Sometimes I Hate Being Right. Election 2020 Was “Big Pharma Vs. Trump.” And Big Pharma Won…

The Entire US Democratic Party Is Wholly Owned By “Big Pharma” – No Exceptions…

Vaccine Mandates (Forced Medications) Were The Entire “Behind The Scenes”  Election Issue – and SO FAR the Democrats have delivered on their promises.

Opinion By Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

I have just been sitting here watching the battle to control humanity unfold.  It is, in fact, epic.

In the US, for instance, the battle centers around the idea that all Americans need to be moved from a “One man one vote” philosophy to a “do as you are told immediately when a government employee says to do something” scenario. The Democrats are dead serious about accomplishing this.

The concept of “Vaccine Mandates” has NOTHING to do with disease prevention, and EVERYTHING to do with controlling every aspect of every human’s mental and body functions.

Continue reading Sometimes I Hate Being Right. Election 2020 Was “Big Pharma Vs. Trump.” And Big Pharma Won…

INOCULATED – The Book That Will Break the Internet…

I’m getting ready to “do it” to the bad guys again…

By Kent Heckenlively, JD

What is “it,” you may ask?

I’m about to provoke a full scale media meltdown. Yes, that’s right. I’m not making any plans to speak cautiously and carefully, so that I don’t get attacked.

Let’s be real. The other side isn’t dealing honestly with us.

Why should we be part of the illusion that we’re actually having a discussion? We aren’t. We’re in a full-scale war for the survival of the human species. The only important question is how well I’m provoking the mainstream media and their Big Pharma boobs to viciously attack my book, INOCULATED: How Science Lost Its Soul in Autism, coming out on Tuesday, February 16, 2021.

Because when they attack, we win. People stop to pay attention, then they say, “Let me check this out.”

For starters, there’s the Ben Garrison cartoon at the top of this article, which is being released on the same day as the book. I told Ben, Make it as controversial as you can.” He did.

I am inviting the attack.

Continue reading INOCULATED – The Book That Will Break the Internet…

The Unholy “Pandemic” Alliance…

Humanity, as a whole, has been subjected to the biggest fraud ever attempted…

“Justification” for killing about half of the world’s population –  “Agenda 21…”

From Europe by Karma Singh

The events of the last weeks taken together with the mounting evidence that “Something is rotten in the Kingdom of Denmark” bring one inescapably to the conclusion that humanity as a whole has been subjected to the biggest fraud ever attempted and that this is planned to continue as the “justification” for killing about half of the world’s population.

It began more than ten years ago as witnessed by the results of research in Switzerland, echoed by others in the USA, that all those showing a positive Covid-19 test had received a ‘flu vaccination during the preceding ten years.

After a “vaccine” had been patented, Dr. Death (Tony Fauci) began prophesying the new pandemic. (A technique which he had used many times previously.)

In the Autumn of 2019, a world-wide test-exercise was run on controlling the narrative about the forthcoming “pandemic” and how the Tech Giants, Google, Twitter and Facebook together with CNN, BBC, et. al., were to play a pivotal role in preventing truth reaching the public at large.

The six minute video below shows how they organized the world takeover last October 2019…

Continue reading The Unholy “Pandemic” Alliance…

Corona Revelations…

Over the last few decades and more, MANY voices have been raised expressing concerns about the effectiveness and costs of conventional medicine.

This is part 3 of a five part article series:

From Europe By Karma Singh

The really worrying fact in this is the refusal of the pharmaceutical industry, which controls conventional medicine, to partake in meaningful discussions about the concerns of great and growing numbers of patients and health professionals.

The only “answer” from those who presently control state health care is to finance attempts to have their biggest profit-maker, “vaccination,” made “compulsory” and alternatives which are both much more effective and much, much cheaper made “illegal.”

These are the actions of someone with a great deal to hide, wouldn’t you agree?

As wrote wrote in my newsletter, just below, last Wednesday; “The first rule when lying is to ‘keep it simple’. If you don’t follow this rule and, instead, attempt to intimidate people with highly complicated stuff, then it is guaranteed that you will, at some point, trip over your own feet”. This happened, not for the first time, in a WHO press conference in Geneva on Monday 8th June 2020.

