Anti-Vaxxers – Should We Let FaceBook Live? Or, As A Favor To America, Should We Just Destroy It?

FaceBook has Become “US Public Enemy Number One…” 

“Globalist” Zuckerberg Is No Longer Working With Americans…


Opinion by “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

According to the San Jose Mercury News 75% of the Silicon Valley employees in the social media and tech world are here, in this country, on an H1-B Permit, and they are here, primarily, from India (Hindu), Bengladesh (Muslim), Iraq (Muslim), Iran (Muslim), or Pakistan (Muslim).

These, then, are the people who make the daily decisions about what America’s Judeo/Christian population can say on FaceBook, Twitter etc.

Am I making my point?

Circle the Wagons – Here Comes the Indians…

These Indians are not attacking us with arrows.  They use algorithms.

We’ve done four earlier articles on this FaceBook subject:

Continue reading Anti-Vaxxers – Should We Let FaceBook Live? Or, As A Favor To America, Should We Just Destroy It?

For The Democrats It Isn’t REALLY Just About Cows… It Is Also About Cowboys…

Obama, In His Eight MISERABLE Years, Didn’t Just DOUBLE Our National Debt…

He created a form of “National Irrationality.”

Opinion by “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

New Democratic US Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, with her “Green New Deal – Make America WORSE Again” proposed legislation, might well be the salvation of America.

Not because she is doing something right (she is not) but because she caused such a fuss over her proposal that Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is going to call for a vote, ASAP, on her proposal.

Senate Minority leader Chuck Shumer DOES NOT want such a vote…

What is all this REALLY about?

Mitch McConnell is calling for a vote on the “Green New Deal,”  which is really just another version of “Agenda 21.”  – Right here, and right now. 


The “Agenda 21”  plan, all along, was to operate clandestinely, NEVER actually showing a full hand, so that the American public would NOT figure out what the UN people (globalists) were doing to America.  The liberal media was, and is, part and parcel to a globalist takeover of America.  Big Pharma, after all, controls Main Stream Media (MSM) by the simple fact that they provide 70% of the advertising income for the liberal  US News Hour.

Big Pharma is based in Germany, controls Angela Merkel,  and, consequently, The European Union (EU).  They damn near control all of the US.

But NOW McConnell is going to force everyone in the US Senate to take a side on the “Green New Deal” “Agenda 21” and that voting position will determine whether, or not, THAT Senator gets elected again.

In short, McConnell is setting up the US Senate to CAREFULLY EXAMINE, in minute detail, the “National Irrationality” set up by the Obama-Nation.  The “Green New Deal” is just the latest expression of the Obama-Nation’s plan for the destruction of America.  When the Senate looks at it so will the American People.  It will be almost impossible for MSM to cover up what is happening.

Let’s look at the big picture…

What happened during the Obama-Nation?

Continue reading For The Democrats It Isn’t REALLY Just About Cows… It Is Also About Cowboys…

Is The US Democratic Party Controlled By Mainland China? Yes, and No…

Yes, The Democratic Party’s Job Is to Destroy America In Favor Of China’s Interests…

They Are Doing it Right In Front Of Us…

Opinion By “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

A few years ago I traced Hillary Clinton’s activities on behalf of China down, regarding the Chinese manufacture of vaccines for world sales, AND WROTE ABOUT THAT.  “Empress Hillary” according to the World Health Organization (WHO), had arranged for China to make and sell vaccines in their manufacturing plants with NO ANNOYING INSPECTIONS before injection into victims.

The official publication of the World Health Organization (WHO) wrote in their Bulletin an article called “China Enters the Global Vaccine Market.”  The article points points out that Hillary Clinton, in 2014, played the NUMBER ONE  role in allowing Chinese vaccine manufacturers to completely bypass US vaccine testing requirements, and thereby allowing direct from the factory to American children WITH NO QUALITY CONTROL in between.

That was my first interest in examining the US Democratic Party’s relationship with China.  I found many more.

When You Keep Looking It Just Gets Better…

Just recently, a coterie of Democrats, including EVERY Democratic Party 2020 presidential candidate, co-authored a bill, called the “Green New Deal,” to remove America’s ability to compete in a world market, effectually cancelling American Civilization, AND DESTROYING AMERICA AS A WORLD POWER..

