Folks, understand this…..the Anti-Vax Movement is now at ground zero in the global fight for preserving our individual sovereignty as human beings. For the first time, the true colors of Big Pharma and their partners, the Marxists, have been revealed. This past week, all was laid bare by Del Bigtree in his TV show called High Wire. The episode called “Calipharma” is a must watch. It is available for viewing here:
This episode covers the key elements of what we are up against.
The California legislature has just passed an even more draconian law to force all parents to vaccinate their kids without any way out. Standing in the wings is legislation to force all adults to be fully vaccinated or they will not be able to get drivers licenses or conduct business of any kind where you are required to show an ID.
On Del’s show, you will see highlights of the demonstrations of ordinary people trying a last ditch effort to stop the bill. You will also see an extended interview with a mother whose child died from a vaccine and how the Minnesota public health department is trying to intimidate her and refuses to provide autopsy evidence so she can go to Vaccine Court to make a claim.
Del has a lengthy interview with Jefferey Jaxen of the Jaxen Report going over the key details regarding all the lawsuits being brought against Opioid drug manufacturers. Dozens of states attorneys general are suing and forcing huge settlements and/or bankruptcies for lying about the safety of these drugs. Purdue Pharma, a family held company, is declaring bankruptcy and the Sackler family who control Purdue are also being sued. You can google for major stories covered by mainstream press for even more details. Reuters and The Washington Post are just two.
Del also included the press briefing on the game changing lawsuit the Oklahoma Attorney General, Mike Hunter, has just won against the Johnson & Johnson drug company, the kingpin source of Opioid ingredients for drug makers selling Opioid drugs.
While the great wall of silence about the dangers of vaccines still exists in the public square, it too, may fall soon.
Del included a short out-take of a public meeting called by Oklahoma legislators to force a public discussion about the safety of vaccines. You’ll see Del confronting health department officials with the lies they have been telling to promote vaccine mandates. Yes, I said, public discussion with Del speaking truth!!!!! AT THE OK CAPITOL! In front of God and everybody!
Just so you know, Oklahoma is unique in this country due to our state constitution.
People here have much more power than in other states. In 1920, this situation provided ordinary Oklahoma citizens an opportunity to reject an attempt by Big Pharma, through its drug-promoting medical trade group, the American Medical Association, to create a monopoly like they have in all other states.
The politics of this referendum started with the first legislature in 1908 and through various political twists and turns over the years, anti-monopoly forces never gave up. It took 12 years to win the fight. By statewide referendum, the people of Oklahoma voted, by over 46,000 votes, to reject Big Pharma. The essence of the argument was and still is as follows:
Said bill is the natural progeny of a gigantic “trust” that by fastening its tentacles, octopus-like, upon the very vitals of society, dominates the religious life and the policies of the country, largely, and without whose kindly (?) office and ministrations none DARE to be born, hope to live or presume to die.Under this bill, if it becomes law, the people of Oklahoma cannot live, move nor have any sort of being, without the control, absolute domination, of the “Allopath Medical Trust.”
Since then, Chiropractors and all other Drugless Practitioners as they were called back then, have been freed from the grip of Big Pharma and its trade group, the AMA. We Okies are blessed with open access to all the drugless healing modalities anybody could possibly want, including Indian Medicine Men some of whom have offices on main street for people of all cultures to consult.
One of the topics Del discussed is the role of the Democratic Party as being the promoters of Big Pharma’s drive to create ironclad vaccine mandates state by state.
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Like a lot of other people, when I grew up, left home, got married then went on into my life, I still felt unfinished. Consequently, I’ve been on a personal quest to make sense of things all these years. I’d like to share some of my path with you as it may illustrate why I am so passionate about promoting health freedom.
After I got married I moved to Oklahoma City, where I chanced on a volunteer program just starting that featured weekly training sessions. The idea was that ordinary citizens could be taught basic professional level psychological counseling to help juvenile delinquents and their families sort out their lives. Yes, this training was sufficient for me to be paid by the County to do this kind of work and some of my colleagues went on to graduate school to get actual credentials and hang out their shingles.
The weekly meetings were interesting. One week was with a psychologist who was trained by Eric Berne, developer of Transactional Analysis. TA was taking the country by storm at the time and changed the English language. “I’m okay, you’re okay”, “games people play”, “warm fuzzies“, “cold pricklies” are technical terms that come from the TA model. The other week, we’d meet with a Freudian psychiatrist trained at the Menninger Foundation in Topeka, KS. At his invitation I also audited a graduate course he was offering at a local college covering Freudian philosophy. My paper for the class was a review of Freud’s work, Jokes and Their Relation to the Unconsciouswhich I illustrated with a cartoon of Lucy of Peanuts fame behind her psychiatric booth giving advice to Linus holding his blanket.
OKC was a hotbed of this kind of training. Several hundred people from the Red Cross and other volunteer programs along with medical students getting credit for the training and supervision for the same stuff that was being taught at Esalen in California, the epicenter of what was later to be called the “human potential movement.” Anybody who was anybody came to OKC to hold workshops. While I never met psychiatrist Eric Berne or his close friend and colleague, psychiatrist Fritz Perls – father of Gestalt Therapy,I was trained by their close friends and colleagues psychiatrist Robert Goulding, his wife MSW Mary Goulding and Virginia Satir. The Gouldings developed their own brand of therapy called Redecision Therapy, a hybrid of TA and Gestalt. While all this training and supervision gives me some bragging rights, my point here is that I was committed to a total immersion exploration into learning how I and other people ticked. I wanted to know how I could get my dysfunctional past cleaned up so I could go on with my life. It also has provided me with the tools to avoid getting hooked into dysfunctional communications with others or get upset with the “games” that go on in the public square.
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Over the years, The BolenReport has been publishing articles about the evils of vaccines, the lies about crooked science, the arbitrary political forces that want to dictate how parents take care of their children medically and run our lives.
The anti-vax community is the largest activist group in the world, with communications networks everywhere. Even though from time-to-time The BolenReport’s connections are removed from Facebook and many of our articles are officially blocked, our news is still circulated worldwide thanks to you.
Just so you know…….
When Donald Trump came on the scene, a lot of the venom that had been aimed at the anti-vaxxer movement was shifted to him.
One of the earliest political statements he made was regarding his concerns about the safety and effectiveness of vaccines. Trump followed through immediately after the election by asking Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., the scion of the great liberal Kennedy dynasty, to help get to the truth about the entire industry.
We need to understand why Trump set this up, quit whining about why we don’t like him, and not get distracted by side issues the Marxist left keeps bringing up for the purpose of creating angry headlines and general chaos. It is part of an overall strategy to destabilize our country.
Trump is NOT the problem, despite all the propaganda being peddled about him. It is the goals he is in the process of achieving to protect our Western Civilization that are driving his detractors crazy.
Here’s why Trump went after vaccines first. Mandatory vaccinations represent ultimate control of the population.
The goal of the anti-Trump forces is to take down our government and transform our country into a controlled Marxist state. Call it a social democracy if you like; it amounts to the same thing. First, a nice friendly socialist state with free health care for all that then morphs into a controlled communist state Bernie Sanders and his fans forget to mention.
