While some might consider my expressed views on what happened last year to Alex Jones and www.InfoWars.com,namely, being “banned”[a term that reminds me of the evils of Apartheid] by nearly all the major social media during one 24 hour period, a conspiracy theory, I assert that the evidence does support the theory that these major corporate actors were acting in concert and that their actions violated the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO) and the 14th Amendment.
The sordid story continues and gets worse.
Not long ago Facebook imposed a “total ban” on even mentioning Alex Jones (and Rev. L. Farrakhan and others). Unless you preface your reference to the banned with the “compelled opinion” that you renounce the banned speakers, your reference to these ‘Unpersons” will be likewise banned. Shades of the Soviet Encyclopedia with its repeated airbrushing of historic photos and policy of “banning” any mention of the victims of Stalinist repression.
Facebook hasn’t hired any hit squads (yet) so I suppose American social media isn’t quite Stalinesque, but I think anyone so “banned” by the Deep State Social Media Crony Corporations has good grounds to sue.
We are told that the “bannings” were not unlawful censorship since the banning entities are all “private companies”, not subject to the First Amendment’s injunction, “Congress shall make no law … abridging the freedom of speech…” I disagree.
The companies may be private enterprises, but they are public actors, acting “under color of law” through their state corporate franchise and their use of the Internet Public Utility, or Public Commons, for commercial profit.
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To save you looking up Revelation in the Bible it’s verses 6: 5-6, the Third of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse is “Famine” mounted upon a black horse.
(Just for for a point of discussion let’s say that the First Horseman – the great dictator – is the international bankers, the Second Horseman – the war bringer – is the military-industrial complex and the Fourth Horseman – pestilence – is the pharmaceutical cartel.)
Farmers in the participating states of the Federal Republic of Germany…
…where “the Greens” hold the balance of power and have, thereby, managed to impose some of their dogmas – know that it is, in those states, forbidden for a farmer to improve his land resulting in reductions in fertility and harvests. The Greens wish to impose more of their dogmas leading to “Agenda 21,” the so-called “Sustainable Development” whereby, for “environmental reasons”, most of humanity is to be slaughtered and the remaining 500 Millions (5.5% of the present population) are to be pushed into ghetto cities and ruled over by a “Green” elite.
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And At Least ONE Democratic Party 2020 Presidential Candidate Is Working With Them Openly, And Directly…
Opinion By “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen
Many people in the English-speaking-world hear the words surrounding the concept of “Globalism,” but few have examples of what that concept means exactly. I am about to explain it and give you a very strong example – the relationship between Big Pharma, Mainland Communist China and US Health Care policy.
In earlier articles on the BolenReport our writer from Europe, Karma Singhexplained the relationship between Big Pharma, Germany, the European Union, and Big Banks controlling world currency. Karma’s important articles, found here make for an interesting explanation of Big Pharma’s attempted stranglehold of Europe. Karma didn’t pull any punches…
So now, let’s go over to Asia…
The relationship between Big Pharma and Mainland Communist China…
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This year, we will stage our 47th Annual Cancer Convention – August 31 through September 4, 2019. The Hilton Hotel in Glendale, California will once again host this annual event. Please follow the links below for more information and to make your reservations.
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Wake up people… Look at What The “Globalists” did to Our “Millennials…”
The United Nations (UN) “Agenda 21” plan is here right now, staring us in the face. “We the people” of the United States are the target of this insidious, deadly, plot to make a one-world government.
That United Nations (UN) “Agenda 21” program has determined, and written down the fact that The United States of America needs to be “Destroyed From Within” before they can implement GLOBALISM and a Planet Earth 95% Population Reduction…
I am about to show you a big part of their plan, and how it has been, and is now unfolding, in the United States.
US Presidential election 2020 is the battleground. The question being asked, and answered in the 2020 election is a simple one – “Will the United States of America continue as a sovereign nation or will it succumb to GLOBALISM, turning from a Republic into another cog in the globalist’s wheel?”
