The Entire US Democratic Party Is Wholly Owned By “Big Pharma” – No Exceptions…
Vaccine Mandates (Forced Medications) Were The Entire “Behind The Scenes” 2020 Election Issue – and SO FAR the Democrats have delivered on their promises.
This article is republished from November 27th, 2021. You will see why…
I have just been sitting here watching the battle to control humanity unfold. It is, in fact, epic.
In the US, for instance, the battle centers around the idea that all Americans need to be moved from a “One man one vote” philosophy to a “do as you are told immediately when a government employee says to do something” scenario. The Democrats are dead serious about accomplishing this.
The concept of “Vaccine Mandates” has NOTHING to do with disease prevention, and EVERYTHING to do with controlling every aspect of every human’s mental and body functions.
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To make what follows more readily understandable for the BolenReport’s North American, British and Antipodean readers, I must first briefly explain how the German government system works. It is quite different to most of those in the English speaking world.
Yes, the BolenReport is a health care newsletter. The issues discussed here, are important to health care because…
How the German government works…
Firstly, although there is a president, he has very little authorityand his principle task is to rubber stamp the decisions of the German parliament, called the Bundestag.
The most powerful figure is the Chancellor (Kanzler in German) who is, notionally, the leader of the party having a majority of the seats in the Bundestag. Since the formation of the Bundes Republic Deutschland, no one party has ever managed to gain an overall majority. All current German governments are, therefore, formed by coalitions.
For the last several decades, governments have been formed either by a coalition lead by the socialist party (the SPD) or the “The Union” (a partnership between the CDU and the CSU). Currently, it is the Union which holds power and Merkel, leader of the larger CDU in The Union is Kanzler. Thebanking cartel owns the CDU lock, stock and barrel.
In Germany it is actually illegal to mention the historical origin of the CDU (Christian Democrat Union). This was the party of Adolf Hitler and friends which just changed its name after the war. This may explain why so many Hitler and Gestapo laws have been re-enacted by Merkel over the last 3 – 4 years. There is also a persistent rumour that she is actually related to Hitler.
Not only the German people but also many politicians have reacted to this. A new party has come into existence called the AfD (Alternative for Deutschland). The members are, to a large extent, those who could no longer stomach the exploitation of the German people and have left the other parties to join the AfD.
In the last German General election in September 2017…
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At California Senator Richard Pan’s most recent Town Hall Meeting regarding Senate Bill 18, the Children’s Bill of Rights, many parents claimed that they were completely shut out of these Town Hall Meetings.
These so-called Town Hall Meetings are supposed to be open to all members of the public.
Parents allege that they were prevented from speaking, while many seemingly paidproponents of the bill were invited to speak, and often past their allotted amount of time.
In addition, the people that spoke in support of the bill, had presumed financial incentives and ties that would directly benefitthemselves and state agencies by the passage of SB18.
Sounds like SB277 deja vu all over again…
Conflicts of Interest…
People who made negative comments on an autism post on Senator Richard Pan’s facebook page were allegedly moved to the overfill room and prevented from speaking at the “Town Hall Meeting.”
When one parent, emboldened by not being allowed to speak, decided to stand up and speak anyway at the end of the meeting, the lights were shut off.
People began chanting their opposition to Senate Bill 18 and the stealing of parental rights.
The lights continued to stay turned off, as people chanted and stumbled through the dark.
I sure hope that Senator Pan didn’t cause anyone to be injured by this reckless and irrational behavior.
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“Nearly 30 years ago, an essay in Mother Jones magazine asked: “Would JFK Be a Hero Now?” If the answer wasn’t obvious then, it certainly is now. In today’s political environment, a candidate like JFK — a conservative champion of economic growth, tax cuts, limited government, peace through strength — plainly would be a hero. Whether he would be a Democrat is a different matter altogether.” -Boston Globe
“He (JFK) was anything but a big-spending, welfare-state liberal. “I do not believe that Washington should do for the people what they can do for themselves through local and private effort,” Kennedy bluntly avowed during the 1960 campaign. One of his first acts as president was to institute a pay cut for top White House staffers, and that was only the start of his budgetary austerity. “To the surprise of many of his appointees,” longtime aide Ted Sorensen would later write, he “personally scrutinized every agency request with a cold eye and encouraged his budget director to say ‘no.’
On the other hand, he was a Cold War anticommunist who aggressively increased military spending. He faulted his Republican predecessor for tailoring the nation’s military strategy to fit the budget, rather than the other way around. “We must refuse to accept a cheap, second-best defense,” JFK said during his run for the White House. He made good on that pledge, pushing defense spending to 50 percent of federal expenditures and 9 percent of GDP, both far higher than today’s levels. Speaking in Texas just hours before his death, he proudly took credit for building the US military into “a defense system second to none.”
