Sometimes I Hate Being Right. Election 2020 Was “Big Pharma Vs. Trump.” And Big Pharma Won…

The Entire US Democratic Party Is Wholly Owned By “Big Pharma” – No Exceptions…

Vaccine Mandates (Forced Medications) Were The Entire “Behind The Scenes”  Election Issue – and SO FAR the Democrats have delivered on their promises.

Opinion By Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

I have just been sitting here watching the battle to control humanity unfold.  It is, in fact, epic.

In the US, for instance, the battle centers around the idea that all Americans need to be moved from a “One man one vote” philosophy to a “do as you are told immediately when a government employee says to do something” scenario. The Democrats are dead serious about accomplishing this.

The concept of “Vaccine Mandates” has NOTHING to do with disease prevention, and EVERYTHING to do with controlling every aspect of every human’s mental and body functions.

Continue reading Sometimes I Hate Being Right. Election 2020 Was “Big Pharma Vs. Trump.” And Big Pharma Won…

Anti-Vaxxers Have Globalist Big Pharma Terrified For GOOD Reasons…

The Very Existence of “Autism One” Is A Good Example…  

Globalist Big Pharma has tried everything to stop the Anti-Vaxxer movement, to no avail. 

In fact, the movement grows stronger, meaner, and more determined to save the world from the Bill Gates/Hillary Clinton Agenda 21 Depopulation Agenda every day…

Anti-Vaxxers Back Down To/For No One.

Opinion by “Even More Deplorable Than EVER Before” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

All of us in the activist world for the side of “Good against Evil” suffer from the attacks of those minions hired to shut us down on the internet.  It is just what it is.

For every move they make against us there is a counter-move, and we make them.

Some people, like ME for instance, HUNT those attackers down and expose them for what they are.  It’s like turning over a rock and watching the scurrying.  Example – my Skeptic series was a real eye opener.  The Skeptics had to shut down their Las Vegas training camp as a result.

One of  the tricks the globalists tried was to use the fake Covid-19 crisis to shut down Anti-Vaxxer gatherings like “Autism One”– those people and places where those new to the movement could go to get REAL information about how horrible vaccines and the vaccine programs really are.  But “Autism One” has tricks of its own – and they simply engaged in new tactics to get out the word, so-to-speak.

The shutdowns…

Continue reading Anti-Vaxxers Have Globalist Big Pharma Terrified For GOOD Reasons…

A Report from “2021 Germany…”

EVERYONE knows there is no REAL Covid-19 Pandemic. 

It is all about a Globalist/Communist takeover of legitimately elected governments worldwide.  They keep changing the parameters to keep the ECONOMIC “lockdown destruction” in place.

From Germany By Karma Singh

So, now the level of “infection rate necessary” to end the Merkel dictatorship has, once again, been “adjusted” to keep Merkel in Absolute Power. Now it is 0,035% (35 per 100.000 people).

Legally, however, an epidemic can be called only when infection has reached a minimum of one per cent. This is little more than one thirtieth of the necessary numbers. A pandemic requires 5% in several countries simultaneously.

Therefore, neither an epidemic nor a pandemic exist and the highly restrictive measures imposed upon the German (and other) peoples are illegal and are to be immediately repudiated.

Then we must look at how “infection” is being defined.

Continue reading A Report from “2021 Germany…”

INOCULATED – The Book That Will Break the Internet…

I’m getting ready to “do it” to the bad guys again…

By Kent Heckenlively, JD

What is “it,” you may ask?

I’m about to provoke a full scale media meltdown. Yes, that’s right. I’m not making any plans to speak cautiously and carefully, so that I don’t get attacked.

Let’s be real. The other side isn’t dealing honestly with us.

Why should we be part of the illusion that we’re actually having a discussion? We aren’t. We’re in a full-scale war for the survival of the human species. The only important question is how well I’m provoking the mainstream media and their Big Pharma boobs to viciously attack my book, INOCULATED: How Science Lost Its Soul in Autism, coming out on Tuesday, February 16, 2021.

Because when they attack, we win. People stop to pay attention, then they say, “Let me check this out.”

For starters, there’s the Ben Garrison cartoon at the top of this article, which is being released on the same day as the book. I told Ben, Make it as controversial as you can.” He did.

I am inviting the attack.

Continue reading INOCULATED – The Book That Will Break the Internet…

Major British Newspaper Breaks Ranks and Tells the Truth About Covid-19…

Something to be thankful for…

From Britain by Karma Singh:

The Daily Mail, Britain’s #3 daily newspaper, in an article spread over two whole pages of the Saturday edition 21st November 2020 entitled “Covid:What they don’t tell you” revealed that the whole thing is just one giant hoax.