The US “Progressive” Democratic Party is the tool being used to implement “Agenda 21”in the US. “Millennials” are the social group being targeted and manipulated into socialism.
Let’s start this discussion with a simple fact…
The US Childhood Vaccine Program CREATED virtually ALL of the problems faced by the US “Millennial” Generation.
Opinion by “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen
My “Old School” Democrat friend Bobby Kennedy Jr has pointed out, quite clearly that 54% of America’s children are chronically ill. Neither he, nor I, beat around the bush. The reason for this atrocity is CHILDHOOD VACCINES. I accept NO arguments to the contrary. Yes, there ARE other factors that come into play. But, to me, vaccine promoters are human filth – the lowest of the low. Fresh dog shit on America’s shoe.
BolenReport writer Janet Kerns PhD wrote about the effect of vaccines on the “millennial”generation, focusing on the mercury component, just a few days ago in her article linked just below.
What we NEED to emphasize here is that the government agencies that “We the People” THINK we put into place to monitor our health care system, the unit we un-affectionately call “US PUBLIC HEALTH,” a conglomeration of federal state and county agencies, DID monitor what was happening to “millennials” and, I think, INTENTIONALLY did nothing to stop this Tuskegee-like social experiment.
In fact, they were very much part of it. In effect, virtually the ENTIRE “Millennial” generation is vaccine damaged – all 83.5 million of them. Keep reading to get the details.
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They were born between about 1982-2000. They are currently, as of 2019, between approximately 19 and 39 years of age. They follow Generation X and precede Generation Z.
A “snowflake” is a person who is considered to be overly sensitive or too easily offended. Millennials get “triggered”. According to the Slang Dictionary, the word “triggered” is used to describe someone who is angry and filled with hate. A person usually gets triggered after seeing something upsetting or alarming. Using the expression “triggered” is way to describe irritable people.
According to a 2013 article in Time magazine by Joel Stein, Millennials have characteristics that are different from other generations. Stein states that millennials lack the kind of empathy that allows them to feel concerned for others, but they also have trouble even intellectually understanding others’ points of view. According to Stein, Millennials are interacting all day but almost entirely through a screen. They are most often sitting next to one another and texting. They might look calm, he further describes, but they’re deeply anxious.
Loneliness is also something that greatly troubles Millennials.
They tend to rely on technology to stay in communication with others.
Interestingly, they are also reported to have declining fertility. In addition, they are more likely to be diagnosed with mental illnesses such as depression, schizophrenia, or bipolar disorder.
Millennials are also the generation of “Social Justice Warriors”. A recent (2019) “Democratic Socialist Convention”, filled with Millennials, made the news when the convention speakers were frequently interrupted by Millennials complaining about “sensory overload” and being “triggered”. Clapping was not allowed because clapping was “triggering”. Quiet spaces were available and the use any scents/fragrances was discouraged.
So why are Millennials different? Most explanations include growing up with technology. But Generation Z also grew up with technology. Other explanations include parenting. But are parents from Generation X and Z that different from parents of Generation Y (Millennials)?
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To A “Progressive” Democrat American “Nationalism” is A Bad Thing. Being “White” is Worse…
They Seem to Want Heterosexual Christians and Jews Killed Immediately, and Their Children Ripped Apart At Birth, or Vaccinated Into Zombies…
First, Of Course, They Want Our Guns Confiscated…
Opinion By “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen
Watching the ultra-left Democratic Party presidential candidates attempting to come up with a strategy that would give them ANY chance, at all, of getting a candidate elected President in 2020 is getting VERY interesting.
It has brought them all out of the closet, so-to-speak…
At first, the counter-move to OUR electing Donald Trump as our President in 2016 was to make the claim that “Trump is an agent of the Russian government.”
