“The Blighty Wound” – a Story of Betrayal..

The Battle for “Globalist” Control of Europe Rages…

Note From Tim Bolen:  The US Main Stream Media (MSM) is INTENTIONALLY not covering what is happening in Europe.

Strangely, health care and the world-wide vaccine programs, are at the center of the “globalist” argument.  Why?  How?  Big Pharma runs Germany – and Germany runs the EU.  The Battle in Germany is the Battle for Europe.

The so-called European Union (EU) is a thinly-veiled quasi-government made up of “globalist lackeys” spending every minute of their days furthering the destruction of nationalism in Europe, the destruction of the European middle class, and the creation of a globalist run socialist state. Everything the EU does creates fear and dysfunction.

INTENTIONALLY, Individual countries are being jam-packed with millions of Sharia-law oriented combat-aged Muslim males who will never assimilate, but are overloading individual country’s welfare programs – literally raping their way through unarmed white communities, creating massive fear and the beginnings of a counter-attack.  The battle is getting dangerous on the streets.

We have brought you what is happening in Germany, next we are going to explain what is happening in Britain… 

By Karma Singh

The expression “the Blighty wound” is of uncertain origin. It may have come from the Crimean War or, possibly, slightly later. It was certainly much in use during the First and Second World wars amongst British troops. It describes a wound which is not sufficiently serious to permanently disable but serious enough to be sent back home – to “dear old Blighty”.  That is what is happening in Europe.

Why what is now happening in Britain is so important…

Following the success of the Brexit campaign under the leadership of Nigel Farage, the, then, Prime Minister David Cameron resigned.

Theresa May

To replace him, Theresa May was appointed to the post; a woman obviously totally unfit for the job which is way beyond her abilities. Her only qualification for the job is her many years of loyal service to the bankers and her oath to deliver the British People into globalist slavery.

In her post as British Prime Minister, she has “faced” one election; an election in which she was such an obvious liability that she was told to hide and let the bankers run everything. Her sole task was to eviscerate the Brexit decision and to betray the British people. This task, she has now completed – or, perhaps, better expressed, “She has NEARLY completed it but could still be stopped.”

It is the responsibility of the British people to stop her.

Continue reading “The Blighty Wound” – a Story of Betrayal..

J.B. Handley – The King Of Ruckus…

Del Bigtree’s Master Class on Vaccines and Autism – Part 5…

By Kent Heckenlively, JD

On Thursday, July 12, 2018, Del Bigtree’s show, High-Wire, gave a master class on vaccines and autism, featuring some of the most exciting news we have heard in YEARS.

I have broken the two hour show down into a several part article as there was so much news I didn’t want anybody to miss it.  Here is today’s installment.

Del:  I suppose you are all used to sound-bite television and wish I could pack this all onto a little bumper sticker for you.  But I’m not stopping.  If you’re getting tired, or you want to go back to eating your little blue pills, that’s fine, but I’m going to be bringing you the truth today.

We are not going to let you walk away without hearing the whole story.  Without really getting a grasp of what is happening in this world and how badly we are being lied to in the United States of America.  This is the worst of it.

I say to my friends,I think there are people out there in America who used to say, well, we test our drugs and vaccines on brown people in other countries.  And though I feel a little squeamish about it, I know that they are made healthy and that they are safer and they are tested on somebody else, then they give them to us because we are a privileged class.”  You may not admit that, but deep down a lot of people think that.  I want you to stop thinking that.

You know what the biggest test group is?  YOU!  You are, you idiot, and your kids.  In America we are pumping more of these things into our kids with less safety studies than anywhere else on the planet, less safety studies than any other kind of drug or product on the planet.

You are the guinea pig!  Your child is the guinea pig.  You are not being looked at in any way as some evolved class.  You are a class of slaves, as they say in The Matrix, when he holds out the blue and the red pill.  What is the truth?  The truth is that you are a slave.  You are a slave to the pharmaceutical industry that is outspending everybody in Washington, buying the next politicians.

