Official Analysis Shows – California SB277 FAILED…

California’s “Mandatory Vaccines For Children” Law, SB277, Passed In 2015, Accomplished ABSOLUTELY NOTHING…

But SB 277 Author Senator Richard Pan Tried to Cover That Up…

Now What?

Opinion by “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

Everyone in the civilized world knows about the huge fight over California Mandatory Vaccine Law SB277 requiring school children to get 74 “Made in China” vaccines injected into their fragile bodies before they are allowed to go to California Public Schools.  Vaccine damaged (Special Education) children litter the school landscape, nearly breaking the budget of Public Education.

But what virtually NO ONE knows is that an official study was done to determine the extent of success of SB277 in terms of improving vaccination rates – its intended focus.

Below we will show you what that study ACTUALLY found – and show you Richard Pan, and the pediatrician gang’s efforts to COVER UP those findings.

But, first some background…

SB277 was a  HUGE VICTORY for Big Pharma and its minions.  The legislation passed through the California legislature like prune juice in a Retirement Home – ending in a similar result.  Vaccine Holocaust Denialists smacked their lips in anticipation of enacting similar legislation in all 50 States…

But in THAT sense, despite massive funding from Big Pharma, and massive attention from liberal Democrats nationwide, no other State enacted anything close.  Why?

Because, overnight, after SB 277, the “Anti-Vaccine Movement” grew into a MASSIVE worldwide movement…

Rage over SB277 was everywhere.  Without doubt anti-vaxxers elected Donald Trump in Presidential Election 2016.

“Empress Hillary” made it VERY clear that when she was President, under her regime, EVERY man, woman and child in America would be force-vaccinated according to CDC guidelines.  Trump had simply said “No.”

And the war was on…

In California The Fight Over Children RAGES…

California’s super Chinese-Totalitarian-Communist Senator Richard Pan tried to cash-in on his SB277 success by authoring another big bit of “taking control of children away from parents” legislation.

SB 18 bill sponsor Common Sense Media’s Jim Steyer with what’s-her-name…

Senate Bill SB18, the so-called “Childrens Rights” bill would  have taken control of California’s children away from parents and given it to a non-profit organization run by Hillary Clinton’s friends and associates.

BolenReport writer Karri Lewis summed up the problem very concisely in her article:

Continue reading Official Analysis Shows – California SB277 FAILED…

Open Letter to Grand-Inquisitor Mueller – I Tried to Collude with Two Stones

Satire by Kent Heckenlively, JD

Dear Grand-Inquisitor Mueller:

Since you have no oversight, or check on your powers, and are effectively the Supreme Law of the Land I realize I must confess my sins to you BEFORE you come to my house with 29 FBI agents, 17 vehicles, watercraft, and a helicopter as you did to Roger Stone on the morning of January 25, 2019.

According to my email records I sent the following email to a person I will call Tony*, a New York publisher on February 4, 2017.


Thanks so much.  Susan Randol sent me the paperback version of PLAGUE which arrived yesterday and it looks great.

After Coast to Coast and Deirdre Imus, as well as a big article in Autism File magazine this month, I’ve set my sights on Alex Jones and Infowars.  I’ve been calling and leaving messages with them every day for about a  month and haven’t yet talked to an actual human being.  

I know Roger Stone appears on the show regularly and that he is a Skyhorse author.  Right now I am reading Stone and Skyhorse’s excellent new book, “The Making of the President 2016.”

I want to contact Jones to get Judy Mikovits on the show to hype PLAGUE, as well as myself to talk about PLAGUE, but also INOCULATED.  I think this is the best choice for our community to get the information about Thompson out to an audience who will not only be receptive to our message of the need for change, but also buy the book(s), then get LOUD!

I understand that this might be a big favor (for which I would feel deeply indebted to you) or perhaps a small favor (for which I would feel shallowly indebted), but in this rebel cause I believe it is a good strategy to chalk up a win for our side.

All the best, Kent Heckenlively

Tony* was very kind and tried to arrange things for me, writing back in an email on February 17, 2017:

I just had coffee with Roger and have discussed doing Alex Jones imprint.  I think you could write a book for that imprint.  Give me a week or two to talk this through.”

I have received no further information from Tony* on this question.

That was not my only foul and criminal attempt to get in touch with the arch-villain, Roger Stone…

Continue reading Open Letter to Grand-Inquisitor Mueller – I Tried to Collude with Two Stones

Jordan Sather – Truth-Seeker and Fellow Traveler…

Destroying The Illusions…

By Kent Heckenlively, JD

I’d like to introduce the readers of BolenReport to somebody I think is going to be a big deal for many years to come: Jordan Sather and his Destroying the Illusion” YouTube show and Facebook group.

