World Mercury Project Leads the Way – ACTION ALERT

by Elissa Meininger – Health Policy Analyst

In earlier articles here on The Bolen Report, we have highlighted and praised the work of Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. in his courageous and relentless drilling down to the bottom of America’s corrupt vaccine policy and law swamp.

His appointment by President Trump to do this work was an inspired one, to say the least. Born into one of our country’s great liberal political dynasties, thanks to his work as an environmentalist, Kennedy was already named one of Time Magazine’s “Heroes of the Planet”.  In other words, he is a savvy and longtime political activist.  He wisely named his project for Trump “Let the Science Speak”.   Who could be against this project with a goal like that?

For the past year, after officially working on behalf of Trump’s belief that vaccines cause autism, Kennedy has now launched a fundraising campaign to expand his work.  In doing so, he has listed the following objectives.


In prior articles, I have urged every concerned reader of The Bolen Report to take action when possible.  Kennedy is now asking YOUR help to fund the next stage of this project.  He is asking people to donate money to his Indigogo fundraising event   He has provided a cornucopia of information regarding his progress on the Indigogo site which I suggest you circulate far and wide.  As with earlier action alerts,

I suggest you do the following:

Continue reading World Mercury Project Leads the Way – ACTION ALERT

What is Trump’s Next Health Care Move?

Opinion by “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

We all watched the drama unfolding over the FAILED so-called Repeal of ObamaCare by the Republican Party majority in Congress.  As our Donald pointed out to Republicans “You claimed for seven years to want to get rid of ObamaCare.  When you got the chance to do it, you blew it…”

Of course, the fact that “399 of 435 US Representatives, and 97 of 100 US Senators WALLOW in 2016 election cycle Big Pharma cash” ABSOLUTELY had something to do with that LACK OF PRODUCTIVE ACTIVITY.

“As president Trump says of Big Pharma: “They contribute massive amounts of money to political people,” Trump said during an impromptu news conference, turning to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, who was standing to his side. “I don’t know, Mitch, maybe even to you.

It is VERY clear to everyone in the United States that Big Pharma has to go in order to get a REAL health care system in the US.

So, what did Trump do?

He went to the States and got the individual State Attorney Generals to sue, and criminally prosecute, specific segments of Big Pharma (Opioid, and Generics) sending a STRONG message to Big Pharma.  The message – there is a new Sheriff in town.

Did Big Pharma listen?  Nope.  They called their buddy Mitch McConnell and gave him his marching orders – telling him to frustrate Donald at every turn – to let Donald know “Who is really boss in Washington DC.”

So, now, it’s the Showdown at the OK Corral.”

Three things need to happen…

Continue reading What is Trump’s Next Health Care Move?

Why is The Main Stream Media (MSM) and the Government absolving terrorists?

Another beautiful day. Another normal day. Another terrorist attack.

Yes, this is a Health Care Newsletter, but some things just have to be said…

Opinion by Sharon Anshaw


Another Jihadist was allowed into the United States, not to become an American. Not to acclimate to our culture. He came to our country to sit and wait. Wait until the signal was given to kill Americans. To target little children. To give his life for his religion.

Only he lived….Oops. Does that mean he doesn’t get his 72 virgins? (or whatever the quantity)?

We now hear that the terrorist specifically targeted Halloween because “more children would be on the streets on that day”.

Let that soak in. His religion dictates the killing of innocent people, even little children so he can attain glory in the next life.

He goes on to say that he was proud he did this atrocious act. He only wished he could have killed more. More carnage. More blood. More glory for him?

It makes me come to the conclusion that these terrorists are doing their mass murders for sex. They all state their motivation is the “bonus” they are promised in the afterlife.

Quiet Muslims all condemn these acts. They all state it is not their religion. It is radical Islamists. But the maniac that targeted American children was a quiet Muslim also. He lived a normal life.

The terrorist came here on a politically correct program that few average Americans even knew about. Working here. Probably getting some kind of assistance too. Neighbors said he was a nice guy, quiet, no trouble. Didn’t you ever wonder why the latest craze of beards and backpacks came into fashion? Seems to me it came about after a few terrorist incidents. After all how can you pick anyone out if they all look the same?  Like the wolf creeping up on the sheep. But in plain sight.

