Why I Keep Criticizing the liberal Democrats on a Health Care newsletter..

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

In California, the liberal Democrats in the California legislature just hired former Attorney General “Fast and Furious” Eric Holder, at a rate of $25,000 per month, to defend them, as they say, against Trump’s attack – and Trump doesn’t even take office until January 20th, 2017…

In short, the California Democrat legislators know full well that “Hellfire” is coming their way over a number of issues.

For my articles involving politics I have received criticism about my focus on liberal Democrats – some from reasonable people, some from the very self-entitled I talk about.  Be assured I am NOT stopping.  I am finger-pointing.  It’s time…

I have found, of late, that liberal Democrats believe they are beyond criticism.  They are, without doubt, in actual shock that the American Public massively rejected their political message in Election 2016.  They are going so far as to claim that Donald Trump is not a legitimate President, blah, blah, blah…

But, in California, we are going to see some things happen on many different issues and Trump will be using the US Attorney General and the Sacramento US Prosecutor’s office – rightfully so.  That’s why the California legislature is separately lawyering up.

California liberal Democrat State Senator Richard Pan with Santa Barbara County Health Department official Charity Dean who wants any doctor who issues vaccine exemptions investigated and prosecuted by the Medical Board.

The issue I, Tim Bolen, am concerned with MOST is the Mandatory Vaccine (SB277) legislation carried, and passed, by those liberal Democrats in California.

I want the Trump appointed US Prosecutors to look at the fact that the bill’s proponents KNEW, or should have known, that childhood vaccines were (1)  Made in China with NO quality control testing at all, (2)  There is no after manufacture testing to determine what was actually offered, (3) There is NO distribution system to keep those vaccines safe during transport and storage, (4)  There are NO tests to determine whether those vaccines actually are effective, (5)  Some of those legislators actually conspired with California Health Department officials to attack Medical Doctors (MDs and DOs) that write vaccine exemptions for health reasons.

In short, those California legislators, and Health Department officials KNEW that Vaccines were EXTREMELY Dangerous, and of doubtful effectiveness, and for money, and/or other gratuities, made childhood vaccines MANDATORY.

The amount of damage done to California children has not yet been calculated – but I want the “Death Penalty” on the table right from the start.

But what incident turned me, Tim Bolen, in to a liberal Democrat basher?

It was November 1st, 2015 when I put the Political Correctness (PC) rule out to pasture.  Something important had happened that woke me up that day.  I was writing about the SB 277 (Mandatory Vaccination) legislation process.  I was assembling and publishing an article titled “I like the Way the Vaccine Argument is Going… Both Nationally, and in California…”

The quote below is from that article.   It was the third paragraph of the quote that made me stop in realization of what the California Democratic Party had become.  Presidential election 2016 made that realization even more clear.

And it ain’t pretty…

Continue reading Why I Keep Criticizing the liberal Democrats on a Health Care newsletter..

Kent Heckenlively to be Interviewed on George Noory’s Coast-to-Coast Thursday 1/12/17…

Note from Tim Bolen – Our Writer Kent Heckenlively JD will be interviewed Thursday, January 12th, 2017  on George Noory’s Coast-to-Coast about his new book “Inoculated…”

Click here for details on how to listen in in your own area.

INOCULATED – The Barry Segal Foreword…

By Kent Heckenlively JD

Barry Segal – Founder of Focus on Autism

I was deeply honored to get the following foreword by Barry Segal, the founder of Focus for Health, to my new book, “INOCULATED: How Science Lost its Soul in Autism.”  In every campaign of hope there is the challenge of getting individuals who feel marginalized and defeated to rise up and take action.  This autism challenge has been a great example of that problem.

Who wants to read another autism book which will just make me feel bad and overwhelmed, you might ask? 

I didn’t write this book to make you feel hopeless.  I wrote this book to make you feel empowered.  I want you to know how fragile our enemy is and how close we are to a cure for this terrible diseases, even for the older children like my daughter who seem so far from hope.  I GUARANTEE you that my book is a POSITIVE force for GOOD that can lead us to VICTORY if only enough people buy it, read it, and figure out how to take ACTION.

