US presidential election in a landslide, and the after-poll-hours ballot shenanigans of the Democrats were completely expected, monitored, and will now be exposed. I am about to show you how Democrats walked right into a sting operation.
If any, or all of this is true, then the US Democratic Party is no longer a political party. It has become a crime syndicate.
We’ll start with some videos.
The first video came to me this morning, and it, I think, may be the beginning of the end of the US Democratic Party. I will show it to you first.
I was sent two other very interesting videos a few days ago.
The second video I am going to show you was an interview by The War Room’s Owen Shroyer of a guy I know of named Steve Piecenik. It was about president Trump’s teams setting a trap for the Democratic Party rigging voter ballots in States they control.
The third video was a detailed exposé of the Democrats attempt to violently take over Washington DC should Trump be reelected.
I am going to show all three of them.
(1) We’ll start with Fox News Maria Bartiroma’s two minute interview of Sidney Powell, the attorney for General Michael Flynn.
It’s short and it speaks for itself. It says: “Yes, there was MASSIVE VOTER FRAUD.”
My informants tell me that Trump’s people know how the voter fraud was done and they are closing in.
(2) Who is Steve Piecenik? Is he credentialed?
Yes, very much so…
Many of you will remember him for his work with author Tom Clancy developing certain series.
You can find his complete bio here. But first look at this excerpt:
“Dr. Pieczenik received his B.A. from Cornell University, trained in Psychiatry at Harvard and has both an M.D. from Cornell University Medical College and a Ph.D. in International Relations from M.I.T.
He was the first psychiatrist ever to receive a PhD. focusing on international relations, and is the only psychiatrist to ever have served as a Deputy Assistant Secretary of State. He served four presidents as Deputy Assistant Secretary of State under Nixon, Ford, Carter, and Bush Sr. and was a Senior Policy Planner under president Reagan. Dr. Pieczenik worked directly with, and reported directly to, Secretaries of State Henry Kissinger, Cyrus Vance, George Schultz and James Baker, as well as the respective White Houses. Dr. Pieczenik was drafted into the Vietnam War. He was assigned in the Public Health Services with the rank of Navy Captain (0-6) to run three psychiatric wards at St. Elizabeth’s Hospital in Washington, D.C., including a ward where serial killers were housed. He was subsequently offered a promotion to Rear Admiral (0-7), which he refused on the grounds that he felt honored enough to serve his country, did not want to take a pension and wished to return to civilian life to follow his passions as a physician, entrepreneur and novelist.
Dr. Pieczenik is an expert in psychological warfare, political psychology, regime change, intelligence, counterintelligence and covert operations. During his career as a senior State Department official, Dr. Pieczenik utilized his unique abilities and expertise to develop strategies and tactics that were instrumental in resolving major conflicts in Asia, the Middle East, Latin America, Europe and the United States.
Dr. Pieczenik was the principal International Crisis Manager and Hostage Negotiator under Secretaries Kissinger and Vance. During this time he developed conflict resolution techniques that were instrumental in saving over five hundred hostages in different terrorist episodes, including the Hanafi Muslim Siege in Washington, DC, the TWA Croatian Hijacking, the Aldo Moro Kidnapping, the JRA Hijacking, the PLO Hijacking, and many other incidents involving terrorists such as Idi Amin, Muammar Quaddafi, Carlos, FARC, Abu Nidal and Saddam Hussein. Based on these experiences, Dr. Pieczenik, along with other senior officials at the State Department developed the mandate to create Delta Force and other quick-strike special forces units that could be used in future hostage situations and international crises. Dr. Pieczenik resigned over President Carter’s handling of the Iran Hostage siege. He was recruited by Dr. Richard Solomon to the RAND Corporation in Santa Monica, CA to develop the strategy and tactics using the principles of psychological warfare to dismantle the Soviet Union without the use of military force.
He was subsequently recruited into the Reagan Policy Planning Staff at the State Department. While at the State Department, Dr. Pieczenik was tasked with creating and implementing regime change in Panama to overthrow General Manuel Noriega. As a result, General Noriega repeatedly accused Dr. Pieczenik in the Panamanian newspaper, La Critica, of being an “assassin” and neutralizing several of Noriega’s associates. This is a charge Dr. Pieczenik neither confirms nor denies…”
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Opinion by “Deplorable, Super-Spreader” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen
The Democratic Party has made it very clear that five minutes after Joe Biden takes office there will be an “Executive Order” issued mandating ALL “CDC recommended” vaccines for ALL American children and adults. By the end of the first year there will be six to seven hundred “CDC recommended” vaccines for each category. There will be at least that many added for pets. Probably more.
