Why is the CoronaVirus Death Rate in Germany and everywhere else falling so rapidly?

From Europe – Opinion by Karma Singh

Day by day we see the death rate from Corona-whatever rapidly falling: Not merely in Germany where it has now fallen to 0.563% but also in other countries which have been carrying out mass-testing over the last 2 weeks. There are very good reasons for this.

The Corona test is unspecific, i.e.it will register a positive if any of the hundreds of Corona type “viruses” are detected.

Almost all of us have most common “viruses” present in our bodies but which do nothing because they have no recycling job to do. If you just happened to have one single Corona “virus” in your body and the test swab happened to get it, you now have no such “virus” in your body but your test will still be positive!
The test gives no information at all about the density of “viruses” present. It needs millions to “make you ill” but your test will still be positive even if you have just one.

Further than this, the tests are not for the “virus” itself, but for the “antibodies” which, according to medical theory, are proof that your own natural immune system has destroyed the virus!

So a “positive” test means that your natural immune system is working properly and you are not ill. You are then, nonetheless, imprisoned for the crime of being healthy!

Because of these unspecific tests, we have a steadily rising number of “infected” against a falling number of ‘flu related illness and deaths as the annual ‘flu season comes to a close.

In the United Kingdom, such tests indicate that at least 60% of the population is “infected” without presenting any symptoms of illness and, in view of this, many medical experts are advocating the immediate lifting of the house arrest under which most people are presently living in order to facilitate the rapid attainment of natural “herd immunity”.

It cannot be stressed too strongly here that many of the typical annual ‘flu related deaths are being reclassified as CoronaVirus deaths with no medical justification whatsoever.

Quoted to me as a typical case was a woman in Lombardy (the region in Italy which has always had the highest numbers of annual deaths) with terminal lung cancer who, for bureaucratic reasons, was tested and found to be positive with one of the Corona viruses. On her death certificate is written COVID-19 as cause of death although the cancer had killed her and no test for the presence of COVID-19 exists!

We should also note that Lombardy, as with Wuhan, has high levels of industrial air pollution which has, for years, made this a hot-spot for respiratory illnesses.

Add to this the 5G which changes the oxygen molecules in the air so that your blood cannot absorb them and has been widely rolled out in Lombardy and we have a European Wuhan.

Then we have the enormous disparity between the claims about the numbers of people being hospitalised and the reality on the ground.

I have been told of one hospital in Bavaria of which it was said that they had run out of space, that patients were lying in the corridors and the doctors and nurses were working continuous 12 hours shifts.

When a journalist went there to get the story first hand and some pictures, medical personnel were complaining of the boredom because they had nothing to do and many had been sent home due to the lack of work. The same is the case with most other hospitals where day to day treatments have been cancelled to make way for the flood of Corona patients which have never arrived and now never will.

This video (in German with English sub-titles) tells the story and more besides.

The detailed statistics on the European Monitoring of excess Mortality website
https://www.euromomo.eu/index.html make abundantly plain that the ‘flu death rate (including the fabulous COVID-19) is, with the small exception of Italy, at or below normal. I.e. the real figures show that there is no “dangerous disease” going around! Italy is the exception because it has an ageing population which is, of course, more susceptible to ‘flu related deaths. Nonetheless, the (now rapidly falling) death rate has not come near the rate recorded in 2016 – the last major problem with seasonal ‘flu.

Especially noteworthy is that the accumulated ‘flu death rate in the entire United Kingdom is way below average and so any justification for the draconian measures being imposed upon us is completely missing.

Continue reading Why is the CoronaVirus Death Rate in Germany and everywhere else falling so rapidly?

A Declaration of Intent…

This week, two of the most evil men on the planet, both former British prime ministers, made an open declaration of the intent behind the “fake” Corona / COVID pandemic.

They claim that the only answer is an immediate “One-World Government…”

From Europe – Opinion by Karma Singh

Tony Blair

Years ago Tony Blair took over a Britain well set up in national self-confidence and a thriving, compassionate, coherent society.

Over the next 10 years, together with his side-kick and deputy, Gordon Brown, he successfully set about destroying the coherence and character of the British peoples. Amongst many other acts, he established roving bands of licenced robbers which, to this day, still plague the nation.

He established the “nanny state” in which it is no very great exaggeration to say that many are afraid to fart without “official” permission. He destroyed many flourishing businesses because they offered quality and self-respect. Massive increases in drug addictions due to the despair that he engendered are still being dealt with today.