I check for his YouTube episodes pretty much every day as I’m driving somewhere, listening through the BlueTooth on my cell-phone.

He covers topics ranging from the Q phenomena, UFOs, political intrigue, natural health, and sometimes he also talks about vaccines.  He first became aware of the vaccine issue when working at a health food store and it spurred his interest in other areas of forbidden knowledge.

I’d like the state my bias at the beginning of this article and say I have a great eye for talent.  In my opinion, Jordan is the strongest individual I’ve seen come out of the new media environment which I believe has already toppled the mainstream news complex.

I’m going to take a different approach to discussing this budding media superstar because I feel so much of the conversation about individuals in the media spotlight today focuses on how much individuals either support or disagree with the views expressed.

I’ve been on both sides of the Q issue and although I’m fascinated by UFOs, I can’t say anything about them one way or the other.

But what I do know is I LOVE intelligent discussions by somebody with an open mind and an engaging personality.  Those qualities engender trust in me and a distinct affection for the individual.

And even though I don’t know what to think about many of the topics he covers, the patterns of deception from “official” sources seems remarkably similar to what I have encountered in the vaccine and health realms.

So let me make a prediction about Jordan…

Continue reading Jordan Sather – Truth-Seeker and Fellow Traveler…

A Report from the “Health Care” Twilight Zone…

The Reality of The Value Of “Vitamin C” Will Not Go Away Despite The Best Efforts of Big Pharma…

This author believes that pharmaceutical companies lie because they cannot tell the truth and stay in business…

By Owen Fonorow – Vitamin C foundation

“Harvard found a 30% reduction in heart disease by taking a SINGLE daily vitamin C pill, meaning one pill would save more than 300,000 lives per year! One pill. Yet, medicine needs more “studies” before recommending vitamin C…

On July 15, 2003, I began to realize just how far my life had transmuted into the Twilight Zone. This thought struck quietly in the back of the hearing room at the Wisconsin Department of Licensing and Regulation (DORL) headquarters in Madison.

Tim and Jan Bolen at the Statue of Liberty

I had finally met the infamous Crisis Management Consultant Tim Bolen, who was working for an alternative doctor who had been attacked by the Wisconsin state medical board.

Tim was here organizing the counter-attack on behalf of his client – and it was a show-and-a-half.

I watched and listened intently as the crowd swelled, and swelled while the subject of the cross examination, the state’s star witness, and current President of the National Council Against Health Fraud (NCAHF) testified under oath that he had, in fact, collided with cars on two separate occasions while jogging.  (start to smile here, for the story gets better).

Dr. Robert Baratz, MD, DDS, PhD testified that after both incidents, he had attempted to collect damages. Unfortunately, the 70-year old Dean of Tuft’s University Law School was driving the second car he ran into. Baratz not only lost the case, he was also ordered to pay the Dean’s legal fees.

Thinking the testimony couldn’t get any stranger; frail, mild mannered, 100 lb and 70-year-old Florence Wilson, MD entered the room. The elderly lady had been flown in for this occasion. It seemed that Dr. Baratz and Dr. Wilson once worked for the same institution, and that there had been an “altercation.”

Baratz claimed that Dr. Wilson had “tugged” at his arm, attacking him “like a doberman,” causing it to lose all function. Baratz subsequently sued Wilson for 3 million dollars in damages. This disability was what he claimed kept him from the practice of medicine in recent years. Under oath, testimony was given that Dr. Baratz lost the lawsuit, but apparently he filed a workman’s compensation claim to “protect his rights.”

Dr. Baratz’s CV then claimed that he is a consultant to Congress. Under oath, it turned out that his consultancy was “testimony before a congressional Anti-Aging Committee against ‘anti-aging’ quakery.”

There was a notable gasp from the audience after he testified that the “skin rejuvenation clinic” he owns and runs brags about the “clinically proven power of antioxidants in the skin creams he sells.” He also testified that he had seen the studies supporting these statements.

For me, it was just another day in the Twilight Zone.

Continue reading A Report from the “Health Care” Twilight Zone…

Democratic Party “Name-Calling” – Desperate Response To Irrefutable Argument…

If You Are The Least Bit Conservative You Have To Have A Sense Of Humor To Deal With “So Serious” Liberals…

How To Have Fun With Liberals – A Primer…

Opinion by “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

Everyone knows that Hillary Clinton ran her 2016 election campaign right out of Saul Alinsky’s “Rules For Radicals” handbook.

The US Democratic Party lives by these rules – for they have NOTHING ELSE to use to try to manipulate the US population into accepting their Elite-run-Agenda21-communism-socialism form of government.  They offer absolutely NOTHING that would benefit Americans.