When that STUPID story was shown to be nonsense the liberals had massive egg on their faces – so they IMMEDIATELY came out with a new thing. Trump, and by association, all of his supporters, are “Racists…”
Their latest gambit is to try and set up a HATRED of all white people who want to “Make, and Keep, America Great Again.” Think about that… Somehow, in the minds of Democrats, a strong America, with people working, buying homes, buying cars, is a BAD thing. Blacks, whites, browns, yellows, etc. working together as one nation is, to a “Progressive” Democrat, a bad thing.
There is NO question that MOST 2020 Democrat presidential candidates want America destroyed in favor of total UN-Run (Agenda 21) One-World Soviet Style Communism.
The wild-eyed “Green New Deal”would completely bankrupt America in a matter of months, shutting down MOST of America’s industries, putting MOST Americans out of work, giving Mainland Communist China the ability to crush America overnight. And, for the “Anti-White” Democrats, the result would be sweet – the end of Western Civilization.
“Medicare For all” is another nation buster. Just envision millions of out-of-work people standing in line to get their 2,364 “Mandatory Vaccinations.”
$96,000 For a BA in Hispanic Transgender Gay & Lesbian Studies and I can’t find work…
“Free College for all” is another line of BS. American Universities have become nothing more than a baby-sitting service for liberal Prima-Donnas whining about how hard their privileged lives are as they dope-smoke their way between safe-spaces. The idea of graduating from college and getting an actual job is simply NOT in their plans. with “Free College for all” they could stay right there, as a student, until their hair falls out.
“Mass Shootings” – Liberal Democrats are completely responsible for this situation. Every person killed or wounded can be traced back to “liberal” values. Our country is faced with the liberal’s long-term plan to destroy family units, removing the guidance of fathers from the child-raising picture.
Don’t even start me on the “Childhood Vaccination Program.” 54% of America’s children are chronically ill. American Millenial generation males have 50% of the testosterone their father’s had… One plus one equals two. Two plus two equals four.
“We Want America Destroyed” is the war cry of almost every 2020 Democratic Party Presidential Candidate…
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As I prepare for the publication in November of my new book, PLAGUE OF CORRUPTION, with co-author, Dr. Judy Mikovits, we’re starting to do some radio interviews.
Recently, Judy and I were on a program and the host said something that stuck with me. He said that Judy and I were like the “watchmen” from the Bible.
I’m more of a New Testament guy, so the reference from the Old Testament was a little unfamiliar to me. When I think of a “watchman” I picture some old guy with a flashlight and a set of jangling keys.
But the host was thinking of a specific passage from the Book of Ezekiel, which is translated as:
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“Political Correctness” is the central tactic used to try to silence The Anti-Vax Movement…
…and if America goes Marxist, as Bernie Sanders is promoting (he calls it Social Democracy), our concerns about safety, and our desire for choice not to vaccinate. will be silenced forever….
If you read my article Trump Opens Door So We Can Purge Marxism From Public Schools on how Marxists actively took over America’s public schools to teach students not to think critically, it was the first of several forthcoming articles about how the Marxist movement has insinuated mind-numbing Marxist thinking into many other spheres of public life here in the U.S. – like honest discussions about health care.
This article focuses on how “Political Correctness”came into being and why we need to put a stop to it to restore order. As you will learn, “Political Correctness”is a well-developed method of mind control designed to herd people with low self-esteem into “following orders”.
Karl Marx – A Man Filled With Self-Loathing…
Karl Marx
Back when Karl Marx was alive and started to write, he was already a sick man. While his middle class parents tried to teach him personal discipline like eating right and getting regular exercise and other middle class self-discipline values, Marx was clearly a misfit. When he went off to college, he was charged with drunken and disorderly behavior, carried guns, squandered his money and was otherwise a wild kid, out of control. His father even moved him from Bonn to Berlin, where he finally finished his university studies.
