It may not be obvious to you, yet, but WE, the American people, WERE being manipulated by a powerful, committed and longstanding movement that, until Trump was elected, was about to transform our country into a socialist state – health care included.
If that concept still alludes you, ask yourself why anybody cared if Ann Coulter was to speak at Berkeley last week. The plain truth is, if some people didn’t want to hear her, then they didn’t need to go to the auditorium. Duh!
Are these vaccine damaged young people?
Instead, the Political Correctness speech censors showed up in force and had a field day intimidating people to make sure nobody would be able to hear what she had to say. We see this behavior on just about every college campus in America these days and, sad to say, it is a reflection of the mindless activities college students are doing all day long.
All that seems to be going on is ranting about victim feminism, the gay rights movement, Black Lives Matter, demands for special privileges, and safe places. In the middle of all this craziness the rest of us have learned to be fearful of what we say, what we write and what we think.
After all, we might use the wrong word that somebody might find offensive, insensitive, racist, sexist, homophobic or God knows what else. In fact, for years, I’ve not felt free to say “Merry Christmas” at Christmas time as it was no longer politically correct.
We certainly see this in US health care. How dare we question vaccines, the CDC, FDA, doctors?
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At California Senator Richard Pan’s most recent Town Hall Meeting regarding Senate Bill 18, the Children’s Bill of Rights, many parents claimed that they were completely shut out of these Town Hall Meetings.
These so-called Town Hall Meetings are supposed to be open to all members of the public.
Parents allege that they were prevented from speaking, while many seemingly paidproponents of the bill were invited to speak, and often past their allotted amount of time.
In addition, the people that spoke in support of the bill, had presumed financial incentives and ties that would directly benefitthemselves and state agencies by the passage of SB18.
Sounds like SB277 deja vu all over again…
Conflicts of Interest…
People who made negative comments on an autism post on Senator Richard Pan’s facebook page were allegedly moved to the overfill room and prevented from speaking at the “Town Hall Meeting.”
When one parent, emboldened by not being allowed to speak, decided to stand up and speak anyway at the end of the meeting, the lights were shut off.
People began chanting their opposition to Senate Bill 18 and the stealing of parental rights.
The lights continued to stay turned off, as people chanted and stumbled through the dark.
I sure hope that Senator Pan didn’t cause anyone to be injured by this reckless and irrational behavior.
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It must be difficult to realize that once you strode the Earth as the lords of creation, and now you are simply confined to a small few herds on an isolated island, awaiting your inevitable extinction.
Yes, that is what scientists reported in the March 2, 2017 issue of PLOS Genetics regarding the last few woolly mammoths who persisted on Wrangel Island until approximately 3,700 years ago must have endured.
But much the same could be said for the pro-vaccine forces in pharmacy and the media.
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Around 1970, during my studies at the university, I became intrigued with the writings of the late Dr. Wilhelm Reich on the controversial subjects of “biological energy” and his thesis that blocked emotions and sexual repression led to mental illness, neurosis and social violence.
I met and studied with some of the scientists who had worked with Reich, experienced the orgone therapy Reich had developed, undertook simple experiments, and eventually became the first student at a mainstream American university to earn a PhD for scientifically testing Reich’s ideas.
Wilhelm Reich was part of Sigmund Freud’s inner circle…
Dr Wilhelm Reich
For those who don’t know, Reich was one of Freud’s inner circle — some say he was being groomed to take over leadership of the International Psychoanalytic Association (IPA) — but he was ultimately thrown out of that organization for his social reform and anti-Nazi work.
Historians have since documented the general capitulation of German psychoanalysis to the Nazis, but not so Wilhelm Reich, an Austrian-Ukranian of Jewish background.
Freud’s early work strongly suggested emotions and sexuality were expressions of a tangible energetic “something”, but it was Reich who provided the clearest evidence that the Freudian libido was a real energy, discharged during emotional expression and sexual orgasm.
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So many women, like me, are befuddled and embarrassed by the outrageous costumes and antics of women that participated in the “Women’s March.”