So, they revert to “Name-Calling…”

Definition – “Name calling” propaganda occurs when complementary or pejorative words are used by governments, individuals, or the media to describe another person or group. The purpose is to subliminally manipulate or influence public opinion in order to generate conformity with the opinions of those producing the propaganda.

“Name Calling” is a Combination of Five Of Alinsky’s Rules…

In Presidential election 2016 Empress Hillary ran on a progression of buzz-words.  Liberal media picked up on them and ran with these empty words as though they had value.  We all heard them – “deplorable, racist, xenophobic, glass-ceiling, blah-blah-blah-blah, blah-blah-blah-blah, blah-blah-blah-blah…”

The Populists that backed Trump, and Trump himself, had a well thought out campaign based upon significant ISSUES important to Americans.  They laid out those issues and showed plans to solve those problems – and MADE PROMISES.

The Democrats were dumbfounded when Trump actually addressed the American people with REAL ISSUES – and solutions.  They were even more dumbfounded when he began to deliver on those promises – something the Obama-Nation NEVER did.

The Democrats had NO COUNTER ARGUMENTS – absolutely NOTHING to offer America Except Hillary as Planet Earth’s first Empress..  And an Empress she intended to be.

Which five of Alinsky’s Rules?  These:

RULE 5: “Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon.”

RULE 6: “A good tactic is one your people enjoy.”

RULE 8: “Keep the pressure on. Never let up.”

RULE 10: “If you push a negative hard enough, it will push through and become a positive.”

RULE 12: Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.”

Why this combination?  Easy answer.  

Our buddy Steve Bannon was interviewed on ABC Australian television not so long ago by an ultra-liberal idiot woman who kept interjecting “racist, racist, racist, racist” while Steve was trying to explain to this dimwit the concept of “Economic Nationalism.”  It was VERY FUNNY to watch, for this woman was SO dumb-ass liberal that she really COULD NOT understand the simple concept Steve was carefully, and patiently, trying to relate.

I know that it is impolite to openly laugh at people in public but this woman was THE EPITOME of liberal STUPIDITY – and I played some segments several times for full enjoyment.  I have the video just below.

Before I show you the video I should explain something…

Continue reading Democratic Party “Name-Calling” – Desperate Response To Irrefutable Argument…

“Brexit” Now Spreading In Unexpected Directions…

The European Union (EU) Is Coming Apart…

The Globalists (Bankers and Big Pharma) are on the run…

“Brexit” opened people in  Europe’s eyes.  France, Italy, Germany, Poland, Hungary, the Netherlands, and Sweden are openly skeptical of staying in the EU.

Recent polls from the European Commission show support for the EU has dropped in all countries bar two, mirroring the rise in support for anti-EU parties.

A “Brexit,” of itself, is a very easy thing to achieve in any and all EU countries – assuming one has some backbone.  And it is well on its way in Europe.

From Europe by Karma Singh

For Instance, In Britain, Only Three Points are Necessary to leave the EU…

(1)  All EU institutions and regulatory bodies are to leave the UK forthwith.

a) Any employees who have lived in the UK for at least three years and have paid UK taxes or are married to UK citizens are free to seek alternative employment. Others are to return to their country of origin.

(2)   The free movement of peoples, with the safeguards which have been in place for more than a decade, is of benefit both to the UK and to other EU countries. No change is needed here.

(3)   Free trade has been of benefit both to the UK and other EU countries and there is no need to make any changes.

Then we have the “Red Herring” of the Northern Ireland / Eire border.

Many decades ago, before the UK joined the then European Economic Community, I was in charge of a department in a shipping company sending goods to and fro across this border. The arrangements then worked very smoothly and we never had a delay at the border. This can easily be resurrected and inconvenience almost no-one.

There is, further, not the slightest justification for the enormous bill which the bankers seek to impose upon the British people for “allowing” them the right of self-determination. This is not something that the bankers can sell because they do not own it (but selling things that do not have and do not own is the core of the banking business – so no surprise there). Such demands are to summarily dismissed.

The essential point here is that the British People have declared their will for a return to self-determination. The EU Bankocrats wish to keep us in complete subjugation to their despotic will. Theresa May has been their willing tool to betray the British people and I am rather disappointed that Parliament didn’t have the backbone to sack her.

On other fronts, however, a consortium of “lesser” EU states, specifically Italy, Poland, Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovenia and (maybe) Austria are beginning to work together on a programme to eliminate the banker’s plutocracy and absolute rule of the European peoples and to end the connivance of George Soros who, very obviously, gives them their instructions. Their aim is the return to self-determination for the European peoples within a looser framework controlled by the people instead of the bankers.

