Opinion by “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen
In early 2016 the United States of America was, most definitely, in decline.
Unfortunately “we the people” let the situation get very bad before we said, on Election Day 2016, “enough is enough,” and stopped the globalist destruction train in it’s tracks.
Americans with common sense went to the polls and surprised a weary world beaten down by globalists, woke up a reaction, and proceeded to change the direction not just of America the Nation, but of Planet Earth.
But, Let’s Be Specific About What Needs to be addressed…
Below are sixteen problems created and maintained by liberal Democrats for the express purpose of damaging and destroying America. We need to fix them, and we can.
(1) America has lost 60,000 factories since President Bill Clinton organized, and signed into effect, the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). If an average 1,000 people had jobs at each of those factories we lost sixty million (60,000,000) jobs.
We need to reopen, or replace, EVERY ONE of these. And add more.
(2) President Bill Clinton, in 1998, inserted an addition into US legislation, making Student Loans non-dischargable under bankruptcy. There are NO JOBS for most of these people and the interest on the loans builds. These loans can NEVER be paid off, leaving an entire generation of educated Americans dodging bank creditors, and having their fast-food employment wages garnisheed.
As Martin Armstrong says: “Clinton sneaked in the 1998 HEA two specific changes regarding the collection of student loans that is a brewing part of the Sovereign Debt Crisis today for students cannot discharge student loans in bankruptcy and 65% cannot find a job in what they paid for.”
Clinton created a hopelessness in an entire generation of Americans. Overall income is down. Marriages are way down.
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There are serious concerns being raised regarding contamination in vaccines, especially in light of the fact that many vaccines are now made in China.
Most childhood vaccines are now made in Chinese vaccine manufacturing facilities (Bolen Report, 2017). Unfortunately, foreign pharmaceutical companies are not subject to U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) quality control regulations.
China has a history of producing tainted and/or toxic products.
For example, in 2008, an estimated 300,000 infants fell victim to contaminated infant formulas made in China. Six of the infants died. Four years after that, Chinese baby formulas were found to contain dangerous levels of mercury and were forced to recall six months’ worth of production. Then one month after that, China authorities discovered more shipments of contaminated infant formula, this time poisoned with a cancer-causing toxin aflatoxin, a carcinogenic substance produced by fungus or mold. It was found in “excessive” amounts (The New York Times, 2012).
In 2007, a nationwide inspection of China’s food industry uncovered 23,000 cases of tainted or expired food (NPR, 2007a). Then in 2012, when Rendezvous explored the issue of food safety in China they described it as “a mess” (The New York Times, 2012).
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How Much Longer Are We Going to Have to Put Up With Liberal Democrats’ Defecations?
Donald Trump promised to “Drain the Swamp.” That job is massive, and will continue to be so for some time We all need to help him.
The best way to start to help is for “We the People” to understand the problem as a whole. Let’s outline it.
Opinion by “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate” Tim Bolen
Liberal Democrats are all about globalism and the completion of Agenda 21. When you understand, and accept that fact, everything becomes clear. Now we can defeat their agenda.
By electing Donald Trump to the presidency and removing these people from over a thousand State and federal elected offices we have made a good start. But, is just that – a good start.
From Agenda 21’s own leaders comes this:
“Individual rights will have to take a back seat to the collective.” Harvey Ruvin, Vice Chairman, ICLEI. The Wildlands Project
“We must make this place an insecure and inhospitable place for Capitalists and their projects – we must reclaim the roads and plowed lands, halt dam construction, tear down existing dams, free shackled rivers and return to wilderness millions of tens of millions of acres or presently settled land.” Dave Foreman, Earth First.
What is not sustainable? Ski runs, grazing of livestock, plowing of soil, building fences, industry, single family homes, paves and tarred roads, logging activities, dams and reservoirs, power line construction, and economic systems that fail to set proper value on the environment.” UN’s Biodiversity Assessment Report.
