I’m on Twitter now. You can follow me at: World’s #1 Anti-Vaxxer, for as long as Twitter decides not to block me. Right now I have nine followers. You might want to follow me, especially as I’m about to do something I hope will be as big as getting BANNED FROM AUSTRALIA FOR THREE YEARS.
Today I dispatched the following letter to the White House:
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You are about to enter a brand new world...The US Health Care System is BASED on what transpired in Germany after WWII. Today we have added on a European Correspondent (Karma Singh) for good reason. We will begin by explaining what is happening in Germany RIGHT NOW – then maybe we can explain how health care works in Europe. Big Pharma has its roots in Germany. Big Pharma is the essence of globalism. The “Populist Uprising” is not just in the US – Tim Bolen
Defeating “Globalism” At Its Center…
By Karma Singh
Major events are unfolding here in Germany. Corruption in the “highest places” as “business as usual” is being challenged.
German investigators have named a Tunisian refugee, Anis Amri, as the jihadist whom they suspect carried out Tuesday’s mass-murder attack. Amri is believed to be the man who drove a truck through a Christmas festival in Berlin, killing twelve and wounding four dozen others in an atrocity reminiscent of the attack in July, when 86 people were killed at a Bastille Day celebration in Nice.
The first major revelation broke at the weekend. The government agency responsible for assessing asylum seekers (Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge – BAMF for short) had just waved many through with no investigation, including 80 known terrorists to which German security had raised objections. This, was, of course, already known and had appeared in the press several times over the previous days.
What IS new is that Merkel herself knew of this and personally approved giving known terrorists free entry to the country!
In the German parliament, there are now calls for the calling of a Board of Enquiry into Merkel’s activities (many other criminal acts were recorded in Parliament last November). This is a necessary precursor to what is known in America as “Impeachment”.
The response from Andrea Nahles, the leader of the Sozialistische Demokratische Partei (Social Democrat Party), the partner of Merkel’s party in the coalition government, was to try to play the whole thing down, “This is just normal business. There’s nothing to get upset about.”
Many “Abgeordnete” (members of the German Parliament) are furious; not only about allowing known terrorists to have free access to the whole of Germany but also about the attempts to play it down as though it were of no importance.
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The United States is in desperate need of an independent Vaccine Safety Commission, whose task would be:
“to ensure safe vaccines and to protect the citizens of the world from death, or a lifetime of disability from vaccination.”
Why Do We Say That? Here Are Twenty Very Good Reasons…
(1) There is no enforcement of the 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act regarding physicianswho fail to report adverse events from vaccination. So while they are required to report, no one is making sure they actually are. A task force assigned to regulate and check up on physicians to ensure they are indeed reporting all adverse events properly would put some teeth in the law.
(2) At the time of this writing, the US government has paid out to victims, through the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program: 3.6 billion dollars[i]
(3) Physicians are not taught how to diagnose vaccine injuryin medical school curriculums. Mandatory vaccine education could be brought about by a Commission.
(4) Currently, our Medical Examiners do not test and do not know how to test for vaccines as a cause of death in an autopsy toxicology report. A Vaccine Safety Commission could provide the data for a new testing standard. Currently, a parent has to tell the Medical Examiner what to look for.
(5) The Vaccine Safety Datalink [ii], part of America’s vaccine safety surveillance system, does not allow public access to their data. Their data is private, so the only way scientists and physicians can use their data is by conducting their own study.
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To my California readers, you need to strike a world-wide blow for health freedom this Tuesday, June 5, 2018.
I have long said that pharma has completely corrupted the democratic party, and has effectively corrupted most of the republican party.
There is a wing of the republican party, the classic liberals who believe that freedom and transparency is the key to human progress, which is the best hope for the truth to be revealed about human health.
I remind you again of Travis Allen’s own words from March 14, 2018 on the terrible mandatory childhood vaccination law, SB 277, in California.
“This whole nonsense about having to give your kid seventy-nine different vaccines to get into school is absolute nonsense. I have legislation coming up about that in a couple weeks.”