The message and point of the women’s march seemed to get lost in translation, if there was even a clear message at all…
Media Editorials cited in Wikipedia State:
“On January 4, 2017, columnist Shikha Dalmia called the protest “a feel-good exercise in search of a cause“.[133]
The New York Post Editorial Board asked if the event might be “cursed”, writing, “The three white feminists who thought up the idea felt obliged to change that title after they faced charges of ‘cultural appropriation'”.[134]
Us Magazine noted social media posts and a petition criticizing the march for having left Hillary Clinton’s name off a list of 27 honorees who “paved the way” for equal rights.[135]
The organizers’ decision to make Angela Davis a featured speaker was criticized from the right by Humberto Fontova[136] and National Review.[137] Libertarian journalist Cathy Young wrote that Davis’s “long record of support for political violence in the United States and the worst of human rights abusers abroad” undermined the march.[138]
I’m still trying to make sense of it all.
And, If That’s Not Bad Enough…
The day after President Donald Trump’s inauguration, so-called “Muslim feminist” Linda Sarsourascended the global stage at the “Women’s March on Washington.”
Muslim Feminist? Isn’t that is a contradiction in terms?
Although not as famous as other speakers — Madonna, Michael Moore, Gloria Steinem, Ashley Judd, Angela Davis, Van Jones — Sarsour is proving to be equally controversial.
Sarsour, a co-chair of the march, is a “Muslim feminist” and well-known Soros-funded activist in New York City, where she is Executive Director of the Arab American Association of New York (AAANY) and a director of the New York Immigration Coalition (NYIC), a radical migrant-refugee “rights” organization.
She is also, say critics, connected to jihadi terrorists, such as Hamas, Hezbollah, and ISIS, and she is a self-proclaimed advocate of Sharia law for America. – The New American
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America has been awakened to the fact that the US Vaccine Program, both for children and adults, is a massive money-generating, but deadly, dangerous, hoax. Autism is but ONE of the problems vaccines cause.
It is likely that the anti-vaxxer movement in the US steered the presidential election towards Donald Trump – there is so much interest.
President Trump, before the inauguration, talked to Robert F. Kennedy Jr about he, Kennedy, heading up such a Vaccine Commission. Kennedy said he would. And, the liberal media began its shrill whining…
A keening of fear…
So let’s look at what will happen.
Do Federal Commissions Have Any Real Power?
Oh yeah – they certainly do.
Historically, Commissions in the United States have played prominent roles in US decision making. They come in different colors and sizes, and can have different functions depending on how they are originally set up, and by whom. Below I’ll show you some samples…
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President Trump has been putting together leadership teams to deal with the massive damage liberal Democrats have inflicted on the US with their corrupt, money-grubbing, anti-family, fake environmentalism, and destruction of the American middle class in favor of globalization policies.
America, on November 8th, 2016, rejected all of this liberal crap, and called for major change. Trump is delivering…
But let’s focus on Bobby Kennedy to head a Vaccine Commission…
The FIRST Thing:
Yes, RFK Jr is, undoubtedly a good, honorable, man who believes in his political positions. Personally I like what he is, and represents.
But, and it is a VERY big BUT, he is a Democrat, albeit a bit different, for sure, than the Clinton/Obama/Richard Pan/Anthony Weiner scum-lifes. But still, a Democrat.
RFK Jr speaking in Sacramento about Mandatory Vaccine SB277 legislation…
I’d feel a LOT better about him if he’d just switch political parties right now – and announce himself as a Republican to do this job.
Why? Democrats simply do not have real credibility in America right now – they are what they are.
In fact, using RFK Jr. in a leadership role might give the wrong message to Americans, perhaps even confusing them, a little, about what liberal Democrats really are – and the destruction they want, and have planned, for America.
Like it or not, the Democratic Party firmly established, during the 2016 presidential election process EXACTLY what it was, and is. It offered CLEAR choices to Americans – and it lost BIG TIME.
Election 2016 pointed out that – America is NOT interested in having its children’s genders confused in some “Common Core” propaganda ploy. Nor are we interested in having all of our economy shipped to the Third World, our borders invaded by questionables, endless wars overseas, or our children vaccinated into vegetable status..