This isn’t an unfamiliar scenario to us, unfortunately, it has happened before. It has happened all over the world. But now it is happening to us. The U.S.  We are being selectively targeted in the name of their sex-religion. Yes, I said sex-religion. It isn’t hard to find evidence of their treatment of women, children, boys, men. I don’t need to go into the rape, torture, and slavery they practice but condemn others when it is mentioned in context with what they do. Their ultimate goal after all is to have the mass number of virgins when they pass into the next life.

Am I picking on Muslims? Does that offend you? Are you an American? Do you support your country?

Why am I singling them out? Well, besides the obvious, mostly because I haven’t heard of any rogue Methodists or Baptists committing mass killings with planes or vehicles. I don’t hear of Catholics cutting off people’s heads in the name of their religion.

FOCUS people, we aren’t talking about the dark ages and what happened then. We are talking about now, TODAY, and the threat that is right in our faces.

Continue reading Why is The Main Stream Media (MSM) and the Government absolving terrorists?

Earthlings – What are we going to do about FaceBuck?

The Old, Friendly, FaceBook is GONE…

Opinion by “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen


As EVERYONE using FaceBook recently has found out – they now want you to pay for the privilege in a BIG WAY.  And, in MORE than one way.

EVERYTHING  has been commercialized.


They are even listening in on your telephone calls…

A friend of mine tells me that she and two others were discussing the new cat food brands on their cell phones.  When they got home they ALL had cat food ads EVERYWHERE on their internet connections.  FaceBuck, they tell me, claims that if you have FaceBook on your smart phone and you signed up for “Messenger” you signed away any, and all, rights to privacy.

Think about that…

Coming Soon?…

Continue reading Earthlings – What are we going to do about FaceBuck?

The Anti-Vax Side Needs a Master Persuader…

Trump Would be Best, But Scott Adams Could Also Do the Job…

By Kent Heckenlively, JD

If we want to prevent a world-wide collapse of the human species from vaccine damage we need to figure out some better messaging.

Please do not take this as criticism of what others have done in the past. If government, industry and the public health authorities had responded in a reasonable manner, none of what I am about to say would be necessary.

We need a master persuader who can blow a hole in the commonly accepted belief that vaccines are the only thing holding back a tidal wave of infectious diseases which would decimate humanity.

Scott Adams and Dilbert

About two years ago I was introduced to the work of Scott Adams. Adams is best known as the creator of the Dilbert comic strip, but is becoming known as one of the few people to forecast the rise of Donald Trump.

Adams does not credit the rise of Trump to fears about immigration, economic uncertainty, or the continuing threat of terrorism, but to the simple fact that Donald Trump is a master persuader. He has a new book out, Win Bigly, which is about the rules of persuasion that Trump used so well in the last election.

Probably the most important observation that Adams makes is that a master persuader understands that people do not make their decisions based on facts, but rather on emotion.

Once that “emotional” decision has been made, they find the facts to justify their position.

Think about how you came to your current “anti-vax” or “pro-vaccine safety” position. You probably took your previously healthy child to a well-baby visit, thought nothing about them getting their vaccines, then when you child suddenly changed, you had an emotional reaction. I know I did.

Adams makes the claim that 90% of our decisions are based on emotion. We find the facts to support what we feel later. In fact, it’s only in the 10% of the decisions we make in our life that have no emotion attached, that we actually review the facts and come to what would normally be thought of as an informed choice.

In his new book, Win Bigly, Adams recalls how Trump so masterfully won the immigration argument. He used EMOTION FIRST. He talked about Mexico “not sending their best people” and said that among them were “rapists and murderers” and “probably some good people.”

I only had to think of driving down to my local Home Depot store, and seeing the group of Hispanic men waiting outside for somebody to pick them up for a day of labor to cement that image in my mind. So many ideas spring to my mind when I see those men.

On the one hand I think of how horrible it is that they are being taken advantage of by the dominant society. Another thought is more personal. Would I ever pick up one of these men and let them work around my family? No way. This entire scenario is what would be called a cluster-**ck. How does our society allow this to happen?

Trump had emotionally moved me, then provided the answer.

A BIG BEAUTIFUL WALL AND MEXICO WILL PAY FOR IT. Has there ever been a simpler solution?