Foreword – By Barry Segal

As we approach the beginning of 2017, the autism epidemic rages on unhindered and unnoticed by the Federal Government. In the early 1980s the incidence of autism was about 1 in 10,000. Now, it is 1 in 45, and continuing to grow at an exponential pace. I was first exposed to the autism epidemic in the late 2000s and heard recurring accounts of children regressing into the condition following one or more of their infant vaccines. To respond to this tragedy that so many families were and still are facing, I formed Focus Autism in 2009. The controversies surrounding the cause of the autism epidemic are many and the U.S. government’s response is woeful at best.

Continue reading Kent Heckenlively to be Interviewed on George Noory’s Coast-to-Coast Thursday 1/12/17…

Is the Clinton/Pan Vaccine Plan for America’s Children – Agenda 21?…

I have ALWAYS had two questions about the Globalist Elite’s Overall Agenda 21 Plan:

(1)  When reducing the world population down from nine billion to 500 million by the year 2021 (now moved to 2030) who lives and who dies?

(2)  Who decides who lives and who dies?

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

Hillary Clinton arranged for ALL childhood vaccines to be made in China with NO independent laboratory testing of them before injection into America’s innocent children. Richard Pan arranged for those untested vaccines to be MANDATORY for America’s children…

I think The US Childhood Vaccine Program is a Bio-Chemical Social Engineering Delivery System for an Agenda 21 Objective…

More, I think this bio-chemical social engineering program has been operating for a long time.

Probably since the late 1980s.

Why do I think so?

As we now know, most childhood vaccines, since 2014, are made by one or more of the thirty four Chinese vaccine manufacturers and there is NO TESTING PROCESS in place, what-so-ever, to determine what is actually being injected into America’s children.  And, we also know that the Clinton Foundation arranged all this.

Most Americans wouldn’t knowingly feed their pets Chinese-made products – yet the government of California, for instance, is EAGER to force-inject millions of innocent children with un-inspected, un-tested. Made-in-China vaccines.  Ask yourself why…

There is not now, nor has there ever been, an independent testing laboratory situation for childhood vaccines in the US.  

Isn’t THAT interesting?

Continue reading Is the Clinton/Pan Vaccine Plan for America’s Children – Agenda 21?…

Of Course the California Democratic Party Would Legalize Child Prostitution. They Don’t Want to Have to Pay Fines and Legal Fees For Their Own Children…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

Presidential Election 2016 brought out a simple fact. There are vast differences between the way liberal Democrats and normal Americans look at life.

Vast differences…

A monument at the Texas State Capitol depicting the Ten Commandments. The U.S. Supreme Court let it stand in Van Orden v. Perry (2005). Liberals have tried to REMOVE ANY and ALL public references to the “Ten Commandments.”

When the “Empress Hillary” sleaze team, and her subservient mainstream media, called Trump supporters “Deplorables” what they were characterizing as deplorable was the normal American’s moral and ethical position – their enactment of what’s known as the Judeo/Christian ethic.

Most Americans are familiar with, and live by the concepts enacted in the famous “Ten Commandments.” Liberals do not.  They think those rules are beneath them, which is why Democrats are so frequently accused of feeling they are “entitled.” They really do feel that way.

Liberal Democrats, as a whole, take issue with morality. They DO NOT believe that it applies to them, and they believe that the rules most Americans live by are “deplorable.”  Too restrictive for their wonderful selves.

When you look at the situation this way it becomes clear that the definitions of a Sociopath and a Liberal Democrat are EXACTLY THE SAME…

Definition of a Sociopath from the DSM-IV:

“Antisocial personality disorder is characterized by a lack of regard for the moral or legal standards in the local culture. There is a marked inability to get along with others or abide by societal rules. Individuals with this disorder are sometimes called psychopaths or sociopaths.”

Sound familiar? It should – for I just described the Democratic Party’s presidential candidate for 2016, her husband, and her entire political apparatus.  And, of course, mainstream “fake news” media.

You can certainly tell what a political Party is all about by looking at their leadership.

So, when judging what a political party, like California’s liberal Democrat menagerie, is up to you have to look, first, at what they really are. Then things begin to become clear.

“Empress Hillary” won California, even after you discount the DEAD PEOPLE ballots and the ILLEGAL ALIEN vote.  Why?  California Democrats IDENTIFY with the Clintons.  They would have no problem sending their children for a ride on the “Lolita Express.” To them it would be chance for their kids to travel with important people, visit a private island, get to know some power brokers.  So what if sex is involved?