Liberal Democrats, and their philosophy, have been thoroughly rejected…
Remember that it is the California liberal Democrats that passed a Mandatory Vaccination (SB277) law forcing school age children to be forcibly injected with un-tested Made-in-China vaccines – all arranged by Hillary Clinton.
California Democrat Senator Richard Pan’s plan for California’s children…
Now, of course, the California liberal Dems are arranging new legislation to COMPLETELY take California children away from parents and make them all wards of the State – with SB18.
California Senator Holly Mitchell’s plan for California’s children…
California Dems, quietly, as of January 1st 2017, legalized child prostitution, claiming that those children need “counseling” not “arrest.”
I suspect we will soon see a law where the California Dems will create a new State Agency to take 80% of a California child prostitute’s income to provide that ”counseling.”
Trump’s team is going to have to step in, in California. California Democrats are in for a hard ride – and it is justified.
RFK Jr, I’m sure, is a good guy, and competent, but… He IS a registered Democrat…
I’m not sure Americans would feel secure with that…
I’d be more confident…
I’d feel a lot more confident that something could get done if Trump appointed one of those 200+ Generals or Admirals that Obama fired for not gay-ing up the military as fast as the liberal Dems wanted….
Why one of those? That’s an easy one. We tend, these days, to focus on childhood vaccine issues – and they are certainly important, BUT, let’s not forget what happened to our soldiers during the 1990-91 Gulf wars where those soldiers were unwitting guinea-pigs for Big Pharma’s “Experimental Vaccines.” 250,000 out of 697,000 soldiers (36%) now have Gulf War Syndrome.
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“To date, embryonic stem cell research has not produced a single medical treatment, where ethical, adult stem cell research has produced some 67 medical miracles.” Vice President – Mike Pence
There is a war raging over adult (nonembryonic) stem cell use by licensed physicians right here in the USA…
It basically pits self-styled dogmatic skeptics, federally funded university researchers & research centers, the FDA, various medical groups and organizations, and some individual mainstream practitioners against hundreds of licensed MDs and DOs (and thousands of patients) who want to use the patient’s own stem cells to treat various afflictions, most being chronic in nature.
For those of us in the trenches doing stem cell medicine (Stem Cell Warriors), today’s tug-of-war is not only not news, but we saw the clouds gathering on the horizon back at the dawn of the new millennia.
It is a familiar story in the evolution of medicine: genuine innovation carries some low risk unknowns which prompts regulators and guardians of the status quo to seek to control and contain it, ostensibly to protect patients from harm.
Strident voices…
Not surprisingly, the most strident voices advocating regulating innovation (progress) in adult stem cell use has invariably included federally funded laboratory scientists, ivory tower bioethicists, and others who have blinders on when it comes to how to effectively deliver low risk new therapies to the clinic.
Most display an arrogant disregard for suffering patients who have few or no treatment options, or else yammer on about how they are really protecting them from the horrors of “Wild West stem cell doctors” who just do whatever they want and this for the money involved – Never mind the fact they leave many of these suffering people no recourse but to rely on ineffective or marginally effective treatments by mainstream doctors, most of which have side or adverse effects that one never sees in patients given properly done in-office adult stem cell therapies).
I challenge you to look up the incidence of side effects that the average FDA approved drug has and to compare that number with the number of side effects and deaths that have occurred with the use of stem cells derived from the same patient’s body (autologous)!
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Note from Tim Bolen – I have been involved with cutting-edge health care people for 30 plus years. The author I have recruited here for the BolenReport is an expert in, among other things, Adult Stem Cell Therapies. His book, “Umbilical Cord Stem Cell Therapy: The Gift of Healing from Healthy Newborns,” is an excellent entrance into the world of stem cells, and their existing and potential uses.
I have asked him to do answer three questions in his article series: (1) Why is the US health care system so bad? and (2)Why are adult stem cells, which repair damage to the body, being almost blocked for use in the US?, and (3) Would Adult Stem Cells reverse vaccine damage (autism)?