WHO declares “Lockdown, Social Distancing and Face Masks” UNNECESSARY…

In parenthesis, it may be of interest to note what is written in “A Course in Miracles”:

Continue reading Corona Revelations…

Judy Mikovits “Plandemic” Video Hits ONE BILLION Views Worldwide…

“The Most Viewed And Banned Documentary Of All Times…”

Opinion By “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

I’ll be honest – When Kent Heckenlively JD first came to me about placing articles on the BolenReport that he said “may be a little controversial” I softly smiled.

Why?  Well, the BolenReport is VERY well known for injecting controversy into the conversation.  We pride ourselves on being WAY AHEAD of the game providing reality in the world-wide health care conversations.

Kent’s very first article for the BolenReport was, in fact, a lament over the fact that his and Judy Mikovits first book “Plague” wasn’t selling all that well – and it should be. He wrote this:

PLAGUE – The Best Science Book You Haven’t Read!

Kent has since written over two hundred articles for the BolenReport…

Continue reading Judy Mikovits “Plandemic” Video Hits ONE BILLION Views Worldwide…

The “Anti-Vaxxer” Movement is Responsible for The “Covid-19” Attack On America…

It’s Not Donald Trump They Are After – It’s Us…

Opinion by “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

Of course the whole “Covid-19” thing is a massive hoax.  People all over the country are figuring that out.  It is a massive, well organized attack on America and Western Civilization.  All of the evidence of this collusion is starting to leak out, and best of all, it failed.  In fact, it is working completely against the globalists who are/were behind it.

One of the most horrifying things is the intentional killing  of our older members of society – those trapped in Nursing Homes where they could not get away…

…just to create numbers of deaths quickly so as to justify the complete shutdown of not just the US economy, but activist gatherings that challenged globalist thinking – like “Mandatory Vaccinations for all.”

Everyone knew, from information coming from China, early on, that people in Nursing Homes were at risk, but Democratic State Governors DID nothing to protect our aged loved ones who needed help.  In fact they did the opposite.  They isolated “THE HEALTHY.”

Why were the Democrats isolating “THE HEALTHY?”  For an answer look at their first, and most important shutdown targets – churches, and any other places NORMAL people gather to see each other.  For sure the liberals wanted to prevent “Trump Rallies” from happening.

They also needed to prevent the MASSIVE “Anti-Vaxxer” Movement from visiting local State, and Federal, elected representatives…

Continue reading The “Anti-Vaxxer” Movement is Responsible for The “Covid-19” Attack On America…

SATIRE – Adam Schiff was My Neighbor . . . And He Stole My Bike!

Satire – By Kent Heckenlively

For the past six months my brother has been troubled by something.

“I think I know Adam Schiff,” he said, after learning President Trump’s least favorite Congressman grew up in our area.  “Do you remember anything about him?”

I drew a complete blank.  I researched the question of where Adam Schiff lived and all I could find was some vague references to him living in Danville, CA, the next town over from where we lived in Roundhill Country Club in Alamo.  I could find some references to Schiff going to Monte Vista High School, which was where I would have gone if my parents hadn’t sent me to the private Catholic high School, De La Salle, located in Concord.

Besides, when I checked out his age it seemed to me that Schiff would have been a senior in high school when I was in eighth grade.  He was more in my brother’s age group than mine.  Not really much of an opportunity would have presented itself for me to have a play-date with Adam Schiff.

Then the other night my brother had a breakthrough. 

He was talking to his best friend since he was five years old and our old next door neighbor, when his friend replied in answer to the question about Schiff, “Oh yeah, he lived in our neighborhood.  His family lived right near the tee of the 17th hole.”  We lived on the 14th hole.  Yes, Adam Schiff grew up not more than half a mile away from me.  I’m sure that when I rode my bike in the summers to the country club pool, I went right by the Schiff house.

My brother’s friend also added that Schiff and his family may have only lived there for a year or two.

Continue reading SATIRE – Adam Schiff was My Neighbor . . . And He Stole My Bike!

