Scott Adams was “Secret Weapon” Behind Plandemic Video…

By Kent Heckenlively, JD

On May 7, 2020 Scott Adams sent out a tweet about the Plandemic video.

“I finally watched the Plandemic video people keep sending me.  Looks to me like a combination of ridiculous bullshit conspiracy nuttery mixed with some true stuff.  Reminds me of the absurd idea that the FBI recently attempted a coup in the United States.  Wait.  Oh, fuck.”

I was surprised that when Scott Adams watched the video he didn’t recognize his own handiwork.  I consider Scott Adams to be the Sith Lord of Persuasion, which is why I’ve been watching his morning Periscopes for the last two years.

I encourage anybody who wants to change the world as a “reality technician” to watch his morning broadcasts.  If you are any kind of activist, be it QANON, reasonable immigration laws, Second Amendment, anti-voter fraud, you owe it to yourself to listen to Scott Adams.

It’s not so much that Adams believes in any of these things, but he’ll teach you how to frame your argument in a persuasive manner.  He has taught me how to use “action” words and to create a sense of anticipation in the listener.  With conservative estimates of eight million views, up to claims of more than fifty million views, something special has been created by Plandemic. (Appreciation must also be given to Mikki Willis, the director, who used to be the video-grapher for Senator Bernie Sanders in 2016.)

With all due honor to Scott Adams…

Continue reading Scott Adams was “Secret Weapon” Behind Plandemic Video…

“A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss…” Apparently It Can’t READ Either…

More Laughter – Dr. Judy Mikovits Arrest and Warrants(?)…

By Kent Heckenlively, JD

I’ve been making a mistake these days, and maybe you have as well.  I assumed the critics of my two books with Dr. Judy Mikovits had actually read them, or at least the first couple pages.

Let me make a bold statement…

…the critics of Dr. Mikovits are a couple of dumb-ass knuckleheads who haven’t done a single bit of research.  I figured most most members of the press had learned  by the time they get out of middle school they should do their own research before offering an opinion. 

Apparently, that isn’t required to work in the mainstream media.  They claim we don’t talk about her arrest because “we are ashamed of it.”  Nothing could be further from the truth.  We talk about it AT LENGTH because we are ENRAGED by it, along with the other legal shenanigans.

In this video with Ben Swann (starting at about 5:20)…

Continue reading “A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss…” Apparently It Can’t READ Either…

The “Anti-Vaxxer” Movement is Responsible for The “Covid-19” Attack On America…

It’s Not Donald Trump They Are After – It’s Us…

Opinion by “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

Of course the whole “Covid-19” thing is a massive hoax.  People all over the country are figuring that out.  It is a massive, well organized attack on America and Western Civilization.  All of the evidence of this collusion is starting to leak out, and best of all, it failed.  In fact, it is working completely against the globalists who are/were behind it.

One of the most horrifying things is the intentional killing  of our older members of society – those trapped in Nursing Homes where they could not get away…

…just to create numbers of deaths quickly so as to justify the complete shutdown of not just the US economy, but activist gatherings that challenged globalist thinking – like “Mandatory Vaccinations for all.”

Everyone knew, from information coming from China, early on, that people in Nursing Homes were at risk, but Democratic State Governors DID nothing to protect our aged loved ones who needed help.  In fact they did the opposite.  They isolated “THE HEALTHY.”

Why were the Democrats isolating “THE HEALTHY?”  For an answer look at their first, and most important shutdown targets – churches, and any other places NORMAL people gather to see each other.  For sure the liberals wanted to prevent “Trump Rallies” from happening.

They also needed to prevent the MASSIVE “Anti-Vaxxer” Movement from visiting local State, and Federal, elected representatives…

Continue reading The “Anti-Vaxxer” Movement is Responsible for The “Covid-19” Attack On America…

Laugh Out Loud – We Have Become “Voldemort,” the Book that Chuck Todd of “Meet The Press” Cannot Name…

Kent Heckenlively – “Banned in Australia – World’s #1 Anti-Vaxxer” SO TERRIFIES Liberal Media they can’t say his name, or the name of the book “Plague of Corruption.”

By Kent Heckenlively, JD

When one is young and reads about crusading writers or journalists who change the world, you never really expect that’s going to happen to you, right? 

Yes, you want to be a writer, but to believe you’re going to make that much of an impact, well, let’s just say even my ego isn’t that big.

