The Battle for “Globalist” Control of Europe Rages…
Note From Tim Bolen: The US Main Stream Media (MSM) is INTENTIONALLY not covering what is happening in Europe.
Strangely, health care and the world-wide vaccine programs, are at the center of the “globalist” argument. Why? How? Big Pharma runs Germany – and Germany runs the EU. The Battle in Germany is the Battle for Europe.
The so-called European Union (EU) is a thinly-veiled quasi-government made up of “globalist lackeys” spending every minute of their days furthering the destruction of nationalism in Europe, the destruction of the European middle class, and the creation of a globalist run socialist state. Everything the EU does creates fear and dysfunction.
INTENTIONALLY, Individual countries are being jam-packed with millions of Sharia-law oriented combat-aged Muslim males who will never assimilate, but are overloading individual country’s welfare programs – literally raping their way through unarmed white communities, creating massive fear and the beginnings of a counter-attack. The battle is getting dangerous on the streets.
We have brought you what is happening in Germany, next we are going to explain what is happening in Britain…
By Karma Singh
The expression “the Blighty wound” is of uncertain origin. It may have come from the Crimean War or, possibly, slightly later. It was certainly much in use during the First and Second World wars amongst British troops. It describes a wound which is not sufficiently serious to permanently disable but serious enough to be sent back home – to “dear old Blighty”. That is what is happening in Europe.
Why what is now happening in Britain is so important…
Following the success of the Brexit campaign under the leadership of Nigel Farage, the, then, Prime Minister David Cameron resigned.

To replace him, Theresa May was appointed to the post; a woman obviously totally unfit for the job which is way beyond her abilities. Her only qualification for the job is her many years of loyal service to the bankers and her oath to deliver the British People into globalist slavery.
In her post as British Prime Minister, she has “faced” one election; an election in which she was such an obvious liability that she was told to hide and let the bankers run everything. Her sole task was to eviscerate the Brexit decision and to betray the British people. This task, she has now completed – or, perhaps, better expressed, “She has NEARLY completed it but could still be stopped.”
It is the responsibility of the British people to stop her.
Continue reading “The Blighty Wound” – a Story of Betrayal..