What is Our Destiny? My Destiny?

Tuesday, August 18, 2020 is likely to be one of the most important days of my life…  It’s the day so many projects I’ve been working on come to fruition. I feel it is a day of battle for me, and for all of us. By Kent Heckenlively, JD I understand one of the unique things … Continue reading What is Our Destiny? My Destiny?

Humor – Next Book Target: Donald Trump, Jr…

Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gained… By Kent Heckenlively, JD According to the Greek historian Plutarch (or maybe Hans Gruber, the villain from the original Die Hard movie from the 1980s), “And when Alexander saw the breadth of his domain, he wept, for there were no more worlds to conquer.” While I may not be Alexander the … Continue reading Humor – Next Book Target: Donald Trump, Jr…

Scott Adams Creates the “Heckenlively Rule” for Public Debate…

It seems some of the fans of Scott Adams want him to interview me. By Kent Heckenlively, JD On his August 3, 2020 Periscope, right near the end, a listener asked why he didn’t interview Kent Heckenlively. Scott gave his answer, which was essentially a recapitulation of what he’d said previously, roughly translated as, “I … Continue reading Scott Adams Creates the “Heckenlively Rule” for Public Debate…

How Much Longer Must We Suffer The Liberal Media’s “Fake Pandemic?”

Fake Numbers, Fake Deaths, Fake Concerns, Fake Experts, Fake Polls, You-Name-it.  It NEVER Stops… America is VERY Tired of it… Opinion By “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen The liberal media in the US is on a collision course with its own self-destruction.  An experiment they tried failed – and now they cannot, and will not, … Continue reading How Much Longer Must We Suffer The Liberal Media’s “Fake Pandemic?”

Dear Scott Adams . . .

Imagine my surprise last Saturday morning… …when I was listening to the morning Periscope of Scott Adams and heard Adams address me directly by name and decline my request to be interviewed by him. By Kent Heckenlively, JD Unlike Chuck Todd of Meet the Press, Adams actually said my name, and treated me with great … Continue reading Dear Scott Adams . . .

Kids SHOULD Wear Masks ALL DAY! (Not)…

Let’s Look At REALITY… By Kent Heckenlively JD Science is science, humor is humor, and sometimes a good cigar is just a smoke. You may or may not know it, but Dr. Judy Mikovits and I have a book coming out on August 11, 2020 (already available on Kindle), called THE CASE AGAINST MASKS: Ten … Continue reading Kids SHOULD Wear Masks ALL DAY! (Not)…

As If I Wasn’t Hated Enough Already . . .

Maybe it’s just a defect in my character… By Kent Heckenlively, JD One would think after publishing PLAGUE OF CORRUPTION, in which I go after vaccines as hard as anybody ever has in history, and enduring an unprecedented media blackout, even though the book is the runaway science bestseller of 2020, I’d sit back a … Continue reading As If I Wasn’t Hated Enough Already . . .

The Respect of Those I Admire…

I have a confession to make… By Kent Heckenlively, JD For about a year I’ve been seeing a wellness doctor for “healthy aging.”  About three years ago when my wife was going through menopause she consulted a similar doctor about her hormones and the difference in her was night and day.  “I don’t feel like … Continue reading The Respect of Those I Admire…

President Trump Needs to Say The Words “PLAGUE OF CORRUPTION…”

I’m going to give President Trump a little advice on how to win re-election in November. By Kent Heckenlively, JD Now, after his speech at Mount Rushmore on July 3 I’m sure he’s flying high and thinking his chances are good.  He did a masterful job of linking the protesters to those who want to … Continue reading President Trump Needs to Say The Words “PLAGUE OF CORRUPTION…”

The Odd Life of a Minor Celebrity…

I’m always of two minds about political protests. By Kent Heckenlively, JD On one hand, I have an optimistic, red-blooded American view about civic participation and the importance of people showing their power. On the other I’m cynical because I’ve seen so many examples of Big Pharma rigging the game I wonder if it’s worth … Continue reading The Odd Life of a Minor Celebrity…