Continue reading J.B. Handley – The King Of Ruckus…

Dr. Brian Hooker – American Hero…

Del Bigtree’s Master Class on Vaccines and Autism – Part 4

By Kent Heckenlively, JD    

On Thursday, July 12, 2018, Del Bigtree’s show, High-Wire, gave a master class on vaccines and autism, featuring some of the most exciting news we have heard in YEARS.  The link to the show is below.

I have broken the two hour show down into a several part article as there was so much news I didn’t want anybody to miss it.  Here is today’s installment.

Del:  I want to bring on Brian Hooker, who is going to talk about a study I think is phenomenal.  Because one of the things we talk about, as Senator Pan pointed out, and the study from the sheepherders in England, was only of high-functioning Asperger’s people.  So I guess they found a bunch of lawyers and bankers who were awkward in public and said, “See!  They’re on the autism spectrum!  It’s always been here!”

But the truth is, what kind of autism are we talking about?  I think one of the things that has been fascinating to watch over time is “autism really was something you were born with.  It’s genetic, you have it from the moment you’re born.  That’s how genes work.” 

And so autism was described as the result of refrigerator mothers, we didn’t know why the babies never made eye contact, they weren’t involved with the parents.  They were distant.  We blamed it on mothers not giving enough love to their babies.  And so it was just this failure to thrive diagnosis.

But then what’s fascinating is over time we started hearing in the late 1980s and 1990s, we started hearing people describe something different.  “My child was perfectly healthy and in fact was off the chart on their APGAR scores.  But then all of a sudden something happened and they lost the ability to walk.  Lost the ability to talk.  For a long time we were refusing to even call that autism.”

But now you watch pharma get involved and our health departments get involved and they’ve changed the definition. 

Continue reading Dr. Brian Hooker – American Hero…

The US Bureaucracy’s Attempt Toward Total Information Control – And the US Congress’s Efforts to Stop Them…

Federal Agencies violating the law is far more common than we realize.

By Larry Becraft JD and Ralph Fucetola JD


The “Swamp” – the convoluted corridors and moss-hung byways of the Federal Bureaucracy – holds our freedoms in its clawed grasp through impossibly complex rules and regulations.

While at one time the idea that “Ignorance of the law is no excuse” may have had some validity, when the rules become too voluminous for any human mind to comprehend, such old legal concepts can only serve tyranny.

The Swamp wants to know everything about each of us. Does the law allow that?

Congress in its sometimes wisdom, seeks, in fits and starts, to rein-in the powers of the bureaucracy.

One such act was the Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA). This law restricts the Swamp’s capacity to demand information from us. It says that Americans are free to ignore Federal Government “Collection of Information” unless the request has an Office of Management and Budget (OMB) control number on it.

What is a “Collection of Information” request?

The Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) tells us, in 5 C.F.R. §1320.3(c)”

“(c) Collection of information means, except as provided in § 1320.4, the obtaining, causing to be obtained, soliciting, or requiring the disclosure to an agency, third parties or the public of information by or for an agency by means of identical questions posed to, or identical reporting, recordkeeping, or disclosure requirements imposed on, ten or more persons, whether such collection of information is mandatory, voluntary, or required to obtain or retain a benefit.”

In the past when the authors have studied FDA Regulations in 21 CFR…

Continue reading The US Bureaucracy’s Attempt Toward Total Information Control – And the US Congress’s Efforts to Stop Them…

California’s Senator Richard Pan – America’s Super-Vaxxer…

Del Bigtree’s Master Class on Vaccines and Autism – Part 3…

By Kent Heckenlively, JD

On Thursday, July 12, 2018, Del Bigtree’s show, High-Wire, gave a master class on vaccines and autism, featuring some of the most exciting news we have heard in YEARS.

The link to the show is below.  I have broken the two hour show down into a several part article as there was so much news I didn’t want anybody to miss it.

Here is today’s installment.