…the horrors of the Marxist state are never taught in our public schools. Even more worrisome, according to the Southern California Young Communist League, “Whoever controls the minds of the next generation basically controls the future.” In other words, for example, students are not told that during Mao’s Cultural Revolution, 3 million Chinese were killed and somewhere between 20 to 43 million died of starvation in the worst famine in world history which Mao proudly called “The Great Leap Forward.”
Another detail never mentioned is that during this famine, children were killed, boiled, used for fertilizer or eaten. These facts are hardly topics worthy of classroom discussion, apparently.
Think “Bernie Sanders” when you realize the death rate in Marxist countries worldwide, during the 20th century, is estimated to be between 85 million to 100 million. What Trump has said from the beginning, he’s for getting America back on track and cleaning out the Swamp of the corruption, such as that which we all know exists in the vaccine industry.
As for Trump’s understanding of the medical industry…
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“Political Correctness” is the central tactic used to try to silence The Anti-Vax Movement…
…and if America goes Marxist, as Bernie Sanders is promoting (he calls it Social Democracy), our concerns about safety, and our desire for choice not to vaccinate. will be silenced forever….
If you read my article Trump Opens Door So We Can Purge Marxism From Public Schools on how Marxists actively took over America’s public schools to teach students not to think critically, it was the first of several forthcoming articles about how the Marxist movement has insinuated mind-numbing Marxist thinking into many other spheres of public life here in the U.S. – like honest discussions about health care.
This article focuses on how “Political Correctness”came into being and why we need to put a stop to it to restore order. As you will learn, “Political Correctness”is a well-developed method of mind control designed to herd people with low self-esteem into “following orders”.
Karl Marx – A Man Filled With Self-Loathing…
Karl Marx
Back when Karl Marx was alive and started to write, he was already a sick man. While his middle class parents tried to teach him personal discipline like eating right and getting regular exercise and other middle class self-discipline values, Marx was clearly a misfit. When he went off to college, he was charged with drunken and disorderly behavior, carried guns, squandered his money and was otherwise a wild kid, out of control. His father even moved him from Bonn to Berlin, where he finally finished his university studies.
According to medical experts, Marx suffered from a lifelong condition called hidradenitis, a skin disease that is known to create psychological problems including self-loathing and alienation. Victims suffer from horrible and painful boils under the armpits and in the groin. The disease also causes widespread infection resulting in painful swelling in other parts of his body. Marx also suffered from hemorrhoids.
To add to his low self esteem was that Marx had a thick accent and lisped. That, along with suffering eye problems that caused red eyes and the open sores on his face from other ailments, he must have been quite a sight. After his studies were over, he took to writing and over the years his angry and hostile articles justified officials in France, Germany and Belgium to throw him out of their countries, so he spent the rest of his life living in self-imposed poverty, living off handouts from a rich uncle and his pal Friedrich Engels. During his years in the slums of London, Marx continued to smoke and drink too much and suffered from a variety of ailments associated with living in filth and poverty. Several bouts of depression were prompted by the deaths of several of his seven children who died of diseases brought on by poverty. His ever-present worry was to have enough cash to buy potatoes and bread, the main diet of the entire family.
To tell the truth, Marx never worked a day in his life, instead spending every day at the library writing hateful articles and books telling people how the world was bad and that everyone ought to revolt.
What Marx Believed…
Marx saw the world as made up of two kinds of people – Those who owned all the wealth and those who were not only forced to work for a living but even forced to compete against each other to get low-paying meaningless jobs from the wealthy. He believed people who worked for others were basically serfs locked into the drudgery of work that gave them no time to be free spirits pondering the wonders of the universe.
Marx, a lifelong atheist, believed that a belief in God and the teachings of Christianity were a way to lull workers in being satisfied with their lot in life. He called religion “the opiate of the masses” because he was convinced that it was the wealthy who encouraged the practice of religion to keep everyone in line. Besides, Christianity had too many restrictive rules on how to live your life.
While he never held a job, preferring to spew out writings full of hate year after year, his main political goal was to convince people to overthrow the rich industrialists so their wealth, like the spoils of war, could be given away to the masses. He didn’t care what happened next and to this day, Marxists never offer a blueprint about what to do next, once the Capitalist government has been overthrown. They live in a Never Never land like Peter Pan, who never grew up.
Workers Of The World Unite For All Out War…
What Marx and his followers hoped for was a workers’ revolt to basically overthrow all the governments in Europe to destroy Capitalism.
When such an event didn’t happen after WWI, Marxists of that day decided that workers were way too happy with Capitalism and teachings of the church as a rudder to guide them in the stable society in which they lived. Keep in mind, Capitalism and Christianity are central to the values of Western civilization. High self esteem, personal prosperity and hard work are valued.
Two of the more prominent Marxists at the time, an Italian philosopher named Antonio Gramsci and George Lukacs, a literary philosopher from Hungary, came to the conclusion that in order to promote a successful economic revolution they’d have to destroy all the key values of Western civilization. They had to create a cultural revolution.
In order to do so, they made a list of the key cultural values of Capitalism that needed to be destroyed.
They included:
Belief in God referenced in our Declaration of Independence as “Our Creator” where we got our inalienable rights to life, liberty and pursuit of happiness.
Belief in Christian values like “love your neighbor, help people who need help, live a virtuous life, work hard, value success, feel good about yourself and feel good about your community.”
Belief in normal family relationships of a father and mother who are responsible for raising children, making sure to teach them honesty, personal character, proper behavior and useful lessons on how to set personal goals, think for themselves and lead a successful life.
Have a firm idea about history, learn from it and build on it.
Learn useful skills in order to make a good living.
Gramsci was thrown in jail by Mussolini in 1926 because he thought Gramsci’s Marxist ideas were the enemy of his Fascist regime. Gramsci spent the rest of his days writing his “prison notebooks” exploring how, by subversive tactics, the promoters of Marxism could overrun the pillars of Capitalism in stages.
Georg Lukacs was appointed Minister of Culture in the short- lived Hungarian Soviet Republic. In charge of education, he introduced some of the first sex education classes designed to destroy family values, the stabilizing centerpiece of Western culture. Strange but true, here in the US there are now public schools that start sex education classes in the first grade, actively promote transgenderism, teach the techniques and virtues of what religious people call “sodomy” and assist children in obtaining sex change operations without their parents knowledge or consent.
This particular campaign, to my mind, is the most corrosive of all the Marxist strategies. Sexuality is basic to all human existence. It is how the human race continues and the creating and raising of the next generation is central to all cultures. The idea that parents, who are already forced to surrender their children to state authorities for long hours each day, should be particularly concerned. Here in America, some parents are able to avoid surrendering their children to state authorities by being able to either home school or send their children to private schools where they have control of the content of the education. See my article about Marxism in the public school.
Whatever your beliefs are about matters of sex and/or sexuality is not the issue here.
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Recently, it was CNN that managed to condemn Melania on Mother’s Day for not pushing measles shots…. or, more correctly, the MMR shot. CNN did admit a guy from NIH stepped up to the plate and made the pitch during the Mother’s Day gathering at the White House, but that was not good enough.
What I find laughable is that CNN and its paymasters still hope they can con or bully the anti-vaxxer community into changing their minds.