Germany and France, on the other hand, are pushing hard to eliminate the nation states by fudging the borders, i.e., for example, Franco/German territory being forced upon Poland and Spain and vice-versa.

More details here…

Continue reading “Brexit” Now Spreading In Unexpected Directions…

“Failing” New York Times “Fails Again” on Vaccines

Normally I don’t interrupt the enemy when they’re in the midst of destroying themselves…

Opinion by Kent Heckenlively JD

However, the recent article in The New York Times entitled “How to Inoculate Against Anti-Vaxxers…”

…published on January 19, 2019 by no less that The Editorial Board of the old, feeble, and demented gray lady was just too much to pass up.

They just had to comment on the World Health Organization (WHO)’s recent ranking of “vaccine hesitancy” as one of the top 10 health threats for the world in 2019.

Got that?  The parents of vaccine-injured children, exhausted and tired by their disabled children, take time out of their over-stressed lives to mount a campaign to save other children, only to get attacked for being a threat to the public. 

I think one of the reasons I get so much satisfaction out of writing books about this issue is I know that when the truth is revealed there will be only a few sources to which people can turn to know what really happened.

My book, INOCULATED: How Science Lost its Soul in Autism will be one of those few sources. (And after you read it, please include an Amazon review.)

The New York Times gives us far more credit than we deserve.  Let’s tell the truth, there’s NO MONEY in it for those of us who are fighting against vaccines.  Those who are fighting for vaccines, are fighting for a product with nearly $50 billion dollars in annual sales and NO LEGAL LIABILITY.  Now, fifty billion dollars a year, that will buy a lot of troll farms in Russia with phony parents claiming they LOVE vaccines for their children!

Here’s a paragraph which made me howl with laughter because I only wish we had that much power.

Continue reading “Failing” New York Times “Fails Again” on Vaccines

British Parliament Delivers BANKING CARTEL a Massive Kick in the Teeth…

What Is Happening In Britain Is Important To Americans…

Globalism is On The Wane – Big Time…

From Europe By Karma Singh

Tuesday 15th January 2019, with a massive majority of 432 to 202, British Members of Parliament rejected totally the Brexit deal proposed to them by the Prime Minister Theresa May.

To fully understand this, we have to look a little into its history.

The European Union is a collective of nation states created and ruled by the banking cartel.

Most of the leading political figures in those nation states are also appointees of the cartel. There is no democratic institution in the EU; its ruling council is an oligarchy of cartel employees who serve their masters with no regards to the people of Europe. You may have heard that there is a European Parliament but this is nothing more than a debating chamber with no power to make or to amend any laws.

Having seen just how much harm had been willfully done by the cartel’s ruling council to the European people as a whole and to the British people specifically,

Enter “Brexit…”

Continue reading British Parliament Delivers BANKING CARTEL a Massive Kick in the Teeth…

Trump’s Plan(s) To Save America’s Children From The Democrats…

If Congress Won’t Act American Citizens Will…

Opinion By “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

The main thing that upsets the liberal media, and the globalist “Hate Machine” that calls itself the US Democratic Party, is the simple fact that the current President of the United States, Donald Trump, listens to, and acts upon what he hears from “We the People…” 

That concept called “listening to the people,”  is totally foreign to liberals – who scream out, constantly, that Americans, especially those they perceive as the  “the great unwashed,” need to be governed harshly by the likes of Hillary Clinton.  They believe that all of middle America needs to get up in the morning, out of their gender-confused beds, and turn on CNN to find out what to sneer about in the Starbuck’s line that morning.

The fact that Trump Supporters are NOT gender-confused, don’t watch CNN, and understand very well how a government is supposed to work STUNS liberals.

The idea that a majority of Americans still, actually, think for themselves, gets liberal’s blood boiling – and they start thinking about opening up those Obama-Nation FEMA camps where “the great unwashed,” can be lined up, vaccinated until their brains almost dissolve, force them to drink heavily fluoridated water, chip them, and re-register them all as Democrats where they can “volunteer” to sponsor one, or more, of the 17,000 children per year, imported by human traffickers across the southern border until such time as the “Sanctuary City” fathers can integrate those children into the sex-trade, or chop them up for replacement body parts.

Think I’m exaggerating?  Keep reading – reality is coming your way.  There are Official Reports The Liberal Media Won’t Show You…

Continue reading Trump’s Plan(s) To Save America’s Children From The Democrats…

Want To Know What The Democrats Have In Store For America? Just Watch California…

They Call it “Progressive” Government… 

Progressive Towards What? That’s The Question…

Opinion By “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

Of course US Democrats want completely open US  borders.  We all know that.  It is a national issue, so we won’t deal with it here.   We also know that the Democratic Party wants EVERYONE, children and adults, mandatorily vaccinated with 70 to 90 “Made in China” injections.  That’s a given.  

