PLAGUE OF CORRUPTION – Hillary Clinton and the Judge…

In law there’s an expression that “A good lawyer knows the law, but a great lawyer knows the judge.”

By Kent Heckenlively, JD

Although my normal beat is the corruption of science, one of my regular sources provided me an unexpected windfall of information about the judge overseeing the Judicial Watch case against Hillary Clinton for use of her private email server while Secretary of State.

It was just TOO GOOD not to share with my readers.

According to my source, one of his friends is VERY CLOSE to Judge Royce Lamberth, and provided information about the judge.

My source wrote that in the opinion of his friend, the judge is :

[C]onservative leaning and balanced in his judgments, and apparently enjoys a fairly popular position with other judges in the Washington area.  He currently plays poker, which he loves, and has a standing monthly game with five of his legal friends, including Chief Justice John Roberts and Associate Justice Brett Kavanaugh, the relative newcomer to the group.

Further on in his communication with me my source wrote: 

Everyone who hates what liberals do, are likely familiar with the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals which is headquartered in San Francisco.  It turns out that Lambreth confided one of his favorite things to do.  As a Senior Federal District Judge, Lambreth has a perk of being able to pick and choose any particular district in which he might want to work for a short time.  Lambreth confided that he periodically likes going to the Ninth Circuit Court to “have some fun.”

From what my source learned from his friend he was of the opinion that Lambreth is:

An individual of the highest order in terms of character and balance and a sense of fair playing fields for everyone.  It also would stand that he is very likely not to like, or cower to bullies and thugs and power broking wannabees.

My source then provided me with a publicly available copy of Judge Lambreth’s order from March 2, 2020 (Docketed Judicial Watch Memorandum Order) and suggested I go through it.  I did and it was amazing.  As I read the order it seemed to me this judge was clearly tired of Clinton’s evasions on the question of her email server.

Here are some excerpts from the order.

Continue reading PLAGUE OF CORRUPTION – Hillary Clinton and the Judge…

A “Dilbert” View of the Corona Virus…

It’s tough being a “conspiracy theorist” these days…

By Kent Heckenlively, JD

…because there are facts you just don’t see coming.  Are we inching back towards a free and independent press because the lies are just becoming so obvious?

I may need to find another hobby.  Maybe I’ll take up cartooning like Scott Adams and his Dilbert cartoon which lampooned stupid decision making in corporate America.  My cartoon strip would cover stupid decisions in science.

First, there’s a virus outbreak in the Chinese city of Wuhan and the government says, “Hey, it seems like it came from a live animal market in the city.”  My bullshit meter immediately started blaring at the highest decibel level possible and I waited for additional facts.

Second, I read there’s a level 4 bio-safety lab located a couple hundred yards from this market and by “coincidence” I find out they were studying corona viruses, and with the same type of bats that are reservoirs of this virus.  And also, the native populations of that bat are found more than five hundred miles away from Wuhan.

Third, the press goes crazy with asking whether this was a planned “bio-weapons” release and I’m thinking, well, maybe, but you don’t have to go that far.  It could have just as easily have been an accidental release.  I understand there’s a strong argument that this was planned to quell Hong Kong dissent and do some other things that might play into the hands of Big Pharma.

While I don’t have enough evidence…

Continue reading A “Dilbert” View of the Corona Virus…

The Corona Virus and the PLAGUE OF CORRUPTION – “Boy, Do I Hate Being Right All the Time!”

By Kent Heckenlively, JD

It’s one of the great classic lines from the movie, Jurassic Park, and it’s uttered by my favorite character, Ian Malcolm, (Jeff Goldblum) the brilliant, snarky chaos theoretician as they discuss whether it’s a good idea to resurrect dinosaurs from ancient DNA.

Malcolm is against the idea, arguing that the idea of containing these creatures is a fantasy, saying, “Life breaks free. Life expands to new territories. Painfully, perhaps even dangerously. But life finds a way.”