The Dems will be paying back their campaign contributions…
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The Globalists Tried EVERYTHING To Stop Our First Term…
They Are NOT Going To Like What We Do Next…
Opinion By “Deplorable, Super-Spreader” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen
You cannot win a war on defense. You MUST switch to offense.
As we could all see, last night’s presidential debate showed us the marked contrast between the Democrat’s intention to turn the idea of “America” off, killing capitalism, creating “an absolute one-world-government communist-socialist state” and our man Trump’s “Make America Great Again…”
As Biden said during his campaign “We are going to increase American’s taxes by 65%, tax private corporations into non-existence, destroy fossil fuels completely, close down the US private sector economy with shutdowns, and force every American into a welfare state…”
Biden didn’t even flinch when he said all these things.
Which way will the American voting public turn?
Almost every day, during our man Trump’s first term, the globalist apparatus attacked. It became almost funny watching the Democrat’s overwrought media wring their hands with today’s newest so-called “atrocity” committed by our president on our behalf.
On Our behalf?
Remember, that those of us who adhere to the code that made America great – the basic tenets of Judeo/Christian culture, are described at the highest levels of Democratic Party’s globalist culture, as “Deplorables…”
During the ObamaNation America was moved significantly away from representative government into the hands of totalitarian interests by simply increasing the amount of regulations we had to follow to get through our days.
As Biden said during the presidential debate – “We need to put all of those regulations Trump removed back into place…
The creation of the American Abberrant – the ObamaNation, eight years of the beginnings of totally repressive government…
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If you’re one of my regular readers you know I have a soft spot for stories where different groups unite to fight a common enemy.
Yes, the Lord of the Rings series is my favorite and I try to model my actions after the character Aragorn. (If you hate the Lord of the Rings, please skip this and pick up with my next article.)
I could not believe it when YouTube (owned by Google), brought out the long knives last Friday…
…and went after some of my favorite people like Jordan Sather, Dustin Nemos, Mark Taylor, and the X-22 Report, canceling their channels.
I know there were many more, but let those simply stand in for all the others.
Can I tell you if there’s a Deep State organization, held together by blackmail (often involving sex with children), and seeking a globalist takeover of America?
No, I cannot.
However, I am aware of the tactics of the enemy to discredit the Health Freedom movement and I see the same tactics being applied to the QANON movement.
Let us be like Gandalf and Aragorn freeing Théoden, and hopefully allowing QANON to avoid the mistakes we have made.
I’ve been researching some of the QANON claims and am intrigued…
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(1) Health care is offered, by the system, not based on what is most effective, and/or best for the patient, but by what is most profitable for the provider.
(2) The government agencies we have put in place to regulate health care have turned against us.
(3) The worldwide pharmaceutical industry has WAY TOO MUCH influence over our elected, and appointed, officials.
(4) Health Insurers are a BIG problem
(5) US Dentistry is upside down.
(6) Public Health projects are making the population sicker.
(7) The PsyOps Networks – Ruthless, deadly, dishonest, destructive, morally depraved, attacks those trying to fix health care…
Here at the BolenReport we have been saying a lot about how“badly broken” our health care system actually is – and are talking about how to fix it.
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I got the chance to have a long talk with a chronic fatigue syndrome patient I’ve known for a while, but we were usually in larger gatherings. “You know, Kent,” she said at one point, “I used to be a big time liberal in 2016. Both me and my husband. But now we’re both voting for Trump.”
I LOVE these types of conversations, because I’m always fascinated about what makes people change their minds. “How did that come about?” I asked.
“Well, I really respected you and Dr. Judy Mikovits. So when you and Judy said you were supporting Trump I was confused. But my father always told me that if you’re going to have a strong opinion about something, you need to research it. So I researched Trump and realized I’d been wrong about him. He’s fighting the corrupt system, and my side wasn’t.”