An excerpt from the article:

What they DON’T tell you about Covid: Fewer beds taken up than last year, deaths a fraction of the grim forecasts, 95% of fatalities had underlying causes… and how the facts can be twisted to strike fear in our hearts

          • Despite the fearmongering, the number of Covid-19 deaths is significantly lower than the peak back in April 
          • Latest ONS estimate shows that in the week ending November 14, new infections were already levelling off 
          • GCHQ staff have been embedded in a Cabinet Office team in Downing Street to provide Boris Johnson with real-time updates of Covid-19
          • Analysts will sift through vast amounts of data to ensure Boris Johnson has the most up-to-date information

Now, they’ve not, yet, come full out and said…

Continue reading Major British Newspaper Breaks Ranks and Tells the Truth About Covid-19…

Mikovits/Heckenlively’s Three Books Outline THE COMPLETE FAILURE Of US Public Health…

Three Books – No Prisoners…

Opinion by “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

Kent Heckenlively and Judy Mikovits’s newest book “The Case Against Masks – Ten Reasons Why Mask Use Should Be Limited” is a third nail in US Public Health’s coffin.

Before you read it, pick up a yellow highlighter.  You are going to want to mark out the sections of text that you can quote to those that think masks are a good idea.  And, there are a lot of those areas to highlight.

Democratic Party Governors, and local Public Health officials, are going to hate you.

Although the book very well questions the so-called science of mask wearing with ten very good points, together, all of it is a strong indictment of US Public Health.


Because it becomes very clear that US Public Health has NO CLUE what to do with a REAL Pandemic.  They couldn’t even tell if there was one, or how big it would be.  Their predictions of what was to come were ABSURD.  Their whole handling of the problem was a joke.

In the “Mask” book there are ten reasons:

Reason #1 – Oxygen is good for Human Beings and Carbon Dioxide is Not!

Reason #2 – How Does SARS-Cov-2 Spread?

Reason #3 – How Effective is A Mask?

Reason #4 – Six Feet Apart And Wearing A Mask?

Reason #5 – What About Face Seal leakage and the Backward Jet?

Reason #6 – What is the Actual Risk of Airborne Transmission?

Reason #7 – What is a Dangerous Situation for the Vulnerable Exposed to SARS-Cov-2 to Develop COVID-19

Reason #8 – Can A mask Become A Virus Trap?

Reason #9 – The Myth of Asymptomatic Carriers

Reason #10 – Children Do NOT Need to Wear a Mask to Return to School

Americans were gulled into believing that we really did, and do, have a workable US Public Health System.

Continue reading Mikovits/Heckenlively’s Three Books Outline THE COMPLETE FAILURE Of US Public Health…

Habeas Corpus – “Show Us The Bodies…”

Are We At the End of Covid-19, the End of Vaccines, the End of Dictatorship and the End of the Pharmaceutical Industry?

It sure looks like it…

From Europe By Karma Singh

Habeus Corpus – Most lawyers will know of this most important legal principle but I wonder how many outside of that profession have heard of it.

I only know about it because I had to study law as part of my degree in international trade way back in the early 1970’s.

Uh-oh, i’m losing my audience…

We had the great good fortune to have a mad Welshman as our law lecturer who loved nothing more than relating anecdotes from judicial history. His enthusiasm almost led to my changing faculty to study law; then he retired and his replacement was such a grey character that he repelled me totally.

Habeas Corpus or, as our Welshman explained it, “show us the body” stems from 12th century England and was created to prevent wild accusations with no factual basis. So, for example, if someone was accused of murder, he/she could apply for Habeas Corpus, i.e. first prove that a murder has taken place before you can try me for it.

Moving across now to my own profession…

Continue reading Habeas Corpus – “Show Us The Bodies…”

Covid-19 – Liberal Media/Democratic Party/Deep State/Big Pharma Bullshit…

The Whole Hoax Has Fallen Apart…

What Will They Try Next To Stop Trump?

Opinion By “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

There is no pandemic.  There was no pandemic.  It was all a hoax, designed and implemented, to damage the United  States and Western Civilization, trying to force a one-world government.

It is time for mass arrests.  Open up the camps.

Several things have happened – some simple facts floated to the surface…

(1)  The overall death rate in the US has NOT risen.  The same number of people that die every day has NOT changed.  Lying Public Health people simply manipulated data, moving names from one column to a new column called “Covid-19.”