Now, I know what some of you are thinking…

Continue reading The Anti-Vax Side Needs a Master Persuader…

FDA’s 2017 Attack On “Vitamin C Foundation” Has Far Broader Agenda…

Linus Pauling discovered, and patented, a Vitamin C cure for heart disease – that works.

But the Obama-Nation’s “HOLDOVER FDA” won’t let the Vitamin C Foundation, OR ANYONE ELSE, tell you about it…

EVERYTHING that competes for Big Pharma dollars is blocked…

And THAT is Just Plain WRONG…


Opinion by “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

The United States Supreme Court has said of the FDA:

Bans against truthful, nonmisleading commercial speech . . . usually rest solely on the offensive assumption that the public will respond “irrationally” to the truth. The First Amendment directs us to be especially skeptical of regulations that seek to keep people in the dark for what the government perceives to be their own good.”

In the same Supreme Court decision

“The Court further admonished the agency to quit trying to protect favored markets by suppressing information.”

Despite that situation rogue elements of the FDA continue:

to protect favored markets by suppressing information.”

Cherries and Oranges…

William “Bill” Faloon, the head of the famous Life Extension Foundation, and BolenReport Author, published a story back in 2005 about the FDA’s attack on the US Cherry Industry.  He said:

“George Washington cut down one tree. Bureaucrats in Washington, DC, are trying to pull up the whole orchard. On October 17, 2005, letters went out from the Food and Drug Administration warning cherry purveyors that they had better quit telling people that cherries have health benefits or dire things are going to happen. The lucky recipients were warned that it’s illegal to say things like, “The same chemicals that give tart cherries their color may relieve pain better than aspirin and ibuprofen.” estimonials such as “I no longer take any drugs!” had better cease-or else.”

The Cherry article went on to point out that:

“Incredible as it seems, part of the information on cherries that the FDA wants to censor was funded by a different governmental agency. The US Department of Agriculture (USDA) gave the cherry industry a $141,210 grant to investigate the health benefits of cherries so the industry could increase its sales. Tom Dorr, special assistant to the Secretary of the USDA, had high hopes when he handed over the funds that were used to explore the nutritional and nutraceutical aspects of the berry, enthusing that cherry growers “know how to best develop new markets for the cherry industry.”

The FDA does not want the cherry industry to tell people that recent studies show that cherries contain substances that are potentially 10 times stronger than aspirin or ibuprofen for relieving pain. It does not want the public to know that substances in cherries may kill cancer cells and prevent cancer. It makes no difference whether these statements are true. What’s important is that the public not be told that a natural substance (cherries) has been shown to work as well as or better than an unnatural one (ibuprofen). Only drugs, according to the FDA’s legal doctrine, can prevent, treat, mitigate, or cure disease. If something does those things, it’s a drug. And if it’s a drug, it has to be tested for its ability to do those things. In this double-speak world, no natural substance can do anything significant against disease-that is, unless it undergoes testing as a drug. Attempts at slaying this many-headed monster of convoluted truths have only made it grow new heads.”

We Are NEVER Going to Have a Real Health Care situation in America Until We STOP This FDA Activity…

Continue reading FDA’s 2017 Attack On “Vitamin C Foundation” Has Far Broader Agenda…

TRUMP Smacks Big Pharma AGAIN – Two In a Row…

Big Pharma is the ENEMY of America…

To me the average Big Pharma CEO should die in a prison in a cell deep down underground beneath a leaking sewer line coming from the leprosy ward.

From what I am seeing lately, Donald Trump, Jeff Sessions, and about 48 of the 50 individual State’s Attorney Generals agree with me….

Big Pharma has earned this…

Let’s get to it.

Opinion by “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

Big Pharma greed has backfired.  It started,  I think, in California, when Big Pharma funded for election a State Senator named Richard Pan MD whose SOLE PURPOSE was to carry legislation (SB 277) making Childhood Vaccines mandatory in California ignoring the reality of vaccine damage.

When aghast California parents went to the State Capitol, Sacramento, with vaccine damaged children in tow to point out the problem of vaccines, the liberal Democratic Party controlled legislature SHUT DOWN in their faces to celebrate “Gay Pride.” 