In 2007, he was promoted by his banker bosses to a higher position in Brussels from where he set about creating the same destruction as he had wrought upon the British peoples throughout the entire European Union.

Gordon Brown

Following his promotion, his side-kick, Gordon Brown, who had been his chancellor, took over the post of prime minister and created the massive indebtedness of the British peoples to make good the pseudo-losses of the banking cartel due to their gambling activities. He lost the following general election but was also promoted to a high-paid job by the bankers. The country then entered a period of stasis until Nigel Farage began to resurrect the pride and natural coherence of the British peoples.

This week, knowing full well that this is yet another in the series of phony pandemics called by the pharmaceutical controlled World Health Organisation, they both declared that this non-existent problem, affecting tiny numbers of people with mild ‘flu-like symptoms, requires that all countries surrender their national sovereignty to a single world authority. The only such body available is the WHO, i.e. they are both saying that we should place governmental authority in the hands of the pharmaceutical cartel and their owners; the banking cartel.

So, now you know what this is all really about and you can expect others of similar repugnant character to join the chorus singing the song of pharmaceutical slavery.

It would not surprise me in the least to learn that Tony Blair actually designed this entire hoax and the enslavement plan behind it.


Continue reading A Declaration of Intent…

The Purifying Ring of Fire…

CoronaVirus and 5G – When you view a total eclipse of the sun…

There is something very sinister happening here…

Opinion From Europe By Karma Singh

…during those moments when the moon exactly blocks the disc of the sun (some intelligent direction here, maybe?), you will see a ring of fire around the black disc. In all cultures around the world this is taken to mean God’s / Goddess’s message that, even in the darkest hour, light will always triumph over darkness.

In the higher ranks of black magic, ipsissimus upwards, there is a “rule” – primarily an ego trip to show their “superiority” – that you must declare your intent to your victims and also indicate how they can escape your plans.

In the press owned by those black magicians (around 95% of the total)…

…we are told that corona means crown. Whilst it is true that, in certain circumstances, corona or halo can also be expressed as crown, the ring of fire is its true, original meaning. This is important as this is the escape route which opens before us. It is useful, of course, to see clearly just what it is that we have to escape from!

Almost from day one, we have seen that there is a direct connection between 5G and the mythological “corona virus”.

Now 5G, sold to us as an ultra-high-speed internet system is, in fact, a weapons system.

Continue reading The Purifying Ring of Fire…

An “Infectious” Summary Of the So-Called “CoronaVirus” Outbreak…

Over the last few weeks, we have all been hearing and, in some cases, seeing, the latest “plot” by those about to lose their power and privileged positions.

From Europe By Karma Singh

A good big scare story is just the thing to divert attention away from what is actually happening and to hinder the orderly hand-over of power from the self-appointed elite” (the bankers and friends) to you and me where it now belongs.

You may well be aware that we, in the Northern hemisphere, are just coming to the end of the ‘flu season – a natural detoxification process which removes “fear of death” accumulated during the months of Winter. You are probably also aware that, each year, a significant number of the aged and infirm are too weak to complete the process and leave this incarnation.

The so-called “Coronavirus,” if you read a little further than the label, is declared to be a very mild form of ‘flu (or, in some cases, a cold).

Concurrently we have, therefore, two different ‘flus; “Type A” and “Coronaflu”. Only the one which the “elite” want to promote gets any mention and the other one is just an “also ran”. When we take a look at the statistics, however, we see a very different story to the one being pushed onto us.

Source Normal ‘flu
Deaths Coronaflu
RobertKoch Institute,








Center for Disease








National Health Service
United Kingdom








* precisely why there is such a wide variance in these figures is unclear. It is, however, notoriously difficult to say with certainty that influenza caused the death as those who die are always the weakest members of the population, often with multiple other health issues.

** For normal ‘flu the British National Health service does not give accumulated figures but week by week as a proportion of the population. So, this last week, it was 1,497,832 cases of ‘flu.

Specific ‘flu death statistics are not given – merely the overall numbers of deaths from all causes; this week was 10,841.

The amazingly low death rate in Germany is, according to a WHO survey…

Continue reading An “Infectious” Summary Of the So-Called “CoronaVirus” Outbreak…

“Wuhan” – Another “Bhopal” On An Enormous Scale, or Genocide?

Sherlock Holmes said: Only a solution which includes ALL of the facts can be true.”

