J.B. Handley Breaks Amazon with “How To End The Autism Epidemic” Book!

By Kent Heckenlively, JD With just a rag-tag group of fighters, J.B. Handley’s book, How to End the Autism Epidemic, reached #44 of all books sold on Amazon as of last Friday night.  Think of it. There are more than a million titles on Amazon.  But his stealth marketing campaign of health freedom fighters (some … Continue reading J.B. Handley Breaks Amazon with “How To End The Autism Epidemic” Book!

Book Review – HOW TO END THE AUTISM EPIDEMIC – J.B. Handley Makes the Sale!

By Kent Heckenlivey, J.D. J.B. Handley is a business man.  I say this with the greatest of respect, meaning he has a particular skill set which involves communicating in a clear and uncluttered fashion and moving people to action.  The business man anticipates obstacles and objections and plans for them.  When he is finished, the … Continue reading Book Review – HOW TO END THE AUTISM EPIDEMIC – J.B. Handley Makes the Sale!

An Appeal to the NEW Prime Minister of Australia…

By Kent Heckenlively, JD I have sent the following letter to the new Prime Minister of Australia, Scott Morrison. Dear Prime Minister Morrison: Perhaps Australia and I got off on the wrong foot. Your country banned me for three years because I wanted to talk about corruption in the vaccine program as documented in my … Continue reading An Appeal to the NEW Prime Minister of Australia…

Has Trump’s War Against Vaccines Started?

By Kent Heckenlively, JD In a recent article asking whether President Trump was “setting the table” to attack Big Pharma on vaccines I ended by writing: “Send up a flare, President Trump.  Something.  Anything.  It will keep our spirits high as we wait for the arrival of the long-promised cavalry of truth on the wickedness … Continue reading Has Trump’s War Against Vaccines Started?

BolenReport Topples Australian Government…

By Kent Heckenlively, JD On August 31, 2017, the government of Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull denied my application to visit Australia to speak about the dangers of vaccines. On August 23, 2018, Turnbull lost his position as Prime Minister. Coincidence? I don’t think so.  Turnbull didn’t even last a year after tangling with this American … Continue reading BolenReport Topples Australian Government…

Is President Trump “Setting the Table” to Attack Big Pharma on Vaccines?

By Kent Heckenlively, JD The best news I got last week was that the $289 million dollar verdict against Monsanto for their use of the herbicide Round-Up, led by Robert F. Kennedy. Jr. and his brave band of “Untouchables” caused an $11 BILLION DOLLAR drop in the price of its parent company, Bayer. An article … Continue reading Is President Trump “Setting the Table” to Attack Big Pharma on Vaccines?

WE WON!!! – Monsanto Must Pay $289 Million in Damages for Round-Up

Today, I really don’t care if you are a Republican, a Democrat, a Libertarian, or unaffiliated with any political party.  Today is a “We” day… By Kent Heckenlively, JD As President John F. Kennedy once said, “Our most common basic link is that we all inhabit this planet.  We breathe the same air.  We cherish our … Continue reading WE WON!!! – Monsanto Must Pay $289 Million in Damages for Round-Up

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. – The Case Against Monsanto and Glyphosate

I was recently able to spend about half an hour visiting with environmental attorney, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., discussing the case he, and other attorneys, have brought in San Francisco against Monsanto for the use of their product, Round-Up. By Kent Heckenlively, J.D.   Round-Up is alleged to cause cancer, and in this instance specifically, … Continue reading Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. – The Case Against Monsanto and Glyphosate

J.B. Handley – The King Of Ruckus…

Del Bigtree’s Master Class on Vaccines and Autism – Part 5… By Kent Heckenlively, JD On Thursday, July 12, 2018, Del Bigtree’s show, High-Wire, gave a master class on vaccines and autism, featuring some of the most exciting news we have heard in YEARS. I have broken the two hour show down into a several … Continue reading J.B. Handley – The King Of Ruckus…

Dr. Brian Hooker – American Hero…

Del Bigtree’s Master Class on Vaccines and Autism – Part 4 By Kent Heckenlively, JD     On Thursday, July 12, 2018, Del Bigtree’s show, High-Wire, gave a master class on vaccines and autism, featuring some of the most exciting news we have heard in YEARS.  The link to the show is below. I have broken the … Continue reading Dr. Brian Hooker – American Hero…

