
California Vaccine-Injured Children and Their Families; Discriminated Against Statewide By the California State Legislature

Opinion By Karri Lewis – AWAKE California

DISCRIMINATION is a dirty word in politics today. California, generally a very liberal state, tends to FROWN UPON Discrimination.

So Why are Countless Vaccine Damaged Children and Their Families Facing DISCRIMINATION when it comes to a PRIVATE or PUBLIC EDUCATION?

And why would Democrats, the supposed party of CARE and CONCERN, encourage DISCRIMINATION against vulnerable, defenseless, vaccine-injured children and their families?

The California Democratic Party voted last year to include FORCED VACCINATION MANDATES as part of their party platform.

See here:

Democratic California State Senator Richard Pan has allegedly been at the forefront of this DISCRIMINATION; that also includes, Hate Speech Attacks on Vaccine-Injured Children and their Families.

See Fox 40 News video here:

Continue reading California Vaccine-Injured Children and Their Families; Discriminated Against Statewide By the California State Legislature

Why can’t dying patients have ANY drug they can get their hands on?

By Richard Jaffe, Esq.

For almost 40 years, terminal patients have been trying to obtain access to unapproved new drugs. The latest effort has come from the Goldwater Institute (“GI”) which has made the strategic decision to bypass Congress and the federal courts and go directly to the state legislatures. GI’s legislative efforts have been wildly successful, having passed its “right to try” law in more than half of the states. That’s an almost unbelievable accomplishment and everyone should laud and support it, but it won’t do much, practically, until Congress is forced to act, and act in a big way.  Before I go into why the state legislative angle won’t do the job, let’s review how we got to where we aren’t, namely open access to pipeline (and other) drugs for very sick people who can’t be helped by FDA approved drugs. Continue reading Why can’t dying patients have ANY drug they can get their hands on?

“Pea-Brained PhD” – A Tale of Pro-Vaxxer Fear…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen 

Too often we, here, on the BolenReport, and other publications, talk about the problems of North American Health Care without pointing out, to our readers, that in the Health Freedom Movement WE WIN ALL OF THE TIME…

Part of the reason we win is that we openly communicate problems.  And, when we do that there is an effect.  We start the ball rolling.

Probably the biggest effect, right now, is that we have driven most of our front-line opposition into hiding – and that is a very important point.

So why, for example, are the supposedly “pro-vax, etc.,” people hiding?  When you hunt them down, and drag them out into the light, all becomes evident.  Look what we found when we examined nitwit David Gorski (Orac)’s network.

There is NO QUESTION that the monstrous Anti-Vax Movement is scaring the crap out of those that pretend to think that vaccines are safe and effective.  Step outside and smell the fear in the air.  The signs are everywhere.

Get ready to laugh  – I have another story about frustrated pro-vax snivelers to entertain you with.  We are dragging another batch of life’s detritus out into the light…


Continue reading “Pea-Brained PhD” – A Tale of Pro-Vaxxer Fear…

Don’t Drink the Water and Don’t Breathe the Air

KP Stoller, MD


Hey New York City… Whatza matter you?

You are allowing your city to be sprayed with  pesticides to kill mosquitoes cause they carry a virus that has never been proven to be the cause of microcephaly in Brazil?

You know what is going to happen?225965_1670297484427_1447061602_31259751_1441755_s

Cases of microcephaly are going to happen and health authorities will say, “See… Zika is in New York and Zika causes microcephaly.” Then they will spray you more and there will be even more microcephaly.

Two larvicides, Altosid and Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis (BTI), are being sprayed in NYC to kill mosquitoes suspected of carrying the Zika virus, which the CDC has confirmed (without evidence) causes microcephaly. 

This is just NUTS! Continue reading Don’t Drink the Water and Don’t Breathe the Air

Open Letter to Canada’s Health Minister re: the Conviction of David and Collet Stephan in the Death of their Son

by Jillian Skeet  – From the Icy North…


May 5, 2016

The Honourable Jane Philpott
Minister of Health
Parliament Buildings,
Ottawa, ON K1A OA6

Dear Honourable Minister Philpott,

Re: Conviction of David and Collet Stephan in the Meningitis Death of their Son

First, please allow me to say how grateful I am for the many positive ways in which your government has been restoring Canadian values and the Canada I have always believed in.

