Could the new President-Elect of our country, Donald J. Trump, have really met with Dr. Andrew Wakefield? You’ve probably heard the rumors, maybe you’ve even seen the video of Wakefield saying that Trump understands our concerns and will never allow mandatory vaccinations. He goes onto say that he believes Trump will investigate the problems at the CDC, including the allegations of Dr. William Thompson.
It’s all true…
How do I know?
Because I interviewed two people who were at that meeting. Do you want facts? It took place on August 11, 2016 in Kissimmee, Florida and lasting a little under an hour from four to five in the afternoon.
And it’s all in my new book, INOCULATED: How Science Lost its Soul in Autism, available right now on Amazon. Here’s a little bit of a tease for you:
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Solving the Mandatory Vaccine SB 277 problem in California is NOT going to be a cakewalk. There are things that President Trump can do (like cut off the CDC to State Health Department funding), but we are going to have to do some important things ourselves.
I’m not exaggerating a bit when I talk about how bad California has become politically – and I’m not just referring to SB 277 Mandatory Vaccines. Here in California, they have completely eliminated the American Two-Party System. So, I was NOT surprised when they forced vaccines on innocent children. They stayed in character.
In virtually ALL other States mandatory vaccine bills were BEATEN. In some places, they never got out of committee. But, in California, the legislation ran right through, and there are reasons for that we need to do something about.
In California…
The Two-Party System is GONE in California. Due to the passing of some self-serving legislation, Democrats don’t run for election against Republicans here. They, in their naturally superior (sarcasm intended), elitist, positions don’t feel any necessity to have to argue politics with someone who disagrees with them – that’s not the liberal-progressive way.
For the very first time in California’s history two Democrats ran against each other for the US Senate. Surprise, surprise – a Democrat won…
Don’t get me wrong – I wouldn’t be all that happy with a completely Republican controlled government either.
What we always need is a balance. California has become something totally different.
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I owe a genuine debt of gratitude to the readers of The Bolen Report. It’s one thing to put a book together, but it’s quite another thing to figure out the best strategy to get that story out to the public.
I’m probably not alone in being frustrated by the glacial pace of traditional publishing. My agent had started pitching my new book, INOCULATED: How Science Lost its Soul in Autism, back in February, and although there was some interest, nothing was on the table. Even if some publisher bit in the summer, the book probably wouldn’t be available to the public until 2018. That was too long for me.
My agent told me that her agency had its own publishing division and if I wanted, I could publish with them. But I wouldn’t have the big marketing push of a traditional publisher. That was fine with me, as I had always considered this something of a guerilla campaign. We could get it out to the public very quickly. But I wanted to know if that was the right way to go and so I put this question to the readers of The Bolen Report.
Your responses were informed, passionate, well-reasoned, and I listened. I’ve always had this sense that the book should be published in November of 2016, either before or after the Presidential election, and right now the publishing date is Wednesday, November 9. And hopefully by now Amazon has updated the listing so you see the picture of my beautiful cover and a summary of the book. And I’ve hired a first-rate marketing team. We’re going to knock this one out of the park.
But I felt I should do more to express my gratitude to the readers of The Bolen Report, so I’m giving you an exclusive “sneak peek” at the first few pages. I want you to know I really do mean to start a rebellion. I also want to express my personal appreciation to Tim Bolen for his suggestions about the book and publicity. He is a man who knows how to think, strategize, and fight.
For those of you who want to know the inside story of CDC whistle-blower, Dr. William Thompson, the years of struggle of Dr. Brian Hooker to find out the truth about vaccines and autism, and the thirty-year disaster vaccines have become since the 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act, I give you the first few pages of INOCULATED:
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There are VERY INTERESTING CHOICES being made available to American voters on election day, November 8th, 2016.
In short, the argument is about the future of the United States as a nation. Hillary Clinton is owned, outright, by the Globalists – and does not hide it at all. Trump wants to restore America, reversing the damage done to our economy, get rid of the $800 billion trade deficit, bring ALL jobs back to the US, secure our borders, and take care of Americans first.
The completely corrupt US media backs Clinton openly, taking every opportunity to mock Trump and his supporters (The Deplorables) – which is a message all by itself.