As for me, this once noble news outlet should now be rightly called the Marxist Propaganda News Network (MPNN) because it spews out nothing but propaganda. This attack on Melania is a pretty lame example.
With all this hysteria about the measles outbreak, it gives me an opportunity to share some stuff with you that you might find useful.
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You Are About To Find Out WHY Globalists Are Trying To Force “Mandatory Vaccines” On America’s Children…
It is all about destroying America’s very fabric. We are in the battle for our existence as a society. The “Elites” want all of the US to emulate the organized, intentional failure of California – heading it into outright Communism…
But, we are fighting back – and the “Elites” are very frightened. They should be.
Trump Issues Executive Order Calling for Local Control of K-12
“For too long the government has imposed its will on state and local governments. The result has been education that spends more and achieves far, far, far less. The time has come to empower teachers and parents to make the decisions that help their students achieve success,” Mr. Trump said. “My administration has been working to reverse this federal power grab and give power back to families cities [and] states — give power back to localities.”
Those were the words President Donald Trump spoke on April 26, 2017, upon signing his Executive Order to pull the federal government out of manipulating the thoughts of children attending compulsory public school. FYI, for over 100 years Marxists have been in charge of designing curricula to condition students attending our public schools to be eager to destroy capitalism when they grew up. Their current fascination with socialism without knowing anything about it is the result.
Surprised? As a historian, I have a habit of digging deep into history to find out what was going on when certain events happened. Since the health care system is so central to American culture, my research led me to the history of how compulsory schooling was created in the late 1800s as a partnership between big business and Marxists, a partnership that is central to running The Swamp in Washington today, a partnership that dictates what your children are taught in public schools and what you and your family think about in your living room. This is the same unholy alliance that also controls our health care system.
Two History Lessons They Don’t Teach in Government-Controlled Classrooms
– The City on the Hill
Our Founding Fathers, the Puritans who came over on glorified rowboats to tame a wilderness, were a hardy lot with deeply religious beliefs burning in their hearts. They wanted to create a new kind of society never tried before that supported all the goodness they prayed about.
They were middle-class merchants from England. They believed they had a covenant with God who had blessed them with the ability to run their own lives and achieve great things. This belief is central to our American culture and unique in the world. While the colonies were, indeed, commercial ventures being set up to plunder the natural wealth of the New World, they were also committed to creating communities that reflected Puritan values,which included prosperity for those who worked for it. People were expected to live virtuous lives with love and charity for all, and to create governments that encouraged prosperity and kindness. Winthrop and his fellow colonists did not tolerate sloth and made every effort to help the poor improve themselves.
In fact, just before setting sail from England in 1630, John Winthrop, head of this massive group, said in his now famous sermon that God had expected them to succeed and be like a “city on the hill” that the whole world would see and try to emulate.
Their values included a system based on:
Natural Law
Virtue and morality based on Protestant Christianity,
Free-market capitalism
The sanctity of private property.
Consequently, the unique culture of our country is based on the ideas that we were blessed by God, were taught to believe in the virtues of hard work, celebrate prosperity, value ownership of private property, offer charity when genuinely needed and disdain laziness. In short, Americans from earliest times have believed we were given much by God and much was and is expected of us. In more modern times, these values are the basis of what is called “American Exceptionalism”.
It is important to note also that a decade before Winthrop preached his City on the Hill sermon, an experiment with what is now known as Socialism was tried and rejected. Gov. William Bradford, head of the Plymouth Colony founded in 1620 at Plymouth, Mass, had already tried to establish a Socialist system where everyone owned nothing and worked for the common good. The idea had failed miserably because people resented assigned work with no personal benefit. As a result, within two years, the colony was on the verge of literally starving to death. Consequently, Bradford gave property to each colonist and told them they were responsible for their own needs. It was the resulting abundant crop that year that prompted our American holiday Thanksgiving.Socialism had failed utterly!
– Sacred Fire of Liberty
For the next 150 years, the American Colonies thrived. The idea that we were special was openly discussed by our Founding Fathers who spoke of the Sacred Fire of Libertyas the driving force behind the Revolution. The birth of America was ordained by God.
“The preservation of the sacred fire of liberty, and the destiny of the republican model of government, are justly considered deeply, perhaps as finally, staked on the experiment entrusted to the hands of the American people.” –George Washington, First Inaugural Address, 1789
[America was:] “Trusted with the destinies of this solitary republic of the world, the only monument of human rights, and the sole depository of the sacred fire of freedom and self-government, from hence it is to be lighted up in other regions of the earth, if other areas of the earth shall ever become susceptible of its benign influence.” –Thomas Jefferson, 1809
“In a 2015 book entitled Exceptional: Why the World Needs a Powerful America, former U.S. Vice President Dick Cheney sets out and argues the case for American Exceptionalism, and concludes:
“We are, as Lincoln said, ‘the last, best hope of earth.’ We are not just one more nation, one more same entity on the world stage. We have been essential to the preservation and progress of freedom, and those who lead us in the years ahead must remind us, as Roosevelt, Kennedy, and Reagan did, of the unique role we play. Neither they nor we should ever forget that we are, in fact, exceptional.”
Why Marxists and Captains of Industry Joined Forces To Create “Rude Zombie Citizens”
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For the past week, as a nation, we have been torn apart in one of the nastiest and most divisive political fights we’ve ever had in this country. We are all exhausted.
At odds are the he said/she said sexual encounter of nearly 40 years ago that Dr. Christine Blasey Ford swore happened to her and Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s absolute denial that he was even there.
Last night, one of the guests on the TV show, Justice with Judge Jeanine, offered a plausible explanation.
He believes the explanation may lie in the medical records of Dr. Ford’s from back when she first recalled the memory of the event she now reports as truth.
Judge Fitzpatrick believes that she may be suffering from confabulation, a mental disorder that creates false memories which the patient remembers as absolute truth.
“In psychiatry, confabulation (verb: confabulate) is a memory error defined as the production of fabricated, distorted, or misinterpreted memories about oneself or the world, without the conscious intention to deceive. People who confabulate present incorrect memories ranging from “subtle alterations to bizarre fabrication”, and are generally very confident about their recollections, despite contradictory evidence.
The malfunction could be caused by something as simple as a thiamine deficiency or triggered by some other neurological condition. In any case, the person can seem quite normal, yet have no idea that the memory they are recalling is no memory at all. Its error in brain function.
If you would like to see Judge Fitzpatrick’s explanation, check out this video below.
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I Wish We Could Just Settle Down and Fix US Health Care, Including the Diabolical Vaccine Program, But There Are a Few Problems We Need To Solve FIRST…
While the focus of the media is on how Facebook and other social media platforms are using algorhythms and human-censor-teams to silence conservative (including the BolenReport) thinking, we need to keep in mind there are other channels of conservative communication that are on the ropes as well.
In recent days we have learned that MasterCard and Visa are being used to shut off the means of funding of well respected think tanks with a conservative point of view.
David Horowitz
The latest target is David Horowitzand his venerable Freedom Center, a group that has published books and other information for decades to expose the people and organizations on the left who work 24/7 to condemn conservative ideas.