Continue reading Of Course the California Democratic Party Would Legalize Child Prostitution. They Don’t Want to Have to Pay Fines and Legal Fees For Their Own Children…

California Democrats Make Child Prostitution Legal…

California…The New Child Sex Trafficking Destination Hot Spot of The West…

Opinion By Karri Lewis AWAKE California

Say What?

Yep, wipe the cobwebs from your eyes…this is no California Dreamin’ story…

This is more equivalent to the STUFF of NIGHTMARES…and PART of the New California NIGHTMARE for ALL Children.

On January 1, 2017, with little fanfare and easy passage through the California Democrat-Controlled state legislature (⅔ super-majority), Senate Bill 1322, Commercial Sex Acts: Minors, goes into effect.

The full text of SB 1322 can be found here.

California legislators that supported the passage of SB 1322 can be found here.

And it IS just as BAD as it SOUNDS…

Sponsored by Democratic Senator, Holly Mitchell, SB 1322 decriminalizes any act of prostitution for children under 18. The State of California press Release says:

“The law is supposed to protect vulnerable children from adult abuse, yet we brand kids enmeshed in sex-for-pay with a scarlet ‘P’ and leave them subject to shame and prosecution,” said State Senator Holly J. Mitchell (D-Los Angeles), who introduced SB 1322. “This is our opportunity to do what we say is right in cases of sex trafficking: stop the exploiters and help the exploited.”

“The Road to Hell is Paved with Good Intentions.”

But others that actually work with child sex trafficking victims, had this to say about Senate Bill 1322:

“As Alameda County District Attorney Nancy O’Malley, a national leader on human trafficking issues, told the media, “It just opens up the door for traffickers to use these kids to commit crimes and exploit them even worse.” Another prosecutor insightfully observed that if traffickers wrote legislation to protect themselves, it would read like SB 1322.”

Continue reading California Democrats Make Child Prostitution Legal…

The NEW Lawsuit(s) Against California’s Efforts to Take Control of ALL Children Away From Parents…

Yes, Yes, It’s Coming.  Take a deep breath…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

I know, I know, the question I get most often is “where is the new lawsuit against SB 277?”

It’s coming…

Why is it taking so long?

(1)  The most obvious reason is that the new case had to take into consideration the makeup of the new US Supreme Court after the presidential election.

(2)  The most important reason, however, was that the case has national, and international, implications – and has to be designed to take that into consideration.

(3)  Then, of course, the Communist Regime in California added a second layer of concern – California Senate Bill 18 (SB 18) designed to take ALL control of children away from California parents and make those children little socialist performance tools of the State.

California is the Test State for the Globalist Democrats…

What is happening in California is what was planned for the entire US under the “Empress Hillary” Regime.  It is a dry run…

Fortunately, the American Public caught on in time, and despite all of those dead people in Chicago graveyards voting solidly for Hillary, the final vote went for America’s Choice Donald Trump.

One Political Pundit tells me that Hillary seems to have captured 100% of the Dead Veteran vote, nationwide – all of which came in as “Absentee Ballots”…

Maybe we were all wrong about Hillary not having any crowds at her rallies? Maybe we just couldn’t see them?  Maybe they were all ghosts from the Civil War, World War I, World War II, Vietnam, and the deserts?  Hmmm…  Look at it THAT way, and you can see why they were all “Absentee Ballots.”  Did anyone look too see where they were “Postmarked” from? (dark humor intended).

And, of course Hillary COMMANDED the Illegal Alien vote – but, hey, we all expected THAT, right?

Sarcasm intended…

The IBTimes said of Clinton:

James Steyer of “Common Sense Media” – sponsor of California SB 18, the legislation to take all California children away from their parents.

“During her first public speaking engagement since her concession speech, Clinton accepted defeat but encouraged American’s to continue to push forward and focus on making changes that will benefit the children of the country.”

“I know this isn’t easy. I know that over the past week a lot of people have asked themselves whether America was the country we thought it was. The divisions laid bare by this election run deep. But please listen to me when I say this: America is worth it. Our children are worth it,” she said Wednesday night.

Now, we can see the Globalist Plan – a complete State takeover of our children…

There is an interesting group in California called “Democrats Against UN Agenda 21.”  I encourage you to familiarize yourself with their website.