And yet on Sunday afternoon I started receiving messages that Chuck Todd of “Meet the Press” had denounced my book with Dr. Judy Mikovits, PLAGUE OF CORRUPTION, without expressly mentioning the name of the book.

At first I thought it was a joke. 

Continue reading Laugh Out Loud – We Have Become “Voldemort,” the Book that Chuck Todd of “Meet The Press” Cannot Name…

Has Anthony Fauci Already Been Arrested?

Bill Barr – Please Don’t INCARCERATE Fauci in The Same Jail Where They Put Epstein…

Opinion by “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

Almost EVERYONE knows this CoronaVirus nightmare is a complete hoax, designed and implemented to destroy America, and Western Civilization. 

And right there, front-and-center, in the middle of this gigantic fraud is the name, and an almost daily presence of, (Deep State(?)) Anthony Fauci the so-called head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases.

Or, at least, HE USED TO BE front-and-center.  These days he is conspicuously absent from the White House Podium.  I wonder why that is?

Could the name “Judy Mikovits,” co-author, with our BolenReport Kent Heckenlively JD, of the New York Times Bestselling book “Plague of Corruption” released April 14th, 2020, be the answer?

I’d say “You can almost bet your bippy” on that one…

Continue reading Has Anthony Fauci Already Been Arrested?

Defense of Dr. Judy Mikovits by Her Co-Author…

I believe Dr. Mikovits was the victim of a WELL ORCHESTRATED campaign using both the civil and criminal justice system to damage her reputation and prevent her from continuing her scientific work, especially over the XMRV issue.   – Kent Heckenlively JD

Opinion by Kent Heckenlively, JD

In all of this the questions EVERYONE needs to ask themselves, and others, are:

Simple fact – the so-called “stolen” notebooks were, and are, Dr. Mikovits’s personal scientific notebooks from the xenotropic murine leukemia virus-related virus (XMRV) study.  They were never, and are not now, anyone else’s property.  They are all in her own handwriting.  Dr. Mikovits STILL wants them back.

(1)  WHY was it so important that the personal scientific NOTEBOOKS OF DR. MIKOVITS, in the XMRV study, be kept from her? 

Even now, nine years later, Dr. Mikovits, has not been given copies of her own research journals she kept for five years. 

(2) WHAT is so dangerous in those notebooks that she is not allowed to have copies?”

(3) WHO went to such strange and unusual lengths to keep these personal scientific notebooks from Dr. Mikovits?

Let’s look at some facts that may lead us to answers:

This attack was primarily led by Mikovits’s former boss of five years, Harvey Whittemore, a State of Nevada political power player, who we believe got played by higher-ups in the public health establishment to make the xenotropic murine leukemia virus-related virus (XMRV) issue go away. 

If her XMRV work was confirmed it would be a liability of billions of dollars to the federal government and private corporations because of their negligent use of animal tissue and aborted human fetal tissue in government and private laboratories to develop medical therapies. 

Here is the story…

Many years ago, I told Dr. Mikovits that the media and the judiciary were so corrupt that she would never receive justice in those forums.  I pledged to her I would be her attorney in the court of public opinion. 

In order to respond to the attacks against her,  I must first familiarize you with the character of her sole accuser, Harvey Whittemore, that NO journalist ever seems to mention in their discussion of Dr. Mikovits.  What follows is my opinion, based on ten years of research, of what was really going on.  I must first start with Harvey Whittemore.

Harvey Whittemore is one of the most colorful and intelligent characters you are ever likely to ever encounter. 

He is tall, physically imposing, and knows his way around power.  

This is how Harvey Whittemore was described in a Las Vegas Review article on February 26, 2012.


For most of his life, Whittemore used his skills for mostly admirable pursuits, developing golf courses and real estate developments, and founding an institute at the University of Nevada, Reno, to help his daughter who had come down with chronic fatigue syndrome, also known as ME/CFS.  All of these facts are covered in Chapter 16 (Whittemore Justice), of our first book, PLAGUE, published in 2014. 

A Las Vegas Sun article from June 10, 2012 (Anjeanette Damon, “Indictment Caps Lobbyist Harvey Whittemore’s Dramatic Fall from Grace, Las Vegas Sun, June 10, 2012) described some of the darker aspects of Whittemore’s character, such as his well-known penchant for reaching into the legislative chambers to give things to legislators before important votes.  Because there was such a public outcry over this behavior, tall glass walls were installed so that the legislators were forever separated from the public gallery.  These quickly became known as “Harvey walls.” 

