BolenReport – Old Dog – New Tricks…

With Donald Trump Coming into Office on January 20th, 2017 I Have to be Right Here in the Middle of Things…

Life is Just Too Much Fun…

Opinion by “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

You just never know…

One day you think it’s time to park the battle tanks in the warehouse, crank the missile launchers down and cover them with tarps, sell the nuclear subs to Texas, and head for a warm island where you can drink a tasty rum drink, and watch the pretty girls walk by – let the other younger warriors have all the battle fun.

I have to tell you – five weeks of that is about all I could possibly stand.  Gotta get back to the wars.  Addiction.

Then this guy Donald Trump runs for President of the US.  Every liberal mainstream media wanna-be pundit shrieked out their disdain of Trump, and his “Deplorable” support network, making claim that Trump wouldn’t even be allowed in the Republican Primaries.

After all, according to the Democratic Party leadership, the family oriented Judeo-Christian ethic was dead – for THEY had killed it, and now it was an “anything goes” world. So, according the them, heterosexual family-type voters were finished.

Then when Trump did get in they claimed he could not possibly win the Republican Primaries – which, of course, Trump did.

Then they looked down their noses, while prancing around big city gay bars on Friday Pageant Night telling themselves, and others in the Appletini crowd, that Trump couldn’t possible beat their ultimate hero, scum-sucking Hillary Clinton.

Then along came election night.   The Judeo-Christian heterosexual family types voted – and the world changed overnight.

But I have to say – you can’t just retire and come right back to the fray. There’s work that needs to be done. Preparations that need to be made.  Alliances that need re-shaping. Upgrades that need to be made to infrastructure.

So, I did…

Continue reading BolenReport – Old Dog – New Tricks…

Trump Meets Dr. Wakefield

Even though you see the headline, and the photo, you don’t believe it, do you?

By Kent Heckenlively, J.D.

Could the new President-Elect of our country, Donald J. Trump, have really met with Dr. Andrew Wakefield?  You’ve probably heard the rumors, maybe you’ve even seen the video of Wakefield saying that Trump understands our concerns and will never allow mandatory vaccinations.  He goes onto say that he believes Trump will investigate the problems at the CDC, including the allegations of Dr. William Thompson.

It’s all true…

How do I know?

Because I interviewed two people who were at that meeting.  Do you want facts?  It took place on August 11, 2016 in Kissimmee, Florida and lasting a little under an hour from four to five in the afternoon.

And it’s all in my new book, INOCULATED: How Science Lost its Soul in Autism, available right now on Amazon.  Here’s a little bit of a tease for you:

Continue reading Trump Meets Dr. Wakefield

America Plays its TRUMP Card… We Have Started the Change Process…

It is time to pay attention to the fact that those areas where AMERICAN JOBS were intentionally destroyed are those communities that have a high number of churches, and church goers…

And now we, as Americans, need to address that issue, itself.  Starting right now. Conciliation is ONE THING.  Fixing problems is another.

Self-styled “Progressives,” The liberal Hillary Clinton-type Democrats, are some of the most blissfully bigoted, hateful, destructive, immoral, racist, elitist, self-serving people on Planet Earth.

Want a quick view of “Progressives” – look at those condescending media types sneering at Americans all during the Presidential campaign and over the “Vaccine Damaged Children” issues.  Note how THEY decide Political correctness (PC) of American’s speech habits?

Yup, I am one of those “Deplorables” they sneered at…

On November 8th, 2016, the REAL people of America, normally kind and considerate, woke up and bitch-slapped the entire “Progressive” movement.   And the “Progressives” are in shock…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen


Frankly, that bitch-slapping process has just begun.  We Americans have run out of kindness, and patience.

Continue reading America Plays its TRUMP Card… We Have Started the Change Process…

After Our Man Trump Wins the Oval Office, Who Are We Going to Criminally Prosecute?

I Mean, Besides the Clintons, and Their Criminal Apparatus…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

This 2016 election process has brought out the secrets behind the globalists’ nasty plan for the destruction of America.

And, we are ALL very tired of that..