I’m a huge opponent of SB 277 and you will see legislation from me during the next week or so about the vaccine situation. [Assembly bills 2832 and 2668] We’re all vaccinated, right? I got like fourteen vaccinations. California’s immunization rate was over 90% before Dr. Pan’s terrible law. Now kids have like seventy-seven vaccines, some of them are nineteen in one day. We don’t know what these vaccines are doing. Autism is now off the charts and they recently found out there’s elevated levels of aluminum in a lot of these kids’ brains. You want to talk about science? I have a scientific problem with that.
We believe in science, but we don’t believe in unproven science. This unproven science of seventy-nine vaccines, or however many are on the list. And by the way, with that new law they can add as many new vaccines as they want, and we have no choice about it.”
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Big Pharma Funded “Professional Divisives” (The Skeptics) Have Infiltrated the Anti-Vax FaceBook Groups…
They Are Deciding What Can Be Seen and/or Not Seen…
And It Ain’t Pretty…
Opinion By “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen
Big Pharma spends, perhaps, hundreds of millions of dollars trying to silence its critics, and that process works to some extent. Part of that money is spent to finance the “skeptics” hate-group, the flotsam and jetsam, of the internet.
However, in 2015, despite their best efforts, the enactment of a “Mandatory Childhood Vaccine” program by California legislation (SB277) created a major backlash, taking the “Anti-Vax Movement” from a few thousand people to tens of millions of VERY ANGRY activists world-wide.
And Big Pharma has not yet recovered from that backlash – but they are working on it.
Although Big Pharma controls Main Stream Media (MSM) completely, that avenue does them little or no good, as Hillary Clinton says: “people get their news from the internet.”
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On June 5, 2018 the citizens of California have a chance to shock the world.
They can give Travis Allen the votes he needs to face off against presumed front-runner, democrat, Gavin Newsom, in November.
Travis Allen has shown he understands the issues which are important to the health freedom community. I can not underestimate the importance of this stance. If we don’t get the health issues right, nothing else matters. We need to be healthy in order to have a robust and informed political debate.
I am convinced that hope exists for this potential outcome. Let me tell you why.
About a week ago, signs started appearing around my small town for the upcoming primary election. I was pleased to see the signs for Travis Allen were plentiful. I did not see ANY signs for John Cox, the other Republican in the race who has received the endorsement of President Donald Trump.
Yes, I will say it: President Trump endorsed the WRONG candidate for governor in California.
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For many of us in the midst of the autism wars we are consumed with fighting against scientific, governmental, and pharmaceutical corruption. But as much as I rage against the epidemic, I also try to be aware of why it might be that God has placed me and so many others in the middle of this battle.
Susan Anderson’s phenomenal book contains passages which will take your breath away and humble you.
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Opinion by “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen
The passing of Mandatory Childhood Vaccine legislation (SB277) in California was a Watershed Moment in time.
“Watershed Moment – A point in time when nothing after will ever be the same as before.”
To struggling parents in California the passing of SB277 was a disaster in more ways than one. But to others outside of “The People’s Republic of California” SB277 was an early wake-up call, shifting their life priorities – forcing them to get involved with their own State political structure RIGHT NOW – which they did, shutting down similar legislation in their own States with ease.
California, it turns out, was, and is, its own pile of corruption. Although the anti-SB277 strategy and tactics was HORRIBLE, run by organizational nitwits (but nicely dressed), the primary reason they lost, I think, was that they used FaceBook as their organizational tool – and I am about to tell you why that was a VERY BAD THING…
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Sometimes when it comes to health freedom and politicians I feel like Charlie Brown wanting to kick the football his friend Lucy has teed up for him.
I want to believe this time a politician REALLY MEANS IT when they talk about health freedom and bringing back sanity and intelligence to health care.
But the truth is I don’t know if it’s serious. The only thing I can do is act as if it’s real, and let you know what’s being said.
That’s why when a reader sent me the following clip of Travis Allen, running for the Republican nomination to be be governor of California, I was interested.
