FaceBook has Become “US Public Enemy Number One…”
“Globalist” Zuckerberg Is No Longer Working With Americans…
Opinion by “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen
According to the San Jose Mercury News 75% of the Silicon Valley employees in the social media and tech world are here, in this country, on an H1-B Permit, and they are here, primarily, from India (Hindu), Bengladesh (Muslim), Iraq (Muslim), Iran (Muslim), or Pakistan (Muslim).
These, then, are the people who make the daily decisions about what America’s Judeo/Christian population can say on FaceBook, Twitter etc.
Am I making my point?
Circle the Wagons – Here Comes the Indians…
These Indians are not attacking us with arrows. They use algorithms.
We’ve done four earlier articles on this FaceBook subject:
FaceBook Jail – Training Americans To Unquestionably Obey Their Globalist Masters…
Project Veritas Showed us The Way – Twice…

James O’Keefe, over at Project Veritas, has a sense of humor involving pratfalls.
He, carefully and methodically, with a straight face, sets up his targets for their fall in front of his cameras – and we all watch with glee.
Just below are two videos. The first we’ve all seen before. It involves the investigation of Twitter. I want you to watch it one more time – this time pay attention to a fact that O’Keefe DID NOT mention in his video – the fact that ALL BUT ONE of the video subjects are foreigners in the US on a H-1B visa. They are neither Americans nor Judeo/Christian.
Here is the first one:
The interviewed woman in this clip, Olinda Hassan, Policy Manager Twitter Trust & Safety, is a Bengladeshi Muslim educated at an ULTRA-liberal US East Coast University. She decides who, and what gets on Twitter. Every other person, save one, has a similar story.
Am I making my point?
In the second video we see a former FaceBook employee, a woman who now works for Project Veritas, carefully explaining the meaning of the documents she walked out of FaceBook’s door with, before she was fired. It is really self-explanatory. Watch it now…
Very Clearly, This Is An Attack On America…
…on behalf of foreign interests – in three ways:
(1) Globalists espouse the outright destruction of America as a nation. If this is not criminally actionable I don’t know what would be. Raid the place.
(2) Bringing in all these H-1B people is taking American jobs away (an estimated 4.7 million jobs). Send them ALL home. America First.
(3) America is founded on, and our legal system is based upon, Judeo/Christian principles. As we know liberal philosophy is based upon Cultural Marxist Secular Humanism, an “anything goes, anything you can get away with, Hillary Clinton” type counter philosophy. So, if you look at what is actually happening inside FaceBook we see outright attacks on Jewish and Christian belief.
Raid the damn place, guns drawn. Grab every document in the place. We have laws against religious discrimination in America. Time to use those laws.
What to Do?
Stand back and think about what this all means. In short, LIBERALS HAVE NO ARGUMENTS attractive to Americans so they have to BLOCK Americans from seeing things on FaceBook that DO make sense.
Don’t take FaceBook seriously anymore…
In fact, every time you hear the term “FaceBook” make an effort to fart. That will put things into perspective…
Opinion by “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen
If I did but know of a working alternative to Facebook, I would push it with all my might but I Haven’t come across one yet.
Suggestions please.
Blessed be
While the initial thrust of this comes from the censorship of the anti-vaccination activists, the attacks described are against ANY group, news feed, opinion page, any one or anything that does not adhere and support the current Zio-Political Military-Industrial, Globalist, Oligarchical Narrative and its prerogatives. NO ONE outside of the Neocon Neo-Liberal Establishment Globalist Community Is free from interference, including science not in alignment with their political and profit objectives…I Edited This article as follows:
Anti-Vaxxers – Should We Let FaceBook Live? Or, As A Favor To America, Should We Just Destroy It? FaceBook has Become “US Public Enemy Number One…”
“Globalist” Zuckerberg Is No Longer Working With Americans…
Opinion by “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen 3/2/19
[Note: While the initial thrust of this comes from the censorship of the anti-vaccination activists, the attacks described are against ANY group, news feed, opinion page, any one or anything that does not adhere and support the current Zio-Political Military-Industrial, Globalist, Oligarchical Narrative and its prerogatives. NO ONE outside of the Neocon Neo-Liberal Establishment Globalist Community Is free from interference, including science not in alignment with their political and profit objectives.]
According to the San Jose Mercury News 75% of the Silicon Valley employees in the social media and tech world are here, in this country, on an H1-B Permit, and they are here, primarily, from India (Hindu), Bangladesh (Muslim), Iraq (Muslim), Iran (Muslim), or Pakistan (Muslim).
These, then, are the people who make the daily decisions about what America’s [Non-Zionist]Judeo/Christian population can say on FaceBook, Twitter etc.
Am I making my point?
They use algorithms to launch their attacks.
Project Veritas Showed us The Way – Twice…
Project Veritas sets up its targets for a fall – on camera – and we laugh…
James O’Keefe, over at Project Veritas, has a sense of humor involving pratfalls.