It really is time to face Reality. The communist wing and welfare state of the Democratic Party is NOT working.
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According to the US Supreme Court in the 1979 Parham Versus J.R Case:
California Senator Richard Pan’s attack on Californian’s Parental Rights has morphed into an all out assault on family and religious rights – in complete defiance of the US Constitution.
Senate Bill 18 is the culmination of all of a totalitarian socialist state’s hatred for liberty and freedom.
Senate Bill 18 is dangerous because it is made to look not harmful or offensive, so that it might pass easily.
Senate Bill 18 allows “professionals” approved by the state to make these decisions, and more, for your child.
This bill is the FOUNDATION for the rules and regulations that Senator Richard Pan will add at a later date; most likely under the radar and away from the prying eyes of the public.
Senator Pan currently sits on 17 different state committees, including the Children with Special Needs committee, which is ironic considering all of the additional vaccine injuries that his Senate Bill 277 has caused.
Senator Pan has a lot of influence in Sacramento and with the other California Senators.
Many believe that since Senator Pan has strong ties to Big Pharma that he intends to add MANY REQUIRED Medical Interventions for Children.
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As if hell bent on destroying the family unit; and enacting the state of California as guardian (sic) of ALL of the state’s children, Senator Richard Pan wasted no time in beginning another attack on parental rights.
Senate Bill 18 is a parent’s worst nightmare come true.
In a townhall event put on by Senator Richard Pan in June 2016, it was announced that James P. Steyer from Common Sense Media was co-hosting the, “Talk with Experts and Provide your Input on the Children’s Bill of Rights Legislation,” advertised event.
Jim Steyer Common Sense Media
The flyer with that information can be found here.
This describes the non-profit, Common Sense Media’s mission statement according to Wikipedia:
“Common Sense Media reviews thousands of movies, TV shows, music, video games, apps, web sites and books. Based on developmental criteria, the reviews provide guidance regarding each title’s age appropriateness, as well as a “content grid” that rates particular aspects of the title including educational value, violence, sex, gender messages and role models, and more. For each title, Common Sense Media indicates the age for which a title is either appropriate or most relevant. An overall five-star quality rating is also included, as are discussion questions to help families talk about their entertainment. In addition to Common Sense Media’s traditional rating system, they also offer a set of learning based ratings, which are designed to determine complex educational values.[7][10]
Common Sense Media partners with a number of media companies that distribute the organization’s free content to more than 100 million homes in the United States. According to Common Sense Media’s website, the organization has content distribution contracts with Road Runner, TiVo, Yahoo!, Comcast, Time Warner Cable, DIRECTV, Disney, NBC Universal, Netflix, Best Buy, Google, AOL/Huffington Post, Fandango, Trend Micro, Verizon Foundation, Nickelodeon, Bing, Cox Communications, Kaleidescape, AT&T, and NCM.[11] The organization’s current rating system differs from the system used by the Motion Picture Association of America and the Entertainment Software Rating Board. It has received positive support from parents, and was singled out by US President Barack Obama as a model for using technology to empower parents.[12][13] Common Sense Media began allowing studios to use their ratings and endorsements in order to promote family-friendly movies in 2014. The first film to use the endorsement was Disney’s Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day.[14]”
Why on earth would Common Sense Media, a supposedly family friendly company, support the stealing of parental rights by the state of California via Senator Richard Pan?
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Like a prize fighter intent on pleasing his sponsors, California State Senator and Medical Doctor, Richard Pan is back to his parental-rights-stealing-ways.
Talk about Deja-Vu!
As if 2015’s Senate Bill 277; the stealing of parental rights for the right of pharmaceutical companies to forcibly inject poison into innocent school children (vaccinations), in exchange for Pharmaceutical Money and Vacations wasn’t enough; Senator Pan has set his sights on the State Ownership of ALL of California’s Children. Anyone noticing a theme here?
Introduced by Senator Pan on December 5, 2016, this is where Senate Bill 18 comes into play.
While the title of the bill seems innocuous, “Bill of Rights for Children and Youth in California,”this bill expands the California Bureaucracy’s endless control over your child.
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It has been common knowledge, for a long time, that Hillary Clinton, and her husband, Bill, are not the kind of people the average American would want as neighbors.