I thought of my own detours from orthodoxy.
When people accuse me of being set in my ways, I delight in telling them I voted TWICE for Bill Clinton because I’d become concerned about the Republican party becoming a party of the religious right. In his time, Bill Clinton was the best politician of his day, and I especially enjoyed the balancing of the budget under his administration.
I look for evidence of people changing their minds.
Despite the media talking about Republicans supporting Biden, those Republicans didn’t support Trump anyway in 2016. Maybe I live in a bubble, but it seems I only hear about former anti-Trump people turning pro-Trump. It doesn’t seem to go the other way.
This Sunday morning when I opened my Twitter account I read the following from my favorite political commentator these days, Scott Adams.
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The, then, named “Communicable Disease Center” (later re-named “Centers for Disease Control” (CDC) opened its doors on the 1st July 1946.
Initially, its sole task was to control the malaria epidemic plaguing the Southern states. This led to the widespread use of DDT which, we now know, when it is combined with the mercury in amalgam tooth fillings and/or vaccines, is the actual cause of polio.
By 1949, the CDC’s mission was regarded as obsolete as better nutrition, sanitation and cleaner air had virtually eliminated the diseases which had plagued America for decades. There were even serious discussions about abolishing it altogether. Urgent and decisive action was needed to save Dr. Mountin’s (then director of the CDC) job! This objective was achieved through the appointment of Dr. Alexander Langmuir from John Hopkins (nowadays a well-known hotbed of phantom diseases and highly questionable statistics).
Langmuir changed the objective of the CDC from controlling diseases as they happened (as they, with increasing frequency, didNOT) to one of hunting for diseases.
To this end he established the “Epidemic Intelligence Service” (EIS) which, basically, trained people in how to abuse the, then, fledgling science of epidemiology to talk up mountain ranges out of goose bumps.
Their basic task was to search for every little cluster of disease and to attempt to talk it up into a major problem of impending health catastrophe; all to enhance the power of the CDC itself. Graduates of the EIS training were gradually infiltrated into every public health agency around the world. Although they, ostensibly, worked for the government wherever they were stationed, they passed and still pass all information onto the CDC and follow instructions given by the CDC.
The EIS is the CDC’s version of the CIA and which, so they claim, has infiltrated every government around the world.
The EIS has chalked up many “successes” including the 1950/60’s polio vaccine campaign which caused a significant increase in cases even after DDT, which, combined with mercury from amalgam tooth fillings and “vaccines, is the actual cause of polio, was banned.
A further “success” was the 1976 “swine ‘flu” through which, despite there only ever having been 5 recorded cases, they managed to parley Congress into imposing a compulsory vaccination, months after all traces had disappeared. This, in turn resulted in several thousand deaths and tens of thousands of serious injuries from the lethal concoctions in the “vaccine”.
Needless to say, the CDC and EIS have forged strong links to the vaccine manufacturers…
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Opinion by “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen
Last night’s “Presidential Debate”showed us the glaring difference between the aims of the Democratic versus the Republican Party’s offerings in Election 2020.
For the very first time during the 2020 election process the American Public got to see those glaring comparisons – for, for the first time Democratic candidate Joe Biden was yanked out of his basement bunker and forced to face tough questions about where he, and the so-called Democratic Party actually stand on issues important to America.
President Trump smacked Biden around the stage like he was a party piñata…
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It will be about ten weeks before we see the official results, but…
Opinion by “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen
California Attorney Greg Glaser, a major player in the current “California Health Freedom” effort, was able to “view” the entire trial on MicroSoft TEAMS. The general public could only “listen.”
Below I will give you a link to the original article. But before I do I am going to explain something legally technical used by Attorney Rick Jaffe in Stoller’s Defense. Something I know a whole lot about because I was part of the very effective 2004 “Health Freedom” team that got this legislation done to specifically protect doctors like Ken Stoller.
When you read down further you are going to wonder how we got the California Medical Board to actually sponsor this legislation (smile). But, that another story. In a different time and a different place…
To refresh your memory about these California “Vaccine Medical Exemption” cases you can click on:
About Attorney Rick Jaffe’s “Alternative Medicine” Defense…
California has something completely unique. Just below is an excerpt from an earlier article that explains what happened fifteen to twenty years ago in California – and how that work protects doctors like Ken Stoller MD.
