In George Orwell’s classic novel, 1984, the main character, Winston Smith, works for the “Ministry of Truth” in a future authoritarian society.
On the outside wall of the ministry are plastered the three slogans of the Party: “WAR IS PEACE,” ‘FREEDOM IS SLAVERY,” and “IGNORANCE IS STRENGTH!”
This description of an authoritarian organization which seeks to impose its will despite its many failings seems a particularly apt description of our current Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). President Trump appears to have fired the first salvo against this corrupt institution.
According to an article from The Washington Post on December 15, 2017, President Trump has instructed the CDC to stop using the words “evidence-based” and “science-based.” (CDC Gets List of Forbidden Words, by Lena Sun and Juliet Ellperin)
It’s about damned time!
The words “evidence-based” and “science-based” are nothing less than the deliberate twisting of language to stifle free inquiry. They are like corrupt priests who claim that “only they” know the will of the Almighty. The Mandarins of the CDC should probably start packing their bags and find a new location for their brand of openness like the recently dismembered ISIS caliphate in Iraq and Syria.
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Opinion by “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen
We all watched the drama unfolding over the FAILED so-called Repeal of ObamaCare by the Republican Party majority in Congress. As our Donald pointed out to Republicans “You claimed for seven years to want to get rid of ObamaCare. When you got the chance to do it, you blew it…”
Of course, the fact that “399 of 435 US Representatives, and 97 of 100 US Senators WALLOW in 2016 election cycle Big Pharma cash” ABSOLUTELY had something to do with that LACK OF PRODUCTIVE ACTIVITY.
“As president Trump says of Big Pharma: “They contribute massive amounts of money to political people,” Trump said during an impromptu news conference, turning to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, who was standing to his side. “I don’t know, Mitch, maybe even to you.”
It is VERY clear to everyone in the United States that Big Pharma has to go in order to get a REAL health care system in the US.
So, what did Trump do?
He went to the States and got the individual State Attorney Generals to sue, and criminally prosecute, specific segments of Big Pharma (Opioid, and Generics) sending a STRONG message to Big Pharma. The message – there is a new Sheriff in town.
Did Big Pharma listen? Nope. They called their buddy Mitch McConnell and gave him his marching orders – telling him to frustrate Donald at every turn – to let Donald know “Who is really boss in Washington DC.”
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To me the average Big Pharma CEO should die in a prison in a cell deep down underground beneath a leaking sewer line coming from the leprosy ward.
From what I am seeing lately, Donald Trump, Jeff Sessions, and about 48 of the 50 individual State’s Attorney Generals agree with me….
Big Pharma has earned this…
Let’s get to it.
Opinion by “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen
Big Pharma greed has backfired. It started, I think, in California, when Big Pharma funded for election a State Senator named Richard Pan MD whose SOLE PURPOSE was to carry legislation (SB 277) making Childhood Vaccines mandatory in California ignoring the reality of vaccine damage.
When aghast California parents went to the State Capitol, Sacramento, with vaccine damaged children in tow to point out the problem of vaccines, the liberal Democratic Party controlled legislature SHUT DOWN in their faces to celebrate “Gay Pride.”
That California legislature DID PASS SB 277 –and in doing so caused two things to happen – (1) A small anti-vaccine movement became a HUGE WORLDWIDE anti-vaccine movement, almost overnight, and (2) both the California and the National Democratic Party leadership “Came Out Of the Closet” so-to-speak right in front of the American Public.
That “Coming Out Of the Closet” gave Americans CLEAR CHOICES for November 8th, presidential election 2016.
Big Pharma Controls the Liberal Media…
How well is THAT working for them? (Snort here)…
70% of the advertising during the Main Stream Media (MSM) is from Big Pharma. There is no question that Big Pharma controls every subject, concept, word, gesture, point, background imagery, etc. of the Nightly News. They do.
All that negativity is intentional.
It is Big Pharma that directs the constant attack on president Trump, and hence, on the American people who elected him to fix problems, including health care.
Let’s shut them down completely.
How Trump is Dealing With Big Pharma…
Congress CERTAINLY IS NOT HELPING. 399 of 435 US Representatives, and 97 of 100 US Senators WALLOW in 2016 election cycle Big Pharma cash.