The timing of this particular shutdown is interesting…
…because Barack Obama has just stepped out of the shadows and declared his intention to dethrone his successor, President Donald Trump. This is the first time in the history of our country that a former president has stepped out of retirement to become politically active again.
Obama, whose limited experience outside of his life as an elected official was as a “community organizer”, a mission focused on using the tactics of radical Saul Alinsky, to organize anti-government activity.
Obama’s intentions were obvious from the day he left the White House.
Obama’s 8.1 million dollar Washington mansionValerie Jarrett
Obama’s band of Chicago-based leftist revolutionaries is actually led by Valerie Jarrett, political consultant, who lived in the WhiteHouse with the Obamas (and is rumored to be living in the new mansion) who has a blue ribbon family tree of anti-American relatives, giving her bona fide credentials as a card-carrying member of anti-American political activists.
Jarrett’s father, a member of the radical medical group, the Association of Interns and Medical Students, had a thick FBI file thanks to his association with known Soviet spies who fled to Russia to avoid arrest.
Her mother was one of the founders of the radical Erikson Institute, where she hobnobbed with Bernadine Dohrn, wife of Bill Ayers, founder of the Weather Underground. The Weathermen were anAmericanmilitant,radical, left-wing organization whose claim to fame included bombing the State Department, the Pentagon and the Capitol buildings. Their stated goal was to overthrow the government and establish communism here in America.
Obama’s own leftist credentials are no less notable.
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Hey, folks. Here we go again getting dragged through another news media knothole forced to endure endless diatribes about how President Trump is unfit for public office.
Last week’s topic was how he was mentally unstable and needed to be impeached ASAP before he blew up the world.
This week’s topic is how Trump is a racist. Oh, really?
Let’s do a fact check on this one……..
For example, as far back as the 1990s, Trump started doing his best to help Black people and other minorities gain access to the American economic system. The press never mentions this these days.
Here are several videos of varying lengths where Jesse Jackson acknowledges Trump’s hands on and substantial help to forward the work of the Rainbow Coalition.
Below – Jesse Jackson praises “racist” Donald Trump…
Below – Donald Trump At The Rainbow/Push Coalition Wall Street Project Conference 1999
Then there is Trump’s big deal about opening up his exclusivePalm Beach Golf Club as well as his beloved Mar-a-Lago to both Blacks and Jews, something that was unheard of in those days. He used his usual pushy and flamboyant ways, including lawsuits and creative tactics to make a lot of waves in one of the most socially-restrictive communities in America.
To call Trump a racist is beyond absurd. And…..shame on the press for not even bringing up his litany of good deeds in this area this week.
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In earlier articles here on The Bolen Report, we have highlighted and praised the work of Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. in his courageous and relentless drilling down to the bottom of America’s corrupt vaccine policy and law swamp.
His appointment by President Trump to do this work was an inspired one, to say the least. Born into one of our country’s great liberal political dynasties, thanks to his work as an environmentalist, Kennedy was already named one of Time Magazine’s “Heroes of the Planet”. In other words, he is a savvy and longtime political activist. He wisely named his project for Trump “Let the Science Speak”. Who could be against this project with a goal like that?
For the past year, after officially working on behalf of Trump’s belief that vaccines cause autism, Kennedy has now launched a fundraising campaign to expand his work. In doing so, he has listed the following objectives.
In prior articles, I have urged every concerned reader of The Bolen Report to take action when possible. Kennedy is now asking YOUR help to fund the next stage of this project. He is asking people to donate money to his Indigogo fundraising event. He has provided a cornucopia of information regarding his progress on the Indigogo site which I suggest you circulate far and wide. As with earlier action alerts,
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To me the single most important health issue in America today is that vaccines are causing such collateral damage to our children. We are facing a health calamity that will not go away until ALL AMERICANS stand up and demand a full investigation.
“We want government officials to explain to us why our country, which spends the most on health care and has one of the highest child vaccination rates in the world, is crippled by a chronic disease and disability epidemic that costs more than two trillion dollars a year and has created the sickest child and young adult population in America’s history:
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October has been declared Child Health Month by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., the man President Trump put in charge of cleaning up the swamp at the CDC regarding the science and safety of vaccines.
Please view the video and then send this information to everyone you know….especially to your governor, your state and federal legislators. And, please don’t forget your health care professionals. Let them know what you think about vaccines and, if you or any of your children have been injured.
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Folks, I have been involved in the so-called “Health Freedom Movement” officially since 1990. I signed on when I conducted the first national survey among dental amalgam victims in preparation for the first of two FDA hearings on the safety of mercury fillings.
The second hearing ended with Obama’s Commissioner of the FDA, Margaret Hamburg, directing the agency to declare amalgam fillings safe.
In an earlier BolenReport, I wrote an article called FDA Follies – Dental Amalgams to cover the whole sorry history of amalgams in American medicine including Hamburg’s disgraceful and thoroughly corrupt performance as FDA Commissioner.
In recent days, I came across a video describing new information about the depth of her corruption as Commissioner. This video stands as a monument to the determination of those of us who have traveled down a long road to get justice.
Charlie Brown, head of Consumers For Dental Choice, is to be commended for keeping his shoulder to the grindstone despite the odds and his letter below is an illustration of what we all should be doing in these times of chaos and lack of real press to keep us informed about the real issues.
I wanted to share Charlie’s letter at this particular moment for a reason.
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Few men are willing to brave the disapproval of their fellows, the censure of their colleagues, the wrath of their society. Moral courage is a rarer commodity than bravery in battle or great intelligence. Yet it is the one essential, vital quality of those who seek to change a world which yields most painfully to change.―Sen. Robert F. Kennedy Sr.
I wanted to start this article with a quote that stirs my spirit. These words and sentiments were spoken on June 6, 1968, in a speech known as the “Day of Affirmation” by Senator Robert F. Kennedy, Sr., in Capetown, South Africa. He was there to support efforts to end apartheid. To put this moment into perspective, apartheid was repealed a quarter century later thanks to the moral courage of a few public figures willing to risk everything and the massive public support of the thousands and thousands of nameless individuals who were willing to stand up to be counted.
Sen. Kennedy’s words stir my spirit because we are living in turbulent times, at the moment, and I believe we will look back on these times and remember who stood up at great personal risk for what was right in regards to the vaccination issue. We will also remember what we did or didn’t do to support them.
To us longtime Health Freedom Fighters, the most pressing health issue of today is the deadly risk of vaccinations. We have known for decades that the CDC is a corrupt government agency that is running out of control because it is basically run by Big Pharma for the industry’s financial benefit alone.
When Donald Trump ran for President, we could hardly believe he actually said out loud, “vaccines cause autism”. We all know that, but for a public figure to actually say that out loud was a dream we had never dared to dream.
Then the next impossible dream came to life. Trump, a Populist, met with Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., a member of the much revered and very liberal Kennedy dynasty, to forge an alliance. It would be Kennedy’s job to get to the bottom of the cesspool of corruption at the Centers For Disease Control and “let the science speak”. It was understood by both these unlikely allies that the science the CDC was using to promote vaccines was thoroughly corrupt.
