Trump Would be Best, But Scott Adams Could Also Do the Job…
If we want to prevent a world-wide collapse of the human species from vaccine damage we need to figure out some better messaging.
Please do not take this as criticism of what others have done in the past. If government, industry and the public health authorities had responded in a reasonable manner, none of what I am about to say would be necessary.
We need a master persuader who can blow a hole in the commonly accepted belief that vaccines are the only thing holding back a tidal wave of infectious diseases which would decimate humanity.

About two years ago I was introduced to the work of Scott Adams. Adams is best known as the creator of the Dilbert comic strip, but is becoming known as one of the few people to forecast the rise of Donald Trump.
Adams does not credit the rise of Trump to fears about immigration, economic uncertainty, or the continuing threat of terrorism, but to the simple fact that Donald Trump is a master persuader. He has a new book out, Win Bigly, which is about the rules of persuasion that Trump used so well in the last election.
Probably the most important observation that Adams makes is that a master persuader understands that people do not make their decisions based on facts, but rather on emotion.
Once that “emotional” decision has been made, they find the facts to justify their position.
Think about how you came to your current “anti-vax” or “pro-vaccine safety” position. You probably took your previously healthy child to a well-baby visit, thought nothing about them getting their vaccines, then when you child suddenly changed, you had an emotional reaction. I know I did.
Adams makes the claim that 90% of our decisions are based on emotion. We find the facts to support what we feel later. In fact, it’s only in the 10% of the decisions we make in our life that have no emotion attached, that we actually review the facts and come to what would normally be thought of as an informed choice.
In his new book, Win Bigly, Adams recalls how Trump so masterfully won the immigration argument. He used EMOTION FIRST. He talked about Mexico “not sending their best people” and said that among them were “rapists and murderers” and “probably some good people.”
I only had to think of driving down to my local Home Depot store, and seeing the group of Hispanic men waiting outside for somebody to pick them up for a day of labor to cement that image in my mind. So many ideas spring to my mind when I see those men.
On the one hand I think of how horrible it is that they are being taken advantage of by the dominant society. Another thought is more personal. Would I ever pick up one of these men and let them work around my family? No way. This entire scenario is what would be called a cluster-**ck. How does our society allow this to happen?
Trump had emotionally moved me, then provided the answer.
A BIG BEAUTIFUL WALL AND MEXICO WILL PAY FOR IT. Has there ever been a simpler solution?
Now, I know what some of you are thinking…
Continue reading The Anti-Vax Side Needs a Master Persuader…