Later in the day, the tour endures some technical glitches, and during a storm the T-Rex breaks out of its enclosure.  As Malcolm watches the giant beast lumber towards a car with a young boy and girl trapped inside, he says, “Boy, do I hate being right all the time.”

I’ve been feeling a lot like Ian Malcolm these days as I’ve watched the coverage of the Corona virus from China.

The first thing I’d like to say is I consider this virus about as terrifying as a T-Rex, maybe an Allosaurus.

For those who claim I’m always praising President Trump, let me say this: I have NO idea why he did not IMMEDIATELY shut down all air travel from China, and put ALL Americans returning from China into a fourteen day quarantine.

I do think the situation will contain itself in the United States, but there could be some unnecessary deaths.  I consider Trump’s failure to move quickly as perhaps the biggest mistake of his presidency.

Now that I’ve made that clear, I want to get into my main point.  I believe I am possibly the only person making this claim.


Continue reading The Corona Virus and the PLAGUE OF CORRUPTION – “Boy, Do I Hate Being Right All the Time!”

SATIRE – Adam Schiff was My Neighbor . . . And He Stole My Bike!

Satire – By Kent Heckenlively

For the past six months my brother has been troubled by something.

“I think I know Adam Schiff,” he said, after learning President Trump’s least favorite Congressman grew up in our area.  “Do you remember anything about him?”

I drew a complete blank.  I researched the question of where Adam Schiff lived and all I could find was some vague references to him living in Danville, CA, the next town over from where we lived in Roundhill Country Club in Alamo.  I could find some references to Schiff going to Monte Vista High School, which was where I would have gone if my parents hadn’t sent me to the private Catholic high School, De La Salle, located in Concord.

Besides, when I checked out his age it seemed to me that Schiff would have been a senior in high school when I was in eighth grade.  He was more in my brother’s age group than mine.  Not really much of an opportunity would have presented itself for me to have a play-date with Adam Schiff.

Then the other night my brother had a breakthrough. 

He was talking to his best friend since he was five years old and our old next door neighbor, when his friend replied in answer to the question about Schiff, “Oh yeah, he lived in our neighborhood.  His family lived right near the tee of the 17th hole.”  We lived on the 14th hole.  Yes, Adam Schiff grew up not more than half a mile away from me.  I’m sure that when I rode my bike in the summers to the country club pool, I went right by the Schiff house.

My brother’s friend also added that Schiff and his family may have only lived there for a year or two.

Continue reading SATIRE – Adam Schiff was My Neighbor . . . And He Stole My Bike!

Author Malcolm Gladwell Tells You Why Your Family and Friends Don’t Believe You About Vaccine Injury

By Kent Heckenlively, JD

When my mother was preparing her will she came to a curious decision.  “Kent,” she said, “there’s a section in which I have to name a person to decide, if I’m incapacitated, whether heroic measures should be made to save my life.  I think your father and brother would get too emotional about it.  But I think you’d make the rational choice.”

Kind of a dubious honor, don’t you think?  Getting to decide whether your mother lives or dies?  And does this mean I was her favorite?  Luckily, we had a family discussion and decided it would be a group decision between the three of us.

I tell this story to underscore the point that throughout most of my life I’ve been regarded as the calm, rational one.  A nickname for me in the family is “the diplomat” because of my ability to see both sides of a dispute, and not offer offense to anybody.

Which is why it was absolutely puzzling to me when I started raising questions about the harm from vaccines, so many of my friends and family acted like I’d gone completely nuts.  After all, what happened to the previous thirty-nine years of being the calm, rational, honest to a fault person?

Which is why when I read Malcolm Gladwell’s recent book,  it was as if a light went off in my head.  The main question raised in his book is why interactions with people often go spectacularly wrong.

One of the most interesting parts of the book was his discussion of the disgraced financier, Bernie Madoff, who stole billions from investors.  It should have been an open and shut-case.  Madoff was reporting consistent returns for his clients, regardless of what the stock market was doing.  Could he really be that good?  I mean, is there anything more black and white than a balance sheet?