Del:  I am not here to hoodwink you.  I do not want you taking my word for it.  I want to teach you how to read.  I want to teach you where to find the studies.  I want you to teach you how to get back to actual critical thinking.  So that maybe someday you’ll say, “You know what, Del, I think you were wrong on that.”  That would be great if you could find me being wrong anywhere, go ahead, write in.  Put it in your comments right now.  I dare you.  Everything we talk about is backed by published science in public journals.  That’s what the High Wire is all about.

So speaking about vaccine dangers, or special education, which is one of the things that is growing at the exact same time we’re watching vaccines increase, we’re watching it increase in our special needs population.  Well in California back on February 28, our education committee in the Senate got together to discuss this very issue of an exploding population of special education needs.

Here’s just a little taste of what that sounded like:

Continue reading California’s Senator Richard Pan – America’s Super-Vaxxer…

Germany’s Merkel Sidelined – It’s All About Trump and Putin…

From Merkel To Helsinki.  The Game has Changed…

Despite Main Stream Media’s (MSM) Efforts – “Globalism” is On The Run…

By Karma Singh – from Germany...

Big Pharma’s Angela Merkel sidelined…

Although the Bilderberg Group had already decided to ditch Big Pharma’s Angela Merkel, they pulled out all the stops to save her present government.

Why? Whether the Merkel regime collapses this week, or next, shouldn’t be all that important, should it? With a life-expectancy to be measured in weeks, why make such an enormous effort?


China is the answer  – and Trumps determination to achieve a trade balance between the USA and China.

Immediately after her government was shored up one more time, Merkel flew to China with instructions to put a spoke in Trump’s works. She went there with the intent of changing trade negotiations into a trade war against the USA.

So, how did we get here?

Continue reading Germany’s Merkel Sidelined – It’s All About Trump and Putin…

Death In Samoa…

Del Bigtree’s Master Class on Vaccines and Autism – Part 2…

By Kent Heckenlively, JD

On Thursday, July 12, 2018, Del Bigtree’s show, High-Wire, gave a master class on vaccines and autism, featuring some of the most exciting news we have heard in YEARS.  The link to the show is below.  I have broken the two hour show down into a several part article as there was so much news I didn’t want anybody to miss it.

Here is today’s installment with Jefferey Jaxen talking about what happened in American Samoa.

Del:  The science is proving we are right.  The science is proving the parents were right.  And about this horrible incident in Samoa, I had Jeffrey Jaxen look into it, reach out to Samoa and see if we could get to the bottom of this story.  Get some more facts than we’re getting from the mainstream media.  So Jeffrey, are you with me?

Jeffrey:  Yes I am.

Del:  You reached out to the ministry of health in Samoa and the news agency that broke this in Samoa, so what can you tell us?  What happened in this story?  What are the details?

Jeffrey:  It’s a fascinating thing going on behind the scenes right now.  On July 6 is when both these children passed. [After receiving a measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) shot] TV 1 Samoa got the jump, not only on the international media, but it appears they were out front before the Prime Minister released his statement on his grandson.

Del:  Let me read that because I think this is so powerful and what makes this story so interesting.  He has a personal story to tell, but let me read it.  “As a father and a grandfather, I can relate to the grief by the families for their loss.  I also almost lost one of my grandsons several years ago under similar circumstances.  But with the grace of our father in heaven, my grandson survived with the proper treatment, but he will never be the same as he has lost the ability to speak.”

You see, this is the problem Jeffrey,

Continue reading Death In Samoa…

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and an Amazing Vaccine Legal Victory…

Del Bigtree’s Master Class on Vaccines and Autism – Part 1…

By Kent Heckenlively, JD

On Thursday, July 12, 2018, Del Bigtree’s show, High-Wire, gave a master class on vaccines and autism, featuring some of the most exciting news we have heard in YEARS.  The link to the show is below.

I have broken the two hour show down into a several part article as there was so much news I didn’t want anybody to miss it.