So, let’s look at the rest of the Democratic Party picture – as is demonstrated in California…

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s nephew Gavin Newsome, the former Mayor of San Francisco, was sworn in as California Governor a few days ago.  He promised to bring free health care to the State’s Illegal Immigrant population.

More, by definition, he promised to bring San Francisco’s “Progressiveness” to the whole State., and then, to all of America.

So, what exactly can we expect?  Well, let’s look at the REAL San Francisco…

Official San Francisco “Progressiveness” STREET FECES location MAP. The NEEDLES, however, are being found everywhere, because the homeless junkies are living in public areas, especially the BART Terminals.

Now, don’t laugh,  San Francisco has funded “Sanctuary City – Safe Spaces” where the junkies can go to get hundreds of thousands of clean needles to inject their heroin and Fentanyl, on site, without those pesky law enforcement officers watching them..

Right now, of course, San Francisco’s streets, and massive transit systems are literally covered in used needles, and, of course, HUMAN FECES, from its HUGE HOMOSEXUAL homeless population.

Just what city workers need to do – clean up sidewalks with AIDS infected human feces on a daily basis.

Where are the city leaders?  Probably down tasting wine, at Governor Gavin Newsome’s Winery, sitting in a window seat watching the “Undocumented Workers” pick dead leaves off of the vines.  If one of them should get sick or injured they can go down and get free healthcare, paid for by Californians.

Besides AIDS Infected Feces Everywhere, What is “Progressiveness?” 

Let’s start with what “Progressiveness” means for America’s children…  

Sex education – I kid you not – California is going to teach ALL seven and eight year olds how to masturbate with a cucumber, a carrot, or a banana.  It will show second and third grade boys how, and why, to apply anal lubricant.  See below.

Continue reading Want To Know What The Democrats Have In Store For America? Just Watch California…

The Most Important Ten Minute Video on Vaccines and Autism EVER!

Will Trump Act?

By Kent Heckenlively, JD

Just below is a ten minute video by Sharyl Atkisson I want you to watch. It talks about an Affidavit recently produced by a government expert, Dr Andrew Zimmerman, who was dismissed from an important Autism case at the last minute, to cover up the fact that he had told the DOJ attorneys in private that “In fact, vaccines do cause Autism.”

I have written about this before here on the BolenReport last September I pointed out:

U.S. Attorneys Withheld Evidence in Autism Omnibus Proceeding…

In that article I said:

For those who are unaware of the history of this issue…

…in the late to mid 2000s more than 5,000 Autism cases went through a bizarre procedure called the Autism Omnibus Proceeding (AOP) as part of the so-called “Vaccine Court” in which several test cases were reviewed for the proposition that vaccines can cause autism.

I know I should probably write more about this video…

…but the truth is after sixteen years of articles, two books, more than a hundred radio interviews, I’m tired of saying the same old thing:  “Vaccines cause autism and we are being lied to on a massive scale.”

And even the government’s chief medical witness in the Omnibus Autism Proceeding knew this and because he was going to talk about it, the government removed him.

An all of this happened in 2007.  It’s now 2019.  Yes, this happened in the Bush years, lay undisturbed in the Obama administration, and now we are in the Trump Presidency.

None of this is a surprise to me.

Continue reading The Most Important Ten Minute Video on Vaccines and Autism EVER!

Are Prescription Drugs Designed to Actually Make People Sick?

Let’s Examine the Situation…

There is no question that we need to change the US Health Care System.  Below we have outlined one of the MAJOR PROBLEMS…

Opinion By Owen Fonorow – President – Vitamin C Foundation

“At least 70 pharmaceutical drugs are on the market after passing clinical trials based on fraudulent data provided by a California doctor,” said Kurt Eichenwald, an investigative reporter for The New York Times…

“Senior executive Allen Roses, of GlaxoSmithKline, is quoted in a national newspaper as stating that more than 90% of drugs only work in 30-50% of people.”

Medicine, impersonating science…

has co-opted the word “proof” to provide comfort to the gullible; and in so doing it has tarnished the reputations of science as well as of medicine.

When the medical profession pretends that there is such a thing as scientific proof, labeling their remedies as “proven” and decrying unproven alternatives, it seems unaware that in physical science there are only guesses, hypotheses, theories and few laws. Only repeatable experiments determine truth.

To the degree that medicine relies on carefully conducted experiments and collects data without preconceived notions, which can be duplicated and criticized by other scientists, it follows generally accepted scientific principles. Conclusions may be drawn, but to imply that there are “proven” methods for controlling disease, is to lie.