On the one hand we have Hillary Clinton, supported by Planet Earth’s “one-percenters,” who, recently, when subpoenaed by Congress:
“Clinton and her flunkies deleted 33,000 emails (at least) that were public records under subpoena. They also smashed laptops and dunked at least 13 separate Blackberry devices in the toilet to destroy them.”
On the other hand we have Donald Trump – the Clinton machine accuses him of sexual improprieties 11, and 35 years ago. (Insert laughter here).
Trump, of course, has made it completely clear that when he takes over as President, a Special Prosecutor will be appointed to investigate the Clintons – and Hillary will go to jail.
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The article points points out that Hillary Clinton, in 2014, played the NUMBER ONE role in allowing Chinese vaccine manufacturers to completely bypass US vaccine testing requirements, and thereby allowing direct from the factory to American children WITH NO QUALITY CONTROL in between.
From the article:
“The Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI) has been working with Chinese suppliers to support their applications for WHO prequalification for several vaccine candidates for the last two years, says Joshua Chu, CHAI’s Director, Vaccines Markets.”
Yes, you read that right….
Those of you that are surprised, and dismayed, are in for a further rude awakening…
The drug industry, with Hillary Clinton, and the rest of the Clinton Foundation “Pay-To-Play” network have arranged FAR MORE than a vaccine deal with China. China has a “Free-Ride” over ALL drugs manufactured for the US market. And they’ve had that “Free-Ride” for years.
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I spoke to attorneys Jim Turner and Bob Moxley a few days ago about the fact that I keep getting inquiries from people wanting to be a Plaintiff in the new, revised, SB 277 lawsuit dismissed August 31st, 2016. I, obviously, cannot help those potential Plaintiffs. So, Jim and Bob set up a contact email for potential Plaintiffs to contact them directly. It is:
That new lawsuit should be filed in the first week in October, 2016. if you want to be a Plaintiff, and think you qualify, send them an email with details. To get an idea what they are looking for in a Plaintiff, go to this article, and scroll about a quarter page down down until you find a section called “The Plaintiffs, the Individuals.” Read that. If your situation looks anything like any of those, or is even close, send your email.
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Current Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) leadership is in desperation mode, running from the crumbling precipice, probably from being notified by their Big Pharma Masters that those twice-the-pay Pharma jobs they are promised are going to disappear if they don’t do something, anything, everything, to stop the burgeoning, hugely successful, anti-vaccination movement.
Americans are becoming more and more aware that vaccines are, in reality, Made-in-China death pus tubes that are neither safe nor effective, but in fact, literally horrible.
So, what does CDC leadership do to save their big payoffs? Or, should I say, TRY to save their big payoffs? They come out with a proposed rule change which, in essence, converts the government of the United States from a Constitutional Republic to a Totalitarian Dictatorship by so declaring.
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While we are all anxiously awaiting for the preliminary federal court ruling for a Preliminary Injunction order against totalitarian and oppressive SB277, time marches on and the schools are back in session.
During this time period between the SB277 Injunction ruling and school enrollment, there are those that are willing and able to wait it out.
But for everyone else that cannot homeschool or has to return to the normal work schedule, a medical exemption to protect your children should be in the cards.
The expense of a medical exemption is WELL WORTH PROTECTING your CHILD.
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Last Friday, August 12th, 2016, SB 277 Lawsuit San Diego Federal Court Judge Dana M. Sabraw, after hearing oral arguments in the Preliminary Injunction Hearing said ”I’ll Give you My Decision in Writing Within Two Weeks”…
Two weeks?
You can bet that Judge Sabraw will be very careful with the writing of this legal decision. He, and his staff, will be spending quite some time on it.
Why? This case is going to the US Supreme Court.
The Options…
The decision to issue, or not issue, a Preliminary Injunction preventing the implementation of SB 277, could be in our hands any minute. Whatever it is we proceed to the next step.
As I’ve said before, whatever happens, the side that loses this hearing will immediately Appeal to the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals.
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Perspective by Alan Hysinger – Health Freedom Activist
In the last few days, some pirated copies of Vaxxed have been making the rounds on various activist Facebook groups. I get it, people want to see the film. I personally only got to watch it about a week ago. It took that long for the forces in our life to favorably converge: someone to watch the little one, a little surplus in our budget, and a night my wife and I were both available that coincided with a Vaxxed Screening.
This is not an infomercial. Really…
But I want to increase awareness of two new ways Vaxxed is being distributed.
