PLAGUE OF CORRUPTION: The Fabulous Robert F. Kennedy, Jr…

I have a confession. Opinion by Kent Heckenlively, JD Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. was not my first choice to write the foreword to my new book with Dr. Judy Mikovits, PLAGUE OF CORRUPTION. Instead, I’d asked a long-time autism activist and friend of mine, known to his friends as the “King of Ruckus.” The King … Continue reading PLAGUE OF CORRUPTION: The Fabulous Robert F. Kennedy, Jr…

PLAGUE OF CORRUPTION: Michelle Malkin Joins the Team…

One of my favorite figures in the Conservative Movement is, without a doubt, Michelle Malkin… By Kent Heckenlively, JD Seriously, how can you not love somebody who has for her Twitter description, “Little brown woman.  Big mouth.  Wife.  Mom. Entrepreneur. Geek.” For those of you not familiar with her, Malkin is a conservative author, working … Continue reading PLAGUE OF CORRUPTION: Michelle Malkin Joins the Team…


Releasing “a virus book” in the middle of a global pandemic is either really good, or really bad planning… By Kent Heckenlively, JD Yes, like every writer I have an enormous ego and believe the fate of the world rests on what I’m concerned about. But the events of the past few days have been … Continue reading PLAGUE OF CORRUPTION – Sorry!

PLAGUE OF CORRUPTION – Support the Real Science Defenders!

Opinion by Kent Heckenlively, JD, co-author of PLAGUE OF CORRUPTION The recent worldwide panic from the Chinese Corona virus makes clear how much science has suffered from the persecution of independent voices who seek to improve public health.  That persecution stops today with the release of my new book with Dr. Judy Mikovits, PLAGUE OF … Continue reading PLAGUE OF CORRUPTION – Support the Real Science Defenders!

2020 – The Year Science STOPPED Being a Religion!

Opinion by Kent Heckenlively, JD Is the willingness to challenge authority in the genes? I tend to believe it is.  Family legend holds that my ancestor is the central figure behind the Reformation, Martin Luther, who successfully challenged the more than a thousand years of control by the Catholic Church.  Supposedly that information is contained … Continue reading 2020 – The Year Science STOPPED Being a Religion!

Attack of the “Corona Bat Virus!” What Science REALLY Says About It!

Maybe it’s my training as an attorney, but I always like to look back at what people said BEFORE they knew there was a problem. Opinion by Kent Heckenlively, JD   When people KNOW there’s a problem, (and may have had a part in creating it), they’ll lie like crazy.  No conspiracy theory necessary.  It’s … Continue reading Attack of the “Corona Bat Virus!” What Science REALLY Says About It!

PLAGUE OF CORRUPTION – Hillary Clinton and the Judge…

In law there’s an expression that “A good lawyer knows the law, but a great lawyer knows the judge.” By Kent Heckenlively, JD Although my normal beat is the corruption of science, one of my regular sources provided me an unexpected windfall of information about the judge overseeing the Judicial Watch case against Hillary Clinton … Continue reading PLAGUE OF CORRUPTION – Hillary Clinton and the Judge…

A “Dilbert” View of the Corona Virus…

It’s tough being a “conspiracy theorist” these days… By Kent Heckenlively, JD …because there are facts you just don’t see coming.  Are we inching back towards a free and independent press because the lies are just becoming so obvious? I may need to find another hobby.  Maybe I’ll take up cartooning like Scott Adams and … Continue reading A “Dilbert” View of the Corona Virus…

The Corona Virus and the PLAGUE OF CORRUPTION – “Boy, Do I Hate Being Right All the Time!”

By Kent Heckenlively, JD It’s one of the great classic lines from the movie, Jurassic Park, and it’s uttered by my favorite character, Ian Malcolm, (Jeff Goldblum) the brilliant, snarky chaos theoretician as they discuss whether it’s a good idea to resurrect dinosaurs from ancient DNA. Malcolm is against the idea, arguing that the idea … Continue reading The Corona Virus and the PLAGUE OF CORRUPTION – “Boy, Do I Hate Being Right All the Time!”

SATIRE – Adam Schiff was My Neighbor . . . And He Stole My Bike!

Satire – By Kent Heckenlively For the past six months my brother has been troubled by something. “I think I know Adam Schiff,” he said, after learning President Trump’s least favorite Congressman grew up in our area.  “Do you remember anything about him?” I drew a complete blank.  I researched the question of where Adam … Continue reading SATIRE – Adam Schiff was My Neighbor . . . And He Stole My Bike!