How Richard Pan Is Manipulating The California Medical Board To Destroy The 130 “Vaccine Medical Exemption” Doctors…

They Failed to Kneel In His Presence…

Part Three of the BolenReport’s “California is Ground Zero” series…

Opinion by “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

We, as Americans, have been too comfortable in our existence for far too long.

We assume that the basis for our lives, the US Bill of Rights and the US Constitution, documents based on Judeo/Christian values, are the law of the land.  Why?  Because, in the US, that’s our basic philosophy.  What we fail to remember is that other parts of the world see things differently.

Much differently…

One of the strangest things I have seen develop in California (and LOTS of strange things happen here) is the simple fact that the California political structure, overwhelmingly “Progressive Democrat,” not only ALLOWED, but strongly developed a Chinese Communist value structure for its statewide health care system.  That development is personified in State Senator Richard Pan.

There is nothing “American” about Richard Pan’s thinking…

Of course the idea of “Mandatory Vaccines” for children flies in the face of Judeo/Christian values.  47 American States took this very view when they were forced by Big Pharma’s cash-heavy minions to politically examine this issue – and very loudly proclaimed not only “NO”, but “Hell No” to the idea of damaging their valuable children in this way.

It is obvious that if Richard Pan had his way EVERY Californian would be subjected to “Freeway Closures” where all citizens would be funneled through “Inspection Points,” with “papers” demanded, and if you didn’t have written evidence with you of compliance to a CDC vaccine schedule, you’d be dragged out of your vehicle, thrown on the ground, and vaccinated with EVERY Made-in-China vaccine Dicky could think of.  Right then.

Think not?  Think again.  Richard Pan is NOT from a Judeo/Christian background like most Americans.  He’s Chinese.  Let me give you some specific example of what, exactly, that means.

There is a BIG difference in the “value of life” between China and the US…

I am going to give you five examples.

Continue reading How Richard Pan Is Manipulating The California Medical Board To Destroy The 130 “Vaccine Medical Exemption” Doctors…

“The Fix Is In” – 130 California Doctors Are Going To Be Disciplined For Writing Vaccine Medical Exemptions Richard Pan Doesn’t Like…

There Is Absolutely No Hope, in California, For Right Thinking Doctors. Their Lives Are Over…

Here’s How Pan is Going To “GET” Them…

Part Two of the BolenReport’s “California is Ground Zero” series…

Opinion By “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

To understand what is actually going on in California one has to step back and look at geopolitics and California’s place in the world.

Let’s look at the connections between Hillary Clinton, Mainland China, and Big Pharma…

Then we need to consider that California, had Hillary been elected, would have been the model for the entire United States.

Hillary, China, and Big Pharma…

(1)  On October 6th, 2016 I wrote the article below. 

Hillary Clinton PERSONALLY Arranged For Chinese Vaccine Manufacturers to Avoid US Government Scrutiny…

(2)  Then we go to this:

On May 18th, 2018 US News and World Report wrote a very lengthy article titled “China’s Lock On Drugs.”  The articles subtitle says it all:

“The Asian giant’s control of world’s essential drugs complicates U.S. desire to seek new trade deal.”

Continue reading “The Fix Is In” – 130 California Doctors Are Going To Be Disciplined For Writing Vaccine Medical Exemptions Richard Pan Doesn’t Like…

Richard Pan Wants To Take Away The Medical Licenses of 130 California Doctors for Writing Vaccine Medical Exemptions….

Things are VERY BAD in California.  All of the stories you have heard about large segments of  the population leaving the State are absolutely true…

In California “Corruption” is all there is…

Part One of the BolenReport’s “California is Ground Zero” series…

Opinion by “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

Yes, California has the worst homeless problem in the history of America.  Yes, there are human feces and needles all over the streets of San Francisco.  Yes, California has the highest taxes of any State in the Union. Yes, gasoline costs at least twice as much as any other State.  Yes, vehicle and license fees are, in some instances, ten times that of neighboring States.

Yes, the crazies block fresh water from the Sierra snow melt from flowing to farmers and inland small towns, forcing the water to flow into the Pacific Ocean.  Yes, Los Angeles County showed that 139% of their actually registered voters voted in election 2016.  Yes, the enviro-crazies mis-managed California’s forests causing RAGING INFERNO fires during fire season.

