Should We “Unmask” the High-Profile Parents of Vaccine-Injured Children Who Remain Silent?

(Hey, it’s just the Future of the Human Race at Stake!)

By Kent Heckenlively, JD

In any campaign for change you must occasionally ask yourself if what you’re doing is achieving the intended result.

If it is, great! All speed ahead! If not, isn’t it time to reconsider your strategy?

It’s with that idea in mind I review what has happened over the past thirty years regarding vaccines and the health of America’s children. In 1986 Congress passed and President Reagan signed the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act. This law RADICALLY changed the consumer protection rights of Americans regarding vaccines.

The pharmaceutical companies, which were having financial difficulties because of the flood of vaccine injury cases

found the situation completely changed. In return for harming lots of kids, they weren’t punished. They were given protection!

In 1997, when Dr. Andrew Wakefield raised the question of whether the measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine was causing digestive problems and autism in some children, the pharmaceutical companies had a boatload of money to fight this claim. The parents were financially devastated by the needs of their children and couldn’t find a decent lawyer to even bring a case.

Quite simply, the pharmaceutical companies took away all the rights that consumers enjoy for all other products.

A powerful system will cause most people to fold. It’s the rare individual who will not bow before an all-powerful authority. Dr. Andrew Wakefield was one of those individuals. Jenny McCarthy was one, along with her boyfriend at the time, Jim Carrey. So was Dr. Judy Mikovits. There were also a few brave parents who founded organizations, but for the most part we were alone.

Some people attacked Jenny McCarthy for coming out so strongly against vaccines. They claim she should have waited for somebody with more gravitas to lead the charge. But where were the other movie stars? We know that Hollywood actors have children. And some of them develop autism. And some of those actors quietly whisper to each other, and to some of us, that they suspect vaccines were the cause.

But no Justice League of Jenny McCarthy and others formed to combat this evil which had harmed their very own children. When they all get to heaven, Jenny will be the only A-list actor in God’s eyes. The others will be on the D-list.

In addition to changing the legal system, the pharmaceutical companies took over the news networks by buying up 60-70% of the advertising dollars.

The old rules remain in effect. Those who have the gold, make the rules.

The pharmaceutical industry employs more than 1500 lobbyists in Washington, D.C., or about three lobbyists for every single member of Congress. The pharmaceutical industry spends twice as much money lobbying Congress as its nearest competitor, the oil and gas industry. But the pharmaceutical industry has no liability for the vaccines it gives to our children. In short, they control the courts, the media, and the politicians.

And because they do,

they’ve been able to make those who raise issues about vaccines look like crazy people. So in addition to having no legal rights, no access to the press, and no influence with politicians, your friends and family think you’re crazy.

Any strategy which is to have a hope of success must acknowledge the overwhelming odds against us. This will be by necessity, a guerrilla campaign.

But just because the odds are against us, doesn’t mean we don’t have a chance.

In his excellent book, David and Goliath, the author Malcom Gladwell looks at what is needed to win a fight against a giant.

In a war, one would think that the size of the opposing armies will determine who wins, right? If both sides decide to fight the same way, then yes, you can pretty easily predict who will win the war.

But if the smaller army decides to fight in an unconventional manner, the calculus changes. If the smaller army fights in a way the larger army can’t control, the smaller army actually has about a 60% chance of winning, even if the other army is ten times as large.

George Washington didn’t win the Revolutionary War.

He fought to keep from losing it all in one large battle, until French soldiers and the French fleet arrived in large enough numbers and the British were divided, that Washington could capture half of the English army. Game over.

If George Washington fought in the way the British wanted him to fight, in the way that “gentlemen” conducted the art of war, it would have been a very short rebellion. Washington had to fight an unconventional war to win our freedom.

For far too long we have let our enemies dictate the battlefields on which we will fight.

As a result we have lost many more battles than we have won. We need to wage an unconventional campaign to protect the future of the human race and possibly recover those who have already been harmed.

Because the pharmaceutical companies have control of the legal system through the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act, I believe that any attempt to use the courts will inevitably fail.

Because the pharmaceutical companies control the mainstream media,

we should not spend a minute of time worrying about how they will cover us. There may be a case to be made for smaller, alternative media, but we should always be wary of how quickly pharmaceutical money can shut down our stories.

Because pharmaceutical companies give ungodly amounts of money to our politicians, we should never expect anything good to come out of Congress. There have been some excellent fighters on our side, like Congressman Dan Burton, Dave Weldon, Bill Posey, and also Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney, but they will be lonely voices in the wilderness.

So what is our trump card, the battlefield upon which we should devote all of our resources?

Continue reading Should We “Unmask” the High-Profile Parents of Vaccine-Injured Children Who Remain Silent?

California Liberal Democrats Imploding State… It is Fun To Watch…

Trump Stopped the Chemtrails in California, Laughed at Funding the “Bullet Train…”

And the Dem’s Plan to Destroy California’s Agricultural, and Recreational Base, FAILED…

Opinion by “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

The demise of the liberal Democrats as a force in American politics had to begin somewhere.  I think it began on the day that the liberal Democrats shut down the California legislature in the face of parents with vaccine-damaged children to celebrate “Gay Pride,” instead of listening to those parents concerns about vaccines.

The arrogance of the liberal Democratic political machine was at its peak that day – and California legislators showed their scorn for heterosexual marriage and family issues in the most insulting way possible.

And, they are paying for that insult NOW with the complete, and utter, destruction of their political platform nationwide.

The Democrats are not just being destroyed over their vaccine stance, their anti-family-pro-LGBTPQ positions, their insistence on BIG Government, their promotion and dedication to the interests of Big Pharma, their abusive ObamaCare one-size-fits-all drug-based health care system, but also their attempt to destroy the American economy with fake climate change.

After the 2018 elections it is doubtful whether or not the Democratic Party will even survive.

