Scott Adams Tweets BolenReport…

By Kent Heckenlively, JD All of my reading of, and listening to master-persuader, Scott Adams, has finally paid off. How? I got him to tweet about my new book, PLAGUE OF CORRUPTION, coming out on November 5, 2019, but available for pre-order NOW on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Indie-Wire. Here is the tweet: @ScottAdamsSays … Continue reading Scott Adams Tweets BolenReport…

The Three Most Important Books of 2019…

By Kent Heckenlively, JD In one of those stunning coincidences of history, like Charles Darwin and Abraham Lincoln being born on the same day (February 12, 1809), the three most important books of 2019 are ALL being released on the same day, November 5. The three books are PLAGUE OF CORRUPTION, by Kent Heckenlively (that’s … Continue reading The Three Most Important Books of 2019…

Am I a “Watchman”?

By Kent Heckenlively, JD As I prepare for the publication in November of my new book, PLAGUE OF CORRUPTION, with co-author, Dr. Judy Mikovits, we’re starting to do some radio interviews. Recently, Judy and I were on a program and the host said something that stuck with me.  He said that Judy and I were … Continue reading Am I a “Watchman”?

Elijah Cummings and Trump: The Tentacles of the Pharma Deep State…

By Kent Heckenlively, JD Recently President Trump attacked Congressman Elijah Cummings over the condition of the city of Baltimore, which Cummings represents. Trump’s tweet from July 27, 2019 read: “Rep, Elijah Cummings has been a brutal bully, shouting and screaming at the great men & women of Border Patrol about conditions at the Southern Border, … Continue reading Elijah Cummings and Trump: The Tentacles of the Pharma Deep State…

500 Million People Organized Against Facebook: Cartoonist Ben Garrison on the White House Social Media Summit…

What does “Destruction” look like when you’re in the Main Stream Media, or one of their helpers in social media, like Facebook? By Kent Heckenlively, JD It probably looks like the face of President Trump at the White House at the Social Media Summit of July 11, 2019 when he said that he and the … Continue reading 500 Million People Organized Against Facebook: Cartoonist Ben Garrison on the White House Social Media Summit…

The White House Social Media Mess…

By Kent Heckenlively, JD Let me begin by observing that some lowly twenty-something White House staffer has ALREADY BEEN YELLED AT, or WILL BE CHEWED OUT IN THE NEXT FEW HOURS, for such a colossal screw-up. Everything that follows in this article comes with the warning that we must NOT OVERREACT to the screw-up of … Continue reading The White House Social Media Mess…

“Dilbert’s” Scott Adams Goes on EPIC RANT about BIG PHARMA control of MEDIA!

By Kent Heckenlively, JD Scott Adams, the creator of the comic strip, Dilbert, has in recent years become one of the country’s leading experts on political persuasion.  On most mornings at 7 am Pacific time he does a daily Periscope, which he normally also posts on YouTube under the channel Real Coffee with Scott Adams. … Continue reading “Dilbert’s” Scott Adams Goes on EPIC RANT about BIG PHARMA control of MEDIA!

“PLAGUE OF CORRUPTION” – Passing the Idiot Test…

My New Book “Plague of Corruption” Comes Out In November… It is my best book so far… By Kent Heckenlively, JD After writing two controversial books, (PLAGUE & INOCULATED), then having the experience of going out into the public arena to discuss the issues raised in them, I’ve come to have strong opinions about those … Continue reading “PLAGUE OF CORRUPTION” – Passing the Idiot Test…

“PLAGUE OF CORRUPTION” – Going to Jail for Science…

The Cambridge English dictionary defines a HERO as “a person admired for bravery, great achievements, or good qualities.” By Kent Heckenlively, JD All of these are accurate descriptions of Dr. Judy Mikovits, the co-author of my new book, PLAGUE OF CORRUPTION. These traits are universal across all cultures, nations, genders, and ideologies.  When you are … Continue reading “PLAGUE OF CORRUPTION” – Going to Jail for Science…

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Nails the Vaccine Argument…

Leaders win the argument and then they win the fight. By Kent Heckenlively, JD Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. recently made a speech in Albany, New York at the epicenter of the measles madness.  I have rarely heard the argument against our current vaccine program made any better.  I’ll get out of the way and simply … Continue reading Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Nails the Vaccine Argument…

Hey Facebook! We’ve Got Alex Jones and Minister Farrakhan! How Do You Like Them Apples?