Yes, California created its own eight year drought by criss-crossing California’s skies with chemtrails creating CONSTANT high pressure areas so that it would not rain – so as to destroy California’s farm produce industry.

I could write ten paragraphs describing the California Liberal Democratic Party’s abuse of the California citizenry.  I wonder sometimes if the entire California legislature has simply been over-vaccinated – and THAT would explain their inability to think, and act, in a logical manner.

But the issue that REALLY stands out is the California government’s absolute abuse of children.

Continue reading Richard Pan Wants To Take Away The Medical Licenses of 130 California Doctors for Writing Vaccine Medical Exemptions….

Author Malcolm Gladwell Tells You Why Your Family and Friends Don’t Believe You About Vaccine Injury

By Kent Heckenlively, JD

When my mother was preparing her will she came to a curious decision.  “Kent,” she said, “there’s a section in which I have to name a person to decide, if I’m incapacitated, whether heroic measures should be made to save my life.  I think your father and brother would get too emotional about it.  But I think you’d make the rational choice.”

Kind of a dubious honor, don’t you think?  Getting to decide whether your mother lives or dies?  And does this mean I was her favorite?  Luckily, we had a family discussion and decided it would be a group decision between the three of us.

I tell this story to underscore the point that throughout most of my life I’ve been regarded as the calm, rational one.  A nickname for me in the family is “the diplomat” because of my ability to see both sides of a dispute, and not offer offense to anybody.

Which is why it was absolutely puzzling to me when I started raising questions about the harm from vaccines, so many of my friends and family acted like I’d gone completely nuts.  After all, what happened to the previous thirty-nine years of being the calm, rational, honest to a fault person?

Which is why when I read Malcolm Gladwell’s recent book,  it was as if a light went off in my head.  The main question raised in his book is why interactions with people often go spectacularly wrong.

One of the most interesting parts of the book was his discussion of the disgraced financier, Bernie Madoff, who stole billions from investors.  It should have been an open and shut-case.  Madoff was reporting consistent returns for his clients, regardless of what the stock market was doing.  Could he really be that good?  I mean, is there anything more black and white than a balance sheet?

Default to Trust?

Continue reading Author Malcolm Gladwell Tells You Why Your Family and Friends Don’t Believe You About Vaccine Injury

VAXXED II – A Saturday Night in Modesto…

By Kent Heckenlively, JD

Last Saturday night I made the hour drive to Modesto, California, a city in the Central Valley.  I was looking forward to the opportunity to meet face to face with VAXXED II director, Brian Burrowes, as well as reconnect with producer Polly Tommey, for whom I’d also written for her magazine, Autism File.

It’s a strange situation in which we find ourselves, parents of vaccine-injured children, simultaneously angry about what’s happened in our society, and yet hopeful that we might spark a movement for unimaginable change.

I can’t get to many of these events given the severity of the problems with my daughter, and so I do what I can, typing out articles in which I try to say something new.  I must confess I often feel a sense of loneliness, as if I’m somewhere remote, wondering if there are other human beings out there who will hear me.

Then I have the experience of going to the event, as I did last Saturday, seeing many people getting things set up, introducing myself with just my first name, telling them how great it is that they’ve put the event together, when suddenly they look at me and say…

“You’re Kent Heckenlively, aren’t you?”

Continue reading VAXXED II – A Saturday Night in Modesto…

Why Are The Democrats So Eager To Damage America’s Children?

Millions of Parents Of Vaccine-Damaged Children Want To Know…

Opinion By “Deplorable, Smelly, WalMart Shopper” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

We live in interesting times…

The valiant “Anti-Vaxxer” community, operating across Planet Earth, dedicated to saving humanity from the clutches of the Big Pharma globalist conspiracy, smashing their way through Big Pharma’s propaganda machinations, have made, and proven, something very important…

Big Pharma OWNS the US Democratic Party outright…

Heroic “Anti-Vaxxers” throwing themselves against Big Pharma’s social and political barricades, have driven Pharma stooges to desperation – We have forced them to come out in the open, and the smell is/was as expected.