From Europe By Karma Singh

Unless you’re from Bhopal, India or have other good reasons to remember it, you’ll probably have to do an online search for the details. In short, years ago, some chemical plant in Bhopal, India sort of exploded and pumped several tons of poisonous gas into the town. Many thousands died. 600,000 people were affected.  From The Atlantic…

“Bhopal: The World’s Worst Industrial Disaster, 30 Years Later”

Bhopal – Thirty years ago, on the night of December 2, 1984, an accident at the Union Carbide pesticide plant in Bhopal, India, released at least 30 tons of a highly toxic gas called methyl isocyanate, as well as a number of other poisonous gases. The pesticide plant was surrounded by shanty towns, leading to more than 600,000 people being exposed to the deadly gas cloud that night. The gases stayed low to the ground, causing victims throats and eyes to burn, inducing nausea, and many deaths. Estimates of the death toll vary from as few as 3,800 to as many as 16,000, but government figures now refer to an estimate of 15,000 killed over the years. Toxic material remains, and 30 years later, many of those who were exposed to the gas have given birth to physically and mentally disabled children. For decades, survivors have been fighting to have the site cleaned up, but they say the efforts were slowed when Michigan-based Dow Chemical took over Union Carbide in 2001. Human rights groups say that thousands of tons of hazardous waste remain buried underground, and the government has conceded the area is contaminated. There has, however, been no long-term epidemiological research which conclusively proves that birth defects are directly related to the drinking of the contaminated water.

I don’t recall what excuse the company running it tried out but (then anyway) India had an open government and the truth quickly came to light.

China, with its all-out economic growth and total disregard for public health and safety…

…has at least allowed, if not directly encouraged, manufacturers to pump enormous volumes of toxic chemical wastes into the air and water.  Because no-one is even allowed, let alone employed, to examine this chemical cocktail in the city’s air and water, no-one knows what deadly combinations are whistling along the streets of Wuhan.

Let us take, first, the verified facts and reports known to us:-

Continue reading “Wuhan” – Another “Bhopal” On An Enormous Scale, or Genocide?

China’s “Karma” and Karma’s Solution…

The CoronaVirus Scam Is/Was All About Trying To Implement Mandatory Vaccines For Everyone…

From Europe By Karma Singh

One of the laws of physics states that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. So when the jet engine on the aeroplane you’re riding pushes hot air backward, your ‘plane goes forwards. If you think about it a little, you will see this law at work in many aspects of your life, including walking.

What is much less clear, largely because it has been obscured by the major religions when they changed from channels of spiritual teachings to political organisations, is that this same law applied to human thoughts, emotions and actions.

The pharmaceutical cartel, as it took over the legacy of the church, obfuscated this even more and denies even the possibility that your thoughts can have effects upon your body and your life, claiming that consciousness is nothing more than a temporary aberration of your genes.

Modern science, especially Epigenetics and Quantum Biophysics, shows this to be completely untrue which is why conventional medicine is the only branch of “science” which utterly rejects modern knowledge and continues to be based upon a (this year) 333 year old disproven hypothesis. Accepting modern scientific knowledge would inevitably lead to the dissolution of the pharmaceutical industry.

Knowing this…

Continue reading China’s “Karma” and Karma’s Solution…

Why Coronavirus?

From Europe By Karma Singh

Firstly, there are three things that we need to bear in mind when reviewing this:

1) The symptoms are indistinguishable from normal ‘flu or a heavy cold and, just as with these two, well-known detoxification processes, most recover fully within a few days and are cleaner, healthier and slightly younger. See “The ‘Flu Fairy Tale” for a very detailed explanation of this.

2) The present “death toll” as of Monday 10th February is reported to be 1016 in the entire Chinese territory and none elsewhere. When we bear in mind that the death rate from ‘flu in China for 2017 was just over 68,000 (later figures not available) and we’re now at the height of the annual ‘flu season, this number can only be viewed as very encouragingly small since the first cases of this “novel” ‘flu were recorded in mid-December last year.

This said, however, it now appears that the deaths reported were from pneumonia…

Continue reading Why Coronavirus?

Coronavirus Pharmaceuticus Con-job-icus…

Gosh!  What a Surprise!  Another Pandemic That Big Pharma/China Wants Two Hundred Trillion Dollars From The US to Develop A Vaccine For (Sarcasm intended)…

From Europe – Opinion By Karma Singh

As we “celebrate” the 102nd birthday of the “Spanish ‘Flu” which wasn’t ‘flu but something very different, we are told yet another fairy tale (hence con-job-icus) of a mass-epidemic which is going to threaten millions.