Why?  Two reasons.

(1)  I tend to pick on liberal Democrats a lot, leaving the impression that they are, as a whole, shallow self-serving entitlement dolts incapable of complete sentences and coherent thought beyond analyzing the latest TV episode of Honey Boo-Boo while ordering silk panties on-line for the men in their lives.

Considering what happened in California over SB277 (the bill to force-vaccinate all California children with untested Made-in-China death pus tubelets)) it would be hard to refute my analysis of what actually happened with BOTH sides of the SB277 arguments.

But, I am going to show you a group of Democrats right here in California that, frankly, reminds me of the OLD Democratic Party – like during the Jack Kennedy days. I already mentioned their name, just above.

(2)  With this group of California Democrats there just might be a chance to revive the two-party system.

Why do I say that?


Continue reading The NEW Lawsuit(s) Against California’s Efforts to Take Control of ALL Children Away From Parents…

Something Strange is Happening on the Radio…

By Kent Heckenlively, J.D.

We autism parents have all been there.  You know what I’m talking about.  Your child was normally developing, they got their vaccinations, and then everything started to go very wrong.

They say when terrible things happen to human beings we need to talk about it, to process what has taken place.  You get into a car accident, and for the next few months you’ll talk about it to just about anybody who will listen.  The trauma begins to recede and you can move onto the next phase of your life, whatever that may entail.

But nothing even remotely similar to that has taken place for autism parents.  It is as if we have been in a horrific car accident, but when we go to talk about it, people tell us there are no such things as cars.

Like many of you, I have had to endure the same response from family and friends.  Perhaps it is my overly optimistic nature, but I kept thinking there had to be a way to get people to listen.  I may have a law degree, but not a medical one.  But lawyers are the ones putting doctors on the stand, and when the evidence warrants, making them pay for their mistakes.  If the evidence is overwhelming enough, we even charge them criminally and prosecute them.  I think that’s what I do in my new book, INOCULATED: How Science Lost its Soul in Autism, now available on Amazon.

The Reality of “Science…”

I mean, seriously, over the years, science hasn’t really had a good track record when it comes to social policy.  At the beginning of the last century they were all over the idea of eugenics, giving rise to the crimes of Nazi Germany, then they really liked electro-shock treatment for mental problems, as well as forced sterilization, and hey, even in my life-time the American Psychological Association declared that being gay was a “mental disorder.”

In 2012 I started putting together a book, PLAGUE, with Dr. Judy Mikovits, that used her research published in the journal Science, to argue that an HIV-like retrovirus (originally found in mice, but which had somehow jumped to humans) might be causing the body to overreact in some people and trigger conditions like chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) and autism.  The scenario would go something like this: scientists know the HIV retrovirus hangs out in the cells of the immune system, so any attempt to stimulate the immune system could cause the HIV retrovirus to replicate out of control and cause disease.  That’s why babies born to HIV-infected mothers are IMMEDIATELY put on anti-retrovirals, PRIOR to ANY vaccination.  The concern was also raised in the book that the virus had jumped from mice to humans during vaccine production as mice tissue was used to grow and weaken many of the viruses later used in vaccines.  One might say I’d argued for a vaccine two-fer.  Vaccines not only transferred the retrovirus to humans which had caused the problem, but continued stimulation of the immune system was causing this retrovirus to rampage out of control.

I really thought I’d threaded a needle, creating a plausible explanation for the scientific community which would explain why a vaccination might trigger autism in some children, and hopefully lead to a productive discussion.

Continue reading Something Strange is Happening on the Radio…

Communism, Common Sense, and What Senator Richard Pan Intends For California’s Children…

Part 3 in the developing, “California State Senator Richard “The State Owns Your Child” Pan is At it Again…”

Opinion By Karri Lewis AWAKE California  

According to the US Supreme Court in the 1979 Parham Versus J.R Case:


California Senator Richard Pan’s attack on Californian’s Parental Rights has morphed into an all out assault on family and religious rights – in complete defiance of the US Constitution.

Senate Bill 18 is the culmination of all of a totalitarian socialist state’s hatred for liberty and freedom.