We forced them to play the cards we wanted them to play right here, and right now – Pharma tried the “Mandatory Vaccine” gambit, hoping against hope that by implementing “Mandatory Vaccines” where they completely control the dialogue (or where they THOUGHT they controlled it) they could reverse the massive “Anti-Vaxxer” worldwide gains.  But…

The “Blue Pill” failed to give them the political erection they needed…

There is no question that the now completely Socialist/Marxist, US Democratic Party is on the ropes.

They should be – for they offer NOTHING to the American public except HATRED for normal Americans.  The idea that we, the NORMAL Americans, would vote for, and install in office, a President (Donald Trump) that ACTUALLY LISTENS to our American needs, and ACTS on our concerns, drives these Socialist/Marxists right up the wall.  To them we are all supposed to be OBEDIENT…

Big Pharma, and their wholly owned US Democratic Party have been stopped TWICE now in their, what they thought, were their bastions of liberalism, in their efforts towards national “Mandatory Vaccines…”

Continue reading Why Are The Democrats So Eager To Damage America’s Children?

Anti-Vaxx Meets Q-Anon

By Kent Heckenlively, JD

I know many of you, like me, are waiting with baited breath for the March 2020 release of GODZILLA vs. KONG.

But almost as entertaining as the meeting of those two titans is this recent interview I did with Dustin Nemos, one of the driving forces behind the Amazon best-selling book, QANON: An Invitation to the Great Awakening.

Over the past year I’ve listened to several of Dustin’s videos and always found him to be a calm, rational commentator on issues involving QANON, crypto-currency (which I’m still trying to understand), health issues, and the latest political developments.

Continue reading Anti-Vaxx Meets Q-Anon

Dr. Shiva, Scott Adams, and “VAXXED II…”

By Kent Heckenlively, J.D.

I have a confession.  I’m a complete fanboy when it comes to really smart people.

That’s why I start every day listening to the Scott Adams podcast.  He says interesting things and occasionally interviews really smart people.

Recently he had on Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, the inventor of email, four degrees from MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), founder of several companies, and a candidate for the U.S. Senate from Massachusetts.

Dr. Shiva gave a master class to Scott Adams on vaccines and I was astonished.  I have never heard a more informed discussion by a major public figure.  To his credit, Adams asked all the right questions.  It was fascinating to watch Adams confront some of the glaring contradictions of the vaccine program in real time, rather than just brush them off.

I reached out to Dr. Shiva’s campaign for an interview and he generously agreed.

The first time we tried to speak Dr. Shiva was running late from another call, and we really didn’t get much of a chance to talk.  Despite several calls, we were not able to reschedule.  I figured it was a lost cause.

The next time I heard about Dr. Shiva, it was because there had been something of a dust-up with the VAXXED II team, when they asked him to remove a video of him speaking about the film in the AMC theater where the film had earlier been shown.  I’d heard varying accounts of what had happened, but genuinely did not know which details were correct.  (As an attorney I’d learned long ago to withhold a strong opinion until you can directly ask the people involved.)

Dr. Shiva objected strongly to the request, citing the need to avoid any type of censorship.

Continue reading Dr. Shiva, Scott Adams, and “VAXXED II…”

Berlin Does a California…

More “Globalist” World Domination Attempts…

From Germany By Karma Singh

Yesterday, 14th November 2019, the banker/pharma-controlled parties in the German Bundestag (German Parliament), under their various flags, unanimously voted to severely harm the German people for the sake of making money.  They voted to force mandatory “measles” vaccinations on Germany’s entire 83,617,517 population.

As anyone can read in the Basic Law of the Federal Republic of Germany, every member of the German parliament commits themself to act for the benefit of the German people and to protect them from harm. Not one of them could truthfully claim not to know how harmful and how useless “vaccination” is. Despite this, all of the member of those parties in Parliament voted to impose compulsory vaccination “against” measles upon the German people.