Firstly, however, let us clear up the story of “Spanish Flu”.

As you will see in this video from Dr. Bergman, the Spanish ‘Flu wasn’t ‘flu at all!

What actually happened was that the vaccine manufacturers found themselves with millions of shots in store with no soldiers to give them to and so they started a propaganda campaign saying that the soldiers returning home will be carrying all manner of diseases with them and so everyone must get vaccinated or the soldiers will make them ill.

Everyone (except the Greeks) said, “Yea, what a brilliant idea.” People queued up to get multiple shots with the result that somewhere between 20 and 30 million people died – not of the ‘flu but of typhus, bubonic plague, smallpox, diphtheria and a host of other diseases which were contained within the so-called vaccines.

The hypothesis under which vaccines are sold is that if you inject a weakened form of a virus into your body it will then create antibodies to it so that, if you come into contact with the wild virus, you will already have the antibodies and will not get ill.

The two problems are that the hypothesis is, scientifically speaking, purest nonsense and that it simply doesn’t work.

Where vaccines have any effect at all it is to spread disease!

All epidemiological studies show this to be the only discernible effect. As I explain in my book, “Tyrannosaurus Pharmaceuticus R.I.P.” if you know how human immunity actually functions, this is precisely the effect that you would expect.

Currently, the Philippines are undergoing a massive polio outbreak. They didn’t actually have a polio problem until a genius pharmaceutical salesman sold a shipload of old vaccines to them to “prevent polio”.

The result was a massive upswing in polio cases so, what did they do? They sold them another two shiploads of vaccines to “contain the outbreak” with the result that they now have an almost raging polio epidemic – all caused by vaccines. Dr. Salk who was on the team that invented the polio vaccine has stated that all polio cases since 1964 have been caused by the vaccine.

There are not only many statistics and graphs in my book showing this to be the case but also a link to a “hidden” website where you can access many more.

Ask at a vaccine manufacturer for evidence that vaccination works – any manufacturer at all – and you will get a run-around, meaningless platitudes like “Everyone knows that they work” or, “It’s unethical to carry out comparison trials because this would mean that one group would be denied the obvious benefits of vaccination”. Two years ago now, the American Academy of Pediatrics (a pharmaceutical front organisation) declared that, “No proof is needed; a general belief that they work is all that is required”.

So much for science in the pharmaceutical sickness industry.

Continue reading Coronavirus Pharmaceuticus Con-job-icus…

The Gravest Danger Facing America, and the World, at this Time…

It is this:- Joe Biden just might win the 2020 Presidential election!

From Europe – Opinion by Karma Singh

On the one Hand you have an organisation (the Democrat Party) ready, willing and able to do anything, anything at all, to get one of their stooges into the White House. The former Vice President Joe Biden, a self-confessed fraudster who openly boasts of his abuse of power for personal gain now wants to become “Vice” President and, you know what? He might just do it.

With California leading the way of corruption with a voter base totalling 169% of those eligible to vote (or so I read yesterday) and in 2016 Democrat party officials openly boasting of their skills in voter fraud that they’ve been practicing for decades -( bussing, graveyard votes, non-citizen votes, etc.) – they just might get enough numbers together to put a self-confessed criminal into the highest office in the land.

Add to this the attempts to compel the Electoral Colleges to vote in a particular way…

Aren’t these unconstitutional? I mean, if the Founding Fathers created the Electoral College to vote their conscience in the best interests of the American people then, surely, any attempt to compel them to vote one particular way must be illegal, or?

Their abuse of children to emotionally promote their nonsensical schemes which, even were they technically feasible (and many are not) would bankrupt America! They even want to lower the voting age to permit children, in their ignorance and naivety, to vote them into power so that they can deepen their exploitation of the American people.

Emotional maturity – an essential and normal stage in becoming an adult – begins at around thirty years of age. I could make a very good case for setting the minimum voting age at 32 – twice that which the Democrats want – or even 35! The point being that a young adult at 35+ has the life-experience and maturity that school children lack and is, therefore, much better able to perceive what is possible and what are mere fairy tales intended to mislead.

How many of you remember the life-shock when you finally left formal education and discovered that the real world had little point of similarity to the world you’d been “taught” about all those years? Until you’ve been through this, you really have no idea what you are doing and what the ramifications thereof will be.