That California legislature DID PASS SB 277 – and in doing so caused two things to happen – (1)  A small anti-vaccine movement became a HUGE WORLDWIDE anti-vaccine movement, almost overnight, and (2) both the California and the National Democratic Party leadership “Came Out Of the Closet” so-to-speak right in front of the American Public.

That “Coming Out Of the Closet” gave Americans CLEAR CHOICES for November 8th, presidential election 2016.


Big Pharma Controls the Liberal Media…

How well is THAT working for them?  (Snort here)…

70% of the advertising during the Main Stream Media (MSM) is from Big Pharma.  There is no question that Big Pharma controls every subject, concept, word, gesture, point, background imagery, etc. of the Nightly News.  They do.

All that negativity is intentional.

It is Big Pharma that directs the constant attack on president Trump, and hence, on the American people who elected him to fix problems, including health care.

Let’s shut them down completely.

How Trump is Dealing With Big Pharma…

Congress CERTAINLY IS NOT HELPING.  399 of 435 US Representatives, and 97 of 100 US Senators WALLOW in 2016 election cycle Big Pharma cash.

As president Trump says of Big Pharma: “They contribute massive amounts of money to political people,” Trump said during an impromptu news conference, turning to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, who was standing to his side. “I don’t know, Mitch, maybe even to you.”

So what does Trump do?  He goes out to the States and enlists their Attorney General’s help to FORCE Big Pharma to its knees delivering a new message – “There’s a New Sheriff in Town.”

Continue reading TRUMP Smacks Big Pharma AGAIN – Two In a Row…

The Politics of the OPIOID CRISIS Is Hilarious…

(Laugh Here)  The Liberal Media Couldn’t Wait to Quote Some Brainless Democrat’s Criticism of President Trumps’s BRILLIANT Handling of the Opioid Crisis…

Opinion by “Deplorable”  Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

The Vaccine and Opioid Crises are very similar, in that the cost to society is horrendous, not only in dollars, but in damage to life and lives.  It seems, on the surface that more people die quicker from the Opioid problem, but Vaccines certainly cause more lifetime damage requiring lifetime care.

For sure American society does not need either problem.  The simple fact is that the same industry, because of greed, has caused both.  Worse, “We The People” have allowed Big Pharma to get away with this activity for far too long.

Taking Back Control of Our Government…

The Obama-Nation, to my mind, CREATED the Opioid Crisis when they let the then head of the FDA, Margaret Hamburg, and her husband, make hundreds of millions of dollars on Big Pharma stock the greater part of which was a pain-killer she approved against the advice of 11 out of 13 top FDA scientists.

Big Pharma’s opioid peddlers, under the Obama-Nation, had free reign – and they addicted millions of innocent Americans.

Now, to hear political nitwits like Nancy Pelosi talk, the answer is to throw lots of money at the Opioid problem in several different forms – ALL of which DO NOT solve the problem, BUT, would certainly reward the drug companies with more product sales, and would, as ALL Democrats love, CREATE massive new Public Agencies, with millions more employees, which would NEVER go away.

Yeah, you read that right.  Pelosi wants to throw MORE drugs and more money at the Opioid Crisis.

What’s the Money For?

Continue reading The Politics of the OPIOID CRISIS Is Hilarious…

Black Lives Do Matter – Take Action…

by Elissa Meininger – Health Policy Analyst

To me the single most important health issue in America today is that vaccines are causing such collateral damage to our children.  We are facing a health calamity that will not go away until ALL AMERICANS stand up and demand a full investigation.

According to Barbara Loe Fisher, head of National Vaccine Information Center:

We want government officials to explain to us why our country, which spends the most on health care and has one of the highest child vaccination rates in the world, is crippled by a chronic disease and disability epidemic that costs more than two trillion dollars a year and has created the sickest child and young adult population in America’s history:

1 child in 6 learning disabled; 

1 in 9 with asthma;

1 in 10 diagnosed with a mental disorder;

1 in 13 severely allergic to food;

1 in 20 epileptic;

1 in 50 developing autism;

1 in 400 with diabetes

and millions more struggling with other kinds of brain and immune system damage marked by chronic inflammation in the body.