The legislation’s intent is to, within ten years, remove all airplanes from American skies, automobiles from the roads, shut down all electrical generating plants, cancel farming (it uses machines), and shut down all fossil fuel companies including coal, oil, natural gas, and whatever – eliminating tens of millions of American jobs at the same time, forcing the American citizenry into starvation and death.

And, by the way, providing free college and free health care for all…

Wow – what a great idea (sarcasm intended).  Criticisms abound.

More, they are going to eliminate cows (laugh here)….

Why eliminate cows?  Because according to the San Francisco liberals, cows fart…

I guess the San Francisco liberals don’t want odor competition with their downtown human-fecal-matter-covered streets.

Or are the San Francisco Democrats upset because the US cattle industry is run by hard-working heterosexual families?

Communist China Controls The Us Film Industry…

We all know that.  Hollywood stars have a new “Casting Couch” routine.  They are required to be “Pro-China,” and “Anti-American.”  Without doubt EVERYONE under the Chinese yoke in Hollywood is required to be “Anti-Trump.”  If an actor wants to work, these days, they have to adopt the “Hate EVERYTHING America” dialogue promoted by CNN.

Why haven’t we made this situation a national emergency, and seized the film companies, re-selling them to Americans only?

Good question…

Continue reading Is The US Democratic Party Controlled By Mainland China? Yes, and No…

California Senator Richard Pan Claims That Raising a “Vaccine Injured Child” Is a “White Privilege”…

Dicky Pan is NOT Someone To Envy…

Opinion by “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

Admittedly there was a time when the name of California Senator Richard Pan created fear in the hearts of parents of vaccine-damaged children, for Mrs Pan’s little boy Dicky seemed to be the brilliant architect of “Childhood Mandatory Vaccines” with the passing of California’s SB277.

But, the passing of time showed three things:  (1)  Dicky Pan was just the figurehead in SB277.  The real work was done in the background with Big Pharma lobbyists stuffing baglets of hundred dollar bills into California Democratic Party legislators’ pockets, (2)  SB277 itself completely failed to increase vaccine rates in California, and (3)  Dicky Pan is DESPERATELY trying to hide SB277’s lack of success.

It is hard, sometimes, to find humor in the fight between the  sleazy pro-vaccine “Vaccine Holocaust Deniers,” and the heroic anti-vaxxers dedicated to saving the world from the ravages of Big Pharma.  But, then there is Dicky Pan, standing right in front of us providing comic relief.

California State Senator Richard Pan has made himself the butt of jokes world-wide – not something one wants to do.

Pan is the kind of person, these days, who worries that when someone pats him on the back, even another California legislator, he has to check to see if that person left a “kick me” sign taped to his shirt.  Why?  The reasons are legion.  And he brought it all on himself.  Do NOT feel sorry for him.

Dicky Pan brought the infamous SB277, the Childhood Mandatory Vaccine legislation to the easily-swayed, ultra-liberal, California legislature, and, with the help of a  boatload of lobbyists stuffing hundred dollar bills into Democratic Party legislators pockets, got it passed.

Although Dicky, and his minions, make claims of success for SB277, it was a cataclysmic failure on all fronts…

As we know, from yesterday’s article “Official Analysis Shows – California SB277 FAILED…” absolutely NOTHING was accomplished by SB277 to increase vaccination rates.

More importantly the ANGER and RAGE created over the passing of SB277 has dominated vaccine discussion world-wide – in EVERY language.  SB277 back-fired big time for Big Pharma.  Dicky Pan, and SB277, became a HUGE liability for Big Pharma…

I think Dicky is getting shunned…

Continue reading California Senator Richard Pan Claims That Raising a “Vaccine Injured Child” Is a “White Privilege”…

Official Analysis Shows – California SB277 FAILED…

California’s “Mandatory Vaccines For Children” Law, SB277, Passed In 2015, Accomplished ABSOLUTELY NOTHING…

But SB 277 Author Senator Richard Pan Tried to Cover That Up…

Now What?