Why did Nancy Pelosi really delay sending the articles of impeachment to the Senate?

Continue reading The Gravest Danger Facing America, and the World, at this Time…

Mass Arrests in Hamburg, Germany as Fraud and Bribery in Cancer Therapy Disclosed…

The “Reality” Of “Big Pharma” Being Exposed, Worldwide…

From Germany – Opinion By Karma Singh

Following reports to the police by investigative journalists, on Tuesday 17th December 2019, 420 police and six state attorneys began searches of the premises of the pharmaceutical manufacturer, ZytoService in Hamburg as well as 47 other premises, including private houses, medical practises, pharmacies and one hospital.

This concerns the drugs for cancer “therapies” manufactured by ZytoService.

Because of the nature of these drugs, they can only be issued and administered by specialised pharmacies which, of course, creates a monopoly situation. It is this which ZytoService, according to police, used to defraud cancer sufferers in the Hamburg city area of an estimated 8.6 million Euros (approx. $9.5 million) since January 2017.

Many medical doctors received bribes, free “loans” and other expensive kickbacks for prescribing the ZytoService drugs rather than equivalents which are much, much cheaper.

Of course, it wasn’t the patients themselves who paid for the drugs but their medical insurers. As each treatment can cost up to 100,000 Euros ($111,000) this, of course, has an effect upon everyone else’s insurance premiums which, in Germany, are compulsory.

Such cancer treatments are known in the industry as “pharma gold” because an almost monopoly situation enables the unscrupulous to charge prices which may well be many hundreds of times their production costs.

How many of these $111,000 treatments a typical cancer sufferer will receive before they die is, at present, unknown to me. What is very obvious is that the $50,000 reported in my last article as being the typical “fee” per cancer death in 2006 has suffered a case of massive inflation:

Small wonder then that the pharma-cartel puts so much effort into and spends so much money on suppressing effective cancer therapies.

Continue reading Mass Arrests in Hamburg, Germany as Fraud and Bribery in Cancer Therapy Disclosed…

Who’s afraid of………

It used to be “The Big Bad Wolf” but now it seems that it’s li’l ol’ me!

The British government is trying to tell us that we cannot talk about the reality of cancer…

From Europe By Karma Singh…

Way back in 2006, the year before I published the first edition of “Cancer? So what?”, I knew someone who worked in a cancer research centre on Long Island NY. At the time, I had a gadget available which I thought might bring about the necessary heavy detoxification and, possibly, save the lives of some late-stage cancer patients. I, therefore, offered, via my acquaintance, to supply four of the gadgets free of charge to test. I did not get an immediate response to my offer.

Around six weeks later, I was informed that they would test the gadgets and it would cost me $50,000.00 per patient!  Flabbergasted at such a pecunious response I, of course, asked how on Earth they could come up with such an insane idea.“That’s the amount of money they would lose if a patient recovered instead of dying” was the reply. (sic)

In the intervening years, I have learned that ensuring that people die of cancer is one of the three big sources of income for the medico-pharmaceutical industry.

Every day, around 1,700 people die with cancer in the US alone. Putting all the countries where health care is dominated by the medico-pharmaceutical industry together we come to around 4,500 to 5,000 deaths PER DAY! Times $50,000 equals at least 225 million dollars per DAY, each and every day; times 365.25 gives us just over $82 billions per year in earnings for the medico-pharmaceutical industry.

At the beginning of the 20th century, cancer was so rare that a family doctor could expect to see three cases during his entire professional career.

There is one famous incident in 1911 (another version states that it was in 1903) when a professor at a medical school called all of his students back from vacation because he had just received a cancer patient: The opportunity to study a cancer case was so rare then that he felt perfectly justified in curtailing their vacation.

Following the First World War, for reasons which I make plain in the book, the incidence of cancer began to rapidly rise. It is still rising and is now, after pharmaceutical medicine and heart attacks, the number three cause of death throughout the First World!

You may have heard of Hoxsey and others who found ways of healing cancer. What happened to them, you may wonder? Some sold their discoveries to the medico-pharmaceutical industry in the expectation that they would use them: Others, such as Hoxsey, refused to sell because it became clear that the intent was to bury his discoveries. He and others were hounded to death but continued to help cancer sufferers almost until their last breath.

Does cancer kill?