I am writing to you with very grave concerns about the state of the healthcare system in Canada. I am not referring to surgery wait-times or a shortage of family physicians, I am referring to the fundamental basis on which medicine is being practiced in Canada, and the dangerous role that pharmaceutical companies are now playing.

With the recent conviction of David and Collet Stephan in the tragic death of their son from meningitis, it is clear that our entire medical establishment, with the support of government, media and the courts, has become beholden to the pharmaceutical industry.

Nineteen month old Ezekiel Stephan’s death from meningitis is a story that is all too familiar. However, it is usually medical professionals who make the news for missing the correct diagnosis and failing to act quickly enough to save their patients. When parents or victims themselves fail to react to the symptoms in time, it is more common but less newsworthy. We never hear about them being charged with negligence causing death or failing to provide the necessaries of life. Continue reading Open Letter to Canada’s Health Minister re: the Conviction of David and Collet Stephan in the Death of their Son

If You Haven’t Reserved Your Ticket to AutismOne, Thennnn….

by Candyce Estave – @ceestave


You are missing out!

From cutting-edge therapies for recovery from autism all the way to activism and everything else that goes along with raising a child with autism and/or vaccine injury, this is where I need to be to hear what I need to hear: Chicago, May 25-29.


I do know, from Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)’s Dr. Stephanie Seneff and her research on GMOs, that autism can be more than vaccine injury. Dr. Seneff is coming, and she is there with Zen Honeycutt, the rock star who demanded GMO labeling across the country.


I’m a huge fan of Ty Bollinger, the man who brought us the documentary film The Truth about Cancer. He’s coming and will be interviewing participants. I’m eager to meet him and thank him for his work in exposing the truth. Continue reading If You Haven’t Reserved Your Ticket to AutismOne, Thennnn….

LAUGH OUT LOUD: Pro-Vaxxers RUNNING, Hiding, Cringing, Whimpering, Surrounding Themselves With Gunmen…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate – Tim Bolen


It has begun…

The VACCINE HOLOCAUST DENIALISTS never, ever, imagined that there would be an anti-vax uprising of this magnitude.  To them, all Americans are sheep.

Paul Offit actually thought he was SO WONDERFUL that no one would ever question his “10,000 vaccines at once” nonsense.  Now he’s a laughing-stock avoiding “opportunities” to get those 10,000 vaccines jabbed into his ass at one sitting.

But, Richard Pan, the nitwit that thought his efforts might make him President of the US, carried in on drug lord money, after he got a mandatory vaccine bill (SB277) passed in California takes the laughing-stock cake now.  Far surpassing Offit. Continue reading LAUGH OUT LOUD: Pro-Vaxxers RUNNING, Hiding, Cringing, Whimpering, Surrounding Themselves With Gunmen…

Throwing Gasoline on the Wikipedia Fire…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen 

I want to apologize to everyone that are submitting “Comments” to the BolenReport and not seeing them pop up instantly.

I was inundated with “skeptic” crap – and decided to “monitor” all of the Comments.  Since I have meetings, and other obligations, sometimes it is hours before I can get back to the Comment queue.  Please, don’t go away – just put them there.  They will appear.

Or you can send them to my email address.  The information I am getting is WOW!!

As you know the “skeptics” live in a different world than those of us brought up with a kindness, and caring, family oriented Judeo-Christian Ethic.  Their “Comments” are not something normal people would want to see, or hear.  I think that if someone were to do what they do in a Public Park on a Saturday, the police would come, and take them away.  Why is their behavior condoned on the internet?

As you know, Meryl Dorey, of the Australian Vaccination Network (AVN) was threatened with rape, mutilation, and death by the “skeptics.”