Default to Trust?

Continue reading Author Malcolm Gladwell Tells You Why Your Family and Friends Don’t Believe You About Vaccine Injury

VAXXED II – A Saturday Night in Modesto…

By Kent Heckenlively, JD

Last Saturday night I made the hour drive to Modesto, California, a city in the Central Valley.  I was looking forward to the opportunity to meet face to face with VAXXED II director, Brian Burrowes, as well as reconnect with producer Polly Tommey, for whom I’d also written for her magazine, Autism File.

It’s a strange situation in which we find ourselves, parents of vaccine-injured children, simultaneously angry about what’s happened in our society, and yet hopeful that we might spark a movement for unimaginable change.

I can’t get to many of these events given the severity of the problems with my daughter, and so I do what I can, typing out articles in which I try to say something new.  I must confess I often feel a sense of loneliness, as if I’m somewhere remote, wondering if there are other human beings out there who will hear me.

Then I have the experience of going to the event, as I did last Saturday, seeing many people getting things set up, introducing myself with just my first name, telling them how great it is that they’ve put the event together, when suddenly they look at me and say…

“You’re Kent Heckenlively, aren’t you?”

Continue reading VAXXED II – A Saturday Night in Modesto…

“Plague Of Corruption” and “Dr. Mary’s Monkey…”

By Kent Heckenlively, JD

People say – “Is your new book like “Dr. Mary’s Monkey?”

It’s a question I’ve been asked more than a few times on-line and I want to make sure I give a complete answer.  It’s not a question to which I can provide a simple yes or no response.

For those of you who aren’t familiar with the story, I’ll give you a brief outline of the book by Edward T. Haslam.

In 1964 a Tulane University medical professor, Dr. Mary Sherman, was found dead in her home.  She’d been stabbed many times, her body was charred and scorched, as if she’d been in a terrible fire (although there was only superficial fire damage to her bed and home), and she was missing her right arm.

The author previously believed she’d been the victim of an accident involving a linear particle accelerator in a lab, then placed in her home and the scene staged.  He later came to believe there was an even more sinister explanation.

Dr. Mary Sherman was a cancer researcher, working with monkeys and mice, and supposedly working on a secret project to develop a vaccine which when injected into Cuban leader, Fidel Castro, would cause him to develop cancer and die.  In this lab, she was assisted by Lee Harvey Oswald and David Ferrie, another suspicious character in the Kennedy assassination.

In fact, if you watch the movie, JFK, by Oliver Stone, there’s a scene where the David Ferrie character, played by Joe Pesci, says the reason he’s got all these cages of mice in his apartment is because he’s working on a cancer project.  It’s a strange scene, but apparently accurate.

It’s probably worth noting that Jack Ruby, who killed Lee Harvey Oswald, died of lung cancer.  Before his death he claimed he’d been “injected with cancer cells.”

It is a provocative book and has attracted quite a following.

Nothing in my book, PLAGUE OF CORRUPTION, directly addresses the question of whether the US government tried to develop cancer viruses for use as an assassination weapon.

Continue reading “Plague Of Corruption” and “Dr. Mary’s Monkey…”

Kent Interviews – Director of VAXXED II, Brian Burrowes…

A Canadian in the Fight…

By Kent Heckenlively, JD

Vaxxed II Director Brian Burrowes grew up in Eastern Canada, not far from where my own lovely wife grew up.  I’ve always said Canadians are the nicest people in the world.  And yet, I’ve noticed these polite, well-mannered individuals are often among the most fearless people you’re ever likely to encounter.

Case in point is my own lovely wife, marrying a mostly Sicilian man (on my mother’s side), and being the greatest partner I could ever ask for in this fight for the future, regarding vaccines.

Brian was also the editor of the first VAXXED movie, although during that effort he stayed mostly in the background.  I told him I’m always appreciative of  “civilians” who enter our movement, not having any vaccine-injured children themselves.