When Medical Proof Meets Reality…

The problem with a medical system based upon “proof” is that, over time, people discover that unproven remedies work and so-called proven remedies may not.

The common cold is a good example. Millions have discovered that there is a simple “cure” for the common cold, before the virus takes hold. The public may not be able to verify for themselves whether or not medical “science” is right about the likes of heart disease and cancer, but thanks to Linus Pauling, many have discovered that it is easy to stop the cold virus in its tracks.

The public is becoming increasingly aware…

…that something is rotten in the state of medicine. Generally, doctors are well educated in the arts that do not directly compete with prescription drugs, e.g., diagnosis, surgery and trauma treatment. Regrettably, doctors receive little or no training in non-prescription substances, which are ignored by medical authorities as “unproven.” When proven remedies fail, and unproven remedies easily succeed, the reputation of all scientists is unfairly harmed.

Linus Pauling is the prime example of a scientist whose reputation has been unfairly impugned. The void in medical school surrounding the therapeutic uses of nutrients, especially vitamin C, is conspicuous and can hardly be accidental. The result is that medical doctors are losing their good reputations and fewer patients are tolerating this nutrition-ignorance. In 1998, the AMA revealed that Americans made more visits (above 100 million more) to alternative practitioners than regular doctors.

Most people, and almost all medical doctors, still believe that prescription drugs are based in good science, and that pharmaceutical companies offer them in good faith. The truth, however, is not difficult to uncover. Many top selling prescription drugs are useless; some even cause the disease for which they are prescribed.

Cleansing The Medical Mind…

Continue reading Are Prescription Drugs Designed to Actually Make People Sick?

The Democrats Ran Their 2018 Mid Term-Election on the “Health Care” Issue…

Let’s Find Out What “Health Care” They Claim They Want…

Do they really want to fix US Health Care or are they just kissing up to Big Pharma for campaign funds?

Opinion By “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

Back in 2010, during the flurry and fury days of passing ObamaCare,  Democratic Party leader Nancy Pelosi claimed But we have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it.”

Yup, she really said that…

Well, we DID find out what was in it – and THAT is the problem. All US health care costs skyrocketed – and US health care, the issue that ObamaCare was supposed to solve, got FAR worse. Now, 2019 US health care is on a collision course with disaster.

There is a HUGE argument over health care in America. Let’s look at ALL sides of the argument.

Just below is what the Democrats SAY they want in US health care…

Continue reading The Democrats Ran Their 2018 Mid Term-Election on the “Health Care” Issue…

Oh No! I Just Got Snoped! (Laugh Here)…

By Kent Heckenlively, JD

After having my talk at the Commonwealth Club of California cancelled because of protests, being thrown out of Age of Autism for daring to pen a few articles for BolenReport, and being BANNED from speaking in Australia for three years, I have a new honor.

I’ve been Snoped!

If you don’t know about Snopes, it’s the debunking web-site founded by a guy named David Mickelson who was accused by his ex-wife of embezzling money from the site to pay for the services of a prostitute who later became his second wife.

Read the Daily Mail  article about Snopes here.

Why are the people who attack those of us trying to improve the health of humanity such a bunch of sick, twisted perverts?

Funny how David Mickelson really hasn’t addressed those issues with his slavish band of devotees who include The New York Times and The Washington Post.

I think using the services of a prostitute must affect one’s mental abilities because of the absolute stupidity of the argument little David Mickelson’s minion, Alex Kasprak makes in the article attacking my book with Dr. Judy Mikovits, PLAGUE.

Kasprak might want to rethink his comfy little arrangement with Snopes as it seems Snopes is having a lot of trouble according to a December 13, 2018 article in The Guardian.

How’s this for a look at what’s happening between Snopes and Facebook?

Continue reading Oh No! I Just Got Snoped! (Laugh Here)…

Trump’s Revision of US Health Care Might Be A Big Shock To The System…

Revising HOW We Pay For US Health Care Is A Waste Of Time – We Need To Revise WHAT It Is We Are Paying For…

Drugs Do Not Heal – They Mask…

Opinion By “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

Current US Health Care (ObamaCare) NEVER focuses on determining the cause of health problems and solving those issues.  It ONLY focuses on symptoms.  Why?  Curing people is not good for business.  There are no repeat customers.

Take for example the issue of high blood pressure.  Your doctor will make absolutely NO EFFORT to find out the  cause,  and solve THAT issue, but they will load you up with expensive drugs to supposedly reduce that blood pressure.

The North American Health Care System is BADLY Broken…

(1)  Health care is offered, by the system, not based on what is most effective, and/or best for the patient, but by what is most profitable for the provider.  

And that does not work for North America.