They sent Meryl, in her site’s “Comments” section, homosexual pornography, a photo of a white-woman-being-ripped-in-half-while-being-raped-by-a-black-man, and more.  They also, of course, called her home and threatened her children with burning her house down in the middle of the night..  You can review that horror story here.

I have to protect my readers from that.

The “skeptic” that made those “burn your house down” threats was given the Australian Skeptics top award for his work… Continue reading Throwing Gasoline on the Wikipedia Fire…

Is Wikipedia Controlled by the Scum/Filth “Skeptics?” Or is Something Else Going On Here?

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen 

There is no question that Wikipedia is not our friend.  It is obviously “SkepticGrand Dragon Home Base.  Sifting though Wikipedia articles on health care is like being forced to listen to convicted pedophiles talk about their “conquests.”

Wikipedia Health articles are THAT horrible.

And, of course,  when we study the “skeptic” leadership,  and management picture, how that horror happens, becomes obvious.

I am a well known Crisis Management Consultant in health care.  One of the tactics I use on behalf of clients is to set up campaigns that include, among other things, litigation.  So, of course, it should be no surprise I am looking at what litigation, and PR campaign, would be necessary to bring Wikipedia down – just simply destroy it.  Get it off the internet.  Why destroy it?  Because they have been asked nicely, time and time again to fix problems – and they answer with nastiness.

Frankly, I think it is time to just shut it down.  Wikipedia has failed.  It is simply a propaganda tool for the unwashed.

Can We Actually Destroy Wikipedia?

Of course we can.  The whole Wikipedia thing is a sleight-of-hand trick, with Jimmy Wales pretending he has done something wonderful with five and ten dollar “contributions” from millions of people.  That’s bullshit…

The real money behind Wikipedia, I think, is the HUGE anonymous “contributions” that Jimmy never mentions.  And, I think, Jimmy is completely controlled by those contributors. Continue reading Is Wikipedia Controlled by the Scum/Filth “Skeptics?” Or is Something Else Going On Here?

SWALLOW THIS: Fluoride “Multi-Vitamins, Drops, Tablets” Are Not FDA-Approved, But Are Still Being Sold To American Children

By David Kennedy, DDS, MIAOMT

The fluoride fiasco in tablet form– over 40 years of harm

We have all heard the story about how the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is there to protect us from unscrupulous pharmaceutical manufacturers.  We also get reminders once in a while that there is a reason for their existence when we hear about candy contaminated with lead or spinach contaminated with bacteria.  I must agree that this all sounds well and good, but there is a fiasco with fluoride, and the FDA is at the center of it.

Fluorosis is a defect of tooth enamel caused by too much fluoride intake during the first 8 years of life. Although fluorosis can be cosmetically treated, the damage to the enamel is permanent.

Fluoride is currently added to the water of approximately 60% of the American population.   It’s also found in dental products such as toothpaste and floss, fillings, cements, sealants, food and beverages, pesticides, and other products, including pharmaceutical drugs such as Prozac and Cipro.  Fluoride has been controversial for decades, and after years of debate, in 2015, the U.S. government finally recommended lowering levels of fluoride in water.   In spite of this recent change (which many decry as not anywhere near enough), fluoride is still being distributed in vitamins, which is something you can help put an end to since no one else seems to be doing much to stop this illegal practice. Continue reading SWALLOW THIS: Fluoride “Multi-Vitamins, Drops, Tablets” Are Not FDA-Approved, But Are Still Being Sold To American Children

The Forces are Gathering…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen 

(1)  Every time I do an Exposé piece I get people telling me, or sending me, more information.  After I wrote “Mike Adams (Natural News) Attacks Skeptics’ Center Point…,”  was no exception.

And, the stuff I got was terrific.

Robin Aris, up in Northern California, pointed out that, in my article about Mike Adam’s attack on the “skeptics”  I didn’t go far enough explaining who Loren Pankratz’s “False Memory Syndrome” buddy Ralph Underwager was.

Robin said:

“According to several sources, Ralph Underwager, is also a former official of the North American Man/Boy Love Association (NAMBLA). His interview with Paidika in 1993 is truly disturbing. Are any of the ‘skeptics’ not perverts defending perverts?”