Likely, they’d steal your lawnmower, poison your dog, smash up your car. Hillary’s angry screaming would keep the entire neighborhood awake every night – before, and after, an almost endless line of sex partners for both of them – were brought, and taken away, in police vehicles. According to the newest Anthony Weiner computer seizure records, quite a few of those sex partners were/are unwilling children.
Typical Democrats right?
Well, not actually too far afield…
What, Exactly, is a 2016 Democrat?
(1) For one thing, and most important, is that the typical 2016 Democrat does NOT find a whole lot wrong with Hillary and Bill’s activities. That fact, says volumes..
Volumes. Frankly ALL 2016 Democrats are all about a sense of “Entitlement.”
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OK, in the interest that Tim Bolen doesn’t tell anymore “Trophy Wife” stories, even though that story was completely adorable and Jan has to put up with so much; I decided that I needed to write another article that is pertinent to defeating forced vaccination mandates.
In local California political races, there are two great candidates that need our support.
I first met Fullerton City Council candidate, Joe Imbriano, when we connected through the AWAKE California facebook page. In the very early stages of senate bill 277, we spoke on the phone a few times. Our discussions were about stopping this terrible infringement on parental rights and the horrible consequences of forced vaccinations.
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I met her when she was sixteen. I was an old, and worldly nineteen year-old, home on Christmas leave with the United States Navy.
My parents had moved from Michigan to California in mid-1962, my Dad selling his Pharmacy interests in Grand Rapids, to head for the High Desert Antelope Valley where the winters weren’t nearly so devastating to my Mother’s bones broken so long ago in an auto accident before I was born. Indeed, the Doctors were right about the warmth of the American Southwest. Mom got a new life.
Dad easily got a job with Los Angeles County. There, with a conversation with co-workers it was determined that one of those had a daughter in a Catholic Girl’s school in Los Angeles who would, also, would be home for the Christmas holidays. One day, aboard ship, I got the only letter I ever got from my Dad, explaining the plan where I would meet this girl.
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California Civil Code section 3510, “When the reason for a rule ceases, so should the rule itself.”
In 2005, the UNESCO Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights, of which the US is a signatory, was created.
From the Declaration: “Any preventive, diagnostic and therapeutic medical intervention is only to be carried out with the prior, free and informed consent of the person concerned, based on adequate information….The interests and welfare of the individual should have priority over the sole interest of science or society.”
It is simply a violation for human rights under this decade old declaration to coerce an individual to obtain a medical procedure.
When it comes to vaccines, some think the goal of “herd immunity,” is a public health emergency that overrides informed consent, but make note of the fact that hear immunity is just an EPIDEMIOLOGICAL construct and cannot be applied to vaccinated communities. The notion of herd immunity was built on the understanding that children developed immunity to a disease after experiencing it. Today, we are told that vaccines can achieve the same level of immunity, but only if we vaccinate the bulk of the herd.
However outbreaks of childhood illnesses are happening in highly vaccinated communities because vaccines don’t work as advertised. They are unavoidably unsafe (as per the Supreme Court) and their efficacy is often far less than stellar. Continue reading Vaccines, Bioethics and Human Rights…
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As many of you already know, the California Attorney General has filed a complaint against Dr. Bob Sears with the California Medical Board, for writing a Medical Exemption for a vaccine injured child. This despite Senator Pan’s reassurances that the Medical Exemption would remain a viable option for children needing it.
This is the line in the sand. What’s at stake here is your Doctor’s freedom to be a Doctor and use their own skills and analysis to determine if a treatment is valid for a patient.
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As soon as they enter the bakery, Hillary steals three pastries and puts them in her pocket.
She says to Donald, “See how clever I am? The owner didn’t see anything and I don’t even need to lie.”
“I will definitely win the election.”
The Donald says to Hillary, “That’s the typical dishonesty you have displayed throughout your entire life, trickery and deceit. I am going to show you an honest way to get the same result.”
Donald goes to the owner of the bakery and says, “Give me a pastry and I will show you a magic trick.”
Intrigued, the owner accepts and gives him a pastry. Trump swallows it and asks for another one.
The owner gives him a second one. Trump eats it.
Then Donald asks for a third pastry – and eats it too.
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While the people of California have some challenging times ahead of them in the fight for health freedom, there are folks that are gathering and willing to work together with TRANSPARENCY and PERSONAL ACCOUNTABILITY.
55.000 Member Texas Health Freedom Coalition Guides Texas State legislation and more…
(1) The meeting was significant in a number of ways. First, the participants agreed to cooperate under the umbrella of the newly formed Texas Health Freedom Coalition (THFC).