Here at The BolenReport we have made it plain that unless we ALL stand up, nothing will change…

Here is my challenge to ALL black organizations who really want to prove they believe BLACK LIVES MATTER.

Continue reading Black Lives Do Matter – Take Action…

BIG SALE! $9.7 Billion for a Year of Pharma Advertising! $1.8 Billion for Four Years of a President!

By Kent Heckenlively, JD

Advertising Age, a magazine which bills itself as the “leading global source of news, intelligence and conversation for marketing and media communities” estimates the pharmaceutical industry spent $9.7 billion dollars in 2016 marketing their products, with the lion’s share, 55.7%, going to television advertising. (October 17, 2016)  That’s $5.4 billion dollars of advertising on your television screens EVERY YEAR.

By contrast, our recent Presidential election, looks like a pauper…  

According to Bloomberg News (December 9, 2016), Hillary Clinton spent $1.191 billion dollars, while Donald Trump spent $646.8 million dollars for a grand total of $1.837.8 billion dollars to determine the leader of the free world for the next four years.

Assuming things just remain level with pharma advertising, that’s $38.8 billion dollars for the next four years, or TWENTY-ONE TIMES THE AMOUNT SPENT TO ELECT THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES.

You might reasonably ask, who is control of America?

Okay, so that’s the media.  What about Congress?  I recommend a web-site called Open Secrets which looks at donations to Congress.  According to Open Secrets, in 2016 the pharmaceutical industry reported lobbying expenses to Congress of more than $246 million dollars. ($246,333,814)  The closest competitor was the insurance industry with nearly $153 million dollars. ($152,980,996)  The left’s favorite bogeyman, the oil and gas industry are practically in the cheap seats with just under $120 million dollars in lobbying expenses. ($119,229,657)

Pharma funds the “right people” in Congress as well…

According to Open Secrets, the top member of Congress for pharmaceutical money was Senator Orrin Hatch (R) Utah, who got $310,199.  Hatch is the longest serving Republican in the Senate and is currently President Pro Tempore of the body.  Coming in at #3 is Congressman Paul Ryan (R) Wisconsin, Speaker of the House, who got $237,195 in donations.  Coming in at #6 is Congressman Kevin McCarthy (R) California, Majority Leader of the House, with $125,500.

I’ve never said that Pharma money was stupid.  Evil, yes.  Stupid, no.

Continue reading BIG SALE! $9.7 Billion for a Year of Pharma Advertising! $1.8 Billion for Four Years of a President!

Big Pharma’s War Against the American People…

They are Killing Everyone – and are Getting Away With It…

We Need To Shut Them Down -“We the people”  DO NOT NEED CONGRESS to do that…

Opinion by “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen


Washington Watchers report that in the US Congress 399 of 435 US Representatives, and 97 of 100 US Senators WALLOW in 2016 election cycle Big Pharma cash.

As president Trump says of Big Pharma: “They contribute massive amounts of money to political people,” Trump said during an impromptu news conference, turning to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, who was standing to his side. “I don’t know, Mitch, maybe even to you.”

But let’s look at reality…

Two things:

We Americans DO NOT NEED Big Pharma (the pharmaceutical industry) AT ALL.  We can do just fine with “Little Pharma.”

We can easily replace Big Pharma with things that actually work, and get a real US health care system going.

And WE DO NOT NEED Congress to get this done.  We ONLY need Trump – and we have him.

I’ll show you just exactly how to do it.  It’s time…

The biggest, and most dangerous enemy America faces is NOT Russia, nor North Korea (nuclear bombs included), nor an invasion by Jihadists.  It’s not Creeping Marxism.  It’s not crappy Public Schools.  It’s not fake Climate Change.  It’s not the liberal media.

Although all these things listed above are terribly important issues we Americans have come to deal with, none of them come even close to the DOMINANT ISSUE on the American political scene – Big Pharma.

Right Now – Big Pharma’s BIG MONEY Controls BIG PARTS of America…

As President Trump said, just the other day, speaking on Congress and the  “Opioid Crisis”

Continue reading Big Pharma’s War Against the American People…

“DANGEROUS SCIENCE” Tour Lands in Australia! Government in Chaos! Fall of Turnbull Government Imminent?

