The CDC and the Vaccine Safety Datalink (VSD) Contractors are Doing Everything They Can to Hide This Scandal…
But with Trump running the show ALL is about to be revealed…
Opinion by “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen
How the Cover-Up works…
There are two government programs that supposedly monitor the safety of Vaccines in the US.
(1) The first is an industry joke, a voluntary report called the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS).
Why is it a joke? Because pediatricians who jam seven to nine Made-in-China vaccines into a small child at one time NEVER want to turn themselves in for that 108 degree fever, and the beginnings of autism, they caused. They’d be drummed out of the pediatrician clique – and those trips to Europe paid for by big Pharma would quit. They can come up with endless reasons why they will NOT file a VAERS report – and they simply do NOT file them.
But it is the second system that is most important…
(2) The second system is called the Vaccine Safety Datalink (VSD) and it is an entirely different thing – and the data collected is totally TOP SECRET. Every possible trick is used to hide this data, including, I’m told, contracting out the storage of the twenty-seven years of data to companies in foreign countries so it cannot be subpoenaed by lawyers involved in vaccine litigation.
Got that?
If there is no problem with vaccines why can’t Independent Investigators look at that twenty-seven years of data recording the health records of MILLIONS of American children after they were vaccinated with each, and every, CHILDHOOD VACCINE from January of 1991 to the present?
I think we ALL know the answer to that…
Continue reading Vaccines are Ten Thousand Times More Dangerous Than We Were Led To Believe…