“The California Health Freedom Movement in 2005 California was scarily effective.”
More, the victory was much larger than just reining in the California Medical Board.
We shut down the California Dental Board, completely, when they wouldn’t put out mercury warnings. The Governor appointed a new Board. Read about that here –“Quackpot Menace STEAMROLLERED in California…”
We also got legislation passed protecting our health care practitioners – a LOT of legislation. See Below:
Senate Bill 2100 in California, passed July 6, 2000, forced the California Medical Board to form a committee and begin a two year study of Alternative Medicine under VERY SPECIFIC guidelines.
Senate Bill 1691 in California passed in September of 2004 to make it legal for physicians to practice safe effective alternative medicine.
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Only this time, the conservative commentator, Michelle Malkin, has agreed to accompany me to the land Down Under. We’re going to talk about my recent book with Dr. Judy Mikovits, THE CASE AGAINST MASKS: TEN REASONS WHY MASK USE SHOULD BE LIMITED, and whatever else Michelle wants to talk about. She’s rarely at a loss for words.
Dr. Mikovits and I were recently interviewed by Michelle, and after the show wrapped, I popped the question. I told her it will be the best trip she never took. She laughed and said “Twist my arm,” and held her arm behind her back as if it was being twisted.
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Before you read it, pick up a yellow highlighter. You are going to want to mark out the sections of text that you can quote to those that think masks are a good idea. And, there are a lot of those areas to highlight.
Democratic Party Governors, and local Public Health officials, are going to hate you.
Although the book very well questions the so-called science of mask wearing with ten very good points, together, all of it is a strong indictment of US Public Health.
Because it becomes very clear that US Public Health has NO CLUE what to do with a REAL Pandemic. They couldn’t even tell if there was one, or how big it would be. Their predictions of what was to come were ABSURD. Their whole handling of the problem was a joke.
In the “Mask” book there are ten reasons:
Reason #1– Oxygen is good for Human Beings and Carbon Dioxide is Not!
Reason #2 – How Does SARS-Cov-2 Spread?
Reason #3– How Effective is A Mask?
Reason #4– Six Feet Apart And Wearing A Mask?
Reason #5 – What About Face Seal leakage and the Backward Jet?
Reason #6– What is the Actual Risk of Airborne Transmission?
Reason #7 – What is a Dangerous Situation for the Vulnerable Exposed to SARS-Cov-2 to Develop COVID-19
Reason #8– Can A mask Become A Virus Trap?
Reason #9 – The Myth of Asymptomatic Carriers
Reason #10 – Children Do NOT Need to Wear a Mask to Return to School
Americans were gulled into believing that we really did, and do, have a workable US Public Health System.
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Habeus Corpus – Most lawyers will know of this most important legal principle but I wonder how many outside of that profession have heard of it.
I only know about it because I had to study law as part of my degree in international trade way back in the early 1970’s.
Uh-oh, i’m losing my audience…
We had the great good fortune to have a mad Welshman as our law lecturer who loved nothing more than relating anecdotes from judicial history. His enthusiasm almost led to my changing faculty to study law; then he retired and his replacement was such a grey character that he repelled me totally.
Habeas Corpus or, as our Welshman explained it, “show us the body”stems from 12th century England and was created to prevent wild accusations with no factual basis. So, for example, if someone was accused of murder, he/she could apply for Habeas Corpus, i.e. first prove that a murder has taken place before you can try me for it.
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Opinion By “Deplorable”Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen
There is no pandemic. There was no pandemic. It was all a hoax, designed and implemented, to damage the United States and Western Civilization, trying to force a one-world government.
It is time for mass arrests. Open up the camps.
Several things have happened – some simple facts floated to the surface…
(1) The overall death rate in the US has NOT risen. The same number of people that die every day has NOT changed. Lying Public Health people simply manipulated data, moving names from one column to a new column called “Covid-19.”
(2) The Center for Disease Control (CDC) admitted, just a few days ago, that only six percent (6%) of the claimed 170,000 deaths in the US were actually from Covid-19 – and those claims are in doubt also.
(3) Six percent (6%) of 170,000 deaths in the US is ONLY 9,600 deaths – a number not high enough to even rate Covid-19 as a major threat.
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