Continue reading Who’s afraid of………

From the Makers of “Russiagate” – the Sequal – The “Ukrainian Whistle-Blower”…

It is Getting Hard To Tell The Difference Between The Democratic Party and “Saturday Night Live…”

From Europe By Karma Singh

Act I:  Scene 1 (Russiagate):

The plot is hatched. An anonymous “administration official”, acting upon information received from a highly disreputable source paid by the Democratic Party, alleges That President Trump received widespread support from Russia to win the election and that his election is, therefore, null and void.

Scene 1 (The Ukraine Whistle-blower):

The plot is hatched. An anonymous “administration official”, acting upon hearsay information from undisclosed sources hires a team of lawyers dedicated to removing President Trump from office. This team of lawyers then write for him a whistle-blower complaint alleging that President Trump demanded that the new Ukrainian president launch an investigation into the employers of Hunter Biden (the son of the then Democrat front-runner for the 2020 presidential election) upon pain of US aid to Ukraine being suspended.

Scene 2 (both dramas):

The main stream press – owned largely by the major financial backers of the Democratic Party – takes up the allegation and presents it as an already proven fact whilst rejecting any attempt at investigative journalism to ascertain whether there is any substance to it.

Scene 3 (both dramas):

Using the paid-for publicity in the main stream press, Democrat politicians demand a formal investigation into the allegation with the declared intent of using them to remove President Trump from office by impeachment for “High Crimes and Misdemeanours”

Act II:  Scene 1 (Russiagate):

Democrats in Congress force the appointment of an official investigator (a former FBI top man with known close association with organised crime) to find the evidence which would enable the impeachment of President Trump.

Scene 1 (The Ukraine Whistle-blower):

Continue reading From the Makers of “Russiagate” – the Sequal – The “Ukrainian Whistle-Blower”…

Will Merkel and all her “Friends” soon be arrested as War Criminals?

From Germany by Karma Singh

This is a possible effect of the new “law” passed in the German Bundestag last Thursday, 14th November 2019 imposing compulsory vaccination upon all children, and many adults, in Germany.

As the Federal Republic of Germany is not a state but an “Occupied Territory,” it doesn’t have a constitution but instead a “Basic Law” granted by the occupying powers of France, UK, USA and Russia. Article 2 of that Basic Law is used to specifically forbid such legislation but Merkel had that article amended a little while ago. Article 4 still does forbid such a law but not in the general sense that article 2 used to.

With that, Merkel and her bosses in the pharmaceutical industry (the reconstituted IG Farbenindustrie which used to give Adolf Hitler his orders) thought that they would be home free but they overlooked a little matter.

At the Nurnberg War Crimes Tribunal, a code of medical ethics arising out of the medical experiments carried out in the concentration camps by IG Farbenindustrie was promulgated. This code specifically forbids medical experimentation without informed consent. No country has ever incorporated this code into law (according to Wikipedia, anyway) and so it cannot form the basis of a legal challenge to Merkel’s compulsory vaccination “law”.


Continue reading Will Merkel and all her “Friends” soon be arrested as War Criminals?

Berlin Does a California…

More “Globalist” World Domination Attempts…

From Germany By Karma Singh

Yesterday, 14th November 2019, the banker/pharma-controlled parties in the German Bundestag (German Parliament), under their various flags, unanimously voted to severely harm the German people for the sake of making money.  They voted to force mandatory “measles” vaccinations on Germany’s entire 83,617,517 population.

As anyone can read in the Basic Law of the Federal Republic of Germany, every member of the German parliament commits themself to act for the benefit of the German people and to protect them from harm. Not one of them could truthfully claim not to know how harmful and how useless “vaccination” is. Despite this, all of the member of those parties in Parliament voted to impose compulsory vaccination “against” measles upon the German people.

It must, at this juncture, be made clear that the only party in the Bundestag (the German Parliament) which is not property of the bankers is the AfD. Their members voted, in accord with the law, unanimously against compulsory vaccination. It is very well known that the AfD has a strong preference for truth and science which is not shared by the CDU, CSU, SPD, FDP, Greens, etc.. It is for this reason that the banker parties are under orders never to co-operate with the AfD and, contrary to law, never to build a coalition government with them.

Now, why has “measles” been chosen as the first compulsory vaccination when there are other much more serious “illnesses” which need to be dealt with?

Continue reading Berlin Does a California…

The “Climate Change” Farce – Using CO2 As The Ideal “Bogey Man…”

From Yorkshire, England By Karma Singh

When I was a child, we were all told stories about a mysterious figure who would come to eat bad children. He had various names up and down the country and appears not only in all European folk-lore but also in Middle Eastern, Indian, Japanese and the entire American continent. China? I just don’t know.