It must, at this juncture, be made clear that the only party in the Bundestag (the German Parliament) which is not property of the bankers is the AfD. Their members voted, in accord with the law, unanimously against compulsory vaccination. It is very well known that the AfD has a strong preference for truth and science which is not shared by the CDU, CSU, SPD, FDP, Greens, etc.. It is for this reason that the banker parties are under orders never to co-operate with the AfD and, contrary to law, never to build a coalition government with them.

Now, why has “measles” been chosen as the first compulsory vaccination when there are other much more serious “illnesses” which need to be dealt with?

Continue reading Berlin Does a California…

“VAXXED II” – Cartoonist Ben Garrison Jumps On The Bus…

By Kent Heckenlively, JD

A wonderful autism parent has apparently commissioned a cartoon from rebel cartoonist, Ben Garrison, to celebrate the release of the new documentary film, VAXXED II: The People’s Truth Bolen Report wishes these brave parents and doctors the best of success for the film.

Here is the post which explains the cartoon:

Margaret Mead once wrote, “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.”

This week a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens, led by Polly Tommey, Dr. Andrew Wakefield, Del Bigtree, Brian Burrowes, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., and Dr. Brian Hooker are trying to change the world with the release of their documentary film, VAXXED II: The People’s Truth. The film, which simply features parents talking about the reactions of their children to vaccines, including autism, paralysis, and death, has so threatened Big Pharma that the theaters showing the film must remain secret until the day before a showing.

This is not just a fight against Big Pharma. It also involves a fight against Big Tech, as Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, and his wife, Priscilla Chan, are attempting with all of their billions of dollars to censor vaccine safety information across all their platforms, just as they are doing with political content supportive of President Trump.

Big China is also part of this axis of evil as a major portion of the vaccines and pharmaceuticals are being produced in China. Big Pharma, Big Tech, and Big China are part of an unholy alliance which is harming people all over the world, including Chinese citizens.

Big Pharma brings you your evening news, with estimates of anywhere from 40-60% of advertising revenues coming from Big Pharma. Just watch an hour of your favorite news broadcast and count the number of Big Pharma commercials. This includes the new outlets of ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, as well as Fox News. Nobody escapes my condemnation. Not Tucker Carlson, Sean Hannity, Laura Ingraham, and certainly not Jason Chaffetz, who was EXTENSIVELY briefed on CDC whistle-blower, Dr. William Thompson, the subject of the first documentary, VAXXED: From Cover-Up to Catastrophe.

President Trump also comes in for substantial criticism, as his statements prior to becoming our Commander-in-Chief, were supportive of getting to the bottom of these questions, and claimed he wanted Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. to head a Vaccine Safety Commission, a promise which three years later remains unfulfilled. Parents want answers, and they want unbiased scientists, not industry shills to do the research.

It truly is a “FIGHT FOR THE FUTURE,” and this small group of thoughtful, committed citizens deserve to have their film shown in the White House theater. Anything less will probably result in a massive loss of support for a second term for our President.

Be sure to pre-order Kent Heckenlively’s new book with Dr. Judy Mikovits, PLAGUE OF CORRUPTION from Amazon which you can do RIGHT NOW!
The book is coming out on March 3, 2020 and contains explosive new revelations about the corruption of our scientific bodies, as well as new directions to ensure we become the healthiest generation in history!



plagueheckiKent’s book PLAGUE was released by Skyhorse Publishing, in 2014 and is now available in paperback with NEW material.

The book is co-authored with Judy Mikovits PhD. It is an indictment of the “Fake Science” we find so prevalent in the US.



The “Anti-Vax” Problem – Looking At The Big Picture…

Defining the problem is halfway to solution…

Opinion By “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

Let’s be clear – Vaccines are not the main problem.  It is the people forcing them on us and their not caring about the damage they are causing.

The evidence of “immense vaccine damage” is everywhere in our younger people in the US.  It isn’t just expressed with Autism.  It is far more serious than that.  Look at how over-vaccinated Millennials in Colleges and Universities need “safe spaces.”  54% of America’s children are chronically ill.  Our School Districts are overwhelmed with “Special Needs” children.

Vaccine-damaged millennial male(?)

Our younger generations are having trouble with “gender identity.”  The US military is very seriously wondering where it is going to get soldiers in the future since America’s young men are being feminized.