(2)  The Center for Disease Control (CDC) admitted, just a few days ago, that only six percent (6%) of the claimed 170,000 deaths in the US were actually from Covid-19 – and those claims are in doubt also.

(3)  Six percent (6%) of 170,000 deaths in the US is ONLY 9,600 deaths – a number not high enough to even rate Covid-19 as a major threat.

So, why all of the “shutdowns?”

Continue reading Covid-19 – Liberal Media/Democratic Party/Deep State/Big Pharma Bullshit…

A Conversation in an English Country Garden…

Communist China and Big Pharma Are Controlling The US Democratic Party Because They NEED To Stop Trump From Revising World Health Care…

To Something That Actually Works…

From Europe by Karma Singh

As some will already know, I have made many videos and given many interviews in Germany – in the German language, of course.

Many, but by no means all of these have had to do with the “iniquities” of pharmaceutical medicine and, MUCH more importantly, why it doesn’t, and can’t, work and what DOES work, and why. I have even written two books on this which you will find here.

Tyrannosaurus Pharmaceuticus R.I.P.

The Flu Fairy Tale

I have long wanted to expand this into the English speaking world but have, to date, not been able to establish any connections with independent news services.

I have a long-term friend, named Brian, in the county of Dorset, on England’s southern coast who used to be a BBC camera man. I asked him if he would be willing to film an interview with me if I sent him the questions. To this, he readily agreed and even went to the trouble of borrowing two cameras from a friend so that we could record with 3 cameras (mine included).

Reviewing this whilst I was editing the raw video tracks, I was amazed both by the knowledge which my conversation partner has garnered and the skill with which he brought out the points which he wanted to make. My “script” became nothing more than a loose framework for him.

Why should this amaze me?

When I first got to know Brian, he was a motor mechanic who was about to lose his livelihood through arthritis…

Continue reading A Conversation in an English Country Garden…

What is Our Destiny? My Destiny?

Tuesday, August 18, 2020 is likely to be one of the most important days of my life… 

It’s the day so many projects I’ve been working on come to fruition. I feel it is a day of battle for me, and for all of us.

By Kent Heckenlively, JD

I understand one of the unique things about me is I think in movie terms.  It’s an odd habit, but probably pretty common for writers.  As I’ve thought about what’s waiting for me in the near future I was drawn to this scene in The Last Samurai

If you haven’t seen the movie I’ll give you a brief overview.  It’s 1877, and soldier of fortune, Tom Cruise/Nathan Algren, a former Civil War hero and Indian fighter, has been hired by the government of Japan to put down a samurai rebellion. Cruise is captured in battle by the samurai and comes to realize he’s fighting on the wrong side of this war.

The samurai believe Japan is losing its identity by contact with the west, which seeks to exploit it.  The samurai choose not to fight with modern weapons like guns, but with the honorable weapons of the samurai.  This puts strategist Tom Cruise in the position of trying to figure out how the samurai might defeat their enemies.

Cruise/Algren befriends the samurai general, Katsumoto, played by the wonderful actor, Ken Watanabe, and here they plan the first day of the battle.

I love this movie because as much as it’s a thrilling action picture, it’s also deeply philosophical. It asks, “What is the value of our lives? To what principles do we dedicate ourselves?  And how much will we sacrifice?”

The answer from the perspective of the heroic journey, as popularized by Joseph Campbell is clear:

If you seek to be a hero, you must be willing to risk your life, without complaint or anger.  You surrender to whatever destiny awaits you.

Continue reading What is Our Destiny? My Destiny?

Kids SHOULD Wear Masks ALL DAY! (Not)…

Let’s Look At REALITY…

By Kent Heckenlively JD

Science is science, humor is humor, and sometimes a good cigar is just a smoke.

You may or may not know it, but Dr. Judy Mikovits and I have a book coming out on August 11, 2020 (already available on Kindle), called THE CASE AGAINST MASKS: Ten Reasons Mask Use Should be Limited.

The last chapter is about kids and masks.  Not surprisingly, your favorite science writer argued that kids SHOULD NOT wear masks to return to school.

But as I am always a fearless questioner of what I believe, I went out and bought a carbon dioxide monitor to determine how high the carbon dioxide levels would go with just ten simple breaths.

Knowing that YouTube might ban the video if I said what I really think, I use an ingenious method to get my point across.  I hope you enjoy!