At the bottom of this article there is a request that you contact the White House with the information we are providing, and ask the president to act immediately.  Let’s start a fire…

Part 1 – I open this series with what was without a doubt the most exciting news from Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

Del says:  Here is what took place.  Bobby Kennedy and I, and a group of people, as I pointed out, went to the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to meet.  It was set up by Donald Trump.  We had the opportunity to talk to the heads of our health departments and explain what issues we had.

We looked into the eyes of these people, staring right into their eyes, and they had no response to the lack of safety testing, to the fact that they don’t have a surveillance system,  to the fact that their own surveillance system that we’re talking about, capturing adverse vaccine events, is in their own words, unreliable, because it only captures less than 1% of the total injuries.

There were 59,711 reported injuries in 2016.  So, if we’re to take HHS’ 1 % word for it, the people we were sitting across the table from, that means there could have been 5.9 million vaccine injuries in America in one year alone.

Does that mean the 432 deaths that were reported become 43,200 deaths?  These were the conversations Bobby Kennedy and our team were having as we left that meeting.  How do we trust Health and Human Services?

And why does it matter?  Continue reading Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and an Amazing Vaccine Legal Victory…

FaceBook’s War Against Judeo/Christian America…

4.7 Million Hindus and Muslims, In The US On H-1B Work Visas, Dominate Social Media Decisions…

Opinion by “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen


A January 17th, 2018 article in the San Jose Mercury News titled “H-1B: Foreign citizens make up nearly three-quarters of Silicon Valley tech workforce, report says”  spilled the beans on FaceBook, Google and Twitter.

In short – it is NOT “Liberal” Americans, as FaceBook’s Mark Zuckerberg told Congress, who are blocking “Conservatives” on Social Media.  It is people from India (Hindu), Pakistan (Muslim), Bengladesh (Muslim), Iraq (Muslim) and more.

For certain there are NO Judeo/Christians in the mix.  Under the Obama-Nation 16.76 % of the US work force became, and now are, foreign born.

No wonder Americans cannot find jobs.

But, let’s focus on FaceBook for a moment…

Continue reading FaceBook’s War Against Judeo/Christian America…

The Fall and Fall of Angela Merkel…

By Karma Singh – from Germany...

Almost as big a shock to the cartels as the election of Donald Trump is the rise, in Germany, of a very new type of political party called “Alternative for Deutschland” (AfD for short).

Basically, this party is made up of politicians and supporters who could no longer stomach the exploitation of humanity, as a whole, for the benefit of a tiny elite.

In the general election of September 2017, they came from almost nowhere (the party had only just come into existence at the previous general election in 2013) to take 92 seats in the German parliament (called the Bundestag) making them the third largest party overall at their very first properly contested election.

There were very many voting irregularities and it seems probable that very large numbers of votes for the AfD were “miscounted” in the attempt to shore-up the Merkel regime. Nonetheless, thanks largely to the AfD, Merkel’s CDU/CSU Union no longer had anything resembling a working majority (see previous article, Big Pharma, Germany, Merkel and the Kohl Legacy for details on this).

On the day following the election, George Soros financed organisations began a campaign of vilification against the AfD thus showing very clearly whose side the AfD is on.

After much to-ing and fro-ing, Merkel did manage to create a very shaky coalition government in March 2018 – six months after the election!

Three months later and it’s all over; bye-bye Merkel.

What has brought this about?

Continue reading The Fall and Fall of Angela Merkel…

Anti-Vaxxers Have a Friend in the White House (Maybe)…

The mainstream media “Outrage Machine” is at it again…

By Kent Heckenlively, JD

Bill Shine on his way home…

The target this time is Darla Shine, the wife of Bill Shine, the new White House Deputy Chief of Staff for Communications.

I have provided the link to The Washington Post article (remember, democracy dies in darkness!) so you can more closely read about her alleged crimes.  Paramount among them is wanting rappers to remove the N-word from their lyrics.  Horror!  Oh, the horror!  What will we do if rappers stop using the N-word?  Seriously, isn’t the N-word something that people everybody should retire from their vocabulary?