(a)  For MOST health problems – Example – the accepted Cancer offerings – known as “cut, poison, and burn.”  Surgery (cut) has only SOME success.  Chemotherapy (poison) is virtually worthless, but terribly expensive – and used MOSTLY, generating ridiculously high Cancer Treatment costs. Radiation (burn) is completely worthless and causes new problems.   So why do we continue with this paradigm?

The official War on Cancer, funded, and put in place, in 1974, by President Richard Nixon has accomplished ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.

Smart people, who want to live after a Cancer diagnosis, do their research, and, very often, leave the US for therapies that actually work, and they can afford.

And Cancer is only one issue of many we will be looking at.

(b)  For A GOOD MANY health problems, since there are no high-priced drugs developed for it, and surgery won’t help, there is NO TREATMENT offered.  As an example Cerebral Palsy, ALS, and far too many more…

(2)  The government agencies we have put in place to regulate health care have turned against us.  

Continue reading Trump’s Revision of US Health Care Might Be A Big Shock To The System…

Can Trump Actually Fix US Health Care?

To This Day MOST Members of The US Congress STILL have NO IDEA How ObamaCare Actually Works…

And they don’t care – as long as those Big Pharma, Health Insurers, and Hospital Systems, campaign contributions continue to roll in.

Opinion By “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

The actuality of ObamaCare sits as a reminder why Socialism simply does NOT work.  ObamaCare definitely does not work for Americans working in the marketplace.

As the younger generation of Americans is finding out it is even less better for them – in fact it is impossible to maintain.

Take, for example, a young person starting out after college, with $100,000 in Student Loans, who now is faced with the simple fact that almost 50% of their take-home pay will now have to go to Health Insurance.  Adding another 25% for the Student Loans leaves very little left to live on – certainly not enough to buy a house, a decent car, and there is NOTHING available to start a family.

Ah, we’ve come to the REAL REASON for ObamaCare – Agenda 21, and the financial enslavement of an ENTIRE generation of Americans…

Surprise, surprise…  Delivered to you by the US Democratic Party.  Step up and have those ankle-chains applied sucker.

Most people never even noticed that when ObamaCare actually passed, and was signed into  law by the Obama-Nation, that drug prices increased sometimes 400%.  See the video below:

But, worry not, Congress will do NOTHING about this issue.  Why?  Because the same Big Pharma FINANCED most US 2018 mid-term election to protect this profit.

ObamaCare is a Huge RIP-OFF of America…

Continue reading Can Trump Actually Fix US Health Care?

“Big Pharma’s” Merkel And Her Final Betrayal – “The End” of Germany and Europe?…

It’s quite a while now since she announced her resignation. Why is she still in the chancellery?

Well, she has promised to perpetrate one last betrayal upon the German people before she finally goes to her promised reward.

From Germany by Karma Singh…

A couple of weeks back, the United Nations promulgated a compact requiring all nations to open their borders to the free in-flow of all migrants, whatsoever the grounds for leaving their native lands. Many countries, including the most powerful on Earth, have already rejected it. Merkel, however, is determined that this be visited upon the German peoples.

Merkel has a long history of betrayal and it is, perhaps, worthwhile here to take a brief look at her “achievements”.

2008/9 – she literally sold Germany to the bankers to “rescue” them from their self-created (and phantom) debt crisis. (Almost all, i.e. more than 99% of the money the bankers claimed to have “lost” never actually existed – it was just “creative bookkeeping”.)

Burg Eltz castle in Rhineland-Palatinate state, Germany. Construction started prior to 1157.

2012 she pledged the entire wealth of the people of Germany, i.e. house, garden, car, bank account and all else as “security” for the debts of every land in the Euro Zone. (She and the bankers knew, of course, that these were phantom debts, i.e. loans of money which had never existed. Such debts are the daily expression of “creative bookkeeping” and have nothing to do with real money.)

Further, in the same year, she gave everything that the Germans have into the ownership of the bankers in order to “rescue” the Euro!

2013-2017 she had new laws passed, often in unannounced sessions of the German Parliament at which far fewer members than the required quorum were present, to re-enact Gestapo laws, enable the confiscation of property by bureaucratic fiat, to give the banksters immunity from criminal and civil law, to grant the banksters a “right” to order your bank to confiscate the money on your account to cover the “phantom losses” which your bank may have made. All of these and more in contradiction to articles 1 – 3 of the Basic Law of the Federal Republic of Germany.

Angela Merkel’s “Open Door” Immigration Policy is flooding Germany with millions of migrants…

2016 onwards she inaugurated an illegal “open-door” policy for all migrants, gave many of them freedom from prosecution for criminal acts and, in short, created a two tier system for Germany in which the German people were given second place. She has continued to follow this subversion of the German culture by such things as forcing police authorities to accept economic migrants even though they have failed the police entrance examinations and many such similar “government by dictate contrary to law”.