The question which I think lies at the heart of Whittemore’s actions is whether the great recession of 2008 put them at considerable financial stress.  Apparently it did, because they were sued by their former business partners, the Seeno family of Northern California. 

In an article from the Reno Gazette Journal of February 12, 2012 THE REPORTER WROTE…

Continue reading Defense of Dr. Judy Mikovits by Her Co-Author…

Double Hoax – When, exactly, is the Covid-19 “Second Wave” going to start?

The So-Called “First Wave” Was a “Created Crisis…” With NO substance, designed, and activated, to shut down America, and Western Civilization…

We have been hearing, over the last few weeks, how a medical emergency has “necessitated” the quasi-abolition of human rights in order to prevent a plague…

The whole thing was made up – and that fact is coming to light worldwide. 

Harsh Retaliation is in the air…

From Europe – Opinion By Karma Singh

We have been told that this “plague” would be caused by the spread of a mysterious “virus” which has changed its name twice this year already and is now called “Sars-Cov-2”.

It is one of more than a thousand known Corona type “viruses”, so called because they have crown-like protuberances. Nothing further is known about this micro-protein particle.

Let me repeat that, just to make it clear:-


Nothing is known of its origin. Nothing is known of its life-cycle or even that it has such a cycle. Nothing is known of its purpose. Nothing is known of its function. Nothing is known of its effects.

All that is known is that it is one of many, many micro-proteins which have “crown-like” protuberances.

It is not even certain that it is unique, i.e. that “Sars-Cov-2” can definitely be identified separately from all other corona “viruses”.

The so-called “COVID-19” test is, therefore, unspecific and will register a positive for a wide range of protein particles having crown-like protuberances.

Continue reading Double Hoax – When, exactly, is the Covid-19 “Second Wave” going to start?

The Absolute JOY of Being Hung Up on by a CNN Producer For Chris Cuomo…

By Kent Heckenlively, JD

This will be a very short article with a video just under two and a half minutes long, but it may become my most popular article ever written.

My wife was left a message on her phone from a CNN producer named Mi Seon, Senior Editorial Producer @CNN@CuomoPrimetime asking if she knew a Kent Heckenlively.  After a long moment of contemplation my lovely wife decided she did. She went to our bathroom where I was just finishing a quick shower and told me about it.

Because my long-time mentor, the great Tim Bolen, had long prepared me for such a moment, I decided to document the call back to her, of course asking for permission to make a record of the call.

Hilarity ensues…

I wonder how many interviews I’ll be doing with the mainstream media after this episode?

Opinion by Kent Heckenlively, JD

Be sure to pre-order Kent Heckenlively’s new book with Dr. Judy Mikovits, PLAGUE OF CORRUPTION from Amazon which you can do RIGHT NOW!
The book came out on April 14, 2020 and contains explosive new revelations about the corruption of our scientific bodies, as well as new directions to ensure we become the healthiest generation in history!



plagueheckiKent’s book PLAGUE was released by Skyhorse Publishing, in 2014 and is now available in paperback with NEW material.

The book is co-authored with Judy Mikovits PhD. It is an indictment of the “Fake Science” we find so prevalent in the US.


Opposing the Plandemic…

By Kent Heckenlivey, JD.

Maybe I’m naive, but I’ve always believed in good people from many different backgrounds coming together in a common cause for the betterment of humanity.  I know that makes me a little unique among most leaders today, who seem to prefer some sort of rigid conformity.

Not me.  Give me the mutts and the mongrels of good character.  I’m Catholic. What of the rest of my family?  Christians of different denominations, atheist, Jewish, even Muslim.  And I love them all.

For most of the past ten years I feel as if I’ve carried the burden of the Dr. Judy Mikovits story.  Yes, I know she has many admirers, but there’s a certain skill set in being able to tell a story, to craft a narrative against the oppressive system of control put in place by Big Pharma.  People are held hostage by this system, and they don’t even realize it.  It’s ever worse than Stockholm Syndrome, where hostages start to identify with their kidnappers. 

In this instance, most of humanity doesn’t even realize they’ve been taken hostage by Big Pharma.

Continue reading Opposing the Plandemic…

Covid-19 – The Bigger Picture?

There is no argument that this plague is real, miserable, and in some cases, deadly.