As president Trump says of Big Pharma: “They contribute massive amounts of money to political people,” Trump said during an impromptu news conference, turning to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, who was standing to his side. “I don’t know, Mitch, maybe even to you.”
So what does Trump do? He goes out to the States and enlists their Attorney General’s help to FORCE Big Pharma to its knees delivering a new message – “There’s a New Sheriff in Town.”
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(Laugh Here) The Liberal Media Couldn’t Wait to Quote Some Brainless Democrat’s Criticism of President Trumps’s BRILLIANT Handling of the Opioid Crisis…
Opinion by “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen
The Vaccine and Opioid Crises are very similar, in that the cost to society is horrendous, not only in dollars, but in damage to life and lives. It seems, on the surface that more people die quicker from the Opioid problem, but Vaccines certainly cause more lifetime damage requiring lifetime care.
For sure American society does not need either problem. The simple fact is that the same industry, because of greed, has caused both. Worse, “We The People” have allowed Big Pharma to get away with this activity for far too long.
Taking Back Control of Our Government…
The Obama-Nation, to my mind, CREATED the Opioid Crisis when they let the then head of the FDA, Margaret Hamburg, and her husband, make hundreds of millions of dollars on Big Pharma stock the greater part of which was a pain-killer she approved against the advice of 11 out of 13 top FDA scientists.
Big Pharma’s opioid peddlers, under the Obama-Nation, had free reign – and they addicted millions of innocent Americans.
Now, to hear political nitwits like Nancy Pelosi talk, the answer is to throw lots of money at the Opioid problem in several different forms – ALL of which DO NOT solve the problem, BUT, would certainly reward the drug companies with more product sales, and would, as ALL Democrats love, CREATE massive new Public Agencies, with millions more employees, which would NEVER go away.
Yeah, you read that right. Pelosi wants to throw MORE drugs and more money at the Opioid Crisis.
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In the wake of the worst mass shooting in US history, I have heard quite a lot of statements like “how could someone do this?”“How could someone even think of something like that.” “How can something like that happen?’
Have we, as a society, become so desensitized that we cannot even see our own faults? Do we not see what direction we have been led in?
How can someone really think that?
Have you see the violent movies coming out of Hollywood?
Have you seen the so called “reality” shows on television with violence being celebrated?
Zombies – where automatic weapons are the preferred form of killing?
Or how about the violent video games where you can literally buy all the weapons, ammo and ability to mass murder as many “opponents” as possible?
This is a form of distancing yourself from reality.
The game players get points for killing. Let that soak in. Don’t forget, these video games are also linked via the internet so you can challenge as many people that are as willing as you to commit mass murder.
How about the “Haunted Houses” during Halloween? The more violent the better. More blood, more gore, more craziness.
And people wonder how the Vegas shooting could occur? Mix that mentality with hallucinogens and bingo!
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It was my privilege and honor to collaborate with Dr. Judy Mikovits on our book, PLAGUE: One Scientist’s Intrepid Search for the Truth About Human Retroviruses, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS), Autism, and Other Diseases.
I can’t say all the details of the pattern of unethical air travel by the Secretary of Health and Human Services, Tom Price are currently clear, although it seems Big Pharma was trying to put him in their pocket.
According to Politico, Price used military aircraft for multi-national trips, as well as private jets in the United States, even when commercial flights were available. The total cost is supposedly more than a million dollars. Price has now resigned and the President has accepted his resignation.
For my part, I am stunned that Dr. Price, a member of the American Academy of Physicians and Surgeons, (a group well-known for its vaccine skepticism), was getting a flu shot on Thursday in the midst of this storm over his air travel. Did he think that would impress his vaccine-skeptical boss? Or was he looking to get fired?
I’m wondering if a new position will open up at Merck for Dr. Price. (President Trump – You need to start tweeting again about the vaccine-autism connection. If you can bring down the NFL, you can certainly do the same to Big Pharma. It would probably take you about a week to forever change America.)
But the unpleasantness with Dr. Price is now behind us…
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Opinion by “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen
Yes, there was a flap over Tom Price’s luxury travel arrangements in private aircraft. But that was NOTHING compared to the results of an EXAMINATION of WHERE he recently went in those luxury aircraft and WHOM he met with.