California’s government is like a bad episode of Saturday Night Live that got left on the cutting room floor…  The Producers decided it was just too horribly fragile to mock.

And every day it gets worse…  Collapse is imminent.

And I cannot help but laugh at this well-deserved outcome.

For all their bluster the liberal Democrats are rather easy to beat.  And, frankly, it is fun frustrating them – just to see the look on their faces.  Drive by any Starbucks, during the day, in California, and see them in there with their double-lattes, looking like they have been run over by a steam roller (and, they have).

So, let’s laugh a little, right now, at the wanna-be despots… (keep reading).

California, the “Left Coast” Socialist/Communist State Had a Plan…

California’s seemingly ludicrous  “Bullet Train” project, supposedly a link between San Francisco and Los Angeles, had NOTHING to do with transportation, and EVERYTHING to do with seizing prime Central Valley farm land “for the collective.”

“The Plan” was in two parts:

(1)  Reduce the value of the land by creating an eight-year drought using chemtrails to create high pressure areas keeping rain away, and

(2) Create a Public Agency (the Bullet Train Agency) that could use “Eminent Domain” to force farmers to sell the land cheaply to the created Public Agency.

One problem was that NO ONE, not even public employee pension funds found the “Bullet Train” idea viable enough to pour in investment money.  The Obama-Nation GAVE California eight billion dollars ($8,000,000,000) as seed money, and it disappeared into Democratic coffers instantly.  Senator Diane Feinstein’s husband got the first billion, supposedly to form the “Bullet Train” agency, before the ink dried on Obama’s check.

The 64 billion dollar price tag…

Ed Ring, from the California Policy Center writes “What Californians Could Build Using the $64 Billion Bullet Train Budget…”

Ring says that the 64 billion could be spent much more efficiently on things California could use.  Like:

Continue reading California Liberal Democrats Imploding State… It is Fun To Watch…

Owen Shroyer and Jon Rappoport oF Infowars: America’s Children Need Your Help!

By Kent Heckenlively, JD

Last week I put out a plea to twenty-five leading individuals with knowledge of vaccine injury to help with my White House petition for a FIVE YEAR MORATORIUM ON CHILDHOOD VACCINES.

At the top of my list were Owen Shroyer and Jon Rappoport of Infowars.  I did this for a very specific reason, combining a relatively young truth seeker, with a more experienced veteran.

About Owen Shroyer…

For Shroyer, who is one of the leading lights of Infowars, you might be surprised to learn he has taken the “red pill (Matrix reference), relatively recently, in the aftermath of the Boston Marathon bombing.  In listening to Shroyer, it is clear he understands what is at stake in the vaccine issue.

As something of a veteran in this fight I have to say I am pleased at what I see as an emerging libertarian streak in this generation.  I especially like the libertarian philosophy as it allows one an ideological basis to attack the lies of the left and right.  As an attorney, this comes naturally to me.  We are taught to follow principles, not personalities.

There is a reason all dictators throughout history have wanted to “first, kill all the lawyers.”  We are trained to follow the law, without fear or favor.  Tyrants of all persuasions fear lawyers.

About Jon Rappaport…

Continue reading Owen Shroyer and Jon Rappoport oF Infowars: America’s Children Need Your Help!

US Health Care Changes Under Trump – a Tectonic Shift…

It Isn’t About Who Pays For It, and How.  It’s That We ALMOST Have To Start Over…


Opinion by “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

“Five Minute Medicine” is a mocking term used to describe the current US medical system.  What it is referring to is the simple fact that no matter what health care plan you have, or don’t have, when you visit your doctor what you get is always the same – junk.

When you have a health problem you make an appointment for two weeks to a month away.  When you get there you wait to  be called.  When you are taken into a room a “medical assistant,” who’s other job involves fast food, weighs you, asks you how tall you are, takes your temperature and blood pressure, and asks you what medications you are taking and types something into the computer.  Then, of course, they ask you if you have had your flu shot.

Then you wait for “your doctor…”

Shortly, “your doctor” breezes into the room, looks at you briefly, sits down on a roll-around stool, looks at the computer screen and begins to type something.  MAYBE, they will listen to your breathing.  All of this  takes less than two minutes.

At the beginning of minute three “your doctor” begins to write out your new drug prescriptions, which you will find, once you go to the pharmacy, cost CONSIDERABLY MORE then your last prescriptions.  This process takes up minutes three, four, and five.  Don’t blink or you won’t see “your doctor” exit the room.. They have sixty-five (65) more patients to see today.

THAT is “Five Minute Medicine” and “We the People” spend a fortune for it.

And it is junk…

You ask yourself – “How Could such a System be Breaking America’s bank?”

Continue reading US Health Care Changes Under Trump – a Tectonic Shift…

Save 250,000 Children from Autism and 15,000 Babies from Sudden Infant Death Syndrome!

By Kent Heckenlively, JD

Oskar Schindler saved about 1,200 Jews from the Nazis in World War II and Steven Spielberg made an Academy Award winning film about him.

My ambitions are much greater.

My five year moratorium on childhood vaccines (especially with the changes I’ve suggested to be implemented in those five years) mean that CONSERVATIVELY I WILL BE SAVING 250,000 CHILDREN FROM AUTISM AND 15,000 BABIES FROM SUDDEN INFANT DEATH SYNDROME.

I really do have to stress that this is a CONSERVATIVE ESTIMATE.  The true effects are likely to be MUCH GREATER.

When you look at the numbers for the numbers of children diagnosed with autism you get a lot of variation in the numbers.  50,000 a year is a conservative estimate.  It’s likely to be much higher.

That’s not counting all the kids with ADHD, sensory processing disorder, and all of the other associated learning problems I believe should be laid at the feet of vaccines.

It’s estimated that the cost of raising a child with autism is about three million dollars, a good deal of it paid for by the government, insurance, or borne by the families.  Let’s look at just the lost opportunity costs.  250,000 kids and each one costing $3,000,000, that’s a savings of $750 BILLION DOLLARS.