Here is the video:

Continue reading Kids SHOULD Wear Masks ALL DAY! (Not)…

The Unholy “Pandemic” Alliance…

Humanity, as a whole, has been subjected to the biggest fraud ever attempted…

“Justification” for killing about half of the world’s population –  “Agenda 21…”

From Europe by Karma Singh

The events of the last weeks taken together with the mounting evidence that “Something is rotten in the Kingdom of Denmark” bring one inescapably to the conclusion that humanity as a whole has been subjected to the biggest fraud ever attempted and that this is planned to continue as the “justification” for killing about half of the world’s population.

It began more than ten years ago as witnessed by the results of research in Switzerland, echoed by others in the USA, that all those showing a positive Covid-19 test had received a ‘flu vaccination during the preceding ten years.

After a “vaccine” had been patented, Dr. Death (Tony Fauci) began prophesying the new pandemic. (A technique which he had used many times previously.)

In the Autumn of 2019, a world-wide test-exercise was run on controlling the narrative about the forthcoming “pandemic” and how the Tech Giants, Google, Twitter and Facebook together with CNN, BBC, et. al., were to play a pivotal role in preventing truth reaching the public at large.

The six minute video below shows how they organized the world takeover last October 2019…

Continue reading The Unholy “Pandemic” Alliance…

President Trump Needs to Say The Words “PLAGUE OF CORRUPTION…”

I’m going to give President Trump a little advice on how to win re-election in November.

By Kent Heckenlively, JD

Now, after his speech at Mount Rushmore on July 3 I’m sure he’s flying high and thinking his chances are good.  He did a masterful job of linking the protesters to those who want to erase American history, turn us into socialist zombies, and substitute their new history in which we, the free-thinkers, will be their slaves.  Even better, in the speech he essentially put Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln, and Roosevelt on his team.

I’m not kidding.  He literally put Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln, and Roosevelt on his team.

Why do I say that?  Because the protesters would like to take every one of those statues down, for various reasons.  The protesters are so stupid that they will now go on a rampage against Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln, and Roosevelt.

How’s that going to look to the average American voter?

It’s going to look like the epitome of a stupid and spoiled child. 

And the executive order for a National Statue Garden of American Heroes?  Brilliant.

But there’s another constituency who supported Trump in 2016 that are waiting for some signal, and that’s the health freedom movement, particularly my wing, the “Anti-Vaxxers.” 

Continue reading President Trump Needs to Say The Words “PLAGUE OF CORRUPTION…”

Judy Mikovits ONE BILLION Views Of her “Plandemic” Video Was NOT A Fluke…

It was merely a physical exercise of the “REALLY Pissed-Off” Anti-Vaxxer Movement…

And MUCH MORE is coming…

Opinion By “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

I’ve been around Health Care Advocacy for a VERY long time.  Yes, I am “connected.”  Yes, I know stuff other people don’t know yet.  Yes, I know what is going to happen next.  Yes, I know when to shut up and sit here and smile…

And, I am sitting here smiling….

In the words of “A-Team” leader Colonel John “Hannibal” Smith “I love it when a plan comes together.”

The worldwide “Anti-Vaxxer” Movement is ON FIRE…

“Anti-Vaxxers,” everywhere they turn, they see Big Pharma and their sleaze-minions at one moment shriek-whining, and at the next actually mewling out the term “Anti-Vaxxers.”  You can’t help noting the abject fear in the voices.  We are the prairie fire coming over the land heading directly for what Big Pharma, and their skank-puppies, thought was their sacred impregnable encampment.

We have their backs against the river and yesterday we burned their boats.

Big Pharma is beginning to realize that there are consequences to having damaged our children.

We are in a position we have NEVER been in before…

Oh, without doubt, earlier versions of the “Anti-“Vaxxer” Movement have had success.  Although what was called the “Autism” Movement was pretty much a dud due to what I viewed as bad management, there were shiny spots that survived and merged into becoming what is now the “Anti-Vaxxer” movement.

That evolution HAD to happen – and it did.  We could not, as a movement, allow the BAD management of California’s fight against SB #277 to be repeated.

The even earlier “North American Health Freedom Movement” was MUCH like the current “Anti-Vaxxer” operation, but was much more organized.  We actually had leadership physical meetings twice a year in Chicago and Long Beach, CA in conjunction with the well attended (12 to 15,000 attendees) Health Freedom Expos.  They were weekends of hugging, plotting, scheming, laughing, private phone number exchanges, strategy and tactic trades.  The atmosphere at these events was indescribable warmth.