Author Malcolm Gladwell Tells You Why Your Family and Friends Don’t Believe You About Vaccine Injury

By Kent Heckenlively, JD When my mother was preparing her will she came to a curious decision.  “Kent,” she said, “there’s a section in which I have to name a person to decide, if I’m incapacitated, whether heroic measures should be made to save my life.  I think your father and brother would get too … Continue reading Author Malcolm Gladwell Tells You Why Your Family and Friends Don’t Believe You About Vaccine Injury

VAXXED II – A Saturday Night in Modesto…

By Kent Heckenlively, JD Last Saturday night I made the hour drive to Modesto, California, a city in the Central Valley.  I was looking forward to the opportunity to meet face to face with VAXXED II director, Brian Burrowes, as well as reconnect with producer Polly Tommey, for whom I’d also written for her magazine, … Continue reading VAXXED II – A Saturday Night in Modesto…

“Plague Of Corruption” and “Dr. Mary’s Monkey…”

By Kent Heckenlively, JD People say – “Is your new book like “Dr. Mary’s Monkey?” It’s a question I’ve been asked more than a few times on-line and I want to make sure I give a complete answer.  It’s not a question to which I can provide a simple yes or no response. For those … Continue reading “Plague Of Corruption” and “Dr. Mary’s Monkey…”

Kent Interviews – Director of VAXXED II, Brian Burrowes…

A Canadian in the Fight… By Kent Heckenlively, JD Vaxxed II Director Brian Burrowes grew up in Eastern Canada, not far from where my own lovely wife grew up.  I’ve always said Canadians are the nicest people in the world.  And yet, I’ve noticed these polite, well-mannered individuals are often among the most fearless people … Continue reading Kent Interviews – Director of VAXXED II, Brian Burrowes…

Anti-Vaxx Meets Q-Anon

By Kent Heckenlively, JD I know many of you, like me, are waiting with baited breath for the March 2020 release of GODZILLA vs. KONG. But almost as entertaining as the meeting of those two titans is this recent interview I did with Dustin Nemos, one of the driving forces behind the Amazon best-selling book, … Continue reading Anti-Vaxx Meets Q-Anon

Dr. Shiva, Scott Adams, and “VAXXED II…”

By Kent Heckenlively, J.D. I have a confession.  I’m a complete fanboy when it comes to really smart people. That’s why I start every day listening to the Scott Adams podcast.  He says interesting things and occasionally interviews really smart people. Recently he had on Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, the inventor of email, four degrees from … Continue reading Dr. Shiva, Scott Adams, and “VAXXED II…”

Robert F. Kennedy. Jr. – EXCLUSIVE!!! Excerpt from his Foreword to PLAGUE OF CORRUPTION

By Kent Heckenlively, JD With the permission of Robert F. Kennedy. Jr., I’ve been authorized to allow you a sneak peek at his Foreword to my new book with Dr. Judy Mikovits, PLAGUE OF CORRUPTION. I’d like to encourage all my readers to begin regularly using the expression, “plague of corruption,” to refer to the … Continue reading Robert F. Kennedy. Jr. – EXCLUSIVE!!! Excerpt from his Foreword to PLAGUE OF CORRUPTION

“VAXXED II” – Cartoonist Ben Garrison Jumps On The Bus…

By Kent Heckenlively, JD A wonderful autism parent has apparently commissioned a cartoon from rebel cartoonist, Ben Garrison, to celebrate the release of the new documentary film, VAXXED II: The People’s Truth.  Bolen Report wishes these brave parents and doctors the best of success for the film. Here is the post which explains the cartoon: … Continue reading “VAXXED II” – Cartoonist Ben Garrison Jumps On The Bus…

Poisoner in Chief – Book Review

By Kent Heckenlively, JD There’s a new book everybody should read.  It’s called Poisoner in Chief, written by Stephen Kinzer, a long-time reporter for the the New York Times, world affairs columnist for the Boston Globe, and a senior fellow for International and Public Affairs at Brown University. You may wonder why a blog dedicated to improving … Continue reading Poisoner in Chief – Book Review

Robert Kennedy, Jr. Gives a HUGE Endorsement to my new book “PLAGUE OF CORRUPTION”…

By Kent Heckenlively, JD Publishing a book requires many moving parts. One of the most important is who writes the foreword.  It gives the seal of approval from somebody who is likely to be more well-known than you, or has more standing in the field. When Dr. Judy Mikovits and I published our book, PLAGUE, … Continue reading Robert Kennedy, Jr. Gives a HUGE Endorsement to my new book “PLAGUE OF CORRUPTION”…