Let’s see what he has to say in the FIRST article in his series…
“My doctor told me to stick with things backed up by hard science”
As an integrative medicine expert with over forty years of practice under my belt, I cannot begin to count the times a patient came into my office and said, “I almost didn’t come in to see you, Dr. Steenblock, mainly because my regular doctor said what you do is not backed up by hard science (MORE LIKELY HE HAS NOT A CLUE ABOUT ANYTHING I DO). He also emphasized that I should stick with doctors whose practices are hard science based like his.”
There is a perverse, persuasive logic to this “we have it, they don’t” line of reasoning. The fact is though that conventional medicine’s claim that almost all of the things they do is indisputably predicated on hard science is a fallacy. I knew this forty years ago — spoke of it often down through the ensuing years — and am still doing so albeit with one difference: There is now a chorus of voices from within the world of standard medicine and science saying the same thing.
We could accurately say, “Half of what physicians do is wrong,” or “Less than 20 percent of what physicians do has solid research to support it.” Although these claims sound absurd, they are solidly supported by research that is largely agreed upon by experts. Yet these claims are rarely discussed publicly. It would be political suicide for our public leaders to admit these truths and risk being branded as reactionary or radical. Most Americans wouldn’t believe them anyway.
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While California Senator Richard Pan is frantically sending out feel-good media propaganda pieces in a desperate attempt to cover-up the fact that Senate Bill 18 gives the state complete control over ALL California children, word is spreading.
Senate Bill 18 allows “professionals” approved by the state to make these decisions and more for your child.
“Catch the flavor of the wording. It emerges like swamp gas: “The Legislature finds and declares that all children and youth, regardless of gender, class, race, ethnicity, national origin, culture, religion, immigration status, sexual orientation, or ability, have inherent rights that entitle them to protection, special care, and assistance, including, but not limited to, the following: The right to parents, guardians, or caregivers who act in their best interest. The right to form healthy attachments with adults responsible for their care and well-being. The right to live in a safe and healthy environment. The right to social and emotional well-being. The right to opportunities to attain optimal cognitive, physical, and social development. The right to appropriate, quality education and life skills leading to self-sufficiency in adulthood. The right to appropriate, quality health care.”
As if all these outcomes could be delivered to children on a silver platter.
And the State would make it so?
This bill is basically setting up the population of California for state regulatory agencies to fill in the blanks later, to make specific controls out of the vague generalities in the bill. Get it? “Medical care and nutrition and parenting and education are what we say they are. We define and enforce, you obey.”
Rappoport goes on to explain WHERE all of this is coming from:
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According to the US Supreme Court in the 1979 Parham Versus J.R Case:
California Senator Richard Pan’s attack on Californian’s Parental Rights has morphed into an all out assault on family and religious rights – in complete defiance of the US Constitution.
Senate Bill 18 is the culmination of all of a totalitarian socialist state’s hatred for liberty and freedom.
Senate Bill 18 is dangerous because it is made to look not harmful or offensive, so that it might pass easily.
Senate Bill 18 allows “professionals” approved by the state to make these decisions, and more, for your child.
This bill is the FOUNDATION for the rules and regulations that Senator Richard Pan will add at a later date; most likely under the radar and away from the prying eyes of the public.
Senator Pan currently sits on 17 different state committees, including the Children with Special Needs committee, which is ironic considering all of the additional vaccine injuries that his Senate Bill 277 has caused.
Senator Pan has a lot of influence in Sacramento and with the other California Senators.
Many believe that since Senator Pan has strong ties to Big Pharma that he intends to add MANY REQUIRED Medical Interventions for Children.
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With Donald Trump Coming into Office on January 20th, 2017 I Have to be Right Here in the Middle of Things…
Life is Just Too Much Fun…
Opinion by “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen
You just never know…
One day you think it’s time to park the battle tanks in the warehouse, crank the missile launchers down and cover them with tarps, sell the nuclear subs to Texas, and head for a warm island where you can drink a tasty rum drink, and watch the pretty girls walk by – let the other younger warriors have all the battle fun.