The screening my wife and I went to was one of the first “Theatrical On Demand” screenings of Vaxxed. Anyone willing to sign up as a Movie Captain can bring Vaxxed to their city or town. When enough tickets are sold, the movie tips, and is on the schedule. If it doesn’t tip, nobody pays a dime. All the nitty gritty details are handled by Gathr Films. All a Movie Captain needs is some enthusiasm and some ways to reach their potential audience. Continue reading How to pirate Vaxxed…and why you should think twice before doing so.
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While the people of California have some challenging times ahead of them in the fight for health freedom, there are folks that are gathering and willing to work together with TRANSPARENCY and PERSONAL ACCOUNTABILITY.
55.000 Member Texas Health Freedom Coalition Guides Texas State legislation and more…
(1) The meeting was significant in a number of ways. First, the participants agreed to cooperate under the umbrella of the newly formed Texas Health Freedom Coalition (THFC).
The rationale was that a large umbrella organization acting cooperatively would be more influential, by virtue of their greater numbers, at the state legislature than a number of smaller groups, and simultaneously would be less vulnerable to attacks by the trade union organizations seeking to monopolize various segments of the health care field.
(2) Second, since the THFC would be the actor of record, the credit for victories and advances would be shared among the groups as a coalition. Each group would play its own meaningful role, and it was agreed that no single group would claim primary credit. As Radhia so aptly stated, “united we stand, divided we fall.”
(3) Third, our interactions among the groups would be transparent. While each group would, of course, continue to operate within their own governing structure, their THFC-related activities and decisions would be visible to all. No behind-the-scenes jockeying for advantage, no intramural squabbles, and no ego trips.
(4) Fourth, the groups agreed to work together on issues of common interest, with no public criticism of another group’s individual organizational agendas. Those common interest items were two: advancing health freedom of choice legislation in Texas and opposing the Texas dietitians who, as it turned out, had betrayed the clinical nutritionists and were now pursuing exclusionary licensing legislation benefiting only themselves.
Additionally, every one of the Texas leaders attending that meeting did so in their collective capacity as volunteers. There were no professional state level organizational leaders, which meant that no one had an overriding personal (i.e., economic) agenda.
The final agenda item was the selection of the THFC chair. To my surprise, I was asked to fill that position. In hindsight, it made sense. The combination of my military/organizational background and the equally important fact that I represented no organization other than one advocating strictly for health freedom meant that I could assume the role of honest broker, should any intramural disputes arise.
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SB 277 Author Senator Richard Pan MD MPH with Santa Barbara Health Department Leader Charity Dean MD MPH at California Medical Association (CMA) annual meeting. Question – How CLOSE ARE these two?
The SB 277 lawsuit document titled “First Amended Complaint“ is a VERY thorough, detailed, layout of the problems inflicted on California’s family population by California Senator Richard Pan’s Senate Bill #277 (SB277).
In that document is a VERY important section talking about the activities of one Charity Dean MD, MPH of the Santa Barbara County Health Department, shown, with Pan, in the photo on the right.
Apparently, she wants to bite some doctors, so-to-speak.
But, the huge working group supporting the SB 277 lawsuit was closely watching Pan and Dean’s activities and started gathering evidence – the results of which ended up sticking Dean’s activities in the lawsuit itself.
I’ll show all that to you in a minute. But first let me show you what one of the California warrior teams have come up with about this subject.
We’ll start, today, with what Christina Hildebrand of “A Voice For Choice”opines:
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I make no secret of the fact that I VERY MUCH like the writing and construction of this lawsuit, both as a legal tool, and as a clear concise, explanation of the issues that we, the people of Planet Earth, face in regards to mandatory vaccine programs.
I know there is a lot of reading that needs to be done to comprehend the magnitude of the problem we face, but..
It’s all right here. Just read it a piece at a time.
The “General Allegations”…
I am going to break this section of the First Amended Complaint in to sub-sections to make it easier to comprehend where the legal arguments are going. Yes, there is a lot here to read, but it all makes sense, especially if you break it up into those sections. So, let’s do that…
(41) Amid media-created hype and irrational panic over the Disneyland measles outbreak, SB 277 was rushed through the Legislature and signed into law in the course of four short months, bypassing key legislative committees and precluding careful and thoughtful analysis of whether SB 277 was warranted or whether it could coexist with the robust legal framework that exists to protect California’s schoolchildren from marginalization and discrimination.