Robin also sent me this video interview of Underwager from 60 Minutes – Australia.  And it’s an “Oh my!” video. Continue reading The Forces are Gathering…

Board Subpoenas , YES (usually); De Facto Search Warrants, NO

Note from Tim Bolen –  A good many of  our readers are from the “patient” side of the medical/healthcare equation.  But, for instance, there are those of us that have spent our careers on both sides of that practitioner/patient situation.  Health Professionals that can deal, successfully, with problems like Autism (Vaccine Damage), need a much higher level of protection – because the medical/health system frowns on cutting-edge innovation in health care.  My friend attorney Rick Jaffe has dealt with those challenges, successfully, for years.  

So, I am going to give all of you a glimpse of what goes on, legally, behind the scenes, to protect cutting edge practitioners, with some articles that would normally just go out to those hundred thousand or so of cutting-edge practitioners.

 I think you will find it all very interesting…

Texas Medical Board (TMB) personnel face damage claim for illegally trying to search and seize medical records.

by Richard Jaffe JD
In the late 1980s, my New York law firm did some work for Robert Atkins involving the New York medical board, (aka the Office of Professional Medical Conduct). The board wanted the records of a number of his ozone therapy patients. The patients didn’t want their records released, so Bob Atkins hired our firm to try to quash the subpoena.

We made precedent, but not in a good way. The New York appellate court ruled against us and held that the board has a right to medical records, even over the objection of the patient.  In virtually every state, with some variations, a medical board can obtain patient medical records in the absence of patient consent and despite HIPAA. (The one exception is California where if the patient doesn’t want his or her records released, the medical board has to go to court to convince a judge that there is good cause for releasing the records.  I am doing one of those cases right now.)

How this usually shakes out is that a physician receives a letter from the board about a complaint and asks for medical records. The letter will also usually include a subpoena and a business records affidavit form so that the medical records can be admissible in an administrative proceeding. The board’s letter usually gives the physician a few weeks to respond and turn-over the records.

Not too long ago, the Texas Medical Board tried something different for a doctor who they suspected might be operating an unregistered pain management clinic. A medical board investigator along with a DEA agent showed-up at a physician’s office and demanded access to certain medical records on the spot using presenting an instant subpoena (subpoena instantar). Continue reading Board Subpoenas , YES (usually); De Facto Search Warrants, NO

California Vaccine Mandates and The Boiled Frog Effect

By Karri Lewis – AWAKE California


Do you remember that old “science” experiment where a frog immediately jumps out of a pot of boiling water when placed directly into that boiling water?

However, when the frog is placed in a pot of cold water and the temperature of the water is very slowly raised to a boil, the frog stays in the pot and boils to death?

At this point, you’re probably wondering what this has to do with California, vaccine mandates, and BOUGHT, Pharmaceutical-owned politicians?

Stay with me here.

Imagine now that the frog is the public at large, the boiling water represents vaccine mandates and the Pharmaceutical Industry; and the cold water represents the California State government.

This is ALL very good imagery to explain HOW the Pharmaceutical companies became so entangled and enmeshed within the California State government.

Like the frog being brought to a boil, slowly, the California public has been led to forced vaccination medical experimentation and mandates.

Vaccines and the mandates that followed, were very slowly foisted upon the gullible and unsuspecting public. Continue reading California Vaccine Mandates and The Boiled Frog Effect

Mike Adams (Natural News) Attacks Skeptics’ Center Point…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen 

Right after the American Civil War a group was formed, calling itself the Ku Klux Klan.  It’s purpose was to attack, from a position of secrecy, those they hated; wanted disenfranchised (held down) on the American scene.  Their primary tactic, was the use of the white-sheet-with-eyeholes – a device to provide anonymity for the haters and generate high levels of fear in their victims.

White-robed at night – solid citizen by day.  Their targets – Blacks, Jews, Roman Catholics, European immigrants.  Their reasoning – they, themselves were afraid of change.  They couldn’t withstand the economic competition.  It took quite a while to hunt them down…

In 2016 we have a very same situation.  The group now, though, calls itself the “skeptics,” made up, I have found, of American society’s detritus.  They are just as nasty, and hateful, as the originals.