Hide Agenda 21’s UN roots from the people – “Participating in a UN advocated planning process would very likely bring out many of the conspiracy- fixated groups and individuals in our society… This segment of our society who fear ‘one-world government’ and a UN invasion of the United States through which our individual freedom would be stripped away would actively work to defeat any elected official who joined ‘the conspiracy’ by undertaking LA21. So we call our process something else, such as comprehensive planning, growth management or smart growth.” J. Gary Lawrence, advisor to President Clinton’s Council on Sustainable Development.
So, let’s go to the next step.
(1) Let’s just accept that Liberal Democrats were heading America for a global collective under the auspices of “Agenda 21” and deal with it. Remember two things: (a) that these people originally bragged that they were going to reduce the population of Planet Earth from nine billion to 500 million by the year 2021 – now moved to 2030, and (b) they needed to reduce the American Standard of Living down to a third world country level.
I’m not making any of this up. Everything I have said, or will say, is discoverable on Agenda 21 information platforms.
According to these Agenda 21 nutbags, 94.5 percent of Earth’s population was/is to be killed, by one means or another (vaccines?). Using that formula the US population was/is to be reduced from 325,796,862 to 17,918,827. Which means that 307,878,035 Americans need to be killed, and our bodies disposed of, by 2030, by some means, so that the Elite can drive their Range Rovers from Yosemite to the Grand Canyon without having to drive around smelly dead bodies or funeral cairns.
Crazy as it sounds, EVERYTHING they do, and have done, is towards that objective.
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Opinion by “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen
California leads the Nation in many things. Everybody knows the old adage “California is the trend setter. What starts there spreads across the nation…”
Hillary Clinton and Richard Pan
When the liberal Democrat “Empress” Hillary goon squads arrogantly shoved Senate Bill 277 (Mandatory Childhood Vaccinations) down California parent’s throats, not that long ago, the reaction in California grew to a fever pitch.
When the Democratic Party controlled California legislature blatantly ignored family groups, with vaccine damaged children in tow in Sacramento, closing down the legislature in their faces to celebrate “Gay Pride Day” they enraged not only California voters but a world-wide constituency on a visceral level. The US Democratic Party was revealed for what it really is, and what it has become – and its death at the Presidential Election 2016 began.
California was, once again, the leader. This time, in something that was VERY NECESSARY. Nationwide, the Donald Trump teams emerged. First WE took control of the Republican Presidential Primary. Then we took the Nation. Donald speaks for the people. Us.
And Donald Trump, on our behalf, listening to us (We, The People), Began To Address Issues…
There is no question that the 2017 Democratic Party has become the “The Party of HATE.” They OPENLY march in the streets screaming epithets against heterosexuality, families, anybody-who-voted-for-Trump, Seniors, people-who-have-jobs, people-who-smile-at-each-other, anyone-who-believes-in-a-God, anyone-who-believes-in-a-Judeo/Christian-ethic. Every move they make is to create hatred and dissention between races, sexes and ethnic groups.
And, none of it is working. Those promoting these negative ideas, like mainstream media, have lost America’s positive attention. It is only a matter of time before we, as a society, shut them down. Why?
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It must be difficult to realize that once you strode the Earth as the lords of creation, and now you are simply confined to a small few herds on an isolated island, awaiting your inevitable extinction.
Yes, that is what scientists reported in the March 2, 2017 issue of PLOS Genetics regarding the last few woolly mammoths who persisted on Wrangel Island until approximately 3,700 years ago must have endured.
But much the same could be said for the pro-vaccine forces in pharmacy and the media.
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Enough is enough… President Trump is right – Big Pharma is getting away with murder. It is time to stop it.
Anyone who watches US TV for even the shortest period of time has to notice the simple fact that Big Pharma completely controls the US media. That fact gives them monstrous power over the American people – and they use it.