At the risk of offending free speech purists I want to make a suggestion.  Let’s simply ban the N-word from any public or private conversations.

Can we at least agree on that?

To the brilliant writers of The Washington Post her call for rappers to remove the N-word from their lyrics means she wants the right to use it if they don’t.  Please explain that twisted logic to me.

Oh, and she also tweeted about vaccines and autism…

Continue reading Anti-Vaxxers Have a Friend in the White House (Maybe)…

Big Pharma, Germany, Angela Merkel, and the Kohl Legacy…

So now we come to the nitty-gritty of German politics and, specifically, what this has to do with human health.

Note – Health Care in the US, and worldwide, is at a crossroads.  It cannot, as it currently exists, be allowed to survive.  We need a new system based on health, not drugs.  Currently the system is based not on what is best for the patient, but what is most profitable for the provider.  To look at the existing system we need to look, first, at Germany… – Tim Bolen

By Karma Singh – from Germany...

As some of you may already know, Germany has a vast swathe of special laws to protect the profits of the pharmaceutical manufacturers.

Many dietary supplements, effective medicines etc., etc., etc. cannot be imported into Germany because they would hinder the sales of pharmaceuticals. These bans are not legal; under European Union law, all or most of these products can be legally imported into any EU country which includes, of course, Germany. To get them here from, say, America, we have to first import them into Holland or the United Kingdom and then have them sent on from there as normal EU internal mail.

So, how did this come about?

Continue reading Big Pharma, Germany, Angela Merkel, and the Kohl Legacy…

“Vitamin C” Cures “Sepsis…”

The Standard of Emergency Room (ER) Medical Care Has Changed Overnight…

But will Big Pharma be able to stop it?


By Owen R. Fonorow – President – Vitamin C Foundation

Dr. Paul Marik, a critical care doctor at Eastern Virginia Medical School (EVMS), believes he has found the cure for sepsis, a common infection that gets into the blood and kills 1,000 people a day in the U.S. alone.

In a February 2018 article in “Health and Medicine” author Elizabeth Simpson, from the Virginia Pilot says:

When an EVMS doctor was faced with a patient on the brink of death, he decided to order a combination of Vitamin C infusions and steroids. By the next morning, her symptoms had turned around. He wants to spread the word to other doctors.”

Doctor Paul Marik, in his video says…

“More people die from sepsis than die from breast cancer, colon cancer and AIDS put together..”

“the sepsis deaths in this country are equivalent to 3 jumbo jets crashing every single day.. Every single day..”

“Its the most common cause of death in our hospitals and costs our country more than 20 Billion dollars..”

“Over a hundred randomized trials have been done with all kinds of pharmaceutical agents, and none have worked…”

“on top of 2000 studies looking at sepsis..”

“… we are vitamin C mutants..”

“Vitamin C is Completely devoid of side effects..”

” .. Nobody is going to make any money from this, but it has the potential of saving millions of lives..”

” ..Millions of patients will die waiting for these trials..”

“.. There is data to support using it right how…”


The New Standard of ER Care

The Vitamin C genie is now out of the bottle since the mainstream press inadvertently gave this publicity.  Any patient can demand Vitamin C now, or tell the doctor/hospital to face the legal consequences.
“It’s all a question of when critical mass is reached, and I think the TV report pushed the issue to that point…” – Dr. Thomas E. Levy. MD, JD

Earlier Research Ignored…

Continue reading “Vitamin C” Cures “Sepsis…”

Closing the Circle – Back to The Ukraine…

What Americans are NOT being told…

Note:  The war over globalizing (Agenda 21= massive population reduction)) is not just in the United States.  It is world-wide.

Obama, Clinton, Merkel and their Elite masters had created “Fake Wars” in the Muslim Countries to create millions of refugees, who they then inflicted on the European community (and were heading for America before we elected Donald Trump). 

Their so-called “refugee crisis ” obvious purpose was to de-stabilize NATIONS.  More, the Elites were really, actually, trying to provoke a Nuclear conflict between the United States and Russia over the Ukraine. 