According to medical experts, Marx suffered from a lifelong condition called hidradenitis, a skin disease that is known to create psychological problems including self-loathing and alienation. Victims suffer from horrible and painful boils under the armpits and in the groin. The disease also causes widespread infection resulting in painful swelling in other parts of his body. Marx also suffered from hemorrhoids.
To add to his low self esteem was that Marx had a thick accent and lisped. That, along with suffering eye problems that caused red eyes and the open sores on his face from other ailments, he must have been quite a sight. After his studies were over, he took to writing and over the years his angry and hostile articles justified officials in France, Germany and Belgium to throw him out of their countries, so he spent the rest of his life living in self-imposed poverty, living off handouts from a rich uncle and his pal Friedrich Engels. During his years in the slums of London, Marx continued to smoke and drink too much and suffered from a variety of ailments associated with living in filth and poverty. Several bouts of depression were prompted by the deaths of several of his seven children who died of diseases brought on by poverty. His ever-present worry was to have enough cash to buy potatoes and bread, the main diet of the entire family.
To tell the truth, Marx never worked a day in his life, instead spending every day at the library writing hateful articles and books telling people how the world was bad and that everyone ought to revolt.
What Marx Believed…
Marx saw the world as made up of two kinds of people – Those who owned all the wealth and those who were not only forced to work for a living but even forced to compete against each other to get low-paying meaningless jobs from the wealthy. He believed people who worked for others were basically serfs locked into the drudgery of work that gave them no time to be free spirits pondering the wonders of the universe.
Marx, a lifelong atheist, believed that a belief in God and the teachings of Christianity were a way to lull workers in being satisfied with their lot in life. He called religion “the opiate of the masses” because he was convinced that it was the wealthy who encouraged the practice of religion to keep everyone in line. Besides, Christianity had too many restrictive rules on how to live your life.
While he never held a job, preferring to spew out writings full of hate year after year, his main political goal was to convince people to overthrow the rich industrialists so their wealth, like the spoils of war, could be given away to the masses. He didn’t care what happened next and to this day, Marxists never offer a blueprint about what to do next, once the Capitalist government has been overthrown. They live in a Never Never land like Peter Pan, who never grew up.
Workers Of The World Unite For All Out War…
What Marx and his followers hoped for was a workers’ revolt to basically overthrow all the governments in Europe to destroy Capitalism.
When such an event didn’t happen after WWI, Marxists of that day decided that workers were way too happy with Capitalism and teachings of the church as a rudder to guide them in the stable society in which they lived. Keep in mind, Capitalism and Christianity are central to the values of Western civilization. High self esteem, personal prosperity and hard work are valued.
Two of the more prominent Marxists at the time, an Italian philosopher named Antonio Gramsci and George Lukacs, a literary philosopher from Hungary, came to the conclusion that in order to promote a successful economic revolution they’d have to destroy all the key values of Western civilization. They had to create a cultural revolution.
In order to do so, they made a list of the key cultural values of Capitalism that needed to be destroyed.
They included:
Belief in God referenced in our Declaration of Independence as “Our Creator” where we got our inalienable rights to life, liberty and pursuit of happiness.
Belief in Christian values like “love your neighbor, help people who need help, live a virtuous life, work hard, value success, feel good about yourself and feel good about your community.”
Belief in normal family relationships of a father and mother who are responsible for raising children, making sure to teach them honesty, personal character, proper behavior and useful lessons on how to set personal goals, think for themselves and lead a successful life.
Have a firm idea about history, learn from it and build on it.
Learn useful skills in order to make a good living.
Gramsci was thrown in jail by Mussolini in 1926 because he thought Gramsci’s Marxist ideas were the enemy of his Fascist regime. Gramsci spent the rest of his days writing his “prison notebooks” exploring how, by subversive tactics, the promoters of Marxism could overrun the pillars of Capitalism in stages.