Called a “Spot Bill,” Senate Bill 18 is, according to the California legislative analyst, a bill that amends a code section in such an innocuous way as to be totally nonsubstantive. The bill has been introduced to assure that a germane vehicle will be available at a later date after the deadline has passed to introduce bills. At that future date, the bill can be amended with more substance included.

Senate Bill 18 is dangerous because it is made to look not harmful or offensive, so that it might pass easily.

Senate Bill 18 allows "professionals" approved by the state to make these decisions and more for your child.
Senate Bill 18 allows “professionals” approved by the state to make these decisions, and more, for your child.

This bill is the FOUNDATION for the rules and regulations that Senator Richard Pan will add at a later date; most likely under the radar and away from the prying eyes of the public.

Senator Pan currently sits on 17 different state committees, including the Children with Special Needs committee, which is ironic considering all of the additional vaccine injuries that his Senate Bill 277 has caused.

Senator Pan has a lot of influence in Sacramento and with the other California Senators.

Many believe that since Senator Pan has strong ties to Big Pharma that he intends to add MANY REQUIRED Medical Interventions for Children.

Continue reading Communism, Common Sense, and What Senator Richard Pan Intends For California’s Children…

Just WHO IS Sponsoring California State Senator Richard Pan’s Destruction of Parental Rights?

 Part 2  in the developing, “California State Senator Richard “The State Owns Your Child” Pan is At it Again…”

Opinion By Karri Lewis AWAKE California

As if hell bent on destroying the family unit; and enacting the state of California as guardian (sic) of ALL of the state’s children, Senator Richard Pan wasted no time in beginning another attack on parental rights.

Senate Bill 18 is a parent’s worst nightmare come true.

In a townhall event put on by Senator Richard Pan in June 2016, it was announced that James P. Steyer from Common Sense Media was co-hosting the, “Talk with Experts and Provide your Input on the Children’s Bill of Rights Legislation,” advertised event.

Jim Steyer Common Sense Media
Jim Steyer Common Sense Media

The flyer with that information can be found here.

This describes the non-profit, Common Sense Media’s mission statement according to Wikipedia:

“Common Sense Media reviews thousands of movies, TV shows, music, video games, apps, web sites and books. Based on developmental criteria, the reviews provide guidance regarding each title’s age appropriateness, as well as a “content grid” that rates particular aspects of the title including educational value, violence, sex, gender messages and role models, and more. For each title, Common Sense Media indicates the age for which a title is either appropriate or most relevant. An overall five-star quality rating is also included, as are discussion questions to help families talk about their entertainment. In addition to Common Sense Media’s traditional rating system, they also offer a set of learning based ratings, which are designed to determine complex educational values.[7][10]

Common Sense Media partners with a number of media companies that distribute the organization’s free content to more than 100 million homes in the United States. According to Common Sense Media’s website, the organization has content distribution contracts with Road Runner, TiVo, Yahoo!, Comcast, Time Warner Cable, DIRECTV, Disney, NBC Universal, Netflix, Best Buy, Google, AOL/Huffington Post, Fandango, Trend Micro, Verizon Foundation, Nickelodeon, Bing, Cox Communications, Kaleidescape, AT&T, and NCM.[11] The organization’s current rating system differs from the system used by the Motion Picture Association of America and the Entertainment Software Rating Board. It has received positive support from parents, and was singled out by US President Barack Obama as a model for using technology to empower parents.[12][13] Common Sense Media began allowing studios to use their ratings and endorsements in order to promote family-friendly movies in 2014. The first film to use the endorsement was Disney’s Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day.[14]”

Why on earth would Common Sense Media, a supposedly family friendly company, support the stealing of parental rights by the state of California via Senator Richard Pan?

Back to that question in a second.

Continue reading Just WHO IS Sponsoring California State Senator Richard Pan’s Destruction of Parental Rights?

INOCULATED: The Nationwide RADICAL Radio Tour…

By Kent Heckenlively, J.D.

The first radio interview for my new book, INOCULATED: How Science Lost its Soul in Autism was with Robert Scott Bell out of Florida.

Since then I’ve been on radio shows in Boston, MA (Frankie Boyer’s Holistic Talk Radio), Pittsburg, PA (Hank Baughman show), New York, NY (Dirty, Sexy Funny with Jenny McCarthy on Sirius XM radio), Phoenix, AZ (the fiery libertarian, Ernie Hancock), Palm Springs, CA (Law of Attraction Radio with Jewels Johnson), and even laid back, Santa Cruz, CA (Food Chain Radio with Michael Olson).