Personally, I do NOT much like the way things have been going in the United States.   The way we Americans are being manipulated, treated like dirt, has made me, and I think, hundreds of millions of Americans say “enough is enough. What is happening is not just wrong, it is CRIMINAL.”  The Vaccine Hoax for instance, is a primary example.

But, I don’t think just electing Donald Trump as President is enough.  We need to go much further…

I think we need to awaken from our comfort zones, drag certain of these globalist-elite people, in power, out of their lairs, and put them in prison we they belong.

And throw away the keys…

Continue reading After Our Man Trump Wins the Oval Office, Who Are We Going to Criminally Prosecute?

Taking Back Health Freedom in California, One Candidate at a Time…

OK, in the interest that Tim Bolen doesn’t tell anymore “Trophy Wife” stories, even though that story was completely adorable and Jan has to put up with so much; I decided that I needed to write another article that is pertinent to defeating forced vaccination mandates.

Opinion by: Karri Lewis AWAKE California


In local California political races, there are two great candidates that need our support.

I first met Fullerton City Council candidate, Joe Imbriano, when we connected through the AWAKE California facebook page. In the very early stages of senate bill 277, we spoke on the phone a few times. Our discussions were about stopping this terrible infringement on parental rights and the horrible consequences of forced vaccinations.

Continue reading Taking Back Health Freedom in California, One Candidate at a Time…

Anti-Vaxxers on a Roll… New Anti-Vax Lawsuits (2) in Michigan… Hooray!!!

Legal Actions Popping Up Everywhere…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen


I am VERY pleased over the massive escalation of the Anti-Vaxxer movement.  Vaccines, in general, are crap, and the public is waking up to that fact, in spades.

More, that same public is beginning to understand how, and why, the whole vaccine hoax came to be perpetrated on humanity.

Of course it is about money, first.  Huge gobs of it, and not just in the hands of the drug lords, but spread among the bureaucratic pencil-necks, eager for one step up, one extra symbol of importance, in their minor fiefdoms.

The Michigan Thing…

I was born and raised in Michigan – Detroit and Grand Rapids areas – with a summer place on one of those (literally) eleven thousand lakes. Life, there, really is dependent upon the seasons.

Michigan’s economy is something else entirely.

The REAL 2016 Michigan – Abandoned auto plant – No jobs for anyone…

Years ago, Michigan’s economy was dependent upon the fate of the US auto industry, but things happened, and the  world changed.  Michigan did not adapt – it became something else entirely – perhaps a place, or an entity, that began to eat itself.  It has become a Democratic Party State.

More, though, and of utmost importance, is the descent into corruption of the State bureaucracy – particularly, the State Department of Health and Human Services – the Michigan agency also in charge of the Childhood Vaccine Program.

From The Blaze article:

 Charges Filed Against Six More State Employees in Flint Water Scandal

Continue reading Anti-Vaxxers on a Roll… New Anti-Vax Lawsuits (2) in Michigan… Hooray!!!

November 8th, 2016 – The Revival of America, or Globalist Destruction?


Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

There are VERY INTERESTING CHOICES being made available to American voters on election day, November 8th, 2016.

In short, the argument is about the future of the United States as a nation.  Hillary Clinton is owned, outright, by the Globalists – and does not hide it at all.  Trump wants to restore America, reversing the damage done to our economy, get rid of the $800 billion trade deficit, bring ALL jobs back to the US, secure our borders, and take care of Americans first.

The completely corrupt US media backs Clinton openly, taking every opportunity to mock Trump and his supporters (The Deplorables) – which is a message all by itself.

On the one hand we have Hillary Clinton, supported by Planet Earth’s “one-percenters,” who, recently, when subpoenaed by Congress:

“Clinton and her flunkies deleted 33,000 emails (at least) that were public records under subpoena. They also smashed laptops and dunked at least 13 separate Blackberry devices in the toilet to destroy them.”

On the other hand we have Donald Trump –  the Clinton machine accuses him of sexual improprieties 11, and 35 years ago.  (Insert laughter here).

Trump, of course, has made it completely clear that when he takes over as President, a Special Prosecutor will be appointed to investigate the Clintons – and Hillary will go to jail.

We’ll see what happens election night.