Georg Lukacs was appointed Minister of Culture in the short- lived Hungarian Soviet Republic. In charge of education, he introduced some of the first sex education classes designed to destroy family values, the stabilizing centerpiece of Western culture. Strange but true, here in the US there are now public schools that start sex education classes in the first grade, actively promote transgenderism, teach the techniques and virtues of what religious people call “sodomy” and assist children in obtaining sex change operations without their parents knowledge or consent.
This particular campaign, to my mind, is the most corrosive of all the Marxist strategies. Sexuality is basic to all human existence. It is how the human race continues and the creating and raising of the next generation is central to all cultures. The idea that parents, who are already forced to surrender their children to state authorities for long hours each day, should be particularly concerned. Here in America, some parents are able to avoid surrendering their children to state authorities by being able to either home school or send their children to private schools where they have control of the content of the education. See my article about Marxism in the public school.
Whatever your beliefs are about matters of sex and/or sexuality is not the issue here.
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Recently President Trump attacked Congressman Elijah Cummings over the condition of the city of Baltimore, which Cummings represents.
Trump’s tweet from July 27, 2019 read:
“Rep, Elijah Cummings has been a brutal bully, shouting and screaming at the great men & women of Border Patrol about conditions at the Southern Border, when actually his Baltimore district is FAR WORSE and more dangerous. His district is considered the Worst in the USA . . . As proven last week during a Congressional tour, the Border is clean, efficient & well run, just very crowded. Cummings District is a disgusting, rat and rodent infested mess. If he spent more time in Baltimore, maybe he could help clean up this very dangerous & filthy place.”
Of course, the news media has exploded in condemnation, calling Trump a racist for the millionth time, even though Trump also added Nancy Pelosi’s San Francisco to the list of poorly run Democratic cities.
However, this wasn’t the first time I’d run across Congressman Elijah Cummings. In my book, INOCULATED: How Sciences Lost its Soul in Autism I recounted the story told to me by Minister Tony Muhammad of the Nation of Islam.
The “Inoculated” book dealt with the revelations of Dr. William Thompson, a senior CDC (Center for Disease Control) scientist, who revealed the agency had covered up a link between earlier administration of the MMR (measles-mumps-rubella) vaccine and the development of autism in African-American boys. (The effect was pronounced in ALL groups, but especially strong among African-American males.)
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“What Can We, As the Anti-Vax Movement, SPECIFICALLY DO to WIN the Vaccine War?”
Opinion by “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen
Considering the ACTUAL situation I am going to lay out a simple course of action that involves a simple strategy and even simpler tactics.
Will this strategy, and the individual tactics work? Absolutely. Why? Because the “Ant-Vax” Movement is ALMOST there.
Considering that there are literally millions of people in the world-wide “Anti-Vax” Movement HOW will this solution work? It will work BECAUSE there ARE so many of us.
When someone like me (a Crisis Management Consultant) designs a campaign the VERY FIRST consideration is “What is the makeup of our own fighting force?” For instance, in a war, if the enemy has a huge Navy, and we don’t, we are NOT going to engage in a naval war. We are going to arrange a different battlefield – one where WE have the advantage.
What is OUR advantage? Sheer numbers of REALLY PISSED OFF activists that are smart, innovative people. People who are DONE being nice. We have people who are trained to address legislators, and the media, NICELY, and we have those who, like the liberals do, can SPIT on legislators and the media, screaming at them, if we have to. And we have those who know how to get the public’s attention – as you will see demonstrated below.
We have SO MANY people we can conduct simultaneous projects at locations thousands of miles apart that have seemingly entirely different focuses. Why do that? Because our opposition is made up entirely of mercenaries who have to get permission, Instructions, funding, and training from “Pro-Vax” Central before they even put on their silk panties first thing in the morning.
What will we accomplish? Further down in this article I discuss two areas in conducting campaigns that are MISSING in the “Anti-Vax” Movement – “Strategies and Tactics”and “Mission Statements”and “Objectives.”
In short, the “Anti-Vax” movement is SO BIG that there has not been an attempt to properly organize it. My tactic, as a people mover, has been to just let it run – for the anger build, and the result of that, is a strategy and tactic all of its own.