“President Trump Vows to Bring Down Prescription Drug Costs – And AARP stands ready to pressure Congress to follow his lead…
That was great to hear because this is an issue that AARP knows is critically important to all Americans, but especially to the many people over 50 who depend on prescription drugs to keep them healthy and who’ve been devastated by the price increases we’ve seen in recent years.
Drug prices are out of control. Prices of brand-name prescription drugs increased almost 130 percent faster than inflation did in 2015 alone.
Advertising drives cost increases. According to Kantar Media, the drug industry spent $5.4 billion on ads in 2015. That’s a 19 percent increase over 2014 alone.
Americans depend on their prescriptions. A recent AARP survey found that 3 of 4 adults age 50+ regularly take at least one prescription medication, and over 8 in 10 take at least two drugs. More than half of seniors take four or more drugs.
High prices put an unfair burden on older Americans. The average cost of a year’s supply of a prescription drug more than doubled since 2006 to over $11,000 in 2013. That’s about three-fourths of the average Social Security retirement benefit, or almost half the median income of people on Medicare.
High drug prices raise costs for everyone. People with health coverage will pay higher health insurance premiums and deductibles.
Taxpayers foot the bill. Higher prescription drug spending also increases costs for programs such as Medicare and Medicaid; this translates into higher taxes, cuts to public programs or both.”
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All that Trump HATRED and MOCKERY, is scripted – and people like Jennifer Lopez, in her speech at the Grammys, have no choice but to play the role they are given – or their career is over.
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On November 8th, 2016 the people of the United States came out to their Voting Places to make change in the direction of their country.
Despite MASSIVE Democratic Party voter fraud they were able to elect Populist candidate Donald Trump – rejecting globalist Hillary Clinton.
Some estimates suggest that as many as twenty million dead people, nationwide, voted for Hillary Clinton giving new definition to the term “Absentee Ballot.”
In California, liberal Democrats, in a frenzy to keep control over their territory, and provide votes for Clinton, passed a law authorizing Driver’s Licenses to Illegal Aliens. All it takes to register to vote in California is a valid Drivers License. Some say that between five to ten million new Illegal Alien California voters entered the lists prior to the 2016 election process.
The words “Corruption” and “Democratic Party” are synonyms.
Enough is enough.
Sometimes Some Things Just Cannot Be Fixed…
We are, right now, for all practical purposes, a One-Party nation. The Democrats, in a swirl of negative reaction nationwide, have been significantly removed from Public Office.
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If you are of a certain age and were ever interested in politics you probably went through a stage where you read everything you possibly could about Senator Robert Kennedy. I know I did. I still do.
Robert Kennedy Sr.
The reason Robert Kennedy, Sr. continues to attract and inspire us is because he demonstrated a continuing capacity to learn. This was made clear to me in a recent book, Bobby Kennedy: The Making of a Liberal Icon by Larry Tye. Kennedy demonstrated that rare trait in a politician of being moved by the times and circumstances in which he lived.
Robert Kennedy Jr.
This same trait has been shown by his son, Robert Kennedy, Jr., in his crusade to clean up our waterways from mercury, and now with his greater mission of protecting children from massive corruption at the Centers for Disease Control regarding vaccines and autism.
Heroes still live among us.
Robert De Niro
You don’t have to be interested in politics to feel like you know Robert De Niro. You just have to be living on planet Earth. From the Godfather movies to Goodfellas, Awakenings, and his comedic turns in movies like Meet the Parents, De Niro is our consummate tough guy, and as the years have passed, he seems almost like a conscience for the world.
Supporting the two men in a ‘war room’ nearby were Del Bigtree, the producer of VAXXED: From Cover-up to Catastrophe, autism activist, Becky Estepp, Dr. Brian Hooker, Lynne Redwood, and many others. One participant, Jimmy said “Thank you, Bobby Kennedy. Thank you Bob De Niro, you are kicking some serious ass out there.”