Continue reading Save 250,000 Children from Autism and 15,000 Babies from Sudden Infant Death Syndrome!

BIG PHARMA in a PANIC Over Brenda Fitzgerald CDC Appointment…

They Are Beginning to Figure Out That Fitzgerald IS NOT Their Friend…

The Childhood Vaccine Program Will Be a Bad Memory…

Opinion by “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen


Big Pharma Drug Lords,  before Election 2016, were absolutely certain that their choice for the Presidency of the United States, Hillary Clinton, was in the bag – after all, their contributions to her candidacy, the Clinton Foundation, and liberal Democrats across the nation, had exceeded the GNP of most countries on Planet Earth.

In California they had bought the entire liberal Democrat legislature, and they passed a Mandatory Vaccine bill.  They thought that would happen nationwide.  It didn’t – The Anti-Vaxxer Movement smashed them nationwide.  SMASHED THEM.

Their ownership of the liberal news media is uncontested. It didn’t work for them during the election and it isn’t working for them now…

Insert laughter here…

Money NOT Well Spent…

We all laugh at the whining liberal Democrats, their “the Russians did it…” whimperings, the daily “made up” fake-news stories trying to turn the American people against our President – and NONE of it is working.  Big Pharma, of course, is funding this attack.

But now, Big Pharma is seeing the handwriting on the wall…

Big Pharma is going to become Little Pharma…

And It is time…

How Do I Know This?

There are a number of indicators which show Big Pharma’s panic. And I mean REAL PANIC.

Does this woman look seventy years old to you? Well, she is, and she is an expert in Anti-Aging medicine – which uses similar non-drug techniques as Autism Reversal Doctors… No wonder Big Pharma fears her…

Why?  They finally did their homework on Brenda Fitzgerald MD, Trump’s pick to run the CDC.  And, they are in the “Oh Shit!” mode big time.

They should have figured out that something was NOT going to go their way when Brenda turned out to be a personal friend of Tom Price, Trump’s pick to head DHHS.  Tom Price, as we all know, was a Board Member of the American Association of Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS).  The AAPS is as Anti-Vaccine as you can get…  They sound like me, Tim Bolen.

This, below, is the official AAPS position on mandatory vaccines…….

“Public policy regarding vaccines is fundamentally flawed. It is permeated by conflicts of interest. It is based on poor scientific methodology (including studies that are too small, too short, and too limited in populations represented), which is, moreover, insulated from independent criticism. The evidence is far too poor to warrant overriding the independent judgments of patients, parents, and attending physicians, even if this were ethically or legally acceptable.

AAPS opposes federal mandates for vaccines, on principle, on the grounds that they are:

An unconstitutional expansion of the power of the federal government.

An unconstitutional delegation of power to a public-private partnership.

An unconstitutional and destructive intrusion into the patient-physician and parent-child relationships.

A violation of the Nuremberg Code in that they force individuals to have medical treatment against their will, or to participate in the functional equivalent of a vast experiment without fully informed consent.

A violation of rights to free speech and to the practice of one’s religion (which may require one to keep oaths).

But that Vaccine Policy is just the beginning…

For Big Pharma it is MUCH WORSE…

Continue reading BIG PHARMA in a PANIC Over Brenda Fitzgerald CDC Appointment…

Anti-Vaxxers Are Steering the US Health Care Debate…

America Has Had Enough of BIG PHARMA…

And the Anti-Vaccine Movement Intends to Shut Them down Completely…

Opinion by “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen


A lot of people think, mistakenly, that everything that is happening over US Health Care is happening right out front.  It’s not…

Behind the scenes activity is way more important right now.

The Bobby Kennedy Jr. interview by Tucker Carlson last night should be an eye-opener…

If you haven’t seen it watch the five-minute video just below. Then read what I am saying, here, about what it means, then watch it again.  Why?  Listen, very carefully about what Bobby is saying about “meeting with the heads of federal agencies,” and what he found out…

Robert F. Kennedy Jr: My response to John Oliver

RFK Jr. responds to HBO host John Oliver’s recent critique of vaccine skeptics like himself #Tucker

Tucker Carlson starts out by asking “why is the raising of questions about the safety of vaccines a no-go-zone on the left?”  Kennedy simply re-phrases the question pointing out the inconsistencies including the MASSIVE corruption uncovered at the CDC.

He also points out that the CDC is simply a subsidiary of the vaccine industry selling 4.1 billion dollars worth of vaccines a year.  It spends another 4.6 billion dollars a year, almost half of its ENTIRE budget, promoting vaccines.  But, it only spends twenty million dollars testing those same vaccines.

Then Bobby points out there is very little safety testing of vaccines, certainly compared to normal drugs.

None of this sort of thing HAS EVER been brought up on mainstream media before – NOT EVER…

Continue reading Anti-Vaxxers Are Steering the US Health Care Debate…

The Single Word Which Destroys Vaccine Mandates: MORATORIUM…

By Kent Heckenlively, JD      (Banned by the Commonwealth Club since 2015!)

I like to win. I hate to lose.

Since January of 2002 when my son suffered a vaccine reaction and was plunged into twelve days of silence after having just passed a developmental check-up with flying colors, I have been an activist.

I didn’t have any previous experience as an activist.  And neither did many of my fellow parent-activists.  We foolishly believed that if we raised the issue of vaccine injury with our doctors, as well as local, state, and national officials, somebody would act.

We were wrong.

Instead, we were subjected to ridicule, kept off the airwaves, then when we kept talking and other parents found us credible, our pharma-bribed public officials responded by passing vaccine mandates like SB 277 in California and are now looking to do the same in France and Italy.

And all of us nice, well-behaved parents who are awake to the dangers are still running around wondering how we stop this insanity.  I have one simple word, but it may terrify you.  Are you ready?


That’s it.