That’s where things got interesting…
Let’s start with what happened…
On Thursday, September 28th, 2017, Tom Price, in a moment of supreme idiocy, came out in favor of the annual flu shot. The globalist oriented, Anti-American Washington Post said:
“This flu season could be a bad one, and Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price got his flu shot Thursday and urged Americans to follow his example and get vaccinated.
But after getting jabbed, Price, who is under fire for his flights on government-funded private jets, left before a scheduled question-and-answer session. He rolled down his sleeve and hurried out of the room at the National Press Club even before putting his suit jacket back on.
More, the Post said:
“In his remarks at the annual flu awareness event, Price noted that vaccination coverage has plateaued and that fewer than half of the U.S. population was vaccinated last season. Even though overall flu vaccination coverage ticked up slightly last season, the hospitalization rate nearly doubled from the previous season and was higher across all age groups than in seven of the eight previous seasons.
Just a 5 percentage point uptake in vaccination coverage could have prevented nearly half a million cases of flu last season, Price said. “We’ve got a lot of room for improvement,” he stressed.”
In July 2015, bioCSL and the influenza vaccines of Novartis joined forces to create Seqirus, the largest maker of flu vaccines in the world – Price’s hired private jet – a French made Falconer 2000, took him to Seqirus in August for private meetings.
Price’s travel schedule explains his difference with the Trump administration over the safety and effectiveness of the US Vaccine program.
In August Price used the jet to get him to Raleigh, North Carolina, so he could tour the Seqirus flu vaccine plant and address its employees. A synopsis of THAT meeting is NOT available.
But, make no mistake, Price’s travel arrangements were NOTHING compared to his promotion of the flu vaccine to Americans. EVERYONE knows the annual flu vaccine is worthless junk laced with 25 micrograms of mercury.
It is NO SECRET how dangerous the flu vaccine actually is and what it did to pregnant US mothers.
In short, the Anti-Vaccine Movement NAILED Tom Price, after he Promoted the FLU SHOT…
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When the public is offered a real choice, money doesn’t matter as much.
Judge Roy Moore beat Luther Strange in the Republican US Senate primary race in Alabama, even though Strange probably spent close to $30 million dollars and Moore spent about $2 million dollars.
When there is a choice that matters, people will take notice. If you sound a lot like your opponent, you’re going to get beaten.
Judge Roy Moore offered CLEAR CHOICES in his election bid. Alabamans said “YES…” The liberal media wet their pants when he won.
This is the central flaw of the autism community’s effort to do something about vaccines. We have sounded too much like pharma. (I say this with all the love and compassion in my heart, but it is true.) We can no longer say things like “Green our vaccines!” (whatever the hell that means) or “I’m not anti-vaccine, I’m just pro-safe vaccine!”
Because our government authorities have done NO REALISTIC safety testing, we are completely in the dark.
We don’t know how bad the vaccines are, but when we have the sickest generation of children in history we must respond. It’s a little like saying, “I don’t know how drunk that guy is, but I’m not letting him get in a car to possibly hurt or kill people.”
We need to respond in a way that is proportionate to the threat to the human race.
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Opinion by “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen
If you didn’t own a gun before you read this article, and watch a short video, you’ll go get one, and learn how to use it, damn quick, to defend yourself and your family from the likes of Paul Offitt, Allison Singer, Dorit Rubenstein Reiss and the entire “forced vaccination”world.
What they are really up to has been revealed. In their own words, in the video, their Baylor University Spokesperson makes it clear that, with the vaccine program, they intend to kill everyone in the United States but immigrants. Listen to the exact words of Baylor University’s Baylor College of Medicine – Texas Children’s Hospital, Pediatrician Carol J. Baker MD when she looked right into the camera and said:
“I have the solution… We’ll just get rid of all the WHITES in the United States…”
In the background, and through the rest of her presentation, you can see the other “panelists” nodding their heads in agreement.
Well, well….
The cat is out of the bag. Genocide is the vaccine plan. And they want to start with white people.
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It is Time To Face The Fact That We Need to SHUT DOWN Big Pharma…
Opinion by “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen
We all watched the Republican Congress make fools of themselves over trying to, supposedly, Repeal and Replace ObamaCare. Were they simply inept or was something else going on?