These two amazing men have joined forces and at the National Press Club in Washington D.C.
Before their talk they fielded more than 20 interviews with local and national and local media.
In an interview prior to their talk at the National Press Club, De Niro explained how he came to be part of this project. He explained how the documentary VAXXED, caused such an uproar when it was accepted at the Tribeca Film Festival and that because of the controversy he made the decision to pull the film.
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All you really need to know is that the French aristocrats who lost their heads in the Revolution were unbelievably blind to the reasonable calls for reform and engaged in monumentally stupid acts which ensured their complete destruction.
It’s one thing to be on the losing side of a fight.
It’s another to know you’re losing.
The white majority in South Africa knew they were losing to Nelson Mandela’s call for justice and they took actions which averted a catastrophe. Even though the British ended up fighting a war with us, there were voices in England who thought that the whole affair was utter madness. Eventually, their views prevailed. Hell, even some Nazis could see where Hitler was leading them after D-Day and tried to change things by blowing him up.
But those Vaxxers, they’re an entire breed of STUPID unto themselves.
On the bonehead roll-call of history I think there are going to be two people topping the list, Peter Hotez, writing in The New York Times and Rachel Roberts writing for The Independent.
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For those who don’t know what TED talks are, TED (Technology, Entertainment and Design) is a nonprofit devoted to spreading ideas, often in the form of short, talks (18 minutes or less). TEDx talks are usually 9 minutes or less, but are independently run.
My Santa Fe PR person, helping me launch my book Incurable Me, nominated me to give a talk in Albuquerque, New Mexico on the “Future of Medicine” (February 16th, 2017) to help answer the question…
“What if New Mexico was the best place to practice medicine?”
An interesting question because New Mexico is ranked the #1 worst place to practice medicine by a 2016 Medscape survey. Given that
the local sponsors were the University of New Mexico Health Science Center (UNM-HSC) and Presbyterian Healthcare Services I was pleasantly surprised that I had been selected to speak.
At one point in my career (as a New Mexico physician), I had been on the adjunct clinical faculty at UNM-HSC, but my appointment was not renewed soon after my attempts to get the NM Board of Pharmacy to scrutinize the legality of injecting the mercury preservative Thimerosal in vaccines into citizens violating the State’s Drug Act. There were a few provisions in the Act about banning adulterants that have no safety testing, but the Board of Pharmacy didn’t have the backbone to enforce the law.
At Odds…
I was always at logger heads with the medical directors (gate-keepers) at Presbyterian, because they would frequently deny my patients coverage for hyperbaric oxygen therapy and we would always meet up at various appeal hearings. They must have spent 1000 times more in legal fees than what my patients requested in reimbursement. But to them “off-label” Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) was on their list of things they could deny and so they did so regardless of the circumstances, regardless of the cost to the patient, and regardless that it helped our mutual patients.
I treated a man 9 months out from a carbon monoxide exposure and he made stellar improvements in his functionality.
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Note from Tim Bolen: There has been, for a very long time, a prohibition against anything that (1) competed for drug dollars in the US health care system, or (2) actually made people healthier or fixed specific problems. Let’s call those things “Forbidden Therapies.” You will find articles about them by clicking on the orange box on the right…
Everyone has heard of stem cell therapies, but few know much about the controversy and the reasons why we DO NOT HAVE a stem cell program in the US. But I, Tim Bolen, know why, and I am, with the assistance of some stem cell expert friends of mine, like David Steenblock DO, and Rick Jaffe Esq., going to tell you what’s REALLY going on.
In short stem cells are magnificent. They repair damage to the body – bones, brains, muscle tissue – everything. Scientific proof, around the world, abounds. There is NO SCIENTIFIC ARGUMENT against them – THEY WORK. So why aren’t we embracing this technology in the US? Pure, unadulterated, greed and public malfeasance.