Opinion by “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

Everyone in the civilized world knows about the huge fight over California Mandatory Vaccine Law SB277 requiring school children to get 74 “Made in China” vaccines injected into their fragile bodies before they are allowed to go to California Public Schools.  Vaccine damaged (Special Education) children litter the school landscape, nearly breaking the budget of Public Education.

But what virtually NO ONE knows is that an official study was done to determine the extent of success of SB277 in terms of improving vaccination rates – its intended focus.

Below we will show you what that study ACTUALLY found – and show you Richard Pan, and the pediatrician gang’s efforts to COVER UP those findings.

But, first some background…

SB277 was a  HUGE VICTORY for Big Pharma and its minions.  The legislation passed through the California legislature like prune juice in a Retirement Home – ending in a similar result.  Vaccine Holocaust Denialists smacked their lips in anticipation of enacting similar legislation in all 50 States…

But in THAT sense, despite massive funding from Big Pharma, and massive attention from liberal Democrats nationwide, no other State enacted anything close.  Why?

Because, overnight, after SB 277, the “Anti-Vaccine Movement” grew into a MASSIVE worldwide movement…

Rage over SB277 was everywhere.  Without doubt anti-vaxxers elected Donald Trump in Presidential Election 2016.

“Empress Hillary” made it VERY clear that when she was President, under her regime, EVERY man, woman and child in America would be force-vaccinated according to CDC guidelines.  Trump had simply said “No.”

And the war was on…

In California The Fight Over Children RAGES…

California’s super Chinese-Totalitarian-Communist Senator Richard Pan tried to cash-in on his SB277 success by authoring another big bit of “taking control of children away from parents” legislation.

SB 18 bill sponsor Common Sense Media’s Jim Steyer with what’s-her-name…

Senate Bill SB18, the so-called “Childrens Rights” bill would  have taken control of California’s children away from parents and given it to a non-profit organization run by Hillary Clinton’s friends and associates.

BolenReport writer Karri Lewis summed up the problem very concisely in her article:

Continue reading Official Analysis Shows – California SB277 FAILED…

Democratic Party “Name-Calling” – Desperate Response To Irrefutable Argument…

If You Are The Least Bit Conservative You Have To Have A Sense Of Humor To Deal With “So Serious” Liberals…

How To Have Fun With Liberals – A Primer…

Opinion by “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

Everyone knows that Hillary Clinton ran her 2016 election campaign right out of Saul Alinsky’s “Rules For Radicals” handbook.

The US Democratic Party lives by these rules – for they have NOTHING ELSE to use to try to manipulate the US population into accepting their Elite-run-Agenda21-communism-socialism form of government.  They offer absolutely NOTHING that would benefit Americans.

So, they revert to “Name-Calling…”

Definition – “Name calling” propaganda occurs when complementary or pejorative words are used by governments, individuals, or the media to describe another person or group. The purpose is to subliminally manipulate or influence public opinion in order to generate conformity with the opinions of those producing the propaganda.

“Name Calling” is a Combination of Five Of Alinsky’s Rules…

In Presidential election 2016 Empress Hillary ran on a progression of buzz-words.  Liberal media picked up on them and ran with these empty words as though they had value.  We all heard them – “deplorable, racist, xenophobic, glass-ceiling, blah-blah-blah-blah, blah-blah-blah-blah, blah-blah-blah-blah…”

The Populists that backed Trump, and Trump himself, had a well thought out campaign based upon significant ISSUES important to Americans.  They laid out those issues and showed plans to solve those problems – and MADE PROMISES.

The Democrats were dumbfounded when Trump actually addressed the American people with REAL ISSUES – and solutions.  They were even more dumbfounded when he began to deliver on those promises – something the Obama-Nation NEVER did.

The Democrats had NO COUNTER ARGUMENTS – absolutely NOTHING to offer America Except Hillary as Planet Earth’s first Empress..  And an Empress she intended to be.

Which five of Alinsky’s Rules?  These:

RULE 5: “Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon.”

RULE 6: “A good tactic is one your people enjoy.”

RULE 8: “Keep the pressure on. Never let up.”

RULE 10: “If you push a negative hard enough, it will push through and become a positive.”

RULE 12: Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.”

Why this combination?  Easy answer.  