Continue reading November 8th, 2016 – The Revival of America, or Globalist Destruction?

Hillary Clinton “One-Worlders” In a Panic Over Hard-Charging, Heroic, Anti-Vaxxer Movement…

The US Mandatory Vaccine Program Has Nothing to Do With Preventing Disease.  It is Just a Vehicle For a GMO Delivery System…

New Vaccines in the Approval Pipeline Are Designed to Genetically Modify Children…

But Anti-Vaxxers Are Mangling the Grand Plan…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen


Genetic Manipulation? Yup.  You don’t have to look very far to find the world of genetic engineering in vaccines.  It is right here in front of us.

Everyone in the autism world knows about the “Autism Research Funds” scandal.  Congress allocated 1.6 billion dollars to find the causes of autism – twice.  But NONE of the money was EVER spent on Autism research.  It all went into studying genetics.

Huh?  How did that happen?  Good questions…

The Reality…

The intent, I  believe, of the Childhood Vaccine Mandates has NOTHING to do with eradicating infectious diseases.

We know that that “vaccines are saving humanity” story is false, for ALL of those infectious diseases were wiped out in the US, long before vaccines came around – with improved sanitation, better food, and more of it.  Public health records show the truth.

The Childhood Vaccine Program, in the US, I believe, is a DNA and Population Control Program where health officials will be able to decide whether YOUR family name survives the cut – meaning “Will YOUR children be allowed to reproduce?”

I think this program is the next generation combination of (1) A “Hitler’s Super Race” operation (on steroids), and (2)  The establishment of the means to create a “Delta” society similar to what Aldous Huxley wrote about in “Brave New World.”  From Schmoop:

“Like Greek life on college campuses around the country, the society in Brave New World is split into five castes: Alphas, Betas, Gammas, Deltas, and Epsilons, with a few minor distinctions in between.

Because of the technology wielded by the World State’s leaders, caste is pre-determined and humans are grown in a manner appropriate to their status; the lower the caste, the dumber and uglier the individual is created to be.

As adults, the upper two castes interact socially with each other but never with the lesser groups—that would totally be social suicide.

Class is yet another mechanism for stability and control on the part of the government. It’s also a big part of the reason that personal identity goes by the wayside in this novel—Gammas, Deltas, and Epsilons are simply faceless drones in color-coded outfits who exist to serve the more intelligent Alphas and Betas.”

Can Vaccines Actually Do That?

Yup.  They sure can.  And they are.  Just look at all of those little eleven year old girls whose parents were too stupid to block them from getting the “slut vaccine.”  Have ANY of those little girls survived that without damage?  Probably not.  Those parents need not worry about having grandchildren – they are going to be too busy, anyway, taking care of that now eleven year old, when she is fifty-five and still slobbering… Continue reading Hillary Clinton “One-Worlders” In a Panic Over Hard-Charging, Heroic, Anti-Vaxxer Movement…

Hillary Clinton PERSONALLY Arranged For Chinese Vaccine Manufacturers to Avoid US Government Scrutiny…

Chinese Made Vaccines are “Pre-Approved” by the World Health Organization (WHO). They Completely Bypass Any US Agency Inspections…

Hide Your Children…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

The official publication of the World Health Organization (WHO) writes in their Bulletin an article called China Enters the Global Vaccine Market.”   

The article points points out that Hillary Clinton, in 2014, played the NUMBER ONE  role in allowing Chinese vaccine manufacturers to completely bypass US vaccine testing requirements, and thereby allowing direct from the factory to American children WITH NO QUALITY CONTROL in between.

From the article:

“The Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI) has been working with Chinese suppliers to support their applications for WHO prequalification for several vaccine candidates for the last two years, says Joshua Chu, CHAI’s Director, Vaccines Markets.”

Yes, you read that right….

Those of you that are surprised, and dismayed, are in for a further rude awakening…

The drug industry, with Hillary Clinton, and the rest of the Clinton Foundation “Pay-To-Play” network have arranged FAR MORE than a vaccine deal with China.  China has  a “Free-Ride” over ALL drugs manufactured for the US market.  And they’ve had that “Free-Ride” for years.