He, carefully and methodically, with a straight face, sets up his targets for their fall in front of his cameras – and we all watch with glee.
Just below are two videos.
The first we’ve all seen before.
It involves the investigation of Twitter.
I want you to watch it one more time – this time pay attention to a fact that O’Keefe DID NOT mention in his video – the fact that ALL BUT ONE of the video subjects are foreigners in the US on a H-1B visa. They are neither Americans nor [Non-Zionist]Judeo/Christian.
Here is the first one: https://youtu.be/64gTjdUrDFQ
The interviewed woman in this clip, Olinda Hassan, Policy Manager Twitter Trust & Safety, is a Bangladeshi Muslim educated at an ULTRA-[Establishment Neo-]liberal US East Coast University. She decides who, and what gets on Twitter. Every other person, save one, has a similar story.
Am I making my point?
In the second video we see a former FaceBook employee, a woman who now works for Project Veritas, carefully explaining the meaning of the documents she walked out of FaceBook’s door with, before she was fired. It is really self-explanatory.
Watch it now: https://youtu.be/pYSmFI9GAAs
Very Clearly, This Is An Attack On America…
…on behalf of foreign interests in – three ways:
(1) Globalists espouse the outright destruction of America as a nation [Not to exclude ANY Nation, System OR-WELL Pretty much ANYTHING THEY deem as an obstacle to their ends]. If this is not criminally actionable I don’t know what would be. Raid the place.
(2) Bringing in all these H-1B people is taking American jobs away (an estimated 4.7 million jobs). Send them ALL home. America First.
(3) America is founded on, and our legal system is based upon, Judeo[Non-Zionist]/Christian principles. As we know establishment neo-liberal philosophy is based upon Cultural Marxist Secular Humanism, an “anything goes, anything you can get away with, Hillary Clinton” type counter philosophy. So, if you look at what is actually happening inside FaceBook we see outright attacks on [NON-Zionist]Jewish and Christian belief.
Raid the damn place, guns drawn.
Grab every document in the place.
We have laws against religious discrimination in America.
Time to use those laws.
What to Do?
Stand back and think about what this all means. In short, [Establishment NEO-]LIBERALS HAVE NO ARGUMENTS attractive to Americans so they have to BLOCK Americans from seeing things on FaceBook that DO make sense.
Don’t take FaceBook seriously anymore…
In fact, every time you hear the term “FaceBook” make an effort to fart. That will put things into perspective…
I’ve never taken Facebook seriously but frankly nor do I take your ‘Hindus and Muslims are neither of them Judaeo Christian and therefore alien to the American Way’ nonsense either. Frankly, my experience is that whilst most religions and sects are capable of being manipulated by cynical power seekers into becoming chauvinistic and an enemy of the others, most people of religion respect the values of followers of other religions.
Here in the UK, we find atheists claiming that schools cannot celebrate Easter for fear of insulting Muslims, whilst most Muslims claim that they are not offended in any way. In my experience, the real enemy of the world at the moment is corporate greed and the economics of the so called Chicago School which has all but impoverished even first world nations like the US and the UK.
I’d like to believe that your articles are a modern day equivalent of Jonathan Swift’s ‘A modest proposal’ in which he claimed that the problem of orphans becoming a burden on the state could be ended if the well off ate Irish babies, but it is rapidly becoming obvious that you believe the nonsense you purvey.
I detest companies like Facebook and Amazon who will always seek out the cheapest labour anywhere in the world while paying as few taxes as they can possibly get away with. Here in the UK and in the US too, the last forty years have seen a race to the bottom for conditions of workers, whilst drug companies make billions vaccinating children for more and more supposed risks to their wellbeing. Whilst Donald Trump has made a few good noises about vaccination, I haven’t seen much actually happening.
Meanwhile, the US military consumes increasing amounts of the nation’s budget seemingly in order to threaten and destabilise countries in every continent on the world.
Yet all you can do is blame Hindus and Muslims for trying to earn an honest buck. Frankly, it’s pathetic! By all means, call for the end of bloodsucking companies like Facebook but please don’t demean yourself with nonsense like this. Your cause is worth far more.
Do a Google search on vaccination news you will see a plethora of pro vaccine information – nil will come up that questions vaccinations. Obviously Google are using those algorithms as well. Google is also the enemy of free speech.
Amazon has just decided to stop allowing the sale of “Vaxxed” on their platform!
Try the Mewe app as an alternative to Fartbook.
I don’t post original material on FB, but they’ve been blocking me from seeing nearly all of my news feeds, claiming that I need to reveal my friends to share my page. Eff that.
Even better than MeWe (I abhor their formatting), are Spreely (as in SPeak fREELY) and TrumpBook USA. Enjoy!
The preferred label is ex vaxer not antivaxer. Most people in the movement did vaccinate until they learned the hard way about adverse reactions.
Your evidence discombobulates me …