Our buddy Steve Bannon was interviewed on ABC Australian television not so long ago by an ultra-liberal idiot woman who kept interjecting “racist, racist, racist, racist” while Steve was trying to explain to this dimwit the concept of “Economic Nationalism.”  It was VERY FUNNY to watch, for this woman was SO dumb-ass liberal that she really COULD NOT understand the simple concept Steve was carefully, and patiently, trying to relate.

I know that it is impolite to openly laugh at people in public but this woman was THE EPITOME of liberal STUPIDITY – and I played some segments several times for full enjoyment.  I have the video just below.

Before I show you the video I should explain something…

Continue reading Democratic Party “Name-Calling” – Desperate Response To Irrefutable Argument…

Trump’s Plan(s) To Save America’s Children From The Democrats…

If Congress Won’t Act American Citizens Will…

Opinion By “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

The main thing that upsets the liberal media, and the globalist “Hate Machine” that calls itself the US Democratic Party, is the simple fact that the current President of the United States, Donald Trump, listens to, and acts upon what he hears from “We the People…” 

That concept called “listening to the people,”  is totally foreign to liberals – who scream out, constantly, that Americans, especially those they perceive as the  “the great unwashed,” need to be governed harshly by the likes of Hillary Clinton.  They believe that all of middle America needs to get up in the morning, out of their gender-confused beds, and turn on CNN to find out what to sneer about in the Starbuck’s line that morning.

The fact that Trump Supporters are NOT gender-confused, don’t watch CNN, and understand very well how a government is supposed to work STUNS liberals.

The idea that a majority of Americans still, actually, think for themselves, gets liberal’s blood boiling – and they start thinking about opening up those Obama-Nation FEMA camps where “the great unwashed,” can be lined up, vaccinated until their brains almost dissolve, force them to drink heavily fluoridated water, chip them, and re-register them all as Democrats where they can “volunteer” to sponsor one, or more, of the 17,000 children per year, imported by human traffickers across the southern border until such time as the “Sanctuary City” fathers can integrate those children into the sex-trade, or chop them up for replacement body parts.

Think I’m exaggerating?  Keep reading – reality is coming your way.  There are Official Reports The Liberal Media Won’t Show You…

Continue reading Trump’s Plan(s) To Save America’s Children From The Democrats…

Want To Know What The Democrats Have In Store For America? Just Watch California…

They Call it “Progressive” Government… 

Progressive Towards What? That’s The Question…

Opinion By “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

Of course US Democrats want completely open US  borders.  We all know that.  It is a national issue, so we won’t deal with it here.   We also know that the Democratic Party wants EVERYONE, children and adults, mandatorily vaccinated with 70 to 90 “Made in China” injections.  That’s a given.  

So, let’s look at the rest of the Democratic Party picture – as is demonstrated in California…

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s nephew Gavin Newsome, the former Mayor of San Francisco, was sworn in as California Governor a few days ago.  He promised to bring free health care to the State’s Illegal Immigrant population.

More, by definition, he promised to bring San Francisco’s “Progressiveness” to the whole State., and then, to all of America.

So, what exactly can we expect?  Well, let’s look at the REAL San Francisco…

Official San Francisco “Progressiveness” STREET FECES location MAP. The NEEDLES, however, are being found everywhere, because the homeless junkies are living in public areas, especially the BART Terminals.

Now, don’t laugh,  San Francisco has funded “Sanctuary City – Safe Spaces” where the junkies can go to get hundreds of thousands of clean needles to inject their heroin and Fentanyl, on site, without those pesky law enforcement officers watching them..

Right now, of course, San Francisco’s streets, and massive transit systems are literally covered in used needles, and, of course, HUMAN FECES, from its HUGE HOMOSEXUAL homeless population.

Just what city workers need to do – clean up sidewalks with AIDS infected human feces on a daily basis.

Where are the city leaders?  Probably down tasting wine, at Governor Gavin Newsome’s Winery, sitting in a window seat watching the “Undocumented Workers” pick dead leaves off of the vines.  If one of them should get sick or injured they can go down and get free healthcare, paid for by Californians.

Besides AIDS Infected Feces Everywhere, What is “Progressiveness?” 