And more coming…

I’m currently scheduled for approximately forty-five radio shows with another twenty shows trying to figure out a time I’m available.

Why am I getting all this attention for a controversy, vaccines and autism, that’s supposed to be “settled science?”  Maybe it’s because in the summer of 2014 a senior CDC scientist, Dr. William Thompson, turned over more than ten thousand documents to the office of Congressman William Posey, alleging that in the early 2000s the CDC investigated claims of the MMR (measles, mumps and rubella) vaccine being linked to autism, and found that there was a link.

Continue reading INOCULATED: The Nationwide RADICAL Radio Tour…

California State Senator Richard “The State Owns Your Child” Pan is At It Again…

Opinion by Karri Lewis AWAKE California

Like a prize fighter intent on pleasing his sponsors, California State Senator and Medical Doctor, Richard Pan is back to his parental-rights-stealing-ways.

Talk about Deja-Vu!

14716268_10209567633421967_1641069469930967316_nAs if 2015’s Senate Bill 277; the stealing of parental rights for the right of pharmaceutical companies to forcibly inject poison into innocent school children (vaccinations), in exchange for Pharmaceutical Money and Vacations wasn’t enough; Senator Pan has set his sights on the State Ownership of ALL of California’s Children.
Anyone noticing a theme here?

Introduced by Senator Pan on December 5, 2016, this is where Senate Bill 18 comes into play.

While the title of the bill seems innocuous, “Bill of Rights for Children and Youth in California,” this bill expands the California Bureaucracy’s endless control over your child.

Continue reading California State Senator Richard “The State Owns Your Child” Pan is At It Again…

BolenReport – Old Dog – New Tricks…

With Donald Trump Coming into Office on January 20th, 2017 I Have to be Right Here in the Middle of Things…

Life is Just Too Much Fun…

Opinion by “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

You just never know…

One day you think it’s time to park the battle tanks in the warehouse, crank the missile launchers down and cover them with tarps, sell the nuclear subs to Texas, and head for a warm island where you can drink a tasty rum drink, and watch the pretty girls walk by – let the other younger warriors have all the battle fun.

I have to tell you – five weeks of that is about all I could possibly stand.  Gotta get back to the wars.  Addiction.

Then this guy Donald Trump runs for President of the US.  Every liberal mainstream media wanna-be pundit shrieked out their disdain of Trump, and his “Deplorable” support network, making claim that Trump wouldn’t even be allowed in the Republican Primaries.

After all, according to the Democratic Party leadership, the family oriented Judeo-Christian ethic was dead – for THEY had killed it, and now it was an “anything goes” world. So, according the them, heterosexual family-type voters were finished.

Then when Trump did get in they claimed he could not possibly win the Republican Primaries – which, of course, Trump did.

Then they looked down their noses, while prancing around big city gay bars on Friday Pageant Night telling themselves, and others in the Appletini crowd, that Trump couldn’t possible beat their ultimate hero, scum-sucking Hillary Clinton.

Then along came election night.   The Judeo-Christian heterosexual family types voted – and the world changed overnight.

But I have to say – you can’t just retire and come right back to the fray. There’s work that needs to be done. Preparations that need to be made.  Alliances that need re-shaping. Upgrades that need to be made to infrastructure.

So, I did…

Continue reading BolenReport – Old Dog – New Tricks…

Trump Meets Dr. Wakefield

Even though you see the headline, and the photo, you don’t believe it, do you?

By Kent Heckenlively, J.D.

Could the new President-Elect of our country, Donald J. Trump, have really met with Dr. Andrew Wakefield?  You’ve probably heard the rumors, maybe you’ve even seen the video of Wakefield saying that Trump understands our concerns and will never allow mandatory vaccinations.  He goes onto say that he believes Trump will investigate the problems at the CDC, including the allegations of Dr. William Thompson.

It’s all true…

How do I know?

Because I interviewed two people who were at that meeting.  Do you want facts?  It took place on August 11, 2016 in Kissimmee, Florida and lasting a little under an hour from four to five in the afternoon.