Prior to the interview I informed Brian I wanted to find out about how the VAXXED II effort is going, address some controversies which have come up, and address where we might be going in the future. On the issue of controversies, I specifically asked him to read my recent 10,000 word interview with Dr. Shiva Ayyudarai, who had expressed sharp opinions about the VAXXED movies and team.

Here is our conversation: (About 2,000 words, lightly edited for clarity.)

Continue reading Kent Interviews – Director of VAXXED II, Brian Burrowes…

Anti-Vaxx Meets Q-Anon

By Kent Heckenlively, JD

I know many of you, like me, are waiting with baited breath for the March 2020 release of GODZILLA vs. KONG.

But almost as entertaining as the meeting of those two titans is this recent interview I did with Dustin Nemos, one of the driving forces behind the Amazon best-selling book, QANON: An Invitation to the Great Awakening.

Over the past year I’ve listened to several of Dustin’s videos and always found him to be a calm, rational commentator on issues involving QANON, crypto-currency (which I’m still trying to understand), health issues, and the latest political developments.

Continue reading Anti-Vaxx Meets Q-Anon

Dr. Shiva, Scott Adams, and “VAXXED II…”

By Kent Heckenlively, J.D.

I have a confession.  I’m a complete fanboy when it comes to really smart people.

That’s why I start every day listening to the Scott Adams podcast.  He says interesting things and occasionally interviews really smart people.

Recently he had on Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, the inventor of email, four degrees from MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), founder of several companies, and a candidate for the U.S. Senate from Massachusetts.

Dr. Shiva gave a master class to Scott Adams on vaccines and I was astonished.  I have never heard a more informed discussion by a major public figure.  To his credit, Adams asked all the right questions.  It was fascinating to watch Adams confront some of the glaring contradictions of the vaccine program in real time, rather than just brush them off.

I reached out to Dr. Shiva’s campaign for an interview and he generously agreed.

The first time we tried to speak Dr. Shiva was running late from another call, and we really didn’t get much of a chance to talk.  Despite several calls, we were not able to reschedule.  I figured it was a lost cause.

The next time I heard about Dr. Shiva, it was because there had been something of a dust-up with the VAXXED II team, when they asked him to remove a video of him speaking about the film in the AMC theater where the film had earlier been shown.  I’d heard varying accounts of what had happened, but genuinely did not know which details were correct.  (As an attorney I’d learned long ago to withhold a strong opinion until you can directly ask the people involved.)

Dr. Shiva objected strongly to the request, citing the need to avoid any type of censorship.

Continue reading Dr. Shiva, Scott Adams, and “VAXXED II…”

Robert F. Kennedy. Jr. – EXCLUSIVE!!! Excerpt from his Foreword to PLAGUE OF CORRUPTION

By Kent Heckenlively, JD

With the permission of Robert F. Kennedy. Jr., I’ve been authorized to allow you a sneak peek at his Foreword to my new book with Dr. Judy Mikovits, PLAGUE OF CORRUPTION.

I’d like to encourage all my readers to begin regularly using the expression, “plague of corruption,” to refer to the outright bribery by the pharmaceutical companies of our democracy, our media, and our scientific community.

Moral Courage and Our Common Future
By Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

“And yet, it moves!” Galileo whispered those defiant words in 1615 as he left the Roman Inquisition tribunal before which he repudiated his theory that the earth—the immovable center of the Universe according to contemporary orthodoxy—revolves around the sun. Had he not recanted; his life was forfeit.

We like to think of Galileo’s struggles as the quaint artifact of a dark, ignorant, and tyrannical era where individuals challenged government-anointed superstitions only at grave personal risk. Dr. Judy Mikovits’ story shows that stubborn orthodoxies anointed by Pharmaceutical companies and corrupt government regulators to protect power and profits remain a dominant force in science and politics.