As Harris Coulter MD pointed out in his book Vaccination Social Violence and Criminality – The Medical Assault on the American Brain :

To be specific, a large portion of the millions of U.S. children and adults suffering from autism, seizures, mental retardation, hyperactivity, dyslexia, and other shoots and branches of the hydra-headed entity called “developmental disabilities,” owe their disorders to one or another of the vaccines against childhood diseases. 

The so-called “sociopathic personality,” which is at the root of the enormous increase in crime of the past two decades, is also largely rooted in vaccine damage.

 Thus the nation’s vaccination program has served to undermine the American school system–which is in collapse through inability to cope with the one-fifth or one-quarter of students who will never be able either to read or to perform simple arithmetical calculations.

And it has contributed to the wave of violent crime which is turning our cities into jungles where the strong and the vicious prey upon the weak and unprotected.

 The effects of vaccination have altered the very tone and atmosphere of modern society.  Because the changes are so insidious and widespread, and because we lack perspective, they have been largely overlooked.  It is not easy to discern the outlines of the incubus which the vaccination program as loosed upon us.

Every day this program continues, hundreds of normal healthy babies are turned into defective goods:  mentally retarded, blind, deaf, autistic, epileptic, learning-disabled, emotionally unstable, future juvenile delinquents, and career criminals. 

For more details about this go here:

Millennials Are Vaccine Brain-Damaged – We Can Help…

EVERYONE on both sides of  the vaccine argument knows all of this to be true and that vaccines are the cause of all this. 

Continue reading The “Anti-Vax” Problem – Looking At The Big Picture…

Robert Kennedy, Jr. Gives a HUGE Endorsement to my new book “PLAGUE OF CORRUPTION”…

By Kent Heckenlively, JD

Publishing a book requires many moving parts.

One of the most important is who writes the foreword.  It gives the seal of approval from somebody who is likely to be more well-known than you, or has more standing in the field.

When Dr. Judy Mikovits and I published our book, PLAGUE, we were fortunate enough to get Hilary Johnson, a former editor at Rolling Stone magazine, and the author of the definitive work on the chronic fatigue syndrome epidemic, Osler’s Web.  Her endorsement gave the book an enormous boost in that community.

For this book I asked one of my well-known activist friends and he was flattered, but suggested I get Robert Kennedy, Jr.

I talked to Judy about it and she thought it was a good idea, especially since Kennedy had always been friendly to her when they met at conferences, even if she felt he didn’t fully understand her story.

The one concern I had is that Kennedy seems to be one of the busiest men on the planet.  Whether he was keeping our rivers and lakes clean, fighting Monsanto over their terrible Round-Up weedkiller, or getting eviscerated by members of his own family because of his stance on vaccines, I wondered if he had any time left for another project.

I was instructed to prepare a sample foreword for Kennedy, nothing more than 3 or 4 pages, then he’d edit as he saw fit.  Both my efforts were a complete failure.  I tried, but couldn’t seem to give him what he needed.

I offered him a graceful way out, suggesting he was too busy, but he said he wanted to help.  He just couldn’t give me a firm timeline.

You can imagine my surprise when I was recently in a teacher staff meeting, my cell-phone rang, and caller I.D. said it was Robert Kennedy, Jr.  “I know I said I didn’t have time,” he began.  “But I was on a long plane flight, had it on my computer, so I read the whole thing.  It’s wonderful.  I know what to write now.”

How many thoughts were racing through my mind?

The first thought was “YES!  I’ve made the book short enough so that somebody might be able to read the whole thing in the 4-5 hours of an airplane flight!”  I know I have a tendency to want to tell the ENTIRE story, rather than ruthlessly cutting out some of the less important parts.

The second thought was, “Oh my God!  Robert Kennedy, Jr., the man I consider to be the bravest figure in public life, just praised our book and is going to do the foreword!”  You must understand there was a time in my life when I read just about every word ever written about Robert Kennedy, Sr.  It wasn’t so much his politics that drew me, (because in some ways he was all over the political map during his life), but how he demonstrated the continuing ability to learn and grow.  Now the namesake of my political hero was endorsing my work.