And it’s all in my new book, INOCULATED: How Science Lost its Soul in Autism, available right now on Amazon.  Here’s a little bit of a tease for you:

Continue reading Trump Meets Dr. Wakefield

With Donald Trump We May Have Stopped the “Vaccinate Innocent Children” Merry Go-Round Just in Time…

But, Let’s Not Let Up…

We Still Have to Solve the California SB 277 Problem…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

Solving the Mandatory Vaccine SB 277 problem in California is NOT going to be a cakewalk.  There are things that President Trump can do (like cut off the CDC to State Health Department funding), but we are going to have to do some important things ourselves.

I’m not exaggerating a bit when I talk about how bad California has become politically – and I’m not just referring to SB 277 Mandatory Vaccines.    Here in California, they have completely eliminated the American Two-Party System.   So, I was NOT surprised when they forced vaccines on innocent children.  They stayed in character.

In virtually ALL other States mandatory vaccine bills were BEATEN. In some places, they never got out of committee.  But, in California, the legislation ran right through, and there are reasons for that we need to do something about.

In California…

The Two-Party System is GONE in California.  Due to the passing of some self-serving legislation, Democrats don’t run for election against Republicans here.  They, in their naturally superior (sarcasm intended), elitist, positions don’t feel any necessity to have to argue politics with someone who disagrees with them – that’s not the liberal-progressive way.

For the very first time in California’s history two Democrats ran against each other for the US Senate.  Surprise, surprise – a Democrat won…

Don’t get me wrong – I wouldn’t be all that happy with a completely Republican controlled government either.

What we always need is a balance.  California has become something totally different.

Continue reading With Donald Trump We May Have Stopped the “Vaccinate Innocent Children” Merry Go-Round Just in Time…

Health Freedom and The California Legislature Elections…

Tales from The Rabbit Hole…

Analysis by Alan Hysinger

Everyone is focused on the election of our new President, Donald Trump. Response is varied across the Healthcare Freedom movement. Given that Trump is a States Rights Advocate, it seems the California Elections have much more relevance to us here in California.

Let’s celebrate our victory

California Health Freedom Activists organized an campaigned against Anaheim Republican Assembly member Young Kim, who went against party lines, voting Yes on SB 277. And effectively ended her short political career.

OC Activists Oust Young Kim. Shout out to BolenReport author Karri Lewis, on the front lines
OC and South Bay Activists Oust Young Kim. Shout out to BolenReport author Karri Lewis, on the front lines

Continue reading Health Freedom and The California Legislature Elections…

“Weinergate” Again? Hillary is a Hoot… No one in Hollywood Would Buy This Script. It is Too Unreal…

Am I Reading All This Right?  Hillary Clinton’s Muslim Jihadist Lesbian Lover is Married to Ex-Congressman Pervert Anthony Weiner?

And Weiner Has 10,000 of Hillary’s Top-Secret e-mails on His Computer in a File called “Life Insurance?”  Alongside of His Naked Selfies He Sends to Fifteen Year Old Girls?

You Can’t Make This Stuff up…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

I have two YouTube videos for you to see.  They sound very much like conspiracy theory – but when you look closely, they definitely ARE NOT.  The sources are excellent.

I, Tim Bolen, am one of the most outspoken anti-vaxxers on Planet Earth.  I believe, and do not hesitate to point out that, pro-vaxxers are made up of some of the worst slime humanity could ever produce.  Why?  Because vaccines are a complete, and utter hoax. They are so dangerous, and so damaging, that all production needs to cease as soon as possible – and those responsible for the vaccine construction jammed into the depths of the worst prisons we can find…

During the campaign in Sacramento to try to defeat SB 277, the legislation to make childhood vaccines MANDATORY, parents, with immense effort, brought their vaccine damaged children into the legislative halls so Senators and Assemblymen could see, for themselves, what vaccines were really doing to the community.

What did the California Democratic Party controlled legislators (76%) do in response?  They shut down the legislature in their face – celebrating “Gay Pride Day,” heading, I guess, for the gay bars, and the bath houses, to do whatever they do there “to celebrate.”

It was a massive, and very pointed message, for “families” from the Democratic Party about what their priorities were.  Homosexuality was at the top.  Families, and family concerns, were not even on the chart. I pointed all this out at the time, raising some ire.  There were some, at the time, that thought this was just a coincidence.