Let us not forget that while there are many miracles that come from the science of the chemical/pharmaceutical industry, this industry also produced the deadly gases used in WWI to kill and maim ordinary soldiers on the battlefield. This same industry backed Hitler in WWII and produced the gas that was used to exterminate millions of people in death camps.
Sad to say, despite the IG Farben War Crimes Trial at Nuremberg after the War, many of these same chemical companies still exist, and others have come into being to be part of a global empire we loosely call Big Pharma, now one of the most powerful industries in the world.
Harsh Facts…
What we didn’t learn from the IG Farben “Crimes Against Humanity Trial” is that when private interests become partnered with public policy, it is not surprising that we end up with the level of appalling crookedness we now see in the vaccine industry.
Please do not minimize the personal risks both Kennedy and Trump are taking by going up against Big Pharma’s biggest cash cow: VACCINES.
This market is quite literally out of control. To dig deep into how this industry is run means Mr. Kennedy will end up finding massive corruption at every level intermingled with malfeasance in every federal agency that is involved with vaccines.
As I provide a short inventory of Mr. Kennedy’s progress so far, please ask yourself, “how can I help?”. Real change WILL NOT COME without millions of us standing up to be counted once the truth is laid bare.
After Kennedy accepted his assignment, he fired up his website and video-taped a pledge that he would pour all his efforts up to his last breath of life to make sure that the next generation of children would grow up healthy. This video will tear your heart out. He has the same courage of his father and his uncle in their gladiator commitment to work for things they believed in. When Mr. Kennedy achieves truth and justice in regards vaccine policy and law, we may see his contribution to society eclipse those of his other family members. His work is that important for the future health of all Americans!
With breathtaking speed, Kennedy has accomplished more to dig up the dirt to educate the public on the problems with vaccines than anyone has ever done before.
Meanwhile, President Trump is doing his part as well.
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Being a journalist who looks to history as a primary source of information, I often ask myself what were they thinking? or what’s wrong with this picture?
So, let’s ask, “What’s Wrong With The CDC Picture?“
In the world of dealing with malaria, a topic I was researching for an article, I came up with some astounding information which I want to share with you. But, first, you need to put on what I call your “clear-eyed grandma’s thinking cap” so you can apply common sense to what you are reading.
On the CDC website, I found a story about a fellow who came down with a very serious case of malaria after traveling abroad.
The CDC failed to mention the brand name of the homeopathic formula this man used so we have no idea what the real situation is. There are several ways to prevent and treat malaria using various homeopathic formulas. In this regard, the CDC’s prescription drug recommendation for malaria this fellow rejected was mefloquine also called melfloquine hydrochloride. It’s brand name is Lariam. The CDC explains in a two-page downloadable doc about mefloquine which includes useful information about the drug including the notation that mefloquine no longer works in Southeast Asia.
The CDC recommended drug mefloquine “No longer works in the place where malaria starts?”
And they recommend it?
Other useful tidbits of information includes potential side effects such as dizziness, difficulty sleeping, anxiety, vivid dreams, visual seizures, depression, and psychosis. It can also cause stomach pain, nausea, diarrhea and vomiting.
In a quick googling on the net, I found a brisk business in lawsuits from unhappy users of this mefloquine drug.
“Research shows the anti-malaria drug mefloquine hydrochloride—formerly sold under the brand name Lariam—might cause psychiatric abnormalities, suicidal ideations and behaviors, and potentially permanent nerve damage. Because of these psychiatric side effects, the drug’s manufacturer, Hoffmann-La Roche, pulled it from the market in 2008. The U.S. Army continued to administer it to soldiers, however, until 2011, when the army ceased prescribing Lariam even for soldiers deployed in malaria-prone regions such as Afghanistan. In July 2013, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) notified the public that mefloquine products’ drug labels would be updated with a black box warning—the agency’s most serious kind—concerning the aforementioned side effects.
What Is Lariam and What Is It Prescribed For?
Once prescribed to treat acute malaria infections, Lariam is the brand name for the drug mefloquine hydrochloride, a synthetic analogue to the ancient anti-malaria drug quinine (quinine sulfate). How it works is still not understood, but it is believed to be toxic to the parasites that cause malaria. It reduces the intense, debilitating shivering that malaria causes.
Although the U.S. Army discovered and began using mefloquine since the 1970s, Hoffmann-LaRoche didn’t receive U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval to market Lariam until 1989. The company pulled Lariam in 2008, however. Until then, it came in the form of 250 mg oral tablets taken weekly to prevent malaria infection. Upon diagnosis, malaria patients would begin taking five pills at a time.
Lariam Might Cause Suicidal Ideations and Behavior Side Effects
The FDA documented cases of individuals who took the drug and later reported the following symptoms, even after treatment concluded:
Restlessness; Confusion; Unusual behavior; Severe anxiety; Paranoia; Hallucinations; Depression; and Suicidal ideation.
An Associated Press story reported that U.S. Military personnel claimed to have experienced the following additional symptoms:
Nightmares; “Complete mental breakdowns”; Short-term memory loss; Permanent damage to one’s sense of balance; and Army studies claimed the rate of psychiatric problems was one per 2,000-13,000, but Army Major and epidemiologist, Dr. Remington Nevin, published research showing that Lariam might be toxic to the brain, which causes the psychiatric and suicidal symptoms.
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He’s been saying that since 2007 – and that’s what he said on the campaign trail. In one of his earliest actions to clean out the Swamp even before his inauguration, he asked Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., to head up a commission to get to the bottom of the vaccine science corruption at the CDC.
When the late Roger Ailes of Fox News told Bobby Kennedy he’d never be interviewed on Fox about vaccines, he explained why. 70% of all advertising dollars come from the drug industry. Let me repeat that….70% OF ALL ADVERTISING DOLLARS COME FROM BIG PHARMA!
In short, Ailes told Kennedy, any Fox commentator who interviewed him about the vaccine issue would be fired on the spot to protect critical revenue to the network.
Our nation’s vaccine program is a sacred cow and if, by chance, someone mentions on the air or in the print media, that there is a problem with vaccines, the reporter immediately explains vaccines are perfectly safe and this person must be misinformed, even if the person is a doctor. Only Trump dares to say anything negative about vaccines or any other drug and won’t back down.
Big Pharma spends $5.2 BILLION a year advertising directly to the American public…
The Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America, the trade group for the $395 billion US pharmaceutical industry defends the ads stating they are useful for informing patients about their treatment options and prod them into taking control of their chronic conditions (read – take more drugs). This is why we don’t see any stories about the problems with drugs, either. You have to go to Joe Mercola’s website to get the truth.
VACCINES – A Big Part of BIG PHARMA’S Big Bucks – $59.2 Billion…
Sales for new vaccines yet to be launched expect to reach$24.8 Billion by 2020. Promotions of vaccines for adult populations is forecast to help boost markets.
Can you envision adults being mandated – no exceptions – to subject themselves to an array of new drugs? The annual growth for sales in vaccines is about 9 percent while standard drugs it is 6.5 percent.
In September of last year, the New York Timesoutlined just how Big Pharma is the biggest spender in Washington. Over the past decade $2.3 billion has been spent influence peddling among our lawmakers. Open Secrets reports that in 2016, there were 371 Big Pharma clients who hired 1,378 lobbyists and 876 revolvers (former government officials) to help spend $245,842,399 to lobby our public servants.
