“World’s #1 Anti-Vaxxer” on Coast to Coast AM – Wednesday Night!

There are moments in life which simply make all of your hard work worthwhile… By Kent Heckenlively, JD One of the largest national shows which lets us health freedom advocates speak on a regular basis is Coast to Coast AM with George Noory.  I’ve been on the show three times in the past few years … Continue reading “World’s #1 Anti-Vaxxer” on Coast to Coast AM – Wednesday Night!

Rand Paul – Champion of Health Freedom or Captain of Team Loser?

Fallout From The Senate Hearings Trying To “Canonize” Vaccines… Opinion by Kent Heckenlively, JD I really want to like Rand Paul.  In fact, my fondest wish is that he reads this article and considers what I have to say. He has more courage then just about any person in Congress, but if you approach the … Continue reading Rand Paul – Champion of Health Freedom or Captain of Team Loser?

“Hoaxed” – Movie Review…

I want to encourage all of you to watch Mike Cernovich’s wonderful film, “Hoaxed”… By Kent Heckenlively, JD   I know many who follow BolenReport tend to be politically conservative.  Those who attack us are left wing. Yes, we have an obvious conservative bias.  We are provocatively right wing because of the overwhelming amount of … Continue reading “Hoaxed” – Movie Review…

Democrats 2020 – Big Pharma, Big Drugs, and Big China!

I have the perfect slogan that President Trump can use in 2020… “DEMOCRATS – THE PARTY OF BIG PHARMA, BIG DRUGS, AND BIG CHINA!” By Kent Heckenlively, JD Okay, I know that slogan is going to require a little explanation for some people. And truth be told, the same could probably be said for about … Continue reading Democrats 2020 – Big Pharma, Big Drugs, and Big China!

Darla Shine…

Welcome to the Super-Villains!  Pick Out A Cape… By Kent Heckenlively, JD I’ve been so amused over the past few days to read the craziness surrounding Darla Shine and the questions she’s raised about vaccines. Darla Shine, a power in her own right, is the wife of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Communications for … Continue reading Darla Shine…

After Epic Fail of “Trump-Russia Collusion,” Congressional Democrats Go Full-Fascist on “Anti-Vaxx Parents”…

US Democrats Want to Cancel First Amendment (Free Speech)… No one is surprised… By Kent Heckenlively, JD I want people to know that many of us at BolenReport consider ourselves former Kennedy Democrats.  We believe in civil rights, economic progress, and a robust defense of freedom. It used to be that many elements of the … Continue reading After Epic Fail of “Trump-Russia Collusion,” Congressional Democrats Go Full-Fascist on “Anti-Vaxx Parents”…

White House “Special Operations Team” Takes on Vaccines?

The Pro-Vax Squads Are Running Scared… “AntiVax” Controls the Argument – Worldwide… By Kent Heckenlively, JD Before today I was genuinely confused as to whether Donald Trump would eventually attack vaccines as he had done so magnificently as a presidential candidate and private citizen. On the one hand we’ve had other politicians (John McCain, Chris … Continue reading White House “Special Operations Team” Takes on Vaccines?

I Fail the Australian Character Test with R. Kelly and Chelsea Manning…

Australian Amphibious Assault Force Being Assembled… By Kent Heckenlively, JD It’s not every day you find yourself mentioned in The Hollywood Reporter. It wasn’t because I obsessively Google myself that I discovered this information, but because my brother called me last Friday night, laughing hysterically.  I almost couldn’t understand what he was saying because he … Continue reading I Fail the Australian Character Test with R. Kelly and Chelsea Manning…

Open Letter to Grand-Inquisitor Mueller – I Tried to Collude with Two Stones

Satire by Kent Heckenlively, JD Dear Grand-Inquisitor Mueller: Since you have no oversight, or check on your powers, and are effectively the Supreme Law of the Land I realize I must confess my sins to you BEFORE you come to my house with 29 FBI agents, 17 vehicles, watercraft, and a helicopter as you did … Continue reading Open Letter to Grand-Inquisitor Mueller – I Tried to Collude with Two Stones

Jordan Sather – Truth-Seeker and Fellow Traveler…

Destroying The Illusions… By Kent Heckenlively, JD I’d like to introduce the readers of BolenReport to somebody I think is going to be a big deal for many years to come: Jordan Sather and his “Destroying the Illusion” YouTube show and Facebook group. I check for his YouTube episodes pretty much every day as I’m … Continue reading Jordan Sather – Truth-Seeker and Fellow Traveler…

“Failing” New York Times “Fails Again” on Vaccines

Normally I don’t interrupt the enemy when they’re in the midst of destroying themselves… Opinion by Kent Heckenlively JD However, the recent article in The New York Times entitled “How to Inoculate Against Anti-Vaxxers…” …published on January 19, 2019 by no less that The Editorial Board of the old, feeble, and demented gray lady was just … Continue reading “Failing” New York Times “Fails Again” on Vaccines

The Most Important Ten Minute Video on Vaccines and Autism EVER!