Inspections are a Joke…

Continue reading Hillary Clinton PERSONALLY Arranged For Chinese Vaccine Manufacturers to Avoid US Government Scrutiny…

Vaccine Holocaust Denialists…

Why are We Playing Games?  Vaccines are the WORST Thing to Ever Happen to Humanity.  We Cannot Let This Horror Show Go On…

And It Is All Part of  Something Much Larger, and Scarier…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

Somehow, or other, “We The People” allowed a bunch of moral and ethical lowlifes to sneak a FAKE “lifesaving project” into our midst proclaiming it to be the do-all, end-all, final solution to infectious disease – Vaccines.

Anybody with a brain that still works knows that vaccines are a terrible, horrible, dangerous hoax.

So how did we get to the point where the California State Legislature would MANDATE the injection of whatever is in those Made-in-China death-pus-tubes into our children as a requirement to be able to go to school?

And, there are even stranger things going on in our world.

We, as a society, are at the edge of insanity…

The Boiled Frog Effect…

We are victims of, as Karri Lewis says in the article “California Vaccine Mandates and The Boiled Frog Effect.

“Do you remember that old “science” experiment where a frog immediately jumps out of a pot of boiling water when placed directly into that boiling water?

However, when the frog is placed in a pot of cold water and the temperature of the water is very slowly raised to a boil, the frog stays in the pot and boils to death?

At this point, you’re probably wondering what this has to do with California, vaccine mandates, and BOUGHT, Pharmaceutical-owned politicians?

Stay with me here.

Imagine now that the frog is the public at large, the boiling water represents vaccine mandates and the Pharmaceutical Industry; and the cold water represents the California State government.

This is ALL very good imagery to explain HOW the Pharmaceutical companies became so entangled and enmeshed within the California State government.

Like the frog being brought to a boil, slowly, the California public has been led to forced vaccination medical experimentation and mandates.”

Fortunately the water temperature, at this point, is only at the upper end of uncomfortable – like a hot tub on a cold night, when you first get in it.

Continue reading Vaccine Holocaust Denialists…

VAXXED: Why the Documentary is Like the Normandy Landings for the Autism Community…

by Kent Heckenlively JD

On Thursday, September 8, 2016 at 7:30 p.m. I hosted a screening of VAXXED: From Cover-Up to Catastrophe at the Crow Canyon Cinemas in my hometown of San Ramon, California.

Brandy Vaughn, the former pharmaceutical sales representative from Merck and now a health activist, joined me for a panel discussion after the movie.  We ended up selling a hundred and thirty two tickets, a number beyond my wildest expectations.

But it was something deeper than showing of a film.  It was an opportunity for my wife and our 16 year-old neuro-typical son to better understand what we have been living with for the past eighteen years.

My daughter, Jacqueline is vaccine-injured and severely autistic. 

While my son spends his summers in the weight room working out to earn a spot on his high school track team, my daughter has trouble walking.  That is the reality of my life.  I rescued my son from the path of autism, but have not yet rescued my daughter.

Continue reading VAXXED: Why the Documentary is Like the Normandy Landings for the Autism Community…

Anti-SB 277 Momentum. Picking Up Speed…

Vaccines Under Attack Everywhere.  Hooray!

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen  

I spoke to attorneys Jim Turner and Bob Moxley a few days ago about the fact that I keep getting inquiries from people wanting to be a Plaintiff in the new, revised, SB 277 lawsuit dismissed August 31st, 2016.  I, obviously, cannot help those potential Plaintiffs.  So, Jim and Bob set up a contact email for potential Plaintiffs to contact them directly.  It is:

[email protected]

That new lawsuit should be filed in the first week in October, 2016.  if you want to be a Plaintiff, and think you qualify, send them an email with details.  To get an idea what they are looking for in a Plaintiff, go to this article, and scroll about a quarter page down down until you find a section called “The Plaintiffs, the Individuals.”  Read that.  If your situation looks anything like any of those, or is even close, send your email.  

But, do it soon.