There are Four “SOMETHING ELSE” Things Going On…
(1) Everyone knows that Big Pharma completely controls the liberal Main Stream Media (MSM). They just do. Pharma provides 70% of the TV news hour’s income. So, they dictate “The News.” Besides the constant manufacturing of “fear,” using their broadcasting, (so they can sell anxiety medicine) they are responsible for the attack on our President…
(2) Pharma’s influence in Congress. Lately, there has been speculation that there might have been influence by Big Pharma to BLOCK changes to the Health Care System that makes them rich… Of course there was – it never stops. Aren’t there FIVE Pharma lobbyists for every Congressman now?
(3) Big Pharma completely controls the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) by controlling the Department Heads under Tom Price. How? Big Pharma and US Health Care Agencies are a revolving door. DHHS employees that do well for Pharma will move to Pharma at five times their government salary. It is just the way it is.
(4) Big Pharma uses our Federal and State governments to FORCE vaccines on our innocent children. We need to get to the bottom of this, figure out exactly who is controlling and managing this, who the perpetrators are, and put the “Death Penalty” on the table.
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Few men are willing to brave the disapproval of their fellows, the censure of their colleagues, the wrath of their society. Moral courage is a rarer commodity than bravery in battle or great intelligence. Yet it is the one essential, vital quality of those who seek to change a world which yields most painfully to change.―Sen. Robert F. Kennedy Sr.
I wanted to start this article with a quote that stirs my spirit. These words and sentiments were spoken on June 6, 1968, in a speech known as the “Day of Affirmation” by Senator Robert F. Kennedy, Sr., in Capetown, South Africa. He was there to support efforts to end apartheid. To put this moment into perspective, apartheid was repealed a quarter century later thanks to the moral courage of a few public figures willing to risk everything and the massive public support of the thousands and thousands of nameless individuals who were willing to stand up to be counted.
Sen. Kennedy’s words stir my spirit because we are living in turbulent times, at the moment, and I believe we will look back on these times and remember who stood up at great personal risk for what was right in regards to the vaccination issue. We will also remember what we did or didn’t do to support them.
To us longtime Health Freedom Fighters, the most pressing health issue of today is the deadly risk of vaccinations. We have known for decades that the CDC is a corrupt government agency that is running out of control because it is basically run by Big Pharma for the industry’s financial benefit alone.
When Donald Trump ran for President, we could hardly believe he actually said out loud, “vaccines cause autism”. We all know that, but for a public figure to actually say that out loud was a dream we had never dared to dream.
Then the next impossible dream came to life. Trump, a Populist, met with Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., a member of the much revered and very liberal Kennedy dynasty, to forge an alliance. It would be Kennedy’s job to get to the bottom of the cesspool of corruption at the Centers For Disease Control and “let the science speak”. It was understood by both these unlikely allies that the science the CDC was using to promote vaccines was thoroughly corrupt.
Let us not forget that while there are many miracles that come from the science of the chemical/pharmaceutical industry, this industry also produced the deadly gases used in WWI to kill and maim ordinary soldiers on the battlefield. This same industry backed Hitler in WWII and produced the gas that was used to exterminate millions of people in death camps.
Sad to say, despite the IG Farben War Crimes Trial at Nuremberg after the War, many of these same chemical companies still exist, and others have come into being to be part of a global empire we loosely call Big Pharma, now one of the most powerful industries in the world.
Harsh Facts…
What we didn’t learn from the IG Farben “Crimes Against Humanity Trial” is that when private interests become partnered with public policy, it is not surprising that we end up with the level of appalling crookedness we now see in the vaccine industry.
Please do not minimize the personal risks both Kennedy and Trump are taking by going up against Big Pharma’s biggest cash cow: VACCINES.
This market is quite literally out of control. To dig deep into how this industry is run means Mr. Kennedy will end up finding massive corruption at every level intermingled with malfeasance in every federal agency that is involved with vaccines.
As I provide a short inventory of Mr. Kennedy’s progress so far, please ask yourself, “how can I help?”. Real change WILL NOT COME without millions of us standing up to be counted once the truth is laid bare.
After Kennedy accepted his assignment, he fired up his website and video-taped a pledge that he would pour all his efforts up to his last breath of life to make sure that the next generation of children would grow up healthy. This video will tear your heart out. He has the same courage of his father and his uncle in their gladiator commitment to work for things they believed in. When Mr. Kennedy achieves truth and justice in regards vaccine policy and law, we may see his contribution to society eclipse those of his other family members. His work is that important for the future health of all Americans!