By any standard, Dr. Judy Mikovits was among the most skilled scientists of her generation. She entered professional science from the University of Virginia with a B.A. degree in Chemistry on June 10, 1980 as a protein chemist for the National Cancer Institute (NCI) working on a life-saving project to purify interferon. Continue reading Robert F. Kennedy. Jr. – EXCLUSIVE!!! Excerpt from his Foreword to PLAGUE OF CORRUPTION

“VAXXED II” – Cartoonist Ben Garrison Jumps On The Bus…

By Kent Heckenlively, JD

A wonderful autism parent has apparently commissioned a cartoon from rebel cartoonist, Ben Garrison, to celebrate the release of the new documentary film, VAXXED II: The People’s Truth Bolen Report wishes these brave parents and doctors the best of success for the film.

Here is the post which explains the cartoon:

Margaret Mead once wrote, “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.”

This week a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens, led by Polly Tommey, Dr. Andrew Wakefield, Del Bigtree, Brian Burrowes, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., and Dr. Brian Hooker are trying to change the world with the release of their documentary film, VAXXED II: The People’s Truth. The film, which simply features parents talking about the reactions of their children to vaccines, including autism, paralysis, and death, has so threatened Big Pharma that the theaters showing the film must remain secret until the day before a showing.

This is not just a fight against Big Pharma. It also involves a fight against Big Tech, as Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, and his wife, Priscilla Chan, are attempting with all of their billions of dollars to censor vaccine safety information across all their platforms, just as they are doing with political content supportive of President Trump.

Big China is also part of this axis of evil as a major portion of the vaccines and pharmaceuticals are being produced in China. Big Pharma, Big Tech, and Big China are part of an unholy alliance which is harming people all over the world, including Chinese citizens.

Big Pharma brings you your evening news, with estimates of anywhere from 40-60% of advertising revenues coming from Big Pharma. Just watch an hour of your favorite news broadcast and count the number of Big Pharma commercials. This includes the new outlets of ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, as well as Fox News. Nobody escapes my condemnation. Not Tucker Carlson, Sean Hannity, Laura Ingraham, and certainly not Jason Chaffetz, who was EXTENSIVELY briefed on CDC whistle-blower, Dr. William Thompson, the subject of the first documentary, VAXXED: From Cover-Up to Catastrophe.

President Trump also comes in for substantial criticism, as his statements prior to becoming our Commander-in-Chief, were supportive of getting to the bottom of these questions, and claimed he wanted Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. to head a Vaccine Safety Commission, a promise which three years later remains unfulfilled. Parents want answers, and they want unbiased scientists, not industry shills to do the research.

It truly is a “FIGHT FOR THE FUTURE,” and this small group of thoughtful, committed citizens deserve to have their film shown in the White House theater. Anything less will probably result in a massive loss of support for a second term for our President.

Be sure to pre-order Kent Heckenlively’s new book with Dr. Judy Mikovits, PLAGUE OF CORRUPTION from Amazon which you can do RIGHT NOW!
The book is coming out on March 3, 2020 and contains explosive new revelations about the corruption of our scientific bodies, as well as new directions to ensure we become the healthiest generation in history!



plagueheckiKent’s book PLAGUE was released by Skyhorse Publishing, in 2014 and is now available in paperback with NEW material.

The book is co-authored with Judy Mikovits PhD. It is an indictment of the “Fake Science” we find so prevalent in the US.



Poisoner in Chief – Book Review

By Kent Heckenlively, JD

There’s a new book everybody should read.  It’s called Poisoner in Chief, written by Stephen Kinzer, a long-time reporter for the the New York Times, world affairs columnist for the Boston Globe, and a senior fellow for International and Public Affairs at Brown University.

You may wonder why a blog dedicated to improving health is recommending a book about Dr. Sidney Gottlieb, head of the MK-Ultra program for the CIA, responsible for creating drugs and techniques to break prisoners, or turn them into untraceable assassins, like the fictional Jason Bourne.