But what is really happening here?

By Sharon Anshaw

A biological terrorist attack? Certainly. Manipulation of Fear? Certainly. A government Coup? Most definitely.

For a moment, take off your rose colored glasses and let’s approach it from a socialist’s perspective. What a wonderful opportunity to seize control. What a wonderful opportunity to seize power.  As long as the people are already broke, vulnerable, in a panic,  locked at home, unable to support themselves, pay their bills, put food on the table, plus fed a 24/7 diet of anxiety by a totally corrupt and perverted media what better time to take over the country? A golden opportunity for the taking.

No, I’m not a PHD, but it sure doesn’t take a Philadelphia lawyer – to coin a phrase –  to see what is happening and continues to happen to our country.

Was this virus attack a jumping off point to turn our country socialist? Yes, socialist!

I believe that is what this country’s elites are hoping for. What else do you call this oligarch control we are now under? It certainly is not allowed by the highest law of the land. The United States Constitution.

Our country’s governor’s now have a taste of honey in their mouths and are gleefully embracing this newfound power. Many to the point of abuse. All in the name of “for the good of the people”.  Stay home “for the good of the people”. Social distance “for the good of the people.” Give what you have to them “for the good of the people”.

I, like many others, have questions…

Continue reading Covid-19 – The Bigger Picture?

Is Trump Tweeting About Our Book?

By Kent Heckenlively, JD

So much is happening around my new book with Dr. Judy Mikovits, PLAGUE OF CORRUPTION, that I’m having trouble keeping up.

A few days ago, Dr. Mikovits did an interview with America’s Daily Report and it got published on YouTube.

Yes, I was very happy because Judy is finally getting the level of exposure she deserves.

Continue reading Is Trump Tweeting About Our Book?

What Group Does Governor “Gruesome Newsome” Plan To Use To Seize Californian’s Guns?

The California Democratic Party, a political party made up of an eclectic collection of societies’ cast-offs, with a strong emphasis on Secular Humanism, has so far, using the fake Coronavirus (Covid-19) Crisis, managed to shut down jobs, Churches, social events, and just about anything and everything that would encourage Judeo-Christian heterosexual activities…

So, we have to ask – What’s next?

Opinion By “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

The answer is obvious.  They’ll be coming after Californians’ firearms.  They’ll need to do that so as to make the steps after that easier.  What would be next after that?

Well, just like in China – (1) Massive mandatory vaccinations of the entire California population, with micro-chips included, so everyone can be tracked, (2)  Cameras in dissidents’ homes, (3)  massive property seizures in rural areas (Climate Change) forcing people into the inner cities.  (4)  Re-education camps.

Is this real?  Yup.  The Democrats are talking about this openly, even in the media.

So let’s ask that question asked above once again. “What Group Does Governor “Gruesome Newsome” Plan To Use To Seize Californian’s Guns?

Continue reading What Group Does Governor “Gruesome Newsome” Plan To Use To Seize Californian’s Guns?


Dr. Judy Mikovits did not intend to become one of the most controversial scientists of the twenty-first century.

By Kent Heckenlively, JD

But when you uncover inconvenient truths which threaten big money, you can expect to be attacked. However, when you’ve lived a life in science since 1980 you expect the attack to come from other scientists.

In late October of 2011, Dr. Mikovits was riding her bike down Harbor Boulevard and through the sand dunes of McGrath State Park in Oxnard, California when a white pickup truck with Nevada plates pulled in front of her and parked by the side of the road. The driver was a large man with a beard, brown hair under a baseball cap, a tan, and a rifle mounted in the back window. As Judy passed him, he was holding up his cell phone, as if taking pictures.

The man did this several more times, pulling ahead of her, parking, letting her ride past him, in what seemed to be some sort of bizarre dance, before finally driving away.

When Dr. Mikovits arrived at the Pierpont Bay Yacht Club and told the story to her friends, they were terrified for her.

You could disappear,” said her friend.. “All he has to do is make sure it’s you, grab you, throw your bike in the dunes, and throw your cell phone in the water. Then when they find your body someday, people will say you killed yourself because things weren’t working out in the XMRV study. So help me God, if you ever ride that bike again I will personally kill you.”

Judy knew that billions of dollars were on the line, and when such amounts are involved, people get desperate. XMRV (xenotropic murine leukemia virus-related virus) was a retrovirus, like HIV, but potentially infecting ten to twenty million people in the country.