The controversy over stem cells is because there are two kinds of stem cells – embryonic and adult. (1) Embryonic stem cells are PATENTABLE and would make BIG Pharma another massive fortune. (2) Adult stem cells are natural, work extremely well, but THERE is NOTHING to patent.
Embryonic stem cells are made from aborted fetal tissue, and although Big Pharma thought that would NOT be a problem, Americans, at large, had a problem with throwing unborn babies in a blender. So, embryonic technology fell flat – thud.
Adult stem cellsare gathered from tissue easily harvested from various parts of the human body. Read about how this works here. A popular source is an umbilical cord after the baby is born. A short explanation is that about 50,000-70,000 stem cells come from a cord. Then, those cells are put into a growth medium in a specialized lab for about two weeks where there is an end output of 50 million stem cells – and THEN you have an effective tool to repair damaged areas of the human body. Different growth mediums produce different stem cell types for different uses. MORE, and VERY important, is that adult stem cells sort of look around in the body and fix other broken stuff at the same time…
The key to adult stem cell efficiency is in the growth and management in the lab. Of course the US FDA FORBIDS the growth of adult stem cells in the lab claiming that that growth process is “A New Drug.” They want each doctor, and the lab, to spend 1.8 billion dollars going though THEIR process for EVERY patient.
Which leaves, in the US, only one adult stem cell therapy legal for use – the one where the patient’s own stem cells are harvested and re-inserted with no growth or intervention at all. To me, it is the LEAST effective stem cell treatment on Planet Earth – but still effective to some extent. The US FDA is, of course, trying to have anyone and everyone offering this therapy arrested and shot…
But the Trump administration has OTHER ideas. (smile here). And that’s why I enlisted David Steenblock DO to tell you about how it all works.
In the article below I have inserted a video clip from Vice TV about this subject. Vice, it appears to me, was trying to denigrate the use of adult stem cells by repeatedly insisting that “they are unproven and are a placebo effect, blah, blah, blah.” If you look at, and listen, closely to what the video interviewer is saying it becomes obvious that he was engaging in what our President Donald Trump rightfully describes as “Fake News.” He, obviously had no idea what “unproven” means, nor did he know what a “placebo effect” actually is.
But, the reporter made THREE very important points, one of which is that the new Trump administration WANTS stem cells…
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Note from Tim Bolen: I have been saving this article from my friend Rick Jaffe Esq for the right time – and that time is now…
Why? Rick has outlined, very astutely, the globalist’s plan for America’s children using the USA Childhood Vaccine Program – taking children away from the home and making them wards of the State. He figured out their whole plan and outlined it for us all to look at, explaining in detail what they are trying to do…
Why did I hold onto this? Because the anti-vaxxer movement in the US has, so to speak, taken a baseball bat to the pro-vaxxers, making vaccines a major issue in Presidential Election 2016. Did that work for us? Yup – So much so, that we will get a “Vaccine Safety Commission” out of it, and we will use that Commission to grind the Vaccine Construction into fish food…
I have been very carefully observing the liberal Democrats’ reaction to the Trump victory, and I cannot help but laugh, with sheer joy, as the liberal Democrats self destruct with their screaming “demonstrations,” pissing off normal Americans with their spoiled-three-year-old, lie-down-on-the-floor-and-kick-their-feet, antics.
So, for your reading enjoyment just below is Rick’s analysis of how the liberal Democrats intend to proceed… and how to stop them dead in their tracks…
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I’ve been wanting to write this article for a long time. I’ve been waiting years for the moment to arrive when the normal rules which govern human behavior begin to reassert themselves.
What do I mean by that?
I mean that when some child falls down a well and can’t immediately be rescued, the whole country stops, prays, and holds its collective breath until that child is rescued. Have two crazed lunatics set off bombs at the Boston Marathon and the city will push itself to the very limits of endurance until the perpetrators are caught. Our televisions are filled with images of sick children asking for money for the hospital which cares for them and we are moved.