With breathtaking speed, Kennedy has accomplished more to dig up the dirt to educate the public on the problems with vaccines than anyone has ever done before.
Meanwhile, President Trump is doing his part as well.
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Senior MIT Research Scientist, Dr. Stephanie Seneff has estimated that if current trends continue, half of all children born in 2025 and afterwards will develop autism.
I cannot imagine any scenario in which this does not bring about the eventual collapse of the human species. My FIVE YEAR CHILDHOOD VACCINE MORATORIUM proposal seeks to avoid this catastrophe. Spread this link, sign the White House petition, and make a comment on the proposed FDA/CDC regulation.
Many people have recently voiced concerns I am putting my life at risk with my provocative advocacy. I am calling myself the World’s #1 Anti-Vaxxer, I am daring the government of Australia to ban me from an entire continent, and I am also calling out the prominent parents of vaccine-injured children who have not shown the same courage displayed by people like Jenny McCarthy, Andy Wakefield, and Judy Mikovits.
I do not enjoy the idea I may be putting my life at risk.
But I think to myself, neither does the fireman who shows up for a shift at the firehouse, the policeman, or the soldier. I do not consider this world my home. My true home is with God. I am a visitor to this world.
When I return to my true home, I will be asked to account for myself during my stay on Earth. “I sent you there in the hope that you would address some problems of both a physical and a spiritual nature,” I imagine God will say to me, “What did you do about it?”
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Note from Tim Bolen – The so-called “War on Cancer” started with president Richard Nixon in 1972. Every year HUGE amounts of research dollars are allocated across America to defeat cancer. It is a massive rip-off – NOTHING has been found in the way of a cure, and there is NO INTENT to find one. Researchers are taught to look EVERYWHERE but where the answers are. In 2017 the “War on Cancer” is a HUGE welfare program for universities and their PhDs who NEVER INTEND to find an answer.
If you, and yours, want to live after a cancer diagnosis you better do YOUR OWN research. Below is a good place to start.
Cancer patients and their families are deceived about prognosis, treatment success and the cost(s) to get well.
Some of this deception is unintentional, perhaps genuine wishful thinking on the part of the Conventional / Allopathic Oncologist. There is also a sinister element attached to this the current medical model; not only within the cancer industry, but with medical treatment and delivery, in general.
The current model in medicine is based on deceiving people into believing that the delivery of medicine is somehow related to healthcare.
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“Climate Change” is ALL FAKE – It is Engineered. But why?
Opinion by “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen
In November of 2016 the Los Angeles Times reported that 102 million trees had died, so far, in California’s forests due to the “drought.” They quoted the head of the US Forest Service Region #5 saying that 62 million trees were dying every year because of that same “drought.”
Below we have a three-minute video produced by the US Forest Service that will blow your mind…
The number of dead trees in California’s drought-stricken forests has risen dramatically to more than 102 million in what officials described as an unparalleled ecological disaster that heightens the danger of massive wildfires and damaging erosion.
Officials said they were alarmed by the increase in dead trees, which they estimated to have risen by 36 million since the government’s last survey in May. The U.S. Forest Service, which performs such surveys of forest land, said Friday that 62 million trees have died this year alone.”
102 million already, plus this year’s 62 million, equals 164 million dead trees.
What Caused This to Happen?
ObamaDust – Every day starting at 7:00 AM – for EIGHT YEARS…
The “drought” in California was deliberate – eight years of spraying the California skies with whatever crud the liberal Democrats could load into unmarked airplanes crisscrossing California’s skies.
They created the daily chemical haze that, itself, created “high pressure areas” for the express purpose of STOPPING California’s normal rainy seasons.
California WAS America’s largest producer of food. The Democrats tried to stop that – bringing in heavily chem-sprayed junk produce from third-world countries instead.
The Insane “Globalists” Wanted to shut Down California’s Economy…
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Or perhaps more accurately, I love it when my BRILLIANT idea inspires other people to share their BRILLIANT ideas, and we end up with a plan that is absolutely SPECTACULAR.