The “North American Health Freedom Movement” was successful EVERYWHERE.  Tactically they focused mostly at the State level, training newbies on how to SMASH Big Pharma’s legislation attempts and carry legislation of our own.  Actions at the Federal level were successful too, but not nearly so good as a at the State levels.  I, myself, was a major attack dog, conducting projects here and there, with the goal of completely destroying those Big Pharma created AstroTurf groups that were attacking our own.  THAT worked VERY well.

Note:  And it still does…

There is MUCH MORE coming…

Continue reading Judy Mikovits ONE BILLION Views Of her “Plandemic” Video Was NOT A Fluke…

Corona Revelations…

Over the last few decades and more, MANY voices have been raised expressing concerns about the effectiveness and costs of conventional medicine.

This is part 3 of a five part article series:

From Europe By Karma Singh

The really worrying fact in this is the refusal of the pharmaceutical industry, which controls conventional medicine, to partake in meaningful discussions about the concerns of great and growing numbers of patients and health professionals.

The only “answer” from those who presently control state health care is to finance attempts to have their biggest profit-maker, “vaccination,” made “compulsory” and alternatives which are both much more effective and much, much cheaper made “illegal.”

These are the actions of someone with a great deal to hide, wouldn’t you agree?

As wrote wrote in my newsletter, just below, last Wednesday; “The first rule when lying is to ‘keep it simple’. If you don’t follow this rule and, instead, attempt to intimidate people with highly complicated stuff, then it is guaranteed that you will, at some point, trip over your own feet”. This happened, not for the first time, in a WHO press conference in Geneva on Monday 8th June 2020.

WHO declares “Lockdown, Social Distancing and Face Masks” UNNECESSARY…

In parenthesis, it may be of interest to note what is written in “A Course in Miracles”:

Continue reading Corona Revelations…

Judy Mikovits “Plandemic” Video Hits ONE BILLION Views Worldwide…

“The Most Viewed And Banned Documentary Of All Times…”

Opinion By “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

I’ll be honest – When Kent Heckenlively JD first came to me about placing articles on the BolenReport that he said “may be a little controversial” I softly smiled.

Why?  Well, the BolenReport is VERY well known for injecting controversy into the conversation.  We pride ourselves on being WAY AHEAD of the game providing reality in the world-wide health care conversations.

Kent’s very first article for the BolenReport was, in fact, a lament over the fact that his and Judy Mikovits first book “Plague” wasn’t selling all that well – and it should be. He wrote this:

PLAGUE – The Best Science Book You Haven’t Read!

Kent has since written over two hundred articles for the BolenReport…

Continue reading Judy Mikovits “Plandemic” Video Hits ONE BILLION Views Worldwide…

TROLL WARNING! “Freedom Watch” and Larry Klayman have Joined Team Mikovits…

By Kent Heckenlively, JD

Like a classic hero I feel obligated to provide fair warning to my enemies of what awaits them if they continue on their present course.

Godzilla (in the form of Larry Klayman and Freedom Watch) has joined the Mikovits team.

Don’t know who Larry Klayman is?   Here’s his bio:

Larry Klayman, founder of Judicial Watch and Freedom Watch, is known for his strong public interest advocacy in furtherance of ethics in government and individual freedoms and liberties. During his tenure at Judicial Watch, he obtained a court ruling that Bill Clinton committed a crime, the first lawyer ever to have done so against an American president. Larry became so famous for fighting corruption in the government and the legal profession that the NBC hit drama series “West Wing” created a character after him: Harry Klaypool.

Yes, the guy who nailed “Slick Willy” is now working for Dr. Judy Mikovits.  Oh, and if I need him for anything, he said to just give him a call.  I told him I was interested in going after Chuck Todd of Meet the Press for saying that our book, PLAGUE OF CORRUPTION was “self-published”.

FACT CHECK, Chuck Todd!  PLAGUE OF CORRUPTION was published by Skyhorse Press and distributed by Simon & Schuster.  I’m thinking that initial demand letter will be for two million in lost sales and ten million in punitive damages.

But let’s get to some serious thoughts…

Continue reading TROLL WARNING! “Freedom Watch” and Larry Klayman have Joined Team Mikovits…

“Plague Of Corruption” – What Happened To Judy Mikovits Was Just Part of A Pattern…

But The World Is Waking Up To The Scam…

Opinion By “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

It is awful what happened to Dr Judy Mikovits over her health care discoveries.  That should never happen, and in a perfect world it would not.  However, the world we live in is far from perfect.  The “Health Care” world is only “perfect” for those that abuse it – and THEY are legion.