Let’s start with what “Progressiveness” means for America’s children…  

Sex education – I kid you not – California is going to teach ALL seven and eight year olds how to masturbate with a cucumber, a carrot, or a banana.  It will show second and third grade boys how, and why, to apply anal lubricant.  See below.

Continue reading Want To Know What The Democrats Have In Store For America? Just Watch California…

The Democrats Ran Their 2018 Mid Term-Election on the “Health Care” Issue…

Let’s Find Out What “Health Care” They Claim They Want…

Do they really want to fix US Health Care or are they just kissing up to Big Pharma for campaign funds?

Opinion By “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

Back in 2010, during the flurry and fury days of passing ObamaCare,  Democratic Party leader Nancy Pelosi claimed But we have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it.”

Yup, she really said that…

Well, we DID find out what was in it – and THAT is the problem. All US health care costs skyrocketed – and US health care, the issue that ObamaCare was supposed to solve, got FAR worse. Now, 2019 US health care is on a collision course with disaster.

There is a HUGE argument over health care in America. Let’s look at ALL sides of the argument.

Just below is what the Democrats SAY they want in US health care…

Continue reading The Democrats Ran Their 2018 Mid Term-Election on the “Health Care” Issue…

Trump’s Revision of US Health Care Might Be A Big Shock To The System…

Revising HOW We Pay For US Health Care Is A Waste Of Time – We Need To Revise WHAT It Is We Are Paying For…

Drugs Do Not Heal – They Mask…

Opinion By “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

Current US Health Care (ObamaCare) NEVER focuses on determining the cause of health problems and solving those issues.  It ONLY focuses on symptoms.  Why?  Curing people is not good for business.  There are no repeat customers.

Take for example the issue of high blood pressure.  Your doctor will make absolutely NO EFFORT to find out the  cause,  and solve THAT issue, but they will load you up with expensive drugs to supposedly reduce that blood pressure.

The North American Health Care System is BADLY Broken…

(1)  Health care is offered, by the system, not based on what is most effective, and/or best for the patient, but by what is most profitable for the provider.  

And that does not work for North America.

(a)  For MOST health problems – Example – the accepted Cancer offerings – known as “cut, poison, and burn.”  Surgery (cut) has only SOME success.  Chemotherapy (poison) is virtually worthless, but terribly expensive – and used MOSTLY, generating ridiculously high Cancer Treatment costs. Radiation (burn) is completely worthless and causes new problems.   So why do we continue with this paradigm?

The official War on Cancer, funded, and put in place, in 1974, by President Richard Nixon has accomplished ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.

Smart people, who want to live after a Cancer diagnosis, do their research, and, very often, leave the US for therapies that actually work, and they can afford.

And Cancer is only one issue of many we will be looking at.

(b)  For A GOOD MANY health problems, since there are no high-priced drugs developed for it, and surgery won’t help, there is NO TREATMENT offered.  As an example Cerebral Palsy, ALS, and far too many more…

(2)  The government agencies we have put in place to regulate health care have turned against us.  

Continue reading Trump’s Revision of US Health Care Might Be A Big Shock To The System…

Can Trump Actually Fix US Health Care?

To This Day MOST Members of The US Congress STILL have NO IDEA How ObamaCare Actually Works…

And they don’t care – as long as those Big Pharma, Health Insurers, and Hospital Systems, campaign contributions continue to roll in.

Opinion By “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

The actuality of ObamaCare sits as a reminder why Socialism simply does NOT work.  ObamaCare definitely does not work for Americans working in the marketplace.

As the younger generation of Americans is finding out it is even less better for them – in fact it is impossible to maintain.

Take, for example, a young person starting out after college, with $100,000 in Student Loans, who now is faced with the simple fact that almost 50% of their take-home pay will now have to go to Health Insurance.  Adding another 25% for the Student Loans leaves very little left to live on – certainly not enough to buy a house, a decent car, and there is NOTHING available to start a family.

Ah, we’ve come to the REAL REASON for ObamaCare – Agenda 21, and the financial enslavement of an ENTIRE generation of Americans…

Surprise, surprise…  Delivered to you by the US Democratic Party.  Step up and have those ankle-chains applied sucker.