We need to call for a FIVE YEAR MORATORIUM ON CHILDHOOD VACCINES until we correct the problems which have led to this crisis.  Hey, and I just happen to have one handy here!

Let me be clear.  I intend to hurt pharma because they have not acted like responsible human beings.  I mean to turn BIG PHARMA into little pharma.

And I believe those in pharma are SO STUPID that they are going to help me in this mission.


Just so there’s no confusion, Kent Heckenlively, co-author of PLAGUE and author of INOCULATED is calling for a FIVE YEAR MORATORIUM ON CHILDHOOD VACCINES.  As long as the mainstream media gets that point correct in every article they write about this effort, I promise to fight you with half my brain tied behind my back.

If you leave out the fact that I’ve written TWO FABULOUS BOOKS which extensively detail the scientific corruption around these issues, I’ll take you on with the full force of my intellect.  And it won’t be pretty.

These White House petitions only give you eight hundred characters to make your point, so I really had to hone down my message.  I have to admit I like the discipline of needing to be brief.

Point One:  Autism and other childhood disorders are skyrocketing, putting the future of humanity at risk.

Point Two: Recent technological breakthroughs have allowed us to take an unprecedented look at what is actually in vaccines.  The findings?  Unknown and untested chemicals and biological agents are contained in these vaccines.

Point Three:  Finally, we have some published, peer-reviewed evidence on the health of vaccinated and unvaccinated children.  What does the data show?  Just as we thought.  Unvaccinated children are MUCH healthier than vaccinated children.

Request One:  Impose a five year moratorium on all childhood vaccines.

Request Two: Repeal the 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act and return vaccines to the same rules under which ALL other consumer products are sold.  (Really, if vaccines are as safe as sugar water, you don’t need this law, do you?)

Request Three: Perform large scale studies of vaccinated and unvaccinated children.

Request Four:  Ban direct pharmaceutical advertising to consumers. (Did you know that up to 70% of the evening news is funded by the pharmaceutical industry?  This will not only allow news organizations to do real journalism about vaccines, our prescription drug addiction, but it means you don’t have to endure those Viagra commercials while watching TV with your kids.)


Continue reading The Single Word Which Destroys Vaccine Mandates: MORATORIUM…

BIG PHARMA is Funding the Media Bashing of Our President…

Getting the Facts Straight…

by Elissa Meininger – Health Policy Analyst

Donald Trump has made it very plain…… “Vaccines cause Autism”.

He’s been saying that since 2007 – and that’s what he said on the campaign trail.  In one of his earliest actions to clean out the Swamp even before his inauguration, he asked Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., to head up a commission to get to the bottom of the vaccine science corruption at the CDC.

When the late Roger Ailes of Fox News told Bobby Kennedy he’d never be interviewed on Fox about vaccines, he explained why.  70% of all advertising dollars come from the drug industry.  Let me repeat that….70% OF ALL ADVERTISING DOLLARS COME FROM BIG PHARMA!  

In short, Ailes told Kennedy, any Fox commentator who interviewed him about the vaccine issue would be fired on the spot to protect critical revenue to the network.

Our nation’s vaccine program is a sacred cow and if, by chance, someone mentions on the air or in the print media, that there is a problem with vaccines, the reporter immediately explains vaccines are perfectly safe and this person must be misinformed, even if the person is a doctor.  Only Trump dares to say anything negative about vaccines or any other drug and won’t back down.

Big Pharma spends $5.2 BILLION a year advertising directly to the American public…

The U.S. is only one of two countries in the world that allow drug ads aimed at the public.  The other is New Zealand.

The Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America, the trade group for the $395 billion US pharmaceutical industry defends the ads stating they are useful for informing patients about their treatment options and prod them into taking control of their chronic conditions (read – take more drugs).   This is why we don’t see any stories about the problems with drugs, either.  You have to go to Joe Mercola’s website to get the truth.

VACCINES – A Big Part of BIG PHARMA’S Big Bucks  –  $59.2 Billion…


Sales for new vaccines yet to be launched expect to reach $24.8 Billion by 2020.  Promotions of vaccines for adult populations is forecast to help boost markets.

Can you envision adults being mandated – no exceptions – to subject themselves to an array of new drugs?   The annual growth for sales in vaccines is about 9 percent while standard drugs it is 6.5 percent.

With patent expirations on other drugs, lower sales, lower profits and layoffs, are being experienced, the vaccine section of the industry is a big bright spot.  Global vaccine market revenues expect to rise to $59.2 billion.

Big Pharma Controls Washington, Too…

In September of last year, the New York Times outlined just how Big Pharma is the biggest spender in Washington.  Over the past decade $2.3 billion has been spent influence peddling among our lawmakers.   Open Secrets reports that in 2016, there were 371 Big Pharma clients who hired 1,378  lobbyists and 876 revolvers (former government officials) to help spend $245,842,399 to lobby our public servants.

That means there were over 4.2 Big Pharma lobbyists for each member of Congress.

That does not include all the other ways of influencing elected officials often too hidden to track.

Hillary has routinely received millions from Big Pharma for her various political campaigns over the years, including a big chunk for the Clinton Foundation whose key program was to promote vaccinations by the dozen to kids in the third world.  During the 2016 presidential primary campaign, Hillary was happy to collect $336,416 which represented one third of donations to all candidates.  Trump received a paltry $1,010.

Trump has also openly indicated on various venues that he thinks that the drug industry is “getting away with murder”

Continue reading BIG PHARMA is Funding the Media Bashing of Our President…

Trump’s Pick For CDC Head – More Than Meets The Eye…

I Can See Why Our Friend Donald Is Looking HARD At Brenda Fitzgerald MD…

Opinion by “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution newspaper published an article called “Sources:  Trump Set to tap Georgia health commissioner as CDC Head…”   last Friday, June 30th, 2017.