(42) Without any factual basis, children with PBEs were saddled with all of the blame for the outbreak, resulting in prejudice and intolerance against them that was so pervasive and so severe as to result in legislation to exile them from schools and daycares. Thus, for the first time in its history, California created a new category of “second-class citizens,” who would forever be barred from its schools in contravention of the United States and California Constitutions, numerous state and federal laws, and decades of California and federal jurisprudence that forbid SB 277’s draconian result.
(43) California’s children have a fundamental right to attend school and participate in society, free from discrimination and marginalization. Children with disabilities have the right to attend school with their non-disabled peers and not be relegated to learning in isolation. Parents have the right to direct the upbringing of their children in accordance with their deeply-held convictions and their religious beliefs. SB 277 totally and fatally conflicts with these and other fundamental rights and liberties guaranteed to Plaintiffs and their children and to thousands of families who are suffering the aftermath of SB 277. Plaintiffs, therefore, seek a declaration that SB 277 is unconstitutional under both the United States and California Constitutions and a preliminary and permanent injunction preventing Defendants from enforcing SB 277.Continue reading SB 277 First Amended Complaint “General Allegations…”
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On July 1st, 2016 a lawsuit was filed in a San Diego Federal Court asking the court to declare infamous California Senate Bill 277 unconstitutional, and prevent its enforcement. It was an excellent read. Its filing compared, in war terms, to the June 6th, 1944 “D-Day” Invasion of Normandy. The “good guys” were on the beach beginning the counterattack against the forces of evil.
The news traveled across Planet Earth like a soothing spring rain.
Then, yesterday and today, July 14th and 15th, 2016, new filings are appearing starting with what is called, simply enough, a “- FIRST AMENDED COMPLAINT FOR DECLARATORY, INJUNCTIVE AND OTHER RELIEF.” And, although I liked the first filing VERY MUCH, and said so.
I like these legal filings even more.
Before I show them to you, and explain, in simple terms, what is actually going on there are TWO important points I need to make. They are::
(1) This whole event, these legal actions, and all of the investigations and sorting of material leading to all of this legal action is the work of a giant, secret, army who managed to work quietly, and unobtrusively, gathering and sorting, making new alliances, for the express purposes surrounding the issues so carefully, and powerfully, explained in the legal papers. Look around. There they are. There YOU are…
Here WE are… The doors are open. Come and play.
(2) So MUCH is happening with this First Amended Complaint that I am going to break the explanation of it all into separate parts – so, after this article, there is MUCH MORE good stuff coming. You WILL love this….
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Gardasil victim photo above courtesy of Natural News article “Outrage.”
In a Newsweek article from 2012 entitled, “An epidemic of special needs kids heads for a crisis of care”author Michelle Cottle describes how there is a current crisis of care, particularly in autism, as children with neurodevelopmental disorders are aging out of the school system. She stated that there was a “800-pound gorilla in the room: autism” and that the “epidemic,” or “swelling population” was placing strains on our health-care, education, and social-services systems. She quoted Geraldine Dawson, with Autism Speaks, as saying, “We as a nation are not prepared.”
That was 2012 and the crisis of care continues as children with autism age out of the school system. However, the second crisis in care in autism is just starting to reveal itself.
The second crisis of care in autism will happen when the parents of these autistic children start to die.
This second crisis of care will probably be considerably worse that the first crisis of care. It remains to be seen what will happen to this vulnerable population.
The recent tragedy involving a 22 year old girl with autism in Louisiana shown in the linked video below may be providing a glimpse of things to come. In that case, this 22 year old autistic girl, reported to have the mind of a child, ended up living with distant relatives when her mother died. Sadly, these distant relatives kept her locked in a cage outside for as long as nine months. She was abused and lost about 60 pounds during her ordeal, which ended June 30, 2016 when sheriff’s deputies freed her from her captors. After being evaluated at a local hospital, she was placed in the care of the Louisiana Health Department.