Using the sheer numbers…
One of the things we learned from earlier “Anti-Vax” campaigns was that our opposition is not that large and has to use tricks to seem large and scary. On the other hand the “Anti-Vax” Movement REALLY IS large and scary – which is why Big Pharma went to the World Health Organization (WHO) and to US Democratic Party legislator Adam Schiff, (laugh here) to ask for help in desperation.
300(?) “Skeptics” between internet forays…
What we found is that the internet trolls that hide on our discussion groups are but a few. What they do is to create “sock-puppets,” perhaps as many as 300 each, to make it appear that MANY others support their argument, when, in fact, NO ONE actually does.
But, the “Anti-Vax”Movement caught on to that crap quickly. And countered.
But let’s talk about how to use those sheer numbers…
Know the difference between “Strategy” and “Tactics…”
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It probably looks like the face of President Trump at the White House at the Social Media Summit of July 11, 2019 when he said that he and the 150 social media commentators gathered in the room have more than half a billion (500 Million) followers. The purpose of the summit was to discuss “the attempted silencing of conservative voices on social media.”
Probably none of the social media superstars had as strange a journey to Washington D.C. as political cartoonist Ben Garrison.
He was invited to the summit, then dis-invited on baseless charges of being an anti-Semite (seriously, after all the attacks, hasn’t everybody learned the left’s playbook?), then decided to go anyway.
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Let me begin by observing that some lowly twenty-something White House staffer has ALREADY BEEN YELLED AT, or WILL BE CHEWED OUT IN THE NEXT FEW HOURS, for such a colossal screw-up.
Everything that follows in this article comes with the warning that we must NOT OVERREACT to the screw-up of this lowly White House staffer. However, this is an ENORMOUS OPPORTUNITY to move things in a POSITIVE DIRECTION.
Those who have been paying attention know of the claims that the tech giants, Google, Facebook, Apple, YouTube, and Amazon are doing their best to squelch conservative commentary, as well as those allied with the health freedom movement.
President Trump has been talking publicly about these issues and decided to convene a Social Media Summit on Thursday, July 11, 2019 with many prominent figures who have been targeted by these media platforms. Cartoonist, Ben Garrison was among those invited.
I’ve had personal experience with Ben, having him work on a cartoon depicting my banning from Australia because I wanted to talk about pharmaceutical corruption. We hit it off immediately, as he shared with me how many of his cartoons had been altered to make them appear anti-Semitic.
Ben understood how the claim that individuals like me are “anti-science”was out of the same playbook. It appears that the biggest purveyors of the lie that Ben Garrison is anti-Semitic is the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), which had a copy of one of his cartoons which was altered with Nazi-type propaganda. Whether the ADL knew of these alterations to Ben’s original work is unclear.
Because some low-level White House staffer fell for these lies…
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Opinion By “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen
If you watched the so-called 2020 Democratic Party Presidential Debates one thing became patently obvious – EVERY candidate was playing NOT for the people but for the MONEY MEN who would decide which of them would go on to the next debate.
It was all about which of them could please their potential funding source, Big Pharma, more. And, virtually every one of them came through for their potential paymaster – declaring their support for Big Pharma’s one-size-fits-all drugs and vaccines based 2019 version of “ObamaCare.”
The once venerable Democratic Party is in the pits, completely owned by the SAME people who ran Adolph Hitler 80 years ago…
Truly, Presidential Election 2020 is “Big Pharma Vs Trump…”
In 1969 The 5th Dimension Band came out with their hit song “The Age of Aquarias.” I remember it well, for I thought at the time “How optimistic…”
In a way the song symbolized the feeling of the 1960s. We felt then, that, together, we could solve ANY problem. Contrast that now with the 2019 Democratic Party which screams out hatred and division with outright attacks on America and its values. They want billions to fund Iran’s nuclear bomb program, billions for illegal alien health care, the complete shutdown of America’s power and transportation systems, complete disarmament of all Americans, all white people put in concentration camps, all black people on welfare and confined to the inner cities, and all children vaccinated with 3,112 mandatory vaccines with mandatory vaccinations for adults right behind…
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Scott Adams, the creator of the comic strip, Dilbert, has in recent years become one of the country’s leading experts on political persuasion. On most mornings at 7 am Pacific time he does a daily Periscope, which he normally also posts on YouTube under the channel Real Coffee with Scott Adams.