The article said, in part:

“Dr. Brenda Fitzgerald is said to be deep in discussions to lead the sprawling agency, according to sources who requested anonymity to discuss confidential details. They stressed the negotiations were not finalized and that several administrative hurdles remained before an official announcement is made.

Fitzgerald would succeed Dr. Anne Schuchat, who became the CDC’s acting director in January 2017 after Dr. Tom Frieden resigned. The role is one of the most prominent in public health and in metro Atlanta: The CDC has thousands of employees and several campuses across the city.

Trained as an obstetrician-gynecologist, Fitzgerald has served as the commissioner of Georgia’s public health department since her 2011 appointment by Gov. Nathan Deal and oversees a range of health programs, including the state’s emergency medical response and infectious disease and immunization initiatives.

Fitzgerald did not respond to requests for comment.

Big Pharma’s Skeptic” zealots fell all over themselves in glee, screaming across the internet how pro-vaccine Fitzgerald is/was…

Yup, on the Georgia Health Department website it sure appears that way.

But, as usual, the “skeptics” didn’t do their homework…

But I, Tim Bolen, did…  So, I am about to show you what those slithering  “Skeptics”  missed.

And, it was a lot.  

Continue reading Trump’s Pick For CDC Head – More Than Meets The Eye…

Five Year Moratorium on Childhood Vaccines – White House Petition

By Kent Heckenlively, JD

Concerned parents have done all that can be expected to raise an alarm over the health of our children.

One in six US children has a learning or behavior problem.  One in ten has asthma.  One in ten has ADHD.  One in thirteen has a food allergy.  One in fifty has autism.  Thirty five hundred children a year die from Sudden Infant Death Syndrome.  Seven hundred and fifty thousand children suffer from seizures.

All of these problems can be traced to the toxic witches’ brew of vaccines, that recent evidence has shown to be contaminated with unsuspected chemical and biological agents.  As our understanding of science gets better, we now understand that the vaccine program has been an unrestricted experiment in immuno-therapy on our children and they are suffering the consequences.

The authorities in charge of our government and science have done NOTHING to stop this crisis.

It is time to DEMAND action.


Yes, I am taking it to the pharmaceutical companies.

I am done trying to reason with people who have turned a deaf ear to our complaints.  I think there have been those of us in the community who have long believed that the leaders of our government, science, and industry would listen if they were just fully informed about our concerns.

Continue reading Five Year Moratorium on Childhood Vaccines – White House Petition

EU COURT: Vaccines CAN Be Blamed For Illnesses Without Absolute Proof!

YUP!  You read that right. 

by Elissa Meininger – Health Policy Analyst


In a ruling just a few days ago, the highest court in the European Union ruled that despite the lack of scientific consensus on the issue, a vaccine could be considered defective if there was “specific and consistent evidence,” which includes the time between when the vaccination was given and the onset of a disease.

Also to be allowed is the individual’s previous state of health, the lack of any family history of the disease and a significant number of reported cases of the disease occurring following the vaccination.

The case started when a patient identified as J.W. was vaccinated against hepatitis B in late 1998-1999.  A year later he was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis, a disease involving damage to the brain and the nervous system.  In 2006, he and his family sued vaccine-maker Sanofi Pasteur in an attempt to be compensated for the damage they claim he suffered due to the vaccine.  Mr. J.W. died in 2011.

The French Court of Appeal ruled there was no causal link between hepatitis B vaccine and MS and dismissed the case.

The AP wire service story about this story stated that numerous studies have found no relationship between the hepatitis B shot and MS.

The case went to France’s Court of Cassation, and then brought to the EU’s European Court of Justice.

Continue reading EU COURT: Vaccines CAN Be Blamed For Illnesses Without Absolute Proof!

US Health Care Reform – HOW We Manage And Pay For It Is Important, But WHAT We Pay For Is MORE Important…

I VERY MUCH Like Where The US Health Care Political Argument Is Going…

Opinion by “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

You have to have a sense of humor to follow what is ACTUALLY going on over the US Health Care discussion.  It is VERY HARD to follow if you just use NORMAL sources for information.

Main Stream Media (MSM), as we all know, is stuck in the “Trump-Bashing” mode.  Behind the scenes they have fired everyone over twenty-seven so no one there has a sense of history what-so-ever. Their offices are littered with used Starbuck’s cups.

I think if you were able to walk into the liberal media’s  production areas you’d find every one of them playing video games on their $2,800 Smart Phones…

US Media is not…

Understanding the US Health Care Discussion…

First you have to make a list of the players in the game.  Let’s do that:

(1)  The American Public, commonly known as “We The People.”

This group, the so-called “Populists,” this time, is right here watching EVERYTHING that is going on.  And, THAT FACT, is making the rest of the players VERY nervous.  Why?  Because the other players are NOT used to this kind of scrutiny – and are uncomfortable with it.  But it is here to stay.

(2)  The Democratic Party, as we can all see, is marginalizing itself over this issue and others.  They are typified by the likes of Chuck Shumer who can leak tears onto his glasses on the end of his nose as soon as the cameras are turned on.  Or Nancy Pelosi who cannot remember who the President is, saying “I can’t work with President Bush…”

The Democrats are NOT participating in finding solutions at all.

(3)  The Republican Party is in turmoil, trying to find where it actually is in the scheme of things.  We, the Populists, took over the Party at the beginning of the Presidential primaries, forcing our man Trump on them, whether they liked it or not.

Then we went and won the Presidential Election CARRYING Republicans into office. So, the rank-and-file Republicans tread carefully not wanting to anger the Populist grouchy giant who woke up recently.

(4)  The Deep State, simply speaking, needs to be summarily destroyed – smashed to bits.  This is as good a time as any.  The US is NOT a communist country and we DO NOT NEED, nor want, any super-public agencies openly, or secretly, running our lives – certainly not our Health Care system.

(5)  Special Interest Groups, like Big Pharma, Health Insurance companies, and the Conventional Health Care Industry are VERY worried about what is happening – and they should be.  Why?  Their blatant greed is the reason that the US Health Care System is failing.