That means there were over 4.2 Big Pharma lobbyists for each member of Congress.
That does not include all the other ways of influencing elected officials often too hidden to track.
Hillary has routinely received millions from Big Pharma for her various political campaigns over the years, including a big chunk for the Clinton Foundation whose key program was to promote vaccinations by the dozen to kids in the third world. During the 2016 presidential primary campaign, Hillary was happy to collect $336,416 which represented one third of donations to all candidates. Trump received a paltry $1,010.
Trump has also openly indicated on various venues that he thinks that the drug industry is “getting away with murder”
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In a ruling just a few days ago,the highest court in the European Union ruled that despite the lack of scientific consensus on the issue, a vaccine could be considered defective if there was “specific and consistent evidence,” which includes the time between when the vaccination was given and the onset of a disease.
Also to be allowed is the individual’s previous state of health, the lack of any family history of the disease and a significant number of reported cases of the disease occurring following the vaccination.
The case started when a patient identified as J.W. was vaccinated against hepatitis B in late 1998-1999. A year later he was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis, a disease involving damage to the brain and the nervous system. In 2006, he and his family sued vaccine-maker Sanofi Pasteur in an attempt to be compensated for the damage they claim he suffered due to the vaccine. Mr. J.W. died in 2011.
The French Court of Appeal ruled there was no causal link between hepatitis B vaccine and MS and dismissed the case.
The AP wire service story about this story stated that numerous studies have found no relationship between the hepatitis B shot and MS.
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Very early in life I realized the value of studying the history of things. In the 1980s, when I was so ill with mercury poisoning, mostly from my dental fillings on top of earlier vaccine injury, fate introduced me to Harris Coulter, PhD, who is considered one of the great historians specializing in the evolution of Western medicine from ancient times to the present day. I am blessed with having known him and I want to bring the work he has done related to the dangers of vaccinations to a new audience.
Harris Coulter, PhD
Dr. Coulter is considered a major expert on the subject of vaccines having written three books on the subject. He co-wrote, with Barbara Loe Fisher, DPT – A Shot in the Dark. This book was the first book published about the problems with vaccines and was published prior to the passage of National Childhood Vaccination Compensation Law in 1986. The vaccine court that was created by the law was supposed to compensate victims of vaccine damage and let the drug industry off the hook.
A point to ponder, when DPT A Shot in the Dark was published in 1985, on the eve of the passage of the National Childhood Vaccination Compensation Law, Dr. Coulter and Fisher estimated that at least 1000 babies died and 12,000 were damaged per year just by the DPT (diphtheria-pertussis-tetanus) shot.
Fisher went on to found the National Vaccine Information Center which is the principle consumer watchdog group regarding the dangers of vaccines. According to her now:
The $3.6 billion dollars in federal vaccine injury compensation that has been awarded to more than 5,000 vaccine victims since 1988 doesn’t begin to pay for the damage done, not when two out of three claims are denied, 50 and not when drug companies have no incentive to make vaccines less harmful because all Americans are legally required to purchase and use their liability free vaccine products.
Every promise that Congress made to parents in 1986 was a lie. And 30 years is long enough for parents to wait for that failed experiment in tort reform to work.
Meanwhile, Dr. Coulter testified at various hearings in Washington since then and he was also the one who made the connection that it was the Thimerisol (mercury) in the vaccines that was the cause of autism.
In 1990, Dr. Coulter published his book, Vaccination Social Violence and Criminality – The Medical Assault on the American Brain. The great thing about studying the history of something is that history is clear cut. Either it happened or it didn’t and usually the stuff you find out is a matter of public record not as likely to be altered in later publications for political purposes as we have found is the case with current corrupt scientific studies about vaccines. Better yet, with the distance of time, one can see patterns emerge that give clarity to events, which, at the time, made no sense.
With President Trump’s directive to Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., to get to the bottom of all the vaccine science corruption, Dr. Coulter’s work in this particular book is critically important because it traces the decline in brain function (like IQ, ability to study, make reasoned decisions and take aptitude tests) of several generations of children thanks to the damage done by America’s ever-growing vaccine schedule. It also traces the dramatic rise in the crime rate during the same period of time. These trends are alarming, particularly because this book came out before so many vaccines were added to the schedule in the 1990s and beyond.
In the simplest terms, by tracing trends in crime, behavior and intellectual performance, Dr. Coulter provides a frightening future for American civilization if all our vaccination policy is doing is creating more and more dysfunctional people.
An Overview Of Escalating Mental Disorders…
Back in the 1980s, the American Psychiatric Association, in its official guide to mental illnesses in the US, devoted 70 pages to “Disorders Usually First Evident in Infancy, Childhood, or Adolescence”. Dr. Coulter pointed out that in an earlier edition published in 1968, only had 3 1/2 pages and the first edition, published in 1952, did not mention them at all.
Encephalitis is the culprit…
On page xiv, Dr. Coulter stated:
The following pages show that “developmental disabilities” are nearly always generated by encephalitis. And the primary cause of encephalitis in the United States and other industrialized countries is the childhood vaccination program.
To be specific, a large portion of the millions of U.S. children and adults suffering from autism, seizures, mental retardation, hyperactivity, dyslexia, and other shoots and branches of the hydra-headed entity called “developmental disabilities,” owe their disorders to one or another of the vaccines against childhood diseases.
The so-called “sociopathic personality,” which is at the root of the enormous increase in crime of the past two decades, is also largely rooted in vaccine damage.
Thus the nation’s vaccination program has served to undermine the Americanschool system–which is in collapse through inability to cope with the one-fifth or one-quarter of students who will never be able either to read or to perform simple arithmetical calculations.
And it has contributed to the wave of violent crime which is turning our cities into jungles where the strong and the vicious prey upon the weak and unprotected.
The effects of vaccination have altered the very tone and atmosphere of modern society. Because the changes are so insidious and widespread, and because we lack perspective, they have been largely overlooked. It is not easy to discern the outlines of the incubus which the vaccination program as loosed upon us.
Every day this program continues, hundreds of normal healthy babies are turned into defective goods: mentally retarded, blind, deaf, autistic, epileptic, learning-disabled, emotionally unstable, future juvenile delinquents, and career criminals.
Why Johnny Can’t Read Or Do Much Else, Either…
Dr. Coulter reported that, in 1963, the U.S. Health Service listed nearly 100 signs and symptoms associated with hyperactivity and changed the name to “minimal brain dysfunction.” It is also called “minimum brain damage.” (MBD) By the 1970s, minimal brain damage was a major challenge to the American school system, as well as the most common diagnosis at child guidance clinics and the most time consuming problem to child psychiatry as well.
By the time 1984 rolled around, 13% of the children in some school districts were in special education classes, a figure that some believed were significantly under detected.
Minimally Brain Damaged children also have a high incidence of seizure disorders: epilepsy, tics, tremors, choreiform (twisting) movements, facial grimaces, infantile spasms, and others. Those with minimal MBD are disproportionately left-handed or ambidextrous also known as “poorly defined unilateral dominance”. A 1987 Washington Post-ABC News poll found that 16 percent of Americans under 30 were left handed or ambidextrous while only 12 percent of people over 60 were. Another poll found that 13 percent of 20 year olds were left handed compared to 5 percent of those over 50.