By Kent Heckenlively, JD

Readers may recall that in light of the harassment and banning by Australian immigration authorities of Polly Tommey, Autism Files publisher and a producer of Vaxxed: From Cover-up to Catastrophe, I applied to visit Australia to discuss my books PLAGUE and INOCULATED.

Oh, and I made it clear to the Australian authorities that I was to be referred to as the “WORLD’S #1 ANTI-VAXXER”, just so there was no confusion as to my intentions.

I was banned from Australia for a period of three years,

even though I provided them with an electronic copy of my book, INOCULATED, and asked them to point out any mistakes of fact which rendered me as they claimed, “an unfit character” to visit the land Down Under.

I pledged to fight this injustice and appear before Australian audiences.  Did I parachute in the dead of night into the Australian outback where I was met by a renegade band of friendly Aborigines, intent on saving the planet from the destruction of the white man?  Did I perhaps fly to Malaysia, where some helpful native fishermen took me in a canoe to Australia under cover of darkness?

No.  The evil minions of the Turnbull government could not keep me off the internet, particularly Skype.

When I received an invitation from Meryl Dorey of the Australian Vaccination Network to appear by Skype to host a discussion after a screening of the film, Vaxxed: From Cover-up to Catastrophe, on October 21, 2017 I eagerly accepted, even though it meant I had to get up at 3:30 in the morning.

I am sending a brief letter to Prime Minister, Malcolm Turnbull to keep him apprised of recent events and future plans.

Continue reading “DANGEROUS SCIENCE” Tour Lands in Australia! Government in Chaos! Fall of Turnbull Government Imminent?

Help Observe CHILD HEALTH MONTH – Take Action…

By Elissa Meininger  – Health Policy Analyst

October has been declared Child Health Month by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., the man President Trump put in charge of cleaning up the swamp at the CDC regarding the science and safety of vaccines.

Please view the video and then send this information to everyone you know….especially to your governor, your state and federal legislators.  And, please don’t forget your health care professionals.  Let them know what you think about vaccines and, if you or any of your children have been injured.

More information can be found at –

You can find out how to contact your public servants, here: 

According to Mr. Kennedy:

Continue reading Help Observe CHILD HEALTH MONTH – Take Action…

MOVIE REVIEW – “The Pathological Optimist”

Heroism in Real Time…

By Kent Heckenlively, JD

On Friday, October 13, 2017, I sat in a movie theater in San Francisco and watched Miranda Bailey’s remarkable new documentary about Dr. Andrew Wakefield, entitled, “The Pathological Optimist.”

I viewed the film with a conflicting mix of emotions…

As an advocate on the vaccine issue for the past fifteen years it has become clear to me that the powers that be do not want this subject to be debated by the public, even if that simply means twelve average citizens sitting in a jury box.

The global vaccine market is projected to reach near fifty billion dollars a year by 2022 and there is NO meaningful oversight.  The game is going too well for the pharmaceutical industry and their supporters for any real questions to be asked.

They have paid off our politicians, bribed the media, neutered our legal system, and through some kind of dark magic have kept the public at large from asking the very simple question of why we have the sickest generation of kids in history.

In short, I consider any attempt to use the legal system for justice on this issue to be a fool’s errand.  And yet at the same time I want to believe that some attempt at getting the truth through our legal system will eventually succeed.

As I watched Dr. Wakefield try time and time again to get his case heard…

First when his co-author, Dr. John Walker-Smith (with whom he was convicted) was exonerated, and second, in a defamation action against the British Medical Journal and hack writer, Brian Deer, I knew well in advance what the final disappointing result would be.

The case in front of the British Medical Council was impossible to bring because Wakefield’s legal insurance would not pay for the cost of the appeal, even though they had done so for Dr. John Walker-Smith.

The defamation case was dismissed on the grounds that the state of Texas did not have jurisdiction.  That mean not a single piece of evidence was ever heard in either of the cases.  Why am I not surprised?

However, like Andrew Wakefield, I am also a pathological optimist.  I know that someday in the future this battle will be a distant memory, and I will be one of those old men who tell the young stories of those who fought and triumphed.  The war for the future of humanity will be won.

But that is not the present…  

Continue reading MOVIE REVIEW – “The Pathological Optimist”

Alice Ate the Mushroom…

Reversing Creeping “Cultural Marxism.”