(6)  The US Health Care System itself, has become the official State Religion.  It has set itself up to be Unquestionable, and acts, of itself, to punish heritics accordingly.  Hospitals dress up like churches, with doctors wearing vestments.

Second, you have to understand the real issues:

Continue reading US Health Care Reform – HOW We Manage And Pay For It Is Important, But WHAT We Pay For Is MORE Important…

Help me END Autism – NOW!

A Starting Point…

By Kent Heckenlively, JD

“Note from Tim Bolen – Autism (Severe Vaccine Damage) is the elephant in the room no one in authority wants to talk about.  Why?  It is too horrible to contemplate – especially to admit that vaccines did this, so, as Kent, and millions of parents, and grand-parents, have found out, there is NO OFFICIAL EFFORT, WHAT-SO-EVER, to cure, mitigate, repair, or even ACKNOWLEDGE that there are ways to turn vaccine-damage around…”

As of this writing there are a little more than eight hundred signatures on my White House petition regarding Suramin and autism.

I’m genuinely please by these numbers, although I know we still have a little more than 99,000 signatures to go.

As English Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher once said, “First you have to win the argument.  Then you win the vote.”

As many of you are probably aware from my previous articles, Suramin was developed more than a hundred years ago to treat African Sleeping Sickness, a disease caused by a parasite.  Unknown at the time was exactly how this parasite caused the disease.

I have an idea.

Normally, a properly functioning body would rid itself of a parasite.  Therefore, a parasite would probably need to disable the body in some fashion, but not in a manner so severe as to cause the death of the host organism.

That’s where Dr. Robert Naviaux of the University of California, San Diego and his CELL DANGER THEORY comes in.  Now, the cell danger theory did not originate with Dr. Naviaux.  It has been around for quite some time.  Dr. Naviaux’s creative insight was to see if it could be applied to conditions like autism or chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS), or many of the other chronic diseases which are on the rise in our society.

The cell danger theory holds that when the cells detect a potentially dangerous threat (a chemical, virus, or other micro-organism), they respond by shutting down communication with other cells.  It is possible for this signal to get “stuck,” creating a chronic health condition.

Please feel free to insert your own explanation as to what danger might cause the cells of a person to feel that there was an imminent danger in the neighborhood and they all had to go quiet like a baby deer in the forest.  Your answer is just as likely to be right as mine.  But that’s not what we’re talking about.  We just want the cells to start TALKING TO EACH OTHER again.

Suramin tells the cells it’s safe to start communicating with each other again.

Naviaux was able to find evidence of this abnormal cellular communication by optimizing his mass spectrometer to find a unique pattern of metabolites (cellular signaling molecules) which were disrupted in autism and in chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS).

In three different animal studies, he was able to use Suramin (antipurinergic therapy) to restore cellular communication.

Continue reading Help me END Autism – NOW!

US Health Care Reform is NOT Going To Happen In ONE Session of Congress…

There ARE TOO MANY Problems To Solve…

But WE WILL Get There…

Opinion by “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

If you listen to Main Stream Media (MSM) quoting liberal Democrats about Trump and the Republican’s Repeal and Replacement of ObamaCare you’ll hear that “Twenty-Three Million Americans are going to die miserably without health care within minutes of the passing of the Republican plan…”

And, Nancy Pelosi will say “I can’t work with President Bush…

But, Let’s Get Real…

US Health Care is in shambles.  “We the People” are NOT going to solve this problem with a few Band-Aids.  It took a long time for US health care to get this bad.  Fixing it is going to take a while for we are first going to have to recognize, and openly deal with some, harsh realities.

Harsh Realities?  Yup…

(1)  Health care is offered, by the system, not based on what is most effective, and/or best for the patient, but by what is most profitable for the provider.

(2)  The government agencies we have put in place to regulate health care have turned against us.  

(3)  The worldwide pharmaceutical industry has WAY TOO MUCH influence over our elected, and appointed, officials.

(4)  Health Insurers are a BIG problem

(5)  US Dentistry is upside down.

(6)  Public Health projects are making the population sicker.

(7) The PsyOps Networks – Ruthless, deadly, dishonest, destructive, morally depraved, attacks those trying to fix health care..

I am NOT going to go into details here of those problems listed above…

Just yet.  What I am going to do is point out what the Trump Admininstration is doing about each of these, and more.  And THEY ARE doing something about each thing – despite INTENSE obstructionism from the Democrats.  Liberal Democrats want to preserve and ENLARGE the existing drug-based system although it obviously DOES NOT WORK.

Why?  That’s an EASY question to answer – as we saw in California in regard to the SB 277 (Mandatory Vaccine) legislation, liberal Democrats are VERY used to drug lobbyists, not only funding their election campaigns, but stuffing hundred dollar bills into their pockets, daily.  The drug industry is the PRIMARY non-public-private funding agent of the liberal Democratic Party.

But, Let’s Look at How Trump is Handling the Drug Industry…

Continue reading US Health Care Reform is NOT Going To Happen In ONE Session of Congress…

How the Democrats LOSE California…

By Kent Heckenlively, J.D.

The legendary former Democratic Speaker of the House, Tip O’Neill once said, “All politics is local.”

I’m a native son of the Golden State.  Yes, I know it seems overwhelmingly Democratic Party today, but trust me on this, the Democrats are on the verge of losing the state.  The big things are determined by a thousand little things.  I want to share a few of those things which convince me that even in California, the days of the Democrats are numbered.


A few weekends ago I went to Santa Cruz for the graduation of my nephew from the University of California.  His parents live in Santa Cruz as well.  (All names have been changed to protect the formerly liberal, but now conservative.)