What happened to Judy Mikovits happens EVERY DAY somewhere in America to someone, or some group that has tried to step away and create a better offering and/or a better system.  Why?  There is a complete system in place to protect the HIGHLY PROFITABLE and almost completely useless, US Health Care system.  It is very much run like a CIA PsyOps operation.

The “Vaccine Issue” which the extremely powerful “Anti-Vaxxer” Movement goes nose-to-nose with, is, in fact, just a small part of the whole scheme to control US, and hence all of Planet Earth’s health care offering in favor of drugs, drugs, and more drugs.

But, in 2020, with Donald Trump as our President, things are happening.  Things that scare the living shit out of Globalist Big Pharma and their sleazy minions.

Presidential Election 2020 REALLY IS “Big Pharma vs Trump” in every possible way.  Yes, China is a big player, but Globalist Big Pharma is providing the money.

In Election 2020 put your money on Trump.  Donald has told Globalist Big Pharma, in no uncertain terms “You want to do business in America, then you are going to make your products in America, not China…”

When “Impeachment” did not work, and the “Covid-19” bullshit failed. Big Pharma trotted out their “Vaccine damaged” millenials who, with their damaged brains,  easily took to looting and burning.  As we are finding out in the unmasking of the ANTIFA groupies the looting, and burning, participants have mental parts missing…

I am going to give you some highlights of how it all works…

Continue reading “Plague Of Corruption” – What Happened To Judy Mikovits Was Just Part of A Pattern…

“Anti-Vaxxers” Smack World Health Organization (WHO)…

Few People Ever Expected The “Anti-Vaxxer” Movement to Get This Big, This Powerful, This Connected, This Influential…

But it did, and for good reason…

Opinion by “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

When you turn on the nightly news every night this last week you see something VERY unusual.  You see the reactions of the globalists/socialists to the simple fact that they have lost control of the social dialogue in America and in Western Civilization..  So they are resorting to looting and destruction of America’s cities, in an attempt to get attention and re-assert their old power through fear.

And, it is NOT working.

Instead, we, as a society, are gearing up to subject them, and their funding and organizing sources, to mass arrest and incarceration using the 1807 Insurrection Act.

America’s conservatives have awakened.

I have been saying to my friends for  quite a while now:

“It is NOT the liberals in this country who are the problem.  It is WE – the conservatives. 

Why?  Because WE, the conservatives, are the adults in this conversation.  WE are the ones that let the liberals get away with this crap all this time while we sat here in our complacency playing with our expensive adult toys. 

WE, the conservatives, know how to act.  We know what has to be done.  We know who has to be bitch-slapped into proper behavior.  What are we all waiting for? 

When dealing with the liberal progressives it is like dealing with your own teenagers.  There comes a time when you have to take away the car keys.”

It has become VERY obvious that the “Anti-Vaxxer” Movement has adopted this paradigm in their processing of their efforts to destroy the evil vaccine (drug) industry.

Continue reading “Anti-Vaxxers” Smack World Health Organization (WHO)…

The “Anti-Vaxxer” Movement is Responsible for The “Covid-19” Attack On America…

It’s Not Donald Trump They Are After – It’s Us…

Opinion by “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

Of course the whole “Covid-19” thing is a massive hoax.  People all over the country are figuring that out.  It is a massive, well organized attack on America and Western Civilization.  All of the evidence of this collusion is starting to leak out, and best of all, it failed.  In fact, it is working completely against the globalists who are/were behind it.

One of the most horrifying things is the intentional killing  of our older members of society – those trapped in Nursing Homes where they could not get away…

…just to create numbers of deaths quickly so as to justify the complete shutdown of not just the US economy, but activist gatherings that challenged globalist thinking – like “Mandatory Vaccinations for all.”

Everyone knew, from information coming from China, early on, that people in Nursing Homes were at risk, but Democratic State Governors DID nothing to protect our aged loved ones who needed help.  In fact they did the opposite.  They isolated “THE HEALTHY.”

Why were the Democrats isolating “THE HEALTHY?”  For an answer look at their first, and most important shutdown targets – churches, and any other places NORMAL people gather to see each other.  For sure the liberals wanted to prevent “Trump Rallies” from happening.

They also needed to prevent the MASSIVE “Anti-Vaxxer” Movement from visiting local State, and Federal, elected representatives…

Continue reading The “Anti-Vaxxer” Movement is Responsible for The “Covid-19” Attack On America…