As a science teacher I’m always telling my students to notice patterns in the data.  Both the CIA and our current public health system thrive on secrecy.  They tell us what to do, and when we question them, they tell us it’s beyond our understanding.  We should simply OBEY!

I tell you to read Stephen Kinzer’s fine book, Poisoner in Chief, because it details the horrors human beings are capable of when there is no effective oversight of government programs.

This is the review I posted on Amazon:

Continue reading Poisoner in Chief – Book Review

Robert Kennedy, Jr. Gives a HUGE Endorsement to my new book “PLAGUE OF CORRUPTION”…

By Kent Heckenlively, JD

Publishing a book requires many moving parts.

One of the most important is who writes the foreword.  It gives the seal of approval from somebody who is likely to be more well-known than you, or has more standing in the field.

When Dr. Judy Mikovits and I published our book, PLAGUE, we were fortunate enough to get Hilary Johnson, a former editor at Rolling Stone magazine, and the author of the definitive work on the chronic fatigue syndrome epidemic, Osler’s Web.  Her endorsement gave the book an enormous boost in that community.

For this book I asked one of my well-known activist friends and he was flattered, but suggested I get Robert Kennedy, Jr.

I talked to Judy about it and she thought it was a good idea, especially since Kennedy had always been friendly to her when they met at conferences, even if she felt he didn’t fully understand her story.

The one concern I had is that Kennedy seems to be one of the busiest men on the planet.  Whether he was keeping our rivers and lakes clean, fighting Monsanto over their terrible Round-Up weedkiller, or getting eviscerated by members of his own family because of his stance on vaccines, I wondered if he had any time left for another project.

I was instructed to prepare a sample foreword for Kennedy, nothing more than 3 or 4 pages, then he’d edit as he saw fit.  Both my efforts were a complete failure.  I tried, but couldn’t seem to give him what he needed.

I offered him a graceful way out, suggesting he was too busy, but he said he wanted to help.  He just couldn’t give me a firm timeline.

You can imagine my surprise when I was recently in a teacher staff meeting, my cell-phone rang, and caller I.D. said it was Robert Kennedy, Jr.  “I know I said I didn’t have time,” he began.  “But I was on a long plane flight, had it on my computer, so I read the whole thing.  It’s wonderful.  I know what to write now.”

How many thoughts were racing through my mind?

The first thought was “YES!  I’ve made the book short enough so that somebody might be able to read the whole thing in the 4-5 hours of an airplane flight!”  I know I have a tendency to want to tell the ENTIRE story, rather than ruthlessly cutting out some of the less important parts.

The second thought was, “Oh my God!  Robert Kennedy, Jr., the man I consider to be the bravest figure in public life, just praised our book and is going to do the foreword!”  You must understand there was a time in my life when I read just about every word ever written about Robert Kennedy, Sr.  It wasn’t so much his politics that drew me, (because in some ways he was all over the political map during his life), but how he demonstrated the continuing ability to learn and grow.  Now the namesake of my political hero was endorsing my work.

Kennedy was as good as his word and came back with a fantastic foreword.  How long?  Remember, I was told to give him no more than 3 or 4 pages.

Kennedy wrote a 15 page foreword for “PLAGUE OF CORRUPTION!”

Continue reading Robert Kennedy, Jr. Gives a HUGE Endorsement to my new book “PLAGUE OF CORRUPTION”…

Scott Adams Tweets BolenReport…

The Three Most Important Books of 2019…

By Kent Heckenlively, JD

In one of those stunning coincidences of history, like Charles Darwin and Abraham Lincoln being born on the same day (February 12, 1809), the three most important books of 2019 are ALL being released on the same day, November 5.

The three books are PLAGUE OF CORRUPTION, by Kent Heckenlively (that’s me) and Judy Mikovits, TRIGGERED, by Donald Trump, Jr. and LOSER-THINK, by Scott Adams.

Charles Darwin gave us new eyes with which to view the natural world while Abraham Lincoln gave us our second American Revolution.