Nothing even remotely similar happens for autism families.
Our children have fallen down the well of neurological injury, and not only are we ignored, but we are actively attacked for saying that vaccines caused these injuries, and are doing so on a massive scale.
Years before Hillary Clinton used the expression, “basket of deplorables” we knew that was how the mercenary media, propped up by their pharma dollars, portrayed us to the public.
Our public health authorities and the pharmaceutical companies have blown apart the health of a generation of children and yet the public is strangely silent. Instead, we who point out this carnage are depicted as the enemy. Like the vassals of some totalitarian state, the public outrage is directed at those who simply point out the truth.
Our children are sick and nobody comes to our aid.
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America has been awakened to the fact that the US Vaccine Program, both for children and adults, is a massive money-generating, but deadly, dangerous, hoax. Autism is but ONE of the problems vaccines cause.
It is likely that the anti-vaxxer movement in the US steered the presidential election towards Donald Trump – there is so much interest.
President Trump, before the inauguration, talked to Robert F. Kennedy Jr about he, Kennedy, heading up such a Vaccine Commission. Kennedy said he would. And, the liberal media began its shrill whining…
A keening of fear…
So let’s look at what will happen.
Do Federal Commissions Have Any Real Power?
Oh yeah – they certainly do.
Historically, Commissions in the United States have played prominent roles in US decision making. They come in different colors and sizes, and can have different functions depending on how they are originally set up, and by whom. Below I’ll show you some samples…
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I never expected that this is what would become of my life.
I never expected that the boy who grew up on the fourteenth hole of Roundhill Country Club would become an activist against the pharmaceutical companies which are pursuing actions which might well lead to the wholesale destruction of our species.
It’s enough to ruin your whole day.
Like many activists who have fallen down this particular rabbit-hole, I have often found the immensity of what is at stake with vaccines to be over-whelming. I can only look to historical examples, sometimes for inspiration, and others for what to avoid.
I think of nineteenth century Hungarian physician, Dr. Ignaz Semmelweis, who decades before the hygiene theory of health, had the presence of mind to notice that women who delivered their children with mid-wives had a much lower rate of death than women who had their children delivered by doctors. Attempting to account for this discrepancy, he noted that the doctors of the day were often dissecting human cadavers, then were going straight to delivering. Semmelweis thought that maybe something from those human cadavers was sticking around on the hands of those doctors. Maybe they needed to wash their hands after doing a dissection. What a revolutionary thought.
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In California, the liberal Democrats in the California legislature just hired former Attorney General “Fast and Furious” Eric Holder, at a rate of $25,000 per month, to defend them, as they say, against Trump’s attack – and Trump doesn’t even take office until January 20th, 2017…
In short, the California Democrat legislators know full well that “Hellfire” is coming their way over a number of issues.
For my articles involving politics I have received criticism about my focus on liberal Democrats – some from reasonable people, some from the very self-entitled I talk about. Be assured I am NOT stopping. I am finger-pointing. It’s time…
I have found, of late, that liberal Democrats believe they are beyond criticism. They are, without doubt, in actual shock that the American Public massively rejected their political message in Election 2016. They are going so far as to claim that Donald Trump is not a legitimate President, blah, blah, blah…
But, in California, we are going to see some things happen on many different issues and Trump will be using the US Attorney General and the Sacramento US Prosecutor’s office – rightfully so. That’s why the California legislature is separately lawyering up.
California liberal Democrat State Senator Richard Pan with Santa Barbara County Health Department official Charity Dean who wants any doctor who issues vaccine exemptions investigated and prosecuted by the Medical Board.
The issue I, Tim Bolen, am concerned with MOST is the Mandatory Vaccine (SB277) legislation carried, and passed, by those liberal Democrats in California.