Descriptions of the “Bogey Man” are amazingly uniform across cultures which, naturally, gives rise to the question,

“Did he actually exist and, if so, what is really behind the story?”

There are two divergent opinions on this: The one believes that, at some time in the distant past, a race of giants or extra-terrestrials preyed upon human children. The evidence that giants did, for some time, co-exist with Homo Sapiens is irrefutable but whether they ate our children is a very different question.

The other opinion refers to the millennia-old trade in kidnapping small children and selling them for sexual perversions. Figures for 2018 claim that there are, world-wide, more than eight million missing children: How many are in the hands of child sex traders or their clients is known only to them.

President Trump vowed to end this trade in his election campaign and, during his first weeks in office, more than six thousand such children were found and set free. It was, further, disclosed that nearly one third of the children had been taken away from their parents by bureaucrats and the courts and then sold into slavery.

The Bogey Man is, however, such an integral part of our early childhood that, even though the form may well have changed with the advent of uncontrolled television and the internet, this “primal fear” can still be easily activated.

It behooves us here to take a quick look at the characteristics of the Bogey Man:-

Continue reading The “Climate Change” Farce – Using CO2 As The Ideal “Bogey Man…”

“Global Warming” is “International Marxism” Not Science…

It is now some years since the “Global Warming” scare originated with a railway engineer…

…(since arrested and charged with the sexual abuse of a young boy in India), and his paymasters at the United Nations.

From Europe By Karma Singh

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change also known as the IPCC – (please note “intergovernmental” not international) – was created as a political lobby to sell the concept of man-made global warming to the world at large. Whilst it pretended to have a large body of top-notch climate scientists behind it, many of these “2500 world class scientists” were, in fact, students, journalists, commentators, bureaucrats and others.

Just below is the entire one hour sixteen minute “The Great Global Warning Swindle” produced by HONEST scientists…

The “climate change concept which they were trying to sell…

..is based upon a suggestion from a Swedish scientist in the 1960’s when the changes in the world temperature led many to fear that we were heading for a new Ice Age. His suggestion was that if we could burn a lot more coal and oil then we just might be able to produce so much CO2 that we could create a sort of “greenhouse effect” and stave off the global cooling. It must be noted that this was a time in which the rapid expansion in the production and use of consumer goods (including cars) had already given rise to an increase in CO2 produced by we humans but this was nowhere near the levels needed for his proposed greenhouse effect. Human activity currently produces about six per cent of all CO2. To get the effect he proposed, we would have to increase this to more than 30%, i.e. more than FIVE TIMES the present level. Fortunately, just as human produced CO2 actually fell off due to the oil crisis in 1973/74, sun spot activity, which had almost stopped in the early 1950’s, resumed and temperatures began to rise again.

Subsequently the NASA released, in the year 2000…

Continue reading “Global Warming” is “International Marxism” Not Science…

Is Britain about to do a Trump?

Britain “Brexit” Defies the Big Pharma/Banker Globalists…

From Britain By Karma Singh…

The main theme here is “Brexit” which the Big Pharma/banking cartel is fighting tooth and nail to prevent. Despite the majority decision in the 2016 referendum, many politicians appear to be of the opinion that this is of little importance and that they “know the true will of the people” much better than do they themselves.

Just over 23 weeks ago, the Brexit party, under the leadership of Nigel Farage, was formed. A few weeks later, it won a landslide victory in the elections to the European Parliament and the Brexit Party is the largest single party in that body. This victory, although impressive, does not confer any power onto the Brexit Party because the European Parliament does not have any power to confer! It is a talking shop with no power to make or break legislation – this is the exclusive domain of the banker appointed Council.

The European Parliament is a sham; a mockery of democracy designed to mislead the public that they have some say in European matters – we have none whatsoever!

Boris Johnson

A few weeks later, a concatenation of events including much pressure from the Brexit Party finally forced that banker stooge Theresa May to resign and opened the way for a staunch Brexiteer, Boris Johnson, to become prime minister. He tried to out-manoeuvre the British Parliament in order to force through a hard Brexit on the 31st October. Certain “Remainers” then asked for and received an injunction from the English Supreme Court negating Boris’s action. They then went on to pass a resolution in the lower House of Parliament prohibiting a clean-break Brexit.

As Nigel Farage predicted, Boris has now little choice but to go to the country and to call a general election…

Continue reading Is Britain about to do a Trump?