Their targets, though, are not, yet, specifically Blacks, Jews, Roman Catholics and European immigrants.  They are Christians, Jews, families in general, parents concerned about vaccines, health regimens that compete with drugs (like homeopathy), health care providers that spurn the use of drugs, scientists that question the medical status quo, manufacturers of products that compete with drugs, etc.  And, the attacks are just as vicious.

But this time there are no white-sheets-with-eyeholes.  This time it is Internet-Anonymity.  The control of Wikipedia health care articles is a prime example.  The manipulation of Google’s search engines is another.  The “skeptics” have training camps.  I’ll demonstrate below.

Then Along Comes Mike Adams…

Mike Adams, over at Natural News, shocked me the other morning when I glanced at his newest article.  There, Mike was writing about top Skeptic” Grand Dragon David Gorski MD, the one who, on the internet, has declared himself to be an Infallible Oracle.

Calling himself “Orac,” Gorski writes in angry, hate-spewing prose, attacking his betters.  He ranges from sniveling, to whimpering, to raging, about people, issues,  and subjects in health care he clearly knows nothing about.  He goes on and on.  Where 100 words would do, Gorski uses 23,421.  His personal insecurities are attached to every phrase.

Gorski is, without doubt, the 2016 Grand Dragon of the very sceptic “skeptics.”

Right after Gorski writes on his blog Respectful Insolence, the “commenters” begin to appear – within seconds.  The first thing you notice is their anonymity.  The second is the sheer nastiness of their offerings.  The third  is that most comments look to be in EXACTLY the same writing style as Gorski himself, which makes me wonder how many internet IDs Gorski actually uses.

What kind of sick-o-path would write a nasty article about someone, or some thing, and then change to ten to fifteen other fake names to make comments on his own article, so that IT LOOKS LIKE he has a big following?

Ummmm?  David Gorski?

Makes sense to me…

As I Said – Then Along Comes Mike Adams…

With his article series Mike had, journalistically speaking, reached out and punched this Gorski jackass, including all of Gorski’s fake IDs, right between his multiple eyes. And, hence, he had punched the whole bag of sceptic “skeptics.”

The next day, Mike did it again, this time, with a one-two punch, so-to-speak.

So, I called Mike and complained.  After all, Mike was operating in MY territory so-to-speak. I, Tim Bolen, am the one who calls out the “skeptic” menagerie, and smacks them around the internet room.

What the hell, Mike?  (humor intended).

Regardless of my complaints to Mike, he did it again.  Then again.  Then again, and again.  And he did it pretty damn well…

More, Mike had struck at the heart of the beast.


Continue reading Mike Adams (Natural News) Attacks Skeptics’ Center Point…

Mumps outbreak at Harvard – because the vaccine is apparently a fraud


KP Stoller, MD

For more than three decades Merck has had the exclusive license from the FDA to manufacture mumps vaccine in the USA. It was first approved in 1967 and the same strain used then is being used today. Originally, it was in a single dose vaccine but after 1971, it was incorporated in the MMR vaccine and seven million doses a year are sold in the USA.

In order to obtain that original license, Merck had to prove to the FDA that the vaccine had at least 95% efficacy. That means that over 95% of those getting the vaccine will show an adequate antibody response. This antibody response is assumed to be the same as being immunized, but that is not always the case – just having an antibody response to  a vaccine does not mean one is immunized, but that is a minor point that gets ignored. Be that as it may, that is not what this post is about. Continue reading Mumps outbreak at Harvard – because the vaccine is apparently a fraud

The MMR & the CDC

KP Stoller, MD


I frequently get asked if I think there will be a Congressional Hearing so that the CDC whistle-blower, William Thompson, PhD, can give his testimony under oath.

If that happened, what kind of testimony would he give?

This is what he actually said in the recent documentary “Vaxxed”:

Thompson: “They (the CDC) don’t really want people to know that this data exists.”