In much the same way, the three books being released on November 5 (and all are NOW available for pre-order on Amazon and Barnes & Noble) will also change the world.

PLAGUE OF CORRUPTION tells the continuing story of Dr. Judy Mikovits…

…a courageous Rosalind Franklin type researcher with the quick wit one might expect of Erin Brockovich if she had a doctorate in molecular biology.  Her eyes were opened when she discovered a mouse retrovirus which had jumped into human beings (probably through vaccines), but she was unprepared for the widespread corruption of science in multiple fields.

From the lies told by our military/industrial complex about cancer rates around bio-weapons facilities, to cover-ups regarding breast implants, the truth about the AIDS epidemic, as well as a possible viral link to Alzheimer’s disease, Dr. Mikovits has been on nothing less than a voyage of discovery these past few years.

And there is reason to hope that all of these conditions can be treated if only we have the courage to face the darkness of the past.  One must fight the long dark night of the soul to reach the new dawn of a bright future for human health.

TRIGGERED, by Donald Trump, Jr. is described in the following way on Amazon:

“No topic is spared from political correctness in Donald Trump, Jr.’s, Triggered, which will expose all the tricks that the left uses to smear conservatives and push them out of the public square, from online “shadow banning” to fake accusations of “hate speech.”

No topic is spared from political correctness. This is the book that the leftist elites don’t want you to read!

You can see why TRIGGERED will be the second most important book you read this year!

The third most important book you’ll read this year is LOSER-THINK, by Scott Adams…

…the creator of the Dilbert comic strip, who talks about “talent stacks”, and has become one of the most important political and lifestyle commentators of our time.

The sub-title of LOSER-THINK is “How Untrained Brains are Ruining America.”  Here at BolenReport, we are all about training your brain.

This is the summary of LOSER-THINK:

What is loser-think?

If you’ve been on social media lately, or turned on your TV, you may have noticed there are a lot of dumb ideas floating around out there.

“We know when history will repeat and when it won’t.”
“We can tell the difference between evidence and coincidences.”
“The simplest explanation is usually true.”
“Stay in your channel.”

Wrong, wrong, dangerous, and wrong!

These false beliefs are the result of what Scott Adams, the creator of the Dilbert comic and a lifelong student of group psychology, calls loser-think.

Loser-think is the epidemic of sneaky mental habits trapping its victims in their own bubbles of reality. Even the smartest and most educated among us can slip into its seductive grasp.

If we’re not careful, loser-think would have us believe that every Trump supporter is a bigoted racist, addicts should be responsible for fixing the opioid epidemic, any form of gun control is a slippery slope to full confiscation, and that your relationship fell apart simply because you chewed with your mouth open.

While it’s true that PLAGUE OF CORRUPTION, TRIGGERED, and LOSER-THINK are the three most important books of 2019, we are heading into election 2020, and the issues brought  up by these three books will dominate the media discussion.

Don’t think like a loser, or be triggered into not considering new ideas, and go onto Amazon right NOW and pre-order your copy of PLAGUE OF CORRUPTION.

And, if you want to pick up those next two books, I guess you could.

Or maybe you can wait until they come out in paperback.


By Kent Heckenlively, JD


Am I a “Watchman”?

By Kent Heckenlively, JD

As I prepare for the publication in November of my new book, PLAGUE OF CORRUPTION, with co-author, Dr. Judy Mikovits, we’re starting to do some radio interviews.

Recently, Judy and I were on a program and the host said something that stuck with me.  He said that Judy and I were like the “watchmen” from the Bible.

I’m more of a New Testament guy, so the reference from the Old Testament was a little unfamiliar to me.  When I think of a “watchman” I picture some old guy with a flashlight and a set of jangling keys.

But the host was thinking of a specific passage from the Book of Ezekiel, which is translated as:

Continue reading Am I a “Watchman”?

Elijah Cummings and Trump: The Tentacles of the Pharma Deep State…

By Kent Heckenlively, JD

Recently President Trump attacked Congressman Elijah Cummings over the condition of the city of Baltimore, which Cummings represents.