I want the Trump appointed US Prosecutors to look at the fact that the bill’s proponents KNEW, or should have known, that childhood vaccines were (1) Made in China with NO quality control testing at all, (2) There is no after manufacture testing to determine what was actually offered, (3) There is NO distribution system to keep those vaccines safe during transport and storage, (4) There are NO tests to determine whether those vaccines actually are effective, (5) Some of those legislators actually conspired with California Health Department officials to attack Medical Doctors (MDs and DOs) that write vaccine exemptions for health reasons.
In short, those California legislators, and Health Department officials KNEW that Vaccines were EXTREMELY Dangerous, and of doubtful effectiveness, and for money, and/or other gratuities, made childhood vaccines MANDATORY.
The amount of damage done to California children has not yet been calculated – but I want the “Death Penalty” on the table right from the start.
But what incident turned me, Tim Bolen, in to a liberal Democrat basher?
It was November 1st, 2015 when I put the Political Correctness (PC) rule out to pasture. Something important had happened that woke me up that day. I was writing about the SB 277 (Mandatory Vaccination) legislation process. I was assembling and publishing an article titled “I like the Way the Vaccine Argument is Going… Both Nationally, and in California…”
The quote below is from that article. It was the third paragraph of the quote that made me stop in realization of what the California Democratic Party had become. Presidential election 2016 made that realization even more clear.
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President Trump has been putting together leadership teams to deal with the massive damage liberal Democrats have inflicted on the US with their corrupt, money-grubbing, anti-family, fake environmentalism, and destruction of the American middle class in favor of globalization policies.
America, on November 8th, 2016, rejected all of this liberal crap, and called for major change. Trump is delivering…
But let’s focus on Bobby Kennedy to head a Vaccine Commission…
The FIRST Thing:
Yes, RFK Jr is, undoubtedly a good, honorable, man who believes in his political positions. Personally I like what he is, and represents.
But, and it is a VERY big BUT, he is a Democrat, albeit a bit different, for sure, than the Clinton/Obama/Richard Pan/Anthony Weiner scum-lifes. But still, a Democrat.
RFK Jr speaking in Sacramento about Mandatory Vaccine SB277 legislation…
I’d feel a LOT better about him if he’d just switch political parties right now – and announce himself as a Republican to do this job.
Why? Democrats simply do not have real credibility in America right now – they are what they are.
In fact, using RFK Jr. in a leadership role might give the wrong message to Americans, perhaps even confusing them, a little, about what liberal Democrats really are – and the destruction they want, and have planned, for America.
Like it or not, the Democratic Party firmly established, during the 2016 presidential election process EXACTLY what it was, and is. It offered CLEAR choices to Americans – and it lost BIG TIME.
Election 2016 pointed out that – America is NOT interested in having its children’s genders confused in some “Common Core” propaganda ploy. Nor are we interested in having all of our economy shipped to the Third World, our borders invaded by questionables, endless wars overseas, or our children vaccinated into vegetable status..
Liberal Democrats, and their philosophy, have been thoroughly rejected…
Remember that it is the California liberal Democrats that passed a Mandatory Vaccination (SB277) law forcing school age children to be forcibly injected with un-tested Made-in-China vaccines – all arranged by Hillary Clinton.
California Democrat Senator Richard Pan’s plan for California’s children…
Now, of course, the California liberal Dems are arranging new legislation to COMPLETELY take California children away from parents and make them all wards of the State – with SB18.
California Senator Holly Mitchell’s plan for California’s children…
California Dems, quietly, as of January 1st 2017, legalized child prostitution, claiming that those children need “counseling” not “arrest.”
I suspect we will soon see a law where the California Dems will create a new State Agency to take 80% of a California child prostitute’s income to provide that ”counseling.”
Trump’s team is going to have to step in, in California. California Democrats are in for a hard ride – and it is justified.
RFK Jr, I’m sure, is a good guy, and competent, but… He IS a registered Democrat…
I’m not sure Americans would feel secure with that…
I’d be more confident…
I’d feel a lot more confident that something could get done if Trump appointed one of those 200+ Generals or Admirals that Obama fired for not gay-ing up the military as fast as the liberal Dems wanted….