Thompson: “…among the blacks, the ones that were getting vaccinated earlier, were more likely to have autism.” Continue reading The MMR & the CDC

The Need For Transparency…

By Karri Lewis – AWAKE California


When Tim Bolen, writer, editor and publisher of the BolenReport, told me he needed writers for his new project, and why he was approaching ME, I was a bit apprehensive about taking on yet another project.  Running the AWAKE California Facebook page is a 24/7 job in and of itself.

When he told me about the direction that the BolenReport is taking and the reach that it will achieve, I got really excited.  We need so many organizational tools to help bring activists together in the health freedom movement; especially here in California, which is ground zero for the forced vaccination mandates that are sweeping the country.

The Fight For California…

So as Tim and I were talking, he asked me to focus on California and the need for activists to be plugged into what is going on here in our State.  We also need a way to communicate with activists directly, and not just on Facebook.  This gave me some ideas.

First, let me start off by saying, it’s a wonderful thing that so many California activists are willing and able to take action when they see a need.  And I do believe that most of us are on the same team and want our health freedom rights restored.  That is good news.

We’ve had many positive actions taken by so many health freedom activists, the Learn the Risk campaign, Beyond The PBE Factor…What Now? Facebook page, Campaign for Liberty, Million Mamas Movement, Los Angeles Against SB277 Facebook Page, Stop the Spraying of Orange County Facebook Page and so many others. Continue reading The Need For Transparency…

What’s Really Going On At AutismOne?

Written by Candyce Estave


Once again, parents of the vaccine injured, advocates and activists, health care providers, practitioners, and speakers are gearing up, as they have for the last 14 years, for the AutismOne 2016 Conference.

AutismOne is one of the most progressive of autism or health- related educational conferences by telling parents, physicians, and the public what really happened to cause the autism epidemic and other health conditions in children.

The CDC tells us that 1 child in 68 has autism and that 1 in 7 American children ages 2-8 have a mental, behavioral, or developmental problem, but they don’t tell people why, so that something positive can be done. The AutismOne conference goes on to tell attendees what can be done to protect the health of our children and where there’s already a diagnosis, how we can recover health and skills. Continue reading What’s Really Going On At AutismOne?

What’s Wrong with American Health Care?

By Richard Jaffe Esq.

Tim Bolen’s Note:   My friend, attorney Rick Jaffe, is a lion in attorney clothing.  He fears no one.  In cutting edge health care circles he’s the litigator to call when the enemy is at the gate.  His client list is a who’s who of the cutting-edge health world.  I was having lunch with Rick at the Cal-Jam Event in Costa Mesa, California, talking about my BolenReport revision project – when I looked across the table and thought to myself “Holy Moley! This guy knows stuff about the problems of health care that even I don’t know…  Hmmmm?” – and an idea was born.  So, I said “Hey Rick, what’s wrong with the US health care system?   Just below is his response…

Recently, the esteemed publisher/editor/writer of the Bolen Report asked me what I thought was wrong with the US healthcare system.  I was taken aback. Even though I have been involved in health care cases, organizations, and legislative initiatives for a long time, I don’t often get asked big picture questions. I thought it might be a nice change of pace to put down some of my observations and general critiques of the system based on my 30 years in the healthcare arena and as a consumer of health care services. So here goes. Continue reading What’s Wrong with American Health Care?

We’ve Moved the BolenReport to a New Neighborhood…

It wasn’t easy.  But it was worth it.

Now, we can begin the new project.  Most of our new Authors have written articles.  Each of which are superb.

As you noticed, Ken Stoller MD wrote three new articles, testing, as it were, how well the system worked.  It worked better than expected.  We had so much traffic on the temporary platform we lost the whole thing while trying to migrate it.

There was a moment of near panic, but the hosting company said “Hold that thought…” and just moved the pointer back to the original platform where everything still was.  Their advice?  “Let’s move this in the middle of the night” – which we did, and when I woke up this morning, it was all right there.  And now we begin… Continue reading We’ve Moved the BolenReport to a New Neighborhood…