Kennedy was as good as his word and came back with a fantastic foreword.  How long?  Remember, I was told to give him no more than 3 or 4 pages.

Kennedy wrote a 15 page foreword for “PLAGUE OF CORRUPTION!”

Continue reading Robert Kennedy, Jr. Gives a HUGE Endorsement to my new book “PLAGUE OF CORRUPTION”…

CALIPHARMA – Big Pharma’s Final Solution…

By Elissa Meininger – historian and health policy analyst

Folks, understand this…..the Anti-Vax Movement is now at ground zero in the global fight for preserving our individual sovereignty as human beings.  For the first time, the true colors of Big Pharma and their partners, the Marxists, have been revealed.  This past week, all was laid bare by Del Bigtree in his TV show called High Wire.  The episode called “Calipharma” is a must watch.  It is available for viewing here:

This episode covers the key elements of what we are up against.

The California legislature has just passed an even more draconian law to force all parents to vaccinate their kids without any way out.  Standing in the wings is legislation to force all adults to be fully vaccinated or they will not be able to get drivers licenses or conduct business of any kind where you are required to show an ID.

On Del’s show, you will see highlights of the demonstrations of ordinary people trying a last ditch effort to stop the bill.  You will also see an extended interview with a mother whose child died from a vaccine and how the Minnesota public health department is trying to intimidate her and refuses to provide autopsy evidence so she can go to Vaccine Court to make a claim.

Del has a lengthy interview with Jefferey Jaxen of the Jaxen Report going over the key details regarding all the lawsuits being brought against Opioid drug manufacturers.  Dozens of states attorneys general are suing and forcing huge settlements and/or bankruptcies for lying about the safety of these drugs.  Purdue Pharma, a family held company, is declaring bankruptcy and the Sackler family who control Purdue are also being sued.  You can google for major stories covered by mainstream press for even more details.  Reuters and The Washington Post are just two.

Del also included the press briefing on the game changing lawsuit the Oklahoma Attorney General, Mike Hunter, has just won against the Johnson & Johnson drug company, the kingpin source of Opioid ingredients for drug makers selling Opioid drugs.

While the great wall of silence about the dangers of vaccines still exists in the public square, it too, may fall soon.

Del included a short out-take of a public meeting called by Oklahoma legislators to force a public discussion about the safety of vaccines.  You’ll see Del confronting health department officials with the lies they have been telling to promote vaccine mandates.  Yes, I said, public discussion with Del speaking truth!!!!!  AT THE OK CAPITOL! In front of God and everybody!

Just so you know, Oklahoma is unique in this country due to our state constitution.

People here have much more power than in other states. In 1920, this situation provided ordinary Oklahoma citizens an opportunity to reject an attempt by Big Pharma, through its drug-promoting medical trade group, the American Medical Association, to create a monopoly like they have in all other states.

The politics of this referendum started with the first legislature in 1908 and through various political twists and turns over the years, anti-monopoly forces never gave up.  It took 12 years to win the fight.   By statewide referendum, the people of Oklahoma voted, by over 46,000 votes, to reject Big Pharma. The essence of the argument was and still is as follows:

Said bill is the natural progeny of a gigantic “trust” that by fastening its tentacles, octopus-like, upon the very vitals of society, dominates the religious life and the policies of the country, largely, and without whose kindly (?) office and ministrations none DARE to be born, hope to live or presume to die.  Under this bill, if it becomes law, the people of Oklahoma cannot live, move nor have any sort of being, without the control, absolute domination, of the “Allopath Medical Trust.”

Since then, Chiropractors and all other Drugless Practitioners as they were called back then, have been freed from the grip of Big Pharma and its trade group, the AMA.  We Okies are blessed with open access to all the drugless healing modalities anybody could possibly want, including Indian Medicine Men some of whom have offices on main street for people of all cultures to consult.

One of the topics Del discussed is the role of the Democratic Party as being the promoters of Big Pharma’s drive to create ironclad vaccine mandates state by state.

Continue reading CALIPHARMA – Big Pharma’s Final Solution…