I rarely miss his morning show, loving his laid-back, provocative observations (and it’s not just because he’s a fellow northern California resident, living less than 15 minutes away from me). I love that he says he’s a bit left of Bernie Sanders on political goals, but believes in being realistic.
Scott has become well-known for his praise of President Trump’s persuasion skills, but also praises the skills of Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Adams has a special affection for those who can change the course of a national conversation, regardless of their political leanings. Scott himself is a master persuader and I am ALWAYS interested in his opinions, even if I may initially disagree with him. He’s like that amazing college professor you may have had who possessed the ability to change how you viewed the world around you.
That’s why when he started talking about BIG PHARMA…
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Opinion By “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen
There is a simple way to tell the difference between a liberal and a conservative in a public place – their cell phone proximity.
It has been right here in front of us all this time. There is a way to tell exactly who’s who in the political scheme of things. No one can hide any more. The secret is out.
In Public – Liberals’ faces are glued to their Smart Phone screens, earbuds in place, as they absorb today’s personal programming. You see this happening everywhere – not just at Starbucks.
In Public – Conservatives, if they have a cell phone in their hand at all, are talking on it to someone else, probably arranging a lunch, a meeting, an outdoor activity, etc. where people congregate and communicate with each other personally – actually LOOKING at each other while they communicate not only with words, but body language, and other senses.
I HATE Smart Phones…
I am “Old School.” With me cell phones are for phone calls. LARGE computer screens are for websites and email. Since I am a political conservative I have a FULL, interesting life.
I have a modern up-to-date flip phone. Works everywhere. Phone rings – flip it open, smile, say hello. Life is good…
The other day my wife’s flip-phone dropped dead. Time to get her a new one.
So, we ask, what do we need? She doesn’t want the the same phone as me. Says mine looks like a black hand grenade. (It does). And, MAYBE it is time to add on a few NEW features. For an upcoming trip maybe we should get one of those “Navigation” features, better than the one on my car, and something she can use to send endless photos to her FaceBook page, like everybody else.
So, I start looking around. Why me, you ask? When you are married to someone for over fifty years there are clear divisions of labor. I do the technical stuff – all of the research, setting up, tech support, you-name-it. Then I show her how to use it. If it stops working, I find it on my desk.
I make the coffee. She makes it too weak. When I make espresso/cappaccino she drinks a glass of water with it.
So, after some coffee we climb in the car…
…and head for a store I know has a big selection of phones. I am looking for “simple.” I know there are smart(?) phones out there that in order to answer them you have to stick your right index finger into a little hole in the back of the phone, while you press your left ear to the upper left corner of the screen while also pressing your tongue to the lower right corner and answering your security question with the words “Abra-Cadabra”, and “Albert Einstein.” Don’t slur your words, for the phone needs “precise.” On about the fifth ring, I’m told, a little white box appears in the upper right hand corner of the screen that says “Are you certain you want to answer this call? Your mood reading shows you are anxious…”
It gets better – for after that ANOTHER little white box appears saying “Perhaps you should let this call go to message until after you have a bowel movement?…”
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All of these are accurate descriptions of Dr. Judy Mikovits, the co-author of my new book, PLAGUE OF CORRUPTION.
These traits are universal across all cultures, nations, genders, and ideologies. When you are in the presence of a hero, you can feel it, almost a whisper of divinity and meaning, even when our lives seem so devoid of these qualities. Heroes remind of us what we can be at our best, what God was truly hoping we would aspire to be when we were created.