Most people never even noticed that when ObamaCare actually passed, and was signed into  law by the Obama-Nation, that drug prices increased sometimes 400%.  See the video below:

But, worry not, Congress will do NOTHING about this issue.  Why?  Because the same Big Pharma FINANCED most US 2018 mid-term election to protect this profit.

ObamaCare is a Huge RIP-OFF of America…

Continue reading Can Trump Actually Fix US Health Care?

California Puts A BIG FIRE Under Those That Need To Work Together…

It is Called The “Camp Fire”…

Unfortunately, the death toll is over 80 people now…

Opinion by “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

My wife Jan, and I, have been married 53 years as of last October 23, 2018.  Right from the beginning we took to “Camping” as our weekend, holiday, or vacation activity.  Starting out with a few blankets, a tarp, some rope, and an aluminum coffee pot we headed into the California mountain woods in the summer, the desert-under-the-stars in the winter.  We graduated to a tent, a camp stove, a Coleman lantern, sleeping bags, and those blankety-blank air mattresses.  It didn’t matter that we had only a little money for we had each other, and we kept each other warm in the high country.

Then, luxury of luxuries, we acquired a Tent Trailer – and the California mountains became ours to explore in sheer comfort.  We had that first Tent Trailer for twenty-five years, and maybe a million miles.

Somewhere in there Jennifer came along, and we bundled her up and headed for the South Rim of the Grand Canyon, around to Zion, Bryce Canyon, Arches, and Canyonlands.  Campers we are.  Marvels we’ve seen.  Clean air we breathe.  Food for the soul.

But, California mountain forests were our staple.

We covered every backway and byway from Yosemite south more than once, turning another corner on a lonely mountain road to come upon another stunning view.  We made a summer home out of Kings Canyon, swimming in the ice cold Kings river, sometimes rafting, sometimes just laying in the high mountain sun.

We had a secret camp spot where we could see 50 miles over the mountain canyons, with a trillion stars lighting up the ice cold night.

We know the California mountains…

Then, someone began the process of destroying them…

Continue reading California Puts A BIG FIRE Under Those That Need To Work Together…

Trump Forces Down US Prescription Drug Prices By 80%…

I Told All Of You This Was Coming…

It is a brand new health care day in the United States of America.  The balance of power has been shifted away from Big Pharma.  It was done by President Donald Trump, and he made it look easy…

Opinion by “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

Big Pharma makes so much money that it can not only control the evening mainstream news, but it can afford five lobbyists for every federal legislator.

It can completely control State legislators – like it did with the Democratic Party controlled California legislature that passed Mandatory Vaccine bill SB 277 jamming seventy-four (74) vaccines into California’s suffering children as a requirement to go to Public School.

Big Pharma, until now, has been able to control EVERY appointment to EVERY federal agency that regulates health care.

“Until now” are the key words…

I am about to show you a fourteen minute video produced by Trump’s Department of Health and Human Services , with our President explaining the strategy and tactics, in detail, of how we have broken Big Pharma’s hold on US health care.

Put on earphones and listen to every word, because, within it, you get an outline of how our system has been working against us, and how Trump’s picks to head key federal agencies have unraveled Big Pharma’s choke hold creating a new day for US health care.

In earlier Bolen Report articles I explained the reasons why I like Trump’s federal picks – now you can see for yourself where these people went, and what they did.

Trump has reduced Big Pharma’s overall income by 80%.   They are not going to be rolling in cash anymore.  It is a good day for America…

Watch this…

Continue reading Trump Forces Down US Prescription Drug Prices By 80%…

Big Pharma Funds Democrat’s 2018 Mid-Term Campaign…

Liberals Screech – “No Trump, No Wall, No USA At All…”

For Big Pharma, and the Democrats, It Is All About PRESERVING The Drug-Based Health Care System…

Opinion by “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

There is no mystery, what-so-ever, about what is REALLY going on in the US Democratic Party.  It is NOT the chaos it pretends to be.  There is a most definite real platform being pushed on the American public.

The Democrats are just not being truthful about what it is.

So, what is it?