It is NOT a coincidence.

The California Democratic Party controlled legislators passed SB 277, almost literally spitting on families.

But then, the 2016 Presidential election campaign started, and we started to get a look at what the national Democratic Party was really made up of – with Hillary Clinton at the apex.

And it is worse than we thought…

So, let’s see some video…

The first video, eight information-packed minutes, explains who Huma Abedin, Hillary’s Presidential Campaign Vice-Chairman, actually is – and points out, quite correctly, that this woman, who, by the way, is married to ex-Congressman pervert Anthony Wiener, would end up as Hillary’s Chief-Of-Staff in the White House…

Be VERY AFRAID of that…


Continue reading “Weinergate” Again? Hillary is a Hoot… No one in Hollywood Would Buy This Script. It is Too Unreal…

After Our Man Trump Wins the Oval Office, Who Are We Going to Criminally Prosecute?

I Mean, Besides the Clintons, and Their Criminal Apparatus…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

This 2016 election process has brought out the secrets behind the globalists’ nasty plan for the destruction of America.

And, we are ALL very tired of that..

Personally, I do NOT much like the way things have been going in the United States.   The way we Americans are being manipulated, treated like dirt, has made me, and I think, hundreds of millions of Americans say “enough is enough. What is happening is not just wrong, it is CRIMINAL.”  The Vaccine Hoax for instance, is a primary example.

But, I don’t think just electing Donald Trump as President is enough.  We need to go much further…

I think we need to awaken from our comfort zones, drag certain of these globalist-elite people, in power, out of their lairs, and put them in prison we they belong.

And throw away the keys…

Continue reading After Our Man Trump Wins the Oval Office, Who Are We Going to Criminally Prosecute?

Yes, Yes, the New SB 277 Lawsuit Is Coming… There Are VERY Good Reasons For the Delays…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

I know, I know, it is hard to be patient.

But, the making of a good lawsuit, and everything that transpires with it, is difficult – especially if it is done right…

I’m not supposed to give out sensitive information, BUT…

I can give you a glimpse of some of the problems the legal and strategy teams are facing:

Continue reading Yes, Yes, the New SB 277 Lawsuit Is Coming… There Are VERY Good Reasons For the Delays…

Taking Back Health Freedom in California, One Candidate at a Time…

OK, in the interest that Tim Bolen doesn’t tell anymore “Trophy Wife” stories, even though that story was completely adorable and Jan has to put up with so much; I decided that I needed to write another article that is pertinent to defeating forced vaccination mandates.

Opinion by: Karri Lewis AWAKE California


In local California political races, there are two great candidates that need our support.

I first met Fullerton City Council candidate, Joe Imbriano, when we connected through the AWAKE California facebook page. In the very early stages of senate bill 277, we spoke on the phone a few times. Our discussions were about stopping this terrible infringement on parental rights and the horrible consequences of forced vaccinations.

Continue reading Taking Back Health Freedom in California, One Candidate at a Time…

November 8th, 2016 – The Revival of America, or Globalist Destruction?


Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

There are VERY INTERESTING CHOICES being made available to American voters on election day, November 8th, 2016.

In short, the argument is about the future of the United States as a nation.  Hillary Clinton is owned, outright, by the Globalists – and does not hide it at all.  Trump wants to restore America, reversing the damage done to our economy, get rid of the $800 billion trade deficit, bring ALL jobs back to the US, secure our borders, and take care of Americans first.

The completely corrupt US media backs Clinton openly, taking every opportunity to mock Trump and his supporters (The Deplorables) – which is a message all by itself.

On the one hand we have Hillary Clinton, supported by Planet Earth’s “one-percenters,” who, recently, when subpoenaed by Congress:

“Clinton and her flunkies deleted 33,000 emails (at least) that were public records under subpoena. They also smashed laptops and dunked at least 13 separate Blackberry devices in the toilet to destroy them.”

On the other hand we have Donald Trump –  the Clinton machine accuses him of sexual improprieties 11, and 35 years ago.  (Insert laughter here).

Trump, of course, has made it completely clear that when he takes over as President, a Special Prosecutor will be appointed to investigate the Clintons – and Hillary will go to jail.

We’ll see what happens election night.

Continue reading November 8th, 2016 – The Revival of America, or Globalist Destruction?