By Kent Heckenlively, JD The cartoonist and political commentator Scott Adams often makes the point that you don’t realize how dishonest the media is about people until you find yourself the subject of their “fake news” reporting. I understand the point as I have been the subject of media reporting for being banned from speaking … Continue reading Hey Facebook! We’ve Got Alex Jones and Minister Farrakhan! How Do You Like Them Apples?

CNN Attacks First Lady Melania Trump on Mother’s Day…

Just when I thought CNN couldn’t go any lower, they surprise me. By Kent Heckenlively, JD   How about an attack on Melania Trump, our beautiful First Lady (and mother to Barron) on Mother’s Day? The title of the article published on May 12, 2019 by Betsy Klein says it all, “Melania Trump’s ‘Be Best’ … Continue reading CNN Attacks First Lady Melania Trump on Mother’s Day…

Trump Turns Big Pharma’s Advertising Against Them…

Now, not only will you hear how quickly this drug will make your eyes fall out, but now you can find out HOW MUCH IT WILL COST to make your eyes fall out… By Kent Heckenlively, JD Whenever you try to figure out Trump you always have to think about strategy. Trump is a strategic … Continue reading Trump Turns Big Pharma’s Advertising Against Them…

Big Pharma Gives Doctors a Lap Dance, but “WE” All Get Screwed…

Did you hear about the conviction of John Kapoor, the former chairman of the drug-maker, Insys Therapeutics?  Is this what Trump has in mind for ALL of  Big Pharma?  Let’s hope so… Here’s the link from Yahoo News if you want to read the full article.  I’ll hit the high and low points. By Kent … Continue reading Big Pharma Gives Doctors a Lap Dance, but “WE” All Get Screwed…

I Go on InfoWars (Again!)

By Kent Heckenlively, JD I was flipping around my various conservative channels last Sunday on the internet when I saw Alex Jones doing a special report on the “measles outbreaks” across the country. Besides being upset by what Trump had said about measles last Friday, Alex was putting forth an interesting theory.  He was saying … Continue reading I Go on InfoWars (Again!)

BIG PHARMA: Trump Doesn’t Want Your Money…

By Kent Heckenlively, JD I know many have asked when Trump is going to move against Big Pharma. Many of you may have fallen for the media portrayal of him as a wild man.  I don’t buy that depiction.  I see a strategic thinker.  He waits for the perfect time to strike because HE LIKES … Continue reading BIG PHARMA: Trump Doesn’t Want Your Money…

“Mad-Vaxxers” Losing Control of Argument…

By Kent Heckenlively, JD I’ve been wondering recently whether the “Mad-Vaxxers” and pharma shills realize they’re losing control of the argument.  There’s something NEW in the way they’re talking these days, and I want to know if you see it in the same way I do. This is from the Joe Rogan podcast of March … Continue reading “Mad-Vaxxers” Losing Control of Argument…

Democrats Push “Forced Medical Procedures” on Jews For First Time Since World War II…

By Kent Heckenlively, JD President Donald Trump has recently stated that “anti-semitism is taking root in the democratic party.”  At the time I thought it was a bit of hyperbole, but now I think it was an understatement. We all know the poem from Martin Niemoller about the days before World War II, and those … Continue reading Democrats Push “Forced Medical Procedures” on Jews For First Time Since World War II…

“Australian Freedom Force” on Air Force One?

We Certainly Know A LOT About Politics in Australia… By Kent Heckenlively, JD After the triumph of the Ben Garrison cartoon highlighting the brave individuals Australia has chosen to BAN because of their political views, the Supreme Commander of the Australian Freedom Force has decided to kick things up a notch. While it is true … Continue reading “Australian Freedom Force” on Air Force One?

Here Comes The SuperHeroes…

Ben Garrison has it right…   By Kent Heckenlively, JD I’m always looking for ways to expand the argument and increase the number of allies to our cause. For the past several months I’ve been impressed by the work of political cartoonist, Ben Garrison.  If you haven’t yet seen his work, check it out.  You’ll … Continue reading Here Comes The SuperHeroes…