Why one of those? That’s an easy one. We tend, these days, to focus on childhood vaccine issues – and they are certainly important, BUT, let’s not forget what happened to our soldiers during the 1990-91 Gulf wars where those soldiers were unwitting guinea-pigs for Big Pharma’s “Experimental Vaccines.” 250,000 out of 697,000 soldiers (36%) now have Gulf War Syndrome.
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“To date, embryonic stem cell research has not produced a single medical treatment, where ethical, adult stem cell research has produced some 67 medical miracles.” Vice President – Mike Pence
There is a war raging over adult (nonembryonic) stem cell use by licensed physicians right here in the USA…
It basically pits self-styled dogmatic skeptics, federally funded university researchers & research centers, the FDA, various medical groups and organizations, and some individual mainstream practitioners against hundreds of licensed MDs and DOs (and thousands of patients) who want to use the patient’s own stem cells to treat various afflictions, most being chronic in nature.
For those of us in the trenches doing stem cell medicine (Stem Cell Warriors), today’s tug-of-war is not only not news, but we saw the clouds gathering on the horizon back at the dawn of the new millennia.
It is a familiar story in the evolution of medicine: genuine innovation carries some low risk unknowns which prompts regulators and guardians of the status quo to seek to control and contain it, ostensibly to protect patients from harm.
Strident voices…
Not surprisingly, the most strident voices advocating regulating innovation (progress) in adult stem cell use has invariably included federally funded laboratory scientists, ivory tower bioethicists, and others who have blinders on when it comes to how to effectively deliver low risk new therapies to the clinic.
Most display an arrogant disregard for suffering patients who have few or no treatment options, or else yammer on about how they are really protecting them from the horrors of “Wild West stem cell doctors” who just do whatever they want and this for the money involved – Never mind the fact they leave many of these suffering people no recourse but to rely on ineffective or marginally effective treatments by mainstream doctors, most of which have side or adverse effects that one never sees in patients given properly done in-office adult stem cell therapies).
I challenge you to look up the incidence of side effects that the average FDA approved drug has and to compare that number with the number of side effects and deaths that have occurred with the use of stem cells derived from the same patient’s body (autologous)!
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Note from Tim Bolen – Our Writer Kent Heckenlively JD will be interviewed Thursday, January 12th, 2017 on George Noory’s Coast-to-Coast about his new book “Inoculated…”
Click here for details on how to listen in in your own area.
I was deeply honored to get the following foreword by Barry Segal, the founder of Focus for Health, to my new book, “INOCULATED: How Science Lost its Soul in Autism.” In every campaign of hope there is the challenge of getting individuals who feel marginalized and defeated to rise up and take action. This autism challenge has been a great example of that problem.
Who wants to read another autism book which will just make me feel bad and overwhelmed, you might ask?
I didn’t write this book to make you feel hopeless. I wrote this book to make you feel empowered. I want you to know how fragile our enemy is and how close we are to a cure for this terrible diseases, even for the older children like my daughter who seem so far from hope. I GUARANTEE you that my book is a POSITIVE force for GOOD that can lead us to VICTORY if only enough people buy it, read it, and figure out how to take ACTION.
Foreword – By Barry Segal
As we approach the beginning of 2017, the autism epidemic rages on unhindered and unnoticed by the Federal Government. In the early 1980s the incidence of autism was about 1 in 10,000. Now, it is 1 in 45, and continuing to grow at an exponential pace. I was first exposed to the autism epidemic in the late 2000s and heard recurring accounts of children regressing into the condition following one or more of their infant vaccines. To respond to this tragedy that so many families were and still are facing, I formed Focus Autism in 2009. The controversies surrounding the cause of the autism epidemic are many and the U.S. government’s response is woeful at best.
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