California’s Senator Richard Pan – America’s Super-Vaxxer…

Del Bigtree’s Master Class on Vaccines and Autism – Part 3… By Kent Heckenlively, JD On Thursday, July 12, 2018, Del Bigtree’s show, High-Wire, gave a master class on vaccines and autism, featuring some of the most exciting news we have heard in YEARS. The link to the show is below.  I have broken the … Continue reading California’s Senator Richard Pan – America’s Super-Vaxxer…

Death In Samoa…

Del Bigtree’s Master Class on Vaccines and Autism – Part 2… By Kent Heckenlively, JD On Thursday, July 12, 2018, Del Bigtree’s show, High-Wire, gave a master class on vaccines and autism, featuring some of the most exciting news we have heard in YEARS.  The link to the show is below.  I have broken the … Continue reading Death In Samoa…

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and an Amazing Vaccine Legal Victory…

Del Bigtree’s Master Class on Vaccines and Autism – Part 1… By Kent Heckenlively, JD On Thursday, July 12, 2018, Del Bigtree’s show, High-Wire, gave a master class on vaccines and autism, featuring some of the most exciting news we have heard in YEARS.  The link to the show is below. I have broken the … Continue reading Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and an Amazing Vaccine Legal Victory…

Anti-Vaxxers Have a Friend in the White House (Maybe)…

The mainstream media “Outrage Machine” is at it again… By Kent Heckenlively, JD The target this time is Darla Shine, the wife of Bill Shine, the new White House Deputy Chief of Staff for Communications. I have provided the link to The Washington Post article (remember, democracy dies in darkness!) so you can more closely read … Continue reading Anti-Vaxxers Have a Friend in the White House (Maybe)…

“World’s #1 Anti-Vaxxer” Calls for Trump Summit…

By Kent Heckenlively, JD I’m on Twitter now. You can follow me at: World’s #1 Anti-Vaxxer, for as long as Twitter decides not to block me. Right now I have nine followers. You might want to follow me, especially as I’m about to do something I hope will be as big as getting BANNED FROM … Continue reading “World’s #1 Anti-Vaxxer” Calls for Trump Summit…

Californians – Vote for Travis Allen on Tuesday!

By Kent Heckenlively, JD To my California readers, you need to strike a world-wide blow for health freedom this Tuesday, June 5, 2018. I have long said that pharma has completely corrupted the democratic party, and has effectively corrupted most of the republican party. There is a wing of the republican party, the classic liberals … Continue reading Californians – Vote for Travis Allen on Tuesday!

Get on the Travis Train!

By Kent Heckenlively, JD On June 5, 2018 the citizens of California have a chance to shock the world.  They can give Travis Allen the votes he needs to face off against presumed front-runner, democrat, Gavin Newsom, in November. Travis Allen has shown he understands the issues which are important to the health freedom community.  … Continue reading Get on the Travis Train!

Book Review – “Paul’s Prayers” – A Lesson in Hard Grace

By Kent Heckenlively, JD I want to give my highest recommendation to Susan L. Anderson’s masterful new book, Paul’s Prayers: A Mother’s Account of Raising an Autistic Son. For many of us in the midst of the autism wars we are consumed with fighting against scientific, governmental, and pharmaceutical corruption.  But as much as I rage … Continue reading Book Review – “Paul’s Prayers” – A Lesson in Hard Grace

Travis Allen: California’s Best Hope for Health Freedom?

By Kent Heckenlively, JD Sometimes when it comes to health freedom and politicians I feel like Charlie Brown wanting to kick the football his friend Lucy has teed up for him. I want to believe this time a politician REALLY MEANS IT when they talk about health freedom and bringing back sanity and intelligence to … Continue reading Travis Allen: California’s Best Hope for Health Freedom?

President Trump: Release the “Conspiratorium!”

It is Time… (Conspiratorium: “A group of free-thinking individuals with certain belief systems who trouble the authorities with their persistent questions.  This group also harbors suspicions that governments of the right and left are ALWAYS lying about the important issues for the government’s benefit.”) By Kent Heckenlively, JD Like many of you I’ve been thinking … Continue reading President Trump: Release the “Conspiratorium!”