The Video That Clearly illustrates What Is Really Going to Happen…
Click on the title below to see the WDSU News video, and the accompanying article about:
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Note from Tim Bolen – I have been a huge critic of the mainstream Cancer treatment establishment for a very long time. President Richard Nixon funded the “War on Cancer” in 1972, challenging mainstream to solve the cancer problem. They promised to do that within eighteen months if given enough money. In forty four years they have made ZERO progress. American have found that there are alternatives to mainstream that work very well, are cheaper, and you, and/or your loved ones get to live. And, you get to travel…
As a reader of the Bolen Report for many years, it is a great honor and pleasure to contribute a cancer report. Our goal is to provide timely information about the most effective ways to treat cancer.
We will review treatment protocols, treatment centers and additional topics In support of cancer patients. We will also provide details about conferences, expos and meetings where you (and your doctor) can learn the latest, most up-to-date information as to the best ways to treat cancer. We intend to balance our reports between certain factual information and opinion based on observation and experience.
The primary focus will be Alternative and Integrative approaches because…
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San Diego Federal Judge Dana M. Sabraw denied the Ex Parte Temporary Restraining Order (TRO) presented by the Plaintiffs, so far, for two reasons – BOTH of which attorneys for the Plaintiffs are remedying as fast as possible.
In essence, Judge Sabraw wants two things: (1) the Defendants’ attorneys involved in the hearing, and (2) A better, more specific example of why there is an emergency requiring a TRO in the first place. Continue reading Fed Judge Denies SB 277 TRO – Wants More Info…
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What Exactly is this Nontoxic Approach for Disease Prevention?
Homeoprophylaxis— also known as Homeopathic prophylaxis or even “HP”– is a nontoxic method of disease prevention in use since 1799. The term “homeo” means “like or similar”—note that it does not mean “same”, only similar.
“Prophylaxis” refers to the prevention of a disease. Homeopathy is an energetic form of medicine. It utilizes the energies found in plant, animal, and mineral sources to promote healing and wellness. In like manner, when homeopathy is used as a prophylactic, it utilizes an energetic form of the disease to promote immunity. It has been documented to do this with about 90% success. The body is exposed to an energetic form of the disease and is found to respond appropriately, “as if” it had been exposed to the disease itself. Thus, all the benefits of natural disease are derived without any of the risks.
Let’s define, as well, what a “vaccine” is. The idea of inserting a particle of a disease into the body to promote an immunological response has technically been done for about a thousand years (1), not always successfully. During Edward Jenner’s time, he noted how milkmaids, who were around cows all the time, did not seem to get the horrid smallpox. He noted that cows would get a similar disease, known as cowpox, and postulated that it was perhaps this exposure to cowpox that prevented smallpox in milkmaids. Thus began his fussing about with the pus of cowpox to provide immunity to smallpox in people. From this came the term, “vaccine”, from the Latin word, vacca, for cow. Mass vaccination for smallpox was later discontinued in the U.S. due to many cases of brain damage as a result of the vaccine, as well as the virtual disappearance of smallpox. (2)
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It’s always been a mystery to me how President Reagan, generally known for his suspicion of unchecked governmental power, could have signed the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986, which established the so-called “Vaccine Court.” To the parents of many children with autism, this legislation is the direct cause of the autism epidemic.
While researching my new book, INOCULATED: How Science Lost Its Soul in Autism, I came across the answer in the pages of the New York Times. (Full disclosure – In my younger days I was a “Youth Delegate for Reagan” to the 1984 Republican Convention in Dallas. Forgive me. I was young and foolish.) In an article by Robert Pear, which was published on November 15, 1986, in the New York Times entitled, “Reagan Signs Bill on Drug Exports and Payment for Vaccine Injuries,” (and easily accessible through a simple Google search), Reagan laid out his thoughts. Continue reading What Did President Reagan Think About “Vaccine Court?”
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So, I called attorney Jim Turner about 5:00AM PST this morning and say “Where’s the case, dude?” He laughed… He’d been up all night. Right now it’s 5:00PM PST on Friday, July 1st, 2016 and I’ve got the final copy of the case against SB 277 in my hands. It will take a while to get this article out – a lot to read, and make phone calls about. But…
I LOVE it.
The case I talked about two days ago has been electronically filed by Carl Lewis in the San Diego Federal Court. I have attached copies of each of the individual document sets to this article. They will be easy to find. Take the time to familiarize yourself.
The actual name of the filing is “Complaint For Declaratory and Injunctive Relief – Temporary Restraining Order Sought.” Below I will explain what all that means.
And, there’s a bunch of backup documents. You can see every one.
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