The rationale was that a large umbrella organization acting cooperatively would be more influential, by virtue of their greater numbers, at the state legislature than a number of smaller groups, and simultaneously would be less vulnerable to attacks by the trade union organizations seeking to monopolize various segments of the health care field.
(2) Second, since the THFC would be the actor of record, the credit for victories and advances would be shared among the groups as a coalition. Each group would play its own meaningful role, and it was agreed that no single group would claim primary credit. As Radhia so aptly stated, “united we stand, divided we fall.”
(3) Third, our interactions among the groups would be transparent. While each group would, of course, continue to operate within their own governing structure, their THFC-related activities and decisions would be visible to all. No behind-the-scenes jockeying for advantage, no intramural squabbles, and no ego trips.
(4) Fourth, the groups agreed to work together on issues of common interest, with no public criticism of another group’s individual organizational agendas. Those common interest items were two: advancing health freedom of choice legislation in Texas and opposing the Texas dietitians who, as it turned out, had betrayed the clinical nutritionists and were now pursuing exclusionary licensing legislation benefiting only themselves.
Additionally, every one of the Texas leaders attending that meeting did so in their collective capacity as volunteers. There were no professional state level organizational leaders, which meant that no one had an overriding personal (i.e., economic) agenda.
The final agenda item was the selection of the THFC chair. To my surprise, I was asked to fill that position. In hindsight, it made sense. The combination of my military/organizational background and the equally important fact that I represented no organization other than one advocating strictly for health freedom meant that I could assume the role of honest broker, should any intramural disputes arise.
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Under the guise of protecting the immunocompromised, last year the California State Legislature passed senate bill 277 and senate bill 792.
Senate bill 277 took away people’s informed consent rights by eliminating the personal and religious belief exemptions for the vaccines required for a public and private education.
Senate bill 792, also targeted adults, which includes; preschool teachers, day care workers and parent volunteers, for removal of informed consent rights, in regards to compulsory vaccination.
The MOST ABHORRENT part of this whole usurping of parental AND adult rights, was the claim that the immunocompromised, need UNRELIABLE, UNSCIENTIFICALLY-PROVEN Vaccine-Induced HERD IMMUNITY for their protection.
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Tim Bolen’s Note: My friend, attorney Rick Jaffe, is a lion in attorney clothing. He fears no one. In cutting edge health care circles he’s the litigator to call when the enemy is at the gate. His client list is a who’s who of the cutting-edge health world. I was having lunch with Rick at the Cal-Jam Event in Costa Mesa, California, talking about my BolenReport revision project – when I looked across the table and thought to myself “Holy Moley! This guy knows stuff about the problems of health care that even I don’t know… Hmmmm?” – and an idea was born. So, I said “Hey Rick, what’s wrong with the US health care system? Just below is his response…
Recently, the esteemed publisher/editor/writer of the Bolen Report asked me what I thought was wrong with the US healthcare system. I was taken aback. Even though I have been involved in health care cases, organizations, and legislative initiatives for a long time, I don’t often get asked big picture questions. I thought it might be a nice change of pace to put down some of my observations and general critiques of the system based on my 30 years in the healthcare arena and as a consumer of health care services. So here goes. Continue reading What’s Wrong with American Health Care?
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Now, we can begin the new project. Most of our new Authors have written articles. Each of which are superb.
As you noticed, Ken Stoller MD wrote three new articles, testing, as it were, how well the system worked. It worked better than expected. We had so much traffic on the temporary platform we lost the whole thing while trying to migrate it.
There was a moment of near panic, but the hosting company said “Hold that thought…” and just moved the pointer back to the original platform where everything still was. Their advice? “Let’s move this in the middle of the night” – which we did, and when I woke up this morning, it was all right there. And now we begin… Continue reading We’ve Moved the BolenReport to a New Neighborhood…
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On June 18th, 2010 attorneys for Doctor’s Data filed what’s now known as the Doctor’s Data v Barrett Federal Court case in Chicago, Illinois. It has turned into an epic.
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Many people send me personal emails about my articles, and most are right on point. Once in a while, like recently, a gem of information comes out – something that, as in this case, was right there in front of us all this time. And it is important that we take a look at it. Continue reading An Interesting Barrett Side Note… The T. R. Shantha, MD, PhD, FACA case…
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I thoroughly enjoy reading the latest legal filings in the Doctor’s Data v Barrett Federal Court case every time something new comes out – and something new HAS come out. Why do I enjoy them? Stephen Barrett is such a piece of work. He is, to me, a megalomaniac so immersed in his own crackpot view of the world that, after watching him for a while you can’t help but see humor in his antics – not one he, HIMSELF, would see, of course, but there none the less.
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