Will Trump Act? By Kent Heckenlively, JD Just below is a ten minute video by Sharyl Atkisson I want you to watch. It talks about an Affidavit recently produced by a government expert, Dr Andrew Zimmerman, who was dismissed from an important Autism case at the last minute, to cover up the fact that he had … Continue reading The Most Important Ten Minute Video on Vaccines and Autism EVER!

Oh No! I Just Got Snoped! (Laugh Here)…

By Kent Heckenlively, JD After having my talk at the Commonwealth Club of California cancelled because of protests, being thrown out of Age of Autism for daring to pen a few articles for BolenReport, and being BANNED from speaking in Australia for three years, I have a new honor. I’ve been Snoped! If you don’t … Continue reading Oh No! I Just Got Snoped! (Laugh Here)…

PLAGUE – The Book that Just Keeps on Selling…

“There’s no other book like it,” says Dr. Joseph Mercola… By Kent Heckenlively, JD When I started writing our book PLAGUE with Dr. Judy Mikovits in 2012, had it published in 2014, I had no idea that four years later it would still regularly be #1 in the Virology section of Amazon, beating the previous … Continue reading PLAGUE – The Book that Just Keeps on Selling…

The Bullshit About a “New” Alzheimer’s Treatment

By Kent Heckenlively, JD It’s not often I call bullshit on a news story. However, I call ABSOLUTE BULLSHIT on this story. HIV drugs may help people with Alzheimer’s and Down syndrome, says new hypothesis on Alzheimer’s origins Do you want the bullshit first, or the truth? Okay, I’ll give you the bullshit first. If … Continue reading The Bullshit About a “New” Alzheimer’s Treatment

Pediatricians are Baby-Killers – The Nick Catone Campaign…

By Kent Heckenlively JD Let’s cut to the chase.  We’ve spent far too much time being nice.  The other side isn’t listening.  Are we going to go away?  No.  We’re just going to get louder.  They will not silence our truth. PEDIATRICIANS ARE BABY-KILLERS… VACCINES ARE THEIR WEAPON OF CHOICE AND THE RESULT IS SIDS … Continue reading Pediatricians are Baby-Killers – The Nick Catone Campaign…

My 2018 Mid-Term Election Prediction…

By Kent Heckenlively, JD At Bolen Report we cover health care.  But let’s be honest.  Two weeks before the midterms nobody is going to care. Let me give you three pieces of information, just so when all of this is over, you won’t be behind.  President Trump signed a bill getting rid of the “gag” … Continue reading My 2018 Mid-Term Election Prediction…

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Needs $20,000 for His Children’s Health Defense Campaign!

BolenReport Readers Need to Step Up! By Kent Heckenlively JD Many people may mistake our boldness at BolenReport as not being open to other viewpoints. Nothing could be further from the truth.  Here at BolenReport we WELCOME ROBUST DEBATE. It’s no secret we lean right, but that’s simply because we believe the pharmaceutical companies have … Continue reading Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Needs $20,000 for His Children’s Health Defense Campaign!

Trump’s War Against Vaccines KICKS INTO HIGH GEAR…

By Kent Heckenlively, J.D. How do you know when the righteous war against vaccines has begun? When you read a recent article from The New York Times (September 26, 2018) which begins: “The Environmental Protection Agency on Tuesday placed the head of its Office of Children’s Health Protection on administrative leave, an unusual move that … Continue reading Trump’s War Against Vaccines KICKS INTO HIGH GEAR…

U.S. Attorneys Withheld Evidence in Autism Omnibus Proceeding…

YOU Can Take Action… By Kent Heckenlively, JD For those who are unaware of the history of this issue… …in the late to mid 2000s more than 5,000 Autism cases went through a bizarre procedure called the Autism Omnibus Proceeding (AOP) as part of the so-called “Vaccine Court” in which several test cases were reviewed … Continue reading U.S. Attorneys Withheld Evidence in Autism Omnibus Proceeding…