Continue reading Big Pharma Funds Democrat’s 2018 Mid-Term Campaign…

Senator Pan’s 2020 Presidential Hopes SMASHED By California Governor…

The US Democratic Party’s “Presidential Poster Boy” Gob-Smacked by Governor’s Veto of SB 1424

Opinion by “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

In 2018 mainstream America the word “California” is used sneeringly.  It evokes the thought that the State of California is a haven for political Marxists, Alinsky-ites, full-on-Communists, America-Haters, Totalitarian-Regimists, Politically-Correct-Analists, and whack-jobs in general.  And there are plenty of reasons for America to think so.

I mean, really…

California’s, San Francisco (go ahead and sneer) is “Needle Central,” given it’s name from the simple fact that San Francisco’s Elitist Ruling Class decided that the solution to SF’s MASSIVE drug problem is to issue free needles – 450,000 a year I’m told, to SF’s junkies.

Their thinking?  (Play Twilight Zone music here) “Hey, the problem is not the heroin or the Fentanyl from China being imported over the border between the US and Mexico – it’s the fact that the junkies might use the same needle and pass on an infection…”

Yup – liberal thinking.

Now, don’t laugh, now they’re going to fund “Sanctuary City – Safe Spaces” where the junkies can go to get clean needles to inject their heroin and Fentanyl on site without those pesky law enforcement officers watching them..

Right now, of course, San Francisco’s streets, and massive transit systems are literally covered in used needles, and, of course HUMAN FECES.

Official San Francisco STREET FECES location MAP.  The NEEDLES, however, are being found everywhere, because the homeless junkies are living in public areas, especially the BART Terminals.

Yup, those liberals sure know how to run a society (sarcasm intended).

But, worry Not – The Liberals Have a Solution…

Continue reading Senator Pan’s 2020 Presidential Hopes SMASHED By California Governor…

Will “Real.ID” Be the End of The US Democratic Party?

Opinion by “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

Yes, I criticize US Democrats almost endlessly, and in almost every way, in this Health Care newsletter.  Why?  Because Democrats are BLOCKING any change to the US Health Care System – insisting on preserving Big Pharma’s one-size-fits-all ObamaCare system – and Trump and the Republicans want change.  ‘

Trump has a plan.  I have a real good idea where he is going with it, and, so far, I approve.

If, and when, I do not approve I let Donald know almost immediately.

So, let’s talk some more about the necessary destruction of the 2018 Democratic Party.  Who knows, maybe one day they’ll wake up and start thinking about the needs of Americans again…

Will “Real.ID” Show That California Is Already a “Red State?”

“Real.ID” is, in essence, a national ID card that meets Homeland Security guidelines.  It will soon become required to vote, get on airplanes, enter Federal buildings, etc.  It will be a very important tool to eliminate Voter Fraud.

A study conducted by the University of Chicago in 2012 showed that Illinois, specifically Chicago, was the third most corrupt State, concerning “Voter Fraud,” in the United States.

Chicago was passed only by New York and California…

Isn’t THAT interesting?

More, the source of this information was NOT a conservative publication.  It came from the ultra-liberal, normally narcissistic, girly-boy-panty-waving, Hillary Apologist Salon magazine.

Apparently EVEN the liberal media is aware, and completely comfortable with, the US Democratic Party’s descent into absolute corruption and debauchery.

Well, Well, Well…

Continue reading Will “Real.ID” Be the End of The US Democratic Party?

FaceBook Jail – Training Americans To Unquestionably Obey Their Globalist Masters…

It is ALL A “Pavlov’s Dog” Training Regimen…


Opinion by “Deplorable”  Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

Ivan Pavlov

In 1904 Russian Scientist Ivan Pavlov conducted some of the first experiments leading to the science of psychological “conditioning.”  His first published experiments were on dogs – and it made him famous  worldwide. Below we have a short video of Pavlov’s work.

B. F. Skinner

Later, in about 1936, another scientist, B. F. Skinner, described as an American psychologist, behaviorist, author, inventor, and social philosopher  expanded Pavlov’s work enormously, creating, as it were, a method to manipulate people, and in fact whole societies.