Something NEW Has Happened…
On July 27, 2017, an EMERGENCY CITIZENS’ PETITION FOR FIVE YEAR CHILDHOOD VACCINE MORATORIUM REGULATION was filed before the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and Centers for Disease Control (CDC).
This is an adjunct to the White House Petition on the same matter. We will show you this NEW petition in my next article.
Here’s that link to the White House Petition if you aren’t one of the more than 5,000 who have already signed.
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Laugh Here – They Can’t Figure Out Why They Don’t Win Elections Any More…
Opinion by “Deplorable“ Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen
Everyone knows that the US Health Care system is badly broken. There are, virtually, no arguments against this statement.
So why, you should ask yourself, would one of America’s two largest political parties – the Democrats – not want to participate in the repair of that system?
It isn’t just that liberal Democrats are COMPLETELY out of touch with the wants and needs of NORMAL Americans.
The answers are actually very simple when you lay out what the average liberal Democrat is. If you think about it the Democrats are almost ALL on one form of welfare or another. Upsetting the current health care system would cut off that welfare. I’ll show you what I mean.
What? How could that be?
Let’s break that down into its elements…
(1) It isn’t just the Washington “elected” Democrats that kneel in front of Big Pharma’s altar. A SIGNIFICANT number of Public Employees OWE their very existence to Big Pharma. Their minute-to-minute survival depends on Big Pharma maintaining control of the US health care system. What? How? Why?
(a) It doesn’t take twelve years and 1.8 billion dollars to properly test a new drug for the American public. Everything that needs to be done can be completed in a few months. So why is there a twelve-year, 1.8 billion dollar, process? Because the drug approval process is a massive welfare program for radically overfunded universities, their PhDs, and other government agency employees. ONLY Big Pharma can afford this system, and the costs, of course, are passed on directly to the American public. Smaller competitors need not apply.
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It Isn’t About Who Pays For It, and How. It’s That We ALMOST Have To Start Over…
Opinion by “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen
“Five Minute Medicine” is a mocking term used to describe the current US medical system. What it is referring to is the simple fact that no matter what health care plan you have, or don’t have, when you visit your doctor what you get is always the same – junk.
When you have a health problem you make an appointment for two weeks to a month away. When you get there you wait to be called. When you are taken into a room a “medical assistant,” who’s other job involves fast food, weighs you, asks you how tall you are, takes your temperature and blood pressure, and asks you what medications you are taking and types something into the computer. Then, of course, they ask you if you have had your flu shot.
Then you wait for “your doctor…”
Shortly, “your doctor” breezes into the room, looks at you briefly, sits down on a roll-around stool, looks at the computer screen and begins to type something. MAYBE, they will listen to your breathing. All of this takes less than two minutes.
At the beginning of minute three “your doctor” begins to write out your new drug prescriptions, which you will find, once you go to the pharmacy, cost CONSIDERABLY MORE then your last prescriptions. This process takes up minutes three, four, and five. Don’t blink or you won’t see “your doctor” exit the room.. They have sixty-five (65) more patients to see today.
THAT is “Five Minute Medicine” and “We the People” spend a fortune for it.
And it is junk…
You ask yourself – “How Could such a System be Breaking America’s bank?”
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Oskar Schindler saved about 1,200 Jews from the Nazis in World War II and Steven Spielberg made an Academy Award winning film about him.
My ambitions are much greater.
My five year moratorium on childhood vaccines (especially with the changes I’ve suggested to be implemented in those five years) mean that CONSERVATIVELY I WILL BE SAVING 250,000 CHILDREN FROM AUTISM AND 15,000 BABIES FROM SUDDEN INFANT DEATH SYNDROME.
I really do have to stress that this is a CONSERVATIVE ESTIMATE. The true effects are likely to be MUCH GREATER.
When you look at the numbers for the numbers of children diagnosed with autism you get a lot of variation in the numbers. 50,000 a year is a conservative estimate. It’s likely to be much higher.
That’s not counting all the kids with ADHD, sensory processing disorder, and all of the other associated learning problems I believe should be laid at the feet of vaccines.
It’s estimated that the cost of raising a child with autism is about three million dollars, a good deal of it paid for by the government, insurance, or borne by the families. Let’s look at just the lost opportunity costs. 250,000 kids and each one costing $3,000,000, that’s a savings of $750 BILLION DOLLARS.