Certain segments of Europe have been awakened – and DO NOT WANT globalism.  Donald Trump has figured out what Obama/Clintons were up to and has, this week, sent John Bolton to Russia to start talks to avoid nuclear holocaust.  Trump meets with Putin July 12th, 2018.

I think we are all about to find out why Hillary/Obama did NOT want Trump and Putin to meet.   – Tim Bolen

Obama/Hillary left us with a world-wide nightmare…

By Karma Singh – from Germany...

This article begins with the question, “Following large numbers of C-130 transport airplane flights, why are train loads of American soldiers now crossing Germany all heading East?  Is something really bad about to happen?”

Where are they going? We hear no outcry from Poland and so it is probably not there. What land comes next?

Taking a look at the map we see that there are four countries which may come into consideration:

Continue reading Closing the Circle – Back to The Ukraine…

Breaking Up the US FDA…

By Ralph Fucetola JD

A current rumor on the Internet has it that President Trump wants to abolish or combine various US Federal Agencies to create a leaner, more efficient Federal Bureaucracy. [1]

Suggestions are bantering about Facebook, Minds and Twitter.

We no doubt each have our favorite agency to see “disappeared.”    Certainly, at least the second-most-hated agency is the FDA — the Food and Drug Administration, known to some of its detractors as the Fraud and Death Administration.  It is one of the most convoluted and omnipresent agencies in the bloated organization chart of the Federal Establishment. [2]

It’s been just over a decade since an official government study of the FDA proclaimed:

Continue reading Breaking Up the US FDA…

Globalism, Germany, and Angela Merkel…

“Globalism” and the planned DEATH OF NATIONS under Agenda 21 implementation…

By Karma Singh – from Germany...

To make what follows more readily understandable for the BolenReport’s  North American, British and Antipodean readers, I must first briefly explain how the German government system works.  It is quite different to most of those in the English speaking world.

Yes, the BolenReport is a health care newsletter.  The issues discussed here, are important to health care because…

How the German government works…

Firstly, although there is a president, he has very little authority and his principle task is to rubber stamp the decisions of the German parliament, called the Bundestag.

The most powerful figure is the Chancellor (Kanzler in German) who is, notionally, the leader of the party having a majority of the seats in the Bundestag. Since the formation of the Bundes Republic Deutschland, no one party has ever managed to gain an overall majority. All current German governments are, therefore, formed by coalitions.

For the last several decades, governments have been formed either by a coalition lead by the socialist party (the SPD) or the “The Union” (a partnership between the CDU and the CSU). Currently, it is the Union which holds power and Merkel, leader of the larger CDU in The Union is Kanzler. The banking cartel owns the CDU lock, stock and barrel.

In Germany it is actually illegal to mention the historical origin of the CDU (Christian Democrat Union). This was the party of Adolf Hitler and friends which just changed its name after the war. This may explain why so many Hitler and Gestapo laws have been re-enacted by Merkel over the last 3 – 4 years. There is also a persistent rumour that she is actually related to Hitler.

Not only the German people but also many politicians have reacted to this. A new party has come into existence called the AfD (Alternative for Deutschland). The members are, to a large extent, those who could no longer stomach the exploitation of the German people and have left the other parties to join the AfD.

In the last German General election in September 2017…

Continue reading Globalism, Germany, and Angela Merkel…

“World’s #1 Anti-Vaxxer” Calls for Trump Summit…

By Kent Heckenlively, JD

I’m on Twitter now. You can follow me at: World’s #1 Anti-Vaxxer, for as long as Twitter decides not to block me. Right now I have nine followers. You might want to follow me, especially as I’m about to do something I hope will be as big as getting BANNED FROM AUSTRALIA FOR THREE YEARS.

Today I dispatched the following letter to the White House:

Continue reading “World’s #1 Anti-Vaxxer” Calls for Trump Summit…

The Health Care Disconnect…

The Problem With Bureaucracies…

Opinion by “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

I HATE “Big Government.”