Trump’s tweet from July 27, 2019 read:

“Rep, Elijah Cummings has been a brutal bully, shouting and screaming at the great men & women of Border Patrol about conditions at the Southern Border, when actually his Baltimore district is FAR WORSE and more dangerous. His district is considered the Worst in the USA . . . As proven last week during a Congressional tour, the Border is clean, efficient & well run, just very crowded. Cummings District is a disgusting, rat and rodent infested mess. If he spent more time in Baltimore, maybe he could help clean up this very dangerous & filthy place.”

Of course, the news media has exploded in condemnation, calling Trump a racist for the millionth time, even though Trump also added Nancy Pelosi’s San Francisco to the list of poorly run Democratic cities.

However, this wasn’t the first time I’d run across Congressman Elijah Cummings.  In my book, INOCULATED: How Sciences Lost its Soul in Autism I recounted the story told to me by Minister Tony Muhammad of the Nation of Islam.

The “Inoculated” book dealt with the revelations of Dr. William Thompson, a senior CDC (Center for Disease Control) scientist, who revealed the agency had covered up a link between earlier administration of the MMR (measles-mumps-rubella) vaccine and the development of autism in African-American boys.  (The effect was pronounced in ALL groups, but especially strong among African-American males.)

Cummings Come-Uppance…

Continue reading Elijah Cummings and Trump: The Tentacles of the Pharma Deep State…

500 Million People Organized Against Facebook: Cartoonist Ben Garrison on the White House Social Media Summit…

What does “Destruction” look like when you’re in the Main Stream Media, or one of their helpers in social media, like Facebook?

By Kent Heckenlively, JD

It probably looks like the face of President Trump at the White House at the Social Media Summit of July 11, 2019 when he said that he and the 150 social media commentators gathered in the room have more than half a billion (500 Million) followers.  The purpose of the summit was to discuss “the attempted silencing of conservative voices on social media.”

Probably none of the social media superstars had as strange a journey to Washington D.C. as political cartoonist Ben Garrison.

He was invited to the summit, then dis-invited on baseless charges of being an anti-Semite (seriously, after all the attacks, hasn’t everybody learned the left’s playbook?), then decided to go anyway.

Continue reading 500 Million People Organized Against Facebook: Cartoonist Ben Garrison on the White House Social Media Summit…

The White House Social Media Mess…

By Kent Heckenlively, JD

Let me begin by observing that some lowly twenty-something White House staffer has ALREADY BEEN YELLED AT, or WILL BE CHEWED OUT IN THE NEXT FEW HOURS, for such a colossal screw-up.

Everything that follows in this article comes with the warning that we must NOT OVERREACT to the screw-up of this lowly White House staffer.  However, this is an ENORMOUS OPPORTUNITY to move things in a POSITIVE DIRECTION.

Those who have been paying attention know of the claims that the tech giants, Google, Facebook, Apple, YouTube, and Amazon are doing their best to squelch conservative commentary, as well as those allied with the health freedom movement.

President Trump has been talking publicly about these issues and decided to convene a Social Media Summit on Thursday, July 11, 2019 with many prominent figures who have been targeted by these media platforms.  Cartoonist, Ben Garrison was among those invited.

I’ve had personal experience with Ben, having him work on a cartoon depicting my banning from Australia because I wanted to talk about pharmaceutical corruption.  We hit it off immediately, as he shared with me how many of his cartoons had been altered to make them appear anti-Semitic.

Ben understood how the claim that individuals like me are “anti-science” was out of the same playbook.  It appears that the biggest purveyors of the lie that Ben Garrison is anti-Semitic is the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), which had a copy of one of his cartoons which was altered with Nazi-type propaganda.  Whether the ADL knew of these alterations to Ben’s original work is unclear.

Because some low-level White House staffer fell for these lies…

Continue reading The White House Social Media Mess…