At its height, HIV, infected only about a million people.

Continue reading PLAGUE OF CORRUPTION: A Scientist at Sea…

German Government admits 5G is the Problem and COVID is just a Cover-up…

A Masquerade…

From Europe by Karma Singh

Ever more we see “face masks” being made compulsory and yet no-one seems to be aware that such is total nonsense.

Those surgical masks are made to stop bacteria. Bacteria are hundreds of times bigger than the putative viruses. Anything the size of a “virus”, such as an air molecule cluster, will go straight through it.

Conversely, a mask which would stop a “virus” would not let you breathe sufficient air to survive.

In addition, as you can see in a doctorate dissertation from the Technical University, Munich, the wearing of such surgical masks is very damaging to your health. (At present, this rather lengthy and technical document is being translated and a precis will then be prepared.)

Current medical statistics show clearly that there is no epidemic or “pandemic”, no unusual numbers of people dying, no unusual numbers of people ill, and tens of thousands of hospital personnel throughout the world complaining of boredom because they have nothing to do.

So what is this masquerade all about?

Is has several purposes:-

1) To stop you seeing people smile – a smile is the antidote to separation and the feeling of loss. When, in the Spring, the sun begins to shines, people go about with smiles upon their faces for joy that the Winter is over: The time of darkness and cold is finished and life begins anew.

2) To make you afraid of other people’s breath; other people’s words: Only hear what the controlled press tells you; those who have your best interests at heart are “poison” – don’t listen to them. Remember, when you talk with someone, the bulk of the information that you receive from them comes from their facial movements, not from the words that they are saying. It is this which helps you recognise who is telling the truth.

3) To reduce your ability to think: As is made plain in the doctoral dissertation mentioned above, wearing surgical masks results in oxygen starvation. This, in turn, means that you can only perceive a small part of the information which you receive.

Time to demand some answers from your members of parliament/Congress/whatever.

Also time to take some positive action.

Let your artistic talents have free reign. Paint a smile on your mask. Cut breathing holes into it. Decorate it with the colours of Spring. Add your comment such as “COVID is a lie”. Express your inner knowledge and wisdom.

What does a dictatorship do when too much truth gets out?

Continue reading German Government admits 5G is the Problem and COVID is just a Cover-up…

Covid-19 Humor(?) – It Is Time To Laugh About This GIANT Absurdity…

What Do I Mean By “Absurdity?”

Opinion By “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

Let’s start right out by summarizing what is REALLY GOING ON in this so-called Covid-19 Crisis.

Everything we are hearing, and are subjected to, by the Democratic State Governors, re-inforced by the liberal media, is an elaborate, America destroying, hoax.   We need to realize this, and act on that realization.

Think “Firing Squads…”

Tucker Carlson said it best in this short seven minute video:

Why Is This Happening At All? 

There are a few good reasons.  Let’s look at them one at a time.

(1)  Here is the IMPORTANT one –  liberals have found out that THEY, as a group, because of their general life-style preferences, are, in fact, the largest susceptible group to Covid-19 infection.  So, in their minds EVERYONE ELSE needs to be quarantined – not them.

We will look, as an example, at San Francisco.

Let’s ask this simple question  “So, why then do NORMAL people have to stay home? “

(a)  Why are schools closed?  Children are NOT susceptible (at great risk). 

(b)  Why do families have to stay home?  Their whole age group is NOT susceptible (at great risk). 

(c)  Why do healthy people of any age have to stay home?  They are NOT susceptible (at great risk). 

We are told that we have to stay home to protect the “susceptible.”  So, who, exactly are the “susceptibles” we are staying home to protect?  

Continue reading Covid-19 Humor(?) – It Is Time To Laugh About This GIANT Absurdity…

PLAGUE OF CORRUPTION: The Talented Dr. Judy Mikovits…

All of us have in our mind the image of an ideal scientist…

By Kent Heckenlively, JD

For me, I like to picture Albert Einstein, sometime in the 1950s.  I imagine a kind, older man who has seen horrible things, and yet retains a hopeful outlook on humanity.  The ideal scientist I imagine is gentle, always curious, and yet humble about our place in the universe and among our fellow creatures on this Earth.

I imagine this ideal scientist would live and breathe integrity, and yet be open to challenging questions.