Dr. Coulter noted that since 1945, an epidemic of vaccine-induced sub-clinical encephalitis actually generated a disproportionate incidence of left-handedness and ambidexterity in the under-forty or under-thirty age groups.
Among the other characteristics of dyslexia include the inability to perform arithmetic or spell words. Some dyslexics are unable to write cursively and can only print. Delayed speech and other language issues are also common along with memory issues including inability to retain certain kinds of information.
Tracking of IQ test scores and Scholastic Aptitude Tests have seen a steady decline as well. SAT verbal scores dropped from 478 in 1963 to 424 in 1980 while math scores went from 502 to 466. By the time Dr. Coulter published this book in 1990, these scores were the lowest they’d been in the 66 year history of the tests. It’s important to note the IQ test scores have become easier so this decline is even more alarming. Similar declines were found in the American College Testing (ACT) Program.
Just so you know, in 1977, a Blue Ribbon Panel was convened in an effort to figure out why IQs were dropping so rapidly. They examined 79 hypotheses none of which panned out.
Because vaccinations are such a sacred cow, no one discussed the possibility that all this mental decline was a sign of vaccine damage. Now, 40 years later, doctors and scientists who question virtues of vaccines are automatically condemned.
Violent Crime And General Criminal Behavior On The Rise…
With the assassination of President John F. Kennedy by Lee Harvey Oswald in 1963, Dr. Coulter pointed out this was the beginning of a more violent America. A point to note, Oswald was both a dyslexic and otherwise neurologically defective.
The murder rate doubled between 1960 and 1980 from four to eight per 100,000. The largest increase occurred between 1960 and 1970 and by 1990, murder was the leading cause of death for black males aged 15 to 34. Assaults were estimated to be more than 100 per each case of murder or as much as 2,500,000. The total actually reported in 1980, for people over the age of 12 was 1,600,000.
FBI statistics showed a fifty percent increase in crimes of all categories.
Dr. Coulter pointed out (p.254):
The pertussis vaccination program was only sporadic in the 1920s and 1930s, becoming widespread during and after World War II. The appearance of autism and learning disabilities reflects the concomitant growth of this vaccination program.
Autism is diagnosed in the first years of life; so vaccinations yielded the first autistics in the early 1940s. Learning disabilities emerged eight or ten years later, when the children of this same generation were seen to have chronic difficulties in school. The learning-disabled children of the early 1950s were the brothers and sisters of the autistics of the early 1940s.
But these children, of course, kept growing into adolescence and adulthood. The generation born in 1945, and thus exposed for the first time to widespread vaccination, came of age in 1963.
Brain Damage Behavior That First Showed Up In The Radical 1960s..
(P.254) Any analysis of the 1960s radicalism at once discloses the themes which have already figured in our discussion of the sociopaths, post-encephalitic syndrome. For example, “Roots of Radicalism”, by Stanley Rothman and S. Robert Lichter, touches upon: ego weakness, feelings of worthlessness, childish egotism, impulsive violence, impatience, narcissism, the need to be in control. megalomania, alienation, lack of meaning, rage, paranoia, ambivalent hostility to authority, unfocussed aggression, the search for experience and sensation, inability to form intimate relations combined with sexual licentiousness, anxiety, depression, pyromania (“Burn, baby burn!!), sociopathy, alcoholism, and drug abuse.
Explaining The Vaccine Crisis In Ordinary People Terms…
Dr. Coulter, in the role of statistician, collected an array of data, only some of which I have provided here, which shows just how destructive vaccinations can be in destroying the ability for someone to function normally.
Just so you know, it was only after I read this book years ago that I realized that my various learning difficulties had a name…..dyslexia. As a first grader, my parents were told I was retarded but, since I was basically very alert, my parents didn’t buy that diagnosis and did a wonderful job of raising me with a very enriched and ego-supported childhood all the while I was suffering my way through public school. No one had any idea that my left handedness (also ambidextrous skills), my inability to write legibly, my inability to do arithmetic, my memory problems, and my inability to read with any proficiency were all clues to a pattern of brain damage.
The prep school I was sent to in the 8th grade was an unique place because they thought all children had special needs and in that way, the faculty had no difficulty shoring up my weaknesses at the same time encouraging my strengths to soar. I had no difficulty getting into several excellent colleges. It wasn’t until a year or so ago, I took what is called the ANAM test that I was reminded I am one the millions of walking wounded, robbed of a fully-functioning brain and not counted in any statistic.
The ANAM test, developed here in Oklahoma to test brain function, was available to me when I was helping out at thePatriot Clinics projectI wrote about in an earlier article. The clinic specialized in healing Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI). TBI is not just a whack in the head or a sudden change in air pressure, it can also be caused by toxicities of all kinds. The test is a computerized test where you look at a screen on the PC, then go to the next screen and answer questions related to the contents of the previous screen. I FLUNKED royally as did a surprising number of others who were volunteering at the clinic. I was consistently unable to recall most of what was on that earlier screen.
What piqued my interest in re-reading Dr. Coulter’s book was the knowledge that when a person has PTSD or TBI, they can be helped through hyperbaric oxygen treatments and various detox methods. As a victim of major mercury poisoning, thanks to my dental amalgam fillings, I also know that detox is possible and over time, one can potentially clean up the whole mess. Also, mostly unstudied by scientists, academics or statisticians, are the millions of us in the health freedom movement who have been living out our lives trying everything we can find at the health food store to help us sharpen our brain power. We are people with Minimal Brain Damage only nobody bothered to tell us we had it.
Also in our great debate over the issue of vaccines and autism, we are ignoring millions of others in the health freedom movement who have other diagnoses, or no disease name at all, for their ailments, that should also be included in the vaccine victims list. Continue reading Millennials Are Vaccine Brain-Damaged – We Can Help…
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Folks, we here at Bolen Report are in the front lines of what we all know is a civil war.
A legally-elected president is under siege 24/7 being accused of all manner of criminal activity with hints of mental illness thrown in. Every day we see demonstrations in the streets and on our college campuses against anyone who speaks conservative values and most recently there were protesters in front of the FCC demanding that DrudgeReport and Alex Jones be banned from the internet. Who knows. We might be next.
If you think this constant assault on President Trump and the American values he is espousing is wrong, please contact your elected officials and let them know what you think and let them know you expect them to support Trump in his efforts to clean out the swamp even if they are Democrats…….
Trump’s Biggest Problem – How To End The Drug Industry’s Control Of The Media
In regards censoring critical information about America’s most serious health crisis, at the recent Revolution For Truth Rally in Washington about the problems with vaccines, this is what Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., told rally attendees about media censorship:
“I talked to Roger Ailes, who I have know since I was 17 years old, he’s very sympathetic with this issue and saw the film Trace Amounts. I said to him, “I just want to go on one of your shows. Nobody will allow me to talk about this or debate me.” He said to me, “I can’t allow you on any of them. I’d have to fire any of my hosts that allowed you on my station.” Because, he said, “My news division gets up to 70% of advertising revenues during non-election years from the pharmaceutical companies.”