My brother in law, Paul, has a business in downtown Santa Cruz.  There are a number of homeless people who will urinate and defecate on the wall of his business and in the front entryway.  Paul has taken matters into his own hands by installing multiple cameras around his business, then photographing them, as they appear, sometimes as they are in the act of urinating and defecating, then calling the police.

In most cities in the country, public urination and defecation would be a cause for shame, or at the very least, significant police interest.  (Let’s call it the ‘one-pee, or one-poop rule.’) The police try their best under the liberal policies, but Paul kept up his actions.  Now his area of Santa Cruz is regularly patrolled.  It is the cleanest section of Santa Cruz, but every week he is still photographing various law-breakers and phoning the police.  He has them on speed-dial.

The vast majority of us do not have any contact with the violent M-13 gangs of predominantly illegal immigrants.  However, Santa Cruz does.  When the mayor allowed ICE to conduct an operation against the M-13 gangs in the town, it so outraged the citizens that the mayor was forced to issue an apology.  (Really, I can’t make this stuff up!)

This is why I could never go into politics.  Because if I was the mayor I would stand up there and say, “I’m really sorry for trying to protect your lives.  In the future I will be more politically correct and look forward to seeing you again at your funerals.”

Both Sides of a Political Argument…

My sister in law, Sherry, is interested in both sides of politics, and took her son to a Bernie Sanders rally during the last election.  There was a large crowd, and they waited for hours, listened to the speech, then left peacefully.

Later in the campaign they went to San Jose to hear Donald Trump speak.  They parked in what they thought was the main parking garage, but left when they saw it was empty.  Unlike the Sanders rally, the Trump supporters seemed to show up just before the 7 p.m. rally.  (Maybe more of the Trump supporters had jobs?  Just a thought!)

The Trump rally was standing room only and Sherry was able to stand right near the front barricade.  She thought Trump’s message sounded like it had a lot of the same themes as Sanders did, but the events after the rally were markedly different.

The rally was calm and peaceful, but right after the rally, the police let in the protesters, who seemed to perform right on cue for the cameras.  Yes, Sherry, was right there when that one female Trump supporter was egged and attacked.  Sherry found some big, beefy guys to stand on both sides of her as she made her way out of the rally.

And it was a good thing she didn’t park in that original garage…

Continue reading How the Democrats LOSE California…

Who Would Have Thought That The Anti-Vaccine Movement Would Get This Powerful?

California Was the Impetus…

Opinion by “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

In late 2015 thousands of parents concerned about the Democratic Party controlled California legislature’s efforts to make all childhood vaccines Mandatory with SB #277 went to Sacramento, many with their vaccine-damaged children in tow, to explain the reality of vaccines to what they thought was their elected representative government.  That legislature blew them off…

Those parents were treated with the utmost disdain – as though they were ignorant children who needed to be spanked.  How dare they bring up an argument which in the minds of the Democratic Party legislators “had already been solved – so shut up and vaccinate your children…”

The Democrats shut down the legislature in their faces and celebrated “Gay Pride Day” – something FAR MORE IMPORTANT to the Democratic Party than the health of children.

The Anger Erupted Across America…

I believe it was that one action, California’s SB 277, forcing Mandatory Vaccines on children, and the way it was done, that began America’s wake-up call about what the liberal Democratic Party was REALLY all about – and it started the process of their downfall…

The vaccine problem became a major issue in presidential election 2016.  Liberal Democrat Hillary Clinton blew us all off – laughing at our complaints.  Donald Trump did not.  We had his attention.

So we elected Donald President.

Not only did we elect Donald President, but we began to remove liberal Democrats from public office across America.  We helped put Republicans in control in forty-four (44) of the fifty (50) States.  In 2018 we intend to take the last six (6) States away from them also.

Who’s laughing now?  Not us – we have work to do.

It Turns Out That The Vaccine Issue, as We Knew It,  Was Just the Tip of the Iceberg… 

Continue reading Who Would Have Thought That The Anti-Vaccine Movement Would Get This Powerful?

CONFIDENCE – and Why It’s Not a “Bad” Word…

The Thing About Millennials…

By Sharon Anshaw


Recently I was asked “What makes YOU so confident in yourself?” 

It was done almost accusingly, from a millennial type with a posse, (I’m guessing they were late 20’s early 30’s-ish) after I stood up for myself in some situation.  Not important “the what” as much as “the why.”

My first thought was to respond with; “Why aren’t you?  And why do you feel you have a right to belittle me for my courage to stand up for what I believe in, even though I stand alone. Does your wolf pack make you better? Or does it just give you the confidence you lack personally?”

But in typical fashion, I just smiled and turned away and left it to them to figure out. (Drives them crazy).

But I found myself pondering the question afterwards. I wonder why millennials aren’t confident in themselves? Why do they feel they have to roam in packs, whether it be in person, or on twitter, or Facebook, or social media in general? Or in riots against our President or officials enforcing the laws. Why do they crave the acceptance of someone agreeing, someone paying attention to them? Why is it that so many in that age group are lacking standard confidence in themselves?

What is it that made me so different from them?

I don’t travel in packs. I have a small circle of friends. I have little interaction on social media, of any kind. Purposely! Most comments and derogatory remarks are from “bots” anyway. If a friend or family member doesn’t comment, it isn’t important. I was raised with “Sticks and stones can break your bones, but words can never hurt me.” Didn’t they ever hear that?

Sure, not everyone has a confidence in themselves, no matter what age. But why is that sense of worth of one’s self disappearing more and more?  Why are the young millennials craving – to the point of madness – ATTENTION?

So I started thinking back to the beginning -MY beginnings.

Continue reading CONFIDENCE – and Why It’s Not a “Bad” Word…

The Democratic Party Collapse…

It Is Here Right Now..

By Kent Heckenlively, JD

When I was younger I wrote a great deal about politics and many thought I’d eventually run for office.  I mean, isn’t that the eventual goal of everybody who writes about politics?  It’s just the platform they’re using to get to the next step?