I have to tell you – five weeks of that is about all I could possibly stand. Gotta get back to the wars. Addiction.
Then this guy Donald Trump runs for President of the US. Every liberal mainstream media wanna-be pundit shrieked out their disdain of Trump, and his “Deplorable” support network, making claim that Trump wouldn’t even be allowed in the Republican Primaries.
After all, according to the Democratic Party leadership, the family oriented Judeo-Christian ethic was dead – for THEY had killed it, and now it was an “anything goes” world. So, according the them, heterosexual family-type voters were finished.
Then when Trump did get in they claimed he could not possibly win the Republican Primaries – which, of course, Trump did.
Then they looked down their noses, while prancing around big city gay bars on Friday Pageant Night telling themselves, and others in the Appletini crowd, that Trump couldn’t possible beat their ultimate hero, scum-sucking Hillary Clinton.
Then along came election night. The Judeo-Christian heterosexual family types voted – and the world changed overnight.
But I have to say – you can’t just retire and come right back to the fray. There’s work that needs to be done. Preparations that need to be made. Alliances that need re-shaping. Upgrades that need to be made to infrastructure.
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US Health Care is NOT Going to Be Fixed Without Some Radical Changes.
All throughout the Presidential Election process we heard arguments over what’s called “ObamaCare” (The Affordable Care Act). Strangely, there was little detail about was REALLY right or wrong with the system, nor exactly how to fix it – just a lot of hyperbole.
What Do We Really Know About “ObamaCare”?
The Good Parts – people who could not previously get access to health care actually got that access.
The Bad Parts – (1) Mandatory purchase – Everyone had to buy a Health Care Plan. (2) What is offered (mandated) is basically expensive junk.
Yes, you read that right – “expensive junk.”
The REALLY BAD Parts – Costs started to rise exponentially. Plan costs, already high, doubled.
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Is the California Medical Board (CMB) REALLY Going to take Bob Sears’s medical license? Yup, and his support network will whine, whimper, scream, shout, pout, dress-alike, kick-their-feet, and ruminate, all to no affect. They’ll make a lot of noise on FaceBook. There will be photos with Congressmen. But, there will be NO ACTIVITY to actually do something to really help Bob, or themselves.
Why? Because his support network has NO IDEA what the real problems are, much less have any ideas on how to solve those problems. Why? They NEVER do any background research – they just EMOTE for a day or two, or a week, then move on to the next FaceBook tidbit.
Is it possible to save Bob’s license? Yup. I already see the way – it just took a little research. Below, I’ll outline it for you.
Who is Bob’s support network? The Canary Party/Health Choice (CP/HC) nitwits. Bob was right there during those bungled attempts to stop SB 277 legislation singing in the choir the “We know that vaccines are safe and effective (sniff, sniff) we just want personal choice (whimper, whimper)” song.
Over the next few weeks you’ll see what looks like mobilization for Bob. But, like the first four campaigns, it will look good on the outside, but will have no substance, and will accomplish absolutely NOTHING.
Poor Bob…
A lifetime of helping others, and he’s going to go down the drain.
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Mike Adams over at Natural News has been doing a superb job of pointing out who the “skeptic” leadership really is, and what they really are, with his exposé of top skeptic “Orac” who’s real name is David Gorski MD.
Of course, I, Tim Bolen, am an expert on skeptics and their antics. I don’t mind pulling the top off of the septic tank and doing an inspection. Excrement is excrement.
But, our Australian friends have done one better, for now ( I promise to catch up).. They did a video about the REAL skeptics, with all of the gruesome details. It is so good it’s funny. The point of this video is that an elected official, a member of a political party (The Greens) that one would think would be sympathetic, has gone full pro-vaxxer, and full GMO promoter. In the video, the politician is speaking, throwing glowing admiration on the skeptics, naming them individually.
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DISCRIMINATION is a dirty word in politics today. California, generally a very liberal state, tends to FROWN UPON Discrimination.
So Why are Countless Vaccine Damaged Children and Their Families Facing DISCRIMINATION when it comes to a PRIVATE or PUBLIC EDUCATION?