He sounds about as educated on the issue as I’ve ever heard from a politician, especially regarding SB 277, California’s mandatory childhood vaccination law. Here are some excerpts:
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How It Is Being Done – The Globalist’s Counter Moves……
Opinion by “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen
Big Pharma, a substantial player in the globalist’s “Destroy America Project”was in literal shock when the world-wide reaction to Mandatory Vaccines (California’s SB277) happened.
Literally overnight the Anti-Vax world grew from several thousand to multi-millions of SERIOUSLY angry people out to destroy vaccine programs, and shut down the companies and government agencies that promoted those “Made-in-China” death pus capsules.
Pharma Boardroom meeting members, I bet, had a look on their faces similar to CNN Reporters on Election Night 2016. They simply couldn’t accept what had happened. The “Make Childhood Vaccines Mandatory” program had blown up in Big Pharma’s face.
And the mechanism to get it done – to back big Pharma into a corner they had NEVER been in before happened on Social Media.
So, The Globalists Spent a Few Billion Bucks and TOOK OVER Social Media. We Have Lost Access To It And Most People Do Not Even Know That…
The Congressional Hearings that MOST people DID NOT WATCH tell the whole story…
But I, Tim Bolen, watched them and I will explain what happened.
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There could be Mandatory Childhood Vaccine programs in the majority of States within three years if we don’t make a shift.
Opinion by “Deplorable”Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen
In 2015 I watched from the sidelines as the California Anti-SB277 (Mandatory Childhood Vaccines) activists conducted the worst campaign I have ever seen trying to defeat legislation. Ir was like the leadership had a prescription for “dumb” pills. Their primary communications tool was FaceBook – and that, itself, was a HUGE mistake.
I truly considered that possibly the Anti-SB277 leadership was, in fact, Big Pharma itself.
The operating principle of the Anti-SB277 California group was:
“We know that vaccines are safe and effective (sniff, sniff), but we just want personal choice (whimper, whimper).
The California legislature responded with a major sneer, treating the participants as whiney, self-absorbed, over-privileged adult-sized children who needed a nap. The legislature even went so far as to shut down in their faces to celebrate “Gay Pride,” making it VERY clear who their prefered constituency was.
Prefered constituency? Yup – The California Democratic Party’s primary candidate for Governor this year is Gavin Newsome – a San Francisco/Bay Area anti-gun homosexual.
But, SB277 backfired on Big Pharma…
It may have been easy to convince a legislature dominated by homosexual interests, like California, that “Mandatory Vaccines” for children was a good idea, but the rest of America, dominated by heterosexual parents of children, were abhorred and repelled by that concept.
Jim Steyer, of SB18’s Common Sense Media, and What’s-Her-Name…
California, after their SB277 success, even tried to take complete control of California’s children (SB 18), turning authority for those children over to a homosexual run private organization with Hillary Clinton ties. That group promoted children to get involved with certain web sites identified as “child sexual predator” hunting areas.
Read California activist Karri Lewis’s article series on this problem here.
However, the primary tool used to backlash SB277 and Big Pharma over the vaccine issue was Social Media.
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(Conspiratorium: “A group of free-thinking individuals with certain belief systems who trouble the authorities with their persistent questions. This group also harbors suspicions that governments of the right and left are ALWAYS lying about the important issues for the government’s benefit.”)
Like many of you I’ve been thinking a lot about Q and the “Conspiratorium” which has gathered around him – not necessarily considering if Q is real or a Psy-Op, whether he is Artificial Intelligence, or he’s Trump, or in league with Trump, but something much deeper.
The most important questions are spiritual ones and I respectfully wonder if Q is spiritually advanced enough to handle what has been placed in his/her/its hands.
I refer to the Q posts in which it is said that not everything can be disclosed because the ninety-five percent of the population who has not entered one of the hallways of the conspiratorium would go absolutely nuts if the truth was revealed.
This is a matter of faith. I have no evidence or facts to back this up. But neither does Q. It is a gut-level feeling and I will tell you mine.