Pavlov’s Dog – the beginning of “Classical Conditioning” of Humans…

Continue reading FaceBook Jail – Training Americans To Unquestionably Obey Their Globalist Masters…

FaceBook Is Failing – Expand To Different Platforms…

The English Speaking Public is Abandoning FaceBook Left And Right…

Opinion By “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen


There is always an arrogance to success.  Almost every successful endeavor faces, one day, the simple fact that it was NOT some special, unassailable wonderfulness that moved this project to the top, but it was, almost always, a function of public opinion of the moment.

And, public opinion can change overnight – as FaceBook is finding out.  For it is crashing – and it is not likely to make a comeback.


Poor management…

FaceBook openly changed its business model and it is dying because of that.  And that is a GOOD thing.

Business Model?  It changed from an open platform where anyone, or any group, could talk about whatever was of interest to them, to a completely controlled propaganda platform where some angry-at-the-world gender-challenged, Starbucks-charged, bicycle-riding, world-hater could shut down normal Americans on Social media on a whim.

Will FaceBook survive?


Continue reading FaceBook Is Failing – Expand To Different Platforms…

PANIC in Big Pharma Worldwide…

It is Not Just Trump and Anti-Vaccine Advocates – It Is a Planet Earth Groundswell…

Especially In Germany Where it All Started…

A Note from Tim Bolen – Karma’s second article on the chaos created in Germany, and hence the European Union, because of the resistance to the globalists by the rise of the AfD Party is just below. When German Mainstream Media (MSM) decided to attack German anti-vaxxers our Karma Singh counter-attacked by being interviewed on another TV media, punching big Pharma right in the face in typical unrelenting BolenReport style.

The chaos is NOT just about the millions of young Muslim men imported into Germany, and the rest of Europe, without the people’s permission, but about the globalist’s’ effort to create a single governmental system using health care as the cornerstone. – and that system is a “drugs only” health care world.  But, people are waking up, and not only just in America with Trump.  Germany will take Europe along for  a new change – and it is NOT going to be socialism/communism run by Big Pharma. 

It is happening, and Donald Trump is a great catalyst.  And, as usual the BolenReport is right there at the tip of the spear.

From Germany By Karma Singh

From their first “medical experiments” in the 1920’s leading to their construction and use of Auschwitz, to their financing and promoting Adolf Hitler and his successor Helmuth Kohl, into power, the pharmaceutical manufacturers have gained a dominant position in the politics of the entire First World.

Since they joined forces with the banking cartel even the SPD (the German socialist party), until last week the main opposition party in the German parliament, has kowtowed to their demands.

What will happen when Germany has an AfD government sworn to eliminate pharmaceutical power is something which I hope to see very soon….

Our world has been ruled by the denizens of this pharma domain for many generations but, suddenly, those who have been ruled have begun to awaken and to question for whose benefit the rules which control their lives exist.

For years I, and colleagues, have been digging ever deeper into health care; not only because, as a healer, this is my professional responsibility but also because the deeper one looks into it the more questionable the status quo becomes.

Many will be aware that it is claimed that our “health care services” are nothing of the sort but a carefully contrived “Sickness Industry” having the sole purpose of maintaining disease so as to provide constantly repeating customers for the pharmaceutical manufacturers.

I regret to have to inform you that this accusation is very probably true.

Continue reading PANIC in Big Pharma Worldwide…

The Blue State “Vaccines For Depopulation” Study Is The Key…

The CDC Calls It Something Else – But, we’ll go with the Truth…

Opinion by Deplorable Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen


Anti-Vaxxers – your gut feelings were right.  Autism is NOT the worst thing that vaccines have done.  The Pro-Vaxxers have significantly damaged a whole generation, and like the Nazis in World War II, they kept detailed, but secret, records of it.

The map at the top of this page shows that there are NINE contractors, in EIGHT States, that work with the completely corrupt US Center for Disease Control (CDC) to carry out what is OFFICIALLY known as the Vaccine Safety Datalink (VSD) study.

But once we begin to examine what is REALLY going on, something else became VERY obvious…

The VSD Has NOTHING to do with vaccine safety…

It has EVERYTHING to do with secretly monitoring the effects of MASSIVE numbers of vaccines on children heading for adulthood beginning January 1st 1991 to the present.

Continue reading The Blue State “Vaccines For Depopulation” Study Is The Key…