To keep this hidden from the German people, a policy of suppressing the independent media (i.e. the 5% not owned and controlled by the banking cartel, pharmaceutical cartel and “friends”) by bureaucratic fiat confiscating their bank accounts, etc.. And much, much more: Those of an inquisitive mind set will, with diligence, find a very long list of Ferkel’s* illegal and criminal activities.

Now, for her swan song, those who have trusted her with their lives and their livelihood are to receive the final stab in the back:

Continue reading “Big Pharma’s” Merkel And Her Final Betrayal – “The End” of Germany and Europe?…

PLAGUE – The Book that Just Keeps on Selling…

“There’s no other book like it,” says Dr. Joseph Mercola…

By Kent Heckenlively, JD

When I started writing our book PLAGUE with Dr. Judy Mikovits in 2012, had it published in 2014, I had no idea that four years later it would still regularly be #1 in the Virology section of Amazon, beating the previous monster best-seller, The Hot Zone by Richard Preston, and also leaving in the dust Dr. Paul Offit’s most recent offering, Bad Advice.

After all, it was my first book, it’s kind of wonky (the publisher also has it listed as an E-textbook, for God’s sake), and yet it continues to exert a hold on people’s imaginations.

I think it has such a strong hold on people because it’s a story of science gone awry…

Continue reading PLAGUE – The Book that Just Keeps on Selling…

Alzheimer’s – a Mad Hatter’s Tale?…

There’s an expression in English which has gone somewhat out of usage over the last few decades; “As mad as a hatter…”

From Germany By Karma Singh

When I first heard it in junior school, my thought was “why should hatters be mad?” When I went on to grammar school (I think that’s high school in American) I learned that 18th & 19th century hatters used mercury compounds to treat mole skins from which they made hats. The mercury fumes, I was taught, made the hatters mad in the way in which Lewis Carroll portrayed them in “Alice in Wonderland”.

The only perceptible difference lies in the name change from “Mad Hatter’s Disease” to “Alzheimer”. The symptoms displayed by a Mad Hatter as in “Alice in Wonderland” and modern “Alzheimer” sufferers appear to be identical.

Almost the whole of the so-called “health care”, i.e. sickness industry is controlled by the pharmaceutical cartel which is in the business of selling patented chemicals to be added to the human body. Telling you to improve your diet (bad diet being the cause of at least 40% of all health issues) or, in this case, to use various (non-patentable) herbs and spices to help remove mercury from your body is not going to earn them one penny so they don’t tell you. To maintain their “infallibility” status granted by Papal Bull in 1484**, however, they have to at least appear to offer solutions to all problems. This is the origin of the proposal to “cure” Alzheimer by giving you AIDS! See this article on the BolenReport for details of this:-

Not only is there no hard evidence to back up the hypothesis of viruses…

Germany’s highest court ruled in December 2016 that the existence of viruses is not proven.  There is also no scientific evidence to support the claims that they might cause disease. On the contrary, Gaston Naessens showed that the human body will produce its own micro-organisms to destroy informationally-damaged cells before they can spread their malady. This is your body’s most often used second (after your skin) line of defense. The microorganisms are not the disease but part of the solution which is why the so-called AIDS medications will often kill you by preventing this natural defense system from functioning.

Mercury, however, is not the whole story:

Continue reading Alzheimer’s – a Mad Hatter’s Tale?…

The Bullshit About a “New” Alzheimer’s Treatment

By Kent Heckenlively, JD

It’s not often I call bullshit on a news story.

However, I call ABSOLUTE BULLSHIT on this story.

HIV drugs may help people with Alzheimer’s and Down syndrome, says new hypothesis on Alzheimer’s origins

Do you want the bullshit first, or the truth?

Okay, I’ll give you the bullshit first.

If you read this article from the San Diego Tribune, you’ll learn the scientists have found some sort of genetic reassortment is taking place in the brains of Alzheimer’s patients, and that is the reason for this disease which affects about 5.7 million people in the United States, including my aunt.  This “genetic reassortment” is also evidence by the presence of an enzyme known as reverse transcriptase, and the action of this enzyme can be treated with drugs developed for HIV-AIDS.

If I learned nothing in working with Dr. Judy Mikovits on our groundbreaking book, PLAGUE, it’s how to tell when you’re dealing with bullshit.

She taught me that any reasonable scientific explanation requires an explanation of A, B, C, and D.  If I leave out any part of the explanation, I’m deceiving you.

Let’s look at this in stages.

Continue reading The Bullshit About a “New” Alzheimer’s Treatment