By the same token, villains are also similar across all groups. They hate the truth. They hate the light. They hate the happiness of good health. They are liars. And they are deceivers.
We know what villains try to do to heroes, don’t we?
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Opinion by “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen
Everybody knows that I, Tim Bolen, am, politically, about ten steps to the right of that wimp “Attila The Hun.” Generally speaking, I use the term “Democrat” as a synonym for the phrase “toothless idiot.”
If I use the words “California Democrat” I am referring to a State full of Hillary copies all wanting to have complete control of other people’s children outside of the view of their parents while the human feces and the needles piles up in the “Sanctuary City” streets.
Democratic party controlled California is the place where MOST of the US homeless encampments (Pelosi-villes) are. It is also the place where the liberals’ unemployable offspring, with degrees in “Hispanic Transgender Gay & Lesbisn Studies,”hang out in Starbucks, drinking eight (8) dollar cups of coffee, complaining about Trump ruining their lives.
All across America, these days, “Democrats” are pushing legislation to force deadly, and damaging vaccines, on America’s children. Republicans are resisting that.
So, as you can tell, if you are looking for praise over what Democrats do, don’t look here.
Then, along comes that blankety-blank Bobby Kennedy Jr…
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Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. recently made a speech in Albany, New York at the epicenter of the measles madness. I have rarely heard the argument against our current vaccine program made any better. I’ll get out of the way and simply give you his brief talk in front of the state house.
The YouTube video of the speech has more than 100K views and is likely to climb much higher. Here is a transcript (edited for clarity). At the bottom we have the actual video for you to watch…
KENNEDY: Thank you for coming on such a rainy day. The pharmacist walked by and I don’t blame him for being angry because this is the biggest threat to their business plan. The vaccine industry when I was a boy was $270 million dollars. I got three vaccines and was fully compliant. Today it is a $50 billion dollar industry and 20% of pharmaceutical revenues.
But that’s at the front end.
At the back end are all the chronic diseases that the FDA says they think are associated with vaccines. A hundred and fifty diseases are now listed on the product inserts. The reason they’re listed on the product inserts is because the FDA has made the determination that these injuries are more likely caused by a vaccine.
This is the chronic disease epidemic.
I have six kids. I had eleven brothers and sisters. I had over fifty cousins. I didn’t know a single person with a peanut allergy. Why do all my kids have food allergies? Because they were born after 1989.
If you were born prior to 1989, your chance of having a chronic disease, according to HHS (Health and Human Services) is 12.8%. If you are born after 1989, your chance of having a chronic disease is 54%. And the FDA has said to the vaccine companies, you need to take a look at these diseases.
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During Eight Years of The Obama-Nation it Simply Did Not Rain In California. Chemtrails Were Everywhere. “Drought” Was the Watchword…
Now, in the first week of June 2019 it is STILL Raining. Greenery is everywhere, and the Democrats are getting nervous.
Opinion by “Deplorable”Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen
Prior to President Donald Trump getting elected the only places you could find PLENTIFUL fresh water in California was in Nancy Pelosi’s winery, dribbling on her grapes. California’s Forests were a fire waiting to happen. California’s agricultural industry was turning to dust. Agenda 21 advocates controlled the dialogue. ObamaDust ruled the skies.
Then, almost heaven-sent, comes the first Populist president in a long time, and he said “No, we are NOT going to burn California…” Before his first official day in office it started to rain, and rain, and rain, in California…
FORMER President Barack Obama’s planned golf trip, upon leaving the Oval Office, in Palm Springs, California, had to be postponed, and his plane had to land a hundred miles away, due to the huge rainstorm Trump had delivered to California. Trump had delivered his message “YOU are not the president anymore, I am…”And, California was about to be saved from the globalists.
Everybody with a brain knew that the “Bullet Train” was a trick…
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