It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure this one out. If Big Pharma uses the power of its advertising dollars to dictate what is and is not said about vaccines, it stands to reason that it can dictate the content of the rest of the news as well.
The US is only one of two countries (New Zealand is the other) that allows advertizing of drugs directly to the public. The justification is so that consumers can be “educated” in the proper use of these products. Yeah. Sure. Who reads the 4 point type on the magazine page across from the glossy ad, or can understand the TV voiceover that is speaking in triple time telling you if you take this stuff, you’ll die.
The REAL reason drug ads are legal is so they can control the content of what goes out in print or on the airwaves including directing the propaganda slant on sitcoms, talk shows, late night comedy and drama shows.
I say drug ads should go the way of tobacco and hard liquor ads. The question is, do the DC swamp dwellers have the backbone to ban them.
Trump has committed a mortal sin against Big Pharma. Eager to help Autism Speaks raise money for the cause by allowing them to use his beloved Mar-a-Largo for a fundraising event, he spoke publicly as far back as 2007 that he thought vaccines were the cause of autism and chided those who refused to consider that possibility.
To Big Pharma, the idea that as president, Trump could (and now is) putting the full weight of that office behind a complete investigation of the vaccine industry, is unthinkable.
By 2021, financial experts estimate the annual business to be worth $43.03 billion a year. Based on what we already know, and what our colleague here at BolenReport, Kent Heckenlively, has already written about in his book Inoculated: How Science Lost Its Soul in Autism, the likelihood is that all the fraud, deliberate manipulation of scientific studies, destruction of evidence (government records), conspiracy to suppress critical information, not to mention providing false testimony, the vaccine industry will likely take a very big hit if not be destroyed altogether.
By all the revelations already coming out, unreported by the press, some executives, scientists and government officials might even be subject to being tried for committing crimes against humanity, the subject of two articles here and here on BolenReport.
Thanks to this ongoing embargo on information, discussing anything that Trump is doing to clean up the swamp is nowhere to be found on Main Stream Media (MSM).
Trump Officially Ends “Political Correctness” As A Government Policy…
The media has also partnered with others who don’t want Trump to succeed by taking direction from social agitators aka Community Organizers. In an earlier article, I wrote about the history of Political Correctness and explained how it was developed in the 1920s as a Marxist/Socialist tool to intimidate people into silence at the same time turning basic cultural norms of all kinds upside down. In an internet website called The Obamafile, a group of researchers provided a summary, with examples, of just how bizarre some of these mind-manipulating “facts” are.
There, our Founding Fathers are deemed nothing more than“sexist, slave-owning, 18th century white men in wigs and breeches” presumably with nothing important to contribute to society.
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Folks, one of my big gripes about talking about health care reform is that nobody really knows much beyond their small area of interest.
These days, it pretty much boils down to “How much will I have to pay?”“I have a preexisting condition. Will it still be covered?” “Can I keep the doctors I like?” Me, I don’t use the allopathic health care system because what they offer is of no help to me. I go to the alternative. It’s much cheaper, safer and more effective.
Almost nobody knows much about how the system got into such a costly, bureaucratic and ineffective mess. For me, as an historian specializing on the politics of natural healing arts, I think it is very important for people to know what happened so we can see what Trump will have to do to fix it.
Just so you know….
Two landmarks related to how things are paid for are……
TheNew Deal – which introduced third party payment schemes that your employer buys for you and calls health “insurance”….
TheGreat Society – and the intrusion of government into deciding all aspects of what products and services you are allowed to have and how much they’d cost. As for who really runs the system – BIG PHARMA!
If you’ll hang in here with me,
I’d like to give you the Cliff Notes version of how we got from a free-market (read affordable), state-of-the-art medical system in Colonial America to the over-priced, chemical-dependent monopoly and rationed care system we now have. Then I’d like to speculate as to what will happen when Trump’s ideas become a reality.
What Our Founding Fathers Had In Mind…
In Colonial Times, most people were treated at home and thanks to the efforts of Benjamin Franklin, thefirst hospital was built in Philadelphia to take care of the poor. Historian Daniel Boorstin said that the mortality rate at this hospital was half the rate of any hospital in Europe. Thomas Jefferson said that the natural health care we offered here in the states was superior to medicine in Europe. Until after WWII, most hospitals were run by religious groups or by local communities.
Until the end of WWII, the American health care system was a free market affair where patients had complete control of who they did business with and how much they paid for services.
Yes, plenty of chickens and various other goods and services often paid the bill. Charities helped the poor. In fact, until the turn of the 20th Century, there were no monopoly regulations to restrict who actually practiced medicine. Most practices were botanical in nature and in this free market for health care, Osteopathy, Chiropractic, Eclectic Medicine, Thomsonian Medicine and other new, creative systems of healing emerged to meet market demand.
Allopathy, which is the kind the AMA doctors practice, was either avoided, or shunned altogether, by members of many religious sects such as Christian Science, Church of the Latter Day Saints, Church of the First Born, Seventh Day Adventists etc., in favor of prayer, diet and more natural means, as spelled out in the bible.
Allopaths were still stuck with bloodletting and use of toxic medications such as arsenic and strychnine.
A high dose of mercury was considered the magic bullet for everything. All these treatments were miserable to endure, destroyed health and also often led to a premature death. These treatments were based on a medical philosophy called humorism that dated back to ancient Greece.
Homeopaths started coming to America in 1825 and presented the Allopathic community with particular difficulties. Homeopaths were educated people who practiced a medical system totally alien to Allopathy. Their success with epidemic diseases was one of several reasons they became a real challenge to members of the AMA. Based on actual public death records of epidemics, it was obvious Allopaths hadn’t a clue how to nurse people back to health, much less help patients avoid illness in the first place.
Forced Schooling to Condition People to Accept Government Authority —
You might wonder why I’m suddenly talking about public schools in the middle of an article about health care. Stay with me, folks. You’ll see the connection in a minute.
In the early 1800s, Prussia and surrounding German states were going through big changes. First, Prussia suffered a major defeat in the Napoleonic Wars that led to the idea they needed to raise a well-organized army. To do that, they decided they needed to establish a compulsory school system to create obedient soldiers.
Since Prussia and much of Europe were already in the throes of experiencing the Industrial Age, the Prussian school model’s goals, as described by school historian, John Taylor Gatto, were to train: 1) Obedient soldiers to the army; 2) Obedient workers for mines, factories, and farms; 3) Well-subordinated civil servants, trained in their function; 4) Well-subordinated clerks for industry; 5) Citizens who thought alike on most issues; 6) National uniformity in thought, word, and deed.
These goals, of course, were opposite from the way Americans thought, and forcing public schooling on a population that was already extremely literate by their own initiative, was unnecessary, except for the fact the powers that be wanted to create a conformist society here in America. Marx once said, ” The first battlefield is the rewriting of history.” Forced schooling was established before the turn of the 20th Century here in America.
Teaching Civics was dropped from the national curricula.
Hmmm… no teaching about the history of how we were endowed by our Creator to be able to run our own lives and/or how government is supposed to protect our liberties and the Constitution clearly defines the limits of government power…..????
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