And why would Democrats, the supposed party of CARE and CONCERN, encourage DISCRIMINATION against vulnerable, defenseless, vaccine-injured children and their families?
The California Democratic Party voted last year to include FORCED VACCINATION MANDATES as part of their party platform.
Democratic California State Senator Richard Pan has allegedly been at the forefront of this DISCRIMINATION; that also includes, Hate Speech Attacks on Vaccine-Injured Children and their Families.
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Too often we, here, on the BolenReport, and other publications, talk about the problems of North American Health Care without pointing out, to our readers, that in the Health Freedom Movement WE WIN ALL OF THE TIME…
Part of the reason we win is that we openly communicate problems. And, when we do that there is an effect. We start the ball rolling.
Probably the biggest effect, right now, is that we have driven most of our front-line opposition into hiding – and that is a very important point.
So why, for example, are the supposedly “pro-vax, etc.,” people hiding? When you hunt them down, and drag them out into the light, all becomes evident. Look what we found when we examined nitwit David Gorski (Orac)’s network.
There is NO QUESTION that the monstrous Anti-Vax Movement is scaring the crap out of those that pretend to think that vaccines are safe and effective. Step outside and smell the fear in the air. The signs are everywhere.
Get ready to laugh – I have another story about frustrated pro-vax snivelers to entertain you with. We are dragging another batch of life’s detritus out into the light…
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I want to apologize to everyone that are submitting “Comments” to the BolenReport and not seeing them pop up instantly.
I was inundated with “skeptic” crap – and decided to “monitor” all of the Comments. Since I have meetings, and other obligations, sometimes it is hours before I can get back to the Comment queue. Please, don’t go away – just put them there. They will appear.
Or you can send them to my email address. The information I am getting is WOW!!
As you know the “skeptics” live in a different world than those of us brought up with a kindness, and caring, family oriented Judeo-Christian Ethic. Their “Comments” are not something normal people would want to see, or hear. I think that if someone were to do what they do in a Public Park on a Saturday, the police would come, and take them away. Why is their behavior condoned on the internet?
As you know, Meryl Dorey, of the Australian Vaccination Network (AVN) was threatened with rape, mutilation, and death by the “skeptics.”
They sent Meryl, in her site’s “Comments” section, homosexual pornography, a photo of a white-woman-being-ripped-in-half-while-being-raped-by-a-black-man, and more. They also, of course, called her home and threatened her children with burning her house down in the middle of the night.. You can review that horror story here.
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There is no question that Wikipedia is not our friend. It is obviously “Skeptic” Grand Dragon Home Base. Sifting though Wikipedia articles on health care is like being forced to listen to convicted pedophiles talk about their “conquests.”
Wikipedia Health articles are THAT horrible.
And, of course, when we study the “skeptic” leadership, and management picture, how that horror happens, becomes obvious.
I am a well known Crisis Management Consultant in health care. One of the tactics I use on behalf of clients is to set up campaigns that include, among other things, litigation. So, of course, it should be no surprise I am looking at what litigation, and PR campaign, would be necessary to bring Wikipedia down – just simply destroy it. Get it off the internet. Why destroy it? Because they have been asked nicely, time and time again to fix problems – and they answer with nastiness.
Frankly, I think it is time to just shut it down. Wikipedia has failed. It is simply a propaganda tool for the unwashed.
Can We Actually Destroy Wikipedia?
Of course we can. The whole Wikipedia thing is a sleight-of-hand trick, with Jimmy Wales pretending he has done something wonderful with five and ten dollar “contributions” from millions of people. That’s bullshit…
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Robin Aris, up in Northern California, pointed out that, in my article about Mike Adam’s attack on the “skeptics” I didn’t go far enough explaining who Loren Pankratz’s “False Memory Syndrome” buddy Ralph Underwager was.
Robin said:
“According to several sources, Ralph Underwager, is also a former official of the North American Man/Boy Love Association (NAMBLA). His interview with Paidika in 1993 is truly disturbing. Are any of the ‘skeptics’ not perverts defending perverts?”
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