The ninety-five percent of the population who is in the dark about the wickedness and corruption which haunts so many parts of our world can handle the truth. I believe in them, even though at this moment many of them may believe I am nuttier than a fruitcake.
The five percent of us who have struggled with the darkness will take them gently by the hand and lead them to a better place. I believe my fellow members of the conspiratorium have become kind and powerful spiritual warriors. That is what being vilified by the mainstream media, and being ignored by family and friends has done to us. We have become better people through what for many of us has been unimaginable suffering in our families.
We are fierce warriors, especially against those who lie, and yet we have a gentleness about us which would astonish our enemies.
I have no hesitation in letting people know my wing of the conspiratorium deals with vaccines and autism.
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Opinion By “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate” Tim Bolen
When you are handed a bag of lemons you just have to make lemonade…
Stormy Daniels would be absolutely wonderful as the White House Liaison to the Drug Industry. Trump would be sending someone who would fit right in with them. They’d completely understand her, and what she wants and does, on a moral, ethical, and behavioral level. The Drug Industry has sent Stormy’s counterparts, and maybe even Stormy, as their own representatives to Congress, for years.
Why would something like this be beneficial for America?
If you think about it Stormy looks just like, and may act just like, the average “Drug Rep“ Big Pharma sends into Doctor’s Offices every day promoting, in every way possible, the “drug of the week.”
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Opinion by “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen
On March 18th, 2018 I wrote an article about who it was, and is, that is censoring Conservative Judeo/Christian Americans on Social Media.
I had discovered that 75% of Social Media employees working in Silicon Valley were non-citizens imported from non-Christian countries to work on special programs created under the Obama-Nation.
It was OBVIOUS that the plan was to inhabit ALL of the Social Media decision jobs with Anti-American, Anti-Christian, Anti-Jewish, Anti-Conservative, Anti-Free Speech people from countries that OPENLY express hatred for “The Great Satan” America.
The BolenReport was the ONLY known publication that covered this story, anywhere. We experienced the usual FaceBook throttling down.
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A recent issue arose which I believe highlights a weakness in our “health care activist” community. We are attempting to create a MASSIVE POPULAR CHANGE in health care and too many people are letting BAD PRACTICES get in the way of victory.
A long-time activist made a mistake about a news story and expressed his opinion in strong terms. He apologized for his mistake.
What seemed to follow was first an attempt to cut off that activist, then when that backfired, the website decided not to cover the vaccine issue at all.
Everybody seems to be mad at each other.
I’d like to suggest a simple rule which I believe will help all of us. If somebody makes a mistake, then apologizes, the apology is accepted and we move on.
I think far too many people are living in mental prisons which make them believe if they do not agree with a person’s opinion, or that person makes a mistake, that individual must be banished.
Revolutions are not won by decimating your own side.
Revolutions are won by gathering your strongest fighters. (Hint – The strongest fighters are usually the ones who have what might be called “dragon energy.” I understand that may scare some people on our side. Dragons can be scary. However, the objective is to TERRIFY the other side. Dragons are REALLY GOOD FOR THAT.)
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America Needs To Be Run By “We The People,” Not By A Secret Cult…
Opinion by “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen
Everybody involved in US Health Care, no matter what “side” they are on, knows that every Federal Agency involved in US Health Care is rigged in favor of Big Pharma, Big Hospital, and BIG-Special-Interest.
Health care is offered, by the system, not based on what is most effective, and/or best for the patient, but by what is most profitable for the provider.
Every federal agency has a “revolving door” policy where federal employees, if they perform well for those they are supposed to be regulating, can move to that company for five to ten times their government salary. A change in political party in the White House or Congress has NO Affect on this problem.
We are not going to revise US Health Care, or any other problem involving federal agencies, until we solve this issue.
Let’s use “The Vaccine Problem” as an example of how bad this situation actually is…
“Blame” for the vaccine problem can be laid in many places, and all of those places are just as bad as people say. But, to my mind, the 2018 vaccine situation, with the horrible problems caused by it, can be PRIMARILY laid at the feet of a faction of the “Deep State.”