Continue reading Anti-SB 277 Momentum. Picking Up Speed…

Before you Complain About Your Doctor to the State Medical Board…

Tales from The Rabbit Hole…

by Alan Hysinger

For my next installment, we are going to visit feedback from blog and social commentary on my previous post, “Kicked to the curb for refusing to vaccinate…”Of course, owing all due credit to the bloggers who inspired that post, their ideas have led to a virtual feeding frenzy of new ideas to most effectively target unfriendly doctors and sic the system on them.

In this post, we will explore a few of them.

An ounce of thoughtfulness is worth a pound of Jurisprudence…

Perhaps the most important bit of feedback that presented itself is: Make sure you file only legitimate complaints with the Medical Boards. This can’t be stressed enough. You could potentially face legal consequences for filing false reports. For anything outside of a strictly factual and legitimate report, I’ll have to refer you to a lawyer of your choice.

That said, nobody should fear filing an accurate complaint against a doctor who treated you or your child. Use your heads.

Continue reading Before you Complain About Your Doctor to the State Medical Board…

Kicked to the curb for refusing to vaccinate…

Tales from The Rabbit Hole…

by Alan Hysinger

Is this Part 1 in “Tales from The Rabbit Hole”?  I’m not sure, I think past posts qualify for that designation. This is kind of a meta post, where I’ve observed a connection between a couple of recent blog posts, by Levi Quackenboss and JB Handley.

So open your tray table and tilt your seat back while I take you on a short journey connecting the dots.

Done Playing Nice

In Levi’s recent post, “Done playing nice” she (or is it he?) echoes a call to action by an individual (s)he declines to name:

“Here’s the plan: if you’ve got a kid who became autistic, allergic, epileptic, or diabetic after childhood vaccines, you’ve got to file a complaint against that doctor. Gone are the days of being told it was a coincidence. No more will we quietly find a like-minded physician and transfer care. Today is the day to take the first step to standing up and saying, “What happened to my child was unacceptable, and it’s time they answer for it.”

The basic idea is to flood medical boards across the nation with complaints against doctors for their failures to achieve informed consent when vaccinating your children. Before I drill down into the beauty of this tactic, let me digress for a second here, to recall a bumper sticker I saw some 25 or so years ago while driving up the 101 near Morro Bay, CA:


Got that? The machine comes pre-built with features that amplify your rage against it.

Continue reading Kicked to the curb for refusing to vaccinate…

SB 277 – Medical Exemptions – The California Medical Board is Going to Take Bob Sears MD’s Medical License Away From Him…

He’s Going to Be the “Poster Boy” For Execution…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen


Is the California Medical Board (CMB) REALLY Going to take Bob Sears’s medical license?   Yup, and his support network will whine, whimper, scream, shout, pout, dress-alike, kick-their-feet, and ruminate, all to no affect.  They’ll make a lot of noise on FaceBook.  There will be photos with Congressmen.  But, there will be NO ACTIVITY to actually do something to really help Bob, or themselves.

Why?  Because his support network has NO IDEA what the real problems are, much less have any ideas on how to solve those problems.  Why?  They NEVER do any background research – they just EMOTE for a day or two, or a week, then move on to the next FaceBook tidbit.

Is it possible to save Bob’s license?  Yup.  I already see the way – it just took a little research.  Below, I’ll outline it for you.

Who is Bob’s support network?  The Canary Party/Health Choice (CP/HC) nitwits.  Bob was right there during those bungled attempts to stop SB 277 legislation singing in the choir the We know that vaccines are safe and effective (sniff, sniff) we just want personal choice (whimper, whimper)” song.

Over the next few weeks you’ll see what looks like mobilization for Bob.  But, like the first four campaigns, it will look good on the outside, but will have no substance, and will accomplish absolutely NOTHING.

Poor Bob…

A lifetime of helping others, and he’s going to go down the drain.

Maybe Not…

Continue reading SB 277 – Medical Exemptions – The California Medical Board is Going to Take Bob Sears MD’s Medical License Away From Him…

California…Keep your Children Vaccine Injury Free…Get a Medical Exemption

Opinion by Karri Lewis AWAKE California

While we are all anxiously awaiting for the preliminary federal court ruling for a Preliminary Injunction order against totalitarian and oppressive SB277, time marches on and the schools are back in session.

During this time period between the SB277 Injunction ruling and school enrollment, there are those that are willing and able to wait it out.