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They Are Beginning to Figure Out That Fitzgerald IS NOT Their Friend…
The Childhood Vaccine Program Will Be a Bad Memory…
Opinion by “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen
Big Pharma Drug Lords, before Election 2016, were absolutely certain that their choice for the Presidency of the United States, Hillary Clinton, was in the bag – after all, their contributions to her candidacy, the Clinton Foundation, and liberal Democrats across the nation, had exceeded the GNP of most countries on Planet Earth.
In California they had bought the entire liberal Democrat legislature, and they passed a Mandatory Vaccine bill. They thought that would happen nationwide. It didn’t – The Anti-Vaxxer Movement smashed them nationwide. SMASHED THEM.
Their ownership of the liberal news media is uncontested. It didn’t work for them during the election and it isn’t working for them now…
Insert laughter here…
Money NOT Well Spent…
We all laugh at the whining liberal Democrats, their “the Russians did it…” whimperings, the daily “made up” fake-news stories trying to turn the American people against our President – and NONE of it is working. Big Pharma, of course, is funding this attack.
But now, Big Pharma is seeing the handwriting on the wall…
Big Pharma is going to become Little Pharma…
And It is time…
How Do I Know This?
There are a number of indicators which show Big Pharma’s panic. And I mean REAL PANIC.
Does this woman look seventy years old to you? Well, she is, and she is an expert in Anti-Aging medicine – which uses similar non-drug techniques as Autism Reversal Doctors… No wonder Big Pharma fears her…
Why? They finally did their homework on Brenda Fitzgerald MD, Trump’s pick to run the CDC. And, they are in the “Oh Shit!” mode big time.
They should have figured out that something was NOT going to go their way when Brenda turned out to be a personal friend of Tom Price, Trump’s pick to head DHHS. Tom Price, as we all know, was a Board Member of the American Association of Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS). The AAPS is as Anti-Vaccine as you can get… They sound like me, Tim Bolen.
This, below, is the official AAPS position on mandatory vaccines…….
“Public policy regarding vaccines is fundamentally flawed. It is permeated by conflicts of interest. It is based on poor scientific methodology (including studies that are too small, too short, and too limited in populations represented), which is, moreover, insulated from independent criticism. The evidence is far too poor to warrant overriding the independent judgments of patients, parents, and attending physicians, even if this were ethically or legally acceptable.
AAPS opposes federal mandates for vaccines, on principle, on the grounds that they are:
An unconstitutional expansion of the power of the federal government.
An unconstitutional delegation of power to a public-private partnership.
An unconstitutional and destructive intrusion into the patient-physician and parent-child relationships.
A violation of the Nuremberg Code in that they force individuals to have medical treatment against their will, or to participate in the functional equivalent of a vast experiment without fully informed consent.
A violation of rights to free speech and to the practice of one’s religion (which may require one to keep oaths).
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And the Anti-Vaccine Movement Intends to Shut Them down Completely…
Opinion by “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen
A lot of people think, mistakenly, that everything that is happening over US Health Care is happening right out front. It’s not…
Behind the scenes activity is way more important right now.
The Bobby Kennedy Jr. interview by Tucker Carlson last night should be an eye-opener…
If you haven’t seen it watch the five-minute video just below. Then read what I am saying, here, about what it means, then watch it again. Why? Listen, very carefully about what Bobby is saying about “meeting with the heads of federal agencies,” and what he found out…
RFK Jr. responds to HBO host John Oliver’s recent critique of vaccine skeptics like himself #Tucker
Tucker Carlson starts out by asking “why is the raising of questions about the safety of vaccines a no-go-zone on the left?” Kennedy simply re-phrases the question pointing out the inconsistencies including the MASSIVE corruption uncovered at the CDC.
He also points out that the CDC is simply a subsidiary of the vaccine industry selling 4.1 billion dollars worth of vaccines a year. It spends another 4.6 billion dollars a year, almost half of its ENTIRE budget, promoting vaccines. But, it only spends twenty million dollars testing those same vaccines.
Then Bobby points out there is very little safety testing of vaccines, certainly compared to normal drugs.
None of this sort of thing HAS EVER been brought up on mainstream media before – NOT EVER…
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