Will the real Bernie Sanders please stand up?

MK Ultra, Manchurian Candidate, Lilly Waves, The Voice Of God – Pick One – They All Exist…

Which One Is Bernie?…

From Germany By Karma Singh

Although this has been staring me in the face for a long time, I have held myself back from writing about it as it is not only “invisible” to many but also “unthinkable” to many more.

What is to me very obvious and should, by their actions, be very obvious to others but, for some rationalisation, appears not to be.

I know that it’s probably not very helpful to mention it here but, in Germany, I’ve done this several times on television just before an election:

From a photo, without a name, I have been able to accurately describe the character, abilities and suitability for office of political candidates. Such is one of the “normal” abilities which everyone possesses but, through religious indoctrination, suppresses. It’s not that you have to learn anything new in order to do it; you only need to forget that you can’t do it and then practice, practice, practice.

Almost exclusively amongst Democrats whom, you will note, make the most ridiculous assertions and promote policies that would kill millions and destroy the livelihood of many millions more is this very visible.

The (to me) plain fact is that these people are not themselves.

Continue reading Will the real Bernie Sanders please stand up?

May I please turn your World upside down?

(Or, possibly the right way up at last?)

From Germany By Karma Singh

Cancer is a dreaded disease feared both by those who have it and by those who think they might get it.

Statistically, about 1/3rd of the population of the First World would be expected to develop cancer and most will die as a result.  Total Nonsense from start to finish…

Let’s Look At This Situation From An Entirely Different Point Of View.

Note the following points:

1) Cancer is your friend which will keep you alive in circumstances which would otherwise kill you.

2) Cancer is not a disease but a natural, short-term emergency solution for a completely different problem.

3) Cancer is not the only such: Arthritis, arteriosclerosis, osteoporosis, gout, rheumatism and a host of other well-known “incurable diseases” are, similarly, natural emergency solutions and NOT illnesses! These also affect about 1/3rd of the First World population.

4) Cancer has never killed anyone! I.e., if you don’t tackle the real problem, the cancers, perforce, become so large that they prevent normal organ function and you die from organ failure. Most cancer related deaths, however, are caused by medical treatment.

5) The real problem with cancer, arthritis, etc. is the medical profession which, instead of resolving the real problem, attacks the symptoms (the effects of the real problem) thus making matters much worse.

6) In the early 20th century, Rockefeller and Carnegie set about buying up the entire health industry to remodel it into a “cash cow” for Rockefellers pharmaceuticals and Carnegies medical (surgical) centers. A little later, they began buying up the entire news industry so as to prevent the truth reaching the public.

7) In many countries, laws have been “purchased” giving them monopoly status on cancer and some other ailments and/or liability exemption. This is because cancer is so highly profitable, running at around $50,000.00 to $70,000.00 per cancer death.

In 2018, the cartel’s co-ordinating bank, Goldmann-Sachs, declared that “there is no profit to be made in curing people so it is not going to happen.”

8) Until, in the early 20th century, the move from fresh to processed “foodstuffs” began, cancer was a very rare dis-ease. Parallel to the rise in the consumption of “processed foods” we see a rise in the cancer rate.

So, why are we not told of this very clear causational relationship?

Continue reading May I please turn your World upside down?

Is the “Green Party” the Third Horseman of the Apocalypse?

Let’s Look At What Is REALLY Going On With So-Called Worldwide “Sustainable Development…”

From Germany by Karma Singh…

To save you looking up Revelation in the Bible it’s verses 6: 5-6, the Third of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse is “Famine” mounted upon a black horse.

(Just for for a point of discussion let’s say that the First Horseman – the great dictator – is the international bankers, the Second Horseman – the war bringer – is the military-industrial complex and the Fourth Horseman – pestilence – is the pharmaceutical cartel.)

Farmers in the participating states of the Federal Republic of Germany…

…where “the Greens” hold the balance of power and have, thereby, managed to impose some of their dogmas – know that it is, in those states, forbidden for a farmer to improve his land resulting in reductions in fertility and harvests. The Greens wish to impose more of their dogmas leading to “Agenda 21,” the so-called “Sustainable Development” whereby, for “environmental reasons”, most of humanity is to be slaughtered and the remaining 500 Millions (5.5% of the present population) are to be pushed into ghetto cities and ruled over by a “Green” elite.

In re-writing one of my books…

Continue reading Is the “Green Party” the Third Horseman of the Apocalypse?