Eric Metaxas Gets Red-Pilled…

By Kent Heckenlively, JD My son has an observation he often shares with me.  He says if one person says you’re a jerk, well, that’s one opinion. But if most people say you’re a jerk, well, you are a jerk. That’s why I always like to check myself by talking to people I respect. For … Continue reading Eric Metaxas Gets Red-Pilled…

Scott Adams was “Secret Weapon” Behind Plandemic Video…

By Kent Heckenlively, JD On May 7, 2020 Scott Adams sent out a tweet about the Plandemic video. “I finally watched the Plandemic video people keep sending me.  Looks to me like a combination of ridiculous bullshit conspiracy nuttery mixed with some true stuff.  Reminds me of the absurd idea that the FBI recently attempted … Continue reading Scott Adams was “Secret Weapon” Behind Plandemic Video…

“A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss…” Apparently It Can’t READ Either…

More Laughter – Dr. Judy Mikovits Arrest and Warrants(?)… By Kent Heckenlively, JD I’ve been making a mistake these days, and maybe you have as well.  I assumed the critics of my two books with Dr. Judy Mikovits had actually read them, or at least the first couple pages. Let me make a bold statement… … Continue reading “A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss…” Apparently It Can’t READ Either…

The “Anti-Vaxxer” Movement is Responsible for The “Covid-19” Attack On America…

It’s Not Donald Trump They Are After – It’s Us… Opinion by “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen Of course the whole “Covid-19” thing is a massive hoax.  People all over the country are figuring that out.  It is a massive, well organized attack on America and Western Civilization.  All of the evidence of this collusion … Continue reading The “Anti-Vaxxer” Movement is Responsible for The “Covid-19” Attack On America…

Laugh Out Loud – We Have Become “Voldemort,” the Book that Chuck Todd of “Meet The Press” Cannot Name…

Kent Heckenlively – “Banned in Australia – World’s #1 Anti-Vaxxer” SO TERRIFIES Liberal Media they can’t say his name, or the name of the book “Plague of Corruption.” By Kent Heckenlively, JD When one is young and reads about crusading writers or journalists who change the world, you never really expect that’s going to happen … Continue reading Laugh Out Loud – We Have Become “Voldemort,” the Book that Chuck Todd of “Meet The Press” Cannot Name…

Has Anthony Fauci Already Been Arrested?

Bill Barr – Please Don’t INCARCERATE Fauci in The Same Jail Where They Put Epstein… Opinion by “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen Almost EVERYONE knows this CoronaVirus nightmare is a complete hoax, designed and implemented to destroy America, and Western Civilization.  And right there, front-and-center, in the middle of this gigantic fraud is the name, … Continue reading Has Anthony Fauci Already Been Arrested?

The Absolute JOY of Being Hung Up on by a CNN Producer For Chris Cuomo…

By Kent Heckenlively, JD This will be a very short article with a video just under two and a half minutes long, but it may become my most popular article ever written. My wife was left a message on her phone from a CNN producer named Mi Seon, Senior Editorial Producer @CNN–@CuomoPrimetime asking if she … Continue reading The Absolute JOY of Being Hung Up on by a CNN Producer For Chris Cuomo…

Opposing the Plandemic…

By Kent Heckenlivey, JD. Maybe I’m naive, but I’ve always believed in good people from many different backgrounds coming together in a common cause for the betterment of humanity.  I know that makes me a little unique among most leaders today, who seem to prefer some sort of rigid conformity. Not me.  Give me the … Continue reading Opposing the Plandemic…

Is Trump Tweeting About Our Book?

By Kent Heckenlively, JD So much is happening around my new book with Dr. Judy Mikovits, PLAGUE OF CORRUPTION, that I’m having trouble keeping up. A few days ago, Dr. Mikovits did an interview with America’s Daily Report and it got published on YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3QmI-TYawMg Yes, I was very happy because Judy is finally getting … Continue reading Is Trump Tweeting About Our Book?


Dr. Judy Mikovits did not intend to become one of the most controversial scientists of the twenty-first century. By Kent Heckenlively, JD But when you uncover inconvenient truths which threaten big money, you can expect to be attacked. However, when you’ve lived a life in science since 1980 you expect the attack to come from … Continue reading PLAGUE OF CORRUPTION: A Scientist at Sea…