We “Populists” Have a Lot of Things To Fix In America…  We Have Only Just Begun…


By Sharon Anshaw

In the wake of the worst mass shooting in US history, I have heard quite a lot of statements like “how could someone do this?” “How could someone even think of something like that.” “How can something like that happen?’

Have we, as a society, become so desensitized that we cannot even see our own faults? Do we not see what direction we have been led in?

How can someone really think that? 

Have you see the violent movies coming out of Hollywood?

Have you seen the so called “reality” shows on television with violence being celebrated?

Zombies  – where automatic weapons are the preferred form of killing?

Or how about the violent video games where you can literally buy all the weapons, ammo and ability to mass murder as many “opponents” as possible?

This is a form of distancing yourself from reality.

The game players get points for killing. Let that soak in. Don’t forget, these video games are also linked via the internet so you can challenge as many people that are as willing as you to commit mass murder.

How about the “Haunted Houses” during Halloween? The more violent the better. More blood, more gore, more craziness.

And people wonder how the Vegas shooting could occur? Mix that mentality with hallucinogens and bingo!

Lets start at the beginning…

Continue reading Alice Ate the Mushroom…

World’s #1 Anti-Vaxxer Heads to China!

I decided that after I visit Australia (?) in December, I should go to China. 

By Kent Heckenlively, JD

My recent banning from Australia was covered by the usual media suspects, the Australian-owned Murdoch papers, The Guardian in England, BuzzFeed in the United States, but I was surprised to find China carrying the news of my banning, specifically the South China Morning Post and Xinhua news.

I want to give the Chinese audiences something special, so the China leg of my trip will be entitled: DANGEROUS SCIENCE: CONTAMINATED CHINESE VACCINES.

You see, “the running capitalist pig dogs of the United States, with the help of that dragon lady, Hillary Clinton, have outsourced much of the U.S. vaccine production to China.  And if you can believe it, the conditions under which vaccines are made in China are even worse than in the United States.

Some people might think I’m picking on China and it’s not fair.

I understand some of their concerns.  Any vaccine produced anywhere in the world is a bit like a stick of dynamite, and yet all of those vaccine commercials make you think it’s no more dangerous than a birthday candle.  But the conditions under which they make vaccines in China?  Simply appalling.

I also received some comments that my public letter to the Prime Minster of Australia, Malcolm Turnbull, lacked the sufficient respect necessary to a head of state when one is asking to visit their country.

In that spirit, I have dispatched the following letter to the President of China, Xi Jinping.

Continue reading World’s #1 Anti-Vaxxer Heads to China!

The Las Vegas Shooting – WHO REALLY DID IT? WHO GAINS?

The Whole Scenario Sounds Like Something  Hillary Clinton Would Make Up…

And, I Think, It Is ALL About Stopping Trump’s Team From Making Needed Changes – Especially, for instance, in US Health Care…

Opinion by “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

The Investigators in the Las Vegas Shooting Incident keep pointing out that the suspected shooter Steven Paddock had NO MOTIVE they can find.  Is that because he didn’t actually do it?  Was the whole scene “staged by some Hollywood Producer?

Let’s look at that possibility…

First let’s look at real “Motive”…

The MOST TERRIFYING THING President Trump is doing to “The Establishment” is the changes he is trying to enforce in US Health Care on behalf of the American people.  Already the Vaccine Division of Big Pharma is terrified of its future – and it should be.

“What future?” Anti-Vaxxers say…  We are, after all, intending to destroy the vaccine industry COMPLETELY.  And we are taking a HARD look at Big Pharma.

“The Establishment” Has NOT Been Able to Damage Trump’s Political Base…

Importantly, and FAR MORE TERRIFYING to them, is the fact that “The Establishment” is NOT able to sway Trump’s political base.

In fact that base gets stronger.  Responding to a threatened “Civil War” on November 4th, 2017 Patriot Groups said:

The Populist political base wants what it elected Trump to do – and it is NOT taking “NO” for an answer.  One of the most important things, we all remember, is a serious revision in US Health Care.

Want a REAL Suspect in the Las Vegas Shooting?

Look no further than Big Pharma.