I’d been on the autism beat for several years when in February of 2010 I read an interview with Dr. Mikovits in which she suggested that our children might have an HIV-like retrovirus.  The virus was called XMRV, had been discovered in 2006 by a team from UCSF (University of California, San Francisco) and the Cleveland Clinic, and had originally come from mice. 

And their condition of autism might be the result of a vaccination overstimulating their immune system and causing that virus to replicate beyond the ability of their immune system to suppress the virus.

I thought it was a provocative idea (and since I always like to talk to people with challenging ideas), I found where she worked and gave a call.  (Hint – Just about anybody will talk to you if you say you want to write a story about them.)  Instead of getting routed through several people, I reached her direct the first time.  I explained who I was and asked if I could interview her.  I expected that she might give me another time, but we started right then and there, and I was struggling to keep up.  (Yes, this would be our relationship for years to come!)

From the very start I was amazed by her willingness to speak openly…

Continue reading PLAGUE OF CORRUPTION: The Talented Dr. Judy Mikovits…

PLAGUE OF CORRUPTION: The Fabulous Robert F. Kennedy, Jr…

I have a confession.

Opinion by Kent Heckenlively, JD

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. was not my first choice to write the foreword to my new book with Dr. Judy Mikovits, PLAGUE OF CORRUPTION.

Instead, I’d asked a long-time autism activist and friend of mine, known to his friends as the “King of Ruckus.”

The King of Ruckus was happy to write the foreword, but then said, “You should really get Bobby Kennedy to do it.”

I responded that Kennedy seemed to be about the busiest man on the planet, saving the Earth’s air, water, animals, and children, and probably wouldn’t have time to read the book.

“I’ll send him an email,” said the King of Ruckus. “I’m sure he’d be happy to do it.”

I agreed but had additional reservations I did not share with my friend.

You should know I’m one of those political history geeks and Kennedy’s father, Senator Robert Kennedy is one of my heroes. I’ve probably read around three thousand pages in various books about the late senator. Let’s be honest. I just love Senator Robert Kennedy. A picture of him hangs in my science classroom. It’s from the 1968 campaign, he’s in Oregon, and walking along an empty road with his dog, Freckles.

One may think the activist circle is rather small…

…but the first time I’d had the opportunity to interact with Kennedy is when I’d apparently done something wrong in trying to get out a breaking story and was angrily chewed-out by a member of his staff.   And I gave it back to that staff member just as good as he tried to give it to me. (I have a Sicilian mother, so you really don’t want to tangle with me!)

Yes, later I did an interview with Kennedy when his group won their case against Monsanto and Round-Up weed-killer, and reviewed several of his books on Amazon, but it’s not like we were close. I suspected he viewed me warily, not certain if I was a friend or foe.

And there is little doubt we have different temperaments.

Continue reading PLAGUE OF CORRUPTION: The Fabulous Robert F. Kennedy, Jr…

PLAGUE OF CORRUPTION: Michelle Malkin Joins the Team…

One of my favorite figures in the Conservative Movement is, without a doubt, Michelle Malkin…

By Kent Heckenlively, JD

Seriously, how can you not love somebody who has for her Twitter description, Little brown woman.  Big mouth.  Wife.  Mom. Entrepreneur. Geek.”

For those of you not familiar with her, Malkin is a conservative author, working first as a columnist for the Los Angeles Daily News, then the Seattle Times, founded the website Hot Air, then published several New York Times best-selling books with titles such as Invasion: How America Still Welcomes Terrorists, Crimnals, and Other Foreign Menaces in 2002, and her most recent book, Open Borders Inc.: Who’s Funding America’s Destruction in 2019.

For years she was a frequent commentator for Fox News, and often hosted for The O’Reilly Factor.  In 2007 she got into a dispute over comments made about her by Geraldo Rivera, and in the years since has made few appearances on Fox, with the exception of Sean Hannity’s show or Fox and Friends.

For many years I’d heard that she was very sympathetic to our cause because of her own experiences with vaccines, and indeed she’d published several fearless articles about Big Pharma.  Still it seemed like it might be something of a jump to talk to such an incendiary figure as myself, but I thought it was worth a shot.