But for everyone else that cannot homeschool or has to return to the normal work schedule, a medical exemption to protect your children should be in the cards.

The expense of a medical exemption is WELL WORTH PROTECTING your CHILD.

Continue reading California…Keep your Children Vaccine Injury Free…Get a Medical Exemption

SB 277 Lawsuit – What’s Going to Happen August 12th, 2016 at the Preliminary Injunction Hearing?…

This is only the BEGINNING  of the Battle…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen  

California Senate Bill 277, perhaps the most obvious takeover of State Government by international corporations in America’s history, forcing “Made-in-China” death pus tubes (vaccines) on California’s innocent children, has been legally challenged by the North American Health Freedom Movement.

The first major battle, with both sides lining up their expert legal argument brigades in front of San Diego Federal Court Judge Dana M. Sabraw, will start at 1:30 PM in Courtroom 13A, a small 30-seat enclave, used for Motion Hearings, and things like that. Continue reading SB 277 Lawsuit – What’s Going to Happen August 12th, 2016 at the Preliminary Injunction Hearing?…

The “New” California Health Freedom Movement is in REALLY Bad Shape…

Simply Spoken – They Cannot  Fight This SB 277 Battle On Their Own  – They don’t know how…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

This newsletter post is aimed directly at my “Old” friends and associates in the North American Health Freedom Movement. But, even if you are not one of those, please continue.  I’m telling you, right now, that we, the Health Freedom leaders,  need to step in even more than we have, providing  BASIC TRAINING for activists.  I kid you not.

BASIC Training?

The situation is so bad in California that  the groups that band together, for the most part, have little or no organizational or planning skills.  They have no idea what is valuable and what is not.   Worse, they compete to be ”LEADER” having NOTHING to offer as leadership.   It really is that bad.

In a way – it is our fault…

They lost the first three anti-SB 277 campaigns using amazingly poor tactics and strategies  – if you can call ANYTHING they did a “strategy.”  It really is “The Blind Leading the Blind…”

They do really DUMB things, and they don’t want ANY advice…  I’ll tell you about one of those situations in a minute.

And, they get irate, and whimpery, when somebody like me says “you didn’t do that very well…”

These people think FaceBook is an organizing tool.

In the words of Kent Heckenlively JD – “Arghh…”

So, let’s start right out.

Continue reading The “New” California Health Freedom Movement is in REALLY Bad Shape…

I’m Not Asking You to Smoke Crystal Meth . . . I Just Want You to Watch a Documentary…

I think I’m going to have to get some new friends.  Seriously…

By Kent Heckenlively, JD


Have any of you felt the same way as you’ve tried to book a showing of VAXXED: From Cover-Up to Catastrophe in your hometown or support a screening that somebody had already set up?

I think the most disappointing of the group was a friend who is a fellow attorney and not only did we go to high school, college, AND law school together, but this friend is such a bleeding heart that I don’t think there has been a single injustice over the past thirty-five years that he has not expressed an outrage about.  However, it seems that I am the exception.

I have been astounded by the response of some long-time friends who when I say, “Hey, there’s this documentary about a whistle-blower at the CDC and the cover-up of the link between vaccines and autism, do you want to come and see it?”  They act like I’m denying the existence of God.  No, scratch that.  If I asked them to come to a movie about an atheist, I’d get a better response.  In very poignant emails back to me they have said that they will not even put at risk their “fugitive and cloistered virtue” (to steal from the poet, John Milton) by exposing themselves to the possibility that the government is lying to them.


Continue reading I’m Not Asking You to Smoke Crystal Meth . . . I Just Want You to Watch a Documentary…

Homeschooling is VERY MUCH LEGAL in California, Despite Internet Rumors…

California SB277 Education Refugees Victimized By Cruel Hoax…

Opinion By Karri Lewis – AWAKE California


I began fielding questions about the legality of homeschooling in California early last week.

At first, I did not think much of it because it was just one high profile Canary Party vaccine activist from another state that had heard a rumor about homeschooling becoming illegal in California. Continue reading Homeschooling is VERY MUCH LEGAL in California, Despite Internet Rumors…