Continue reading The Las Vegas Shooting – WHO REALLY DID IT? WHO GAINS?

Rebecca Bredow – The Bravest Woman in America!

“I would rather sit behind bars standing up for what I believe in, than giving into something I strongly don’t believe in.”

By Kent Heckenlively, JD

It was bound to happen.  The medical mafia has not had an honest sit-down with the parents of vaccine-injured parents in twenty years as this controversy has continued.

We talk, we ask, and they ignore us.

A Detroit area woman, Rebecca Bredow, had originally agreed in a custody agreement with her ex-husband to immunize their son with a spaced-out schedule.  But the more she researched the issue, especially the problem of multiple shots in a single visit, she became convinced that it was unsafe for her son to receive any shots.

Bredow claims her ex-husband never mentioned his interest in vaccination, but it came up during a custody hearing.  Bredow believes the judge’s pro-vaccine stance played a role in her decision.  Bredow also claims, “I am fully compliant with all of the state laws, the vaccine waivers.  I’ve educated myself on vaccines.”

Think about that.  This mother has followed all of her state’s laws regarding vaccine waivers, but some little tinpot dictator judge believes she can override this mother’s rights.  This is the official and unofficial tyranny under which we now live in America.


Mahatma Gandhi is quoted as saying, “First, they laugh at you, then they ignore you, then they fight you, then you win.”

By putting Rebecca Bredow in jail it is clear that they are fighting us.  By putting Dr. Judy Mikovits in jail it is clear that they are fighting us.  By banning Polly Tommey from Australia, it is clear that they are fighting us.  When Australia banned me from visiting, it is clear they are fighting us.

Continue reading Rebecca Bredow – The Bravest Woman in America!

Las Vegas Shooting – The ULTIMATE in Fake News…

What Happened in Vegas Is Horrible on More Than One Level…

Opinion by “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen


The liberal Main Stream Media (MSM) has outdone itself with this one.

They ACTUALLY want America to believe that an out-of-shape 64-year-old white man, with NO military experience, who lived in a gated retirement community, somehow, and for no good reason, carried 18 machine guns, and the ammunition for them, up to his room (with no help) at the Las Vegas Mandalay Bay Hotel, set up those guns on tripods, loaded thousands of rounds of ammo into them, aimed those machine guns at a target 400 yards away in the dark, and fired those machine guns for eleven minutes, killing 59 people and injuring more than 500 more.


Continue reading Las Vegas Shooting – The ULTIMATE in Fake News…

I Nominate – ELLIOT NESS to Be the NEW US Secretary of Health and Human Services…

Judy Mikovits Can Wait Until The Cleanup Is Completed...

Opinion by “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

Our friend Jon Rappoport, the other day, re-issued an article he wrote in 2012 called “Reminder: murder at the FDA.”  In it Jon pointed out that the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is a “relentless criminal mafia representing its client Big Pharma.”

Just below are Jon’s exact words:

“In a stunning interview with Truthout’s Martha Rosenberg, former FDA drug reviewer, Ronald Kavanagh, exposes the FDA as a relentless criminal mafia protecting its client, Big Pharma, with a host of mob strategies.

Kavanagh: “…widespread racketeering, including witness tampering and witness retaliation.”

“I was threatened with prison.”

“One [FDA] manager threatened my children…I was afraid that I could be killed for talking to Congress and criminal investigators.”

Kavanagh reviewed new drug applications made to the FDA by pharmaceutical companies. He was one of the holdouts at the Agency who insisted that the drugs had to be safe and effective before being released to the public.

But honest appraisal wasn’t part of the FDA culture, and Kavanagh swam against the tide, until he realized his life and the life of his children was on the line.

What was his secret task at the FDA? “Drug reviewers were clearly told not to question drug companies and that our job was to approve drugs.” In other words, rubber stamp them. Say the drugs were safe and effective when they were not.

Kavanagh’s revelations are astonishing. He recalls a meeting where a drug-company representative flat-out stated that his company had paid the FDA for a new-drug approval. Paid for it. As in bribe.

The Kavanaugh story is not unusual – it is COMMON at every federal agency involved in US health care regulation…

Continue reading I Nominate – ELLIOT NESS to Be the NEW US Secretary of Health and Human Services…