But my college roommate had a different take.  He said, “Kent, you’re doing just what you want to do, writing about what you think is important.  There is no next step for you.”

So there you have it.  

For the last fifteen years I’ve been consumed with autism, the corrupt vaccine schedule, and the political patterns which have allowed this holocaust to rage unchecked in our world.

Yes, I will use the word, holocaust.

Let me say it clearly: Both democratic and republican politicians have allowed this holocaust to rage unchecked.  Republicans may be salvageable at this point. Democrats have embraced lunacy and nothing short of an intervention will save them.

From my knowledge of history I can tell you that I could have easily been an FDR democrat, a Harry Truman democrat, a John F. Kennedy democrat, and although it may come as a shock to some, I voted for Bill Clinton twice, and was happy to do it. (You see, no political party really wants me, because I’m not anybody’s ‘reliable’ vote.)

Aside from his significant personal failings, Bill Clinton is the model democrats should be following in the wake of the Trump victory, but probably will not. Politics is the art of persuasion, not shouting down those who disagree with you. It also helps if you understand the weaknesses of your own arguments and the strengths of your opponents arguments.

After the democrats had lost five out of the last six presidential elections (Nixon, Nixon, Carter, Reagan, Reagan, Bush), Clinton founded the Southern Democratic Leadership Council.  The goal was to figure out why democrats kept losing.  There were strategies that democrats could embrace that allowed them to win and he wanted to find them.

Continue reading The Democratic Party Collapse…

Why the Liberal Democrats NEED Everyone Vaccinated…

It’s All MUCH Simpler Than You Would Think…

Opinion by “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

The BolenReport is a health care newsletter.  So everything related to US health care is of interest to us including the politics surrounding it.

The US health care system is in VERY bad shape.  It does not work and it costs way too much.  It is improperly focused.

We cannot fix it by just changing the way we pay for it.  We have to pay attention to what we pay for, and what is done to the public by the program.  In short, what is called ObamaCare is way worse than people realize.

Main Stream Media (MSM) keeps announcing that Republicans are AGAINST ObamaCare but never say why.  The simple truth is that the ObamaCare issue alone, across America, has cost the liberal Democrats the loss of over a thousand elected seats in State and Federal elections.  Because of ObamaCare alone, the Republican Party controls the US Senate, the House of Representatives, and the Presidency.

Why is that?

Everyone will remember Nancy Pelosi’s infamous 2010 statement about ObamaCare “We have to pass the bill so you can find out what’s in it…”  In truth ObamaCare was rushed so fast through Congress in 2010 that NO ONE had a chance to read it, ask questions, and get answers.  The Democrats controlled Congress and shoved it through.

But now there is a new day…

Here is the story…

When 2016 liberal Democratic Presidential Candidate Hillary Clinton laughed in the face of American parents concerned about mandatory vaccines for their children, little did she realize that that insult would cost her the election – and it did.  The HUGE anti-vaxxer movement turned to Donald Trump.  Hillary’s insult, and the reaction, tipped the scales.

Why was Hillary so stupid as to piss-off parents?

Clinton lived in an isolated world of ELITES who really believed that THEY were something special – so special that THEY would cancel America as an entity, and force us all into a one-world-government run by corporations. “Agenda 21” is, and was, very real.

Here is How the “Mandatory Vaccine” Thing Started…

In December of 2010 the Obama Regime, seeking to actuate a nationwide so-called health plan (ObamaCare), activated a controversial project through the US Center for Disease Control (CDC) calling itself “Healthy People – 2020.”  It was an adjunct to the ObamaCare legislation.  It was the tool of ObamaCare.  It was designed to twist America sideways.  And, it did…

Obama and the CDC “Healthy People – 2020” Over-Reach…

The American people NEVER intended to give ANY agency ULTIMATE power over American’s health.  Congress never enacted, nor even tried to enact, any such legislation.  It would have FAILED. Obama, by Executive Order, just did it on his own…

“Healthy People – 2020from the proponents’ own explanation, had four overarching goals:

(1)  Attain high-quality, longer lives free of preventable disease , disability, injury, and premature death; (by a massive mandatory for everyone, vaccine program)

(2)  Achieve health equity; eliminate disparities, and improve the health of all groups;   (one-size-fits-all drug based health care).

(3)  Create social and physical environments that promote good health for all; and  (eliminate capitalism and enforce communism/socialism).

(4)  Promote quality of life, healthy development, and healthy behaviors across all life stages. (do what you are told by the government).

The “Healthy People – 2020 plan WOULD HAVE REQUIRED EVERYONE in the United States, children and adults, to be vaccinated according to the schedule agreed upon by the CDC and the Vaccine Manufacturers – NO EXCEPTIONS.

The “Healthy People – 2020 schedule, SO FAR, would have REQUIRED seventy-two (72) vaccines for children, and eighty-six (86) more vaccines for adults up to seventy (70) years old. For a total of one-hundred-fifty-eight (158) vaccines for each US citizen, SO FAR, from birth to seventy (70) years old.

And they could add-on more mandatory vaccines any time they wanted.

Obama, according to Democratic Party Senator Harry Reid, was heading for a single-payer one-size-fits-all health care system serving the needs of the liberal Democrat’s campaign-financing people – Big Pharma.

ALL Health Care would have been withheld from anyone who DID NOT follow the vaccine schedule.

Welcome to what WAS the liberal Democrat’s Obama-Nation.

Obama began to do two things to try to overcome the fact that since the passage of the original ObamaCare legislation, the Republican Party had won not only control of the US Senate and House, but control of the legislatures in forty-four (44) of the fifty (50) States:  (1)  He began to issue huge numbers of Executive Orders – like no President ever before, and (2)  he massively increased the number of numbing Federal Regulations, and Federal Staff, to enforce those regulations.

Hillary was supposed to pick up the Presidential Executive Order reins in 2016…

Continue reading Why the Liberal Democrats NEED Everyone Vaccinated…