It is, in essence, the enemy of America, for the bigger it gets, the further it gets away from what it was intended to accomplish.

A bureaucracy grows into its own entity, and becomes the problem not the solution.

Lawrence J. Peter says In a Hierarchy Every Employee Tends to Rise to His Level of Incompetence.” 


And that’s what we have managing US health care – a bureaucracy.

No wonder nothing works…

Continue reading The Health Care Disconnect…

The “Trump Effect” Crosses the Atlantic…

You are about to enter a brand new world...  The US Health Care System is BASED on what transpired in Germany after WWII. Today we have added on a European Correspondent (Karma Singh) for good reason.  We will begin by explaining what is happening in Germany RIGHT NOW – then maybe we can explain how health care works in Europe.  Big Pharma has its roots in Germany.  Big Pharma is the essence of globalism.  The “Populist Uprising” is not just in the US – Tim Bolen

Defeating “Globalism” At Its Center…

By Karma Singh

Major events are unfolding here in Germany. Corruption in the “highest places” as “business as usual” is being challenged.

German investigators have named a Tunisian refugee, Anis Amri, as the jihadist whom they suspect carried out Tuesday’s mass-murder attack. Amri is believed to be the man who drove a truck through a Christmas festival in Berlin, killing twelve and wounding four dozen others in an atrocity reminiscent of the attack in July, when 86 people were killed at a Bastille Day celebration in Nice.

The first major revelation broke at the weekend. The government agency responsible for assessing asylum seekers (Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge – BAMF for short) had just waved many through with no investigation, including 80 known terrorists to which German security had raised objections. This, was, of course, already known and had appeared in the press several times over the previous days.

What IS new is that Merkel herself knew of this and personally approved giving known terrorists free entry to the country!

In the German parliament, there are now calls for the calling of a Board of Enquiry into Merkel’s activities (many other criminal acts were recorded in Parliament last November). This is a necessary precursor to what is known in America as “Impeachment”.

The response from Andrea Nahles, the leader of the Sozialistische Demokratische Partei (Social Democrat Party), the partner of Merkel’s party in the coalition government, was to try to play the whole thing down, “This is just normal business. There’s nothing to get upset about.”

Many “Abgeordnete” (members of the German Parliament) are furious; not only about allowing known terrorists to have free access to the whole of Germany but also about the attempts to play it down as though it were of no importance.

The event which caused all this to blow up…

Continue reading The “Trump Effect” Crosses the Atlantic…

Californians – Vote for Travis Allen on Tuesday!

By Kent Heckenlively, JD

To my California readers, you need to strike a world-wide blow for health freedom this Tuesday, June 5, 2018.

I have long said that pharma has completely corrupted the democratic party, and has effectively corrupted most of the republican party.

There is a wing of the republican party, the classic liberals who believe that freedom and transparency is the key to human progress, which is the best hope for the truth to be revealed about human health.

I remind you again of Travis Allen’s own words from March 14, 2018 on the terrible mandatory childhood vaccination law, SB 277, in California.

“This whole nonsense about having to give your kid seventy-nine different vaccines to get into school is absolute nonsense.  I have legislation coming up about that in a couple weeks.”

I’m a huge opponent of SB 277 and you will see legislation from me during the next week or so about the vaccine situation. [Assembly bills 2832 and 2668]  We’re all vaccinated, right?  I got like fourteen vaccinations.  California’s immunization rate was over 90% before Dr. Pan’s terrible law.  Now kids have like seventy-seven vaccines, some of them are nineteen in one day.  We don’t know what these vaccines are doing.  Autism is now off the charts and they recently found out there’s elevated levels of aluminum in a lot of these kids’ brains.  You want to talk about science?  I have a scientific problem with that.

We believe in science, but we don’t believe in unproven science.  This unproven science of seventy-nine vaccines, or however many are on the list.  And by the way, with that new law they can add as many new vaccines as they want, and we have no choice about it.”

Continue reading Californians – Vote for Travis Allen on Tuesday!