Let’s look at Julie Gerberding/Merck Vaccine Manipulation…
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(At the BolenReport we are spending time talking about the corrupt politics of our time because THIS IS WHAT PRESIDENT TRUMP MUST HANDLE FIRST, before he can get to health care. Pharma is part of the Deep State and you must understand your enemy before you can defeat him.)
Now don’t get me wrong. I LOVE the battle of ideas.
But the actual practice of politics is insufferably boring. Trust me.
I’ve worked on republican campaigns AND democratic campaigns. Same cast of characters. A lot of humorless drones with occasional flashes of humanity and actual ability. You keep thinking it’s going to get better, but it doesn’t.
Which brings me to the Comey Memos…
…the set of documents which resulted in the appointment of Special Prosecutor, Robert Mueller, and has gripped the nation for more than a year with the “Russia investigation.”
I’ve read all seventeen painful pages. I felt like I was watching a bad episode of The Office, with James Comey channeling Michael Scott, the clueless character played so brilliantly by Steve Carrell.
I’ve given you some selections from the first two memos. I’ve edited them for fear that you might become so bored you’d be tempted to slit your wrists and I’d hate to have that on my conscience.
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You Are Being Intentionally Distracted – And We Have Issues We Need To Deal With…
Like Vaccines, Health Care, Liberal Control of Social Media, Election Fraud, Human Trafficking, Border Walls, Jobs, Cracked-California, and the Preservation of America…
Opinion by “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen
Mr President:
We know that OUR opposition is trying desperately to distract you from your work, and I know how uncomfortable that crap must make you, and your family, feel sometimes. We thank you for your efforts. America is with you, We’ve got your back.
So I want to remind you that “We the People” elected you to lead the way, in America, to get certain things done, to fix long-standing problems that ALL of us recognize.. You have accomplished a lot in your first year, but, as you know, this job is massive. The changes we need to accomplish are immense.
America knows this.
So, Donald, I Have a Complaint…
Sometimes it seems as though you are getting distracted by those that DID NOT elect you. You treat them as though they had some value, as though their opinions were of some importance, as though their constant harping at you is worth listening to.
Please stop that.
We need to focus….
“We the People,” those that elected you, don’t care one bit about the globalist “liberal”political position. We rejected it long ago. We, the American people, made the mistake of NOT watching what was going on and allowed America to be “Changed” into an “Obama-Nation.”
We ALMOST lost our national identity.
In 2016 we listened to YOU, Donald Trump. YOU, like us, had said “Enough is Enough.” So, we elected you, and you have made it very clear that you are one of us.
We are in this together.
Ignore the distractions. Stay on the road…
We need to deal with “those distractions” differently.
Let me give you some examples…
(1) Sometimes, you are just too damned nice, Donald.
Sometimes you just handle things wrong BECAUSE you are a nice, caring, good-hearted person. Sometimes a man has to be a “roaring asshole” to get something done – raise your voice so-to-speak.
Maybe, Donald, you need to revise the way you, and yours, sometimes look at things.
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I say this in jest, but I believe my logic is sound. You decide.
Would you agree with me that any country which interferes in our democracy should fear not just economic sanctions, but military action as well?
Okay, talk among yourselves for a minute.
It looks like we have a general consensus that, yes, any country which interferes with our great American democracy should face the gravest possible consequences.
Let me lay the groundwork for my argument.
You may not know of something called the “Five Eyes“which stands for the intelligence services of the United States, England, Australia, Canada, and New Zealand. These agencies collaborate and share information.
Now in the west we have a historical aversion to governments spying on their own people. Many claim that the “Five Eyes“ have an agreement to spy on the citizens of their allies, then turn the information over to that government.
That way every government can “deny”they spy on their own citizens, but yet through the intervention of some magical flying unicorn who arrives on a rainbow, they miraculously have all the information. (Do I sound cynical?) What could ever go wrong with such an arrangement?
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