I asked if she’d be willing to read an advance copy of my book…

Continue reading PLAGUE OF CORRUPTION: Michelle Malkin Joins the Team…

Twit-Two; Who’s WHO…

The World Health Organization (WHO) Doesn’t Like Us…

Uh-Oh – At The BolenReport we tell it like it is.  Sometimes we are WAY AHEAD of other news media breaking a story, explaining the reality of a situation, in our usual non-PC way.  Our Writer Kent Heckenlively (the world’s #1 anti-vaxxer) got us banned in Australia, and frowned on in China.  Now Karma Singh in Europe has shown the self-illustrious World Health Organization (WHO) what they can expect from honest media…

Read this below… (and laugh)… – Tim Bolen

From Europe by Karma Singh

At 10.00 a.m., London time, Thursday 16th April, a press conference was given by the World Health Organization (WHO Europe) to which ExtremNews, Germany was invited. As the conference was held in English, they asked me to participate on their behalf.

This is my report:

In general I must “congratulate” the WHO for, other than when “answering” my question, studiously avoiding giving misleading information. This they achieved by avoiding giving any information at all: Instead they confined themselves to vague platitudes.

“We will continue to monitor the situation.” “Our sympathies go out to those hurt by this necessary action.” “We cannot give any answers until we’ve tested the data.” Etc., etc..

Two of the speakers, Dr. Hans Kluge and Natasha Azzopardi Muscat actually managed to say nothing. They spoke at some length with high-sounding words devoid of context and meaning. When this “noise” was filtered out, neither of them had said anything at all!

The other, Catherine Smallwood, was not quite so well-schooled as the others and almost attempted to answer my question with a bare faced lie before she continued with the platitudes.

It did seem to me very obvious that the invited journalists had been carefully selected, almost all of them coming from the pharmaceutical owned press. They were not expecting my question which almost flummoxed Mistress Smallwood into saying something. I suspect that ExtremNews will not be invited again.

(Instead, something quite unexpected happened – see the note at the end of this article)

There were my questions:-

Continue reading Twit-Two; Who’s WHO…

The Phantom of the Opera-tion…

The “operation” is to scare people into running away from nothing; to get them to destroy all social bonding for fear of nothing…

From Europe By Karma Singh

I don’t have a tally of how many times the pharmaceutical cartel has done this over the last century but I do remember eight such events from about 1964 to 2009.

How many more there were is of little interest and, at the time, I, along with most other people simply ignored the propaganda. This wasn’t good enough for the pharmaceutical cartel and the bankers who own it; they want everyone to take every so-called vaccine that they’ve ever manufactured.

The marketing problem that they have is that there is no hard evidence that the viruses which they are supposed to render harmless even exist!

All is guesswork, supposition and assumption: In 2016, Germany’s highest court ruled that these do not qualify as evidence because they are not demonstrable facts. There is a further problem in that all epidemiological evidence shows uniformly that the only discernible effect of vaccination is to spread and to cause disease (see ). As it became clear that ever more people were becoming aware of this, it was clear to them that they would have to do something enormous or lose billions in profit.

Coronadaisy is their chosen method. Hereby, we must note a few things:-

1. There are over 1100 different putative Corona “viruses”.
2. The Corona tests will give a positive reading no matter which one it “finds”, i.e.  the so-called test is NOT specific for COVID-19.
3. Coronadaisy is one of the many known ‘flu variants; it is known to be an especially mild ‘flu form.
4. The Corona “viruses” have been well-known for at least ten years.
5. Every year, between 290.000 and 500.000 aged and infirm people die whilst going through the ‘flu process, i.e. their systems were on the verge of collapse with other illnesses and the ‘flu was just too much.
6. Even including the false figures dictated by the pharmaceutical cartel and the satanic sect which controls it (also via the satanic temple in the Robert Koch Institute in Berlin) the present (16.00 on Thursday 9th April) death toll is only 229.381 – less than half that for a bad ‘flu year.
7. ‘Flu is not an illness but a natural detoxification process. This is why you feel lighter and look younger following a bout of ‘flu.
8. The so-called “viruses” are wastes which your own body produces as part of the detoxification process, i.e. they do NOT come from outside of you.

Colds and ‘flu are the most common minor maladies right around the world. Each season brings forth a slightly different “virus” as, each Winter, different problems are being resolved. This makes ‘flu an ideal scaremongering tool because it gives the possibility to claim that “this year’s variant” is a brand new super-deadly one.

(The apparent contradiction to this, “Spanish ‘Flu” which did kill possibly as many as 50 million people, was, as Dr. John Bergman has made very clear, a direct result of mass-vaccination…

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